The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Chronicles Archives
Chronicles •ï¿½34 Years, 359 Issues, 9,427 Articles, 18,430pp
Chilton Williamson, Jr.'s The Conservative Bookshelf
The Remnant's Library
Chronicles, February 2005, pp. 27-28
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1970s = 3 Years, 14 Issues, 302 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1977 = 2 Issues, 27 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1978 = 6 Issues, 136 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1979 = 6 Issues, 139 Articles
        2. [+]
          Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 102 Issues, 2,832 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1980 = 6 Issues, 167 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1981 = 6 Issues, 163 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1982 = 8 Issues, 219 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1983 = 12 Issues, 384 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1984 = 12 Issues, 348 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1985 = 11 Issues, 295 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1986 = 11 Issues, 308 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1987 = 12 Issues, 309 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1988 = 12 Issues, 321 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1989 = 12 Issues, 318 Articles
                            2. [+]
                              Issues of the 1990s = 10 Years, 118 Issues, 2,935 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1990 = 11 Issues, 286 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1991 = 12 Issues, 314 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1992 = 11 Issues, 259 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1993 = 12 Issues, 284 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1994 = 12 Issues, 292 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1995 = 12 Issues, 311 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1996 = 12 Issues, 321 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1997 = 12 Issues, 293 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1998 = 12 Issues, 283 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1999 = 12 Issues, 292 Articles
                                                2. [+]
                                                  Issues of the 2000s = 10 Years, 113 Issues, 3,065 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 2000 = 12 Issues, 320 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 2001 = 12 Issues, 356 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 2002 = 12 Issues, 331 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 2003 = 11 Issues, 316 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 2004 = 12 Issues, 335 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 2005 = 12 Issues, 320 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                January 2005 Issue = 33 Articles
                                                                1. Polemics & Exchanges, pp. 4-5
                                                                2. American Proscenium, p. 6
                                                                3. Cultural Revolutions, pp. 7-9
                                                                4. Love the One You're With by Thomas Fleming, pp. 10-11
                                                                5. The Western Front by Paul Gottfried, p. 12
                                                                6. Education and Authority by Michael McMahon, pp. 13-15
                                                                7. Honor to Whom Honor by Harold O.J. Brown, pp. 16-17
                                                                8. America's Unthinking Military by Robert D. Hickson, pp. 18-19
                                                                9. Government: Good or Bad? Big or Little? by Thomas Storck, p. 20
                                                                10. The Marble by Charles Edward Eaton, p. 21
                                                                11. First Prize, Second Hand, Third Rate by James O. Tate, pp. 22-23
                                                                12. Measuring Our Culture of Death by Christopher J. Check, pp. 24-25
                                                                13. What's Next for the Imperial Judiciary? by William J. Quirk, pp. 26-27
                                                                14. [+]
                                                                  Ghosts on the Stairs by Derek Turner, pp. 28-29 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. In Defence of Aristocracy by Peregrine Worsthorne
                                                                15. Reckonings by B.R. Strahan, p. 30
                                                                16. [+]
                                                                  The War Lovers by Clyde Wilson, p. 31 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire by Anne Norton
                                                                17. [+]
                                                                  The Art of Scam by Paul Gottfried, p. 32 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Rape of the Masters by Roger Kimball
                                                                18. [+]
                                                                  Victims of Pleasure by Jonathan Chaves, pp. 32-33 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Footprints in the Snow of the Moon by John R. Harris
                                                                19. [+]
                                                                  Who Will Judge the Judges? by William J. Quirk and William J. Watkins, Jr., pp. 34-35 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The People Themselves by Larry D. Kramer
                                                                20. Principalities & Powers by Samuel Francis, pp. 36-37
                                                                21. The Rockford Files by Scott P. Richert, pp. 38-39
                                                                22. Letter From Iraq by Scott Taylor, pp. 40-41
