CTE Roles and Functions

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CTE Roles and Functions

Discussions regarding improvement in teacher quality and teacher education are now

widening to include not just elementary but secondary education as well. The recently initiated

RMSA stresses the need to improve the access and quality of secondary education across the

country. The efforts towards improving the elementary teachers’ capacity building processes

have highlighted the fact that similar efforts have not taken place for secondary and senior

secondary teacher education and are urgently required. The DSERT, Education Department

proposes an organized attempt towards building capacity of teachers in secondary schools.

In this, context the role of Colleges of Teacher Education (CTEs) becomes crucial, especially over

the next 5 years.

 It is envisioned that CTEs play the major role in the field of secondary teacher education

and development, also guiding the various secondary teacher education institutions in

the districts under them.

 They have to see themselves as Centre’s for developing excellence in secondary teacher

education and in secondary classrooms at school.

 The CTEs, in order to improve the quality of secondary education, shall conduct training

need analysis and base line surveys for organizing training programs.

 They shall prepare context specific teacher handbooks and training modules for quality


 They shall also undertake the impact studies to study the effect of training programs on

classroom processes and learning outcomes.

 They shall prepare implementation guidelines for conducting plan activities including

training and projects for ensuring optimum utilization of funds with financial


 They should design a training program that is open-ended, leaving more scope for the

trainee for self-learning and to equip himself/herself to meet the challenging needs and

demands of the profession.

 Another point to be examined is whether it is possible and desirable to have an omnibus

type of teacher training which would equip the teacher at different levels.

 A program of teacher preparation derives its theoretical sustenance from a basic

philosophy of education, the historical, sociological forces shaping education and

psychological view-points on how human beings learn. The philosophical and

sociological considerations have already been referred to before. What remains to be

done is a consideration of the different theoretical stances of psychology regarding the

understanding of human behavior and its modification especially as they influence

teacher education practices.


teacher quality and teacher education are now widening to include not just elementary but
secondary education as well. The recently initiated RMSA stresses the need to improve the access
and quality of secondary education across the country. The efforts towards improving the
elementary teachers’ capacity building processes have highlighted the fact that similar efforts have
not taken place for secondary and senior secondary teacher education and are urgently required.
The DSERT, Education Department proposes an organized attempt towards building capacity of
teachers in secondary schools. In this, context the role of Colleges of Teacher Education (CTEs)
becomes crucial, especially over the next 5 years.  It is envisioned that CTEs play the major role in
the field of secondary teacher education and development, also guiding the various secondary
teacher education institutions in the districts under them.  They have to see themselves as Centre’s
for developing excellence in secondary teacher education and in secondary classrooms at school. 
The CTEs, in order to improve the quality of secondary education, shall conduct training need
analysis and base line surveys for organizing training programs.  They shall prepare context specific
teacher handbooks and training modules for quality training.  They shall also undertake the impact
studies to study the effect of training programs on classroom processes and learning outcomes. 
They shall prepare implementation guidelines for conducting plan activities including training and
projects for ensuring optimum utilization of funds with financial accountability.  They should design
a training program that is open-ended, leaving more scope for the trainee for self-learning and to
equip himself/herself to meet the challenging needs and demands of the profession.  Another point
to be examined is whether it is possible and desirable to have an omnibus type of teacher training
which would equip the teacher at different levels.  A program of teacher preparation derives its
theoretical sustenance from a basic philosophy of education, the historical, sociological forces
shaping education and psychological view-points on how human beings learn. The philosophical and
sociological considerations have already been referred to before. What remains to be done is a
consideration of the different theoretical stances of psychology regarding the understanding of
human behavior and its modification especially as they influence teacher education practices. The
CTEs and IASE are expected to work as ‘Referral Units’ for solving all the academic problems thrown
up by the education field of the district, in the areas of secondary teacher training, secondary
education, adult education and non- formal education, by effectively involving the various
Governmental Agencies, Voluntary Agencies, Non Governmental Organizations, Alumni and
Community at large. The CTE and IASE should grow as a rolemodel to be emulated by all academic
institutions of the district. CTEs and IASE have to function as Friend, Philosopher and Guide for all
academic functionaries of the district. A Comprehensive set of Guidelines has been prepared for the
successful implementation of CTE and IASE scheme, in 1989. The same was approved and in 1989,
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India, has issued CTE and IASE
Guidelines. The CTE and IASE scheme as envisioned in the CTE and IASE Guidelines (MHRD, 1989) is
not prescriptive (or directive) but indicative. The CTE and IASE Guidelines offers a set of guidelines to
enable the CTEs and IASE to grow and evolve in the local context. The states have considerable
freedom in promoting CTEs and IASE as per their own needs and experiences. The norms for CTEs
and IASEs are worked out for CTEs/ IASEs, which would serve two average-sized districts. They may
have to be suitably adapted for individual States and Union Territories, as also while preparing
individual project proposals so as to suit the local conditions and requirements of the State / Union
Territories / District. However, deviations, if any, from the norms should be a well-considered,
conscious decision. The CTEs and IASEs are the prestigious seats of teacher education and shrines of
pedagogy and methodology of teaching and research. Like IITs, IIMs, and Kendriya Vidyalayas the
CTEs and IASEs are high quality ‘brand’ institutions in the field of teacher education. The CTEs and
IASE are required to provide need-based and enriched continuous teacher education by
meaningfully combining the pre-service and in-service education of the teachers and teacher
educators. The CTEs and IASE are required to combine the twin functions of secondary school
teachers as well as of elementary teacher educators. The CTEs and IASEs are expected to perform
the following broad functions; (a) Imparting of quality pre-service and in-service education to the
secondary school teachers; (b) Preparation of personnel for the faculties of elementary teacher
education institutions, and their continuing education; (c) Provision of general resource support to
the secondary schools and elementary teacher education institutions and (d) Research, innovation
and extension work in the field of secondary education and elementary teacher education. The
Institution of Advanced Study in Education (IASE) is provided central assistance on an enhanced scale
so that they can function as ‘Centers of Excellence and Research’. In the present era of Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution and General Agreement Trade in Services (GATS),
the CTEs and IASEs have to be ready for global competition and inculcate quest for excellence and

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