21st Century Israeli politics is always fun to read about for its Through the Looking Glass aspect. If Trump were an Israeli politician, he’d belong to the Pathetic Liberal Squish Party, along with the Israeli equivalent of Ken Burns. From The Guardian:
Benjamin Netanyahu strikes deal with hardline parties ahead of Israel elections
Prime minister reaches preliminary agreement with Jewish Home and Jewish Power parties
Associated Press, Thu 21 Feb 2019 01.44 EST
The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on Wednesday reached a preliminary election deal with two fringe religious-nationalist parties in a bid to unify his hardline bloc before elections in April.
Netanyahu’s Likud party announced it would reserve the 28th spot on its parliamentary list for the Jewish Home party and grant it two cabinet ministries in a future government if it merges with the Jewish Power party.
Jewish Power is comprised of hardline religious nationalists who have cast themselves as successors to the banned Kahanist movement, which dreamed of turning Israel into a Jewish theocracy and advocated the forced removal of its Palestinians. …
Among the prominent figures in the joint Jewish Home-Jewish Power list are Bezalel Smotrich, a self-avowed “proud homophobe”, Itamar Ben Gvir, an attorney who has made a career defending radical Israeli settlers implicated in West Bank violence, and Benzi Gopstein, the leader of an extremist anti-assimilation group whose Twitter handle translates as “Kahane was right”.
The late American-born Rabbi Meir Kahane’s Jewish Defense League is considered a terrorist organisation by the FBI.
Can you imagine how bloodthirsty a Jewish organization has to be to be designated as “terrorist” by the FBI?
Anglo-Zionist Empire. Replies: @Svigor, @Reg Cæsar
If members of the KKK went overseas and asked Jerusalem synagogue members for donations.
If Israel responded to African migrant crime by conducting ultra-bloody air strikes against Harlem, Watts, and Detroit.
If Netanyahu got burned by )))Israeli((( media for being insufficiently ecstatic about White Apartheid South Africa.
If Steve Sailer was an Israeli news columnist who became rich by denouncing Jewish privilege and railing against anti-gentilism. He constantly bitched about how his grandpa had never been a member of a super elite Israeli country club.
If Israeli taxpayers subsidized thuggish White American welfare bums who had evicted tax-paying
black homeowners.
If CIA officers committed a massive terrorist attack in Jerusalem. Then Netanyahu blamed the attack on the Black Panthers, so he began a massive ground war against inner city African-Americans.
If there was a gentile version of "Whiskey" and he passed himself off as a rural Jewish settler. He constantly showed up to Jewish internet forums and implored the members to hate racial enemies of White gentiles.
Don't forget this guy;
These terrorists had brain tumors, so you can relax:
Reports about this have been somewhat misleading. This is an alliance of three far-right parties – Rafi Peretz’s Jewish Home, Smotrich’s National Union, and Ben-Gvir’s Jewish Power. Think of them as the equivalent of hardcore GOP evangelicals, the alt-light and the alt-right, respectively (except all three are devoutly religious).
It’s expected that after the election, the Jewish Power faction would split off. They would not benefit from the deal with Bibi, they would not become part of the coalition. But this way Bibi’s coalition gets to benefit from their votes.
In Israel, Trump, Sailer, and Pat Buchanan would be considered racial leftists. Jared Taylor would be a centrist. David Duke and Richard Spencer would be mainstream conservatives.
And the Anglosphere’s most fundamentalist Evangelicals, its most Oliver Cromwellish Protestants, are on board fully.
Anglo-Zionist Empire.
https://gomadnomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/DSC_2452-1280x640.jpgReplies: @Colin Wright
If Israel was any White Christian nation, there would be massive boycotts in place already, spearheaded by a campaign in largely jewish media like the “liberal” NYT.
But Jewish radical nationalism doens’t bother the NYT, they will pooh-pooh tactically it but never allow any serious measures (such as boycotts) to be promoted or discussed.
Anti-nationalism is only for the goyim.
At least less bloody than this:
Since 1968, JDL operations have killed 7 persons and wounded at least 22. Thirty-nine percent of the targets were connected with the Soviet Union; 9 percent were Palestinian; 8 percent were Lebanese; 6 percent, Egyptian; 4 percent, French, Iranian, and Iraqi; 1 percent, Polish and German; and 23 percent were not connected with any states. Sixty-two percent of all JDL actions are directed against property; 30 percent against businesses; 4 percent against academics and academic institutions; and 2 percent against religious targets.
It seems that successful nationalist leaders have competent opposition from the right. Netanyahu has these fanatics. Orban has Jobbik. Putin has (perhaps less than competent?) Zhirinovsky. This allows them to position themselves as moderates. You’re not actually supposed to give them real power though – perhaps his days are numbered?