                                                                23. Letter From Texas by Wayne Allensworth, p. 42
                                                                24. Letter From Paris by Curtis Cate, pp. 43-45
                                                                25. The American Interest by Srdja Trifkovic, pp. 46-47
                                                                26. Immigration by James R. Edwards, Jr., p. 48
                                                                27. Psychology by B.K. Eakman, pp. 49-51
                                                                28. Theater: Exeunt Metrosexuals by James Moses, p. 52
                                                                29. Music: Answering the Call by Aaron D. Wolf, p. 53
                                                                30. [+]
                                                                  In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 54-55 - 2 Reviews
                                                                  1. Vera Drake: Wife, Mother, Criminal (2004 Film) by Mike Leigh
                                                                  2. Birth (2004 Film) by Jonathan Glazer
                                                                31. What's Wrong With the World by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 56-57
                                                                32. The Best Revenge by Michael McMahon, pp. 58-60
                                                                33. Cover and inside illustrations by Melanie Anderson
                                                              2. [+]
                                                                February 2005 Issue = 29 Articles
                                                                1. Polemics & Exchanges, pp. 4-5
                                                                2. American Proscenium, p. 6
                                                                3. Cultural Revolutions, pp. 7-9
                                                                4. Selling Muhammad the Rope by Thomas Fleming, pp. 10-11
                                                                5. Star Wars by Charles Edward Eaton, p. 12
                                                                6. Breaking Glass by Philip Jenkins, p. 13
                                                                7. War on the Home Front by Wayne Allensworth, pp. 14-15
                                                                8. The Lake by Peter Hunt, p. 16
                                                                9. Is There a Khalafah in Your Future? by James George Jatras, pp. 17-19
                                                                10. The Saudi Presence in the United States by Robert Spencer, pp. 20-21
                                                                11. Islam: Africa's Religion of War by Doug Bandow, pp. 22-23
                                                                12. [+]
                                                                  Chilton Williamson, Jr.'s The Conservative Bookshelf by Clyde Wilson, p. 24 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Conservative Bookshelf by Chilton Williamson, Jr.
                                                                13. [+]
                                                                  Paleos in Context The Conservative Bookshelf, by Chilton William... by Samuel Francis, p. 25 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Conservative Bookshelf by Chilton Williamson, Jr.
                                                                14. [+]
                                                                  Cataloguing What's Been Lost The Conservative Bookshelf, by Chilton William... by Paul Gottfried, p. 26 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Conservative Bookshelf by Chilton Williamson, Jr.
                                                                15. [+]
                                                                  What's Right With the World The Conservative Bookshelf, by Chilton William... by James O. Tate, p. 26 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Conservative Bookshelf by Chilton Williamson, Jr.
                                                                16. [+]
                                                                  The Remnant's Library The Conservative Bookshelf, by Chilton William... by Thomas Fleming, pp. 27-28 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Conservative Bookshelf by Chilton Williamson, Jr.
                                                                17. [+]
                                                                  Celtic Thunder by Roger D. McGrath, pp. 29-30 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Born Fighting by James Webb
                                                                18. The Peculiar Path by Paul Gottfried, pp. 31-33
                                                                19. Principalities & Powers by Samuel Francis, pp. 34-35
                                                                20. The Rockford Files by Scott P. Richert, p. 36
                                                                21. Letter From Iraq by Scott Taylor, pp. 37-38
                                                                22. Letter From the Upper Midwest by Sean Scallon, p. 39
                                                                23. Letter From Spain by Michael McMahon, pp. 40-41
                                                                24. Public Plunder by David A. Hartman, p. 42
                                                                25. The American Interest by Srdja Trifkovic, pp. 43-44
                                                                26. The New Republic by William J. Quirk, pp. 45-46
                                                                27. [+]
                                                                  In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 47-48 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Kinsey (2004 Film) by Bill Condon
