Phyllobates Terribilis
Phyllobates Terribilis
Phyllobates Terribilis
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This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
hidden text. P...
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Curator, Department of Herpetology
The American Museum of Natural History
Chief, Section on Pharmacodynamics, Laboratory of Chemistry
National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Riittenen, Switzerland
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Volume 161, article 2, pages 307-366, figures 1-28, plates 1, 2, tables 1-5
Issued October 6, 1978
Price. $5.95
ISSN 0003-0090
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hidden text. CONT ENTS
. 312
Introduction and Warning ............ ................... .
Phyllobates terribilis, new species ......... 313
Description of Adults ............. ................... 314
Interpopulational Color Variation ................... .
. 316
Osteology. ................... .
. 317
Tadpoles. ................... .
. 317
Postmetamorphic Changes ........... ................... .
. 318
Natural History ................. ................... .
. 321
Systematics. ................... .
. 328
Comparison with Related Species ....... ................... .
. 328
Phyllobates: A New Hypothesis of Monophyly ................... .
. 331
Skin Alkaloids and Toxicity ........... ................... .
. 334
Variation. ................... .
. 335
Interspecific Comparisons ........... ................... .
. 336
Toxicology. ................... .
. 339
. ............ ....
Utilization of Frogs for Dart Poisoning ..... . .34.
Frogs Used ................... ................... .
. 341
Methods of Poisoning Darts .......... ................... .
. 342
A Declining Custom .............. ................... .
. 344
Blowgun and Dart Fabrication .......... ................... .
. 346
Comparisons. ................... .
. 359
Acknowledgments ................... .
. 362
Literature Cited .................. ................... .
. 363
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hidden text. ABSTRACT
Phyllobates terribilis, a remarkably toxic new
species of frog, is described from the vicinity of an
Embera Choc6 settlement in lowland rain forest of
Pacific coastal Colombia. It is the third frog defi-
nitely known to be used for poisoning darts; the
other species are P. aurotaenia and P. bicolor. Tox-
icity of the skin secretions of Phyllobates, and of
frog-poisoned darts, is due primarily to batrachotoxin
and homobatrachotoxin, steroidal alkaloids that are
stronger than curare mixtures. Phyllobates terribilis
produces relatively massive quantities of these com-
pounds and is at least twentyfold more toxic than
other poison-dart frogs. The new species is poten-
tially dangerous to handle: One freshly caught frog
may contain up to 1900 micrograms (,ug) of toxins,
only a fraction of which would be lethal to man if
enough skin secretion came into contact with an
open wound. A human lethal dose is indirectly
judged as being somewhere in the range of 2-200
,ug, and the secretions also are irritating to porous
skin and poisonous if ingested.
Phyllobates terribilis attains a snout-vent length
of about 47 mm., making it one of the largest
species in its family (Dendrobatidae). It is readily
distinguished from all other dendrobatids in that
body and limbs are a uniform golden or pale metallic
green color above and below, except that small juve-
niles have a primitive pattern of golden dorsolateral
stripes on a black ground. The ontogenetic color
change, tadpoles, and other aspects of the life his-
tory and behavior are described. A component of
aggressive grappling behavior of this and some other
dendrobatids is suggested as being homologous with
dendrobatid cephalic amplexus, an instance of which
is photographically documented for Dendrobates tri-
color. The trill call of Phyllobates is the third class
of dendrobatid vocalizations to be defined. At the
type locality, Phyllobates terribilis occurs in popula-
tions of predominantly adult frogs that probably have
relatively long (> 5 years) and secure lives; re-
productive success or juvenile survivorship might be
inversely correlated with population density. Emberd
Indians are occasional predators, and the snake
Leimadophis epinephelus is identified as a potential
predator, at least of young frogs. This snake has an
unusual capacity for tolerating a great chemical di-
versity of anuran skin secretions.
Piperidine-based skin alkaloids provide a shared,
uniquely derived character (synapomorphy), seeming
to establish that frogs of the Dendrobates-
Phyllobates complex share a monophyletic origin
apart from a sister group (Colostethus). But, in the
Phyllobates bicolor group, primitive piperidine alka-
loids have been largely replaced by a more effective
set of defensive skin toxins-the steroidal
batrachotoxins. The latter are a novel synapomorphy
that seems to establish the monophyly of Phyllobates
(sensu stricto), a genus heretofore inadequately de-
fined on the basis of shared primitive (sym-
plesiomorphic) characters. Most of the species
recently assigned to Phyllobates (by Silverstone,
1976) are here removed to Dendrobates, including
the nomenclatural type species (trivittatus) on which
the name Dendrobates must be based. Dendrobates
is more diverse as now defined (vs. Silverstone,
1975). The diversity is due to a mixture of shared
primitive characters, along with derived characters
still to be tested for convergence or parallelism.
These changes have minimal effect on the usefulness
of Silverstone's (1975, 1976) monographs on the two
genera, since his accounts of species and species
groups are mostly well considered.
The laborious process of fabricating an Embera
Choc6 blowgun, quiver, and darts is described and
photographically illustrated. The Choc6 blowgun is
of Yde's type IV, two long and tapering, semi-
cylindrical sections of palm wood glued together and
wrapped with bast. There are two principal ways of
making the bore in type-IV blowguns. Some tribes
(Jivaro and Yagua) scratch initial grooves on the
half-shafts, which are then joined and the bore en-
larged and smoothed with a ramrod and sand. The
Choc6 and Cofdn finish the grooves before the half-
shafts are joined; use of metal implements by pres-
ent-day Choc6 and Cofdn probably is a simple im-
provement over such objects as mammal teeth, said
to have been used for the same purpose by Pase
Indians over a century ago. The Choc6 weapon dif-
fers from most other type-IV blowguns in lacking a
separate mouthpiece and in rarely being water-
proofed. The blowgun is for hunting, but, unlike
some Amazonian tribes, the Choc6 may have no
superstitious strictures against turning it occasionally
on man.
The Choc6 are the only Indians known with cer-
tainty to use frog toxins as the sole ingredient of dart
poison, and the practice is documented only in the
Rio San Juan and Rio Saija drainages of western
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
hidden text. Colombia; use of a plant poison is more widespread,
although the Choc6 blowgun is on the decline and
absent in some areas. The Embera Choco and
Noanama Choco have two ways of obtaining frog
poison: Frogs of the species Phyllobates aurotaenia
and P. bicolor (San Juan drainage) are impaled on a
special stick entering the mouth and exiting through
a hind leg; the spitted frog may sometimes, but not
necessarily, be held near fire while darts are rubbed
in its skin secretions. In contrast, dart tips are simply
rubbed against the backs of living Phyllobates ter-
ribilis (Saija region). These different methods reflect
more on the relative toxicity and abundance of the
frogs than on cultural differences.
Blowguns and poisoned darts are widely
used in northern South America, particularly in
the Amazonian and Guayanan regions. The best
known dart (and arrow) poisons are the curare
alkaloids, derived mainly from plants of the
genera Strychnos and Curarea. West of the
Andes, however, a dart poison much stronger
than most (if not all) curare mixtures is ob-
tained from small, brightly colored frogs of the
genus Phyllobates. Despite reports to the con-
trary, the use of frogs for the sole ingredient of
dart poison may be geographically restricted to
western Colombia, where the poison is applied
to darts, not arrows. Until now, the custom
seems to have been confirmed only in the Rio
San Juan drainage of northwestern Colombia,
where frog poison is still employed by Choc6
Indians of the Embera group, and was also
recently used by the Noanama' Choc6. Phyllo-
bates bicolor ("neara") is the frog utilized by
Embera Choco living near the headwaters of
the Rio San Juan, and, lower in the same
drainage, Phyllobates aurotaenia ("kokoi") is
the poison-dart frog of both the Embera and the
Noanama' Choco. (See fig. 8.)
Some years ago, the Swedish anthropologist
Henry Wassen acquired darts purportedly tip-
ped with frog poison from Embera Indians liv-
ing on the Rio Saija, some 150 km. south of
the Rio San Juan. Wassen (1935, p. 99) evi-
dently did not see poison-dart frogs in the Saija
area, and his accompanying illustration of a
frog and description of dart poisoning were
based on Phyllobates aurotaenia and its use by
Noanama' Indians of the lower Rio San Juan.