Ex-army chief Benny Gantz and centrist politician Yair Lapid agreed to rotate as prime minister if they win.
Separately, Mr Netanyahu forged an alliance with several far-right parties to try to shore up votes.
Perhaps what Trump needs is an active 3rd party headed by Ann Coulter.
You know what would be sort of interesting?
If members of the KKK went overseas and asked Jerusalem synagogue members for donations.
If Israel responded to African migrant crime by conducting ultra-bloody air strikes against Harlem, Watts, and Detroit.
If Netanyahu got burned by )))Israeli((( media for being insufficiently ecstatic about White Apartheid South Africa.
If Steve Sailer was an Israeli news columnist who became rich by denouncing Jewish privilege and railing against anti-gentilism. He constantly bitched about how his grandpa had never been a member of a super elite Israeli country club.
If Israeli taxpayers subsidized thuggish White American welfare bums who had evicted tax-paying
black homeowners.
If CIA officers committed a massive terrorist attack in Jerusalem. Then Netanyahu blamed the attack on the Black Panthers, so he began a massive ground war against inner city African-Americans.
If there was a gentile version of “Whiskey” and he passed himself off as a rural Jewish settler. He constantly showed up to Jewish internet forums and implored the members to hate racial enemies of White gentiles.
I would argue that Israel is the (more) normal country and we are the ones thru the looking glass.
Hate criminals we never hear about.
Must be nice to live in a country with free thought and speech.
As of post no.3, Tyrion is positioning himself as the dispassionate commentator; that way, he can influence the reader. However, pretty soon his inner Zionist should emerge.
is well-known to be a
low-order hasbara. He gets
$2.39 per comment. At which he's still
Ex-army chief Benny Gantz and centrist politician Yair Lapid agreed to rotate as prime minister if they win.
Separately, Mr Netanyahu forged an alliance with several far-right parties to try to shore up votes.Replies: @Jimi
UKIP keeps the British (un)Conservative Party more to the right then it wants to be.
Perhaps what Trump needs is an active 3rd party headed by Ann Coulter.
Kahane has been dead for nearly 30 years and his political organization in Israel was banned in 1994. One of the founders of Strong Israel has never had any association with the Jewish Defense League and the other has no history of violent crime. Can you explain to me why their organization counts as ‘terrorist’?
The GOP can’t even back Steve King. I guess the rules are different in Israel.
Does that include Baruch Goldstein’s body count?
There have been a lot of loathsome fanatics since I was a young child and I am only familiar-ish with them because they get mentioned here a lot, so I have to look everything up.Replies: @snorlax, @donut
Kahane was a Yankees fan. What did you expect?
Desperate move. Bibi faces arrest over corruption charges which are probably true. Which would then lead Labor into power and Labor is committed to Open Borders and tearing down the walls and some sort of right of return peace deal.
The abolition of Israel in favor of the colors of Benneton.
Labor is the party of the true believers in the Benneton faith.
Labor gets the Israeli equivalent of the Upper West Side/Malibu vote but Israel doesn't have the demographics of Westwood. The Sephardic Jews hate Labor for the way its Ashkenazi leaders treated them as subhuman when they immigrated. The Russian Jews hate anything that smells like Leftism. The Orthodox hate Globohomos. The math for Labor just doesn't add up even if they indicted Bibi for child molestation.
You've confused the Labor Party with Meretz. That aside, the Labor Party has been gradually withering away, and the pollsters figure it might win only 9 (of 120) seats. IOW, it's being replaced by the social-liberal parties as the principal opposition to Likud in Israel. The same sort of thing has happened in a number of European countries (e.g. Poland and, more tentatively, France).
If the Israeli political spectrum were magically transposed onto U.S. politics, David Duke would be a major Congressional power player and Steve King would be regularly criticized by right-wing press for being too moderate.
I guess not! I just wiki’d what got them classed as terrorists in the US. Not what anyone did after that. I was replying to a specific post.
There have been a lot of loathsome fanatics since I was a young child and I am only familiar-ish with them because they get mentioned here a lot, so I have to look everything up.
Ha! The leader of our opposition is currently criticising the government for trying not to re-import proven ISIS members.
There have been a lot of loathsome fanatics since I was a young child and I am only familiar-ish with them because they get mentioned here a lot, so I have to look everything up.Replies: @snorlax, @donut
Well actually Goldstein’s massacre is what caused the US (and Israel) to designate them a terrorist group.
History will remember Netanyahu as a useful idiot.
