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Industrial Products and Systems

Safety, security and connectivity services to help navigate the complexities of rapidly evolving manufacturing environments driven by the industrial internet of things (IIoT).

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Safety and security services for industrial systems and products

Industrial products and systems are more connected today than ever due to the industrial internet of things (IIoT). This connectivity makes it possible to obtain the manufacturing data needed to make actionable business decisions to increase operational excellence. This rapidly evolving IIoT production environment also increases the risk to life, health and environmental damage. There can be significant costs associated with this risk, not only monetary but also as it relates to brand value and integrity. Proactive measures to mitigate risks and limit downtime are critical.

Leverage our trusted expertise to help ensure you have the tools and knowledge necessary to manage regulatory challenges, mitigate risk, streamline compliance and accelerate access for safer industrial products to a global marketplace. Our broad range of services reinforce safety and security within the IIoT production environment. Services include testing, certification, cybersecurity, interoperability, functional safety and Global Market Access.

Industrial products and systems services

Testing and certification

Certification of industrial products and systems by a trusted independent third party can help ensure that you are safely integrating your products into industrial processes and preventing potential hazards. Our expertise in industrial product testing and certification helps address safety and security needs starting at the earliest phase of product development.

Cybersecurity solutions

Our cyber experts support manufacturers and their suppliers with cybersecurity services. They can help reduce the vulnerability of components installed in the IIoT production environment and mitigate the risk of malicious firmware upgrades and unauthorized access to the production network, as well as guard against a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.

Interoperability solutions

The communication between different devices, systems and geographies without disruption and interference is essential. We have expertise supporting electromagnetic capability (EMC) and wireless communication for a wide range of systems and networks.

Functional safety services

A majority of devices are controlled by software today and an increasing number of product safety standards are now extended to include functional safety requirements. Our functional safety experts assess the software of your hardware to help ensure it functions safely.

Safety compliance for global market entry

Compliance to regional product safety requirements is the foundation for any effective and successful go-to-market implementation. Discuss your global market export strategy with one of our experts to better understand the latest local requirements as well as the harmonization efforts across different schemes.

We drive global research to continually advance and meet ever-evolving product safety, performance and interoperability needs. Our global network of technical experts and state-of-the-art facilities can help you gain the compliance credentials you need to compete in a more complex and connected global supply chain.


