Appearance on the Jolly Heretic
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Yesterday, I made my premier appearance at Edward Dutton’s Jolly Heretic podcast show on evopsych, HBD, history, and other taboo topics.
You can give it a listen here:
Achievement unlocked: Shilling the dogpill to the bewildered masses.
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Awesome, I started watching his show after you gave it a mention here a while back. Looking forward to this one.
Anatoly: If anything, Dutton is being too diplomatic. Your acoustics is simply appalling (and frankly unacceptable in 2020).
Ask some audiophile friends of yours to give the room from which you broadcast a light acoustic treatment. (If they are any good, they will know that this is vastly more important than mike quality.)
90 minutes?! Let me know if they come up with a Reader’s Digest version.
Dutton is an asset. However, he is naive on some issues as illustrated by the below podcast.
Not surprising this prompted the following reponse from someone using the moniker ‘ SunlightDivisor’.
Because the British are deluded enough to let other groups take over their society.
No mask! Contagion! Masks must be worn, even when inside your own home!
I wish “taking the dogpill” meant throwing blank-slatists in pits with aggressive breeds of dogs, until they change their mind about hereditary.