Category / Coop Care

January 24, 2020
It wasn’t until the first snow fall, that I discovered chickens are snow blind.  At first, I could not figure out why the chickens did not want to leave their coop. I tossed out some mealworms to entice them, but they did budge from the coop door. Was it too cold? Too windy? Too wet? …


November 22, 2019
Over the years, I’ve written quite a bit about backyard chicken predators, including a few different post on how to best predator-proof your chickens’ home. Meanwhile, emails and questions about chicken predators fill my inbox on a regular basis. Therefore, I thought that it might be time to do a more extensive post on what …


January 14, 2019
Colder temperatures are here. Single freezing digits often prohibit me from doing regular maintenance and tidying in my chicken coop. I’ve been getting questions from many of you about how I care for my coop during these freezing winter months, so I thought that I would share some tips of what I do to keep …


November 7, 2018
I actually get this question quite a bit.  So, it seemed only prudent to write a post about chickens and their eating habits.  By now, I’m sure that you have figured out that chickens know what they like.  They also are sometimes hesitant to try new things, like the time I plopped a whole pumpkin …


October 11, 2017
Backyard chickens are exciting, super fun and entertaining. We have loved having chickens in our backyard for almost the past decade. Over the years, we have gone through a few  chicken coops. Does that surprise you? Sadly, this happens to quite a few folks due to things like chicken math, wish lists, what’s working, what’s …


September 22, 2017
Chickens love to be outside. They get a thrill from free-ranging in the yard and garden. They love to explore, scratch in the grass and hide under large plantings for afternoon naps.  However, sometimes it is not feasible for the chicken to be allowed to roam freely where they want to go. The reasons are …


August 26, 2016
Quietly this spring we did something crazy.  We found a lovely house that spoke to us on the way to one of our favorite beaches. It was up for sale and with a huge leap of faith we made an offer and it was accepted. We hadn’t even sold our original house, and yes- I …


July 11, 2016
  People often ask me how I have clean chicken eggs when I harvest them. Today I’m sharing my secrets to picking clean eggs from the nesting boxes. As the egg is laid, the hen puts a protective clear wet coating on the egg called a bloom. The bloom seals the outer shell of the egg …


April 20, 2016
When the baby chicks were little, I could not believe the amount of dust that they generated. I had no idea why and initially chalked it up to the brooder’s bedding.  However, I noticed that as they grew in size so did the dust. I was still using the same amount of pine shavings in …


February 4, 2016
Living in a place where we experience all four seasons including what can be a sometimes very snowy winter, I have had to come up with some pretty ingenious ways to care for chickens during weeks on end of nasty weather. One such way that I have done so this year is with this adjustable …


About me

Sharing an inspired life from the New England seaside. Chickens, Bees, Gardens, Art and Yummy Goodness.