                                                                28. The Hundredth Meridian by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 49-52
                                                                29. Cover by George McCartney, Jr.
                                                              3. [+]
                                                                March 2005 Issue = 30 Articles
                                                                1. Polemics & Exchanges, pp. 4-5
                                                                2. American Proscenium, p. 6
                                                                3. Cultural Revolutions, pp. 7-9
                                                                4. Human, Not-Quite Human by Thomas Fleming, pp. 10-11
                                                                5. Blue Spruce, Santa Fe by Catharine Savage Brosman, p. 12
                                                                6. Sins of Omission by Roger D. McGrath, p. 13
                                                                7. The Abolition of Learning by Michael McMahon, pp. 14-15
                                                                8. Music, Technology, and Psychological Warfare by E. Michael Jones, pp. 16-19
                                                                9. Man and Everyman by Joseph Pearce, pp. 20-21
                                                                10. The Bird of Poetry by Sally Cook, pp. 22-23
                                                                11. Of Masons, Magic, Monks, Medicine, and Marriage by Hugh Barbour, O. Praem, pp. 24-25
                                                                12. No Graven Images by Harold O.J. Brown, pp. 26-27
                                                                13. Dealing With a Nuclear Iran by Ted Galen Carpenter, pp. 28-29
                                                                14. [+]
                                                                  Beautiful Terror by James O. Tate, pp. 30-32 - 2 Reviews
                                                                  1. The Complete Stories of Truman Capote by Truman Capote
                                                                  2. Too Brief a Treat by Gerald Clarke and Truman Capote
                                                                15. [+]
                                                                  Themselves Alone by Derek Turner, p. 33 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Great South African Land Scandal by Philip du Toit
                                                                16. [+]
                                                                  Political Romanticism, Utopian Violence by H.A. Scott Trask, p. 34 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Bullet's Song by William Pfaff
                                                                17. [+]
                                                                  Playing Poetry With a Net by Mark Royden Winchell, pp. 35-36 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Muscled Truce by Catharine Savage Brosman
                                                                18. [+]
                                                                  Room to Pass by Patrick J. Walsh, p. 37 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Longfellow: A Rediscovered Life by Charles C. Calhoun
                                                                19. Principalities & Poweres by Samuel Francis, pp. 38-39
                                                                20. The Rockford Files by Scott P. Richert, pp. 40-41
                                                                21. Letter From the Netherlands by Alberto Carosa, p. 42
                                                                22. Letter From Germany by Josef Schusslburner, pp. 43-44
                                                                23. Letter From New York by Michael J. Sauter, pp. 45-46
                                                                24. The American Interest by Srdja Trifkovic, pp. 47-48
                                                                25. Eugenics by Marian Kester Coombs, p. 49
                                                                26. Has America Lost Her Moral Gag Reflex? by B.K. Eakman, pp. 50-52
                                                                27. Liberalism: Innocent Leftists by James Moses, pp. 53-54
                                                                28. [+]
                                                                  In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 55-56 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Aviator (2004 Film) by Martin Scorsese
                                                                29. The Hundredth Meridian by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 57-60
                                                                30. Cover by Melanie Anderson
                                                              4. [+]
                                                                April 2005 Issue = 27 Articles
                                                                1. Polemics & Exchanges, pp. 4-5
                                                                2. American Proscenium, p. 6
                                                                3. Cultural Revolutions, pp. 7-9
                                                                4. Synthesizing Tyranny by Samuel Francis, pp. 10-11
                                                                5. The Ladder by Charles Edward Eaton, p. 12
                                                                6. The Western Front by Paul Gottfried, p. 13
                                                                7. The Real Fight Is Here at Home by Roger D. McGrath, pp. 14-16
                                                                8. Global Anarcho-Tyranny by Srdja Trifkovic, pp. 17-18
                                                                9. Last Flight Out by Sally Cook, p. 19
                                                                10. Final Solution by B.K. Eakman, pp. 20-22
                                                                11. Samuel T. Francis, R.I.P. by Clyde Wilson, pp. 23-24
                                                                12. Requiescat In Pace Domini by Thomas Fleming, p. 25
                                                                13. [+]
                                                                  My Favorite Justice by Stephen B. Presser, pp. 26-28 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Scalia Dissents by Kevin A. Ring and Antonin Scalia
                                                                14. [+]
                                                                  Hicks' Town by Bill Kauffman, p. 29 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Small Town by Granville Hicks
                                                                15. [+]
                                                                  Counterrevolutionary Light by Paul Gottfried, p. 30 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Critics of the Enlightenment by Christopher Olaf Blum
                                                                16. [+]
                                                                  Sunset in the Head by Catharine Savage Brosman, p. 31 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Work of the Sun by Charles Edward Eaton
                                                                17. [+]
                                                                  Poor Little Victim by V. Groginsky, pp. 32-33 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The U.S. and Mexico by Jeffrey Davidow
                                                                18. The Rockford Files by Scott P. Richert, pp. 34-36
                                                                19. Letter From Poland by Mark Wegierski, p. 37
                                                                20. Letter From the Upper Midwest by Sean Scallon, pp. 38-40
                                                                21. Technology by Marian Kester Coombs, pp. 41-42
                                                                22. American Empire: Woodrow Wilson and America's World Empire by Joseph E. Fallon, p. 43
                                                                23. Tyranny by Thomas Fleming, pp. 44-45
                                                                24. [+]
                                                                  In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 46-47 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Hotel Rwanda (2005 Film) by Terry George
