Category / Gardening with Chickens

July 6, 2020
One of the most popular question that I am often asked is, can I free range my chickens in my yard and not have it ending up looking like a complete dust bowl? The simple answer is yes. Over the years I have developed some tried and true techniques that should help to help keep both …


October 4, 2019
Poor chickens, sometimes fall doesn’t seem like much fun for our flocks or us.  The amount of daylight begins to decrease and along with that, the annual molting begins. Eggs supply dwindles and even our most social of chickens would prefer to not be handled as much. But, it doesn’t mean that fall can’t be …


October 2, 2017
Fall has arrived at Tilly’s Nest. We never really had a moment to warm up after spring. Cape Cod had a cool and wet summer. We were all waiting for beach weather and it really didn’t show up. This happened a few years ago too. I guess things are cyclical. This past week cooler temperatures …


May 26, 2017
As many of you know, late last summer I moved to a new home. The thought of starting the gardens over was overwhelming, But luckily for me, one of the things that I loved most about the new place was the potential that I saw in the landscape. I wasn’t going to have to start from …


April 12, 2017
One of the easiest ways to garden and add a touch of seasonal whimsy to your chicken coop, garden shed, or home is by adding a window box or two. If planted properly, window boxes do not require a lot of care and can easily be changed or added to as you desire. Today I …


March 17, 2017
I absolutely love to see lawns filled with clover.  Did you know that not only does it help to support the lawn but their blooms are well loved by bees? It is not uncommon for me to see the plants’ blooms buzzing with my bees. It is also beneficial to the flock, easy to grow …


March 13, 2017
I love gardening with chickens. It has been something that I have enjoyed immensely over the years. One of the most beneficial ways to maximize your space in the garden is to think vertically by adding climbing vines. This gardening trick allows you to make the most of the garden space that you have available. …


January 13, 2017
Oh winter, how do I miss my gardens and hanging outside with my flock as they meander around me. Today, instead of feeling glum, I decided to make a miniature chicken garden. Actually, I got a bit carried away and made a few. Once I got started I could not help myself.  As I planted …


September 22, 2014
If you know me, I love touring chicken coops. One of my favorite things lately in chicken coops are chandeliers. Surely, my chickens would like to be fancy too! This chicken coop chandelier is just perfect for drying fresh herbs for the flock too. A few weeks ago, I was inspired by my friend Sam’s …


May 16, 2014
We had the pleasure of keeping chickens for the past five years. Over those years, I’ve learned a good deal about their overall care, needs, and simple ways to make it easier to care for them. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been busy landscaping around the new coop and run and adding …


About me

Sharing an inspired life from the New England seaside. Chickens, Bees, Gardens, Art and Yummy Goodness.