We confirmed the existence of a poison-dart
frog in the Rio Saija drainage in 1971 and 1973,
when we collected series of the frog and also
obtained information on its use by the Embera
Choco. Our specimens represent a heretofore
undescribed species of Phyllobates; it is only
the third species of frog that is known with
certainty to be used for poisoning blowgun
The new species proved to be much more
toxic than could have been predicted from our
previous experience with other poison-dart
frogs, and we heeded the advice of our Indian
friends and handled it with appropriate caution,
especially after accidentally killing a few of
their domestic animals that got into our con-
taminated garbage. Subsequent analysis showed
that the frog secretes essentially the same com-
pounds as other species of Phyllobates, namely
the potent batrachotoxin alkaloids, which are
known to occur only in frogs of this genus. But
the new species is characterized by having rela-
tively massive quantities of batrachotoxins, and
it is at least twentyfold more toxic than its
relatives. Elsewhere in this paper we estimate
that a small fraction of the poison from one of
the new frogs would be lethal to man if gotten
into the bloodstream through an open wound.
The skin secretions are also irritating to porous
skin and poisonous if ingested. These frogs
should be considered as potentially dangerous
if improperly handled. No effective antidote is
known for batrachotoxin poisoning.
The epithet that we have chosen for the new
species is "terribilis," a Latin adjective mean-
ing terrible or frightful. The name describes the
extraordinary toxicity of the frogs' skin secre-
tions, and also alludes to the fear once evoked
by the poisoned blowgun darts of a more war-
like people.
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Size and Proportions of Adult Phyllobates terribilis, New Species, from Type Localitya
Snout-vent length (SVL) in mm.
Tibia length/SVL
Head width/SVL
Eye length/tip of snout to eye
Center naris to edge eye/lower
edge tympanum to angle of jaws
Width 3rd-finger disc/finger width
below disc
N Mean+±1 S.E. S.D. C.V.(%) Range
1506 41.05±0.11 1.36 3.31 37.3-44.6
1799 43.23±0.08 1.12 2.58 40.3-46.5
150d 0.440±0.001 0.015 3.47 0.40-0.48
179? 0.428±0.001 0.014 3.35 0.41-0.47
25d 0.332±0.003 0.013 3.86 0.31-0.35
25? 0.328±0.002 0.008 2.38 0.31-0.34
25d 0.794±0.010 0.048 6.05 0.72-0.90
25? 0.789±0.010 0.048 6.05 0.72-0.89
25d 2.142±0.046 0.229 10.69 1.89-2.67
25? 2.216±0.044 0.219 9.88 1.95-2.80
25d 1.507±0.024 0.121 7.99 1.30-1.78
25? 1.462+0.021 0.106 7.27 1.30-1.67
aSeven paratypes from another locality (La Brea) fall within the observed variational ranges
of the paratopotypes, except
that one male has a head width/SVL ratio of 0.36, and one female has an eye length/snout
length ratio of 0.71.
ually mature because of its size and well-de-
veloped vocal slits. The subarticular tubercle on
the first finger of each hand is rather large
compared with that of other specimens, and
there is a small lump (subcutaneous parasite?)
on the posteroventral face of the right thigh,
but the specimen otherwise appears normal. Its
color in life was orange, changed in alcohol to
light gray at the time of this description.
Length from snout to vent 41.6; tibia length
from heel to fold of skin on knee 18.4; greatest
width of body 14.7; greatest head width (be-
tween angles of jaws) 13.8; head width between
edges upper eyelids 12.3; approximate width of
interorbital area 5.0; head length from tip of
snout to angle of jaws 12.6; tip of snout to
center of naris 2.3; center of naris to anterior
corner of eye 4.2; distance between centers of
nares 5.2; eye length from anterior to posterior
corner 5.3; horizontal diameter of tympanum
(posteriorly indistinct) about 2.5; corner of
mouth to lower edge tympanic ring 2.0; length
from proximal edge of large medial palmar tu-
bercle to tip of longest (3rd) finger 11.4; width
of disc of third finger 1.3; width of third finger
(penultimate phalanx) below disc 0.8; width of
discs of third and fourth toes, respectively, 1.5
and 1.6; width of third and fourth toes below
discs both 0.9.
The following description is based on the
approximately 350 adults in the type series,
unless indication is given that a smaller sample
was drawn from the series for some particular
comparison. Larvae and juveniles are described
in following sections.
Phyllobates terribilis is a very large den-
drobatid, with males attaining a maximum
snout to vent length (SVL) of about 45 mm.
and females 47 mm. Males mature at about 37
mm., and females at 40-41 mm. SVL. See
table 1 for data on size and proportions. Widest
part of head lies between the jaw articulations.
Greatest head width averages 87 percent of
greatest body width in 28 preserved specimens
(range 70-109%), but the body is wider and
more distinctly rotund in well-fed living indi-
viduals. There is little external sexual dimor-
phism except in body length (table 1). Adult
males have a shallow subgular vocal sac that is
usually indicated externally by minute expan-
sion wrinkles in a grayish area at base of
throat. Adult males have well-developed vocal
slits on the floor of the mouth, except that one
or the other slits fails to open in about 18
percent of the population (see Postmetamorphic
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
hidden text. 1978 MYERS, DALY, AND MALKIN: PHYLLOBATES 315
Size and Proportions of Adul Phyllobates bicolor Bibron, from Upper Rio San Juana
Character N Mean+±1 S.E. S.D. C.V.(%) Range
Snout-vent length (SVL) in mm.b 27W
21 9
Tibia length/SVL 27d
21 ?
Head width/SVL 27d
21 9
Eye length/tip of snout to eye 25
Center naris to edge eye/lower
edge tympanum to angle of jaws
Width 3rd-finger disc/finger width
below disc
aRepresenting several local populations in vicinity of Santa Cecilia, Department of Risaralda,
Colombia. Based on
measurements from following 48 adult specimens: Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 98209-98224,
98226-98233, 98235, 98236; Field
Mus. Nat. Hist. 54187, 54189, 54193, 54194, 54196, 54204, 54205, 54207, 54212, 54221,
54233; Natl. Mus. Nat. Hist.
(Smithsonian Inst.) 137359-137362, 137364-137370, 147225, 147226.
bA seemingly precocious male (AMNH 98234) is excluded from the table; it has
well-developed vocal slits but measures
only 29.0 mm. SVL. A female (AMNH 98225) with small ova and enlarging oviducts was
judged a subadult and is also
excluded; it measures 35.2 mm. SVL, which, with the observed size range of adults,
indicates that females mature at
approximately 35-36 mm. SVL.
Color changing to gray in preservative, but
in life most adults were bright golden yellow,
golden orange, or pale metallic green (see In-
terpopulational Color Variation). Range of ob-
served hues1 included pale metallic green-pale
greenish yellow-pale yellow-golden yellow
-golden orange-orange; one uniformly me-
dium-gray variant (AMNH 88870) was the only
specimen lacking bright pigmentation. Dor-
sally, the body and limbs are uniformly col-
ored, except for conspicuous black eyes and
nares, black digit tips, usually black edging on
lower rim of tympanum, and, often, black edg-
ing along the mouth and narrow black creases
marking articulations of the limb segments.
'These hues are constant within individual adult frogs,
which remain the same shade regardless of light or tem-
perature changes. Absence of diel metachromatism appears
to be characteristic of dendrobatids generally, although
short-term changes have been observed in Dendrobates
pumilio and Colostethus trinitatis, and some species show
ontogenetic changes. Phyllobates terribilis undergoes on-
togenetic change only (see Postmetamorphic Changes).
Ventrally, the coloration is the same or slightly
lighter than the dorsal hue, except for black
palms and soles, a black seat patch across un-
dersides of thighs, and a black crease in axilla
and groin; males usually have a light suffusion
of gray on base of throat. The posterior venter,
concealed part of shank, and, especially, the
axilla and groin are lightly suffused with gray
in some specimens; some pale metallic green
specimens had a slight bluish tinge on the
green venter, with the concealed part of the
shank being a definite blue-green. Despite the
aforesaid variations, the venters of all adults
were colored mainly like the bright dorsal sur-
faces (as shown in color pl. 2).
