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W Azeem, A.A. Malik, K. Amjad, M. Asad and H. U. Rashid "Pakistan Journal of Science"
w bookclub with CHARLOTTE HEATHCOTE "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
W Clarke, Wybers Wood "Grimsby Telegraph (Grimsby, England)"
W HAM v LIVERPOOL TONIGHT, 7.45, LONDON STADIUM "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
w ith AMBER GRAAFLAND "The Mirror (London, England)"
W JERRY DANIEL-Muscat, Oman "Pakistan Observer (Islamabad, Pakistan)"
W O R D S A L I C E P E N W I L L "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
W O R D S JEN PHARO "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
W O R D S L A U R E N M O R R I S "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
W O R D S S T E V E N M U R P H Y "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
W OR D S L AU R E N M O R R I S "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
W REBECCA BLACK "The Mirror (London, England)"
W Scott, Edinburgh "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Wąsik, Anna; Leszczynska-Madej, Beata; Madej, Marcin; Goly, Marcin "Materials"
Wątroba, Mateusz; Grabowska, Anna D.; Szukiewicz, Dariusz "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Wąz, Piotr; Zorena, Katarzyna; Murawska, Anna; Bielinska-Wąz, Dorota "Journal of Personalized Medicine"
W, Alam, S. Khan, A. Sultan, R. khan, N. Ahmad, A. J. Tanweer, G. Abbas and M. Ali "Pakistan Journal of Science"
W, Jayne "Habitat Australia"
W. A., Sr. "Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts"
W. Ahmad, M. S. Sajid, M. Mohsin, A. Shamim, M. Hassan, M. Maqbool and M. A. Malik "Pakistan Journal of Science"
W. Alam, S. Khan, G. Abbas, S. bibi, F. Haseeb, M. I Saleem, I. Hussain, F. Ramzan, M. Ullah, N. Ahm "Pakistan Journal of Science"
W. Allport, Gordon "Journal of Higher Education"
W. Bracey, Gerald "Phi Delta Kappan"
W. Campbell; Morgan Q. Ross; Fan Liang; Ling, Scott Rich "International journal of communication (Online)"
W. Chamberlain, Trevor; R. Butt, Umar; Sarkar, Sudipto "International Advances in Economic Research"
W. Dunn, Dr. James "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
W. Gao, Y. Liu and S. Wu "Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences"
W. George Lovell "Queen's Quarterly"
W. Gillaspie, Captain Timothy "Air Force Journal of Logistics"
W. GUTKIND, PETER C. "Journal of Asian and African Studies"
W. Hanna "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
W. Ian O'Byrne "The Conversation (Global Perspective)"
W. Jaleel, Q. Li, Q. Shi, G. Qi, M. Latif, S. Ali, N. A. Yasin, L. Lyu and Y. He "Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences"
W. Klein, Ralph "Currents in Theology and Mission"
W. Kurniawan, Hardianto, A. Ramdani, A. Bain, T. Bachtiar and T. Wahyono "Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences"
W. L. Fu, D. Y. Li, Y. Cao and W. Li "Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences"
W. Larry Kenney "The Conversation (Global Perspective)"
W. Lo, Wattie C.; Everett, Andre M. "SAM Advanced Management Journal"
W. M. Chen, L. X. Li, L. L. Niu and T. Zhong "Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences"
W. McShane, Colonel Thomas "Parameters"
W. Nawae and W. Suntornsuk "Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences"
W. Nelson, Wade "Phi Delta Kappan"
W. Peter Archibald "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
W. Raquel "Girls' Life"
W. Rosen, Jonathan "MIT Technology Review"
W. Schluter, and others "The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality"
W. Schneider, Jay "Valuation Magazine"
W. SEIBERT, KENT "Organizational Dynamics"
W. Shahzad, A. A. Nasir, S. Hussain, N. Mustafa, A. Kausar, U. Ashraf, M. S. Qadir, A. Mehmood, S. A "Pakistan Journal of Science"
W. Shahzad, S. Hussain, A. A. Nasir, S. Hussain, N. Mustafa, A. Kausar, U. Ashraf, H. Afrooz, S. Sat "Pakistan Journal of Science"
W. Shahzad, S. Hussain, S. Hussain, A. A. Nasir, N. Mustafa, A. Kausar, H. Afroz, S. Ali and S. Satt "Pakistan Journal of Science"
W. Stovall, Dr Dale "OB GYN News"
W. Sturdevant, Dr. Rick "Air Power History"
W. Thomas; Collow; Wang, W.; Kumar, A. "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
W. Ullah, B. Ahmad, J. Khan, I. Khan, S. H. Shah, A. Karami and Misbahud din "Pakistan Journal of Science"
W. Wen-Zhong, Z. Tong, G. Rui, C. Ling-Ling, F. Peng, Z. Zong-Bao, Y. Shuai, W. Qi, G. Mei, M. Fan-X "Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences"
W. Zafar, M. W. Aslam, A. Waheed, A. Umar, N. Ali, T. Khan, R. Tahir, A. Zafar, M. S. Sharif, M. Ahm "Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences"
W., Awoke; Agitew, G. "African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development"
W., Becky "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
W., Bridget "EarthTalk: Questions & Answers About Our Environment. A Weekly Column"
W., Chalotte; G., Jody; S., Christian; R., Abby; F., Mary "Jack & Jill"
W., Chris "EarthTalk: Questions & Answers About Our Environment. A Weekly Column"
W., Danielle "WORLD"
W., Emily "Curve"
W., Frank "Variety"
W., Jayln "Girls' Life"
W., JoAnne "Vegetarian Journal"
W., John "The Humanist"
W., Jon "Saturday Evening Post"
W., Jonathan; M., April; R., Charles "Celeb Staff Magazine"
W., Jonathon "Vegetarian Journal"
W., Ken "American Gunsmith"
W., Leonard; Jax; Florida, Tommy "Variety"
W., Meagan; Dunn, S.K. "Girls' Life"
W., Nicole; T., Hailey; C., Reagan; H., Emma "Jack & Jill"
W., Patricia "Vegetarian Journal"
W., Randy "Bowhunter"
W., Rinawati; N., Sukartini "European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine"
W., Rob "Bowhunter"
W., Robert; G., Melinda "Celeb Staff Magazine"
W., Sarah; H., Michael "Celeb Staff Magazine"
W., Sid "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
W., Steve "Guns & Ammo"
W., Travis "The Humanist"
W.C. "Guns & Ammo"
W.C. Liu, B.H. Ou, Y.L. Yuan, C.Y. Sun, M. Xiao, Z.H. Zhao and L.L. An "Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences"
W.G. RAMIREZ Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
W.K. "American Journalism Review"
W.L. Wong; Mohamed, Hasan al-Banna; Ananthan, S. "Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences"
W?jtowicz, Katarzyna Aleksandra; Hodžic, Sabina "Sustainability"
W| |Graham Davies "Carmarthen Journal (Carmarthen, Wales)"
wa "Asharq Alawsat (London, United Kingdom)"
wa Kaggia, Mwaganu "Sister Namibia"
wa Kariuki, Karoki "New African"
wa Mbala, Kashe "African Business"
wa Mbinda, Kikuvi "New African"
wa Muiu, Mueni "Journal of Third World Studies"
Wa Muluza, Dipoko "New African"
wa Mutua, Makau "The Wilson Quarterly"
Wa Ngugi, Mukoma "New African"
Wa Thiong'O, Ngugi "World Literature Today"
Wa Thiong'o, Ngugi "Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire"
Wa, Saw Thu; Chi, Saung Nay; Kyaing, Kyi Kyi; Khin, Aye Aye; Aung, Thida "Advances in Hematology"
Wa-Muiu, Mueni "Journal of Global South Studies"
Waack, Luke "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Waack, Luke "CML Army Chemical Review"
Waade, Anne Marit "Critical Studies in Television"
Waade, Anne Marit "NORDICOM Review: Nordic Research on Media and Communication"
Waaga-Gasser, Ana Maria; Böldicke, Thomas "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Waage, Erick "Infantry Magazine"
Waak, Erika "The Humanist"
Waaka, Helen "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Waaldijk, Kees "Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law"
Waaldijk, Kees "Pelviperineology"
Waalen, Jill; Felitti, Vincent; Beutler, Ernest "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Waali, L. "Guns Magazine"
Waalkes, Adam; Smith, Nahum; Penewit, Kelsi; Hempelmann, Jennifer; Konnick, Eric Q.; Hause, Ronald J "Clinical Chemistry"
Waalkes, Bekah "Chicago Review"
Waalkes, Bekah "The Brooklyn Rail"
Waalkes, Mary "Journal of Social History"
Waalkes, Michael "The CPA Journal"
Waalkes, Michael P. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Waalkes, Michael P.; Liu, Jie "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Waalkes, Phillip L.; DeCino, Daniel A.; Haugen, Jaimie Stickl; Dalbey, Amanda "Professional School Counseling"
Waalkes, Scott "Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith"
Waalkes, Scott "The Historian"
Waalkes, Steve "Public Works"
Waanders, Jason "Environmental Law"
Waara, Clint "South Dakota Business Review"
Waarde, Karel van der "Technical Communication"
Waarden, Frans van "Organization Studies"
Waarts, Yuca; Janssen, Valerie; Aryeetey, Richmond; Onduru, Davies; Heriyanto, Deddy; Aprillya, Sukm "IFAD Research Series"
Waas, George "Florida Bar News"
Waas, George "Florida Bar Journal"
Waas, George; Kaimowitz, Gabe "Florida Bar News"
Waas, Murray "The Nation"
Waaser, Steph "TD&T (Theatre Design & Technology)"
Waatainen, Paula J.; Chu, Man-Wai "Democracy & Education"
Waataja, Jonathan J.; Asp, Anders J.; Billington, Charles J. "Biomedicines"
Wabash Valley Media Relations "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Wabbe, Eileen "Nonwovens Industry"
Wabe, Nasir Tajure "National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology"
Wabel, Betty "Grit"
Wabela, Kedrala; Hammani, Ali; Abdelilah, Taky; Tekleab, Sirak; El-Ayachi, Moha "Water"
Wabende, Kimingichi "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Wabende, Scholastica Nabututu; Wanjala, Simon Nganga "Tydskrif vir Letterkunde"
Waber, Bob "Sky & Telescope"
Waber, Dan "Mother Earth News"
Waber, Jennifer "Editor & Publisher"
Waberi, Abdourahman "Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire"
