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So this is what Virgil was planning while “dead”.

Come to think of it, isn’t this, like, the ultimate proof of White Supremacy. We even do the chimpouts better. Burning down a pigsty is much cooler than looting some gay store.

In other news, Twitter’s gone to war with the bad orange man:

Will The Donald take getting cucked by The Jack in stride? Or will he strike back? Find out in the next episode and don’t forget the popcorn!

•�Category: Culture/Society •�Tags: Antifa, LOL, United States
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  1. Please keep off topic posts to the current Open Thread.

    If you are new to my work, start here.

  2. mal says:

    They are not wearing masks or observing social distancing. Regardless of your views on Corona chan, both of those rules are probably a good idea if you are burning down a police station.

    Maybe that was the whole point of the lockdowns and the virus – to teach us how to riot better. Looks like we have a lot to learn.

  3. Imagine being invested in this dying, gay empire winning against China.

    •�LOL: Denis
    •�Replies: @Europe Europa
    @Kent Nationalist

    Isn't that a description of the typical Tory supporter?

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist
  4. Tiananmen moment, I hope

  5. @Kent Nationalist
    Imagine being invested in this dying, gay empire winning against China.

    Replies: @Europe Europa

    Isn’t that a description of the typical Tory supporter?

    •�Replies: @Kent Nationalist
    @Europe Europa

    You're right. I saw this morning that we are getting 300,000 (at least) more Chinese immigrants because of anti-China hostility. This is the perfect example of why no-one should ever go along with neocon schemes, because you will never get what you want (fewer Chinese immigrants) from it. Yet a significant number of Tories will go along with it because of the faux-imperial nostalgia and Cold War anti-communist rhetoric. It is really embarrassing and pathetic.

    Replies: @Jaakko Raipala
  6. Whites in France engage in highly destructive rioting on a fairly regular basis, complete with burning cars, looting and destroying buildings. The idea that whites never riot or are never violent is one of the more stupid right wing myths in my opinion.

    •�Replies: @Kent Nationalist
    @Europe Europa

    The looting and burning cars is something that happens with non-whites in banlieux

    The riots in London were mostly black, but there were a large number of white proles involved as well.
    , @Dumbo
    @Europe Europa

    Burning cars is mostly a Muslim "youth" habit in France, everyone knows that. It doesn't even happen only in riots, every New Year's Eve they do it.

    Whites riot, but usually for dumb stuff (soccer or hockey games), or as proxies for blacks and browns (retarded Antifa).

    But wait for whites to riot about their racial replacement, and you will wait forever. But then again, that's really some whites doing it to other whites, in fact a class issue, so there is no sense of cohesion. And poor whites rioting against rich whites (and Jews)? Well, to stop that is why mass immigration was brought in, in the first place.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @melanf
    , @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive
    @Europe Europa

    French haven't been white since the revolution.
    When people say 'white' they usually mean Scandinavian, at the very least German. The scandis are extremely repressed and participate in groupthink that would put the greatest chinese hive to shame.

    Replies: @Dumbo, @Europe Europa
    , @Philip Owen
    @Europe Europa

    , @Athletic and Whitesplosive
    @Europe Europa

    In the olden days, if white Americans thought justice wasn't being served, they would lay siege to police barracks or invade officials/judges' houses with the express intent of killing the people who they saw as not fulfilling the duty that their powerful position entailed (not to mention historical white riots that were vastly greater in scope and consequence than modern "riots").

    Now blacks get pissed and help themselves to the products of chain stores, burn a few cars, and then forget why they were mad, who cares? French rioting is of a similar nature. They've both become the proverbial "rebellious" teenager whose rebellion begins and ends in putting up posters for edgy bands his parents don't like, nothing that presents any real risk to him or them or the status quo. Wake me up when some of these rioters actually take aim at the organs of the state rather than the local target.

    It's crap like this that actually almost convinces me that all these random attacks are false flags. They'll blow themselves up but none of these Jihadis can ever find the sack to kill someone important who actually has something to do with what pissed them off rayher than innocent people Christmas shopping? Maybe Bush/Clinton/Obama might be too hard of targets, but you can't tell me that every member of congress is untouchable to somebody who's willing to die in the attempt.

