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States, Nations-WPS Office

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States, Nations,and

People use the terms "States", "Nation",
and "Government" interchangeably,
thinking that they mean the same thing.
Although somewhat related, the words
have different meanings in Political
science. Several scholars have taken the
position that the term "nation" has a
racial significance as it used to describe a
body of people United by a common
descent and a common language.
Even without the preceding attributes, a group
of people may also be described as "nation"
because what is merely required of a nation is
a sense of belonging and oneness. In essence,
a nation is composed by people psychologically
United by a common will to live together.
A nation functions as a cultural and
psychological entity, in contrast to a state, which
exists as a political unit. A state possess by
sovereignty. While a nation may or may not be
possess sovereignty. Consequently, a group of
people may continue to exist as a nation even if
the nation does not possess or retain its
sovereign character.Sovereignty stands as the
most essential feature of the state.
The United Nations (UN) is neither a nation or
a state. It is an Organisation of states, hence, it
is called the United Nations Organizations
(Moten and Islam, 2008). This term refers to a
political institutions that combines the
concepts of nations and state. It refers to a
state inhabited by people who identify
themselves as nation on account of a common
culture, history,language, ethnicity, and other
The structure of the nation-state system
demands the promotion of its own interests to
the exclusion or detriment of others. To be
sure, there are instances where languages or
religions tend to coincide with state borders.
Yet, it is difficult to find a nation-state as it is
defined. Conversely, a nation may be divided
into many states.
Political scientists assert that multi-cultural or
multi-national states will have difficulty
maintaining democracy and stability. They have
observed that multi-national states are often
embroiled in deep-seated political conflict on
account of aspirations of nations to form their own
state. These states are beset by issues of legitimacy
because the people profess their loyalty to their
own group and not to the states. The state also
finds it difficult to compel citizens to obey its laws
and pay the required taxes.
To solve their dilemma, leaders attempt
to fuse the concept of state and nation.
They endeavour to fosters feelings of a
common nationhood among their
citizens to help evolve their states into
The word nation is taken from Latin words
nasci, which means born, giving the word a
racial or ethnic meaning. Etymologically,it
signifies original birthplace. It is thus generally
used to describe an ethnic, linguistic, or
cultural community or race. It may also refer to
Community of people linked by ties of blood
and relationships, a common language and
literature, common tradition and history.
A nation refers to a large group of individuals who
believe that they belong together because they share a
common identity as a people. This common identity
enables them to think of themselves as members of a
homogeneous community. Anderson (2023) pointsout
that because the citizens of even the smallest nation
will not be able to meet every other citizen, a nation is
merely an "imagine" community.
Two factors of Nation
1. There is need for a group of people to
have cohesion.

2. The individual members aspire to

belong to homogeneous community.
A nation may fall into the classification of either an
Ethnic Nation or a Territorial Nation. An Ethnic Nation
is entity that is united on the basis of ethnicity. While
Territorial Nation is an entity that covers a predefined
territory. On the other hand, Ethnic nation is populated
more or less by a single ethnic group. And the
Territorial Nation is populated by various ethnic groups
that have been assimilated into a Nation.
Ethnic diversity is a situation where members
of various interacting ethnic groups live
together symbiotically, if not harmoniously,
which is what exists when various ethnic
groups comprise a nation. Such diversity does
not necessarily lead to conflict. Conflict only
arises when there is ethnic division.
This happens when members of an ethnic
group refuse to identify themselves as
members of the nation and demand
recognition as a separate people. They can
be appeased if they are allowed to form a
separate nation.
The word state is a people organized for law
within a definite territory, possessing both
internal and external sovereignty. It is a
political unit in charge of the conduct of its
own affairs
A state " is an organization composed of
numerous agencies led and coordinated by the
state's leadership (executive authority) that has
the ability or authority to make and implement
binding rules for all the people, as well as the
parameters of rulemaking for other social
organization in a given territory , using force if
necessary..." A state although often thought as
synonymous with government, is actually broader
because it involves machineries, agencies,
jurisdictions, power and rights. And that it is a
network systematic relationships. ( Morada and
Encarnacion Tadem,2006)
4 Elements

Amiel Julhasan
1.People - There must be people residing in a state which
should be sufficienly to governed and to be self
sufficience.The reason is simple:there must people to
perform the leadership role.There must also be people to
govern, serve, and defend.