We’re giving him enough timber and nails to crucify himself.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ5YU_spBw0Replies: @James Speaks
I believe this US government report designated them as such in 1986. You can open the PDF and search for JDL.
I’d add that the Rand Corporation, while very closely affiliated with the US government, is a private nonprofit and not a government agency.
So what, Bibi’s campaign slogan is gonna be “Kill’em All, Let Allah sort’em out”?
I suggest not relying on the Guardian for accurate coverage of Israeli nationalists.
Kehane’s movement and party was long ago banned and he only had 1 MK at its peak.
The Guardian smear of Jewish Home as “fringe” and “successor” to Kehane is really absurd. That party was most successfully led by Naftali Bennett, a software tycoon and son of a Jim Bennett from California.
The other party mentioned the Guardian calls “Jewish Power” is normally translated as “Jewish Strength” but the Guardian couldn’t miss the opportunity to evoke “White Power.” JS doesn’t even have 1 MK right now, but is being thrown a bone so they don’t splinter 1.5% or so from the other nationalist parties.
Jesus warned us that there were a lot of hypocrites in the synagogue, but he never said it would be this bad!
Seems to me that what you subsidize you naturally get more of. I wish I had a big brother who paid my way in life.
The abolition of Israel in favor of the colors of Benneton.
Labor is the party of the true believers in the Benneton faith.Replies: @Jack D, @Art Deco, @Anon1
There’s no way Labor is gaining power. It has 18 seats out of 120 in the Knesset and there’s no feasible coalition (even adding up the Arabs and the Communists and the Greens) that puts them back in power. If Bibi is out, Israel will choose another prime minister from the right, either from within Likud or one of the other right wing parties – Bennett and Lieberman are even further to the right than Netanyahu.
Labor gets the Israeli equivalent of the Upper West Side/Malibu vote but Israel doesn’t have the demographics of Westwood. The Sephardic Jews hate Labor for the way its Ashkenazi leaders treated them as subhuman when they immigrated. The Russian Jews hate anything that smells like Leftism. The Orthodox hate Globohomos. The math for Labor just doesn’t add up even if they indicted Bibi for child molestation.
It's expected that after the election, the Jewish Power faction would split off. They would not benefit from the deal with Bibi, they would not become part of the coalition. But this way Bibi's coalition gets to benefit from their votes.Replies: @Svigor, @ATBOTL
“Jewish Power,” nothing to see there, goy, move along, move along. LoL.
“Jewish Home,” I kinda like that.
The “White Home” party. It rings.
Anglo-Zionist Empire.Replies: @Svigor, @Reg Cæsar
Falsely implies equivalence. A good term would capture the subordinate nature of Anglos as Janissaries or Mameluks in this relationship. It’s not Anglos’ empire, and it’s certainly not run in Anglos’ interests. Quite the contrary.
In Israel,party look for you!
Well, considering that we have never had a problem subsidizing Israel even as it elected to PMs who were veterans of terrorist organizations–Begin and Shamir–so I don’t suppose the Neo-Kahanists can be that big an issue for us.
The Irgun and the Stern Gang were partisan organizations which disbanded in 1948. The number of 'terrorist' attacks they engaged in between 1940 and 1948 can be readily enumerated. Menachem Begin assembled his first coalition government in 1977 and Yitzhak Shamir assembled his first in 1986.Replies: @Oscar Peterson
Kehane's movement and party was long ago banned and he only had 1 MK at its peak.
The Guardian smear of Jewish Home as "fringe" and "successor" to Kehane is really absurd. That party was most successfully led by Naftali Bennett, a software tycoon and son of a Jim Bennett from California.
The other party mentioned the Guardian calls "Jewish Power" is normally translated as "Jewish Strength" but the Guardian couldn't miss the opportunity to evoke "White Power." JS doesn't even have 1 MK right now, but is being thrown a bone so they don't splinter 1.5% or so from the other nationalist parties.Replies: @Oscar Peterson, @Svigor, @International Jew, @Reg Cæsar, @Art Deco, @Alden
Well, when the Deputy Defense Minister has said that even Jew-homosexuals have greater souls than the goyim and not only keeps his portfolio but is left utterly unscathed by the Jew-ridden international media who would relentlessly attack similar comments in any other senior government official, I don’t think it makes much difference whether you take your Israel news from the Guardian or not.
Jesus warned us that there were a lot of hypocrites in the synagogue, but he never said it would be this bad!
Precisely this.
And let’s overlook this while Jake’s at it, right?
Note how the Catlicks (CC and USCCB) account for twice the people-trafficking VOLAG bling intake of all the other denoms combined.
Oh no, it’s those “Anglos.” And Cromwell. And Luther. And Prots.