    Replies: @Europe Europa
    , @Inselaffen
    @Europe Europa

    if white people rioted a little more often they might start getting things go their way a little more instead of just being doormats.
  7. @Europe Europa
    @Kent Nationalist

    Isn't that a description of the typical Tory supporter?

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist

    You’re right. I saw this morning that we are getting 300,000 (at least) more Chinese immigrants because of anti-China hostility. This is the perfect example of why no-one should ever go along with neocon schemes, because you will never get what you want (fewer Chinese immigrants) from it. Yet a significant number of Tories will go along with it because of the faux-imperial nostalgia and Cold War anti-communist rhetoric. It is really embarrassing and pathetic.

    •�Replies: @Jaakko Raipala
    @Kent Nationalist

    If Hong Kong oligarchs have been quietly moving their wealth to the West the way Russian (or "Russian") oligarchs moved assets to London in expectation of Putin cracking down, the UK is about to become the most anti-CCP part of the Atlanticist bloc. The UK as a whole won't benefit but a bunch of politicians will line their pockets, so no different from how any other empire operates.

    Regarding the rioting, if the Dems can't calm their pets and base soon they might as well just pull out of the presidential race. Race riots freak out white voters and Trump is a good candidate to capitalize on that. The press will help him by pushing stories about how Trump is an authoritarian racist blah blah which is win-win for Trump as he gets free press as strongman and when his actual actions are far less radical than the press suggests he comes across as restrained.

    It also means that Biden is in a bind after he has created the expectation that he would choose a minority VP because a pro-rioter black will alienate white voters while an anti-rioter black will alienate black voters.

    Replies: @128
  8. @Europe Europa
    Whites in France engage in highly destructive rioting on a fairly regular basis, complete with burning cars, looting and destroying buildings. The idea that whites never riot or are never violent is one of the more stupid right wing myths in my opinion.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @Dumbo, @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive, @Philip Owen, @Athletic and Whitesplosive, @Inselaffen

    The looting and burning cars is something that happens with non-whites in banlieux

    The riots in London were mostly black, but there were a large number of white proles involved as well.

  9. Will The Donald take getting cucked by The Jack in stride? Or will he strike back? Find out in the next episode and don’t forget the popcorn!

    It will be difficult to strike back because he was dumb enough to talk about shooting, violating their TOS in the process. The tweet probably was over the line, but notice they didn’t take it down either (probably hoping to avoid retaliation). I personally suspect he will do nothing other than complain. He would have been better off retweeting pictures of the protestors or tweets made by supporters.


    Good citizens burning down the evil police precinct in MN after all police were out & safe. All police should go home. No violence please. Police HQ must be demolished by the city tomorrow as a show of contrition to black America. Rebuild PD with decent kind ppl aka ppl of color

    — Michael Moore (@MMFlint) May 29, 2020

  10. Dumbo says:
    @Europe Europa
    Whites in France engage in highly destructive rioting on a fairly regular basis, complete with burning cars, looting and destroying buildings. The idea that whites never riot or are never violent is one of the more stupid right wing myths in my opinion.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @Dumbo, @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive, @Philip Owen, @Athletic and Whitesplosive, @Inselaffen

    Burning cars is mostly a Muslim “youth” habit in France, everyone knows that. It doesn’t even happen only in riots, every New Year’s Eve they do it.

    Whites riot, but usually for dumb stuff (soccer or hockey games), or as proxies for blacks and browns (retarded Antifa).

    But wait for whites to riot about their racial replacement, and you will wait forever. But then again, that’s really some whites doing it to other whites, in fact a class issue, so there is no sense of cohesion. And poor whites rioting against rich whites (and Jews)? Well, to stop that is why mass immigration was brought in, in the first place.

    •�Replies: @Kent Nationalist

    But wait for whites to riot about their racial replacement, and you will wait forever.
    It has happened before.


    Actually, looking up that wikipedia entry I just learned something new

    The sentencing of the nine white youths by Mr Justice Salmon, has been passed into judicial lore as an example of "exemplary sentencing" – a harsh punishment intended to act as a deterrent to others. Each of the youths received five years in prison and they were to also pay £500.

