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Henry Rago Archives
Henry Rago •ï¿½49 Items / 1 Book, 2 Articles, 35 Reviews, 11 Poems
A Sky of Late Summer (1964)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Particles (Review)
    A Sky of Late Summer, by Henry Rago
    1. A Sky of Late Summer by Henry Rago
    The Nation, February 3, 1964, pp. 124-125
  2. [+]
    Play With Words (Review)
    A Sky of Late Summer, by Henry Rago
    1. A Sky of Late Summer by Henry Rago
    The Nation, February 3, 1964, p. 126
  3. [+]
    Poetry Quarterly (9 Reviews)
    Between Sirens and the Muse
    1. Seventy-Three Poems by E.E. Cummings
    2. The Burning Perch by Louis MacNeice
    3. Natural Numbers by Kenneth Rexroth
    4. Collected Poems by Elder Olson
    5. Collected Poems, 1919-1962 by Babette Deutsch
    6. Poems 2 by Alan Dugan
    7. The Poems of Propertius by Constance Carrier
    8. A Sky of Late Summer by Henry Rago
    9. My Bones Being Wiser by Vassar Miller
    The Saturday Review, May 2, 1964, pp. 34-35
  4. [+]
    Among Friends (15 Reviews)
    A Sky of Late Summer, by Henry Rago
    1. A Sky of Late Summer by Henry Rago
    2. Natural Numbers by Kenneth Rexroth
    3. Emblems of a Season of Fury by Thomas Merton
    4. Collected Poems by Elder Olson
    5. My Bones Being Wiser by Vassar Miller
    6. Interpreter's House by William Dickey
    7. Between Matter and Principle by Alan Stephens
    8. A Group Anthology by Edward Lucie-Smith and Philip Hobsbaum
    9. The African Boy by Elizabeth N. Sargent
    10. Modern Poetry from Africa by Gerald Moore and Illi Reier
    11. Selected Poems by Octavio Paz
    12. Mockingbirds at Fort McHenry by Elliott Coleman
    13. Seventy-Three Poems by E.E. Cummings
    14. Paterson, Book One by William Carlos Williams
    15. A Garland for Dylan Thomas by George J. Firmage
    The Hudson Review, Spring 1964, pp. 149-157