Nursing Association of The Philippines - OARGA

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in the
Matelyn S. Oarga
BSN – 4A1

● The FIRST To unite and foster a bond of fellowship,

mutual understanding and cooperation
association a nurse
among alumni members all over the
joins upon
world. To strengthen and maintain high
graduation is the
standards of nursing profession through
continuing education, research, networking
and sharing of resources among members.

The Philippine Nurses
● The PNA, was organized on
● To attain optimal level of
October 22, 1922 upon the
professionals standards.
initiation of Mrs. Anastacia
● To work for the welfare of
Giron Tupas.
member nurses
● To respond to the changing
● The first president of the
health needs of the
association was Mrs. Rosario
Philippine society.
● To establish linkages with
government, national and
● It was then called the
international agencies in the
Filipino Nurses Associations.
attainment of health goals
and welfare of member
nurses. 6
● The PNA was awarded the ● The PNA office is located in
Most Outstanding Accredited Kansas Ave. Malate, Manila.
Professional Organization by
the Professional Regulation
Commission in 2003 besting
40 other professional
associations and was five-
time nominee for the same

● Championing ● By 2030, PNA ● Love of God and
the global is the primary Country
competence, professional ● Caring
welfare, and association ● Quality and
positive and advancing the Excellence
professional welfare and ● Integrity
image of the development of ● Collaboration.
Filipino nurse. globally
Filipino nurses.

The National League
of Philippine
Government Nurses
● The NLPGN, is a duly incorporated ● The NLPGN office is located in
organization of professional nurses Unit 958-959 Victoria de Manila
employed by the government of the Condominium, Taft Avenue Corner
Philippines. Malvar Street, Ermitae, Manila.

● It was formerly known as the ● The Annie Sand Leadership Award

Department of Health National is given to an outstanding nurse or
League of Nurses (DHNLN). retiree who has contributed to the
improvement of nurses and nursing
● It was founded on January 16, 1961 in government agencies.
by Annie Sand.

1. To promote and maintain high 4. To collaborate with the government, non-
standards of nursing in government government and other allied professionals to
agencies. promote health care.
2. To address problems concerning nurses
and nursing through participation in 5. To foster national and international
formulations of all policies, guidelines goodwill among nurses.
programs and laws affecting nurses and
nursing practice in the Philippines. 6. To help advance the science and art of
3. To continuously upgrade professional nursing in the Philippines.
competence through research, training,
and scholarships grant both foreign and 7. To recognize the exemplary performance
local. and accomplishments of members.

Categories of membership:

1. Regular members – nurses employed in the government and retirees who have
rendered a minimum of five-year service in any government agency.

2. Life members- nurses who have been regular members for at least 3
consecutives years, and who have paid the required life membership.

3. Honorary members – are persons who have outstanding service to the cause of
nurses and nursing.

Benefits of being a member:
6. May vote and be voted upon
1. May attend updates, seminars, conventions
organize by the organizations and earn continuing 7. May avail a copy of its two published books
education units for license renewal. at a discounted price: The Administration of
Hospital Nursing Service in THE Philippine
2. May be represented to the proper authorities on Department of Health and Community Health
matter concerning nursing practice.
Nursing Services in the Philippine Department
of Health.
3. May be recognized for exemplary performance –
Annie Sand Leadership Award. 8. May be helped in the renewal of his/her
PRC license upon request.
4. May be given assistance – in cash or in kind –
when sick or when he/she becomes a victims of 9. May avail postgraduate scholarships offered
calamities and national disasters. by DOH through recommendation of the
5. May receive a copy of the NLPGN’s official
publication newsletter.

Association of
Nursing Service
of the Philippines
● The ANSAP was founded in 1963 at St. Luke’s
Hospital by a group of private and public nursing
service administrations.

● The first president of the association was Mrs.

Rosita A. Furia (former chief nurse of the Quirino
Memorial Medical Center) in Quezon City.

● It was reorganized in 1973, by Dr. Perla Sanchez.

● Valuing human life and recognizing its
diversity ,ANSAP is responsible to the nursing
profession, its patients, families, communities, and ● We are a financially sustainable organization .
partners in healthcare. Our growth is fueled by the expansion of our
● We are preferred around the world for our membership and our network of partners. We
competence in primary healthcare and service exercise utmost prudence in the utilization of our
management differentiated by our integrity and our resources.
own traditional Filipino value of compassion. ● We are recognized by out communities for our
● We collaborate with our partners in the promotion of self-less service.
safe and comprehensive healthcare. ● We promote a healthy work-life balance,
● We spearhead the intelligent application of advance espousing security of tenure and career
technologies in health maintenance, illness development among our employees.
prevention and containment for the benefit of the
greater populace. In pursuit of innovation in our field,
we will champion evidence-based nursing practice
and research.