As though there were never any such things as Jezzies or a Counterreformation targeting white European/Northern European nations for punishment. In cahoots with whoever serves the purpose of the moment.
When you too create a subculture of religious fanatics with TFR 5, many of whom are colonizing a “non-white” territory where they’re outnumbered 10 to 1, maybe you’ll have that.
The Israelis are really making it awkward for diaspora Jews who promote multiculturalism and diversity….
Kehane's movement and party was long ago banned and he only had 1 MK at its peak.
The Guardian smear of Jewish Home as "fringe" and "successor" to Kehane is really absurd. That party was most successfully led by Naftali Bennett, a software tycoon and son of a Jim Bennett from California.
The other party mentioned the Guardian calls "Jewish Power" is normally translated as "Jewish Strength" but the Guardian couldn't miss the opportunity to evoke "White Power." JS doesn't even have 1 MK right now, but is being thrown a bone so they don't splinter 1.5% or so from the other nationalist parties.Replies: @Oscar Peterson, @Svigor, @International Jew, @Reg Cæsar, @Art Deco, @Alden
The “White Strength” party, now that just works.
Kehane's movement and party was long ago banned and he only had 1 MK at its peak.
The Guardian smear of Jewish Home as "fringe" and "successor" to Kehane is really absurd. That party was most successfully led by Naftali Bennett, a software tycoon and son of a Jim Bennett from California.
The other party mentioned the Guardian calls "Jewish Power" is normally translated as "Jewish Strength" but the Guardian couldn't miss the opportunity to evoke "White Power." JS doesn't even have 1 MK right now, but is being thrown a bone so they don't splinter 1.5% or so from the other nationalist parties.Replies: @Oscar Peterson, @Svigor, @International Jew, @Reg Cæsar, @Art Deco, @Alden
Same style book they use for Americans. Leftists are “civil rights activists”, “experts”, “analysts”. Conservatives, I don’t need to tell people who read this blog.
Anglo-Zionist Empire.Replies: @Svigor, @Reg Cæsar
I would think the Anglo-Saxon’s real problem is that there are not enough Jews in the Levant. How about a few million more, guys?
If Arabs don’t like it, they can just hump it. What have they ever done for us?
Sigh.Replies: @Reg Cæsar
Kehane's movement and party was long ago banned and he only had 1 MK at its peak.
The Guardian smear of Jewish Home as "fringe" and "successor" to Kehane is really absurd. That party was most successfully led by Naftali Bennett, a software tycoon and son of a Jim Bennett from California.
The other party mentioned the Guardian calls "Jewish Power" is normally translated as "Jewish Strength" but the Guardian couldn't miss the opportunity to evoke "White Power." JS doesn't even have 1 MK right now, but is being thrown a bone so they don't splinter 1.5% or so from the other nationalist parties.Replies: @Oscar Peterson, @Svigor, @International Jew, @Reg Cæsar, @Art Deco, @Alden
I suggest not relying on the Guardian for anything but cryptic crossword puzzles. Maybe they were good once in Manchester…
Kehane's movement and party was long ago banned and he only had 1 MK at its peak.
The Guardian smear of Jewish Home as "fringe" and "successor" to Kehane is really absurd. That party was most successfully led by Naftali Bennett, a software tycoon and son of a Jim Bennett from California.
The other party mentioned the Guardian calls "Jewish Power" is normally translated as "Jewish Strength" but the Guardian couldn't miss the opportunity to evoke "White Power." JS doesn't even have 1 MK right now, but is being thrown a bone so they don't splinter 1.5% or so from the other nationalist parties.Replies: @Oscar Peterson, @Svigor, @International Jew, @Reg Cæsar, @Art Deco, @Alden
The Jewish Home has a number of parties in its pedigree, foremost among them the old National Religious Party. IIRC, they also absorbed the National Union, which had Moledet in its pedigree. Moledet and Tsomet were a generation back Israeli parties that advocated schemes to induce or force Arabs to emigrate, but they were conventional parties and lacked the paraphenalia of the KACH Movement and the Jewish Defense League. I think Naftali Bennet has left the Jewish Home and set up a new party, taking about half their electoral base with him.
The party’s actual name is a Hebrew term translated as ‘Strong Israel’.
The abolition of Israel in favor of the colors of Benneton.
Labor is the party of the true believers in the Benneton faith.Replies: @Jack D, @Art Deco, @Anon1
Labor is the party of the true believers in the Benneton faith.
You’ve confused the Labor Party with Meretz. That aside, the Labor Party has been gradually withering away, and the pollsters figure it might win only 9 (of 120) seats. IOW, it’s being replaced by the social-liberal parties as the principal opposition to Likud in Israel. The same sort of thing has happened in a number of European countries (e.g. Poland and, more tentatively, France).
