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H  Hac  Hae  Hagm  Hak  Hall  Hall, R  Halp  Ham  Hami  Hamm  Hamu  Hang  Hano  Hanst  Hard  Hardy  Harl  Harp  Harr  Harris  Harris, N  Harriso  Hart  Hartm  Harv  Has  Hass  Hat  Hau  Haw  Hay  Haym  He  Heat  Hee  Hei  Heis  Helm  Hen  Hendr  Henn  Henry  Hep  Herm  Herr  Herv  Hew  Hi  Hig  Hil  Hill, M  Hilt  Hint  Hit  Ho  Hoc  Hodg  Hoe  Hof  Hofm  Hol  Holl  Hollm  Hols  Hon  Hoo  Hop  Hor  Horo  Hos  Hou  Hov  Howe  Hoy  Hu  Hub  Hud  Huf  Hughes, P  Hum  Hun  Hunte  Hur  Hus  Hut  Hy 

Hop, Joost F.; Walstra, Anna N. H.; Pelgrim, Gert-Jan; Xie, Xueqian; Panneman, Noor A.; Schurink, Ni "Diagnostics"
Hopali, Egemen; Vayvay, Özalp; Kalender, Zeynep Tugçe; Turhan, Deniz; Aysuna, Ceyda "Sustainability"
Hopcroft, Helen "Ceramics Art & Perception"
Hopcroft, Helen "Ceramics Technical"
Hopcroft, John E. "Communications of the ACM"
Hopcroft, Julie "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Hopcroft, Suzanne Marie "World Literature Today"
Hopcroft, Suzanne Marie "The Carolina Quarterly"
Hope "Catholic Insight"
hope "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hope Lee at Euromonitor International ""
HOPE LEWORTHY Reporter [email protected] "South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales)"
Hope Morley "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Hope Perez, Ashley "Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America"
HOPE TALBOT AND LAUREN BEAVIS [email protected] "Western Daily Press (Bristol, England)"
Hope Virgo "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hope Vitale "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
HOPE WOOLSTON "The Journal (Newcastle, England)"
HOPE WOOLSTON "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
HOPE WOOLSTON "The Birmingham Post (England)"
HOPE WOOLSTON "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
HOPE WOOLSTON "Wales On Sunday (Cardiff, Wales)"
HOPE WOOLSTON "Manchester Evening News (Manchester, United Kingdom)"
HOPE WOOLSTON "Sunday Sun (Newcastle, England)"
HOPE WOOLSTON [email protected] "Brentwood Gazette (Essex, England)"
HOPE WOOLSTON [email protected] @EssexLive "Brentwood Gazette (Essex, England)"
HOPE WOOLSTON News Reporter "Birmingham Mail (England)"
HOPE WOOLSTON [email protected] @essexlive "Brentwood Gazette (Essex, England)"
Hope Yen and Aamer Madhani Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Hope Yen and Calvin Woodward Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
HOPE YEN and FARNOUSH AMIRI Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
HOPE YEN and JILL COLVIN "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
HOPE YEN and JONATHAN MATTISE Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Hope Yen and Ken Thomas Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Hope Yen and Lisa Mascaro Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
HOPE YEN and TOM KRISHER Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Hope Yen Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Hope, Amanda "Canada's History"
Hope, Andrew G. "Northwestern Naturalist: A Journal of Vertebrate Biology"
Hope, Andy "Variety"
Hope, Ann; Mongan, Deirdre "Contemporary Drug Problems"
Hope, Bob "Saturday Evening Post"
Hope, Bob "African Fisherman"
Hope, Bob; Martin, Pete "Saturday Evening Post"
Hope, Brian "The Aviation Consumer"
Hope, Cathy "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Hope, Charles "Apollo"
Hope, Chris "IFR"
Hope, Chuck "Wines & Vines"
Hope, Clover "The Fader"
Hope, Clover "GIANT"
Hope, Daniel; Cox, Anthony; Zamora-Duran, Angelica; Johnson, Kevin B. "Journal of Marine Science and Engineering"
Hope, David "YaleGlobal Online"
Hope, Donna P. "Journal of Pan African Studies"
Hope, Donna P. "New West Indian Guide"
Hope, Erling "Cross Currents"
Hope, Faith "Real Estate Weekly"
Hope, Helen "Dance Magazine"
Hope, Hollis A. "Health Services Research"
Hope, Imani "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Hope, Ishmael Khaagwáask’ "Arts"
Hope, Jake "School Librarian"
Hope, Jasmine M.; Field-Fote, Edelle C. "Bioengineering"
Hope, Jayda "Herizons"
Hope, Jayne C.; Khalid, Hamza; Thom, Michelle L.; Howard, Chris J.; Shaw, Darren J. "Pathogens"
Hope, Jeremy; Fraser, Robin "Financial Management (UK)"
HOPE, JEREMY; FRASER, ROBIN "Strategic Finance"
Hope, Jessamyn "Colorado Review: A Journal of Contemporary Literature"
Hope, Joan "Planning for Higher Education"
Hope, Jonathan H. "Film & History"
Hope, Jonathan; Wright, Laura "Notes and Queries"
Hope, Judith; Kiconco "The Observer (Kampala, Uganda)"
Hope, K.L.; Tell, L.A.; Byrne, B.A. "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Hope, Kempe Ronald, Sr. "The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies"
Hope, Kempe Ronald, Sr. "Journal of Asian and African Studies"
Hope, Kirsty; Massey, Peter D.; Osbourn, Maggi; Durrheim, David N.; Kewley, Christopher D.; Turner, "The Lamp"
Hope, Kirsty; Massey, Peter D.; Osbourn, Maggi; Durrheim, David N.; Kewley, Christopher D.; Turner, "Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing"
Hope, Laura "Jack & Jill"
Hope, Malcolm "Borneo Research Bulletin"
Hope, Marjorie; Young, James "The Nation"
Hope, Meredith O.; Nguyen, Ann W.; Taylor, Robert Joseph; Chatters, Linda M. "Religions"
Hope, Michael "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Hope, Neil "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hope, Ole-Kristian "Strategic Finance"
Hope, Omeday" Is A Word Spoken With; Husband, Wistfulness. It Often Found Its Way Into Conversations "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Hope, Pandora; Black, Mitchell T.; Lim, Eun-Pa; Dowdy, Andrew; Wang, Guomin; Pepler, Acacia S.; Fawc "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
Hope, Pandora; Lim, Eun-Pa; Hendon, Harry; Wang, Guomin "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
Hope, Robert "Association Management"
Hope, Robert; MacLennan, Ken "Humanist Perspectives"
Hope, Robyn "Saturday Evening Post"
Hope, Ron "DAV Magazine"
Hope, Ron F. "DAV Magazine"
Hope, Ronald "Contemporary Review"
Hope, Rose-Ellen "Conscience"
Hope, Sarah Lee "School Librarian"
HOPE, SR., KEMPE RONALD "Journal of Asian and African Studies"
Hope, Steve "Software World"
Hope, Steven "Database and Network Journal"
Hope, Sue; Hunter, Gary J. "Cartography and Geographic Information Science"
Hope, Ted "Guns & Ammo"