Skin smooth in preservative; in life, smooth
to finely rugose or finely granular, tuming con-
spicuously rugose to very coarsely granular on
upper surfaces of hind limbs, especially on the
shank (fig. 1). Snout sloping, rounded in lateral
profile, bluntly rounded to weakly truncate in
dorsal or ventral aspect. Naris situated near tip
of snout and directed posterolaterally; both
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
nares visible from front, barely visible from
below, but not visible from above. Canthus
rostralis rounded; loreal region vertical and
slightly concave. Interorbital area wider than
upper eyelid. Eye length somewhat greater than
distance from anterior edge of naris to eye; eye/
snout length 0.72-0.90 (N = 50, table 1). Tym-
panum concealed posterodorsally, where it sub-
cutaneously dips under the anterior edge of m.
depressor mandibulae; tympanum seen by dis-
section to be nearly circular or vertically ellipti-
cal, with an area less than 75 percent of eye.
Relative lengths of appressed fingers 3 > 4
-I -2, each terminating in moderately ex-
panded disc; if measured from the base, finger
is distinctly longer than fingers 2 and 4, but
when appressed their discs overlap and the
three are nearly equal. Disc of third finger
1.30-1.78 times wider than distal end of adja-
cent phalanx, with no appreciable sexual di-
morphism (N = 50, table 1). A large, circular
tubercle on median base of palm, and a smaller
elliptical one (inner metacarpal tubercle) on
base of first finger; one or two subarticular
tubercles on fingers (one each on fingers 1 and
2, two each on fingers 3 and 4). All tubercles
low, with rounded surfaces.
Hind limbs of moderate length, heel of ap-
pressed limb usually reaching eye; tibia/snout-
vent length 0.40-0.48 (table 1). Relative lengths
oftoes4>3>5>2> 1,eachterminating
in moderately expanded disc, which on toes 3
and 4 is as wide or wider than third finger disc;
appressed first toe reaching subarticular tubercle
of second. Small inner and outer metatarsal
tubercles, the inner being an elongated ellipse
and the outer being smaller and nearly circular;
an unpigmented area between aforesaid tuber-
cles often has appearance of an incipient me-
dian metatarsal tubercle. One to three
subarticular tubercles (one each on toes 1 and
2, two each on toes 3 and 5, three on toe 4).
Distal third of tarsus with a keel-like ridge,
usually extending from inner metatarsal tuber-
cle and proximally continuous with the
obliquely elongate and slightly elevated tarsal
tubercle. All foot tubercles low, with rounded
surfaces. Hands and feet lacking webbing, su-
pernumerary tubercles, or lateral fringe (al-
though if digits are desiccated their ventro-
lateral keel might be mistaken for a low, un-
scalloped fringe).
Phyllobates terribilis has been collected only
in the vicinity of Quebrada Guangui and at La
Brea, localities less than 15 km. apart in the
upper Rio Saija drainage. The species appears
to be morphologically uniform within this re-
gion, and no significant difference in toxicity
was detected in frogs from the two localities
(see Skin Alkaloids and Toxicity). Nonetheless,
there are striking differences in color (hue) that
seem to reflect microgeographic variation. Such
variation is commonplace among the toxic spe-
cies of dendrobatids.
QUEBRADA GUANGUI: Well over 500 speci-
mens were collected by resident Indians and
ourselves at the type locality. Most of these
frogs were various shades of golden yellow or
golden orange (pl. 2); a relative few were pale
greenish yellow or deep orange. The frogs were
scattered through the forest and not to be taken
in large numbers by any one collector in a
single day, but, on a given day, up to a hun-
dred specimens might be obtained by the com-
bined efforts of six or more collectors. Each
person's catch tended to consist predominantly
of one color phase, depending on the ridge or
slope area that was worked. Due to the enthusi-
asm and efficiency of our Indian collectors, the
frog populations near camp were rapidly deci-
mated (but by no means extirpated) and we
were unable to determine the extent of intra-
deme variation or the nature of interdeme bor-
LA BREA: This is the site of a rural
schoolhouse on a riverfront bluff, about 15 km.
by river below the mouth of the Quebrada
Guangui. We collected here for three days and
obtained 19 frogs, of which seven were pre-
served, six skinned for poison extraction, and
the remainder lost in an accident of transport.
The majority (17) differed strikingly from all
Quebrada Guangui specimens in being pale me-
tallic green; these green frogs were found in
forest on the riverfront bluff and on ridges
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hidden text. 1978 MYERS, DALY, AND MALKIN: PHYLLOBATES 317
immediately adjacent. Two differently colored
frogs were taken on ridges farther inland from
the river: One specimen (AMNH 88865) was
bright golden orange like many individuals
from the type locality. The other specimen
(AMNH 88870) was a uniformly medium gray,
a coloration not seen in the large collection
from the type locality. The lack of bright pig-
mentation on this specimen is assumed to be an
aberration, since the vivid coloration of Phyllo-
bates terribilis is probably aposematic and
therefore under presumably strong selective
The following description emphasizes as-
pects of the skull (especially nasal region) and
vertebrae that presently appear to be of poten-
tial use in dendrobatid systematics. It is based
on six cleared and stained adult paratopotypes
(AMNH 86319-86324), including three males
(39.8-41.3 mm. SVL) and three females
(40.6-42.6 mm. SVL).
Skull wider than long. Frontoparietals long
and in close contact, their common suture
being vague in most specimens. Sphenethmoid
large, extending rostrad to halfway between
nasals; often entirely or partly fused with ante-
rior ends of frontoparietals (only two of six
specimens having a distinct suture between
sphenethmoid and frontoparietals). Spheneth-
moid with a ventrolateral process extending to-
ward preorbital process of maxillary; palatine
bones absent. Nasal bones widely separated
from one another; sometimes in narrow poster-
omedial contact with sphenethmoid (three of
six specimens); posterolateral process of nasal
narrow, ending above and slightly behind pre-
orbital process of maxillary. Prevomers small,
toothless, and widely separated, lying beneath
nasals. Maxillary and premaxillary teeth pres-
ent. Alary processes of premaxillae broad, tip-
ped slightly forward. Maxillary posteriorly
shallow, anteriorly with a high facial lobe bear-
ing a small preorbital process. Eight presacral
vertebrae, none fused either dorsally or ven-
trally. Neural spines of second and third ver-
tebrae more massive than others, but not
bearing dorsal shields. Omostemum present.
The following description is based on three
lots (AMNH 88979-88981) of stage-25 larvae
taken from the backs of paratypic male frogs,
and on one series of larvae (AMNH 97876,
stages 24-37) reared in the laboratory from
eggs laid and fertilized by captive frogs from
the type locality. The clutch of terrestrial eggs
was placed in water and commenced hatching
12 days after laying, when the larvae were at
stage 24 (late); the first feeding was observed
six days after hatching, at stage 26. Several
tadpoles, from this and other laboratory
clutches, were observed through metamor-
phosis. See the section on Natural History for
additional comments on the life cycle. The
staging system used here is that of Gosner
body are depressed (width > depth), slightly
convex above and flattened below. Eyes and
nostrils are in a dorsal position, with the eyes
directed dorsolaterally. One larva preserved a
day before hatching was in early stage 24, with
a long branching gill on the left side (longest
gill filament = 1.3 mm., body length = 4.1
mm.); hatching of two other larvae occurred
late in stage 24, with the gill greatly reduced in
length. The spiracle is sinistral and the anus
dextral (medial in several stage-25 larvae).
Body length from hatching to stage 37 changes
from 4.1 to 12.6 mm., and total length changes
from 11.1 to 35.4 mm., as summarized in
table 3.
The low-finned tail comprises 59-64 percent
of the total length. There appears to be no
significant ontogenetic change in tail length up
to stage 37, as shown by the following ratios of
tail length/total length: Stage 25, X =
0.614±0.003 (0.59-0.63, N = 11); Stages 27,
29, 37 combined, X = 0.613 (0.58-0.64,
N = 3).