● ANSAP is the premier organization in
Nursing Practice and Development recognized


1. Provide dynamic leadership in the acquisition of knowledge and techniques in nursing
service administration.
2. Uphold the highest standards of professional ethics, integrity, and dedication to the cause of
nursing and nursing service administration
3. Imitate programs which will elevate members to the highest level of competence in nursing
administrative practice.
4. Keep abreast of latest research findings, initiate and conduct research and disseminate
results for the improvement of nursing practice.
5. Pool resources through collaborative action with other national nursing associations for the
promotion of professional, social and economic welfare of nursing.
6. Participate actively and stand outrageously in support of vital issues affecting public

Association of Deans of
Philippine Colleges
of Nursing in the
● Its main purpose is to promote,
elevate, and maintain le
● The Association was first
standards of clinical instruction
established in April 1959
program of nursing students
with Dean of Colleges of
und lo improve nursing service
Nursing as its members.
and facilities of the clinical
● In 1965 schools of nursing
field in hospitals and public
were included.
health agencies.

1. To develop transformational leadership and We envision ourselves as the
management among all deans. association of deans, innovative,
2. To uphold code of ethics and create conducive, competent and empowered in
cultural and collegial relationship among deans.
leading institutions achieve
3. To build capabilities and creative credibility in
excellence in  nursing education for
research and instruction in the health profession.
4. To expand and sustain dynamic members and national and global development.
networks nationally and internationally.
5. To generate and maintain viable financial
6. To maintain responsible organizational structure and
systems in the association and network.

The Military Nurses
Association of the
On September 5, 1965 the MNAP
was officially organized in V. Luna
Hospital AFP in Quezon City by a
group of dynamic nurses and corps
officers both active, inactive and
retired who felt the need for putting
up a medium wherein they can
express their ideals and aspirations to
better serve their country.

The first military nurse was Brigadier

General Elvegia R. Mendoza

1. To establish and maintain highest
● Military Nurses have similar duties as standard of military nursing in the
Registered Nurses with a few exceptions. AFP, both in peace and in war
● ­Military Nurses have a little more 2. To develop the social, cultural and
responsibilities in terms of military standards. educational wellbeing of it’s
● "In fact, a military nurse can be classified as member in line with the current
active duty, reserve, or hired as a civilian trends in nursing.
employee." 3. To cultivate and maintain the spirit
● ­They require long term commitment depending of camaraderie and promote the
on their contract time. general welfare of it’s member
● Military Nurses are likely to be sent abroad at a 4. To encourage active participation in
combat hospital the activates of both local and
● ­Once graduated with a Registered Nursing national nursing organizations
Degree the nurses may enroll as officers in the 5. To publish periodicals and bulletins
military as sources of information and

OBJECTIVES: - The MNAP is doing share in
programs of national interest
6. To establish a code of conduct to like the family planning,
it’s member. nutrition programs,
7. To promote reciprocity between environmental sanitation, and
military nurses of the Philippines tree planting.
and those allied countries.
8. To undertake activities that are - The current President is Col.
geared toward social action and Alma Bella P. Ancheta, NC
community development. (Ret.)

The Occupational
Health Nurses
Association of the
● On November 21, 1950 ● On September 02, 2000,
the Industrial Nursing ● On September 20, 1969 OHNAP signed a
Unit of the Philippines this unit was renamed by sisterhood alliance with
was organized through OHCAP. the Okayama (Japan)
the initiative of Mrs. Occupational Health
Magdalena Valenzuela of ● On August 19, 1964, Ms. Nursing Association
the DOH, for the purpose Anita Santos of Jardine represented by Prof.
of promoting friendship Davies was elected as the Yukiko Okui and Ms.
and to organize nurses in first president. Etsuko Fukouka during
industrial and the First Philippine-Japan
commercial enterprises. Occupational Health
Nursing Friendship
Meeting held at the
Manila Midtown Hotel.

● Contribute to the promotion of health ● Foster better understanding among
through the conservation of the Occupational Health Nurse in particular
employee’s health and that of his family and among nurses in general.
and the community. ● Maintain the standard of Occupational
● Keep pace with modern techniques in Health Nursing through continuing
occupational health nursing in order to nursing education.
promote the advancement of nursing ● Provide means whereby problems of
knowledge thereby improving the quality common interest within the scope of
and scope of nursing in Occupational Occupational Health management maybe
Health setting. threshed out for the benefit of all.
● Work for the enactment of laws affecting ● Actively participate in environmental
the Occupational Health practice. preservation, community services and
social awareness.

Philippine Association
of Public Health
Nursing Faculty
● September 1961, the organization was organized, and is dedicated to
the maintenance of high standards of objectives to standardize and
broaden instruction in Public Health Nursing and to undertake that
which will enhance growth.

Association Of Private Duty
Practitioners Of The
● Perla B. Sanchez, R.N.,MAN, PhD
- Refounding president of ANSAP
- She is a Nursing Director of a private Children’s
- Hospital and active member of PNA

● The birth of the organization did not give rise to a growth of expected proportion
as the leaders who had spearheaded the organization left one by one for abroad.