Hope, Terry "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Hope, Thomas M. H.; Ondobaka, Sasha; Akkad, Haya; Nardo, Davide; Pappa, Katerina; Price, Cathy J.; L "Life (Basel)"
Hope, Tim "British Journal of Criminology"
Hope, Timothy; Foster, Janet "British Journal of Criminology"
Hope, William "The Modern Language Review"
Hope, William "CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies"
Hope, William G. "Family Practice News"
Hope-Gill, Laura "War, Literature & The Arts"
Hope-Stone, Laura; Brown, Stephen "Optometry Today"
Hopealaakso, Taija Kristiina; Thomas, Julie Toby; Pätilä, Tommi; Penttala, Miika; Sakellari, Dimitra "Diagnostics"
Hopeful Jim Goodwin "Paisley Daily Express (Paisley, Scotland)"
Hopeman, Jennifer "Association Management"
Hopen, J.M.; Hosovsky, A. "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Hopenhayn, Claudia; Christian, Jay; Peralta, Cecilia; Ferreccio, Catterina; Atallah, Raja; Kalman, D "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Hopenhayn, Claudia; Moore, Derek B.; Huang, Bin; Redmond, Jennifer; Tucker, Thomas C.; Kryscio, Rich "Southern Medical Journal"
Hopenhayn, Daniel "Revista de Estudios Sociales"
Hopenhayn, Martin "Revista de Estudios Sociales"
Hopenhayn, Martin "Comunicacion y Sociedad"
hopes alive in BY GARRY DOYLE "The Mirror (London, England)"
HOPES AND LAUREN TAYLOR "Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England)"
Hopes, David Brendan "Atlanta Review"
Hopes, David Brendan "Kirkus Feature Articles and Interviews"
Hopewell, D'Juan "Washington Monthly"
Hopewell, John "JCT CoatingsTech"
Hopewell, John "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Birchenough, Tom "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Cajueiro, Marcelo "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Clarke, Steve "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Dale, Martin "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Dawtrey, Adam "Variety"
Hopewell, John; De La Fuente, Anna Marie "Variety"
Hopewell, John; De Pablos, Emiliano "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Flynn, Bob "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Frater, Patrick; Horst, Carole "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Geitz, Christopher "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Guider, Elizabeth "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Hayhurst, David "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Holland, Jonathan; Newbery, Charles; Cajueiro, Marcelo; Young, James "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Jaafar, Ali "Variety"
Hopewell, John; James, Alison "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Johnson, Debra "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Keslassy, Elsa "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Lodderhose, Diana "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Mayorca, Emilio "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Mayorga, Emilio "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Meza, Ed; O'Boyle, Michael; Newbery, Charles "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Moerk, Christian "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Morris, Kathy "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Newberry, Charles "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Newbery, Charles "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Pablos, Emiliano De "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Paxman, Andrew "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Rilla, Maria Alvarez "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Schilling, Mark "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Sitges, Emilio Mayorga "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Teres, Cristina Ochoa "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Trives, Sonia Ziadi "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Vivarelli, Nick "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Wilson, Douglas "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Woodring, Anson "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Young, Deborah "Variety"
Hopewell, John; Young, James "Variety"
Hopewell, Martha "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Hopewell, Nikki "Food Processing"
Hopewell, Philip C.; Reichman, Lee B.; Castro, Kenneth G. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hopf, Alois; Al-Bayati, Lina; Schaefer, Dirk J.; Kalbermatten, Daniel F.; Guzman, Raphael; Madduri, "Bioengineering"
Hopf, Cynthia; Bunting, Elizabeth; Clark, Anne; Childs-Sanford, Sara "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Hopf, Cynthia; Pokras, Mark; Aguilar, Roberto F. "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Hopf, James E.; Haig, Frank R. "National Catholic Reporter"
Hopfe, Cathleen "Denver Journal of International Law and Policy"
Hopfe, Ian "Wind Speaker"
Hopfengart, Christine "Apollo"
Hopfensperger, Kristine N.; Leighton, Gavin M.; Fahey, Timothy J. "The American Midland Naturalist"
Hopfer, Samuel; Adelman, Jonah; Ben-Michael, Rachel; Caspi, Simon "Microwave Journal"
Höpfinger, Alexandra; Behrendt, Manuel; Schmid, Andreas; Karrasch, Thomas; Schäffler, Andreas; Bergh "Biomedicines"
Höpfinger, Alexandra; Karrasch, Thomas; Schäffler, Andreas; Schmid, Andreas "Nutrients"
Höpfinger, Alexandra; Karrasch, Thomas; Schäffler, Andreas; Schmid, Andreas "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Höpfinger, Alexandra; Schmid, Andreas; Schweitzer, Leonie; Patz, Marissa; Weber, Anja; Schäffler, An "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Hopfinger, Jennifer "U.S. Catholic"
Hopfl, Heather; Dawes, Frank "Personnel Review"
Höpfner, Friederike; Paisdzior, Sarah; Reininghaus, Nanina; Sohail, Iqra; Scheerer, Patrick; Annibal "Life (Basel)"
Hopfner, Ursula; Aitzetmueller, Matthias M.; Nefibach, Philipp; Hu, Michael S.; Machens, Hans-Guenth "Stem Cells International"
Hopfstock, Philipp; Punyasiri, Pitumpe Appuhamilage Nimal; Kiene, Mats; Kottawa-Arachchi, Jeevan Dan "Separations"
Hopfstock, Philipp; Romero-Parra, Javier; Winterhalter, Peter; Gok, Recep; Simirgiotis, Mario "Plants"
Hopgood, Adrian "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Hopgood, Nicole "Health Information Management Journal"
Hopgood, Suzanne "Directors & Boards"
Hopinka, Sky "The Brooklyn Rail"
Hopinks-Baul, Coty "Rock Products"