The greatest depth of the tail comprises only
12-15 percent of total body-tail length in stages
24-27, after which the depth of the tail in-
creases to a maximum of at least 20 percent,
relative to increasing total length. In 11
stage-25 larvae, the maximum distance from
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
hidden text. 1978 MYERS, DALY, AND MALKIN: PHYLLOBATES 319
strikingly in color and pattern; newly trans-
formed frogs (-13 mm. SVL) have an evi-
dently primitive color pattern that is virtually
lost by attainment of only 20 mm. snout-vent
length (SVL). Allometric changes in body pro-
portions are slight, at least past 20 mm. SVL.
There are few juveniles in our wild-caught
sample of P. terribilis (see Natural History),
and our smallest such preserved specimen
measures 20.5 mm. However, several young
raised at the American Museum, from eggs
deposited and fertilized by captive para-
topotypes, provide information on the early
changes in coloration.
COLOR AND PArrERN: As described under
Tadpoles, the aquatic larva acquires a blackish
gray body and pale bronze dorsolateral stripes
(fig. 2) at about stage 37, with the body turning
black and the stripes becoming brighter by the
time that the forelimbs appear in stage 42.
Metamorphosis occurs at about 13 mm. SVL
(as measured in life with dial calipers), at
which time the dorsolateral stripes, upper arm,
and upper lip are light bronzy gold, and the
hind limbs and lower parts of the forelimbs are
densely speckled with bronze on a black back-
ground. The dorsolateral stripes and upper arms
become bright gold within a few days of meta-
morphosis, and the dense flecking on lower
arms and on the hind limbs becomes brighter
golden bronze. The undersides of the limbs are
less strongly speckled with bronze and are
mainly black; the venter is black except for a
few golden specks scattered across the chest.
Even at this early period there may be a few
specks of gold on the back and sides of the
body, although the general appearance is of a
black frog with paired stripes of gold. There
tends to be a faint suffusion of bronze or gold
on the upper lip, which in one individual was
sufficiently concentrated to form a gold labial
The dorsolateral stripes remain fairly well
defined (fig. 3A) up to and slightly past 14
mm. SVL; at this size the ventral surfaces are
still nearly pure black, except that the sparse
bronze and gold speckling has slightly inten-
sified underneath the limbs and across the
chest, with a few scattered specks also appear-
ing on the belly (fig. 3D).
By attainment of 15.5 mm. SVL (fig. 3B),
an intense suffusion of gold has appeared dor-
sally between the stripes, which also are widen-
ed ventrad. Gold ventral speckling also has
become more intense, although the ventral sur-
faces remain essentially black.
The dorsal and lateral spread and intensifica-
tion of gold coloring proceeds rapidly, and by
21 mm. SVL the juvenile frog is almost uni-
formly golden above (fig. 3C). A strong suffu-
sion of gold has developed ventrally across the
chest (fig. 3E). The young frog in figure 3
acquired its bright dorsum in 18 weeks of
postmetamorphic growth; an additional several
weeks were required before the ventral surfaces
turned uniformly bright as in adults (e.g., pl.
2). The adult coloration is thus acquired early,
since it takes over a year to reach adult size.
PROPORTIONS: Some body proportions of the
eight smallest preserved juveniles (20.5-29.6
mm. SVL) in the paratopotypic series are com-
pared with those of adults in table 4. Since the
sample of juveniles is small, and because there
is relatively little sexual dimorphism in these
characters (table 1), the sexes are combined.
The differences seen are very slight; allometric
growth is probably of little or no taxonomic
significance, assuming that closely related spe-
cies have growth characteristics similar to P.
The major difference in table 4 involves rel-
ative eye size compared to snout length (com-
parison of means: t = 3.342, P < 0.01).
Linear regression analysis, using 50 adults and
all 34 juveniles and subadults in the para-
topotypic series, confirms that relative eye size
(eye length/snout-eye) decreases with increasing
SVL (r = -0.50, P < 0.001). Although juve-
nile P. terribilis do have relatively larger eyes
than adults (or relatively shorter snouts), the
differences are little apparent by visual inspec-
tion (compare photographs herein).
Juvenile P. terribilis have relatively longer
tibiae than adults, in keeping with an appar-
ently common pattern of frog growth. The dif-
ference between the means in table 4 is of
marginal significance (t = 2.094, P < 0.05 >
0.02), but regression analysis, using the sample
mentioned above (N = 84), shows that tibia/
SVL decreases with increasing SVL (r =
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Females mature at about 40-41 mm. SVL, as
determined by gonadal development. The four
smallest adults, in the sample of 179 adult
female paratopotypes, measure 40.3, 40.6,
40.6, and 40.7 mm. SVL; these possess en-
larged or enlarging ovarian ova and oviducts.
The four largest immature females, 38.7, 40.3,
41.0, and 41.0 mm. SVL, have tiny ovarian
ova and threadlike oviducts. The small size
overlap (< 1 mm.) between mature and imma-
ture females is within the limits of measuring
error. Some overlap, of course, is expected,
due to the vagaries of individual growth rates,
but attainment of maturity in both sexes of
Phyllobates terribilis does appear to be rather
precisely correlated with body size.
HABITAT: Phyllobates terribilis occurs in
rough hilly country at the western foot of a
northerly inclined spur of the Cordillera Occi-
dental. The broken landscape (fig. 4) is the
result of stream dissection of presumed Tertiary
and Pleistocene sediments and gravels. Slopes
are more often steep than gentle, and perpen-
dicular surfaces are not uncommon. Hillside
soils are gravelly in places. Drainage is by
Measurements (in Millimeters) of Phyllobates terribilis larvae
Stage N Head-Body Length Total Length Greatest Tail Depth
24a 3 4.1-4.1 (X = 4.10) 11.1-11.4 (X = 11.27) 1.5-1.6 (X = 1.57)
25b 15b 443-5.0 (X = 4.66+0.05) 11.5-12.4 (X = 12.09±0.09) 1.5-1.8 (X = 1.70+0.04)
26c 1 5.6 14.4 2.1
27c 1 9.3 24.3 3.5
29c 1 11.7 28.0 5.6
37c 1 12.6 35.4 6.5
aLaboratory reared, including one preserved a day before hatching and two preserved
within a few hours of hatching.
bDorsal tadpoles from three male frogs. N = 11 for total length and tail measurements.
CLarvae reared in laboratory and preserved six days (stage 26), 13 days (stage 27), 19
days (stage 29), and 38 days (stage
37) after hatching.
Comparison of Body Proportions of Juvenile and Adult Phyllobates terribilis from the Type
Character Sizea N Mean± 1 S.E. S.D. Range
Tibia length/SVL Juvenile
Head width/SVL Juvenile
Eye length/tip of snout to eye Juvenile
Center naris to edge eye/lower
edge tympanum to angle of jaws
Width 3rd finger disc/finger width
below disc
aData for sexually mature males and females (table 1) combined. The eight juveniles have
snout-vent lengths of 20.5-29.6
mm. (X = 25.98 mm.), and include four males and four females. Juveniles and subadults
greater than 29.9 mm. SVL (N =
26) are excluded from this table, but were added to the total sample of immature
specimens (N = 34) for purposes of
regression analysis (see text).
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relative simplicity, by which cephalic amplexus
would be primitive in the Dendrobatidae (albeit
derived from some lower level) and aggressive
cephalic clasping would be a derived condition.
The matter remains to be tested by additional
observations or experimentation, but one com-
ponent of dendrobatid amplexus and aggressive
clasping appears unusual enough to suggest ho-
mology. In the amplexus of Dendrobates tri-
color, the male presses the upper surfaces of
his hands against the female's chin (fig. 6).
Neither the palms nor individual fingers are
used in maintaining the grip. Identical chin-
pressing behavior has been observed in captive
Phyllobates terribilis during apparent aggres-
VOCALIZATIONS: The call of Phyllobates ter-
ribilis was described in field notes as a "long
melodious trill," although it might sound
slightly harsh to some ears. Two laboratory
recordings are each six seconds in duration,
and are comprised of a uniform train of notes
uttered at a rate of 13 per second (at 27.0°C.),
with a dominant frequency at about 1800 Hertz
(fig. 7). The call is similar to vocalizations of
related species but the dominant frequency is
lower ( < 1900 Hz in P. terribilis, > 2000 Hz
in P. aurotaenia, P. bicolor, P. lugubris, P.