● In 1967, a group of chief nurses/directors of nursing service of government and

private hospitals and community health organizations in metro manila got
together and refounded the Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the
Philippines (ANSAP)

● As a PDN it is beneficial if you become a member of an organization such as
● This will help you and your clients the reassurance that your practice is well
● An active membership means that you are up to date with any advancement and
improvements in the PDN profession.
● To become a member a nurse must undergo several tests and interviews in order to
make sure that she meets the organization standards.
● Training courses such as BLS and BFA, IVTTP, Water Safety Training Course

To promote the highest STATEMENT ● We commit to: Develop/cultivate
the highest professional standard
professional standard of We envision ourselves
in perioperative nursing through
Perioperative Nursing. as an organization of education and research activities.
competent and dynamic ● Collaborate with health care
partners and other associations
perioperative nurses
for development and training.
committed to ● Sustain a harmonic professional
innovation and relationship among members.
provision of optimum ● Enhance value centered decision
making strategies.
perioperative services
locally and

Psychiatric Nursing
Foundation of the
● Psychiatric nursing is an ● The Psychiatric Nursing Specialists
interpersonal process whereby the Foundation of the Philippines Inc. views
professional nurse practitioner mental health and illness as states of
assists an individual, family a adaptation used by the individual in coping
community to promote mental with the circumstances in life. Every
health, to prevent or cope with the individual has areas of relative health and
experience of mental illness and illness at a given moment and adapts
suffering, if necessary, and to find according to his/her capacity. When an
meaning in these experiences. individuals behavior moves toward the
direction of mental illness, therapeutic
interpersonal assistance is one vehicle
which facilitates the restoration of his

● To provide therapeutic and supportive services needed to help the client
and his family in the former’s relearning to live in the community.
● To help the client identify and develop his inherent potentials and latent
abilities and to utilize these in has efforts toward self-reliance and
● To undertake research studies in the field of mental health and
psychiatric nursing
● To offer educational programs in mental health-psychiatric nursing

Services offered by the PNSI
Nursing Supportive Care b. Adult Day Care- main goal of the
a. Child Day Care – to create program is the provision of a healthy,
an opportunity for each therapeutic milieu to its adult client by
child client to develop giving him/her the opportunity to
develop into his/her full potential thus
emotionally, socially,
facilitating his/her integration into the
intellectually, physically
relevant social system particularly his
and spiritually. home and the larger community.

Services offered by the PNSI
2. Continuing Education: 3. Psychological Testing and
The PNSI sponsors regular seminar Evaluation:
workshops in the fields of mental The PNSI offers psychological testing
health and psychiatric nursing such and evaluation which involve the
as groups dynamics, integrating administration of a battery of
psychiatric nursing concepts, psychological test to the client to
psychosocial nursing and or determine his aptitude, abilities and
teaching psychiatric nursing, parent personality traits
teaching programs and crisis

Services offered by the PNSI
4. Nursing researchers – 5. Training and Extension Services –
Periodic nursing research studies Training and extension programs and
and explorations on this field are sharing of various development
undertaken for professional growth programs are offered in the areas of
and development. education and practice through affiliation
program in collaboration with schools
and other agencies.

Services offered by the PNSI
6. Library – the PNSI library 7. Publications – the official publication
facilities are open to members and of the PNSI are Perspectives in Mental
non-members. Health Psychiatric Nursing,
Proceedings: First Seminar Workshop on
Teaching Mental Health Psychiatric
Nursing, and PNSI History.

The Catholic Nurses
Guild of the

We envisioned CNGP ● Promote spiritual, ethico-moral and

as a “living witness professional growth as health care
to Christ’s love” provider.
● Participate actively in the deliberation of
issues affecting life.
● Strengthen relationships with local and
international health agencies/
● To render socio- pastoral care to all our

Year Established: August 7, 1956

Organizational Structure: The

CNGP is governed by a Board
composing 11 Board Members who
meet every month and elected every
2 years.

The CNGP is composed of

representatives/presidents of the
local chapters of different
hospitals/institutions accredited by
the national organization.

Integrated Registered
Nurses of the
As early as the 1960s, the
concept of integration was The purpose and objectives of
already being discussed by IRNUP:
many nurse leaders and various - To provide a medium through
nursing groups. which Filipino registered nurse
can share their common interests
What is Integration? working in a unified manner to
Is a means of bringing together develop the contribution of
all individual registered nurses nursing to the health of the
Filipino people.

IRNUP Objectives
1. Provision of direction and guidance in 6. Provision of forum through meetings
nursing development in the country. and and conventions where they may
2. The improvement of nursing practice come in contact with their peers,
through education and research exchange information's and seek support.
3. Serving as a unified voice for nurses 7. Representation of nurses and nursing
and nursing nationally in any forum requiring nursing input and
4. The improvement of the professional, be the authoritative voice for nursing
social and economic positions of nurses 8. Working with health and health-
5. Serving as the reference/referral center related sectors in the pursuit of achieving
for information on nurses and nursing health goals influencing Philippines.


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