Waberi, Abdourahman A. "West Branch"
Waberi, Abdourahman A. "The American Poetry Review"
WABERI, ABDOURAHMAN A. "World Literature Today"
Waberi, Abdourahman A. "Prairie Schooner"
Wabia, Fransiscus A.; Iskandar, Harun; Umar, Husaini; Bakri, Syakib; Aman, Andi Makbul; Kasim, Hasyi "European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine"
Wabich, Elzbieta; Danilowicz-Szymanowicz, Ludmila; Budrejko, Szymon; Kochanska, Anna; Kozlowski, Dar "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Wabinski, Jakub; Smiechowska-Petrovskij, Emilia "ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information"
Wabiszewski, Michael "Modern Casting"
Wable, Girish; Neathway, Paul "Circuits Assembly"
Waboso, Nwakerendu "The Conversation (Canada Edition)"
Wabuda, Susan "Church History"
Wabuke, Hope "U.S. Catholic"
Waburton, Diane "Town and Country Planning"
Wabwoba, Byrum W.; Anjili, Christopher O.; Ngeiywa, Moses M.; Ngure, Peter K.; Kigondu, Elizabeth M. "Journal of Vector Borne Diseases"
Wacal, Cosmas; Ogata, Naoki; Basalirwa, Daniel; Sasagawa, Daisuke; Kato, Masako; Handa, Takuo; Masun "Agronomy"
Wacal, Cosmas; Ogata, Naoki; Basalirwa, Daniel; Sasagawa, Daisuke; Masunaga, Tsugiyuki; Yamamoto, Sa "Agronomy"
Wacamese, Richard "Canadian Dimension"
Wacasey, Terry "American Handgunner"
Wacaster, Priscilla "The Exceptional Parent"
Wacewicz-Muczynska, Marta; Moskwa, Justyna; Puscion-Jakubik, Anna; Naliwajko, Sylwia K.; Niczyporuk, "Molecules (Basel)"
Wach, Grant D. "Atlantic Geoscience"
Wach, Howard M. "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Wach, Howard M. "Journal of Social History"
Wach, Howard M. "Community College Week"
Wach, Johannes; Güresir, Agi; Güresir, Erdem; Vychopen, Martin "Neurology International"
Wach, Johannes; Güresir, Ági; Vatter, Hartmut; Herrlinger, Ulrich; Becker, Albert; Toma, Marieta; Hö "Cancers"
Wach, Johannes; Naegeli, Johannes; Vychopen, Martin; Seidel, Clemens; Barrantes-Freer, Alonso; Grune "Cancers"
Wach, Johannes; Vychopen, Martin; Güresir, Agi; Guranda, Alexandru; Nestler, Ulf; Güresir, Erdem "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Wach, Johannes; Vychopen, Martin; Güresir, Agi; Güresir, Erdem "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Wach, Johannes; Vychopen, Martin; Kühnapfel, Andreas; Seidel, Clemens; Güresir, Erdem "Cancers"
Wach, Tomasz; Hadrowicz, Piotr; Trybek, Grzegorz; Michcik, Adam; Kozakiewicz, Marcin "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Wach, Tomasz; Okulski, Jakub; Zielinski, Rafal; Trybek, Grzegorz; Michcik, Adam; Kozakiewicz, Marcin "Diagnostics"
Wach, Tomasz; Szymor, Piotr; Trybek, Grzegorz; Sikora, Maciej; Michcik, Adam; Kozakiewicz, Marcin "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Wacha, Megan "Dance Magazine"
Wacha, Tom; Wacha, Sherrie "Michigan History Magazine"
Wachal, Barbara Schwarz "Jack & Jill"
Wachal, Barbara Schwarz "U.S. Kids"
Wachal, Christopher "Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature"
Wacharapluesadee, Supaporn; Lumlertdacha, Boonlert; Boongird, Kalyanee; Wanghongsa, Sawai; Chanhome, "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Wacharapluesadee, Supaporn; Olival, Kevin J.; Kanchanasaka, Budsabong; Duengkae, Prateep; Kaewchot, "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Wacharapluesadee, Supaporn; Sintunawa, Chirapol; Kaewpom, Thongchai; Khongnomnan, Kritsada; Olival, "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Wacharapluesadee, Supaporn; Thippamom, Nattakarn; Hirunpatrawong, Piyapha; Rattanatumhi, Khwankamon; "Viruses"
Wachelke, Joao "Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Ninez y Juventud"
Wachelke, Joao "Spanish Journal of Psychology"
Wachelke, Joao "Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa"
Wachelke, Joao Fernando Rech "Psicologia: Reflexao & Critica"
Wachelke, Joao; Contarello, Alberta "Psicologia: Reflexao & Critica"
Wachelke, Joao; Contarello, Alberta "Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia"
Wachelke, Joao; Wolter, Rafael "Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa"
Wachen, John; Jenkins, Davis; Belfield, Clive; Van Noy, Michelle "ERIC: Reports"
Wachen, John; Jenkins, Davis; Van Noy, Michelle "ERIC: Reports"
Wachhaus, Aaron "Journal of Health and Human Services Administration"
Wachholtz, Amy B.; Keefe, Francis J. "Southern Medical Journal"
Wachholz, Cedric; Meleisea, Ellie; Apikul, Christine "ERIC: Reports"
Wachholz, Patrick Alexander; Masuda, Paula Yoshiko; Ferrari, Ana Carolina; Boas, Paulo Jose Fortes V "Acta Scientiarum. Health Sciences (UEM)"
Wachholz, Sandra "Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare"
Wachhorst, Wyn "Southwest Review"
Wachilala, Piedade; Borges, José; Caldeira, Bento; Bezzeghoud, Mourad "Remote Sensing"
Wachira Kigotho ""
Wachira Mwangi "Daily Nation, Kenya (Nairobi, Kenya)"
Wachira, Amos "African Business"
Wachira, Amoxers "African Business"
Wachira, C. M.; Lawi, G. O.; Omondi, L. O. "Journal of Applied Mathematics"
Wachira, Jackson Muthengia "International Journal of Corrosion"
Wachira, Jackson Muthengia; Ngari, Reginah Wangui; Thiongo, Joseph Karanja; Marangu, Joseph Mwiti "Advances in Civil Engineering"
Wachira, Jackson; Atela, Joanes; Stacey, Paul; Outa, George "Land"
Wachiter, Kerri "Internal Medicine News"
Wachler, Andrew B.; Lange, Jessica C. "Long-Term Living"
Wachler, Brian Boxer "USA Today (Magazine)"
Wachman, Alan "Naval War College Review"
WACHMAN, ALAN M. "Journal of Asian and African Studies"
Wachman, Gay "The Women's Review of Books"
Wachman, Gay "The Nation"
Wachman, Rachel "New Hampshire Business Review"
Wachman, Rachelle "The Exceptional Parent"
Wachman, Richard "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Wachner, Linda J. "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Wachnicka, Joanna; Jarczewska, Alicja; Pappalardo, Giuseppina "Sustainability"
Wachol, Kacper; Morawiec, Tadeusz; Nowak-Wachol, Anna; Kubaszek, Bartlomiej; Kasprzyk-Kucewicz, Tere "Coatings (Basel)"
Wachol, Kacper; Morawiec, Tadeusz; Szurko, Agnieszka; Baldi, Domenico; Nowak-Wachol, Anna; Smieszek- "Applied Sciences"
Wacholder, Lauren Brower "Whole Dog Journal"
Wacholder, Nina; Evans, David K.; Klavans, Judith L. "ERIC: Reports"
Wachowiak, Matt; Zochowski, Michal; Cohen, Lawrence B.; Falk, Chun X. "The Biological Bulletin"
Wachowich, Jim "LawNow"
Wachowicz, Gerald "Guns Magazine"
Wachowicz, Joanna; Fik, Joanna; Balaga, Zbigniew; Stradomski, Grzegorz "Materials"
Wachowicz, Joanna; Kruzel, Robert; Balaga, Zbigniew; Ostrowska, Agnieszka; Dembiczak, Tomasz "Materials"
Wachowicz, Krystna "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Wachowicz, Tomasz "Journal of Business Economics and Management"
Wachowicz-Pyzik, Anna; Sowizdzal, Anna; Mackowski, Tomasz; Stefaniuk, Michal "Sustainability"
Wachowska, Urszula; Sulyok, Michael; Wiwart, Marian; Suchowilska, Elzbieta; Giedrojc, Weronika; Gont "Agronomy"
Wachowski, Dan "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Wachowski, Marcin; Zygmuntowicz, Justyna; Kosturek, Robert; Śniezek, Lucjan; Piotrkiewicz, Paul "Materials"
Wachowski, Marcin; Zygmuntowicz, Justyna; Kosturek, Robert; Piotrkiewicz, Paulina; Żurowski, Ra "Materials"
Wachs, Anthony M. "Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture"
Wachs, David "The Dental Assistant"
Wachs, Jonah A.; Greer, Jade B.; Nissim, Lavi; Garcia, Angela R.; Desai, Sudhen B. "Applied Radiology"
Wachs, Martin "Issues in Science and Technology"
Wachs, Sebastian; Wolf, Karsten D.; Pan, Ching-Ching "Psicothema"
Wachsberger, Barry "Journal of Property Management"
Wachsman, Eric D. "Issues in Science and Technology"
Wachsman, Goldie "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Wachsmann-Maga, Agnieszka; Maga, Mikolaj; Polczyk, Romuald; Wlodarczyk, Aleksandra; Pasieka, Patrycj "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Wachsmuth, Daniel "Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis"
Wachsmuth, David "Environment and Planning D: Society and Space"
Wachsmuth, David; Brenner, Neil "Environment and Planning D: Society and Space"
Wachsmuth, David; Kerrigan, Danielle "Canadian Dimension"
Wachsmuth, Ipke; Knoblich, Gunther "AI Magazine"
Wachsmuth, Melody J. "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Wachspress, Megan; Agatstein, Jessie; Mott, Christian "Yale Law Journal"
Wachstein, Rachael "Franchising World"
Wachta, Henryk; Baran, Krzysztof; Rózowicz, Sebastian "Energies"
Wachtarczyk, Karol; Bender, Marcel; Fauster, Ewald; Schledjewski, Ralf; Gasior, Pawel; Kaleta, Jerzy "Materials"
Wachtel, Albert "Midstream"
Wachtel, Beverly "Nieman Reports"
Wachtel, Christopher "ABA Bank Marketing"
Wachtel, Chuck "The Nation"
Wachtel, David "Policy & Practice"
Wachtel, David F. "Combat Edge"
Wachtel, Eleanor "Queen's Quarterly"
Wachtel, Eric; Bittenbinder, Matyas A.; van de Velde, Bas; Slagboom, Julien; de Monts de Savasse, Ax "Toxins"
Wachtel, George "ABA Bank Marketing"
Wachtel, George A. "Sensible Sound"
Wachtel, Howard "The American Prospect"
Wachtel, Howard A. "Duke Law Journal"
Wachtel, Howard M. "The Nation"
Wachtel, Julius "Kritika"
Wachtel, Lee E. "Pediatric News"
Wachtel, Marco; Surdez, Didier; Grünewald, Thomas G. P.; Schäfer, Beat W. "Cancers"
Wachtel, Michael "Kritika"
Wachtel, Michael "Pushkin Review"
Wachtel, Mitchell S.; Frezza, Eldo E. "Southern Medical Journal"
Wachtel, Nikolaus; Dingler, Francesca Romana; Nürnberger, Tim; Vollbach, Felix Hubertus; Moellhoff, "Life (Basel)"
Wachtel, Paul "Comparative Economic Studies"
Wachtel, Paul "Economic Review (Atlanta, Ga.)"