    Cyril Barnet Salmon was the son of Montagu Salmon (1878-?), tobacco merchant, and Marian Nina Trevor, née Abrahams, his wife.[1] He was the grandson of Barnett Salmon (1829-1897) co-founder of Salmon & Gluckstein, tobacco merchants.
    It really is every time.
    , @melanf

    Whites riot, but usually for dumb stuff (soccer or hockey games), or as proxies for blacks and browns (retarded Antifa).
    In Russia whites riot usually for dumb stuff (football), but sometimes there were riots against "brown" ethnic crime with Lynching
  11. White rioters with arms vs. Korean shopkeepers on rooftops? Who will win?

    •�Replies: @WHAT

    Korean shopkeepers. Murrican whites love to publicly masturbate to their dreams of "marching on DC" and their collections of masculinity replacements, but will not be able to do anything against organized resistance.


    Replies: @128
  12. @128
    White rioters with arms vs. Korean shopkeepers on rooftops? Who will win?

    Replies: @WHAT

    Korean shopkeepers. Murrican whites love to publicly masturbate to their dreams of “marching on DC” and their collections of masculinity replacements, but will not be able to do anything against organized resistance.

    •�Replies: @128

    Is that before or after Tokyo got turned to ash? You mean these Whites?


    Replies: @WHAT
  13. @Dumbo
    @Europe Europa

    Burning cars is mostly a Muslim "youth" habit in France, everyone knows that. It doesn't even happen only in riots, every New Year's Eve they do it.

    Whites riot, but usually for dumb stuff (soccer or hockey games), or as proxies for blacks and browns (retarded Antifa).

    But wait for whites to riot about their racial replacement, and you will wait forever. But then again, that's really some whites doing it to other whites, in fact a class issue, so there is no sense of cohesion. And poor whites rioting against rich whites (and Jews)? Well, to stop that is why mass immigration was brought in, in the first place.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @melanf

    But wait for whites to riot about their racial replacement, and you will wait forever.

    It has happened before.


    Actually, looking up that wikipedia entry I just learned something new

    The sentencing of the nine white youths by Mr Justice Salmon, has been passed into judicial lore as an example of “exemplary sentencing” – a harsh punishment intended to act as a deterrent to others. Each of the youths received five years in prison and they were to also pay £500.

    Cyril Barnet Salmon was the son of Montagu Salmon (1878-?), tobacco merchant, and Marian Nina Trevor, née Abrahams, his wife.[1] He was the grandson of Barnett Salmon (1829-1897) co-founder of Salmon & Gluckstein, tobacco merchants.

    It really is every time.

  14. @Dumbo
    @Europe Europa

    Burning cars is mostly a Muslim "youth" habit in France, everyone knows that. It doesn't even happen only in riots, every New Year's Eve they do it.

    Whites riot, but usually for dumb stuff (soccer or hockey games), or as proxies for blacks and browns (retarded Antifa).

    But wait for whites to riot about their racial replacement, and you will wait forever. But then again, that's really some whites doing it to other whites, in fact a class issue, so there is no sense of cohesion. And poor whites rioting against rich whites (and Jews)? Well, to stop that is why mass immigration was brought in, in the first place.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @melanf

    Whites riot, but usually for dumb stuff (soccer or hockey games), or as proxies for blacks and browns (retarded Antifa).

    In Russia whites riot usually for dumb stuff (football), but sometimes there were riots against “brown” ethnic crime with Lynching

  15. Come to think of it, isn’t this, like, the ultimate proof of White Supremacy. We even do the chimpouts better. Burning down a pigsty is much cooler than looting some gay store.

    LOL. A more cardinal matter is who funds and controls this army of professional Orcs?

    Imagine being invested in this dying, gay empire winning against China.

    The interview Putin did with the Financial Times (UK) last year is insightful on the status quo.

    Vladimir Putin says liberalism has ‘become obsolete’

  16. @Europe Europa
    Whites in France engage in highly destructive rioting on a fairly regular basis, complete with burning cars, looting and destroying buildings. The idea that whites never riot or are never violent is one of the more stupid right wing myths in my opinion.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @Dumbo, @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive, @Philip Owen, @Athletic and Whitesplosive, @Inselaffen

    French haven’t been white since the revolution.
    When people say ‘white’ they usually mean Scandinavian, at the very least German. The scandis are extremely repressed and participate in groupthink that would put the greatest chinese hive to shame.

    •�Troll: Kent Nationalist
    •�Replies: @Dumbo
    @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive

    When people say ‘white’ they usually mean Scandinavian, at the very least German.
    Correction: when autistic Nordicists Nazi LARPers say 'white' they usually mean Scandinavians, at the very least German.

