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David Hapgood Archives
David Hapgood •ï¿½21 Items / 6 Books, 12 Articles, 3 Reviews
Africa: From Independence to Tomorrow (1965)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    ...And a Cold Eye (Review)
    Africa: From Independence to Tomorrow, by David Hapgood
    1. Africa: From Independence to Tomorrow by David Hapgood
    The Nation, October 4, 1965, p. 200
  2. [+]
    Africa's Pattern of Violence (4 Reviews)
    Politics in the Congo, by Crawford Young
    1. Politics in the Congo by Crawford Young
    2. "Mau Mau" Detainee by Josiah Mwangi Kariuki
    3. South Africa: Crisis for the West by Colin Legum and Margaret Legum
    4. Africa: From Independence to Tomorrow by David Hapgood
    The New Republic, June 12, 1965, pp. 17-18
  3. Regular Features
    Book Reviews (14 Reviews)
    On Africa
    1. A History of Postwar Africa by John C. Hatch
    2. Africa: From Independence to Tomorrow by David Hapgood
    3. A Political History of Tropical Africa by Robert I. Rotberg
    4. The African Nettle by Frank S. Meyer
    5. The Geography of Modern Africa by William A. Hance
    6. The Great Sahara by James Howard Wellard
    7. French-Speaking Africa by William H. Lewis
    8. The Cameroons: From Mandate to Independence by Victor T. Le Vine
    9. Political Parties in French-Speaking West Africa by Ruth Schachter Morgenthau
    10. Politics in the Congo by Crawford Young
    11. East Wind Over Africa by John K. Cooley
    12. African Battleline by Waldemar A. Nielsen
    13. The Political Awakening of Africa by Rupert Emerson and Martin Kilson
    14. The Geography of African Affairs by Paul Fordham
    Current History, March 1966, pp. 172-173