2.Government - A state of requires are functioning

goverment which permanent institutions defined
goverment and centralized authourity which is not best in
real and the relationship a process of transformation of
old localized organization and societies which a set fourth
roles effective states are characterized autonomy and
capacity the political leaders to formulate and pursue
goals simply the demands or particularistic imterests of
social group.
• The state to implement official goals, especially
over the "actual or potencial opposition of
powerful social group socioeconomic
• There are internal and external factors. The state
and the developed countries of the west.
Considerable powers to regulate the organize
society. They are those considered " weak
states" because to formulate and implement
3.Territory - The state must have a definite
territory under article.1 of the 1987
constitution."The national territory comprises
the Philppine Archipelago. The islands and
waters embraced therein, the subsoil, the
insular shelves." The waters around,
between, and connecting the island of the
archipelago of the internal waters of the
Philippine, the territory.
• The bounderies of the Philippines were
originally by the article lll between the US
and spain to all the island.
• Washington between the US and Spain on
Nobember 7, 1990. theory concluded
between the US and Greek Britain on January
2, 1930. The government of the Philippines
island adaption of the 1935. All the other
water areas delineated in section 6 of
commonwealth Act. 4003. The Philippines
may deem vital welfare and secrity.
• The Philippines which are not within
territories of the other countries.

• Section 2 of Republic act. No.3046 " All

water within the baseline provided for
sections. Around the territory of Sabah in
North Borneo, the republic of the
Philippines has aquired domination.
• Under article 57. The United Nation of
convention law of the sea. Phlippines has
theory has 200 neutical mile. The Philippine
as a coastal state of the following wrights.
• (a)sovereign rights for the purpose of
exploring and exploiting conserving, and
managing natural resources, the economic
explotation and exploration of the zone. The
production of energy from water, currents,
and winds;
• (b) Jurisdiction as provided in the
relevant provisions of this convention,
the establishment and use of artificial
island, marine scientific reseach.
• (c) Other rights and duties provided in the
convention presidential degree no. 1599 declared
the Philippines Economic Zone on june 11, 1978, The
Kalayaan Island Group 200-mile exclusive economic
zone of the Philippine , PD No. 1596 declared the
Kalayaan Island Group. The Philippines Congress
passed RA No. 9522 which amended RA No. 3046.
The Kalayaan Island Group Bajo de Masinloc. The
exercises and the jurisdiction. Under the 1987
Administrarive Code of the Philippines the
authonomous regions, provinces, subprovince, cities,
municipalities, and barangay. The 1987 constitution
only enumerates to all regions.
4. Sovereignty - The inherent power of the
state will on its people free from outside
• (b) External sovereignty on the other hands
freedom from foreign role or contro.

Albaina Salani
The world has shrunk with the advent of
television and even more so with social media
like Facebook. It took 50 days in 1776 for
account of the English reaction to the American
Declaration of independence to reach the shores
of the US. The British reaction to the start of the
korean war in 1950 was broadcast in America in
24 hours. British viewers and there American
counterpart across the pond saw the broadcast
of the Iraq war in 2003 at the same time.
The world changed so much that the
developed world can no longer claim to have
exclusive access mass media. Families in
developing countries now boast of owning at
least one television set. Filipinos also have
access to the world through their mobile
phone,which number in the millions. The
Chinese have more television sets than the
american. Enterprising 'cable wallahs' in poor
Indian cities put up satellite dishes on rooftop
illegally and charge neighbors affordable fees.
The facility of communication has made it
possible for people to be immediately
informed of events without being physically
present at such events. Even authoritarian
countries like china find it difficult to block
internet access.
One effect of this change in the speed of
communication is to galvanize world opinion
regarding horrific world events, like the 1989
Tienanmen Massacre. The global village has also
recoiled at the collateral damage of the civil war
in Syria, including the plight of millions of Syria
refugees. It has also expressed collective outrage
after Malala Yusuf, that brave Pakistani girl, was
nearly killed by the Taliban for just expressing her
support to the right of girls to be educated.
Another effect of the improvement in
communication is the promotion of informed
and open societies. Repressive government find
it hard to isolate their populations from
international development. Communist states,
like the isolationist North Korea, experience
difficulty blocking foreign radio broadcast
aimed at their people. Eberle (1990, pp. 194-5),
who studied the collapse of these states,
astutely observes that the changes in Eastern
Europe and the Sovier union can be attributed
to two things:
1. The triumph of communication and
2. The failure of communication