    Most other people have a more nuanced approach.

    Though, to be fair, the French really excel at race-mixing, so who knows what percentage of the country now is actually white (lato sensu).

    Replies: @neutral, @Tsar Nicholas
    , @Europe Europa
    @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive

    If whiteness means Germanicness, which I think is what you're saying then I don't see how the British could be white either as I doubt the Germanic component of British genetics is any higher than it is in France.

    Yet I've never heard anyone suggest the British aren't white, if anything the British are seen as the epitome of whiteness.

    Replies: @anonymous coward, @Rattus Norwegius
  17. why POTUS being POTUS in action does need some specific media platform at all, when he can easily post his uncensored stream of consciousness on his own site, something like realPOTUStoday.com without much loss of publicity anyway?

  18. Dumbo says:
    @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive
    @Europe Europa

    French haven't been white since the revolution.
    When people say 'white' they usually mean Scandinavian, at the very least German. The scandis are extremely repressed and participate in groupthink that would put the greatest chinese hive to shame.

    Replies: @Dumbo, @Europe Europa

    When people say ‘white’ they usually mean Scandinavian, at the very least German.

    Correction: when autistic Nordicists Nazi LARPers say ‘white’ they usually mean Scandinavians, at the very least German.

    Most other people have a more nuanced approach.

    Though, to be fair, the French really excel at race-mixing, so who knows what percentage of the country now is actually white (lato sensu).

    •�Agree: WHAT
    •�Replies: @neutral

    People from the middle east are not white, end of debate.
    , @Tsar Nicholas

    Correction: when autistic Nordicists Nazi LARPers say ‘white’ they usually mean Scandinavians, at the very least German.

    Most other people have a more nuanced approach.
    Yes, if you don't vote for Trump, you're not white.
  19. @Kent Nationalist
    @Europe Europa

    You're right. I saw this morning that we are getting 300,000 (at least) more Chinese immigrants because of anti-China hostility. This is the perfect example of why no-one should ever go along with neocon schemes, because you will never get what you want (fewer Chinese immigrants) from it. Yet a significant number of Tories will go along with it because of the faux-imperial nostalgia and Cold War anti-communist rhetoric. It is really embarrassing and pathetic.

    Replies: @Jaakko Raipala

    If Hong Kong oligarchs have been quietly moving their wealth to the West the way Russian (or “Russian”) oligarchs moved assets to London in expectation of Putin cracking down, the UK is about to become the most anti-CCP part of the Atlanticist bloc. The UK as a whole won’t benefit but a bunch of politicians will line their pockets, so no different from how any other empire operates.

    Regarding the rioting, if the Dems can’t calm their pets and base soon they might as well just pull out of the presidential race. Race riots freak out white voters and Trump is a good candidate to capitalize on that. The press will help him by pushing stories about how Trump is an authoritarian racist blah blah which is win-win for Trump as he gets free press as strongman and when his actual actions are far less radical than the press suggests he comes across as restrained.

    It also means that Biden is in a bind after he has created the expectation that he would choose a minority VP because a pro-rioter black will alienate white voters while an anti-rioter black will alienate black voters.

    •�Replies: @128
    @Jaakko Raipala

    Klobuchar? At least in 1992, Whites still had the werewithal to call in the National Guard to stop the rioters.
  20. @Europe Europa
    Whites in France engage in highly destructive rioting on a fairly regular basis, complete with burning cars, looting and destroying buildings. The idea that whites never riot or are never violent is one of the more stupid right wing myths in my opinion.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @Dumbo, @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive, @Philip Owen, @Athletic and Whitesplosive, @Inselaffen


  21. Hong Kong protester should have taken a left turn in Albuquerque.

    Finds himself in Minneapolis instead, not welcomed by locals.

    Even brought his umbrella !!!


  22. @WHAT

    Korean shopkeepers. Murrican whites love to publicly masturbate to their dreams of "marching on DC" and their collections of masculinity replacements, but will not be able to do anything against organized resistance.


    Replies: @128

    Is that before or after Tokyo got turned to ash? You mean these Whites?