That’s their old name. These right-wing splinter factions tend to go through a lot of ’em.
Otzma L’Israel (Strength/Power for Israel) because Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Strength/Power)
This is not reality, but a function of the extremely stupid media coverage about Israel.
In reality, Israel is highly, highly liberal (although the reason is a little complicated, and partly due to their lack of parliamentary sovereignty and that all decisions are finally by the Supreme Court).
Most politicians in Israel, are in actual actions, behaving very liberal, although they use right-wing rhetoric to appease the local voters – Netanyahu’s real politics and attitude, are more comparable with Mitt Romney. Not necessarily by his own choice, but with the limitations of power when all policy is passed through the Supreme Court.
Similar also is how Western media says Russian politics is some kind of fascism – when Russian politics is actually some kind of moderate, multinationalist centrism, with unpopular (to masses) liberalism and cosmopolitanism of the elites generally disguised by some “right wing rhetoric” of the government.
One of the very noticeable points of congruence between Israel and its German predecessor is their shared contempt for the very notion of law.Replies: @gda
The abolition of Israel in favor of the colors of Benneton.
Labor is the party of the true believers in the Benneton faith.Replies: @Jack D, @Art Deco, @Anon1
I’m impressed that a Scots-Irishman such as yourself is so highly knowledgeable about Israeli politics. It’d be like finding a Mexican-American who was an expert on the internal ethnic disputes of Northern Island.
More-or-less true. The overall political character of Israel is along the lines of an R+5 US state. It’s definitely more liberal than Hungary and Poland. People who think Bibi taught Orban and co how it’s done just don’t know the country.
What Israel doesn’t have is a universalist “nation of immigrants” dogma. It’s kind of hard to get things done when you have that stuff in your cultural bloodstream, obviously. But it doesn’t make you a hardcore fascist ethnostate if you don’t.
is well-known to be a
low-order hasbara. He gets
$2.39 per comment. At which he’s still
If America were a more normal country, the internal politics of Israel wouldn’t figure anymore prominently in the American press than that of Belgium.
There have been a lot of loathsome fanatics since I was a young child and I am only familiar-ish with them because they get mentioned here a lot, so I have to look everything up.Replies: @snorlax, @donut
You’re actually a loathsome kind of fanatic yourself , but then so am I . However I would definitely hire you if I had a company because you are one dedicated employee . I just don’t think I would put you up front to deal face to face with the customers .
Two things struck me about this:
1.) WTF, there was a jewish guy named “Earl”? Was his rabbi named “Wayne”?
2.) Even jewish terrorists in America can’t make a bomb without the FBI’s help? I would have expected better from them, then from the run-of-the-mill fresh-off-the-airplane muslim patsy.
I don’t know maybe for the same reason the Catholic clergy counts as a ring of pedophiles . But on the other hand they were very effective at spreading shame and guilt amongst their young charges . There weren’t many Thomas Mertons in the crowd were there ?
7 dead 22 wounded in 50 years. Were JDL a black gay or Hispanic organization FBI wouldn’t know it existed. But Whites form a violent organization and the FBI’s all over it.
Kehane's movement and party was long ago banned and he only had 1 MK at its peak.
The Guardian smear of Jewish Home as "fringe" and "successor" to Kehane is really absurd. That party was most successfully led by Naftali Bennett, a software tycoon and son of a Jim Bennett from California.
The other party mentioned the Guardian calls "Jewish Power" is normally translated as "Jewish Strength" but the Guardian couldn't miss the opportunity to evoke "White Power." JS doesn't even have 1 MK right now, but is being thrown a bone so they don't splinter 1.5% or so from the other nationalist parties.Replies: @Oscar Peterson, @Svigor, @International Jew, @Reg Cæsar, @Art Deco, @Alden
I suggest not relying on The Guardisn for accurate coverage of anything.
I believe one reason the JDL was hyped up as a terrorist organization was to provide an appearance of parity with the treatment of Arab terrorism.
Cool. We need a name for this new synthesis of leftism and muscular ethnonationalism.
How about Social Nationalism?
you do know that Jobbik was started by someone 1/2 jewish – Csanad Szegedi and
zhirinovsky is 1/2 jewish, but he didnt resign when exposed as jewish, kept his position and even traveled to israel multiple times to cavort with right wing russian-jewish parties and visit his father’s grave.
Distribute rocks for the public stoning. If you want a crucifixion, you’ll have to recruit Romans.
It’s not an economic leftism, but rather Israel follows an extremist liberalism and tolerance, to an almost suicidal position.
