The Indicative Mood in English Grammar
The Indicative Mood in English Grammar
The Indicative Mood in English Grammar
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Indicative mood is the only “realis mood,” meaning it
expresses something that is real or true—factual statements
about the subject—therefore a sentence’s inclusion of an
indicative mood verb is conditional based on whether the
sentence contains statements of fact.
You can use an indicative verb in any verb tense in either
declarative sentence or interrogative sentence structures.
Indicative mood is the most commonly used mood type in the
English language.
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Examples of the Indicative Mood in Different Tenses
In English, you use verbs in three tenses: present, past, and future.
You modify those three tenses with the use of auxiliary verbs, which are
words that enable you to adjust the tense even further, into “simple” or
“perfect” forms of the present, past, or future tenses.
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The indicative mood is a type of grammatical
mood used to express facts, statements,
opinions, or questions. It is the sole realis mood
in English (as opposed to the irrealis moods).
This mood can be used in the past, present, or
future tense and in a declarative sentence (i.e., a
statement) or an interrogative sentence (i.e., a
Present indicative 10
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present indicative describes things that are happening, are about to happen, or are believed to be
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Future indicative
The future indicative describes things that will happen or things that it is believed will happen. The
future tense in English is not a unique verb inflection (in comparison to the present and past tenses), but
is approximated using the form will or be going to + the main verb.