    •�Replies: @WHAT

    These whites are 200 years gone, lol. Besides, 56%ers are not really white in the first place.
  23. @Jaakko Raipala
    @Kent Nationalist

    If Hong Kong oligarchs have been quietly moving their wealth to the West the way Russian (or "Russian") oligarchs moved assets to London in expectation of Putin cracking down, the UK is about to become the most anti-CCP part of the Atlanticist bloc. The UK as a whole won't benefit but a bunch of politicians will line their pockets, so no different from how any other empire operates.

    Regarding the rioting, if the Dems can't calm their pets and base soon they might as well just pull out of the presidential race. Race riots freak out white voters and Trump is a good candidate to capitalize on that. The press will help him by pushing stories about how Trump is an authoritarian racist blah blah which is win-win for Trump as he gets free press as strongman and when his actual actions are far less radical than the press suggests he comes across as restrained.

    It also means that Biden is in a bind after he has created the expectation that he would choose a minority VP because a pro-rioter black will alienate white voters while an anti-rioter black will alienate black voters.

    Replies: @128

    Klobuchar? At least in 1992, Whites still had the werewithal to call in the National Guard to stop the rioters.

  24. @Europe Europa
    Whites in France engage in highly destructive rioting on a fairly regular basis, complete with burning cars, looting and destroying buildings. The idea that whites never riot or are never violent is one of the more stupid right wing myths in my opinion.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @Dumbo, @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive, @Philip Owen, @Athletic and Whitesplosive, @Inselaffen

    In the olden days, if white Americans thought justice wasn’t being served, they would lay siege to police barracks or invade officials/judges’ houses with the express intent of killing the people who they saw as not fulfilling the duty that their powerful position entailed (not to mention historical white riots that were vastly greater in scope and consequence than modern “riots”).

    Now blacks get pissed and help themselves to the products of chain stores, burn a few cars, and then forget why they were mad, who cares? French rioting is of a similar nature. They’ve both become the proverbial “rebellious” teenager whose rebellion begins and ends in putting up posters for edgy bands his parents don’t like, nothing that presents any real risk to him or them or the status quo. Wake me up when some of these rioters actually take aim at the organs of the state rather than the local target.

    It’s crap like this that actually almost convinces me that all these random attacks are false flags. They’ll blow themselves up but none of these Jihadis can ever find the sack to kill someone important who actually has something to do with what pissed them off rayher than innocent people Christmas shopping? Maybe Bush/Clinton/Obama might be too hard of targets, but you can’t tell me that every member of congress is untouchable to somebody who’s willing to die in the attempt.

    •�Replies: @Europe Europa
    @Athletic and Whitesplosive

    Of course most of these Jihadist attacks are false flags, I find it highly suspicious that Muslim terrorist attacks always come in waves (and never target anyone actually responsible for the problems of the Muslim world) and then years can pass without a significant one.

    If there's as many fanatical, unhinged Jihadists in the West as we are lead to believe, is it really plausible that they would go for years without doing anything? If it was really like that there would be weekly, if not daily attacks.
  25. @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive
    @Europe Europa

    French haven't been white since the revolution.
    When people say 'white' they usually mean Scandinavian, at the very least German. The scandis are extremely repressed and participate in groupthink that would put the greatest chinese hive to shame.

    Replies: @Dumbo, @Europe Europa

    If whiteness means Germanicness, which I think is what you’re saying then I don’t see how the British could be white either as I doubt the Germanic component of British genetics is any higher than it is in France.

    Yet I’ve never heard anyone suggest the British aren’t white, if anything the British are seen as the epitome of whiteness.

    •�Replies: @anonymous coward
    @Europe Europa

    "White" is code for "Anglo" .

    It's a persnickety way to hide in plain sight among the human species for the angloid.

    Replies: @Europe Europa
    , @Rattus Norwegius
    @Europe Europa

    " I doubt the Germanic component of British genetics is any higher than it is in France."
    But it is.
  26. @Athletic and Whitesplosive
    @Europe Europa

    In the olden days, if white Americans thought justice wasn't being served, they would lay siege to police barracks or invade officials/judges' houses with the express intent of killing the people who they saw as not fulfilling the duty that their powerful position entailed (not to mention historical white riots that were vastly greater in scope and consequence than modern "riots").

    Now blacks get pissed and help themselves to the products of chain stores, burn a few cars, and then forget why they were mad, who cares? French rioting is of a similar nature. They've both become the proverbial "rebellious" teenager whose rebellion begins and ends in putting up posters for edgy bands his parents don't like, nothing that presents any real risk to him or them or the status quo. Wake me up when some of these rioters actually take aim at the organs of the state rather than the local target.

