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Larry Berman Archives
Larry Berman •ï¿½15 Items / 9 Books, 1 Article, 5 Reviews
Looking Back on the Reagan Presidency (1990)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    American Politics (4 Reviews)
    The Exemplary Presidency, by Philip Abbott
    1. The Exemplary Presidency by Philip Abbott
    2. Looking Back on the Reagan Presidency by Larry Berman
    3. The Bush Presidency: First Appraisals by Colin Campbell, S.J. and Bert A. Rockman
    4. The Nixon Presidency by Michael A. Genovese
    American Political Science Review, June 1992, p. 522
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (12 Reviews)
    The United States
    1. Our Country by Michael Barone
    2. American Power by John Taft
    3. The Cold War Is Over by William G. Hyland
    4. Looking Back on the Reagan Presidency by Larry Berman
    5. In the Arena by Richard Nixon
    6. Richard Nixon and His America by Herbert S. Parmet
    7. As I Saw It by Dean Rusk and Richard Rusk
    8. American Guerrilla by Roger Hilsman
    9. Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Rendezvous with Destiny by Frank Freidel
    10. General of the Army by Ed Cray
    11. Same Bed, Different Dreams by Alan D. Romberg and Tadashi Yamamoto
    12. Sharing World Leadership? by John H. Makin and Donald C. Hellmann
    Foreign Affairs, Fall 1990, pp. 183-184