Purposive Communication Unit 2
Purposive Communication Unit 2
Purposive Communication Unit 2
3. International communication –
People from different cultures interact with each other
communication between representatives
posing communication problems in the global
from different nations
community. There are cultural barriers that may
interfere in communication processes which are 4. Intra-cultural communication – interacting
detrimental to intercultural understanding. Some of
with members of the same racial or ethnic
these intercultural interferences are: 1) different
group or co-culture
cultural affiliates, 2) inferiority of one’s culture,
and 3) diverse cultural communication practices
(Wakat, 2018). There are cultural barriers because
people interacting in a global environment have Improving Intercultural Communication
different perspectives. With these, there are things that Competence
we need to improve for effective communication.
Local and global communication requires the need to
Our journey to effective communication in foster cooperative conversation for effectiveness
multicultural settings starts with unlocking the two purposes. The norm or convention in communicating
significant terms – local communication and global should be observed by the communicators regardless
communication. Local communication has its of their cultural backgrounds and the required context
foundation on the cultural context which means, it of oral communication (Manzano, 2018). Culture
exposes the culture of the people forming their own therefore is considered along with context. To be
identity in the community. Globalization paved the effective and efficient in local and global
way to many effects in humanity. Because of the fast communication, a speaker must engage with Grice’s
pace of technology, the internet quickly surpassed four maxims in conversation (Manzano, 2018).
more the traditional way of communicating. Through
the internet, one can communicate instantly with
people in other countries and one can read about Four Maxims of Grice’s Principles of Cooperative
different cultures, as well as access articles and Conversation
academic papers. The role then of global
communication is to modify or to create changes in the 1. Maxim of Relation
local setting.
- Every interlocutor should be relevant in
Topic 1. Intercultural Communication conversation wherein the relevance is a
Language is a component that is linked to intercultural norm that dictates the need for the
understanding. It acts as a way to bridge interlocutors to become sensitive in the
misunderstanding between people of different cultures. communication process.
Language is a medium of exchanging ideas and
- They need to be relevant in
transmitting cultural practices of other people in the
global community. communicating, requiring them to respond
based on cultural and contextual
Intercultural communication refers to interaction with requirements.
people from diverse cultures (Jandt, 1998). The
Example: If in a restaurant, a customer
following are the forms of Intercultural
asks the server, “Do you have mango
Communication (Jandt, 1998) as cited by Wakat
juice?” In local culture, the server usually
responds: “Regular or large?” which
means that mango juice is available, so the
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Unit 2: Local and Global Communication in Multi-cultural Settings
customer needs to place an order a. Shaking hands: Cultural norms for hand shaking
according to size. This is a form of vary.
communication that observes economy in
talking wherein words are to be deleted in For example, in the Philippines and in
order to minimize the time of talking and America, the cultural gesture of shaking
will speed up the service to accommodate hands upon greeting is considered the
another customer. norm when doing a person to person
2. Maxim of Quantity To refuse a handshake is considered a very
rude gesture.
- Every interlocutor should observe a “fair-
share-talk of time.” By contrast, in Saudi Arabia, you can
shake a man’s hand after meeting him but
- Everyone should be given the opportunity
you cannot shake a woman’s hand at all in
to talk and should not dominate the event.
- Every interlocutor should be sensitive to
time, be brief and give others the chance
to talk. b. An OK sign
4. Maxim of Manner
c. Thumbs-up
- In the local culture, the manner of saying
word is more regarded than its content. The thumbs-up gesture can be an
equivalent to the OK gesture and is widely
- Body language meanings vary greatly used equivalent to the OK gesture and is
from culture to culture. Effective widely used within America, England and
communication requires that the the Philippines.
communicator has appropriate knowledge
In many cultures around the globe, giving
of the cultural use of body language in a
a thumbs-up gesture is a very large insult
multicultural setting.
like the Americas excluding the United
States, it is a horrible idea that denotes as a
sexual insult and correlates to the middle
finger meaning in the United States.