For example, Islamic Israeli politicians say in the parliament they want Israel to be destroyed, while they receive $110,000 salaries as employees of the Israeli government.
The universities and large companies, which have affirmative action and endless scholarships for Arab students, but not for non-Arab Israelis (this is something people complain a lot about).
The appointed Deputy Mayor of Israel’s third largest city (Haifa), is a supporter of Hezbollah.
Or when they put in the best boarding schools, Bedouin students, and try to close the best school of Tel Aviv to replace it with a school for illegal immigrants.
It’s a kind of hyperliberalism and “virtue signalling”.
Economic policy in Israel is not leftist since the 1990s, and there is now a majority support for free-market capitalism (although the economy still has large socialist elements, and Israel will require a lot of deregulation if it will ever become a competitive economy in the future).
The Mitt Romney that who campaigned on building a big beautiful wall? Or the one who stands foresquare–no equivacation–for maintaining America as a white Western nation?
I found the “proud homophobe” comment rather intriguing.
Googled him:
“Yet with “brains, humour and courage”, the 37-year-old is “a far greater danger than your average rightwing clown”, Haaretz interviewer Ravit Hecht concluded after weeks shadowing him at meetings and events.”
Brains, humour and courage – why those are 3 wonderful qualities that you never find in your run-of-the-mill politician. Even more intriguing……..
More google”
“For many years I asked myself, ‘how could it be that suddenly everyone…’ What, has everyone gotten lost? After all, I’m convinced that 95 percent of Israeli citizens would very much want their children to start wonderful families and give them grandchildren. A healthy person, a normal person, this is what he wants,” he said.
He went on to claim that the members of the gay community were using the media to advance their own agenda and to silence others.
Well gosh. A guy with brains, humour and courage promoting normal family life and questioning the fact that the gay community has used the media to “big themselves up” and promote their “lifestyle”.
What’s not to like?
He's an Israeli Jew?
...since you ask.Replies: @gda
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ5YU_spBw0Replies: @James Speaks
Details, details, I mean, come on. The man has a Messianic complex bigger than Long Island.
Will it stake a claim to a Lunar “West Bank”??
“SpaceX launches Israel’s Beresheet lunar rover to Moon,” Global News, 2/21, 2019
Beresheet, the Hebrew word for Genesis, robotic lander is on top of SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and once it lands it will measure the magnetic field of the Moon to help us understand how it formed.
Israel seeks to become only the fourth country to successfully land on the moon, after Russia, the U.S. and China. The spacecraft – called Beresheet, Hebrew for Genesis or “In The Beginning” – will take nearly two months to reach the moon.
“We thought it’s about time for a change, and we want to get little Israel all the way to the moon,” said Yonatan Winetraub, co-founder of Israel’s SpaceIL , a non-profit organization behind the effort.
Hahaha, you crack me up. Throw in a few bridge shares and I’m sold. 😀
https://gomadnomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/DSC_2452-1280x640.jpgReplies: @Colin Wright
‘…If Arabs don’t like it, they can just hump it. What have they ever done for us?’
I won’t argue with that. However, he will accordingly view all efforts to counteract his aims as blasphemous persecution. Oh, we of little faith!
Googled him:
"Yet with “brains, humour and courage”, the 37-year-old is “a far greater danger than your average rightwing clown”, Haaretz interviewer Ravit Hecht concluded after weeks shadowing him at meetings and events."
Brains, humour and courage - why those are 3 wonderful qualities that you never find in your run-of-the-mill politician. Even more intriguing........
More google"
"For many years I asked myself, 'how could it be that suddenly everyone...' What, has everyone gotten lost? After all, I'm convinced that 95 percent of Israeli citizens would very much want their children to start wonderful families and give them grandchildren. A healthy person, a normal person, this is what he wants," he said.
He went on to claim that the members of the gay community were using the media to advance their own agenda and to silence others.
Well gosh. A guy with brains, humour and courage promoting normal family life and questioning the fact that the gay community has used the media to "big themselves up" and promote their "lifestyle".
What's not to like?Replies: @Colin Wright
‘What’s not to like?’
He’s an Israeli Jew?
…since you ask.
So there's that.
‘…and that all decisions are finally by the Supreme Court).’
Please. The Israeli Supreme Court dutifully slaps a legalistic figleaf on whatever the latest piece of Nazi thuggeryis that the Zionist regime in Palestine has perpetrated.
One of the very noticeable points of congruence between Israel and its German predecessor is their shared contempt for the very notion of law.
You seem confused.
1) It's the Muslims who partnered with the Nazis.
2) There is no such thing as "Palestine".