    It's crap like this that actually almost convinces me that all these random attacks are false flags. They'll blow themselves up but none of these Jihadis can ever find the sack to kill someone important who actually has something to do with what pissed them off rayher than innocent people Christmas shopping? Maybe Bush/Clinton/Obama might be too hard of targets, but you can't tell me that every member of congress is untouchable to somebody who's willing to die in the attempt.

    Replies: @Europe Europa

    Of course most of these Jihadist attacks are false flags, I find it highly suspicious that Muslim terrorist attacks always come in waves (and never target anyone actually responsible for the problems of the Muslim world) and then years can pass without a significant one.

    If there’s as many fanatical, unhinged Jihadists in the West as we are lead to believe, is it really plausible that they would go for years without doing anything? If it was really like that there would be weekly, if not daily attacks.

  27. @Dumbo
    @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive

    When people say ‘white’ they usually mean Scandinavian, at the very least German.
    Correction: when autistic Nordicists Nazi LARPers say 'white' they usually mean Scandinavians, at the very least German.

    Most other people have a more nuanced approach.

    Though, to be fair, the French really excel at race-mixing, so who knows what percentage of the country now is actually white (lato sensu).

    Replies: @neutral, @Tsar Nicholas


    People from the middle east are not white, end of debate.

  28. @128

    Is that before or after Tokyo got turned to ash? You mean these Whites?


    Replies: @WHAT

    These whites are 200 years gone, lol. Besides, 56%ers are not really white in the first place.

  29. Those rioters and their violent supporters deserve to get the Decembrist treatment.

  30. @Europe Europa
    Whites in France engage in highly destructive rioting on a fairly regular basis, complete with burning cars, looting and destroying buildings. The idea that whites never riot or are never violent is one of the more stupid right wing myths in my opinion.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @Dumbo, @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive, @Philip Owen, @Athletic and Whitesplosive, @Inselaffen

    if white people rioted a little more often they might start getting things go their way a little more instead of just being doormats.

  31. Znzn says:

    Before you call cops pigs, maybe people should consider that a lot of Americans have guns, so police officers are always afraid of being shot at everytime they step out of the police, which explains why they they may be a lot more eager to pull the trigger compared to cops in countries like Korea, Australia, or Japan, where normally people don’t have fun? How much more cops per year would be dead if they had to absolutely sure that someone has a gun before they start shooting, and wait to be shot at before they start shooting? 3 times? 5 times? And if a person calls American cops pigs maybe the next time they should not bother calling the police when they get in trouble. As I said maybe the fact the American cops shoot people so often in the US is down to the fact that due to the 2nd Amendment, a lot of people own firearms that can be used to shoot at police? And again, police are trained to shoot at the center mass and to keep own shooting until the suspect no longer poses a threat.

  32. @Dumbo
    @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive

    When people say ‘white’ they usually mean Scandinavian, at the very least German.
    Correction: when autistic Nordicists Nazi LARPers say 'white' they usually mean Scandinavians, at the very least German.

    Most other people have a more nuanced approach.

    Though, to be fair, the French really excel at race-mixing, so who knows what percentage of the country now is actually white (lato sensu).

    Replies: @neutral, @Tsar Nicholas

    Correction: when autistic Nordicists Nazi LARPers say ‘white’ they usually mean Scandinavians, at the very least German.

    Most other people have a more nuanced approach.

    Yes, if you don’t vote for Trump, you’re not white.

  33. @Europe Europa
    @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive

    If whiteness means Germanicness, which I think is what you're saying then I don't see how the British could be white either as I doubt the Germanic component of British genetics is any higher than it is in France.

    Yet I've never heard anyone suggest the British aren't white, if anything the British are seen as the epitome of whiteness.

    Replies: @anonymous coward, @Rattus Norwegius

    “White” is code for “Anglo” .

    It’s a persnickety way to hide in plain sight among the human species for the angloid.

    •�Replies: @Europe Europa
    @anonymous coward

    As much as I like how people have such an inflated view of "the Anglos" on this site, to an actual English person such as myself it sounds utterly bonkers.