                                                                25. What's Wrong With the World by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 48-49
                                                                26. The Best Revenge by Thomas Fleming, pp. 50-52
                                                                27. Cover by George McCartney, Jr.
                                                              5. [+]
                                                                May 2005 Issue = 23 Articles
                                                                1. Polemics & Exchanges, p. 4
                                                                2. American Proscenium, p. 5
                                                                3. Cultural Revolutions, pp. 6-9
                                                                4. Peace in the Land of Sojourn by Thomas Fleming, pp. 10-11
                                                                5. My Fisherman by Andrew Huntley, p. 12
                                                                6. Breaking Glass by Philip Jenkins, p. 13
                                                                7. A Brief History of Quagmire by Doug Bandow, pp. 14-16
                                                                8. A Tale of Two Cities by Leon T. Hadar, pp. 17-20
                                                                9. Israel and America by Ivan Eland, pp. 21-25
                                                                10. The Christian Zionist Threat to Peace by Aaron D. Wolf, pp. 26-27
                                                                11. The Impact of Islam on the Arab-Israeli Dispute by Srdja Trifkovic, pp. 28-29
                                                                12. Peace in the Promised Land by Scott P. Richert, pp. 30-32
                                                                13. [+]
                                                                  The Lavender Baboon by James O. Tate, pp. 33-35 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln by C.A. Tripp and Lewis Gannett
                                                                14. [+]
                                                                  A Rumor of War by Wayne Allensworth, pp. 36-37 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Imperial Hubris by Michael Scheuer
                                                                15. [+]
                                                                  An Afternoon Man by Derek Turner, pp. 38-39 - 2 Reviews
                                                                  1. Anthony Powell: A Life by Michael Barber
                                                                  2. Understanding Anthony Powell by Nicholas Birns
                                                                16. [+]
                                                                  The True Fire Within by Clyde Wilson, p. 40 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Henry Timrod: A Biography by Walter Brian Cisco
                                                                17. Letter From Madrid by Curtis Cate, p. 41
                                                                18. Letter From Kosovo by Egor Engelhardt, pp. 42-43
                                                                19. Liberalism by Mark Tooley, p. 44
                                                                20. Terrorism by Doug Bandow, pp. 45-46
                                                                21. [+]
                                                                  In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 47-48 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Gods and Generals (2003 Film) by Ronald F. Maxwell
                                                                22. The Hundredth Meridian by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 49-52
                                                                23. Cover and inside illustration by James Lukoski
                                                              6. [+]
                                                                June 2005 Issue = 26 Articles
                                                                1. Polemics & Exchanges, pp. 4-5
                                                                2. American Proscenium, p. 6
                                                                3. Cultural Revolutions, pp. 7-9
                                                                4. The Suicide Strategy of the West by Thomas Fleming, pp. 10-11
                                                                5. At Concord by David Middleton, p. 12
                                                                6. Sins of Omission by Roger D. McGrath, p. 13
                                                                7. The Emerging American Empire by Douglas Wilson, pp. 14-16
                                                                8. The Rise of China by William R. Hawkins, pp. 17-19
                                                                9. Transforming the Middle East by Ted Galen Carpenter, pp. 20-22
                                                                10. Getting Europe Straight by Srdja Trifkovic, pp. 23-25
                                                                11. Why Russia Does Not Fear an Iranian Bomb by Wayne Allensworth, pp. 26-27
                                                                12. [+]
                                                                  The Dictator of the World by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 28-30 - 2 Reviews