Hopjan, Miroslav; Vidmar, Lev "Entropy"
Hopke, Christina C. "Notre Dame Law Review"
Hopker, Andy "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Hopker, Anthony "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Hopker, Antony "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Hopker, Antony; Harris, Alan "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Hopker, Antony; Steedman, Josie "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Höpker, Charlotte; Dittert, Klaus; Olfs, Hans-Werner "Agriculture"
Hopker, James G.; Coleman, Damian A.; Wiles, Jonathan D.; Galbraith, Andrew "Journal of Sports Science and Medicine"
Hopker, James; Jobson, Simon; Carter, Helen; Passfield, Louis "Journal of Sports Science and Medicine"
Hopkerr, Antony "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Hopkin, Arthur "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hopkin, Arthur "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Hopkin, Bart "Notes"
Hopkin, Cameron R.; Hoyle, Rick H.; Toner, Kaitlin "Journal of Psychology and Theology"
Hopkin, Charlie; Low, Jun Heng; Ralph, Benjamin; Hopkin, Danny "Fire"
Hopkin, Charlie; Spearpoint, Michael; Muhammad, Yusuf; Makant, William "Fire"
Hopkin, David "Folk Music Journal"
Hopkin, James "Windspeaker"
Hopkin, Jonathan "Renewal"
Hopkin, Narelle "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Hopkin, Paul "Financial Management (UK)"
Hopkin, Rebecca; Stokes, Lucy; Wilkinson, David "National Institute Economic Review"
Hopking, Thomas Israel "Artforum International"
Hopkins, A.A.; Malinowski, D.P.; Zhang, H.; Walker, D.W. "Crop Science"
Hopkins, A.A.; Yun, L.; Walker, D.W. "Crop Science"
Hopkins, Abigail M. "Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education"
Hopkins, Al "Air Power History"
Hopkins, Alex "Petersen's Bowhunting"
Hopkins, Amanda "Yearbook of English Studies"
Hopkins, Amanda "Herizons"
Hopkins, Amanda "The Modern Language Review"
HOPKINS, ANDREA "Business Asia"
Hopkins, Andrew "Northern Ontario Business"
Hopkins, Andrew "Houston Journal of International Law"
Hopkins, Andrew "Apollo"
Hopkins, Andrew "British Journal of Criminology"
Hopkins, Andrew A. "Crop Science"
Hopkins, Andrew A.; Taliaferro, Charles M. "Crop Science"
Hopkins, Anthony; Carline, Anna; Easteal, Patricia "Melbourne University Law Review"
Hopkins, Arthur "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hopkins, Arthur "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Hopkins, Audrey "Voice of Youth Advocates"
Hopkins, Barbara "Feminist Studies"
Hopkins, Benjamin D. "Canadian Journal of History"
Hopkins, Bernard "Ebony"
Hopkins, Bethany; Madill, Janet "Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research"
Hopkins, Bill "Coach and Athletic Director"
Hopkins, Bobbi Paige "Journal of Research in Gender Studies"
Hopkins, Brook; Bains, Chiraag; Doyle, Colin "Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology"
Hopkins, Bruce A. "Bowhunter"
Hopkins, By Jennifer; Crawford, Caitlin; Commercial, Olivia Czyzynski Svn | Chicago "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Hopkins, Byzoe "The Brooklyn Rail"
Hopkins, Cameron "Shooting Industry"
Hopkins, Cameron "Guns Magazine"
Hopkins, Cameron "Petersen's Hunting"
Hopkins, Cameron "American Handgunner"
Hopkins, Candice "Artforum International"
Hopkins, Carl "IFR"
Hopkins, Carla "Healthcare Informatics"
Hopkins, Carmen Teeple "Labour/Le Travail"
Hopkins, Carolyn "ERIC: Reports"
Hopkins, Cathy "Techniques"
Hopkins, Cathy "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Hopkins, Cheryl "Life Extension"
Hopkins, Chris "Journal of Accountancy"
Hopkins, Chris "Tax Executive"
Hopkins, Chris "Style"
Hopkins, Chris "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Hopkins, Chris "Notes and Queries"
Hopkins, Chris; Young, Maggie L. "The Tax Adviser"
Hopkins, Christopher "USA Today (Magazine)"
Hopkins, Christopher "Rock Products"
Hopkins, Christopher B. "Florida Bar News"
Hopkins, Constance "MedSurg Nursing"
Hopkins, Craig "Grit"
Hopkins, Curt "Oregon Business"
Hopkins, D.R.; Ruiz-Tiben, E.; Eberhard, M.L. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, D.R.; Ruiz-Tiben, E.; Eberhard, M.L.; Roy, S. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, D.R.; Ruiz-Tiben, E.; Eberhard, M.L.; Roy, S.L. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, Darren "Romance Notes"
Hopkins, Darryl "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Hopkins, Daryl "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Hopkins, David "Soldiers Magazine"
Hopkins, David "History Today"
Hopkins, David "Notes and Queries"
Hopkins, David "The Review of English Studies"
Hopkins, David "The National Pastime"
Hopkins, Deborah J.; Kott, Mary Rose; Pirozzi, Jean; Deppoliti, Denise; Pond, Marty; Randolph, Conni "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Hopkins, Debra "The Tax Adviser"
Hopkins, Donald R. "New African"
Hopkins, Donald R.; Ruiz-Tiben, Ernesto "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, Donald R.; Ruiz-Tiben, Ernesto; Eberhard, Mark L.; Roy, Sharon L. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, Donald R.; Ruiz-Tiben, Ernesto; Eberhard, Mark L.; Roy, Sharon L.; Weiss, Adam J. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, Donald R.; Ruiz-Tiben, Ernesto; Weiss, Adam J.; Roy, Sharon L.; Zingeser, James; Guagliardo "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, Donald R.; Weiss, Adam J.; Roy, Sharon L.; Yerian, Sarah; Cama, Vitaliano A. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, Donald R.; Weiss, Adam J.; Roy, Sharon L.; Yerian, Sarah; Sapp, Sarah G.H. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, Donald R.; Weiss, Adam J.; Roy, Sharon L.; Zingeser, James; Guagliardo, Sarah Anne J. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, Donald R.; Weiss, Adam J.; Yerian, Sarah; Sapp, Sarah G.H.; Cama, Vitaliano A. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, Donald R.; Weiss, Adam J.; Yerian, Sarah; Zhao, Yujing; Sapp, Sarah G.H.; Cama, Vitaliano A "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, Donna L. "State Magazine"
Hopkins, Drew "New York State Conservationist"
Hopkins, Dwight "Currents in Theology and Mission"
Hopkins, Dwight N. "Currents in Theology and Mission"
Hopkins, Dwight N. "Theological Studies"
Hopkins, Easton G.; Sowby, Robert B. "Water"
Hopkins, Edgar "Modern Casting"
Hopkins, Edward "Art and Christianity"