Wachtel, Paul L. "Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire"
Wachtel, Paul; Blejer, Mario I. "The Cato Journal"
Wachtel, Paul; Vujcic, Boris "Comparative Economic Studies"
Wachtel, Peter "Techniques"
Wachtel, Tracey M. "The Lamp"
Wachtel, Tracey M. "Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing"
Wachtendorf, Thomas "Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics"
Wachtendorf, Volker; Geburtig, Anja "JCT CoatingsTech"
Wachter, Bill "Mechanical Engineering-CIME"
Wachter, By Ronnie "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Wachter, Chris "Air & Space Power Journal"
Wachter, Claudia; Hackner, Klaus; Groissenberger, Iris; Jutz, Franziska; Tschurlovich, Lisa; Le, Ngu "Cancers"
Wachter, Dana "National Catholic Reporter"
Wachter, David L.; Wachter, Peter W.; Fasching, Peter A.; Beckmann, Matthias W.; Hack, Carolin C.; R "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Wachter, Felix; Knieling, Ferdinand; Raming, Roman; Simon, David; Woelfle, Joachim; Hoerning, André; "Microorganisms"
Wachter, Jerri "Family Practice News"
Wachter, Jessica "NBER Reporter"
Wachter, Karen "Family Practice News"
Wachter, Kerr "Pediatric News"
Wachter, Kerri "Clinical Psychiatry News"
Wachter, Kerri "OB GYN News"
Wachter, Kerri "Internal Medicine News"
Wachter, Kerri "Family Practice News"
Wachter, Kerri "Pediatric News"
Wachter, Kerrie "Family Practice News"
Wachter, Kerrl "Internal Medicine News"
Wachter, Kerry "Family Practice News"
Wachter, Kerry "Pediatric News"
Wächter, Kristin; Gohde, Birte; Szabó, Gábor; Simm, Andreas "Nutrients"
Wächter, Leonie "Urban Science"
Wachter, Maurice A.M. de "The Hastings Center Report"
Wachter, Maurice, A.M. de "The Hastings Center Report"
Wachter, Michael "Regulation"
Wachter, Michael L. "Regulation"
Wachter, Michael L. "University of Pennsylvania Law Review"
Wachter, Michelle "American Music Teacher"
Wachter, Paul "The Nation"
Wachter, R.; Brenneisen, R.; Hamburger, M.; Mennet, M.; Schnelle, M.; Worel, A.M.; Simoes-Wust, A.P. "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Wachter, Robert "Health Management Technology"
Wachter, Robert M. "Physician Executive"
WACHTER, ROBERT M. "Family Practice News"
Wachter, Ronald "Circuits Assembly"
Wächter, Sabine; Roth, Silvia; Gercke, Norman; Schötz, Ulrike; Dikomey, Ekkehard; Engenhart-Cabillic "Life (Basel)"
Wachter, Sandra; Mittelstadt, Brent; Russell, Chris "Harvard Journal of Law & Technology"
Wachter, Scott "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Wachter, Susan "National Institute Economic Review"
Wachter, Susan M. "The Cato Journal"
Wachter, Susan M. "Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review"
Wachtler, Sol "Albany Law Review"
Wachtler, Sol; Bagala, Keri "Albany Law Review"
Wachtlin, Joachim; Spital, Georg; Schmitz-Valckenberg, Steffen; Liakopoulos, Sandra; Vogeler, Jessic "Journal of Ophthalmology"
Wacinkiewicz, Daniel; Slotwinski, Szymon "Energies"
Wacinski, Witold; Kuligowski, Ksawery; Olejarczyk, Malgorzata; Zajac, Marek; Urbaniak, Wlodzimierz; "Materials"
Wacira, Teresia Nyambura; Makonde, Huxley Mae; Bosire, Carren Moraa; Kibiti, Cromwell Mwiti "International Journal of Microbiology"
Wack, A.N.; KuKanich, B.; Bronson, E. "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Wack, Harald "Circuits Assembly"
Wack, Harald "Printed Circuit Design & Fab"
Wack, Harald; Ahmad, Syed; Becht, Joachim "Circuits Assembly"
Wack, Harald; Becht, Joachim; McCutchen, Michael; Tosun, Umut "Printed Circuit Design & Fab"
Wack, Harald; Tosun, Umut; Becht, Joachim; Schweigart, Helmut; Shea, Chrys "Printed Circuit Design & Fab"
Wack, Joseph "Journal of Electronic Defense"
Wack, Morgan "The Conversation (New Zealand Edition)"
Wack, Morgan "The Conversation (Africa Edition)"
Wacka, Eryk; Nicikowski, Jan; Jarmuzek, Pawel; Zembron-Lacny, Agnieszka "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Wackenrohr, Steffen; Herbst, Sebastian; Wöbbeking, Patrick; Gerstein, Gregory; Nürnberger, Florian "Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing"
Wacker, Chris "Information Management Journal"
Wacker, Christian; Dierks, Niklas; Kwade, Arno; Dröder, Klaus "Machines"
Wacker, Cynthia "Parish Nurse Perspectives"
Wacker, David P. "The Behavior Analyst Today"
Wacker, David P.; Harding, Jay W.; Morgan, Theresa A.; Berg, Wendy K.; Schieltz, Kelly M.; Lee, John "The Psychological Record"
Wacker, David P.; McComas, Jennifer; Borrero, John C. "The Behavior Analyst Today"
Wacker, David P.; Schieltz, Kelly M.; Berg, Wendy K.; Harding, Jay W.; Dalmau, Yaniz C. Padilla; Lee "Education & Treatment of Children"
Wacker, Eileen "USA Today (Magazine)"
Wacker, Elizabeth M.; Schultz, Lindsay; Leitsinger, Nichole; Jain, Viral V.; Sturm, Peter F. "Healthcare"
Wacker, Grant "Church History"
Wacker, Grant "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Wacker, Jens-David; Kloska, Tobias; Linne, Hannah; Decker, Julia; Janes, Andre; Huxdorf, Oliver; Bos "Processes"
Wacker, John G. "Journal of Supply Chain Management"
Wacker, Julie; Farpour-Lambert, Nathalie J.; Viallon, Magalie; Didier, Dominique; Beghetti, Maurice; "Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease"
Wacker, Kelly "Art Inquiries"
Wacker, Konstantin M. "Journal of Southeast Asian Economies"
Wacker, Mary Ellen; Nitzke, Joe "ERIC: Reports"
Wacker, Peter "Computer Technology Review"
Wacker, Raymond F. "Tax Executive"
Wacker, Robbyn R. "The Journal of Rehabilitation"
Wacker, Tim "Mother Earth News"
Wacker, Tom "The Exchange"
Wacker, Tom "Rural Telecommunications"
Wacker, Tom; Bridges, Jessica "Rural Telecommunications"
Wacker, Tom; O'Hara, Brian "Rural Telecommunications"
Wacker, Watts "Journal of Advertising Research"
Wacker-Gussmann, A.; Esser, T.; Lobmaier, S.M.; Vogt, M.O.; Ostermayer, E.; Oberhoffer, R. "Case Reports in Cardiology"
Wacker-Gussmann, Annette; Eckstein, Gretchen K.; Strasburger, Janette F. "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Wackerfuss, Andrew "Air Power History"
Wackerfuss, Andrew "The German Quarterly"
Wackermann, Jiri "The Journal of Parapsychology"
Wackermann, Jiri "Spanish Journal of Psychology"
Wackermann, Jiri; Benthin, Rebecca; Putz, Peter "The Journal of Parapsychology"
Wackernagel, Mathis "GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society"
Wackernagel, Wolfgang "Diogenes"
Wackers, Erik; Stadhouders, Niek; Heil, Anthony; Westert, Gert; van Dulmen, Simone; Jeurissen, Patri "International Journal of Health Policy and Management"
Wackett, Jeff "The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality"
Wackett, Jeff; Evans, Lisa "The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality"
Wackett, Lawrence P. "Microorganisms"
Wackler, Christian M. "Progress in Physics"
Wackler, Pia; Bauer, Sonja "Land"
Wacklin, Jussi "Contemporary Drug Problems"
Wacksman, Barry "ADWEEK"
Wackwitz, Stephan; Lehmann, Stephen "Prairie Schooner"
Wackym, P. Ashey "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Wackym, P. Ashley; Wood, Scott J.; Siker, David A.; Carter, Dale M. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Waclawik, Heather; Couture, Lawrence "Armed Forces Comptroller"
Waclawik, Petr; Ptacek, Jiri; Grygar, Radomir "Acta Geodynamica et Geromaterialia"
Waclawovsky, Gustavo; da Silva, Leticia Ruas; Marenco, Ana; Vidaletti, Diego; Ferrari, Rodrigo; Lehn "Revista Brasileira de Prescricao e Fisiologia do Exercicio"
Waclawowicz, Roman; Giemza, Magdalena; Pytlarz, Elzbieta; Wenda-Piesik, Anna "Agriculture"
Waclawowicz, Roman; Tendziagolska, Ewa; Synowiec, Agnieszka; Bocianowski, Jan; Podsiadlo, Cezary; Do "Agronomy"
Wacmeister, Elizabeth "Variety"
Wacogne, Bruno; Belinger Podevin, Marine; Vaccari, Naïs; Koubevi, Claudia; Codjiová, Céline; Gutierr "Sensors"
Wacogne, Bruno; Vaccari, Naïs; Koubevi, Claudia; Belinger-Podevin, Marine; Robert-Nicoud, Marjorie; "Sensors"
Wacogne, Remi "Sustainability"
Wacoo, Alex Paul; Ocheng, Mathew; Wendiro, Deborah; Vuzi, Peter California; Hawumba, Joseph F. "Journal of Sensors"
Wacquant, Loic "Social Justice"
Wacquant, Loic "EURE-Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos Regionales"
Wacquant, Loic. J.D. "Educacion Fisica y Ciencia"
Wacther, Kerri "Internal Medicine News"
Waczak, John; Aker, Adam; Wijeratne, Lakitha O. H.; Talebi, Shawhin; Fernando, Ashen; Dewage, Prabud "Remote Sensing"
Waczak, John; Lary, David J. "Remote Sensing"
Waczewski, James P. "Florida Bar Journal"
Wad, Ben "The Mirror (London, England)"
Wada Mitsuhiro "The Diplomatic Insight"