Both the underground opposition and extremist

organizations capitalize on new media
technology for different purposes:As Hague and
Harrop note, the underground opposition in
authoritarian ragimes - even if small - can use a
fax machine and the Internet to draw the world's
attention to the repression in their countries.
The State in the Global Economy
The challenge to state authority does not only
come from within (rebels advocating for
independence or autonomy) and without
(foreign states). The interests of a state may also
clash with intergovernmental organization
(IGOs) and the global economy. It has brought to
fire the issue from Hague and Harrop's point of
view of whether the global economy has
escaped from the clutches of state control and
reduced political sovereignty to nothing.
A state has to face up to an interdependent
economy. This is the new world order. The effect
of an interdependent economy varies in
developed western countries and post-colonial
countries. In contrast, the underdeveloped and
developing countries and remain dependent on
the developed countries. They are mired in
poverty and remain in competition with other
poor states in the export of agricultural produce
and minerals.
Developed countries
By: Nuraima Tan
Developed countries
To gain the upper hand in eeconomics
competitiveness, developed states have adopted
new policies, because international competitional
has exposed the Achilles heel in national markets
and monopolies, these developed states have
privatized publicly owned companies,pruned down
their budget deficits to manageable levels, reduced
their taxes, and abolished shoddy stock market and
comporate practices to fall in line with largely
American standards.
The new tack is due to external economic forces which
exert influence oncuontries through multinational
(MNCs)and global financial flows .The relationship
between MNCs and governments is a relationship
between economic and political power, the calculus in
this relationship is not rocket science: capital is
moblie,labor less so, and states not at all companies are
not tied to a particular country . They can go to a place
where the profiit margin is larges . To get concessions,
they can just theaten to move their factories and
rechnology elsewhere . The states, however, are
immobile. They reamain in their territory.
This is not to say that the relationship between
western governments and MNCs need the
developed word as a market of product.

In turn, the governments of the developed world

can aask for cconcessions and favorable
treatment: they may require MNCs to pruchase
components from domestic suppliers, the
governments can also form economic and
trading blocs like the European Union which can
deal with MNCs and western governments is
Policy making in developed countries is
also shaped by international financial
flows. The major operations and
programs of governments often rely on
borrowing from overseas, especially if
there are shortfalls in tevenue
collections. If the financial market have
little faith in a country's government or
economy, they will demand a higher rate
of interest for the loans to that country.
International lenders therefore rely on rating
agencies like standardandpoor's Moody's.
Investors service ,and fitch Rating to rate the
creditworthiness of countries. This is why the
development of a country will be a factor in the
willingness of international lenders to lend
money to the country .money will only flow to
a country once it follows the conditons laid out
by the lenders. The prescription is often bitter.
In the case of Greece, it wa forced to reduce the
pay of government workers, inter alia, to be
able to receive fresh loans.
The financial markets also have
an influence on the developed.
Country's value if the foreign
exchange dealers see little value
in the currency, then it will lose its
value. Devaluation will follow, if
the currency is to follow the law
of supply and demand a
depreciation in value of the
currency often. Augurs bad for the
country economy.
Developing countries
the impact of the global economy on
developing countries is far greater than
it is to developed countries. The weak
structure of these countries render it
vulnerable to external economic forces.
Such weak structure can be blamed on
faulty policies like reliance on single
export product or export markets.
Countries in Middle East rely only on oil
for export. Without the oil revenues their
economies would falter. most of Mexico's
products are exported to the US.
the demand for their exportsto the us
weakens, then the country would also face
a huge decrease in income . Similarly, the
phillippnies' major export is labor . The
European Maritime safety Agency (EMSA)
is currently reviewing the competence of
Filipino maritime schools.
The inability or unwillingness to
develop new markets have trapped
developing countries into a position
of dependence on Western countries.
Agricultural countries cannot
transform into industrial economies
these countries need capital to build
industries foreign inverstors are also
reluctant to plunk money into
ventures without an assurance of
profit and stable government.
The shaping of the client
economies is primarily being done
by intergovernmental organizations
(IGOs) of the developed world.
The IGOs can grant or refuse to
grant loans, or supervise
international trade, which confers
on them the power to dictate
policies to vulnerable developing

International Moretary To promote international

IMF fund Moretary stability and

International Bank for

Reconstruction and To promote economic
IBRD Development (world Bank) recovery and development

To supervise and promote

WTO World Trade organization international trade
The priority development assistance
fund (PDAF) is unconstitutional is
welcome news to the IGOs . It show
that there is rule of law in the
Philippines, long regarded as one of
the most graft prone countiries in
Asia. In 2013 , the philippines,
improved is ranking in transparency
intenational's corruption perception
index to 94 of 178 nations, up from
134 in 2010.
Developing countries have no
choice but to address perceived
institutional, and governance
shortcomings.These countries
have to accept the
conditionalities imposed by the
IGOs .
The uneven scheme of things has prompted
in th developing and developed world there
is now a backlash against foreign loans,
aid, and free trade. People in the
developing countries see foreign loans and
aid as burdensome. While free trade has by
definition removed tariffs and other
protectionist measures so that countries can
import and export without taxes being
imposed it is seen as lopsided in favor of
the western countries, upon whom the
developing world relies for their exports.

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