Hopkins, Eli "Art Business News"
Hopkins, Ellen "Bookmarks"
Hopkins, Ellen "Voice of Youth Advocates"
Hopkins, Ellen "Diesel Progress North American Edition"
Hopkins, Ellen; Johnson, George M.; Morrison, Toni "Kirkus Feature Articles and Interviews"
Hopkins, Ellen; Maas, Sarah J.; Green, John; Hoover, Colleen; Picoult, Jodi; Morrison, Toni; McCormi "Kirkus Feature Articles and Interviews"
Hopkins, Elvy "Guns Magazine"
Hopkins, Emily "Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics"
Hopkins, Emily "Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations"
Hopkins, Emily R. "Childhood Education"
Hopkins, Emily; Potcovaru, Ana-Madalina "Analysis and Metaphysics"
Hopkins, Emily; Siekelova, Anna "Economics, Management, and Financial Markets"
Hopkins, Eric David; Gillians, Paul; Lindsay, Roger; Pratt, Russell; Rainbow, Bob; Rice, Peter; Farr "Professional Engineering Magazine"
Hopkins, Erin "Washington University Global Studies Law Review"
Hopkins, Frances "Catholic Insight"
Hopkins, Frank Snowden "The Futurist"
Hopkins, Gareth R.; Hopkins, Zoe M. "Northwestern Naturalist: A Journal of Vertebrate Biology"
Hopkins, Gary "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Hopkins, Gary L.; Hopp, Joyce W.; Marshak, Helen P.; Neish, Christine; Rhoads, Gayle "Journal of School Health"
Hopkins, Gary; Howarth, Jayne "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Hopkins, Gary; Hunt, Jon "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Hopkins, Gary; Keely, Alistair "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Hopkins, Gary; Revill, John "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Hopkins, Gary; Worrall, Boris "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Hopkins, Gene "Bowhunter"
Hopkins, Geoff "PN - Paraplegia News"
Hopkins, George "Arkansas Business"
Hopkins, George R. "Phi Delta Kappan"
Hopkins, Gregory A. "Modern Brewery Age"
Hopkins, Griff "Nursing Homes"
Hopkins, H. "Contract Management"
Hopkins, H. Donald "Business Horizons"
Hopkins, Harold, Jr. "Farm Collector"
Hopkins, Ian; Vassileva, Julita "Journal of Digital Information Management"
Hopkins, J. Ty; Adolp, Jason T. "Clinical Kinesiology: Journal of the American Kinesiotherapy Association"
Hopkins, J.B. "Florida Bar Journal"
Hopkins, J.C.; Gash, K.; Armstrong, C.P. "Journal of Surgical Case Reports"
Hopkins, Jack; Asada, Ken; Leung, Alex; Papadaki, Vasiliki; Davaapil, Hongorzul; Morrison, Matthew; "Cancers"
Hopkins, James "Business Credit"
Hopkins, James H. "Business Credit"
Hopkins, James M. "Journal of Accountancy"
Hopkins, James M. "The Tax Adviser"
Hopkins, James M. "The CPA Journal"
Hopkins, James M.; Nielsen, Mark C. "Journal of Accountancy"
Hopkins, James; Volety, Ipsita; Qatanani, Farreh; Shukla, Deepak "Viruses"
Hopkins, Jamie; Pearce, John A., II "The Journal of High Technology Law"
Hopkins, Janet "Teacher Librarian"
Hopkins, Jaran; Bean, Tim; Villablanca, Francis "Diversity"
Hopkins, Jeff "Sky & Telescope"
Hopkins, Jeff "The Canadian Geographer"
Hopkins, Jerry "Baptist History and Heritage"
Hopkins, Jerry "Frozen Food Digest"
Hopkins, Jerry "Church History"
Hopkins, Jerry "Teaching History: A Journal of Methods"
Hopkins, Jessica "Black Enterprise"
Hopkins, Jessica M.; Smith, Rosemary J. "The American Biology Teacher"
Hopkins, Jessica; Hague, Heather; Hudgin, Glen; Ross, Lorrie; Moore, Deborah "Journal of Environmental Health"
Hopkins, John "Take One"
Hopkins, John "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Hopkins, John "Green Places"
Hopkins, John "The Quill"
Hopkins, John "Sustainability"
Hopkins, John (American novelist) "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Hopkins, John B.; Frederick, Cheryl A.; Yorks, Derek; Pollock, Erik; Chatfield, Matthew W. H. "Diversity"
Hopkins, John C.; Sharp, David H. "Issues in Science and Technology"
Hopkins, John D. "The Quill"
Hopkins, John E. "National Catholic Reporter"
Hopkins, John L. "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Hopkins, John S. "Mortgage Banking"
Hopkins, John; Bardoel, Anne "Sustainability"
Hopkins, Johns "The Journal of Rehabilitation"
Hopkins, Johns "American Forests"
HOPKINS, JON "Communications of the ACM"
Hopkins, Jonathan; Westfall, Mary; Slater, Richard "New Hampshire Business Review"
Hopkins, Jr., Robert H. "Family Practice News"
Hopkins, Julian "International journal of communication (Online)"
Hopkins, Julian; Tan, Chris Hooi Koon "International journal of communication (Online)"
Hopkins, June "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Hopkins, June "Canadian Journal of History"
Hopkins, June "The Historian"
Hopkins, K.A.; Gravatt, D.A. "The Texas Journal of Science"
Hopkins, Kamahria "The Masthead"
Hopkins, Kane; Matheson, Donald "Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy"
Hopkins, Kara "The American Conservative"
Hopkins, Karen M.; Deal, Kathleen Holtz; Bloom, Jennie Dunleavy "Journal of Social Work Education"
Hopkins, Karen S. "Fun For Kidz"
Hopkins, Kathie "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Hopkins, Kathryn L.; Underwood, Talya; Iddrisu, Iddi; Woldemeskel, Hanna; Bon, Helena Ballester; Bro "Vaccines"
Hopkins, Katie L.; Day, Martin; Threlfall, E. John "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hopkins, Katie L.; Escudero, Jose A.; Hidalgo, Laura; Gonzalez-Zorn, Bruno "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hopkins, Katie; Roy, Susan "Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
Hopkins, Katy "University Business"
Hopkins, Keith "History Today"
Hopkins, Keith "Past & Present"
Hopkins, Kimberly Nolen "Florida Bar Journal"
Hopkins, Kurt; Giddings, C.; Gore, A.; Osborn, C. "Guns & Ammo"
Hopkins, Kyle "Community College Week"
Hopkins, Larry "Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature"
Hopkins, Laura; Carey, Mark; Brown, Linda; McCrea, Sabryna; Milne, Mark; Tokaryk, Dawne; Stacey, Daw "Current Oncology"
Hopkins, Laurie; Kinard, Amelia "ERIC: Reports"
Hopkins, Lekkie "Outskirts: feminisms along the edge"
Hopkins, Lekkie "Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table"
Hopkins, Lekkie; Robson, Julie "Outskirts: feminisms along the edge"
Hopkins, Leroy T. "World Literature Today"
Hopkins, Liliana; Yim, Kayla; Rumora, Ana; Baykus, Melissa F.; Martinez, Luisa; Jimenez, Luis "Genes"
Hopkins, Lindy "Teaching Children Mathematics"
Hopkins, Linton "Art Culinaire"