We take this occasion to characterize the
calls of Phyllobates as trill calls, the third class
of dendrobatid vocalizations to be defined in a
continuing study (Myers and Daly, 1976a). A
trill call is a train of uniform notes uttered at a
speed greater than 10 per second. This kind of
call sounds quite different from the "chirp
calls" of some Dendrobates, although each is
comprised of a train of usually uniform, poorly
modulated notes. The individual notes in a
Phyllobates call are musical relative to the
harsh notes in a chirp call, which contains
more noise due to a sustentation of near max-
imum energy output over a broad frequency
range (compare section in fig. 7 with chirp-call
sections in Myers and Daly, 1976a, p. 237).
The "trilled" aspect of a Phyllobates call is
caused by the rapid succession of individual
notes; the slight musical quality might also con-
tribute to this aspect of the call. The fastest
chirp calls recorded (some D. pumilio), with
note repetition rates of 9.5-10 per second, still
sound harsh and lacking in any trilled quality.
During poorly studied social interactions,
Phyllobates and some Dendrobates utter single
or small groups of "chirps," which seem
equivalent to individual notes in trill calls and
chirp calls, respectively. Such isolated chirps
are harsh-sounding in Dendrobates, but rela-
tively musical in Phyllobates. Dendrobates
chirp calls appear to have both territorial and
female-attracting functions, but this subject is
even less well understood in Phyllobates. In
captivity, the trill call of Phyllobates terribilis
often seems to excite other males to call and/or
to engage in courtship activity, but does not
induce the aggressive grappling observed in
some Dendrobates, or at least not commonly
(see below).
ship and egg laying have been observed several
times, but only in a terrarium containing 13
frogs. Each occasion involved two or several
calling males and at least one female. The in-
terested individuals moved about together,
crawled over one another, and clustered during
egg laying. There was such jostling and move-
ment that the actions of individual frogs could
not be followed for any length of time, par-
ticularly since most activity occurred in a tan-
gle of low-growing vegetation (noncourting
frogs spend most of their time sitting in the
open). Method of fertilization was not con-
firmed, but may involve vent to vent contact
between frogs facing in opposite directions; ob-
served instances of such behavior were brief,
with the pair seemingly being disturbed by oth-
ers of the group. One male was observed at-
tempting to amplex a female that was
depositing eggs, but the embrace was brief,
with the male unable to maintain a grip and
slipping off; it is not at all certain whether this
behavior was an attempt at true amplexus or
merely an instance of misplaced aggression (see
Behavior, above).
The orgies described above are probably the
result of unnatural crowding in captivity, where
one female simultaneously excites several
males. Many clutches deposited under such
conditions were fragmented into small lots of
often unfertilized eggs. Somewhat similar
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
I 4t-
flAft a I
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
FIG. 7. Tenninal portion of 6-second long trill call of Phyllobates terribilis, new species.
sound spectrogram, 45-Hz filter; section is of first note on left. Topotypic specimen recorded
in terrarium with
air temperature of 27.0° C., April 4, 1972 (AM;NH tape 177).
breeding frenzies occur among captive P. auro-male frog had a single tadpole and two
taenia and P. vittatus, but neither these nor P. each carried nine larvae, but all were caught
terribilis have been observed behaving so Indians and some larvae might have been dis-
flagrantly under natural conditions. Field obser-lodged and lost during capture. The carrying
vations are needed, although the components of period is perhaps brief, since the dorsal
courtship and laying behavior also might be are all in stage 25 (hatching in captivity occur-
adequately determined from observations of a red in late stage 24, see Tadpoles). Since the
single pair of captive frogs. eggs can be artificially hatched in water, and
Eggs were not found in the field, but one the larvae develop normally, it seems that tad-
clutch of 15 black and white eggs (AMNH pole-carrying in Phyllobates terribilis serves
88982) was laid, in February, in a plastic col-only a mechanical function of moving larvae
lecting bag, where they were evidently fertil-from the egg site to water.
ized, since some are in second cleavage. It apparently takes Phyllobates terribilis a
Excluding the small jelly capsules, these eggs year or more of postmetamorphic growth to
average 2.5 mm. in diameter (2.4-2.6 mm.). reach sexual maturity. Two living young frogs
Captive breedings have produced several appar-of uncertain sex measured only 37.5 and
ently entire clutches consisting of 11-17 eggs. mm. SVL, 13 months after metamorphosing
Dendrobatids lay terrestrial eggs, but, if ter-captivity. These measurements are barely
rarium conditions are not suitable, the eggs equivalent to the smallest adult males and fall a
often develop normally if moved to water soon few millimeters short of the size of recently
after being laid. Two clutches of P. terribilis matured females (table 1, which is based on
eggs each started hatching 11 days after they preserved specimens). Phyllobates terribilis
had been laid and placed in water, with hatch-a potentially long life span, since captive indi-
ing taking 2 or 4 days for completion. Fed viduals are still alive five years after capture.
liberally on boiled lettuce, the larvae meta-PREDATION: It seems a safe assumption that
morphosed and left the water about 55 days Phyllobates terribilis has few predators com-
after hatching, and the froglets started feeding pared with other rain-forest frogs, none of
on Drosophila 10 days later. which possesses such a combination of bright
Only three frogs, all males, were found in coloration, bold behavior, and extreme toxicity.
the field carrying tadpoles on their backs. One Man, of course, must be reckoned as a
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hidden text. 1978 MYERS, DALY, AND MALKIN: PHYLLOBATES 327
tor, and probably so should one small frog-
eating snake, Leimadophis epinephelus (Col-
ubridae). This predator has a Chocoan distribu-
tion that probably places it within the habitats
of all the species of Phyllobates (as herein
defined). Captive specimens of this snake have
shown themselves to be resistant to a great
diversity of anuran skin toxins, including the
atelopid toxins of Atelopus elegans and
Atelopus varius zeteki, the piperidine alkaloids
of Dendrobates auratus, and even the es-
pecially potent batrachotoxin alkaloids of Phyl-
lobates.1 Two uncontrolled experiments were
performed with Leimadophis epinephelus and
Phyllobates terribilis: (1) A Leimadophis from
the type locality of P. terribilis was confined in
a plastic bag with a recently caught juvenile
frog of 25 mm. SVL. The frog was eaten and
digested, with no apparent ill effect to the
snake. (2) A caged Leimadophis from El Valle,
central Panama, was offered an adult topotypic
P. terribilis that had been collected seven
months previously; such captive-held frogs
have toxicities about 50 percent below nornal
(see Skin Alkaloids and Toxicity). At the outset
the frog appeared too large to be swallowed,
and it was released after the snake had chewed
on it for 10 minutes. The snake showed no
'Leimadophis epinephelus seems to have an unusually
high metabolic rate for a snake. Captive specimens have
quickly become emaciated and have apparently starved to
death after not being fed for several weeks. The nature of
its immunity to frog poisons is not known, but, if the
poisons are simply detoxified, the process must start with
the snake's salivary secretions. The dendrobatid alkaloids
appear to be rapidly absorbed by buccal tissue, causing
some snakes (e.g., Rhadinaea spp.) to release the frogs
almost immediately. The effect may be striking if the frog's
secretions include batrachotoxin alkaloids: An adult
Rhadinaea taeniata aemula (from Mexico) seized and re-
leased a proffered Phyllobates vittatus (which contains rela-
tively small amounts of batrachotoxins), after which the
snake gaped and attempted to rub its mouth on the sub-
strate. Half an hour later the snake was in more obvious
distress, resuming mouth gaping and also expanding the
thoracic region and slowly contorting its entire body, after
which it laid nearly motionless for at least four hours, with
expanded thorax, contorted body, and head turned on one
side. Observations were terminated late at night, but recov-
ery was complete by the following morning.
immediate symptoms of distress, but on the
following day it was noticed to be lethargic and
was rather limp when handled; its behavior was
normal on the third day. The frog also re-
Leimadophis epinephelus is moderately com-
mon at the type locality of Phyllobates
terribilis, where we obtained nine specimens.
But it is uncertain whether this snake (-500
mm. total length) is large enough to swallow
the heavy-bodied adult frogs, or whether it
could survive such a massive dose of
batrachotoxins (-1.1 mg. per frog). However,
Leimadophis does seem to be a likely predator
of juvenile Phyllobates terribilis.