Wada, Akihiko; Akashi, Toshiaki; Shih, George; Hagiwara, Akifumi; Nishizawa, Mitsuo; Hayakawa, Yayoi "Diagnostics"
Wada, Akira "Japan Academy Proceedings Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences"
Wada, Akira; Yamashita, Hayato; Togashi, Ayaka; Ogawa, Shunsuke; Muroi, Arashi; Kido, Satoshi; Furuy "Nutrients"
Wada, Akiyoshi "Atmosphere"
Wada, Akiyoshi; Hayashi, Masahiro; Yanase, Wataru "Atmosphere"
Wada, Ben K.; Fanson, James I.; Crawley, Edward F. "Mechanical Engineering-CIME"
Wada, E.; Loha, G.; Leja, D.; Gogile, A. "African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development"
Wada, Eyasu; Feyissa, Tileye; Tesfaye, Kassahun "International Journal of Food Science"
Wada, Hideo "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Wada, Hideo; Shiraki, Katsuya; Yamamoto, Akitaka; Kamon, Toshitaka; Masuda, Jun; Ichikawa, Yuhuko; K "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Wada, Hiroka; Mawatari, Takashi; Saito, Yasuo; Azuma, Naoki; Iwama, Yoshitaka "Nutrients"
Wada, Iori; Sreekumar, Parameswaran G; Spee, Christine; MacKay, Andrew J; Ip, Michael; Kannan, Ram "Antioxidants"
Wada, Junichiro; Wada, Kanae; Gibreel, Mona; Wakabayashi, Noriyuki; Iwamoto, Tsutomu; Vallittu, Pekk "Polymers"
Wada, Kaede C.; Hayashi, Atsushi; Lee, Unseok; Tanabata, Takanari; Isobe, Sachiko; Itoh, Hironori; M "Sensors"
Wada, Kaori; Kassan, Anusha; Domene, Jose F.; Bedi, Robinder P.; Kintzel, Franziska; West, Alyssa M. "Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy"
Wada, Kaori; McGroarty, Eleanor Judith; Tomaro, Jann; Amundsen-Dainow, Evie "Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy"
Wada, Kaori; West, Alyssa M. "Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy"
Wada, Karen "American Theatre"
Wada, Kazumi "Advances in Optical Technologies"
Wada, Keiko; Oba, Shino; Nagata, Chisato "Nutrients"
Wada, Keizo; Goto, Tomohiro; Takasago, Tomoya; Tsutsui, Takahiko; Sairyo, Koichi "Case Reports in Orthopedics"
Wada, Manabu; Nagasawa, Hikaru; Yamaguchi, Yoshitaka "Case Reports in Neurological Medicine"
Wada, Ryuichi; Kawamura, Chizuko; Inoue, Shigeaki; Watanabe, Kunitomo; Kaimori, Mitsuomi; Yagihashi, "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Wada, Satoko; Fukasawa, Michiru; Chiba, Takashi; Shishido, Tetsuro; Tozawa, Akitsu; Ogura, Shin-ichi "Animal Bioscience"
Wada, Shinji; Arai, Yasuaki; Sone, Miyuki; Sugawara, Shunsuke; Itou, Chihiro "Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology"
Wada, Takashi; Mishima, Hirotada; Takemura, Jin; Kobayashi, Kazuki; Miwa, Hiroshi "Water"
Wada, Takuya; Sugimoto, Katsutoshi; Sakamaki, Kentaro; Takahashi, Hiroshi; Kakegawa, Tatsuya; Tomita "Cancers"
Wada, Takuya; Takayasu, Hideki; Takayasu, Misako "Entropy"
Wada, Tamaki; Uragami, Tadashi "JCT Research"
Wada, Tamaki; Uragami, Tadashi; Matoba, Yasuhiro "JCT Research"
Wada, Tatsuaki; Scarfone, Antonio Maria "Entropy"
Wada, Tatsuma "Economic Inquiry"
Wada, Toshiaki; Kawada, Kenji; Hanada, Keita; Obama, Kazutaka "Cancers"
Wada, Yasuaki; Ehara, Tatsuya; Tabata, Fuka; Komatsu, Yosuke; Izumi, Hirohisa; Kawakami, Satomi; Nos "Nutrients"
Wada, Yoshifumi; Asami, Yasushi; Hino, Kimihiro; Nishi, Hayato; Shiode, Shino; Shiode, Narushige "Sustainability"
Wada, Yoshihisa "The Journal of Parapsychology"
Wada, Yoshito; Okuda, Koji; Sasaki, Shin; Shimose, Shigeo; Nishida, Takamichi; Shimokobe, Hisaaki; N "Cancers"
Wada, Yoshiyuki; Takami, Yuko; Ryu, Tomoki; Uchino, Yoshihiro; Kugiyama, Tota; Nomura, Yoriko; Saits "Cancers"
Wada, Yuji; Matsuzawa, Syunsuke; Yamaguchi, Mikuru; Dohi, Shinichi "Journal of Digital Information Management"
Wada, Yusuf; Harun, Azian Binti; Yean, Chan Yean; Zaidah, Abdul Rahman "Antibiotics"
Wada, Yusuf; Harun, Azian; Yean, Chan Yean; Zaidah, Abdul Rahman "Diagnostics"
Wada, Yusuf; Irekeola, Ahmad A.; Shueb, Rafidah H.; Wada, Mustapha; Afolabi, Hafeez A.; Yean, Chan Y "Antibiotics"
Wada-Marciano, Mitsuyo "Post Script"
Wada-Marciano, Mitsuyo "Film Criticism"
Wadaan, Mohammad Ahmad; Khattak, Baharullah; Riaz, Aneela; Hussain, Mubbashir; Khan, Muhammad Jamil; "Veterinary Sciences"
Wadah Khanfar "The Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon)"
Wadanoli, Joe "The Exceptional Parent"
Wadas, Walter "The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide"
Wadas, Wanda "Agronomy"
Wadas, Wanda "Agriculture"
Wadas, Wanda; Dziugiel, Tomasz "Agronomy"
Wadas, Wanda; Dziugiel, Tomasz "Agriculture"
Wadas, Wanda; Kondraciuk, Tomasz "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Wadatkar, Nikhil D.; Londhe, Shrikant D.; Metkar, Rajesh M. "Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs"
Wadawan, Shir A.C. "Mining Magazine"
Waday, Yasin Ahmed; Aklilu, Ermias Girma "International Journal of Polymer Science"
Waday, Yasin Ahmed; Girma Aklilu, Ermias; Bultum, Mohammed Seid; Ramayya Ancha, Venkata; Beyene, Dej "Applied and Environmental Soil Science"
Wadayama, Yoshitora; Kaneda, Ai; Imae, Taiga; Nakane, Daisuke; Akitsu, Takashiro "Journal of Composites Science"
Wadbring, Ingela "NORDICOM Review: Nordic Research on Media and Communication"
Waddams, Stephen "Canadian Journal of History"
Waddan, Alex "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Waddankeri, Swaraj S.; Jeevangi, Santoshkumar; Shrikanth, S.W. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadde, Chandra; Routhu, Gayatri; Clemente-Arenas, Mark; Gummadi, Surya Prakash; Kumar, Rupesh "Sensors"
Waddell, : Gordon "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Waddell, Allan "Anglican Journal"
Waddell, Anthony "World and I"
Waddell, Bill "Business Forum"
Waddell, Bill "Public Works"
Waddell, Bruce; Shannon, Michael; Durr, Rhea "ERIC: Reports"
Waddell, Caroline J.; Filardo, Thomas D.; Prasad, Namrata; Pellegrini, Gerald J., Jr.; Persad, Neela "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Waddell, Charlie "ASHRAE Journal"
Waddell, Christopher "The Exceptional Parent"
Waddell, Christopher "Literary Review of Canada"
Waddell, Cynthia "The CPA Journal"
Waddell, Cynthia "International Journal of Accounting, Economics, and Finance Perspectives"
Waddell, Cynthia; Self, Stanley; Sullivan, Adam "International Journal of Business Research and Information Technology"
Waddell, Daniela; Meincke, Felix; Hakmi, Samer; van der Schalk, Hendrick; Schenker, Niklas; Hahn, Jo "Case Reports in Cardiology"
Waddell, David; Madden, Paul B. "Army Sustainment"
Waddell, Dean "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Waddell, Dr. Steve R. "Parameters"
Waddell, Glen R. "Economic Inquiry"
Waddell, Gordon "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Waddell, Gordon "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Waddell, Gordon; Fairburn, Rob "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Waddell, Gordon; Guidi, Mark "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Waddell, Gordon; Jordan, Thomas "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Waddell, Gordon; King, Iain "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Waddell, Gordon; McLEAN, EUAN "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Waddell, H.L. "Mechanical Engineering-CIME"
Waddell, Interview: Gordon "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Waddell, Jackquline N. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Waddell, James I. "National Catholic Reporter"
Waddell, Janie "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Waddell, Jason A. "Florida Bar Journal"
Waddell, Jaylyn; Khatoon, Rehana; Kristian, Tibor "Cells"
Waddell, Jennifer "Issues in Teacher Education"
Waddell, Jennifer; Ukpokodu, Omiunota N. "Multicultural Education"
Waddell, John; Lin, Shuying; Carter, Kathleen; Truong, Tina; Hebert, May; Ojeda, Norma; Fan, Lir-Wan "Brain Sciences"
Waddell, Julie "Health Management Technology"
Waddell, Mark A. "Canadian Journal of History"
Waddell, Michael "Petersen's Hunting"
Waddell, Nancy "Public Works"
Waddell, Pete "Printed Circuit Design & Manufacture"
Waddell, Pete "Printed Circuit Design & Fab"
Waddell, R.; Bukini, D.; Aboud, M.; Adams, S.; Lyamuya, E.; Masalu, J.; Bankert, E.; Wettemann, L. "South African Journal of Bioethics and Law"
Waddell, Ray "ADWEEK"
Waddell, Sherrill "Quarterly Review of Distance Education"
Waddell, Sonya Ravindranath; Abowd, John M.; Busette, Camille; Lopez, Mark Hugo "Business Economics"
Waddell, Sonya Ravindranath; Davlin, Anne; Prescott, Edward Simpson "Economic Quarterly"
Waddell, Steve R. "Parameters"
Waddell, Steve R. "The Historian"
Waddell, T. Franklin "International journal of communication (Online)"
Waddell, Terrie; Jones, Timothy W. "Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy"