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'; let submitButton = $('form.mktoForm .mktoButtonWrap .mktoButton'); submitButton.prop("disabled", true); submitButton.append(loadingHTML); // Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: '***'. var $ocpKey = drupalSettings.ul_marketo_validate_key; var $ocpUrl = drupalSettings.ul_marketo_validate_url; var $ocpEnv = drupalSettings.ul_marketo_validate_env; if (submitCount > 1 || isResponseSuccess == true) { isResponseHandled = true; form.submittable(true); console.log("NO.10 submitCount > 1: form.submit() ");; } else { var email = form.vals().Email; var phone = (form.vals().Phone) ? (form.vals().Phone) : '18472728800'; var country = (form.vals().Country) ? (form.vals().Country) : 'United States'; var countryCode = (phone == '18472728800') ? 'US' : getCountryCode(country); var $emailMsg =; var $phoneMsg =; console.log("paramsDebug:", paramsDebug); sendingData = JSON.stringify({ 'Input_Email': email, 'Input_Phone': phone, 'Input_ISO2_Country_Code': countryCode }); console.log('URL, debug missing button:', $ocpUrl); console.log("Sending Data to API service (ajax):", sendingData); // API call for validate email/phone/country. var sendDate = (new Date()).getTime(); var responseTimeMs = sendDate; // Start a timer to handle a 3-second response timeout setTimeout(function() { if (!isResponseHandled) { isResponseHandled = true; // Handle the assumed "success" due to timeout here console.log('No response within timeout, proceeding with default validation success.'); $('#ValidMsgEmail').remove(); $('#ValidMsgPhone').remove(); // set form to be submittable here $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); // Setup status as Timeout instead of Unknown. emailAddressStatus = "Timeout"; phoneNumberStatus = "Timeout"; phoneNumberValidated = "Timeout"; form.vals({ "emailAddressStatus": emailAddressStatus, "phoneNumberStatus": phoneNumberStatus, "phoneNumberValidated": phoneNumberValidated, }); form.submittable(true); isResponseSuccess = true; let receiveDate = (new Date()).getTime(); responseTimeMs = (receiveDate - sendDate) / 1000; console.log("setTimeout: " + responseTimeMs + " seconds.");; } }, paramsDebug.timeout * 1000); //END setTimeout $.ajax({ url: $ocpUrl, type: 'POST', data: sendingData, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': $ocpKey, }, success: function (response) { $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); phoneNumberValidated = response.Validated_Phone_Number; if (!isResponseHandled) { isResponseHandled = true; // **** Handle the validation response console.log("API Response Data: ", response); var emailCode = response.Email_Validation_Status_Number; var phoneCode = response.Phone_Validation_Status_Number; // Add values into two status fields. if (emailValidCode.hasOwnProperty(emailCode)) { emailAddressStatus = emailValidCode[emailCode]; } else { // API error code doesn't exist, set defaul. emailAddressStatus = emailValidCode['300']; } if (phoneValidCode.hasOwnProperty(phoneCode)) { phoneNumberStatus = phoneValidCode[phoneCode]; } else { // API error code doesn't exist, set defaul. phoneNumberStatus = phoneValidCode['301']; } if (emailAddressStatus.indexOf("email_not") != -1) { emailAddressStatus = 'Invalid'; } else if(emailAddressStatus == 'valid') { emailAddressStatus = 'Valid'; } if (phoneNumberStatus.indexOf('invalid_') != -1) { phoneNumberStatus = 'Invalid'; } else if(phoneNumberStatus == 'valid') { phoneNumberStatus = 'Valid'; } console.log('form.emailAddressStatus ' + emailAddressStatus); console.log('form.phoneNumberStatus ' + phoneNumberStatus); console.log('form.phoneNumberValidated ' + phoneNumberValidated); if (validEmailCode.includes(emailCode) && validPhoneCode.includes(phoneCode)) { // Remove the loading spinner. $('#ValidMsgEmail').remove(); $('#ValidMsgPhone').remove(); $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); console.log("NO.1.1 VALID OK submitCount = " + submitCount); isResponseSuccess = true; form.vals({ "emailAddressStatus": emailAddressStatus, "phoneNumberStatus": phoneNumberStatus, "phoneNumberValidated": phoneNumberValidated, }); form.submittable(true);; } // API valid code is not "valid". else { form.submittable(false); console.log("NO.1.2 Submittable false : count= " + submitCount + " validateOrigin " + validateOrigin + " isResponseSuccess " + isResponseSuccess ); // Set the invalid message in language translation. var msgEmailStatus = ""; if (!validEmailCode.includes(emailCode)) { if (emailCode == '300' || emailCode == '400') { msgEmailStatus = $emailMsg.email_not_valid; } else if (emailCode == '310' || emailCode == '500' ) { msgEmailStatus = $emailMsg.email_not_accept; } else { msgEmailStatus = "Unknown"; } console.log("NOT validEmailCode: " + msgEmailStatus); errEmail = ''; $('#Email').after(errEmail); form.submittable(false); } // Set the invalid message in language translation. var msgPhoneStatus = "" if (!validPhoneCode.includes(phoneCode)) { msgPhoneStatus = $phoneMsg[phoneValidCode[phoneCode]]; console.log("NOT validPhoneCode: " + msgPhoneStatus); errPhone = ''; $('#Phone').after(errPhone); form.submittable(false); } console.log('msgEmailStatus:', msgEmailStatus); console.log('msgPhoneStatus:', msgPhoneStatus); // Remove the loading spinner. $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); console.log("NO.1.6 Submittable false, count= " + submitCount); form.vals({ "emailAddressStatus": emailAddressStatus, "phoneNumberStatus": phoneNumberStatus, "phoneNumberValidated": phoneNumberValidated, }); // 2nd API call and subit form. if (submitCount >= 1) { $('#ValidMsgEmail').remove(); $('#ValidMsgPhone').remove(); isResponseSuccess = true; form.submittable(true); console.log("NO.1.8 : 2nd Submit:: submittable=true && count=1 : " + submitCount); if (submitCount==1) {; } } } //END if{} else{}. }//END if (!isResponseHandled) // Calculate the time comsumed for the API call. let receiveDate = (new Date()).getTime(); responseTimeMs = (receiveDate - sendDate) / 1000; console.log("NO.1.9 : AJAX success: Time for API call: " + responseTimeMs + " seconds."); submitCount++; }, //END success: function(); // API call error response. error: function (error) { $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); if (!isResponseHandled) { isResponseHandled = true; $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); // 2nd API call and subit form. if ( submitCount >= 1 ) { $('#ValidMsgEmail').remove(); $('#ValidMsgPhone').remove(); form.submittable(true); isResponseSuccess = true; if ( submitCount == 1 ) { form.submittable(true); } } // Handle AJAX error console.log('**** 2 ajax error. submitCount = ' + submitCount); console.log(error); // Calculate the time comsumed for the API call. let receiveDate = (new Date()).getTime(); responseTimeMs = (receiveDate - sendDate) / 1000; console.log("NO.2.3 AJAX error: Time for API call: " + responseTimeMs + " seconds."); } submitCount++; // Error status 500, then submit the form.; } //END error: function(); }); //END $.ajax; if (isResponseSuccess) { console.log("NO.8.0 submittable(true)"); form.submittable(true); } } //END: if (submitCount > 1) else // Setup the form.vals and form.submittable; form.vals({ "emailAddressStatus": emailAddressStatus, "phoneNumberStatus": phoneNumberStatus, "phoneNumberValidated": phoneNumberValidated, }); } //END: if (validateOrigin && (marketoBundle)) else { // For Event form and Newsletter form. if (validateOrigin === true){ form.submittable(true); } } }); //END form.onValidate() // Success callback() form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl){ // Debug Phone/Email validation. console.log("NO.9.1 onSuccess: submittable = " + form.submittable()); console.log(form.getValues()); // Track analytics. if (typeof dataLayer !== 'undefined'){ dataLayer.push({ event: drplMkto.dataLayerEvent, mktoFormId: form.getId(), 'FormValues': cleanFormVals(form.getValues()), 'FormFields': form.allFieldsFilled(), 'Submittable': form.submittable() }); } // If function exists, delete UTM cookie: if(typeof _deleteUtmCookie === "function"){ _deleteUtmCookie(); } // Marketo Modal "Thank You" message: if(use_post_submit_mssg){ $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); $('.mkto-presubmit').addClass('hidden'); $('.mktoModalContent').addClass('mkto_thnx_center'); $('.mktoModalMask').addClass('not_clicable'); $('.mkto-postsubmit').removeClass('hidden'); $('.mktoButton').removeAttr('disabled').text(drupalSettings.marketo.button_text); $('.mktoForm')[0].reset(); grecaptcha.reset(); } // Else, redirect user: else { window.location.href = drplMkto.success_url; } // IMPORTANT: Return false to prevent further code execution. return false; }); //END form.onSuccess. }); })(jQuery, drupalSettings.marketo);