POPULATION STRUCTURE: The ratio of adult
males to adult females (150:179) in the para-
topotypic series shows no significant deviation
from a 1:1 sex ratio (X2 = 2.556, P > 0.1).
The paratopotypic series is biased toward juve-
niles (10% of total), most of which were saved,
whereas a very large number of adults were not
preserved. Juvenile-sized frogs comprised only
about 2.5 percent of all specimens collected.
Inasmuch as captive juveniles exhibit no appar-
ent behavioral differences from adults, we as-
sume that their apparent rarity is not entirely
due to sampling bias. Several observations on
P. terribilis at the type locality are worth sum-
marizing here:
1) Although density estimates were not ob-
tained, the population was obviously large and
rather evenly dispersed compared with other
species of frogs in the area. No other forest
frog could be collected in such large numbers
in the Quebrada Guanguf area.
2) Reproductive potential is low (< 20 eggs
per clutch) compared with many anurans, even
if females were to breed monthly.
3) Few nurse frogs were found carrying tad-
poles (N = 3).
4) Juveniles take a year or more to attain
maturity after metamorphosis, and appear to
occupy the same microhabitat (surface of forest
floor) as do adults.
5) Immature frogs comprise a small part of
the population, probably less than ten percent
(2.5% observed).
6) The species probably has few predators,
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and individuals have a potentially long life span
(> 5 years in captivity, during which reproduc-
tion is still possible).
Taken together, the above observations sug-
gest that Phyllobates terribilis maintains a
relatively stable population comprised predomi-
nantly of adult frogs, which probably have long
and secure lives. The small numbers of juve-
niles suggest that reproductive success or juve-
nile survivorship may be inversely density
dependent and somehow suppressed in this
population. This hypothesis is tenuously sup-
ported by observations that some dense popula-
tions of dendrobatid frogs are remarkably
resilient to removal of large numbers in re-
peated years, and that harvesting might stimu-
late population growth toward a return to
stability (Myers and Daly, 1976a, pp.
256-257). We present these perceptions not as
confident descriptions of reality, but rather as
suggestions that dendrobatid frogs would be
well worth the attention of population biolo-
The geographically and morphologically
closest relatives of Phyllobates terribilis are P.
aurotaenia and P. bicolor. These three species,
confined to the Pacific versant of Colombia,
also are the only frogs known with certainty to
be used as sources of dart poison. Their skin
alkaloids are qualitatively similar, but P. ter-
ribilis produces relatively massive amounts of
the most potent compounds, batrachotoxin and
homobatrachotoxin; quantitative comparisons
are given in a following section on Skin Alka-
loids and Toxicity. We here compare P. ter-
ribilis with its closest relatives and then suggest
that the genus Phyllobates be redefined under a
theory of monophyly.
Phyllobates aurotaenia (fig. 8A,B) is a
smaller frog than P. terribilis: Its maximum
body length is less than 32 mm. in males and
less than 35 mm. in females, whereas male and
female terribilis do not even mature until about
37 and 40 mm., respectively. Phyllobates auro-
taenia is black with golden yellow, orange, or
green dorsolateral stripes; the limbs are dotted
with gold, blue, or green; the ventral surfaces
of body and limbs are black with small spots of
blue or green. This species is readily dis-
tinguished from P. terribilis by size and colora-
tion, except that juvenile terribilis are also
black with golden dorsolateral stripes; however,
young terribilis lack the blue or green ventral
spotting of aurotaenia and acquire a uniformly
golden dorsum at about 20 mm. SVL.
Phyllobates aurotaenia occurs in low eleva-
tion rain forest west of the Cordillera Occiden-
tal, from the upper Rio Atrato drainage
southward nearly to Buenaventura (map in Sil-
verstone, 1976, p. 17). The largest known spec-
imens, which come from above Playa de Oro
on the upper Rio San Juan, have broad dor-
solateral stripes that tend to fuse because of an
intervening dorsal suffusion of bright pigmenta-
tion (fig. 8B). As noted by Silverstone (1976,
p. 22), such specimens approach Phyllobates
bicolor in size and coloration. The situation
leads us to suspect the possibility of either
hybridization or a cline between aurotaenia and
bicolor in the upper San Juan drainage.
Phyllobates bicolor (fig. 8C) occurs along
the western flank of the northern part of the
Cordillera Occidental, at higher elevations ( >
400 m. to about 1500 m.) than the lowland P.
aurotaenia, but distributional data are very
scarce. Our own field work supports Sil-
verstone's (1976, p. 24) claim that many mu-
seum specimens bear erroneous data, and that
the most trustworthy records are from the Santa
Cecilia region on the upper Rio San Juan.
Measurements and proportions of specimens of
P. bicolor from this region are given in table
2.1 Phyllobates terribilis (table 1) matures at a
body length about 5 mm. larger than P. bi-
1The holotype of Phyllobates bicolor Bibron (Mus.
Natl. d'Hist. Nat., Paris, No. 838) agrees well with this
sample. The species was erroneously described from Cuba,
but the holotype very likely came from the upper drainage
of either the Rio San Juan or Rio Atrato, which were
attracting gold miners and other travelers long before the
early 1800s, when the specimen was probably collected.
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
angles of the jaws in bicolor than in terribilis.
There is, however, extensive overlap in all the
aforesaid characters except for that of snout-
vent length, in which the largest specimens of
bicolor are only about 2 mm. longer than the
size at which terribilis attains sexual maturity.
Adult Phyllobates bicolor resemble P. ter-
ribilis in lacking dorsolateral stripes, since the
backs and sides are uniformly colored in both
(fig. 8C,D). The dorsum and sides of bicolor
are golden yellow or orange; the limbs are
mainly black with blue or gold spotting, or else
covered with a light greenish or yellowish wash
of different hue than the body color. The ven-
tral surfaces may be mainly black or variably
washed with light yellow, light orange, or
bluish green, these hues being paler and less
bright than the dorsal body color. Juveniles of
bicolor are unknown, but they presumably pass
through a striped phase resembling the primi-
tive pattern that is exhibited by juvenile ter-
ribilis and retained by adults of aurotaenia and
Central American lugubris and vittatus. The
adult color pattern of bicolor is relatively less
derived than that of terribilis, since the ex-
tremities and ventral surfaces of bicolor remain
essentially black; some bicolor have the limbs
and venter lightly pigmented, but it is a rather
superficial color, less intense than the body
color and quicker to fade in preservative.
As indicated by the above comparisons,
Phyllobates terribilis most closely resembles P.
bicolor, although living specimens are readily
separated by coloration and nearly all speci-
mens are separable by size. Minor differences
in proportions and considerable differences in
toxicity further establish the distinctiveness of
terribilis from the upper Rio San Juan popula-
tion of bicolor. However, some dendrobatids
are notorious for their extraordinary inter-
populational variation, which causes complica-
tions in determining the taxonomic status of
distinctive populations. Methods of distinguish-
ing species in such populational complexes
have included finding evidence of sympatry,
and analysis of morphological, biochemical,
and behavioral variation among and within pop-
ulations (examples in Myers and Daly, 1976a,
pp. 222-225, 232). But the present case is diffi-
cult to judge because P. terribilis and the Santa
Cecilia population of P. bicolor are separated
by a distance of 300 km.-and Phyllobates
appears not to be continuously distributed in
the intervening area. Excluding P. aurotaenia,
we are aware of only a single specimen of
Phyllobates from a geographically intermediate
locality: National Museum of Natural History
(Smithsonian Inst.) No. 151381, from a former
virology field station on the Rfo Raposa, De-
partment of Valle; W. A. Thornton, collector.
Recent examination of this specimen has
provided the only independent test of a pre-
viously reached decision to consider terribilis
and bicolor as separate species. Our attention
was called to this specimen by Silverstone
(1976), who considered it the southernmost re-
liable record of bicolor. We borrowed the spec-
imen in order to determine if it displayed any
tendencies towards terribilis.
The Rio Raposa frog is a well-preserved
adult female. It is pale gray over the dorsum,
sides, and upper surfaces of the limbs, tuming
black on the hands and feet; the ventral sur-
faces are mostly black, except for ventrolateral
extensions of the pale gray dorsal color. In life,
the specimen presumably was a golden color
above, with the extremities and ventral surfaces
being mostly black or lightly pigmented; there-
fore, in coloration it more closely resembles
bicolor than terribilis. Proportions are as fol-
lows: Tibia length/SVL = 0.46, head width!