Hopkins, Lisa "Renaissance Quarterly"
Hopkins, Lisa "Yearbook of English Studies"
Hopkins, Lisa "Shakespeare Studies"
Hopkins, Lisa "Seventeenth-Century News"
Hopkins, Lisa "Papers on Language & Literature"
Hopkins, Lisa "Notes and Queries"
Hopkins, Lisa "Philological Quarterly"
Hopkins, Lisa "Early Theatre"
Hopkins, Lisa "Gothic Studies"
Hopkins, Lisa "Marlowe Studies: An Annual"
Hopkins, Lisa "Humanities (Basel)"
Hopkins, Liza "Notes and Queries"
Hopkins, Liza "Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy"
Hopkins, Liza; Brookes, Fiona; Green, Julie "Australasian Journal of Early Childhood"
Hopkins, Liza; Thomas, Julian; Meredyth, Denise; Ewing, Scott "Australian Journal of Social Issues"
Hopkins, M. Burton, Jr. "NEA Today"
Hopkins, M.S.; Casa, A.M.; Wang, T.; Mitchell, S.E.; Dean, R.E.; Kochert, G. D.; Kresovich, S. "Crop Science"
Hopkins, Maggie; Hallett, Cynthia; Babb, Stephen; King, Brian; Tynan, Michael; MacNeil, Allison "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hopkins, Marc "Black Enterprise"
Hopkins, Marc "Art Business News"
Hopkins, Marianne R.; Ettinger, Adrienne S.; Hernandez-Avila, Mauricio; Schwartz, Joel; Tellez-Rojo, "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Hopkins, Marie "Duke Law & Technology Review"
Hopkins, Marilyn "Journal of Property Management"
Hopkins, Marjorie "Indiana Business Magazine"
Hopkins, Mark G. "Firehouse Magazine"
Hopkins, Mark; Gibbons, Catherine; Caudwell, Phillipa; Webb, Dominic-Luc; Hellstrom, Per M.; Naslund "International Journal of Endocrinology"
Hopkins, Martha H. "Teaching Children Mathematics"
Hopkins, Martha H.; Brahier, Daniel J.; Speer, William "Teaching Children Mathematics"
Hopkins, Martha M. "Houston Journal of International Law"
Hopkins, Matt "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Hopkins, Matthew R. "OBG Management"
Hopkins, Meagan Wood; Whatley, Mark A. "North American Journal of Psychology"
Hopkins, Megan; Spillane, James P. "Journal of Teacher Education"
Hopkins, Melissa Corcoran "New York State Conservationist"
Hopkins, Michael F. "Contemporary Review"
Hopkins, Michael J. "Trial"
Hopkins, Michael; Ghiffin, Robert; Leonessa, Alexander "Mechanical Engineering-CIME"
Hopkins, Mike "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Hopkins, Neil; Viljoen, Wayne "South African Journal of Sports Medicine"
Hopkins, Nicole; Sorensen, Tyson J.; Burrows, Michelle; Lawver, Rebecca G. "Journal of Agricultural Education"
Hopkins, P.A. "Notes and Queries"
Hopkins, Pamela Clinton; Cowell, Charles E.; Jorden, Debra; McWhorter, Rochell; Dobbs, Rita L.; Alle "ERIC: Reports"
Hopkins, Patrick D. "The Hastings Center Report"
Hopkins, Peter Desmond M. "The CPA Journal"
Hopkins, Rachael "New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy"
Hopkins, Randy G.; Spray, John G. "Atlantic Geoscience"
Hopkins, Reedy "Air Force Comptroller"
Hopkins, Reginald "Journal of Pan African Studies"
Hopkins, Richard "The Journal of Employee Assistance"
Hopkins, Richard L. "Printing History"
Hopkins, Richard S. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hopkins, Richard S. "The Historian"
Hopkins, Richard S.; Misegades, Lara; Ransom, James; Lipson, Leigh; Brink, Edward W. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hopkins, Robert "Arkansas Business"
Hopkins, Robert "Mortgage Banking"
Hopkins, Robert "Mind"
Hopkins, Robert "The British Journal of Aesthetics"
Hopkins, Robert H. "Internal Medicine News"
Hopkins, Robert H., Jr.; Schaffner, William; Nichol, Kristin L. "Family Practice News"
Hopkins, Robert H.; Golden, William E. "Family Practice News"
Hopkins, Robert H.; Nichol, Kristin L.; Schaffner, William "Internal Medicine News"
Hopkins, Robert, Jr. "Association Management"
Hopkins, Robert; Minogue, Gerard; McGrath, Joseph; Acheson, Lisa Jayne; Skehan, Pauline Concepta; Mc "Social Sciences"
Hopkins, Rosie; Acholonu, Alex D.W. "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Hopkins, Ruth "Windspeaker"
Hopkins, Sam; Perkinson, David "DMTCS Proceedings"
Hopkins, Sandra "School Arts"
Hopkins, Sarah "Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services"
Hopkins, Sarah "Existential Analysis"
Hopkins, Sarah L.; Lawson, Michael J. "ERIC: Reports"
Hopkins, Sarah; Stobie, Peter J.F. "Legacy Magazine"
Hopkins, Sareena "ERIC: Reports"
Hopkins, Shannon L. "The Journal of High Technology Law"
Hopkins, Sheryl "Financial Executive"
Hopkins, Sheryl L. "Financial Executive"
Hopkins, Shirley A.; Hopkins, Willie E. "SAM Advanced Management Journal"
Hopkins, Shirley A.; Hopkins, Willie E.; Thornton, Billy "SAM Advanced Management Journal"
Hopkins, Sienna "Italica"
Hopkins, Sienna "Annali d'Italianistica"
Hopkins, Simon "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Hopkins, Sonnie "ERIC: Reports"
Hopkins, Stephen "Mortgage Banking"
Hopkins, Stephen "Twentieth Century Communism"
Hopkins, Stephen C.E. "Philological Quarterly"
Hopkins, Steve "Aviation Safety"
Hopkins, Susan "Media and Communication"
Hopkins, Theresa "Naval Aviation News"
Hopkins, Thomas D. "Fordham Urban Law Journal"
Hopkins, Thomas D. "USA Today (Magazine)"
Hopkins, Thomas Israel "Artforum International"
Hopkins, Thomas Israel "Tablet Magazine"
Hopkins, Tim "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hopkins, Tim "Contemporary Review"
HOPKINS, TIM "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"
Hopkins, Todd "Franchising World"
Hopkins, Tom "Success"
Hopkins, Tom "Contemporary Review"
Hopkins, Tracy E. "Dance Magazine"
Hopkins, Veronica; Gardner, Dianne "New Zealand Journal of Psychology"
Hopkins, W. Wat "Federal Communications Law Journal"
Hopkins, Wayne R. "Mining Magazine"
Hopkins, Wendy "Phi Delta Kappan"
Hopkins, Will G. "Sportscience"
Hopkins, Will G.; Allen, Sian V.; Vandenbogaerde, Tom J. "Sportscience"
Hopkins, Will G.; Batterham, Alan M. "Sportscience"
Hopkins, Will G.; Batterham, Alan M.; Marshall, Stephen W.; Hanin, Juri "Sportscience"
Hopkins, Will G.; Buchheit, Martin "Sportscience"
Hopkins, Will G.; Hume, Patria A.; Hollings, Steve C.; Hamlin, Mike J.; Spencer, Matt; Malcata, Rita "Sportscience"
Hopkins, Will G.; Martin, David T.; Knight, Martin C. "Sportscience"
Hopkins, Will G.; Vandenbogaerde, Tom J. "Sportscience"
Hopkins, Willie E.; Gross, Michael A. "SAM Advanced Management Journal"
Hopkins, Willie E.; Hopkins, Shirley A.; Mallette, Paul "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Hopkins, Zoe "Wind Speaker"