Waddell, Vichael "Petersen's Hunting"
Waddell, Walter H. "Rubber World"
Waddell, Walter H.; Napier, R. Christopher; Tracey, Donald S.; Rouckhout, Dirk F. "Rubber World"
Waddell, William C. "Business Forum"
Waddell-Bilodeau, Cheryl "American Fitness"
Waddell-Townsend, Joyce "Anglican Journal"
Wadden, Danny; Newhook, Leigh-Anne Allwood; Twells, Laurie; Farrell, Jamie; Gao, Zhiwei "International Journal of Pediatrics"
Wadden, Murray; Wadden, Mona "Anglican Journal"
Wadden, Paul "Antigonish Review"
Waddill, Deborah DeWolfe; Milter, Richard; Stinson, John "ERIC: Reports"
Waddilove, Guy "Offshore Yachting"
Waddimba, Anthony C.; Scribani, Melissa; Hasbrouck, Melinda A.; Krupa, Nicole; Jenkins, Paul; May, J "Health Services Research"
Waddingham, Jacob A. "The Conversation (US Edition)"
Waddingham, William; Graham, David G.; Banks, Matthew R. "Diagnostics"
Waddington, Barbara A.; Moreland, Keith A; Lillie, Thomas "The CPA Journal"
Waddington, Bill "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Waddington, David "British Journal of Criminology"
Waddington, George "Conradiana"
Waddington, Ian "Swiss News"
Waddington, J.; Steppuhn, H. "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Waddington, Janet "ROM Magazine"
Waddington, John L.; Wang, Xiaoyu; Zhen, Xuechu "Biomolecules"
Waddington, Jonathan; Linehan, Conor; Gerling, Kathrin; Williams, Cathy; Robson, Leonie; Ellis, Rich "Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness"
Waddington, Kathryn "Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology"
Waddington, Lord "Iran Times International (Washington, DC)"
Waddington, Louise "The Mirror (London, England)"
Waddington, M. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Waddington, M.S. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Waddington, M.S.; Paech, M.J.; Kurowski, I.H.S.; Reed, C.J.; Nicholls, G. J.; Guy, D.T.; Day, R.E. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Waddington, P.A.J. "British Journal of Criminology"
Waddington, Raymond B. "Renaissance Quarterly"
Waddington, Richard "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
Waddington, Richard "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Waddington, Richard; Stefanovic, Marija; Domeisen, Natalie "International Trade Forum"
Waddington, Susan "ERIC: Reports"
Waddington, Susan R. "ERIC: Reports"
Waddle, Anthony "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Waddle, Caitlin "The Exceptional Parent"
Waddle, Chris "The Mirror (London, England)"
Waddle, Chris "Nieman Reports"
Waddle, Jeff "Association Management"
Waddle, Jeffrey R. "Association Management"
Waddle, Julie A. "Radiologic Technology"
Waddle, Lisa "Bookmarks"
Waddle, Natalie M. "NEA Today"
Waddle, Ray "Anglican Journal"
Waddock, Sandra "Business Horizons"
Waddock, Sandra A. "Business Horizons"
Waddoups, George T. "Utah Business"
Waddoups, Jeffrey; Assane, Djeto "American Economist"
Waddoups, Max "Approach"
Waddoups, Ryan "Surface"
Waddy, Helena "Journal of Social History"
Waddy, Katrina "Carrier Management"
Wade Merritt "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Wade Talbert, Marcia "Black Enterprise"
Wade, A. Sophie "Kirkus Feature Articles and Interviews"
Wade, Abdoulaye "New African"
Wade, Abel; Jumbo, Simon Dickmu; Zecchin, Bianca; Fusaro, Alice; Taiga, Taiga; Bianco, Alice; Rodrig "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Wade, Alan "The American Prospect"
Wade, Alex "Canadian Dimension"
Wade, Alexis "Conscience"
Wade, Amanda "Children's Digest"
Wade, Amy; Demb, Ada "Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning"
Wade, Andrew "Religions"
Wade, Andrew J.; Skeffington, Richard A.; Couture, Raoul-Marie; Erlandsson Lampa, Martin; Groot, Sim "Water"
WADE, Australian Royal Watcher JUDY "The Mirror (London, England)"
Wade, Ben "The Mirror (London, England)"
Wade, Ben; Lamport, Jason "The Mirror (London, England)"
Wade, Ben; Spink, Alex "The Mirror (London, England)"
Wade, Ben; Stenson, Tony "The Mirror (London, England)"
Wade, Bernardo "West Branch"
Wade, Bill "Airman"
Wade, Bob "Security Management"
Wade, Bob; Rohr, Thomas J., Sr. "Security Management"
Wade, Brenda "Black Issues Book Review"
Wade, Brett J. "Multiple Sclerosis International"
Wade, By Will; Chediak, Mark; Bloomberg, Naureen Malik "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
WADE, CATHERINE "Contemporary Review"
Wade, Cheryl "Mother Earth News"
Wade, Christine E.; Cameron, Bruce A.; Williams, Karen C.; Morgan, Kari "Quarterly Review of Distance Education"
Wade, Christine J. "International Journal of Peace Studies"
Wade, Cian; Allan, Philip; Collantes, Elena; Reddy, Srikanth R.; Friend, Peter J.; Vrakas, Georgios "Case Reports in Transplantation"
Wade, Claire M.; Pan, Annie Y. H.; Taylor, Rosanne M.; Williamson, Peter "Genes"
Wade, Clarissa Bunch; Koc, Murat; Searcy, Andreia; Coogle, Christan; Walter, Heather "Education Sciences"
Wade, Colleen "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Wade, Daniel M.; Drake, Dereth J. "Georgia Journal of Science"
Wade, Danny; Vaughn, Courtney; Long, Wesley "Journal of Thought"
Wade, David "Sojourners"
Wade, David "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Wade, David; Clarke, Chris "Earth Island Journal"
Wade, Deborah; Haining, Shona; Day, Ann "Community Practitioner"
Wade, Dennis C. "Editor & Publisher"
Wade, Don "PN - Paraplegia News"
Wade, Donald "Successful Restaurant Management, From Vision to Execution"
WADE, DONNA J. "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Wade, Ed "Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature"
Wade, Erin; Gidus, Tara; LaRue, Kristina "USA Today (Magazine)"
Wade, Fiona; Reimer, Marlene; Smith, Steve; Lund, Peter Hagell "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Wade, Francesca "Apollo"
Wade, Frank E.; Callaway, Steven J. "Supply Chain Management Review"
Wade, Geoff "Contemporary Southeast Asia"
Wade, Geoffrey "The British Journal of Aesthetics"
Wade, Gladys; Mills, Karen E. "Ebony"
Wade, Gordon "Progressive Grocer"
Wade, Harry E. "Teaching History: A Journal of Methods"
Wade, Henry William Rawson "T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)"
Wade, Holly "Hardware Retailing"
Wade, Howard H. "ERIC: Reports"
Wade, J'Nene "Sunset"
Wade, Jade "Risk Management"
Wade, James B. "Administrative Science Quarterly"
Wade, James B.; Swaminathan, Anand; Saxon, Michael Scott "Administrative Science Quarterly"
Wade, James P. "Mortgage Banking"
Wade, James R. "Security Management"
Wade, James W. "VAHPERD Journal"
Wade, James; O'Reilly, Charles A., III; Chandratat, Ike "Administrative Science Quarterly"
Wade, Jared "Risk Management"
Wade, Jared. "Risk Management"
Wade, Jared; Holbrook, Emily; O'Rourke, Morgan "Risk Management"
Wade, Jay C. "The Journal of Men's Studies"
Wade, Jay C.; Okesola, Olayiwola "Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development"
Wade, Jennifer "Supply Chain Management Review"
Wade, Jenny "The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies"
Wade, Jill "Urban History Review"
Wade, Jim "Adoption & Fostering"
Wade, John "Faulkner Law Review"
Wade, John Cogan "Arkansas Business"
Wade, John W. "Bill" "Journal of Interpretation Research"
Wade, Joshua B.; Fujinoki, Hiroshi; Coffman, Adam; Feerer, Delia M.; Hauck, Andrew G. "International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS)"
Wade, Judy "The Mirror (London, England)"
Wade, Judy "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Wade, Judy "Arthritis Today"
Wade, Julie Marie "Prairie Schooner"
Wade, Julie Marie "The Carolina Quarterly"
Wade, Karen; Valaskova, Katarina "Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management"
Wade, Karen; Vochozka, Marek "Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics"
Wade, Karen; Vrbka, Jaromir; Zhuravleva, Natalia A.; Machova, Veronika "Geopolitics, History, and International Relations"
Wade, Kate; Monroe, Kellie; Bajkiewicz, David; Coulthart, Tim; Osmanski, Thomas; Smyth, Conor; Somme "ERIC: Reports"
Wade, Kathleen V. "Duke Law Journal"
Wade, Kathryn "Editor & Publisher"
Wade, Kellie "Army Sustainment"
Wade, Kendle "Journal of Third World Studies"
Wade, Kenneth D. "Black Enterprise"
Wade, Kristen "Firehouse Magazine"
Wade, Laura "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Wade, Lee "The Mirror (London, England)"
Wade, Lester "Journal of Electronic Defense"
Wade, Linda C.; Bradford, Adam G.; Gibbons, Timothy P.; Platz, Nathan D. "Army Sustainment"
Wade, Louise C. "The Historian"