                                                                  1. A New Republic by John Lukacs
                                                                  2. Democracy and Populism: Fear and Hatred by John Lukacs
                                                                13. [+]
                                                                  Surfing the Void by H.A. Scott Trask, p. 31 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Mediated by Thomas de Zengotita
                                                                14. [+]
                                                                  Citizen Faulkner by Clyde Wilson, p. 32 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Essays, Speeches and Public Letters of William Faulkner by James B. Meriwether and William Faulkner
                                                                15. [+]
                                                                  Metaphoric Angels by Catharine Savage Brosman, p. 33 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Collected Poems: 1943-2004 by Richard Wilbur
                                                                16. [+]
                                                                  An Oakeshott for Our Time by Paul Gottfried, pp. 34-35 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Michael Oakeshott: An Introduction by Paul Franco
                                                                17. The Rockford Files by Scott P. Richert, pp. 36-37
                                                                18. Letter From the Neuroimaging Lab by Brian Kirkpatrick, p. 38
                                                                19. Letter From Lebanon by Doug Bandow, pp. 39-40
                                                                20. Technology by Marian Kester Coombs, pp. 41-42
                                                                21. The Judiciary by William F. Harvey, p. 43
                                                                22. Politics by Gladden J. Pappin, pp. 44-45
                                                                23. [+]
                                                                  In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 46-47 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Sin City (2005 Film) by Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez
                                                                24. What's Wrong With the World by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 48-49
                                                                25. Dictations by Humpty Dumpty, pp. 50-52
                                                                26. Cover and inside illustrations by Melanie Anderson
                                                              7. [+]
                                                                July 2005 Issue = 24 Articles
                                                                1. Polemics & Exchanges, pp. 4-5
                                                                2. American Proscenium, p. 6
                                                                3. Cultural Revolutions, pp. 7-9
                                                                4. Heroes in the Age of the Antihero by Thomas Fleming, pp. 10-11
                                                                5. Of Local History by David Middleton, p. 12
                                                                6. The Western Front by Paul Gottfried, p. 13
                                                                7. Guys of the Golden West by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 14-16
                                                                8. A Place to Stand by Wayne Allensworth, pp. 17-18
                                                                9. The Last Silesian by Leo Yankevich, p. 19
                                                                10. Cowboy Heroes by Roger D. McGrath, pp. 20-22
                                                                11. Effeminate Gospel, Effeminate Christians by Aaron D. Wolf, pp. 23-25
                                                                12. Essentials for a Lasting Peace in the Middle East by David A. Hartman, pp. 26-29
                                                                13. [+]
                                                                  Play It Again, Plum! by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 30-31 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Wodehouse: A Life by Robert McCrum
                                                                14. [+]
                                                                  The Balkans in Brief by Thomas Fleming, p. 32 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Serbs by Sima M. Cirkovic
                                                                15. [+]
                                                                  A Dirge Transposed by Catharine Savage Brosman, p. 33 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Celestial Jukebox by Cynthia Shearer
                                                                16. [+]
                                                                  Felix Culpa by Paul Gottfried, pp. 34-35 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Conservatism and Southern Intellectuals, 1789-1861 by Adam L. Tate
                                                                17. [+]
                                                                  Antiwar Federalists by H.A. Scott Trask, pp. 36-37 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. America on the Brink by Richard Buel, Jr.