Sets of Common Body Language in Multicultural
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Unit 2: Local and Global Communication in Multi-cultural Settings
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Unit 2: Local and Global Communication in Multi-cultural Settings
Sociolect, on the other hand, also known as a social to express the range of meanings and serve the range
dialect, is a variety of language (or register) used by a of functions required of a first language.’
socioeconomic class, a profession, an age group, or
Register, sometimes called style, is another
any other social group (Nordquist, 2018). According to
complicating factor in the study of language varieties,
Lewandowski (2010), it is a lect which is thought of as
confesses Wardaugh (2006). He goes on to define
being related to its speakers’ social background rather
register as set of language items associated with
than geographical background. Simply put, it is a
discrete or occupational groups, and exemplified
variety spoken by a particular social group, class or
surgeons, pilots, banks managers, jazz fans and pimps
subculture whose determinants include such
as employing different registers. It is, a variety of
parameters as gender, age, occupation and possibly
language defined according to its use in social
few others.
situations and is, according to Flowerdew (2014),
An idiolect, is the distinctive speech pattern of an understood as the context-specific variety of language.
individual, a linguistic pattern regarded as unique Eaton (2012) refers to it as the level of formality with
among speakers of a person’s language or dialect. It is which you speak. She tells that different situations and
a language variety peculiar to a single speaker of a people call for different registers. She shares Joos
language which includes vocabulary appropriate to (1967)’s 5 types of register used in spoken and written
various interests and activities, pronunciation language namely formal, frozen or static, consultative,
reflective of the region in which you live, and variable casual, and intimate.
styles of speaking that shift subtly depending on whom
one is addressing (www.thooughtco.com/idiolect- a. Frozen or “static” register
language-term-1691143). At this level, language is literally “frozen” in time and
form. It does not change. This type of language is often
Slang refers to words that are not considered part of
learned and repeated by rote. Examples include
the standard vocabulary of a language and that are
biblical verse, prayers, the Pledge of Allegiance, and
used very informally in speech especially by a
so forth.
particular group of people (Merriam-Webster, 2018). It
is characterized as a very informal language variety
b. Formal register
that includes new terms and sometimes not polite
This style is impersonal and often follows a
words and meanings. Meanwhile, jargon is a set of
prescriptive format. The speaker uses complete
vocabulary items used by members of particular
sentences, avoids slang and may use technical or
professions, that is, their technical terms. For example,
academic vocabulary. It is likely that the speaker will
linguists have a large vocabulary that is not well
use fewer contractions, but opt instead for complete
understood by non-linguists. Dictionary definitions of
words. (Example: “have not” instead of “haven’t”).
jargon usually give examples like computer jargon and
This is the register used for most academic and
the jargon of the advertising business, but all
scientific publishing. It also includes business Letters,
professions have their own jargons (Hudson, 1996).
letters of complaint, some essays, reports, official
Pidgins, according to Ozuorcun (2014) are simplified speeches, announcements, and professional emails.
languages that occur from two or more languages.
Pidgins are developed by people who do not have a c. Consultative register
common language to communicate in the same This is the register used when consulting an expert
geographical area. Wardaugh (2006) calls it nobody’s such as a doctor. The language used is more precise.
first language/mother tongue because it doesn’t have The speaker is likely to address the expert by a title
any native speakers, it is just used as a contact such as “Doctor”, “Mr.” or “Mrs.”.
language for communication purposes.
d. Casual/Informal Register
In contrast to a pidgin, a creole is often defined as a
This register is conversational in tone. It is the
pidgin that has become the first language of a new
language used among and between friends. Words are
generation of speakers. Aitchison (1994) as cited by
general, rather than technical. This register may
Wardaugh (2006) says, ‘creoles arise when pidgins
include more slang and colloquialisms. Personal e-
become mother tongues.’ A creole, therefore, is a
mails, phone texts, short notes, friendly letters, most
‘normal’ language in almost every sense. A creole is a
blogs, diaries and journals make use of casual register.
pidgin which has expanded in structure and vocabulary
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Unit 2: Local and Global Communication in Multi-cultural Settings
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Unit 2: Local and Global Communication in Multi-cultural Settings
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Unit 2: Local and Global Communication in Multi-cultural Settings
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Unit 2: Local and Global Communication in Multi-cultural Settings
Feedback b. Register d.