Wade, Madeline T.; Julian, Jason P.; Jeffery, Kevin S.; Davidson, Sarah M. "Land"
Wade, Mara R. "Shofar"
Wade, Mara R.; Ober, Warren U. "Germano-Slavica"
Wade, Marcia "Black Enterprise"
Wade, Marcia A. "Black Enterprise"
Wade, Marcia A.; Porter, Brenda "Black Enterprise"
Wade, Marcia; Harris, Hamil R. "Black Enterprise"
Wade, Marilyn "The Lamp"
Wade, Mark "Bowhunter"
Wade, Mark "Contract Pharma"
Wade, Mark G. "Public Works"
Wade, Mark G.; Huning, Elizabeth M. "Public Works"
Wade, Martcia; Berg, Stacy "Health Care Financing Review"
Wade, Martin "American Gunsmith"
Wade, Mary "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Wade, Mathieu "Inroads: A Journal of Opinion"
Wade, Mathieu "Ethnologies"
Wade, Matthew "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Wade, Melissa Maxcy "Argumentation and Advocacy"
Wade, Michael "Corrections Today"
Wade, Michael "Arts & Activities"
Wade, Michael D.; Velting, Tara L. "Michigan Lawyers Weekly"
Wade, Michael J.; McKnight, Mark L.; Shaffer, H. Bradley "Evolution"
Wade, Michael J.; Shuster, Stephen M.; Stevens, Lori "Evolution"
Wade, Mitchelle L. "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Wade, N.G.; Johnson, C.V.; Meyer, J.E. "Journal of Psychology and Theology"
Wade, Nancy "MBR Bookwatch"
Wade, Nathaniel G. "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Wade, Nathaniel G. "Journal of Psychology and Christianity"
Wade, Nathaniel G.; Worthington, Jr., Everett L. "Journal of Counseling and Development"
Wade, Nathaniel G.; Worthington, Jr., Everett L.; Haake, Shawn "Journal of Counseling and Development"
Wade, Nicholas "New York Times Upfront"
Wade, Nicholas "Moment"
Wade, Nicholas J. "British Journal of Psychology"
Wade, Nicholas J. "Vision"
Wade, Nicholas J.; Bruce, Vicki "British Journal of Psychology"
Wade, Nigel "Nieman Reports"
Wade, Norma "Chief Executive (U.S.)"
Wade, Patricia A.; Schuh, Kathy L. "ERIC: Reports"
Wade, Patricia C. "ERIC: Reports"
Wade, Patti "The Exceptional Parent"
Wade, Patti; Schamens, Amyjo; Rader, Rick "The Exceptional Parent"
Wade, Paul A.; Archer, Trevor K. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Wade, Pauline; Teeman, David; Golden, Sarah; Wilson, Rebekah; Woodley, Vanessa "ERIC: Reports"
Wade, Peter "The Historian"
Wade, Peter "New West Indian Guide"
Wade, Peter; Gervasoni, Ann; McQuade, Catharine; Smith, Catherine "Australian Mathematics Teacher"
Wade, Poonam; Ananthan, Anitha; David, Jane; Ghildiyal, Radha "Case Reports in Infectious Diseases"
Wade, R. Ross, Jr. "Solutions - for People, Processes and Paper"
Wade, Rachel W. "Notes"
Wade, Randy "Mech"
Wade, Rico "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Wade, Robert "Petersen's Hunting"
Wade, Robert Hunter "Ethics & International Affairs"
Wade, Roger C.; Wade, Marilyn B. "Risk Management"
Wade, Rona; Horton, Valerie "Collaborative Librarianship"
Wade, Ruth K. "Educational Leadership"
Wade, Sandy "Security Management"
Wade, Sarah "American Forests"
Wade, Sean "Progress in Physics"
Wade, Sebastian "Detroiter"
Wade, Serigne Fallou; Diouara, Abou Abdallah Malick; Ngom, Babacar; Thiam, Fatou; Dia, Ndongo "Microorganisms"
Wade, Shelby L. "Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law"
Wade, Sidney "Subtropics"
Wade, Stacy R. "The Tax Adviser"
Wade, Stacy; Stephenson, Teresa "The CPA Journal"
Wade, Stanley G. "Defense AT & L"
Wade, Stefanie D.; Hausmann, Jonathan S.; Freed, Jason A. "European Journal of Rheumatology"
Wade, Stephen "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Wade, Stephen "Contemporary Review"
Wade, Steve "Farm Collector"
Wade, Steven "New Hampshire Business Review"
Wade, Steven D. "Construction & Demolition Recycling"
Wade, Taron "Phi Delta Kappan"
Wade, Terrance J.; Brannigan, Augustine "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Wade, Timothy "Citizen Airman"
Wade, Timothy J. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Wade, Timothy J.; Calderon, Rebecca L.; Sams, Elizabeth; Beach, Michael; Brenner, Kristen P.; Willia "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Wade, Tina G. "Arkansas Business"
Wade, Ursula; Pascual-Figal, Domingo A.; Rabbani, Fazale; Ernst, Marie; Albert, Adelin; Janssens, Is "Nutrients"
Wade, Veronica "Black Enterprise"
Wade, Vicki "School Arts"
Wade, Vincent "International Journal on E-Learning"
Wade, W. Daniel; Long, Brett; McGuire, Brian L. "Management Accounting Quarterly"
Wade, Wendy; Raloff, J.; Palmer, Steve; Roesch, Karl L. "Science News"
Wade, William "Community College Week"
Wade, William Dexter "Manitoba History"
Wade, William E. "Nursing Homes"
Wade, Wyatt "School Arts"
Wade-Elliott, Rowena "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Wade-Leeuwen, Bronwen "ERIC: Reports"
Wade-Mdivanian, Rebecca; Anderson-Butcher, Dawn; Newman, Tarkington J.; Ruderman, Danielle E.; Smock "Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education"
Wadee, Ahmed A. "CME: Your SA Journal of CPD"
Wadee, Ahmed A. "South African Medical Journal"
WADEEMA HASHIM-Hub "Pakistan Observer (Islamabad, Pakistan)"
Wadeema Hashim-Via email "Pakistan Observer (Islamabad, Pakistan)"
Wadekar, Abhijit; Hepat, Sanyauta; Acharya, Sourya; Kumar, Sunil "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadekar, Abhijit; Hepat, Sanyukta; Giri, Anamika; Acharya, Sourya "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadekar, Abhijit; Pratapa, Sreekarthik; Patel, Maharshi; Gaidhane, Shilpa; Khatib, Nazli "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadekar, Mita D.; Sathish, J.V.; Pooja, C.; Jayashree, S. "Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology"
Wadell, Paul "U.S. Catholic"
Wadell, Paul J. "Theological Studies"
Wadeson, Jr., Ralph "Theological Studies"
Wadeson, P.H.; Crawford, K. "The Biological Bulletin"
Wadewitz, Lissa "Canadian Journal of History"
Wadewitz, Mikel "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Wadewitzk, Bonnie "Children's Digest"
Wadey, Christine; Rockman, Steven "Vaccines"
Wadey, Julie "Optometry Today"
Wadgymar, Arturo Ortiz "Relaciones Internacionales"
Wadham, Ben "Journal of Sociology"
Wadham, Helen "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Wadham, John "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Wadham, Rachel "Voice of Youth Advocates"
Wadham, Rachel L. "Voice of Youth Advocates"
Wadhams, Nick "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Wadhani, Sushil B. "National Institute Economic Review"
Wadhar, Saba Batool; Shahani, Riffat; Zhou, Rongting; Siddiquei, Ahmad Nabeel; Ye, Qing; Asmi, Fahad "Healthcare"
Wadhawan, Anup "Southern Economic Journal"
Wadhawan, Gaurav; Soni, B.M.; Vyas, K.C. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadhawan, Gaurav; Vyas, Kailash Chandra "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadhawan, Tanush; Pruss, Birgit M. "Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science"
Wadhera, Priti; Jindal, Rajeev; Dogra, Rakesh "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Wadhera, Priya "Nineteenth-Century French Studies"
Wadhera, Raman; Zafar, Naushad; Gulati, Sat Paul; Kalra, Vijay; Ghai, Anju "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Wadhia, Shoba Sivaprasad "Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law"
Wadhia, Shoba Sivaprasad; Walker, Christopher J. "Duke Law Journal"
Wadho, Shuaib Ahmed "Technology Times"
Wadhwa, Anubha "Applied Radiology"
Wadhwa, Arjun; Benavides-Guerrero, Jaime; Gratuze, Mathieu; Bolduc, Martin; Cloutier, Sylvain G. "Materials"
Wadhwa, Arjun; Saadati, Mohammad; Benavides-Guerrero, Jaime; Bolduc, Martin; Cloutier, Sylvain G. "Materials"
Wadhwa, Ashish Kumar; Gallivan, Holly; O'Hara, Brian J.; Rao, Vijay M.; Lowry, Louis D. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Wadhwa, D.; Wadhwa, D.R.; Sharma, A.; Katoch, S.; Upadhaya, S. "Intas Polivet"
Wadhwa, Darshan L. "The Tax Adviser"
Wadhwa, Hitendra "Spirituality & Health Magazine"
Wadhwa, Hitendra; Kiesling, Stephen "Spirituality & Health Magazine"
Wadhwa, Jyoti; Asthana, Abhay; Gupta, Sumeet; Asthana, Gyati Shilkari; Singh, Ranjit "The Scientific World Journal"
Wadhwa, Karan; Pahwa, Rakesh; Kumar, Manish; Kumar, Shobhit; Sharma, Prabodh Chander; Singh, Govind; "Molecules (Basel)"
Wadhwa, Khushbu; Kaur, Hardeep; Kapoor, Neha; Brogi, Simone "Molecules (Basel)"
Wadhwa, Neha; Joshi, Udai Narayan; Mehta, Naresh "Journal of Botany"
Wadhwa, Renu; Yang, Shi; Meidinna, Hazna Noor; Sari, Anissa Nofita; Bhargava, Priyanshu; Kaul, Sunil "Cancers"
Wadhwa, Rhythm "Modern Casting"
Wadhwa, Sam-Reith S.; McMahon, Anne T.; Neale, Elizabeth P. "Nutrients"
