Dispute Resolution & Crisis Management
Dispute Resolution & Crisis Management
Dispute Resolution & Crisis Management
Course Description
Dispute resolution and crisis management is a study involving the
understanding, analysis and applying best strategies in resolving
Course Description Con’t
The course is intended to enhance the student’s
awareness and competitiveness along with the
pursuit of understanding the nature of conflict
resolution and applying strategic measures and
best practices in the field of crisis management.
Course Rationale
The course Dispute Resolution and Crisis Management
entails a very significant contribution in the field of
criminology, research, law enforcement and public safety.
This, students will benefit relevant knowledge on activities
involving dispute resolution and identify conflictting issues
thereby treating them from becoming a worst case which may
have occured in the family, workplace, community and
society in general. 4
Course Rationle Con’t…
Furthermore, understanding on the different principles
and methodology in conflict resolution, creating strategic
crime prevention and crisis management efforts will be a
contributory factor.
The promotion of peace and ensuring public safety
requires a deep understanding on how to promote conflict
resolution at the early stage. In the event of sudden
occurrences brought about by either natural or man-made
crisis, the importance of internalizing and applying
knowledge on the principles and
Con’t….Course Rationale
and procedures in Crisis Management will capacitate the
learners from being an instrument of peace and public
safety on the future.
At the end of the course, the student should
be able to:
1. Trace the origin of restorative justice system;
2. Elucidate the concepts, nature and procedures
governing dispute resolution.
3. Apply the implementing rules and regulations
governing the Alternative Dispute Resolution
System and Amicable Settlement.
Course Objectives Con’t…
▸ Is an approach to justice in which the
response to a crime is to organize a meeting
between the victim and the offender,
sometimes with representatives of the wider
Restorative Justice
▸ Is a new movement in the fields of
victimology and criminology. Acknowledging
that crime causes injury to people and
communities, it insists that justice repair
those injuries and that the parties be permitted
to participate in that process.
Restorative Justice
▸ RJ programs enable the victim, the offender
and affected members of the community to be
directly involved in responding to the crime.
▸ The restorative process of involving the all
parties is fundamental to achieving the
restorative outcome of reparation of peace.
Restorative VS Retributive
Restorative Retributive
▸ Is a valued-based ▸ Is an approach focused
approach focused on on determining what
determining harm law was broken, who
resulting from crime, broke it, and how they
what needs to be done should be punished.
to repair the harm, and
who is responsible for
repairing the harm
Restorative VS Retributive
Restorative Retributive
▸ View crime as an act ▸ View crime as an act
against another person against the State and a
and the community violation of law. The
and the control lies in control lies in the
the community where criminal justice system
the community and the community
facilitates the becomes a sideline,
restorative process. represented by the
Restorative vs Retributive
Restorative justice Retributive justice
▸ Views crime as an ▸ Views crime as an
accountability by both indvidual act and
individual and the individual
society and responsibility and the
punishment is not an offender should be
effective means of punished in order to
changing behavior deter crime and change
because it disrupts behavior.
community harmony
and good relationship. 14
Transformative Justice
▸ Is a general philosophical strategy for
responding to conflicts. It takes the principles
and practices of restorative justice beyond the
criminal justice system.
▸ Is concerned with root causes and
comprehensive outcomes. It is akin to healing
justice more than other alternatives to
R.A. 9285 “Alternative Dispute
Resolution Act
▸ The analogy is that Restorative Justice are at
par with the concept of alternative dispute
resolution and amicable settlement.
PD 1508 Amicable Settlement Act
▸ Provides the purpose of perpetuation and official
recognition of the time-honored tradition of
amicable settling disputes among family and
barangay members at the barangay level without
judicial resources that would promote the speedy
administration of justice and implement the
constitutional mandate to preserve and develop
Filipino culture and to strengthen the family as a
basic social institution. 17
Assignment #1: due march 3,v2021
▸ Read R.A. No. 9285 and
▸ PD 1508