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In consortium with

Name: Dinawanao, Cherry Mae. ID No.: 19042 Section: B

Instructions: Write a 150-200 words essay about the questions/situations given

below. Pass your output in my email on Oct. 7, 2022, not later than 12 noon.

1. Describe examples of health transitions in your family members and friends.

Which type of transitions can you identify in your clients/parents? Do you think it is
helpful to think of ‘transitions’ as opposed to ‘developmental tasks or stages? Why?

- Transitions are period of changing from one state or condition to another. Health ‐illness
transitions focus on how individuals and families experience different illness contexts but also
on transitions among levels of care during the course of illness. My father, older brother and
older sister were diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. The life back then was hard
because of the sudden health issues they had. We had to be extra careful to not in contact with
them. The type of transitions my parents went are developmental and situational transitions.
They went to developmental transitions because they went from childhood to adolescence and
to adulthood. They also experienced situational transitions. They broke up after many years of
marriage and my mother left us because she chose to cheat on us. My father went from
married to separated. No, both are somewhat is similar because transition is a period of
changing from one state to another. Meanwhile, developmental stages or tasks are from infant
to older adult. Both are related in moving forward or changing from time to time.

2. Describe social factors such as mobility, increased education, and changes in the
economy have influenced adult development.

Mobility influence the development of adult by enabling them to reach their

true potential in all life aspects thus make them more motivated to move up the
social mobility ladder. Adults surely influenced by education. It shapes and molds
adult as who they are now. But with increased education, the chances of people to
be educated in school is low because of the expenses they need to spend. A lot of
people will be affected especially those young people. Many of them will stop
instead they will just work for their survival and the development of young to adult
will be affected. Changes in the economy influenced adult development. They are
likely to adapt new things and work on new things.


In consortium

Name of Student: Dinawanao, Cherry Mae F. Yr & Sec: IV-B Date: Sep. 30, 2022
Subject: Transcultural Nursing

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Score

5 pts. 4 pts. 3 2 Given
pts. pts.
Content is accurate but Content is inaccurate.
some required Content is either
Content is accurate and Information is
questionable or
Content all required information information is missing incomplete, inaccurate,
incomplete. Information
is and/or not presented in or not presented in a
is not presented in a
presented in a logical logical order, but is still logicla order, making it
logical order, making it
order generally easy to difficult to follow
follow. difficult to follow.

Show some critical Significant lack of

Show considerable Generallyshows critical thinking. Lack of critical thinking and
critical thinking about thinking skills. Able to consistency in critical perspective. Little
information acquired provide some critical evaluation of independent thinking
Critical from various sources. discussion of information and and conclusion.
Able to critically information. Generally
Analysis viewpoints. Discussion Authors accept
discussand appropriate conclusions viewpoints of others
and independent
independently are drawn from it. Some without critical
conclusions are
evaluate information assertions may lack consideration.
inadequate. Significant
and to come to own support. logical errors are Abundant logical errors.
conclusions. present.
Information is very Information is Information is
Information is organized
organized with clear organized but generally disorganized.
and complete. Reader
and complete. incomplete. Reader Reader may have great
Organizatio can follow line of
Reader can easily may have difficulty in difficulty in line of
n reasoning. Some parts
follow line of following line of reasoning. Very few
have logical
reasoning. Most parts reasoning. Few parts parts have logical
logical connections of connections of points. have logical connections of points.
points connectiosn of points.
It is not appealing in
It is greatly appealing
It is still appealing in terms of visual
Visual in terms of visual It is appealing in terms
terms of visual aesthetics, aesthetics, layout,
aesthetics, layout, of visual aesthetic,
Appeal layout, neatness, neatness, suitability and
neatness, suitablity and layout, neatness,
suitablity and overall overall appearance.
overall appearance. suitablity and overall
appearance but with Major visual flaws may
appearance. be noted.
minor visual flaws.

References to Appropriate refrences

appropriate sources Minimal numbers of
are used and cited, but
are properly cited in references are used. Style
Reference some may be
is incorrect and or in
No reference provided
the text and listed in incomplete or in
proper format. complete.
incorrect style,

Clinical Instructor In – Charge: Mrs. Monaliza A. Binagatan

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