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Josiah Mwangi Kariuki Archives
Josiah Mwangi Kariuki •ï¿½1 Book
"Mau Mau" Detainee (1963)
The Account by a Kenya African of his Experiences in Detention Camps, 1953-1960
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    "Mau Mau" Detainee, by Josiah Mwangi Kariuki
    1. "Mau Mau" Detainee by Josiah Mwangi Kariuki
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1964, pp. 626-627
  2. [+]
    Africa's Pattern of Violence (4 Reviews)
    Politics in the Congo, by Crawford Young
    1. Politics in the Congo by Crawford Young
    2. "Mau Mau" Detainee by Josiah Mwangi Kariuki
    3. South Africa: Crisis for the West by Colin Legum and Margaret Legum
    4. Africa: From Independence to Tomorrow by David Hapgood
    The New Republic, June 12, 1965, pp. 17-18
  3. [+]
    Book Reviews (6 Reviews)
    Africans Moved by Conscience
    1. I Will Still Be Moved by Marion Friedmann
    2. "Mau Mau" Detainee by Josiah Mwangi Kariuki
    3. Into Exile by Ronald Segal
    4. An African Explains Apartheid by Jordan K. Ngubane
    5. The Mind of Africa by Willie E. Abraham
    6. Africa Must Unite by Kwame Nkrumah
    Current History, December 1963, pp. 367-368
  4. [+]
    Middle East and Africa (6 Reviews)
    Africa: A Study in Tropical Development, by L. Dudley Stamp
    1. Africa: A Study in Tropical Development by L. Dudley Stamp
    2. The Arabs by Anthony Nutting
    3. The Contemporary Middle East by Benjamin Rivlin and Joseph S. Szyliowicz
    4. Islam and International Relations by J. Harris Proctor
    5. Israel and Africa by Mordechai E. Kreinin
    6. "Mau Mau" Detainee by Josiah Mwangi Kariuki
    Orbis, Spring 1965, p. 252
  5. [+]
    Middle East and Africa (12 Reviews)
    African Affairs, by Kenneth Kirkwood
    1. African Affairs by Kenneth Kirkwood
    2. Cecil Rhodes: The Colossus of Southern Africa by John G. Lockhart and C.M. Woodhouse
    3. The Egyptian Peasant by Henry Habib Ayrout
    4. In the Fiery Continent by Tom Hopkinson
    5. "Mau Mau" Detainee by Josiah Mwangi Kariuki
    6. Middle Eastern Affairs, Number Three by Albert Hourani
    7. Order and Rebellion in Tribal Africa by Max Gluckman
    8. The Political Development of Tanganyika by J. Clagett Taylor
    9. The Politics of Partnership by Patrick Keatley
    10. The Problem of the Southern Sudan by Joseph Oduho and William Deng
    11. South West Africa by Ruth First
    12. The Turkish Revolution, 1960-1961 by Walter F. Weiker
    Orbis, Fall 1963, pp. 669-670
  6. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (16 Reviews)
    1. Africa: A Foreign Affairs Reader by Philip W. Quigg
    2. The African Presence in World Affairs by Arnold Rivkin
    3. Africa and World Order by Norman J. Padelford and Rupert Emerson
    4. The United States and North Africa by Charles F. Gallagher
    5. Education and Changing West African Culture by John Wilson
    6. Education and Political Independence in Africa, and Other Essays by L.J. Lewis
    7. Nigerian Political Parties by Richard L. Sklar
    8. Education for a Developing Region by Guy Hunter
    9. Freedom and After by Tom Mboya
    10. "Mau Mau" Detainee by Josiah Mwangi Kariuki
    11. Somali Nationalism by Saadia Touval
    12. Cameroon: United Nations Challenge to French Policy by David E. Gardinier
    13. Out in the Mid-Day Sun by Boris Gussman
    14. I Will Still Be Moved by Marion Friedmann
    15. The Republic of South Africa and the High Commission Territories by William M. Hailey
    16. An African Explains Apartheid by Jordan K. Ngubane
    Foreign Affairs, April 1964, pp. 516-518