Roles and Function of Iase - PPTX Shib
Roles and Function of Iase - PPTX Shib
Roles and Function of Iase - PPTX Shib
The Education Commission (1964-66) had observed, "of all the factors
that influence the quality of education. The quality, competence and
character of teachers are undoubtedly the most significant". Until the
adoption of the NPE, this support in the area of elementary education was
being provided largely at the National and State levels only by institutions
Likewise in the area of adult education, this support was being provided
by the Central Directorate of Adult Education at the national level, and by
State Resource Centres (SRCs) at the State level.
By the time of adoption of the NPE, elementary and adult education
systems were already too vast to be adequately supported by national
and State level agencies alone. The NPE implied their further
expansion as also considerable qualitative improvement. Provision of
support to them in a decentralized manner had therefore become
The creation of Institutes of Advanced Studies in Education
(IASEs) came about as a result of the National Policy on Education
(NPE) 1986 which states that teacher Education is a continuous
process and its pre-service and in-service components are in-separable.
As a first step, the system of Teacher Education needs to
be overhauled. This led to a centrally sponsored scheme
and as part of the proposal, it was suggested that about
250 existing Secondary Teacher Education Institutes
(STEIs) of an adequate standard and good reputation be
financially assisted, on a project basis, to competently
discharge their envisaged role.
It was also recommended that 50 of these would be designated as
Institutes of (IASEs) as they had an additional mandate of
developing into centers of excellence and research, while the other
upgraded STEIs would be called Colleges of Teacher
education(CTEs). The focus of these new structures was to be on
secondary education as far as teacher preparation was concerned.
Their work in the area of elementary education was limited and
mostly concerned with preparation of teacher educators
Number of IASEs
• There are 31 IASEs at present in the country but these have not been
set up uniformly and none of the union territories and a few states
(Goa, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu Kashmir to name a
few) do not have IASEs (NCERT Report Aug. 2009).And many IASEs
are established by department of education of universities.
• The vision of IASE should be to improve the quality of teacher
education at the secondary, elementary and primary level. They have
to see themselves as the centers upgrading for developing excellence in
secondary teacher education and involving a wide set of capable and
committed institutions as well as individuals in this process
Organize courses and programs:
Organize pre-service Teacher Education courses and subject
oriented and theme specific in-service programs.
Provide Support to schools:
Provide extension and resource support to school, school
complex and individual teachers.
Conduct Experiment and innovation:
Conduct experimentation and innovation in school education.
Support to professional bodies:
Provide support to professional bodies.
Encourage participation:
Encourage community participation in teacher preparation
Programs for elementary education:
It conducts programs in elementary teacher education.
M.Ed, M.phil and Ph.D programmes:
It conducts regular M.Ed, M.phil and Ph.D programmes.
Provide Training and support to new areas:
Provide training and resource support for the new areas of educational
In-service courses:
Conduct in-service courses for teacher educators and
principals etc.
Academic lead and central support:
The IASEs along with the CTEs were expected to become the
academic lead institutions and central support organizations in
the field of secondary teacher education.
Conduct advanced level fundamental & applied research;