Wadhwa, Sandeep "Policy & Practice"
Wadhwa, Shashi "Indian Journal of Medical Research"
Wadhwa, Shivani; Rani, Shalli; Kavita; Verma, Sahil; Shafi, Jana; Wozniak, Marcin "Sensors"
Wadhwa, Soni "Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics"
Wadhwa, Vivek "Issues in Science and Technology"
Wadhwa, Vivek "MIT Technology Review"
Wadhwa, Vivek "YaleGlobal Online"
Wadhwa, Vivek; Gereffi, Gary; Rissing, Ben; Ong, Ryan "Issues in Science and Technology"
Wadhwani, Nitin; Nayak, Sonali; Wang, Yufen; Hashizume, Rintaro; Jie, Chunfa; Mania-Farnell, Barbara "Cancers"
Wadhwani, R.D.G. "The Historian"
Wadhwani, Rekha; Agarwal, Juhi; Gupta, Deepti; Chaurasia, Sudha; Bamnia, Raksha "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadhwani, Rekha; Bamnia, Raksha; Meena, Mamta "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadhwani, Rekha; Gupta, Deepti; Bangad, Neelam "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadhwani, Rekha; Gupta, Deepti; Wadiwa, Kiran "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadhwani, Rekha; Mishra, Priya "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadhwani, Romesh "Chain Drug Review"
Wadhwani, Sudha "Diverse Issues in Higher Education"
Wadhwani, Sushil "National Institute Economic Review"
Wadhwani, Sushil B. "Business Economics"
Wadi, Basil; Golmakani, Ayub; N.Borhani, Tohid; Manovic, Vasilije; Nabavi, Seyed Ali "Energies"
Wadi, Jamal Mahmud Lucas; Ferrari, Carlos Kusano Bucalen "Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutricao e Emagrecimento"
Wadi, L. Kais; Hamid, Jamal; Hamad, L. Mubarak "International Journal of Computing and Network Technology"
Wadi, S. Al "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences"
Wadia, Adil M.; Clark, William B. "The Ohio Journal of Science"
Wadia, Goolcher "Sunset"
Wadia, Jehaan; Velankar, Haritosh; Dabhokar, Yogesh "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Wadia, Mickey "Explorations in Renaissance Culture"
Wadia, Perinaaz R.; Vandenberg, Laura N.; Schaeberle, Cheryl M.; Rubin, Beverly S.; Sonnenschein, Ca "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Wadiak, Walter "Philological Quarterly"
Wadibia, Christopher "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Wadika, Margaret "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Wadika, Margaret A. "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Wadikar, Surendra S.; Bhandarkar, Gaurang G. "National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology"
Wadikar, Surendra S.; Muley, Parikshit A.; Muley, Pranjali P. "National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology"
Wadipalapa, Rendy "Contemporary Southeast Asia"
Wadipalapa, Rendy Pahrun; Nainggolan, Poltak Partogi; Katharina, Riris "Contemporary Southeast Asia"
Wadiwala, Muhammad Faisal; Kamal, Ayeesha Kamran "Journal of Pakistan Medical Association"
Wadiwala, Muhammad Faisal; Sonawalla, Ambreen; Kamal, Ayeesha Kamran "Journal of Pakistan Medical Association"
Wadiwel, Dinesh Joseph "Borderlands"
Wadke, Amit; Kommuri, Karthik; Talluri, Sandeep; Kalladka, Mythili; Kalladka, Goutham; Khan, Junad "Turkish Journal of Orthodontics"
Wadke, S.S.; Balgi, S.G. "Intas Polivet"
Wadkin, Laura E.; Golightly, Andrew; Branson, Julia; Hoppit, Andrew; Parker, Nick G.; Baggaley, Andr "Diversity"
Wadkins, Timothy "International Review of Mission"
Wadl, Phillip A.; Dattilo, Adam J.; Call, Geoff; Hadziabdic, Denita; Trigiano, Robert N. "Plants"
Wadland, William C.; Gleeson, Cathleen J. "Journal of Family Practice"
Wadland, William C.; Plante, Dennis A. "Journal of Family Practice"
Wadland, William C.; Stoffelmayr, Bertram; Berger, Ellen; Crombach, Anna; Ives, Kathy "Journal of Family Practice"
Wadland, William; Barry, Henry; Smith, Mindy; Yawn, Barbara; Green, Lee "Journal of Family Practice"
Wadle, Ryan "Naval War College Review"
Wadle, Ryan "Parameters"
Wadle, Ryan D. "Parameters"
Wadler, David "Insurance Advocate"
Wadler, Philip "ACM Computing Surveys"
Wadley, Daniel; Kearl, Derek "Utah Business"
Wadley, Linda "All Hands"
Wadley, Nick "The British Journal of Aesthetics"
Wadley, Rachael "Utah Business"
Wadley, Reed L. "Borneo Research Bulletin"
Wadley, Reed L. "SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia"
Wadley, Reed L.; Colfer, Carol J. Pierce; Dennis, Rona; Aglionby, Julia "Borneo Research Bulletin"
Wadley, Reed L.; Dennis, Rona A.; Meijaard, Erik; Erman, Andi; Valentinus, Heri; Giesen, Wim "Borneo Research Bulletin"
Wadley, Reed L.; Smith, F. Andrew "Borneo Research Bulletin"
Wadley, Seth "Thrasher"
Wadley, Stephen "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Wadley, Stephen A. "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Wadley-Bailey, Paji "Peace and Freedom"
Wadlinger, Greg; Thompson, John T. "T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)"
Wadlington, Cheryl Ann "Black Enterprise"
Wadlington, Elizabeth M.; Wadlington, Patrick L. "Reading Improvement"
Wadlington, Elizabeth; Wadlington, Patrick "Childhood Education"
Wadlington, Steve "Franchising World"
Wadlow, Rene "Synthesis/Regeneration"
Wadlow, Rene "International Peace Update"
Wadlow, Rene "World and I"
Wadlow, Rene V.L. "World and I"
Wadman, Bruce "Diesel Progress North American Edition"
Wadman, Lana "Esprit de Corps"
Wadman, Timothy "Journal of Health & Biomedical Law"
Wadolowska, Lidia; Kostecka, Malgorzata; Kowalkowska, Joanna; Jeruszka-Bielak, Marta; Tomaszewska, M "Nutrients"
Wadon-Kasprzak, Katarzyna "Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology"
Wadood Jan "Frontier Post (Peshawar, Pakistan)"
Wadood Mushtaq "The News International"
Wadood, Abdul; Ahmed, Ejaz; Rhee, Sang Bong; Sattar Khan, Babar "Fractal and Fractional"
Wadood, Abdul; Farkoush, Saeid Gholami; Khurshaid, Tahir; Yu, Jiang-Tao; Kim, Chang-Hwan; Rhee, Sang "Complexity"
Wadood, Abdul; Hussain, Iffat Ara; Raza, Khisro Kaleem "The Dialogue"
Wadood, Abdul; Park, Herie "Fractal and Fractional"
Wadood, Abdul; Sattar Khan, Babar; Albalawi, Hani; Alatwi, Aadel Mohammed "Fractal and Fractional"
Wadood, Abdul; Yousaf, Al-Fahad; Alatwi, Aadel Mohammed "Fractal and Fractional"
Wadood, Armughan Ahmed; Zhang, Xiquan "Current Issues in Molecular Biology"
Wadood, Syed Abdul; Jiang, Yunzhu; Nie, Jing; Li, Chunlin; Rogers, Karyne M.; Liu, Hongyan; Zhang, Y "Foods"
Wadood, Syed Abdul; Sharif, Mian Kamran; Ashraf, Muhammad Nadeem; Ejaz, Rebia; Kosar, Ghazala; Azeem "Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series B: Biological Sciences"
Wadood, Syed Naimul; Hossain, Amzad "Business and Economic Horizons"
Wadovick, Jeffrey D. "The Tax Adviser"
Wadowska, Katarzyna; Blasiak, Piotr; Rzechonek, Adam; Śliwinska-Mosson, Mariola "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Wadowska, Katarzyna; Blasiak, Piotr; Rzechonek, Adam; Bil-Lula, Iwona; Sliwinska-Mosson, Mariola "Cancers"
Wadowski, Antoni; Wróbel, Jan S.; Koralnik, Milena; Sitek, Ryszard "Materials"
Wadowski, Piotr; Juszczak, Michal; Wozniak, Katarzyna "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Wadrzyk, Mariusz; Katerla, Jakub; Janus, Rafal; Lewandowski, Marek; Plata, Marek; Korzeniowski, Luka "Energies"
Wadrzyk, Mariusz; Korzeniowski, Lukasz; Plata, Marek; Janus, Rafal; Lewandowski, Marek; Borówka, Grz "Energies"
Wadsley, John "Sabretache"
Wadsley, Michael; Ihssen, Niklas "Brain Sciences"
Wadsley, Patricia "Momentum"
Wadstein, Jan; Thom, Erling; Gadzhigoroeva, Aida "Dermatology Research and Practice"
Wadstrom, Olle "Small Press Bookwatch"
Wadsworth, Amber "The Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin"
Wadsworth, Beula M. "School Arts"
Wadsworth, Bruce "New York State Conservationist"
Wadsworth, Christina "Humpty Dumpty's Magazine"
Wadsworth, Connemara "Prairie Schooner"
Wadsworth, Danielle D.; Spring, Katherine E. "Children"
Wadsworth, David "Finishing"
Wadsworth, Deborah "Education Next"
Wadsworth, Deborah "Phi Delta Kappan"
Wadsworth, Deborah "Educational Leadership"
Wadsworth, Donna "Childhood Education"
Wadsworth, Douglas J. "Naval War College Review"
Wadsworth, Frank; Jackson, Walt "Franchising World"
Wadsworth, Glenda "Mississippi Magazine"
Wadsworth, James "Rural Cooperatives"
Wadsworth, James; Coleman, Charita; Rivera, Judith "Rural Cooperatives"
Wadsworth, James; Coleman, Charita; Rivera, Judith; Hoang, Huu "Rural Cooperatives"
Wadsworth, James; Hoang, Huu; Coleman, Charita; Rivera, Judith "Rural Cooperatives"
Wadsworth, James; Liebrand, Carolyn; Coleman, Charita "Rural Cooperatives"
Wadsworth, Jan "Underground Construction"
Wadsworth, Jeremiah "Rural Cooperatives"