Get some mental help, will ya.Replies: @James Speaks, @Dave from Oz
Sigh.Replies: @Reg Cæsar
I want Hippo, Alexandria, Damascus, and Constantinople returned to us, too. It took us ages just to get Córdoba back.
Stern gang?
Don’t forget this guy;
These terrorists had brain tumors, so you can relax:
zhirinovsky is 1/2 jewish, but he didnt resign when exposed as jewish, kept his position and even traveled to israel multiple times to cavort with right wing russian-jewish parties and visit his father's grave.Replies: @Tyrion 2
Interesting. “Please, Br’er Fox, don’t fling me in dat brier-patch”.
Speaking of Jewish terrorists, he could enlist the help of Dr. Ruth Westheimer, former member of the Haganah, who claimed, “I never killed anybody, but I know how to throw hand grenades and shoot.”
Just about everyone Jewish of military age in Palestine in the 40's was in the Hagana. It is no more significant than being in the Civil Defense Corps in Ww2.
They act as if this all started with the Crusades and ignore several hundred years of Christianity that preceeded Islam in the Middle East and North Africa.
"SpaceX launches Israel's Beresheet lunar rover to Moon," Global News, 2/21, 2019
Beresheet, the Hebrew word for Genesis, robotic lander is on top of SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and once it lands it will measure the magnetic field of the Moon to help us understand how it formed.
Israel seeks to become only the fourth country to successfully land on the moon, after Russia, the U.S. and China. The spacecraft – called Beresheet, Hebrew for Genesis or “In The Beginning” – will take nearly two months to reach the moon.
“We thought it’s about time for a change, and we want to get little Israel all the way to the moon,” said Yonatan Winetraub, co-founder of Israel’s SpaceIL , a non-profit organization behind the effort.Replies: @Alden
They built the space craft in Florida and will launch it in Florida.
Speaking of Jewish terrorists, he could enlist the help of Dr. Ruth Westheimer, former member of the Haganah, who claimed, “I never killed anybody, but I know how to throw hand grenades and shoot.”
Just about everyone Jewish of military age in Palestine in the 40’s was in the Hagana. It is no more significant than being in the Civil Defense Corps in Ww2.
Well, considering that we have never had a problem subsidizing Israel even as it elected to PMs who were veterans of terrorist organizations–Begin and Shamir–so I don’t suppose the Neo-Kahanists can be that big an issue for us
The Irgun and the Stern Gang were partisan organizations which disbanded in 1948. The number of ‘terrorist’ attacks they engaged in between 1940 and 1948 can be readily enumerated. Menachem Begin assembled his first coalition government in 1977 and Yitzhak Shamir assembled his first in 1986.
I am familiar with all the dates you recite, but what are you getting at?Replies: @Art Deco
It's expected that after the election, the Jewish Power faction would split off. They would not benefit from the deal with Bibi, they would not become part of the coalition. But this way Bibi's coalition gets to benefit from their votes.Replies: @Svigor, @ATBOTL
That’s not a good comparison. In Israel, the political mainstream is ethnic nationalist. That means everyone in Israel from Labor to the entire right are equivalent to the American alt-right.
He's an Israeli Jew?
...since you ask.Replies: @gda
An Israeli Jew with “brains, humour and courage” – 3 more attributes than you seem to own.
So there’s that.
One of the very noticeable points of congruence between Israel and its German predecessor is their shared contempt for the very notion of law.Replies: @gda
“Nazi thuggery is that the Zionist regime in Palestine has perpetrated”
You seem confused.
1) It’s the Muslims who partnered with the Nazis.
2) There is no such thing as “Palestine”.
Get some mental help, will ya.
The Arabs or the Muslims did not make Western civilization, except by being what we struggled, and still struggle, to defeat.
You seem confused.
1) It's the Muslims who partnered with the Nazis.
2) There is no such thing as "Palestine".
Get some mental help, will ya.Replies: @James Speaks, @Dave from Oz
There is no such thing as Israel.
I’m not taking those guys seriously until they advocate for the restoration of the Aaronic priesthood and animal sacrifices.
You seem confused.
1) It's the Muslims who partnered with the Nazis.
2) There is no such thing as "Palestine".
Get some mental help, will ya.Replies: @James Speaks, @Dave from Oz
You know that big wall that Israel has built? What’s on the other side of it?
The Irgun and the Stern Gang were partisan organizations which disbanded in 1948. The number of 'terrorist' attacks they engaged in between 1940 and 1948 can be readily enumerated. Menachem Begin assembled his first coalition government in 1977 and Yitzhak Shamir assembled his first in 1986.Replies: @Oscar Peterson
Oh, I see–they were “partisan organizations.” Well, whatever else they may have been, they were terrorist organizations by the commonly used meaning of “terrorism.” They disbanded in 1948 because their organizational goals had been met, and the government of Israel could, from that point forward, carry on the pursuit of ethnically cleansing the Palestinians from their land and subjugating those who could not immediately be driven out to the apparat of the Jewish state.