Hopkins, Zoe "The Brooklyn Rail"
Hopkins-Chadwick, Denise L. "U.S. Army Medical Department Journal"
Hopkins-Meyer, Jeremy "Natural Life"
Hopkins-Weise, Jeff "Sabretache"
Hopkins-Weise, Jeff "Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society"
Hopkinson, D.; Akuamoah-Boateng, K.; Banguti, P.; Mvukiyehe, J.P.; Zerfoss, C.; Eng, T.; Tuyishime, "Southern African Journal of Critical Care"
Hopkinson, David "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Hopkinson, Deborah "BookPage"
Hopkinson, Devorah "BookPage"
Hopkinson, Harry R. "Grit"
Hopkinson, Jim "Success"
Hopkinson, Joseph "The American Reader"
Hopkinson, Mark "Medical Equipment Designer"
Hopkinson, Mark "Designfax"
Hopkinson, Nalo "Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts"
Hopkinson, Natalie "American Journalism Review"
Hopkinson, Shane "Arena Magazine"
Hopkinson, Stephen "Optometry Today"
Hopkirk, Jane Huia "New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy"
Hopko, D.R.; Robertson, S.M.C.; Colman, L. "The International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy"
Hopko, Derek R.; Robertson, Sarah M.C.; Lejuez, C.W. "The Behavior Analyst Today"
Hopla, Debbie; Zink, Judith; Burgess, Stephanie; Bouthillet, Kelly; Bond, Sharon "South Carolina Nurse"
Hopla, Debbie; Zink, Judith; Mitchell, Sheryl; Burgess, Stephanie; Rathbun, Lesley; Durham, Nancy; B "South Carolina Nurse"
Hopla, Deborah "South Carolina Nurse"
Hopla, Deborah L.; Thrift, Jason "South Carolina Nurse"
Hopla, Deborah L.; Thrift, Jason R. "South Carolina Nurse"
Hoplamazian, Mara "New Hampshire Business Review"
Hoplamazion, Mara "New Hampshire Business Review"
Hopler, Jay "Journal of Social History"
Hopler, Jay "The American Poetry Review"
Hopler, Jay "The Mailer Review"
Hopler, Jay; Rilke, Rainer Maria "The Mailer Review"
Hopley, B.; Mattison, M. "Ergonomics SA"
Hopley, Claire "World and I"
Hopley, Ingrid; Ghahramani, Mehrdad; Aziz, Asma "Sustainability"
Hopley, Michelle "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Hopley, Richard; Sigman, Amy; Carr, Kenneth; Roberts, Jennifer; Rogers, Beverly "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Hopley, Virginia "ERIC: Reports"
Hoplin, Herman P. "Industrial Management & Data Systems"
Hopman, Elsa "PN - Paraplegia News"
Hopman, Jan; Hamilton, Robin "Whole Dog Journal"
Hopman, Jean; Clark, Tom "Education Sciences"
Hopman, Katherine; Richards, Deborah; Norberg, Melissa M. "Multimodal Technologies and Interaction"
Hopman, Luuk H. G. A.; Zweerink, Alwin; van der Lingen, Anne-Lotte C. J.; Huntelaar, Marthe J.; Muld "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Hopman, Sally "National Library of Australia Gateways"
Hopman, Wilma M.; Berger, Claudie; Joseph, Lawrence; Towheed, Tanveer; Prior, Jerilynn C.; Anastassi "Canadian Journal of Public Health"
Hopmann, Ch.; Michaeli, E.h.W.; Becker, S. "Plastics Engineering"
Hopmann, Christian; Erler, Ivo "Plastics Engineering"
Hopmann, Christian; Hendriks, Sven; Feldges, Robert "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Hopmann, Christian; Hendriks, Sven; Spicker, Claudia; Zepnik, Stefan; van Luck, Frank "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Hopmann, Christian; Kahve, Cemi; Schmitz, Mauritius "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Hopmann, Christian; Kaltbeitzel, Daniel; Kauth, Theresa; Dittrich, Barbara; Grosse, Joachim; Huppert "Plastics Engineering"
Hopmann, Christian; Lemke, Florian; Peter, Jan Philip; Gahlen, Patrick; Mockel, Jens; Maschinenbau, "Rubber World"
Hopmann, Christian; Magura, Nadine; Lopez, Nicolas Rozo; Schneider, Daniel; Fischer, Kai "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Hopmann, Christian; Twardowski, Benjamin; Bakir, Can "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Hopmans, P.; Collett, N.; Bickford, R. "Australian Journal of Soil Research"
Hopo, Mai G.; Mabrok, Mahmoud; Abu-Elala, Nermeen; Yu, Yongyao "Biology (Basel)"
Hopp, Alex "Hmong Studies Journal"
Hopp, Amanda M.; Ranjitkar, Pratistha; Colon-Franco, Jessica M. "Clinical Chemistry"
Hopp, Anthony G.; Goldkind, Jeremy S.; Cummings, David M. "Defense Counsel Journal"
Hopp, Christian; Lukas, Christian "Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice"
Hopp, Faith Pratt; Thornton, Nancy; Martin, Lindsey "Health and Social Work"
Hopp, Garrett; Gleason, Glenn; Rife, Nick; Muller, Ashley "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
HOPP, JAMES W. "Air Force Journal of Logistics"
Hopp, Joyce W. "Journal of School Health"
Hopp, Pamela J.; Smith, C.A.P.; Clegg, Benjamin A.; Heggestad, Eric D. "Human Factors"
Hopp, Russell J. "Children"
Hopp, Russell; Lee, Junghyae; Bohan, Heather "Children"
Hopp, Tamie "The Exceptional Parent"
Hopp, Toby "International journal of communication (Online)"
Hopp, Toby; Vargo, Chris J. "International journal of communication (Online)"
Hoppa, Karen "Phi Kappa Phi Forum"
Hoppe, Annedore; Fritsche, Immo; Chokrai, Parissa "Sustainability"
Hoppe, Arthur "Wines & Vines"
Hoppe, Bert "Kritika"
Hoppe, Bradford S.; Petersen, Ivy A.; Wilke, Benjamin K.; DeWees, Todd A.; Imai, Reiko; Hug, Eugen B "Cancers"
Hoppe, C.E.; Galante, M.J.; Oyanguren, P.A.; Williams, R.J.J.; Girard-Reydet, E.; Pascault, J.P. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Hoppe, Christy "American Journalism Review"
Hoppe, Cindy; Gregory-Ksander, Meredith "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Hoppe, David B. "Japan Inc."
Hoppe, Dominik Thomas; Toschka, André; Karnatz, Nadia; Moellmann, Henriette Louise; Seidl, Maximilia "Journal of Functional Biomaterials"
Hoppe, E.G.L.; Araujo de Lima, R.C.; Tebaldi, J.H.; Athayde, A.C.R.; Nascimento, A.A. "Brazilian Journal of Biology"
Hoppe, Felicitas "Chicago Review"
Hoppe, Hans-Hermann "Libertarian Papers"
Hoppe, Hauke; Dietrich, Peter; Marzahn, Philip; Weiß, Thomas; Nitzsche, Christian; Freiherr von Luka "Remote Sensing"
Hoppe, Ismael Luiz; Wollmann, Cassio Arthur; Buss, André Schroder; Gobo, João Paulo Assis; Shooshtar "Climate"
Hoppe, Janice "Retail Merchandiser"
Hoppe, Jean Burke "Communication World"
Hoppe, Johannes; Preissler, Bastian Ignaz; Forster, Katrin "North American Journal of Psychology"
Hoppe, Karl; Vietor, Bruce "Plastics Technology"
Hoppe, Kathryn "Science News"
Hoppe, Kelly M. "Voice of Youth Advocates"
Hoppe, Kelly; Eaves, Patti "Teacher Librarian"
Hoppe, Kelly; Wilcox, Jessica "Voice of Youth Advocates"