SVL = 0.35, eye length/snout-eye = 0.82,
3rd-finger disc/finger = 1.71, naris-eye/tym-
panum-jaw = 2.06. The specimen is closest to
bicolor in the first four characters and closest to
terribilis in the fifth character (compare tables
1, 2). Most surprising, however, is the small
body size of this specimen, an adult female that
measures only 33.5 mm. SVL.1 Thus, the spec-
imen is about 7 mm. smaller than the smallest
adult female terribilis, 4 mm. smaller than
male terribilis, and 2 mm. smaller than the
smallest female bicolor; it falls only within the
lower end of the range of male bicolor (tables
1, 2).
'This specimen either was not included in Silverstone's
(1976, p. 4) list of measurements or was incorrectly sexed.
It is an adult female, as revealed by its enlarged ovaries
and oviducts; the body cavity had been opened prior to our
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The Rio Raposa specimen may represent a
population of distinctively small frogs that re-
semble P. bicolor in life. Its relationships need
further investigation, but we tentatively con-
sider it as representing a disjunct population of
bicolor. In any case, the specimen seems to
negate the possibility that bicolor and terribilis
might represent extremes of a simple north-
south cline in body size, and, in this regard,
the specific status of Phyllobates terribilis is
Phyllobates terribilis is a member of the
genus Phyllobates by virtue of its morphologi-
cal and biochemical resemblance to P. bicolor,
the generic type species. We presently recog-
nize Phyllobates as being comprised only of the
following named species:
P. aurotaenia (Boulenger), western Colombia
P. bicolor Bibron, western Colombia
P. lugubris (0. Schmidt), Atlantic-side Costa
Rica and Panama
P. terribilis, new species, western Colombia
P. vittatus (Cope), Pacific-side Costa Rica
This arrangement differs from that of Sil-
verstone (1976), who included a total of 20
species in the genus. We suggest that most of
these are more closely related to Dendrobates
(sensu Silverstone, 1975) than to Phyllobates
(sensu stricto). Analyses of evolutionary trends
in the Dendrobatidae are in progress, but,
briefly, our rationale is as follows:
Silverstone (1976, p. 3) differentiated Phyl-
lobates from Dendrobates on the basis of the
relative lengths of the first and second fingers
(1 2 2 in Phyllobates) and on the relative
widths of the finger discs (relatively unex-
panded in Phyllobates). Silverstone based this
diagnosis of Phyllobates on a set of character
states that are primitive in the Dendrobatidae
and hence unsuitable for demonstrating mono-
phyly. In other words, Silverstone was unable
to demonstrate that all the species placed in
Phyllobates were more closely related (by re-
cency of common ancestry) among themselves
than to Dendrobates. Silverstone was not un-
aware of the problem, as evidenced by the
following remarks: "I continue to recognize
the . . . genera as categories of convenience,
that is, as taxonomic units convenient to study,
but not necessarily natural" (1975, p. 3), and
"delineation of convincingly monophyletic gen-
era of dendrobatids will require considerably
more data" (1976, p. 1). Silverstone worked
with the characters that he could find and pro-
duced two monographs that are remarkably use-
ful at the level of species and species groups.
Our disagreement with his generic arrangement
is not based on subjective argumentation, but
rather on an attempt to determine monophyletic
groups through the discovery of shared,
uniquely derived character states.
Consideration is being given to a variety of
characters, but the initial emphasis is on a sur-
vey of skin alkaloids of dendrobatid frogs
(Myers and Daly, 1976a; Daly et al., 1978). An
ability to produce defensive skin toxins was a
major evolutionary development that presuma-
bly opened new avenues of adaptation within
the Dendrobatidae. The unexpected diversity
and novel structures of the dendrobatid alka-
loids seem to provide a new systematic char-
acter of potentially high information content.
Most ( > 80%) of the approximately 45 species
suspected of being toxic have now been
sampled for skin toxins, and about 100 novel
alkaloids have been isolated; so far, all these
compounds appear to be unique to the Den-
drobatidae (although it would not be surprising
if some of the simpler alkaloids proved to be
convergent in plants or other animals). As an
initial approach to problems of homology, it is
parsimoniously assumed that identical alkaloids
in different species of dendrobatids owe their
existence to a common evolutionary event
(Myers and Daly, 1976a, p. 197). A tentative,
very simplified analysis of the evolutionary po-
larity of several classes of dendrobatid alkaloids
is shown in figure 9, to which reference should
be made for the following discussion.
The vast majority of dendrobatid alkaloids
contain a piperidine ring (i.e., a 6-membered
ring comprised of 5 carbons and 1 nitrogen)
and appear to be biosynthetically related. The
pumiliotoxin-C class compounds are relatively
simple in structure, numerous in kind, and
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
widespread among the species included by Sil-
verstone in Dendrobates and Phyllobates. They
are the only piperidine alkaloids so far detected
in Phyllobates as here restricted, but occur only
in small amounts. The pumiliotoxin-C class al-
kaloids are tentatively considered as primitive
relative to other dendrobatid alkaloids; they are,
however, derived compared to the apparent al-
kaloid-free condition of Colostethus, which is
treated as the plesiomorphic sister group of the
Dendrobates-Phyllobates complex. This is the
first clear evidence that this complex has a
monophyletic origin apart from other members
of the family (fig. 9).
Histrionicotoxins are a class of piperidine
alkaloids characterized by an unusual spiro-ring
system (two rings joined by a single carbon). It
has been suggested (Daly et al., 1978) that the
histrionicotoxins and pumiliotoxin-C alkaloids
share a common precursor in the form of a
disubstituted, unsaturated piperidine. There are
fewer than a dozen known histrionicotoxins,
but these are widely distributed among the spe-
cies placed in Dendrobates and Phyllobates by
Silverstone. So far, histrionicotoxins have not
been detected in the D. minutus (fide Myers
and Daly, 1976b) and P. bicolor groups and
must be considered derived relative to the
pumiliotoxin-C alkaloids.
Detailed analysis of the distribution of
piperidine alkaloids among dendrobatids will be
deferred until completion of an ongoing sam-
pling program. However, we feel reasonably
confident in considering some of the piperidine
alkaloids as primitive relative to the steroidal
batrachotoxins. The batrachotoxins are much
more toxic than the piperidine alkaloids (e.g.,
see Myers and Daly, 1976a, p. 183) and a few
laboratory observations indicate that they prob-
ably are more effective in deterring potential
predators (see p. 327 n). The batrachotoxins
are known to occur only in one group of mor-
phologically similar frogs that today occupy
remnants of what once was probably a continu-
ous Chocoan distribution. The presence of
small amounts of pumiliotoxin-C class alkaloids
in species of this group indicates the presence
of an old biosynthetic pathway that has been
suppressed by the shift to a more effective set
of defensive skin toxins. Therefore, we propose
that the batrachotoxin alkaloids are a uniquely
VOL. 161
derived (synapomorphic) character state that
can be used to redefine Phyllobates so that it
becomes monophyletic. A revision of Phyllo-
bates as here restricted will be presented
elsewhere (Myers and Daly, in progress).
esis outlined above calls for removing 16 of the
20 species now in Phyllobates (sensu Sil-
verstone, 1976). We share Silverstone's reluc-
tance to establish new genera until necessary,
and therefore we suggest that these species be
transferred to Dendrobates1 (sensu lato) until
relationships can be further analyzed in this
group of frogs, which has been difficult to treat
taxonomically (see discussion by Silverstone,
1975, pp. 3-4). We acknowledge that the main
basis for these changes rests on our present
interpretation of the molecular data; a caution-
ary essay on the use of such data has already
been presented (Myers and Daly, 1976a, pp.