____ 8. It is a variety of language (or register)
____ 1. It is a context-specific and used by a socioeconomic class, a
occupationally-determined variety of profession, an age group, or any other
language. social group.
a. Register c. a. Dialect c.
Jargon Creole
b. Lect d. b. Idiolect d. Sociolect
____ 9. Which of the following is normally
____ 2. It is the language pattern of an individual labelled as “nobody’s language”?
including his nuances and a. Creole c.
idiosyncrasies. Dialect
a. Sociolect c. Idiolect b. Pidgin d.
b. Dialect d. Register Slang
____ 3. Which of the following makes use of ____ 10. Professional reports, business
frozen or static register? correspondences and academic essays
a. Police Report c. tend to use which of the following
Official speech register?
b. Poem d. a. Formal c.
Essay Intimate
____ 4. It is a language variety determined by b. Consultative d.
geographical location that has distinctive Casual
phonological, lexical and grammatical
features. A. Determine which variety is characterized in the
a. Dialect c. words that follow. Write AE if it is American
Sociolect English or BE if it is British English.
b. Pidgin d.
Creole BE 11. Loo BE 21. Lift
____ 5. Diaries, journals and personal emails BE 12. Behaviour BE 22. Trainers
employ what type of register?
AE 13. Apartment AE 23. Vacation
a. Frozen c.
Formal BE 14. Centimetre BE 24. Chemist’s
b. Consultative d.
BE 15. Skilful AE 25. Cookie
BE 16. Aubergine AE 26. Candy
____ 6. It refers to words that are not considered
part of the standard vocabulary of a BE 17. Queue BE 27. Telly
language and that are used very
informally in speech especially by a BE 18. Analyse BE 28. Fibre
particular group of people. BE 19. Dreamt BE 29. Trousers
a. Register c.
Slang AE 20. Monolog AE 30. Schedule
b. Jargon d.
____ 7. Which of the following refers to a
general term for any distinctive form of Summary
a language or linguistic expression?
a. Language variety c.
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Unit 2: Local and Global Communication in Multi-cultural Settings
Language is a medium for communication. The Despite the challenges brought about by cultural
challenge of today’s global world is to communicate diversity and differences in communication, our
effectively with people of different cultural written and oral communication effectiveness must be
backgrounds and diverse communication practices. enhanced. We must embrace the benefits of cross-
Living in a global community demands an cultural communication. It is through language and
understanding of the similarities and differences from culture that we understand people in multi-cultural
one country to another and from one culture to another. contexts.
There is also a need to understand and learn the
varieties and registers of spoken and written language.
Therefore, language is a cultural component which
serves as bridge to understand people around the
Intercultural communication is interacting with people
of different cultures. The four forms of intercultural
communication (interracial, interethnic, international
and intracultural) give way to an exposure of one
person to people of different cultures which demands
competence in interacting with people. To be effective
and efficient in local and global communication there
is a need to enhance one’s skills in intercultural
It is notable that one of the characteristics of language
is variability. There are varieties of language due to
reasons like geography, social class, occupation and
age group. The different language varieties are: dialect
– geographical variant of a language, sociolect – social
dialect, idiolect – speech pattern of an individual, slang
– not considered part of standard vocabulary of a
language, pidgins – simplified languages, register –
sometimes called style which has five types used in
spoken and written language. The types of register are
frozen or static, formal, consultative, casual intimate.
These registers are defined according to social
situations and according to the level of formality with
which you speak. Everyday registers are often spoken
while in academic context, oral forms are accompanied
with written communication.
In terms of functionality, languages are equal but
prestige wise, there are two most well-known varieties
of English which are the British English and American
English. These two have differences in phonology,
vocabulary, spelling and grammar.
On the other hand, Philippine English has linguistic
properties and features. It has idiosyncratic usages, and
puristic or difficult to understand. Pronunciation wise,
Philippine English is rhotic, syllable timed,
polysyllabic with distinctive stress. It has also a
distinct intonation pattern.
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