Hoppe, Kevin; Wischemann, Lukas; Schaldach, Gerhard; Zielke, Reiner; Tillmann, Wolfgang; Thommes, Ma "Atmosphere"
Hoppe, Leslie J. "U.S. Catholic"
Hoppe, Matthias Wilhelm; Brochhagen, Joana; Baumgart, Christian; Bauer, Julian; Freiwald, Juergen "Asian Journal of Sports Medicine (AsJSM)"
Hoppe, Mombert "International Trade Forum"
Hoppe, Paul Lennart; Frenzel, Stephan; Krusche-Mandl, Irena; Thalhammer, Gerhild; Hajdu, Stefan; Hal "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Hoppe, Paul Lennart; Priol, Moritz; Springer, Bernhard; Waldstein-Wartenberg, Wenzel; Böhler, Christ "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Hoppe, R.H.W.; Kuzmin, M.Y.; Litvinov, W.G.; Zvyagin, V.G. "Abstract and Applied Analysis"
Hoppe, Rick "Government Finance Review"
Hoppe, S.; Detrez, C.; Pla, F. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Hoppe, Sascha; Meder, Lydia; Gebauer, Florian; Ullrich, Roland T.; Zander, Thomas; Hillmer, Axel M.; "Cancers"
Hoppe, Scott "California CPA"
Hoppe, Stephan "Modern Casting"
Hoppe, Stephen "LD+A Magazine"
Hoppe, Trevor "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Hoppe, Ulrich; Hast, Anne; Hornung, Joachim; Hocke, Thomas "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Hoppe, William "Chuck" C. "Army Communicator"
Hoppe-Spiers, Janice "Retail Merchandiser"
Hoppen, Beatrice; Sukys, Saulius "Sports"
Hoppen, Charlotte "Social Sciences"
Hoppen, Jane "Feminist Studies"
Hoppen, Jane "Grit"
Hoppen, Jeffrey G. "Real Estate Weekly"
Hoppen, Norberto; Klein, Amarolinda da Costa Zanela; Rigoni, Eduardo Henrique "BAR - Brazilian Administration Review"
Hoppenjans, Kelly "Journal of Singing"
Hoppenrath, Margaret "Applied Radiology"
Hoppenrath, Mona; Kretzschmar, A. Liza; Kaufmann, Manfred J.; Murray, Shauna A. "Marine Biodiversity Records"
Hoppensteadt, Debra A.; Kahn, Steven; Fareed, Jawed "Clinical Chemistry"
Hoppenstedt, Elbert M. "Humpty Dumpty's Magazine"
Hoppenthaler, John "The Greensboro Review"
Hopper, Ailish "West Branch"
Hopper, Ailish "The American Poetry Review"
Hopper, Amy; Dokken, Deborah; Ahmann, Elizabeth "Pediatric Nursing"
Hopper, Audrey "ISNA Bulletin"
Hopper, Briallen "Cross Currents"
Hopper, Cathy "Catholic Insight"
Hopper, Claire "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Hopper, David "Family Practice News"
Hopper, Diana M.; Grisbrook, Tiffany L.; Newnham, Prudence J.; Edwards, Dylan J. "Journal of Dance Medicine & Science"
Hopper, Elizabeth "World Watch"
Hopper, Elizabeth "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Hopper, Greg "Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin"
Hopper, Greg W.; Greene, Kevin "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Hopper, Helen "Journal of Social History"
Hopper, Helen M. "Journal of Social History"
Hopper, Janette K. "The American Indian Quarterly"
Hopper, Jennifer "International journal of communication (Online)"
Hopper, Jessica "Artforum International"
Hopper, Jessica; Lowry, Ryan "The Fader"
Hopper, Jessica; Zeisloft, Jacqueline "The Women's Review of Books"
Hopper, Jim "Northern Ontario Business"
Hopper, John "Air & Space Power Journal"
Hopper, John D., Jr. "Airman"
Hopper, John M. "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Hopper, Jr., John D. "Air & Space Power Journal"
Hopper, Keith B. "ERIC: Reports"
Hopper, Kevin R.; Crowley, Philip H.; Kielman, Donna "Ecology"
Hopper, Kim "Contemporary Drug Problems"
Hopper, Kim "Social Policy"
Hopper, L.S.; Allen, N.; Wyon, M.; Alderson, J.A.; Elliott, B.C.; Ackland, T.R. "Journal of Dance Medicine & Science"
Hopper, Leigh "USA Today (Magazine)"
Hopper, Lisha Hinton "Mississippi Magazine"
Hopper, Luke S.; Wheeler, Talia J.; Webster, James M.; Allen, Nick; Roberts, Jonathan R.; Fleming, P "Journal of Dance Medicine & Science"
Hopper, Lyn "The Lamp"
Hopper, Madeline K. "Columbia Journal of Gender and Law"
Hopper, Margaret F. "ERIC: Reports"
Hopper, Mark A.; Stanford, Karen S. "Security Management"
Hopper, Missy "Phi Kappa Phi Forum"
Hopper, Paula L.; Hensley, Jr., Robert G. "North Carolina Banking Institute"
Hopper, Peggy F. "Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table"
Hopper, Peggy F.; Ratliff, Lindon; Brown, Willie H. "The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Sciences"
Hopper, Peggy; DeGrado, Colleen "Whole Dog Journal"
Hopper, Peter "Sabretache"
Hopper, Regina "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Hopper, Scott M. "Defense Transportation Journal"
Hopper, Stephen D. "Plants"
Hopper, Thomas R. "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Hopper, Toni "ERIC: Reports"
Hopper, Travis "Liberty Press"
Hopper, Trevor; Tsamenyi, Mathew; Uddin, Shahzad; Wickramasinghe, Danture "Financial Management (UK)"
Hopper, William; Kyker, Keith A.; Rodney, Wm. MacMillan "Journal of Family Practice"
Hoppers, Wim "ERIC: Reports"
Hoppert, Phil "Momentum"
Hoppes, Carrie W.; Lambert, Karen H.; Whitney, Susan L.; Erbele, Isaac D.; Esquivel, Carlos R.; Yuan "Bioengineering"
Hoppes, Jonna Doolittle "Air Power History"
Hoppes, Jonna Doolittle "Air & Space Power History"
Hoppes, Sharman M.; Boyd, Janice D.; Brightsmith, Donald J. "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Hoppin, Jane A. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Hoppin, Jane A.; Jaramillo, Renee; London, Stephanie J.; Bertelsen, Randi J.; Salo, Paivi M.; Sandle "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Hoppin, Jane A.; Umbach, David M.; Long, Stuart; London, Stephanie J.; Henneberger, Paul K.; Blair, "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Hoppin, Judith M.; Splete, Howard H. "Career Development Quarterly"
Hoppin, Kandace M.; Knollman, Gregory; Rice Doran, Patricia; Hong, Huili "Languages"
Hopping, Linda "Phi Delta Kappan"
Hopping, Wade L. "Florida Bar Journal"
Hopping, Wade L.; Sellers, Lawrence E., Jr.; Wetherell, Kent "Florida Bar Journal"
Hoppit, Julian "Canadian Journal of History"
Hoppit, Julian "Business History Review"
Hoppler, Katie "New Hampshire Business Review"
Hoppman-Chaney, Nicole; Peterson, Lisa M.; Klee, Eric W.; Middha, Sumit; Courteau, Laura K.; Ferber, "Clinical Chemistry"
Hoppmann, Julia; Gesing, Julia; Silve, Caroline; Leroy, Chrystel; Bertsche, Astrid; Hirsch, Franz Wo "Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology"
Hoppmann, Nicola; Heinig, Nora; Distler, Ute; Kim, Ella; Lennerz, Volker; Krauß, Yvonne; Schumann, U "Cancers"
