The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Constance Carrier Archives
Constance Carrier •ï¿½20 Items / 2 Books, 1 Article, 17 Poems
The Poems of Propertius (1963)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Latin Verse: A Universe Apart (6 Reviews)
    Martial: Selected Epigrams, by Rolfe Humphries and Martial
    1. Martial: Selected Epigrams by Rolfe Humphries and Martial
    2. The Poems of Propertius by Constance Carrier
    3. The Odes of Horace by James Michie and Horace
    4. Roman Comedies by George Eckel Duckworth
    5. The Satires of Juvenal by Hubert Creekmore
    6. The Civilization of Rome by Pierre Grimal
    The Nation, February 10, 1964, pp. 148-149
  2. [+]
    Poetry Quarterly (9 Reviews)
    Between Sirens and the Muse
    1. Seventy-Three Poems by E.E. Cummings
    2. The Burning Perch by Louis MacNeice
    3. Natural Numbers by Kenneth Rexroth
    4. Collected Poems by Elder Olson
    5. Collected Poems, 1919-1962 by Babette Deutsch
    6. Poems 2 by Alan Dugan
    7. The Poems of Propertius by Constance Carrier
    8. A Sky of Late Summer by Henry Rago
    9. My Bones Being Wiser by Vassar Miller
    The Saturday Review, May 2, 1964, pp. 34-35