    The native English working class are among the most socially and economically downtrodden people in Europe, the idea that they're conspiratorial masterminds akin to Jews is just nonsense.
  34. @anonymous coward
    @Europe Europa

    "White" is code for "Anglo" .

    It's a persnickety way to hide in plain sight among the human species for the angloid.

    Replies: @Europe Europa

    As much as I like how people have such an inflated view of “the Anglos” on this site, to an actual English person such as myself it sounds utterly bonkers.

    The native English working class are among the most socially and economically downtrodden people in Europe, the idea that they’re conspiratorial masterminds akin to Jews is just nonsense.

  35. @Europe Europa
    @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive

    If whiteness means Germanicness, which I think is what you're saying then I don't see how the British could be white either as I doubt the Germanic component of British genetics is any higher than it is in France.

    Yet I've never heard anyone suggest the British aren't white, if anything the British are seen as the epitome of whiteness.

    Replies: @anonymous coward, @Rattus Norwegius

    ” I doubt the Germanic component of British genetics is any higher than it is in France.”
    But it is.

  36. 128 says:

    Maybe you guys need to rework your narrative that young white guys do not go rioting and looting, since this really seems to contradict that? But then Hong Kong also seems to contradict the narrative that young East Asian dindunuffins do not go rioting, arson, and randomly attacking people as well.

    •�Replies: @EldnahYm

    Do people actually believe young whites never riot?

    Much of the white rioting seems more organized than what is typically called rioting. It has the look more of organized antifa violence. Also, many authorities are more or less encouraging rioting. That makes the extent of it unsurprising.

    I wonder to what extent the media's message would change if their office buildings were being torched and journalists were being attacked? Or perhaps they would double down. It would be interesting to know. It's a pity there is no one putting these rioters to good experimental use.

    Replies: @Jaakko Raipala
  37. @128
    Maybe you guys need to rework your narrative that young white guys do not go rioting and looting, since this really seems to contradict that? But then Hong Kong also seems to contradict the narrative that young East Asian dindunuffins do not go rioting, arson, and randomly attacking people as well.

    Replies: @EldnahYm

    Do people actually believe young whites never riot?

    Much of the white rioting seems more organized than what is typically called rioting. It has the look more of organized antifa violence. Also, many authorities are more or less encouraging rioting. That makes the extent of it unsurprising.

    I wonder to what extent the media’s message would change if their office buildings were being torched and journalists were being attacked? Or perhaps they would double down. It would be interesting to know. It’s a pity there is no one putting these rioters to good experimental use.

    •�Replies: @Jaakko Raipala

    I wonder to what extent the media’s message would change if their office buildings were being torched and journalists were being attacked? Or perhaps they would double down. It would be interesting to know. It’s a pity there is no one putting these rioters to good experimental use.

    I'm guessing we will just hear nothing about that from most of the media.
  38. @EldnahYm

    Do people actually believe young whites never riot?

    Much of the white rioting seems more organized than what is typically called rioting. It has the look more of organized antifa violence. Also, many authorities are more or less encouraging rioting. That makes the extent of it unsurprising.

    I wonder to what extent the media's message would change if their office buildings were being torched and journalists were being attacked? Or perhaps they would double down. It would be interesting to know. It's a pity there is no one putting these rioters to good experimental use.

    Replies: @Jaakko Raipala

    I wonder to what extent the media’s message would change if their office buildings were being torched and journalists were being attacked? Or perhaps they would double down. It would be interesting to know. It’s a pity there is no one putting these rioters to good experimental use.


    I’m guessing we will just hear nothing about that from most of the media.

    •�Thanks: EldnahYm
  39. US gun owners aim firearms at their genitals to settle feud within community.




    Gun owners are putting their metal where their manhoods are in a bizarre trend that sees men courting danger to prove how well they can manage a gun.

    Those participating in the meme do so by pointing their gun at their genitals with the safety off, placing their finger over the trigger, and posting a photo of it on social media. And voilà, just like that – proof they are very manly.

    It was first assumed that the gun owners were embracing the risky pose as a way of trolling progressives. The author and storyteller Dylan Park, who originally reposted the images in a viral tweet, summed that theory up as follows: “To everyone asking why, I’m not 100% sure. But I think the thinking here is ‘Guns don’t kill people, people with guns kill people so we’re going to point them at our dicks to prove how safe they are’ or something,” he said.

    A Metaphor For ?

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