                                                                18. The Rockford Files by Scott P. Richert, pp. 38-39
                                                                19. Letter From Turkey by Peter Huys, pp. 40-41
                                                                20. The American Interest by Srdja Trijkovic, pp. 42-43
                                                                21. The Old Republic: Why Taft Matters by Mark Royden Winchell, p. 44
                                                                22. Charity: Pimping for Charity by Anthony Ellison, pp. 45-47
                                                                23. [+]
                                                                  In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 48-52 - 2 Reviews
                                                                  1. Kingdom of Heaven (2005 Film) by Ridley Scott
                                                                  2. Crash (2005 Film) by Paul Haggis
                                                                24. Cover and inside illustrations by Melanie Anderson
                                                              8. [+]
                                                                August 2005 Issue = 25 Articles
                                                                1. Polemics & Exchanges, pp. 4-5
                                                                2. American Proscenium, p. 6
                                                                3. Cultural Revolutions, pp. 7-9
                                                                4. The Republic We Betrayed by Thomas Fleming, pp. 10-11
                                                                5. Antipodean Reflections in Canterbury by Peter Hunt, p. 12
                                                                6. Breaking Glass by Paul Gottfried, p. 13
                                                                7. Republicanism, Monarchy, and the Human Scale of Politics by Donald W. Livingston, pp. 14-16
                                                                8. Powers, Principalities, Spiritual Forces by Harold O.J. Brown, p. 17
                                                                9. London to Edinburgh---A Train Journey by Peter Hunt, pp. 18-19
                                                                10. Please Tread on Me by Clyde Wilson, pp. 20-22
                                                                11. The Republican Party's Welfare Queens by Doug Bandow, pp. 23-25
                                                                12. [+]
                                                                  Things That Go Bump in the Night by Scott P. Richert, pp. 26-28 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Ancestral Shadows by Russell Kirk
                                                                13. [+]
                                                                  Raisonne Dereglement by Catharine Savage Brosman, p. 29 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Running with the Bulls by Valerie Hemingway
                                                                14. [+]
                                                                  The Conservative Cosmos by Clark Stooksbury, p. 30 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. South Park Conservatives by Brian C. Anderson
                                                                15. [+]
                                                                  Twentieth Century Fox by James O. Tate, p. 31 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Nixon at the Movies by Mark Feeney
                                                                16. [+]
                                                                  Shoddy Goods, Shoddy Selves by Paul Gottfried, pp. 32-33 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. A Matter of Opinion by Victor S. Navasky
                                                                17. Letter From Paris by Curtis Cate, p. 34
                                                                18. Letter From Washington, D.C. by Don Barnett, pp. 35-37
                                                                19. The American Interest by Srdja Trifkovic, pp. 38-39
                                                                20. The Constitution by William J. Watkins, Jr., pp. 40-41
                                                                21. Killing Off Limited Government by Doug Bandow, p. 42
                                                                22. Morality: The Legacy of Sandra Dee by B.K. Eakman, pp. 43-45
                                                                23. [+]
                                                                  In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 46-47 - 2 Reviews
                                                                  1. Cinderella Man (2005 Film) by Ron Howard
                                                                  2. Batman Begins (2005 Film) by Christopher Nolan
                                                                24. The Hundredth Meridian by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 48-52
                                                                25. Cover and inside illustrations by Melanie Anderson
                                                              9. [+]
                                                                September 2005 Issue = 25 Articles
                                                                1. It Takes and Autodidact by Thomas Fleming, pp. 10-11
                                                                2. The Communion of Saints by Michael McMahon, pp. 15-16
                                                                3. The Autodidact at Work and Play by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 17-19
                                                                4. I'm Just a Travelin' Man by Derek Turner, pp. 20-21
                                                                5. Confessions of an Autodidact by David Gordon, pp. 23-25
                                                                6. American Historians and Their History by Clyde Wilson, pp. 26-29
                                                                7. Outsourcing Parenthood by Beverly K. Eakman, pp. 30-31
                                                                8. [+]
                                                                  The Imperial Trajectory by Jerry Woodruff, pp. 32-35 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The New American Militarism by Andrew J. Bacevich
                                                                9. [+]
                                                                  The Party Pooper by Derek Turner, p. 36 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Party's Over by Keith Sutherland
                                                                10. [+]
                                                                  Moscow in Malibu by James O. Tate, p. 37 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Red Star Over Hollywood by Ronald Radosh and Allis Radosh
                                                                11. [+]
                                                                  A Master of His Time by Fr. Michael P. Orsi, pp. 38-39 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin by Gordon S. Wood