I am familiar with all the dates you recite, but what are you getting at?
Pretty amusing people's affection for malicious fiction in this joint. There are 1.9 million Arabs living in Israel as we speak, about 85% of whom have Israeli citizenship (the rest having residency permits). The numbers are considered padded by some, but there are supposedly 1.7 million living in Gaza and 2.8 million living on the West Bank. About 10% of the West Bank's Arab population lives under Israeli civil administration, and 0% of Gaza's population. There were about 1.1 million Arabs living in these territories in 1939, so if 'ethnic cleansing' is the name of the game, they're doing a shoddy job of it. Israel's made six separate attempts since 1967 to off-load the West Bank and Gaza or devolve responsibility for them to the local Arabs. All efforts came a-cropper, maybe because self-government isn't what the Arab political class or the Arab publics want. They want what you want: dead Jews.Replies: @Oscar Peterson
From your lips to God’s ears.
I am familiar with all the dates you recite, but what are you getting at?Replies: @Art Deco
and the government of Israel could, from that point forward, carry on the pursuit of ethnically cleansing the Palestinians from their land and subjugating those who could not immediately be driven out to the apparat of the Jewish state.
Pretty amusing people’s affection for malicious fiction in this joint. There are 1.9 million Arabs living in Israel as we speak, about 85% of whom have Israeli citizenship (the rest having residency permits). The numbers are considered padded by some, but there are supposedly 1.7 million living in Gaza and 2.8 million living on the West Bank. About 10% of the West Bank’s Arab population lives under Israeli civil administration, and 0% of Gaza’s population. There were about 1.1 million Arabs living in these territories in 1939, so if ‘ethnic cleansing’ is the name of the game, they’re doing a shoddy job of it. Israel’s made six separate attempts since 1967 to off-load the West Bank and Gaza or devolve responsibility for them to the local Arabs. All efforts came a-cropper, maybe because self-government isn’t what the Arab political class or the Arab publics want. They want what you want: dead Jews.
Pretty amusing people's affection for malicious fiction in this joint. There are 1.9 million Arabs living in Israel as we speak, about 85% of whom have Israeli citizenship (the rest having residency permits). The numbers are considered padded by some, but there are supposedly 1.7 million living in Gaza and 2.8 million living on the West Bank. About 10% of the West Bank's Arab population lives under Israeli civil administration, and 0% of Gaza's population. There were about 1.1 million Arabs living in these territories in 1939, so if 'ethnic cleansing' is the name of the game, they're doing a shoddy job of it. Israel's made six separate attempts since 1967 to off-load the West Bank and Gaza or devolve responsibility for them to the local Arabs. All efforts came a-cropper, maybe because self-government isn't what the Arab political class or the Arab publics want. They want what you want: dead Jews.Replies: @Oscar Peterson
Not shoddy at all, sweet one. Israel has gone about the business of ethnic cleansing in a highly effective and creative way. After all, the Judeosupremacists have to maintain their victim image for the credulous goyim, so it can’t be like the good old biblical days at Jericho and Ai.
When Eastern European Jews first began working in earnest to seize Palestine at the end of WW I, the area was 93% Arab. The transformation into a Jewish state with Jews in control of the most land and ALL the levers of power and a subjugated Arab minority population tolerated as long as it succumbs to the power of the Judenreich is quite an accomplishment. Not quite as rapid as the genocidal einsatzgruppen rolling through Canaan but just as effective over time. And let’s give dear, sweet Israel credit for the huge numbers of Arabs chased into Jordan, Lebanon and elsewhere, and the building of apartheid, Jews-only infrastructure in the West Bank, which have also contributed to a very successful and ongoing program of ethnic cleansing.
Now, the use of embargoes, economic warfare, lawfare, incessant settlement-building, the driving down of Arab birthrates and simultaneous promotion of high Jew birth rates in the West Bank, forced emigration and a host of other tactics are pushing the ethnic cleansing project full speed ahead preparatory to annexing it one day.
Also interesting that former Egyptian president Mubarak has very plausibly claimed Bibi’s goons advanced the idea of herding the population of Gaza into Egypt in exchange for some kind of compensation. Even Mubarak rejected that out of hand.
Yes, our dear Jews are busy with their ethnic cleansing project, and it seems to be going pretty well for them.
And sure Palestinians want the invading Jews dead or gone. Who can blame them?
Exactly right.