Ethics Happiness
Ethics Happiness
Ethics Happiness
Happiness is either objective or subjective.
Objectively, happiness refers to something
having intrinsic value and capable of satisfying a
human need. Subjectively, it is psychological
state of feeling contented resulting from the
attainment of that which is good in itself.
The toy (objective) makes the child happy
Happiness contributes to the perfection of a
person. Hence, happiness is not just an emotion or
something of value but a state a state of being. It is
the state of perfection arising from the possession of
what is good. Just as the possession of wealth makes
an individual a rich man, the possession of the
greatest good makes a person perfectly happy.
Now, which is the greatest good that would completely fill up
all of man’s longing and desires?
1. Money or acquisition of wealth as the ultimate aim
of their life.
2. Health and physical beauty as foremost in
3. Worldly pleasures.
4. Fame and power.
5. Dedication to the cultivation of science and arts.
6. Religious Life.
Natural happiness is that which is attainable by man through
the use of his natural powers. Supernatural happiness is that
which is attainable by man through his powers aided by man
through his powers aided by the infusion of grace from God.
Christian Philosophers, St. Augustine and St. Thomas
Aquinas, teach that since man’s desire is unlimited, nothing
short of the absolutely perfect good, the “summum bonum” of
man. Man’s heart is restless until it rest in God, says St.
Augustine. But perfect and supernatural happiness is possible
only in the
The ultimate purpose of human life is the possession of the
absolutely greatest good. The greatest good in this earthly life
consist of all values, both material and spiritual , which contribute
to man’s development as a human being.
The highest good, according to Aristotle pertains to the intellect.
He states that:
“Even if happiness is not sent from heaven, but comes through
virtue and learning or training, it seems that it is one of the most
godlike things. The prize and end of virtue appears to be the best
thing, something godlike and blessed. Happiness will also be the
reach of everyone , since, through learning and exercise, it can be
obtained by all who are totally corrupted as regards virtue”.
The perfect happiness which is absolute and
lasting is not possible in this life, since man’s
natural powers are inadequate to fulfill his
needs. The power of human intellect fails to
grasp the glory of God. But man may
approximate and anticipate perfect happiness by
keeping faith, by loving God and by neighbor ,
and by practicing virtue.
Who can give us happiness?
1 Timothy 6:17
..but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to
How can I be happy?
Psalms 144:15
..happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.
Where can I find completeness?
Colossians 2:10
And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality
and power.