                                                                12. Letter From Queensland by R.J. Stove, p. 41
                                                                13. Letter From Alabama by J. Michael Hill, pp. 42-43
                                                                14. The Courts: Crying "Halt!" by Stephen B. Presser, p. 46
                                                                15. Education: You Can't Always Get What You Want by Nicole Kooistra, pp. 47-48
                                                                16. Sins of Omission by Roger D. McGrath, pp. 13-14
                                                                17. The Rockford Files by Scott P. Richert, p. 40
                                                                18. The American Interest Srdja Trifkovic, pp. 44-45
                                                                19. In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 49-52
                                                                20. Polemics & Exchanges, p. 4
                                                                21. American Proscenium, p. 5
                                                                22. Cultural Revolutions, pp. 6-9
                                                                23. On the High Road; Highway by B.R. Strahan, p. 12
                                                                24. We Are Here by B.R. Strahan, p. 22
                                                                25. Cover illustrations by Melanie Anderson
                                                              10. [+]
                                                                October 2005 Issue = 29 Articles
                                                                1. Polemics & Exchanges, pp. 4-5
                                                                2. American Proscenium, pp. 6-7
                                                                3. Cultural Revolutions, pp. 8-9
                                                                4. Christians Against Terrorism by Thomas Fleming, pp. 10-11
                                                                5. You, William Dunbar by Constance Rowell Mastores, p. 12
                                                                6. The Western Front by Paul Gottfried, p. 13
                                                                7. Promoting Militant Islam Abroad by Ronald L. Hatchett, pp. 14-15
                                                                8. Angst by Constance Rowell Mastores, p. 16
                                                                9. Learning From Canada's Mistakes by James Bissett, pp. 17-19
                                                                10. Welcoming Muhammad by Scott P. Richert, pp. 20-23
                                                                11. Rivers of Blood by Richard Cummings, pp. 24-27
                                                                12. The Dishonest Pursuit of War by Doug Bandow, pp. 28-29
                                                                13. The Lone Ranger's Legacy by William J. Watkins, Jr., pp. 30-31
                                                                14. [+]
                                                                  Progress in the Sands by Daniel McCarthy, pp. 32-34 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Sands of Empire by Robert W. Merry
                                                                15. [+]
                                                                  Setting History Straight by Paul Gottfried, p. 35 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Wie der Daschihad Nach Europa Kam by Jurgen Elsasser
                                                                16. [+]
                                                                  Art and Artist by Catharine Savage Brosman, p. 36 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Writers and Personality by Louis Auchincloss
                                                                17. [+]
                                                                  Habemus Papam by Gregory J. Sullivan, p. 37 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Rise of Benedict XVI by John L. Allen Jr.
                                                                18. [+]
                                                                  Gifted Amateurs by Clyde Wilson, pp. 38-39 - 2 Reviews
                                                                  1. Wade Hampton: Confederate Warrior, Conservative Statesman by Walter Brian Cisco
                                                                  2. Retreat from Gettysburg by Kent Masterson Brown
                                                                19. Letter From Spain by Christie Davies, pp. 40-41
                                                                20. Letter From Charleston by Jack Trotter, pp. 42-44
                                                                21. Public Plunder by David A. Hartman, p. 45
                                                                22. The American Interest by Srdja Trifkovic, pp. 46-47
                                                                23. Terrorism by James George Jatras, pp. 48-49
                                                                24. Immigration by Wayne Allensworth, p. 50
                                                                25. Christianity by Mark Tooley, pp. 51-53
                                                                26. [+]
                                                                  In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 54-55 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Hustle and Flow (2005 Film) by Craig Brewer
                                                                27. The Hundredth Meridian by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 56-57
                                                                28. The Best Revenge by Christopher Check, pp. 58-60
                                                                29. Cover and inside illustrations by Melanie Anderson
                                                              11. [+]
                                                                November 2005 Issue = 24 Articles
                                                                1. Polemics & Exchanges, pp. 4-5
                                                                2. American Proscenium, p. 6
                                                                3. Cultural Revolutions, pp. 7-9
                                                                4. Agrarianism From Hesiod to Bradford by Thomas Fleming, pp. 10-12
                                                                5. Breaking Glass by Philip Jenkins, p. 13
                                                                6. The Old South, the New South, and the Real South by Tom Landess, pp. 14-16
                                                                7. Reattacking Leviathan by Mark Royden Winchell, pp. 17-19
                                                                8. The Case for American Secession by Kirkpatrick Sale, pp. 20-21
                                                                9. In Late November by David Middleton, p. 22