Hoppmann, Richard; Michell, Wylie E.; Carter, John B.; McMahon, Carol; Lill, Patsy H.; Brownlee, Noe "Journal of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
Höppner, Jakob; Casteleyn, Vincent; Biesen, Robert; Rose, Thomas; Windisch, Wolfram; Burmester, Gerd "Pharmaceuticals"
Hoppner, Jakob; Wollsching-Strobel, Maximilian; Schumacher, Falk; Windisch, Wolfram; Berger, Melanie "Archives of Rheumatology"
Hoppock, Kevin C.; Houston, Thomas P. "Journal of Family Practice"
Hopps, Michael "American Forests"
Hopps, Michael W. "American Forests"
Hopps, Walter "Artforum International"
Hopps-Wallis, Kathryn; Perry, Bob "Australasian Journal of Early Childhood"
Hoppstock, Gregor; Lindquist, Jonathan A.; Willems, Antonia; Becker, Annika; Reichardt, Charlotte; M "Cells"
Hoppszallem, Suzanna "H&HN Hospitals & Health Networks"
Hoppszallern, Suzanna "H&HN Hospitals & Health Networks"
Hoppszllern, Suzanna "H&HN Hospitals & Health Networks"
Hopsch, Lena; Lilja, Eva "Style"
Hopsicker, Peter M. "Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies"
Hopson, Ami; Schade, Hans "U.S. Catholic"
Hopson, Amy "Monthly Labor Review"
Hopson, Ingrid "School Librarian"
Hopson, James F. "The CPA Journal"
Hopson, James F.; Aghazadeh, Seyed-Mahmoud; Taylor, Christine "The National Public Accountant"
Hopson, James F.; Domagalski, Theresa; Hibschweiler, Arlene "The National Public Accountant"
Hopson, James F.; Hopson, Patricia D. "The CPA Journal"
Hopson, James F.; Sheehy, William J. "The National Public Accountant"
Hopson, James; Hopson, Patricia D.; Vecchio, Stephen Del "The CPA Journal"
Hopson, Jericha "Multicultural Education"
Hopson, Karen "Journal of Catholic Education"
Hopson, Lyn "School Librarian"
Hopson, Robin Liu "Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal"
Hopson, Robin Liu "Canadian Journal of Education"
Hopson, Tanisha "Black Enterprise"
Hopson, Tanisha R. "Black Enterprise"
Hopstaken, R.M.; Nelemans, P.; Stobberingh, E.E.; Muris J.W.M.; Rinkens, P.E.L.M.; Dinant, G.J. "Journal of Family Practice"
Hopster, Gene "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Hopstock, Nina; de Jager, Nicola "Strategic Review for Southern Africa"
Hopstock, Paul J.; Pelczar, Marisa P. "ERIC: Reports"
Hopton, Jim "School Arts"
Hopton, Peter "Financial Management (UK)"
Hopton, Terry "Anarchist Studies"
Hopulele-Petri, Andrei; Manea, Mihnea; Manea, Mirela "Bulletin of Integrative Psychiatry"
Hopur, Parida; Chen, Wenqi; Zhou, Yulong; Zhou, Jialu; Wang, Tuo "Metals"
Hopwell, John "Variety"
Hopwood, Belinda; Dyment, Janet "Literacy Learning: The Middle Years"
Hopwood, Belinda; Hay, Ian; Dyment, Janet "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Hopwood, David "State Magazine"
Hopwood, Graham "Sister Namibia"
Hopwood, Graham "Namibia Economist (Windhoek, Namibia)"
Hopwood, Karl "ChildArt"
Hopwood, Mark "The Lamp"
Hopwood, Max; Bryant, Joanne; Brener, Loren "Contemporary Drug Problems"
Hopwood, Mererid "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Hopwood, Nick "Australian Journal of Adult Learning"
Hopwood, Shon "Michigan Law Review"
Hoq, M. Ajijul; Soner, M. A. Malek; Khanom, S.; Uddin, M. J.; Moniruzzaman, M.; Chowdhury, M. S. H.; "Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations"
Hoq, Monsurul; Matthews, Susan; Karlaftis, Vicky; Burgess, Janet; Cowley, Jessica; Donath, Susan; Ca "Clinical Chemistry"
Hoque, Akm M.; Hoque, Muhammad E.; Hal, Guido V. "African Journal of Reproductive Health"
Hoque, Ariful; Bhuiyan, Tanvir; Le, Thi "International Journal of Financial Studies"
Hoque, Ariful; Islam, Md Rayhan; Hossain, Shahadat "Risks"
Hoque, Ariful; Le, Duong Thuy; Le, Thi "Risks"
Hoque, Asraul "Pakistan Development Review"
Hoque, Azharul; Rahman, Kazi Mohibur; Haque, Badrul; Chowdhury, Rajib Nayan; Khan, Sharif Uddin; Has "Oman Medical Journal"
Hoque, Ejajul; Tran, Phat; Jacobo, Unique; Bergfeld, Nicholas; Acharya, Sanjit; Shamshina, Julia L.; "Molecules (Basel)"
Hoque, Faika; Kwon, Sungoh "The Scientific World Journal"
Hoque, Faisal "Best's Review"
Hoque, Imranul; Hasle, Peter; Maalouf, Miguel Malek "Sustainability"
Hoque, Iram Lamiya; Aziz, Shamontee; Mallick, Joya Rani; Nayeem, Md. Arifuzzaman; Maisha, Tamanna-E- "Advances in Civil Engineering"
Hoque, M. M.; Prol, F. S.; Hernandez-Pajares, M.; Notarpietro, R.; Yuan, L.; Olivares-Pulido, G.; Gr "Remote Sensing"
Hoque, M.A.; Burgess, G.W.; Greenhil, A.R. "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Hoque, M.A.; Kadowaki, H.; Shibata, T.; Suzuki, K. "Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences"
Hoque, M.A.; Suzuki, K. "Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences"
Hoque, M.E.; King, K.; Ludwick, A.G. "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Hoque, M.R.; Choi, N.R.; Sultana, H.; Kang, B.S.; Heo, K.N.; Hong, S.K.; Jo, C.; Lee, J.H. "Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences"
Hoque, M.R.; Jin, S.; Heo, K.N.; Kang, B.S.; Jo, C.; Lee, J.H. "Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences"
Hoque, M.R.; Lee, S.H.; Jung, K.C.; Kang, B.S.; Park, M.N.; Lim, H.K.; Choi, K.D.; Lee, J.H. "Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences"
Hoque, Md Ashraful; Yao, Chun-Wei; Khanal, Mukunda; Lian, Ian "Sensors"
Hoque, Md Azizul; Hassan, Mohd Khair; Hajjo, Abdulrahman; Tokhi, Mohammad Osman "Batteries"
Hoque, Md Najmol; Islam, Shahidul "Agriculture"
Hoque, Md. Ariful; Guzman, Marcelo I.; Selegue, John P.; Gnanamani, Muthu Kumaran "Materials"
Hoque, Md. Ekramul; Islam, Md. Mayenul "Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research"
Hoque, Md. Saiful; Ali, Mehnab; Sun, Xiaoruo; Asad, Asad; Dolez, Patricia I.; Hogan, James David; Sa "Micromachines"
Hoque, Mofidul "American Theatre"
Hoque, Mohammad Enamul; Low, Soo-Wah "Risks"
Hoque, Muh Amdadul; Petersen, Emily; Fang, Xiaomeng "Actuators"
Hoque, Muhammad Ekramul "Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research"
Hoque, Nabil Md Rakinul; Duan, Lingze "Sensors"
Hoque, Parsa; Romero, Brigette; Akins, Robert E; Batish, Mona "Cells"
Hoque, S M Hasibul; Pirrone, Giovanni; Matrone, Fabio; Donofrio, Alessandra; Fanetti, Giuseppe; Caro "Cancers"
Hoque, Sabrina "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Hoque, Simi; Webb, James B.; Danylchuk, Andy J. "ASHRAE Journal"
Hoque, Zahirul; James, Wendy "Journal of Management Accounting Research"

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