Wadsworth, Jim "Rural Cooperatives"
Wadsworth, Jim; Scroggs, Craig "Rural Cooperatives"
Wadsworth, John S.; Harper, Dennis C. "Journal of Counseling and Development"
Wadsworth, John; Cocco, Karen "ERIC: Reports"
Wadsworth, John; Milson, Amy; Cocco, Karen "Professional School Counseling"
Wadsworth, Jonathan "National Institute Economic Review"
Wadsworth, Jonathan "ILR Review"
Wadsworth, Jonathan D.F.; Joiner, Susan; Linehan, Jacqueline M.; Balkema-Buschmann, Anne; Spiropoulo "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Wadsworth, Kent Hansen "Journal of Property Management"
Wadsworth, Kirby "Computer Technology Review"
Wadsworth, Larry; Zhang, Dong; Zhao, Rongguo "Nonwovens Industry"
Wadsworth, Laurie A. "Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research"
Wadsworth, Lisa C. "The Dental Assistant"
Wadsworth, Loretta "Grit"
Wadsworth, Marc "The Mirror (London, England)"
Wadsworth, Marie "Community College Week"
Wadsworth, Michael "The Journal of Theological Studies"
Wadsworth, Michael; Kuh, Diana "Community Practitioner"
Wadsworth, Morgan "Mother Earth News"
Wadsworth, Russell; Kesterson, Charles; Kesterson, Louise "NEA Today"
Wadsworth, Yoland "Journal of Sociology"
Wadsworth-Jones, Emma "The Humanist"
Wadud, Amina "Theological Studies"
Wadud, Asiya "Chicago Review"
Waduge, Chekhaprabha Priyadarshanee; Ganegoda, Naleen Chaminda; Wickramarachchi, Darshana Chitraka; "Journal of Applied Mathematics"
Waduge, Sandali; Sugathadasa, Ranil; Piyatilake, Ashani; Nanayakkara, Samudaya "Sustainability"
Waduge, Tharuka Govinda; Seet, Boon-Chong; Vopel, Kay "Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks"
Wadwha, Darshan L.; Williams, Marvin J. "The National Public Accountant"
Wadworth, Laurie A. "Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research"
Wady, Heitham; Badar, Zain; Farooq, Zerwa; Shaw, Palma; Kobayashi, Katsuhiro "Case Reports in Medicine"
Wadzeckkraus, Molly "The Progressive"
Waeber, P.O.; Wilme, L.; Ramamonjisoa, B.; Garcia, C.; Rakotomalala, D.; Rabemananjara, Z.H.; Kull, "International Forestry Review"
Waeber, Patrick O.; Melnykovych, Mariana; Riegel, Emilio; Chongong, Leonel V.; Lloren, Regie; Raher, "Forests"
Waechter, Sebastian; Olovsson, Maria; Pettersson, Petter "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Waegel, K.H.; Tewes, W. "Microwave Journal"
Waegemann, C. Peter "Health Management Technology"
Waegrzyn, Agnieszka; Chmielarz, Lucjan; Zjezdzaldka, Pawel; Jablonska, Magdalena; Kowalczyk, Andrzej "Acta Geodynamica et Geromaterialia"
Waehner, Kai "Database and Network Journal"
Waehre, Torgun; Maagard, Anne; Tappe, Dennis; Cadar, Daniel; Schmidt-Chanasit, Jonas "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Wael Abdoush "Daily News Egypt (Egypt)"
Wael Jaber "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
Wael Jabir "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
Wael Mahdi "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
WAEL MAHDI and SHATHA ALMASOUDI "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
WAEL MAHDI&Lama Alhamawi "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
WAEL MAHDIDEEMA AL-KHUDAIR "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
WAEL MAHDIINJI ALBUKHARILama Alhamawi "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
WAEL MAHDIRoger Baird "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
WAEL MAHDISalma Wael "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
Wael Taleb "The Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon)"
Wael Taleb And Emily Lewis "The Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon)"
Wael, Shereen; Elshater, Abeer; Afifi, Samy "Sustainability"
Waelbroeck, Denis F. "Antitrust Bulletin"
Waelchli, Tan "New Formations"
Waele, Michel de "Canadian Journal of History"
Waelman, Mike "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
Waelti, Stephan L.; Wildermuth, Simon; Willems, Erik P.; Fischer, Tim; Dietrich, Tobias J.; Leschka, "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Waema, Maxwell W.; Misinzo, Gerald; Kagira, John M.; Agola, Eric L.; Ngowi, Helena A. "Journal of Parasitology Research"
Waengwan, Pitsanupong; Laosatit, Kularb; Lin, Yun; Yimram, Tarika; Yuan, Xingxing; Chen, Xin; Somta, "Plants"
Waenpracha, Suthiwat; Foytong, Piyawat; Suppasri, Anawat; Tirapat, Supakorn; Thanasisathit, Nuttawut "Advances in Civil Engineering"
Waer, Fatma Ben; Alexe, Cristina Ioana; Tohanean, Drago? Ioan; Cauševic, Denis; Alexe, Dan Iulian; S "Healthcare"
Waer, Fatma Ben; Alexe, Dan Iulian; Alexe, Cristina Ioana; Eken, Özgür; Paun, Laurian Ioan; Sahli, S "Applied Sciences"
Waer, Fatma Ben; Sahli, Sonia; Alexe, Cristina Ioana; Man, Maria Cristina; Alexe, Dan Iulian; Burche "Sensors"
Waern, Rasmus "The Architectural Review"
Waeselynck, Valentin; Saah, David "Fire"
Waetjen, Herman C. "Currents in Theology and Mission"
Waetke, Kevin "Grocery Headquarters"
Waeto, Salwa; Chuarkham, Khanchit; Intarasit, Arthit "Journal of Probability and Statistics"
Waever, Ole "Journal of International Affairs"
Waever, Ole "Uluslararasi Iliskiler / International Relations"
Waeyeng, Donrawee; Khamphaya, Tanaporn; Pouyfung, Phisit; Vattanasit, Udomratana; Yimthiang, Supabho "Toxics"
Waezi, Fardin "Nieman Reports"
Wafa Mehboob, Irfan Sheikh and Syed Sheeraz Ahmed "New Horizons"
Wafa Sheraz "The Nation (Karachi, Pakistan)"
Wafa, Dina "Journal of International Women's Studies"
Wafa, Marwan A.; Yasin, Mahmoud M.; Swinehart, Kerry "International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management"
Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi, Ahmed E.A. Mahgoob, Mahmoud M.A. Youssef, Mona M.S. Zayed, Entesar H. Taha and "Pakistan Journal of Nematology"
Wafaa M.A. El-Nagdi, Ahmed E.A. Mahgoob, Mahmoud M.A. Youssef, Entesar H. Taha, Mona M.S. Zayed and "Pakistan Journal of Nematology"
WAFAA SHURADFA and SAMY MAGDY Associated Press reporters [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA & SAMY MADGY Associated Press [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA & SAMY MAGDY Associated Press [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and BASSEM MROUE Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and FATMA KHALED Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and JACK JEFFERY Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and JULIA FRANKEL Associated Press [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA AND JULIA FRANKEL Associated Press reporters [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and KAREEM CHEHAYEB Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and MELANIE LIDMAN Associated Press reporters [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and NATALIE MELZER Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and SAM MEDNICK Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and SAM METZ Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and SAMY MAGDY "The Mirror (London, England)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and SAMY MAGDY Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and SAMY MAGDY Associated Press [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and SAMY MAGDY Associated Press reporters [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and TIA GOLDENBERG Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
WAFAA SHURAFA and TIA GOLDENBERG Associated Press reporters [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
WAFAA SHURAFA Associated Press "Western Daily Press (Bristol, England)"
WAFAA SHURAFA Associated Press [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA Associated Press reporter [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA, BASSEM MROUE AND DAVID RISING Associated Press reporters [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA, BASSEM MROUE and TIA GOLDENBERG Associated Press [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
WAFAA SHURAFA, JOSEPH KRAUSS AND ISABEL DEBRE Press Association reporters [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
Wafapoor, Farzad "St. Louis Journalism Review"
Wafawanaka, Robert "Religions"
Wafer, Alex "Transformation"
Waff, Craig B. "Sky & Telescope"
Waffa Wael "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
Waffa WaelAmal Alamri "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
Waffa WaelFAHAD ABULJAYDEL "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
Waffle, Robert "Wood & Wood Products"
Wafford, By Andrea "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
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