                                                                10. The Writer as Farmer by James Everett Kibler, pp. 23-25
                                                                11. Solving U.S. Problems in Korea Through Unification by Edward A. Olsen, pp. 26-28
                                                                12. [+]
                                                                  Misinterpreting Iran---and the World by Leon Hadar, pp. 29-32 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Persian Puzzle by Kenneth M. Pollack
                                                                13. [+]
                                                                  Out of Harm's Way by Paul Gottfried, p. 33 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Bertrand de Jouvenel by Daniel J. Mahoney
                                                                14. [+]
                                                                  Britain's Liberal Legacy by Derek Turner, p. 34 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. In Defence of the Realm by David Conway
                                                                15. [+]
                                                                  Lessons From Experience by Thomas Fleming, pp. 35-36 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Hunt for Confederate Gold by Thomas Moore#2
                                                                16. The Rockford Files by Scott P. Richert, pp. 37-38
                                                                17. Letter From Alabama by Michael Hill#2, p. 39
                                                                18. Letter From Bogota by Brian Kirkpatrick, pp. 40-41
                                                                19. The American Interest by Srdja Trijkovic, pp. 42-43
                                                                20. Foreign Affairs: Is Mexico the Next Colombia? by Ted Galen Carpenter, p. 44
                                                                21. Commonweal: A Different Past by Troy Kickler, pp. 45-46
                                                                22. [+]
                                                                  In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 47-48 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Constant Gardener (2005 Film) by Fernando Meirelles
                                                                23. What's Wrong With the World by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 49-52
                                                                24. Cover and inside illustrations by Melanie Anderson
                                                              12. [+]
                                                                December 2005 Issue = 25 Articles
                                                                1. Polemics & Exchanges, pp. 4-5
                                                                2. American Proscenium, p. 6
                                                                3. Cutural Revolutions, pp. 7-9
                                                                4. The Beauty of Holiness by Thomas Fleming, pp. 10-11
                                                                5. Curriculum Vitae by Jeff Minick, p. 12
                                                                6. Ora Pro Nobis by Jeff Minick, p. 12
                                                                7. Sins of Omission by Roger D. McGrath, p. 13
                                                                8. The Romantic Reaction by Joseph Pearce, pp. 14-16
                                                                9. The Loving Look by Hugh Barbour, O. Praem, pp. 17-19
                                                                10. Conservatism as Medicine by Claude Polin, pp. 20-23
                                                                11. Pugin and the Gothic Dream by James Patrick, pp. 24-26
                                                                12. Did the Supreme Court Destroy Property Rights in the Kelo Case? by Stephen B. Presser, pp. 27-29
                                                                13. [+]
                                                                  Truth of Blood and Time by Scott P. Richert, pp. 30-32 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Remembered Past by John Lukacs, Mark G. Malvasi, and Jeffrey O. Nelson, ...
                                                                14. [+]
                                                                  The Cataclysm That Happened by Thomas Fleming, p. 33 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. The Fall of Rome, and the End of Civilization by Bryan Ward-Perkins
                                                                15. [+]
                                                                  Suffering Narratives by Jack Trotter, p. 34 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. One Nation Under Therapy by Christina Hoff Sommers and Sally Satel
                                                                16. [+]
                                                                  Roll On, Beethoven by James O. Tate, p. 35 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Beethoven: The Universal Composer by Edmund Morris
                                                                17. [+]
                                                                  Tremendous Twaddle by Derek Turner, pp. 36-37 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. Political Correctness and the Theoretical Struggle by Frank Ellis
                                                                18. Letter From Poland by Mark Wegierski, p. 38
                                                                19. Letter From Germany by Josef Schusslburner, pp. 39-40
                                                                20. The American Interest by Srdja Trifkovic, pp. 41-42
                                                                21. Immigration: More for the Money by Don Barnett, p. 43
                                                                22. Literature: An Enduring Feast by Christopher Sandford, pp. 44-45
                                                                23. [+]
                                                                  In the Dark by George McCartney, pp. 46-47 - 1 Review
                                                                  1. A History of Violence (2005 Film) by David Cronenberg
                                                                24. The Hundredth Meridian by Chilton Williamson, Jr., pp. 48-52
                                                                25. Cover by Pietro da Cortona
                                                            2. [+]
                                                              Issues of 2006 = 12 Issues, 314 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 2007 = 11 Issues, 289 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 2008 = 9 Issues, 224 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 2009 = 10 Issues, 260 Articles
                                                                  2. [+]
                                                                    Issues of the 2010s = 1 Year, 12 Issues, 293 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 2010 = 12 Issues, 293 Articles