194-197). We also acknowledge that transfer-
ring one species (espinosai) to Dendrobates dif-
fers from a previous view, in which it was
claimed that, "molecular data should [not] be
viewed as unequivocal criteria of 'close' rela-
tionship, unless morphological contradictions
are otherwise explainable" (Myers and Daly,
1976a, pp. 238-239). The change lies in an
increasing perception of what constitutes shared
primitive characters in the Dendrobatidae (see
also p. 180 n of previous reference). This mat-
ter is to be discussed more fully elsewhere, but
we now see few contradictions between avail-
able biochemical and morphological data, so
long as plesiomorphic characters are not al-
lowed to interfere with the analysis of mono-
Some of the new assignments (e.g., Dendro-
'To formalize the matter, the following 15 species are
removed from Phyllobates and placed in Dendrobates. New
combinations are indicated by an asterisk: Dendrobates an-
thonyi*, Dendrobates bassleri, Dendrobates bolivianus*,
Dendrobates boulengeri*, Dendrobates espinosai*, Den-
drobatesfemoralis*,Dendrobates ingeri,Dendrobatespar-
vulus, Dendrobates petersi*, Dendrobates pictus, Den-
drobates pulchripectus*, Dendrobates smaragdinus*, Den-
drobates tricolor*, Dendrobates trivittatus, Dendrobates
zaparo*. A sixteenth species considered by Silverstone
(1976, p. 20) remains to be described (Myers and Daly, in
progress). See Silverstone (1976) for references to the
above names.
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hidden text. 1978 MYERS, DALY, AND MALKIN: PHYLLOBATES 333
FIG. 9. Preliminary hypothesis of relationships among currently recognized genera of
dendrobatid frogs,
based on the distribution of skin alkaloids. Basic ring systems are shown for three major
classes of toxic
alkaloids, all of which are unique to the Dendrobatidae. Individual compounds within the
classes differ only at
the substituent points R and R'.
A. Pumiliotoxin-C class alkaloids occur in all species groups ofDendrobates and Phyllobates,
marking this
complex as monophyletic. Skin alkaloids have not been detected in Colostethus, the
plesiomorphic sister group
B. Highly toxic alkaloids of the steroidal batrachotoxin class mark the true poison-dart frogs
as a
monophyletic genus (Phyllobates, sensu stricto). Biosynthesis of primitive piperidine
alkaloids has been
suppressed, with pumiliotoxin-C alkaloids being produced in only small amounts.
C. Spiropiperidine alkaloids of the histrionicotoxin class have been found in all but one
species group of
Dendrobates (sensu lato). Studies are in progress to determine the taxonomic distribution
of nearly 100
piperidine alkaloids in Dendrobates.
bates femoralis) will perhaps prove unsatisfac-follow Silverstone's arrangements, inasmuch
tory, but specific epithets cannot float dis-major revisions should not casually be set
embodied in a system of binominal nomencla-aside. We too hold the view that there should
ture. Some workers might reasonably prefer to be a reasonable effort to balance
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
consistency with stability in classification, even
though there is no agreed-upon method for
achieving this elusive goal. But we would point
out two important considerations in favor of the
recommended changes: (1) At least Phyllobates
appears to become monophyletic at the level of
resolution shown by the second dichotomy in
figure 9. (2) Our suggestion has the merit of
returning the type species ofDendrobates to its
rightful place.
Silverstone (1975, p. 4; 1976, p. 45) treated
Hyla nigerrima [= Dendrobates trivittatus] as a
Phyllobates, with full recognition that it is the
nominal type species of Dendrobates. Sil-
verstone (1971a) had earlier requested that the
International Commission of Zoological No-
menclature set aside this designation and assign
a new type species to Dendrobates (the petition
has not been acted on at the time of this writ-
ing). Silverstone based his request on a subjec-
tive interpretation of "morphological and
chromosomal evidence" that made it "clear that
Dendrobates trivittatus (Spix), though it lacks
teeth, is more closely related to the toothed
brightly-colored dendrobatid frogs [i.e., Phyllo-
bates in a traditional sense] than to the other
toothless dendrobatids" [i.e., Dendrobates in a
traditional sense]. The "chromosomal evi-
dence," not fully discussed in Silverstone's
published monographs, refers to the probably
primitive diploid number of 24 (Silverstone,
1971b). The "morphological . . . evidence" is
the relatively long first finger and relatively
unexpanded discs of D. trivittatus, which are
almost surely primitive character states in the
Dendrobatidae. We agree with Silverstone's im-
plication that teeth have been lost in more than
one lineage of dendrobatids, but we disagree
with any belief that primitive character states
can be used to make relationships "clear."'
The International Code (International Commis-
sion . . . , 1964, p. v) stresses even in its pref-
ace that the name of a taxon is objectively
determined by its type, but that the content of a
taxon is otherwise a subjective "question of
taxonomy, ignored by nomenclature." Sil-
verstone had hoped to stabilize the nomencla-
ture and avoid having to create a new generic
name to fit his concept of Dendrobates, but we
reaffirm a view (Myers and Daly, 1971) that the
matter is a biological problem not to be re-
solved by decree. Furthermore, we would note
that the skin toxins of Dendrobates trivittatus
are a mixture of histrionicotoxins and
pumiliotoxin-C class alkaloids (Daly et al.,
1978)-indicating that trivittatus shares a more
recent common ancestor with the species of
Dendrobates (sensu Silverstone) than with
Phyllobates (sensu stricto).
Several hundred Phyllobates terribilis were
skinned in the field within two days of capture.
Skins were accumulated in 100 percent meth-
anol for transport to the National Institutes of
Health, where skins and extracts were stored at
-5° C. until use. The subsequent extraction,
fractionation, and most analytical techniques
are described in Myers and Daly (1976a).
The principal skin toxins of Phyllobates ter-
ribilis were isolated by thin-layer chromatogra-
phy (fig. 11) and proved by mass spectrometry
to be batrachotoxin (C31H42N206), homo-
batrachotoxin (C32H44N206), and batrachotox-
inin A (C24H35NO5). No pseudobatrachotoxin
was detected, but this labile alkaloid (of un-
known structure) cannot be presumed absent
because it readily converts to batrachotoxinin A
during storage and/or fractionation of meth-
anolic extracts.
Small amounts were detected of several
minor compounds that appear related in struc-
ture to the batrachotoxin alkaloids; these repre-
sent less than 5 percent of total alkaloids and
are under investigation by Dr. Takashi
Tokuyama at Osaka City University, Japan.
Also, trace amounts of alkaloid number 195B
(C13H25N), a pumiliotoxin-C class compound
'Due to the influence of the late Willi Hennig, this
point has been repeatedly mentioned in the literature on
systematics for over a decade. Brief and especially lucid
discussions include those of Hennig (1965, p. 104) and
Eldredge and Tattersall (1975, pp. 226-230).
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hidden text. 1978 MYERS, DALY, AND MALKIN: PHYLLOBATES 335
(Daly et al., 1978), were detected by combined
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
The approximate amount of the two major
steroidal alkaloids' was determined by bioassay
in each of 16 adult frogs, from two localities
less than 15 km. apart. The bioassay is based
on the relationship between dose level of
batrachotoxin and survival time in sub-
cutaneously injected white mice (fig. 10). A
small volume of each of the 16 methanolic
extracts was diluted with isotonic NaCl so that
methanol comprised less than 50 gl of a final
0.2 ml. injection volume.2 Methanol has no
discernible toxic effects in mice at this level.
Dilutions with isotonic NaCl were continued
until the survival time of trial mice fell in the
range of 5-10 minutes. Three mice were then
assayed at this dosage and the concentration of
batrachotoxin and homobatrachotoxin was de-
termined from the curve based on pure
batrachotoxin (fig. 10). The amount present in
skin from individual frogs was calculated and
rounded to the nearest 100 ,ug, with the follow-
ing results:
Locality N Mean±1 S.E. S.D. Range
La Brea 6 917±31 75 800-1000
Que. Guanguf 10 1140+144 455 700-1900
Comparison of means: t = 1.175, P < 0.3 > 0.2
Thus, individuals of Phyllobates terribilis have
1Batrachotoxin and homobatrachotoxin, the most toxic
of the steroidal alkaloids, are responsible for the major
portion of the toxicity of Phyllobates skin extracts. The
limit of detection is about 0.05 yg in both bioassay (mice)
and by color reaction (dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde) after
thin-layer chromatography.
2For other dendrobatid frogs, which are less toxic than
P. terribilis, the methanol is first removed from the extract
in vacuo and the residue then redissolved in a minimal
volume of methanol prior to the dilution with isotonic
NaCl. Alkaloids separated by chromatography are also dis-
solved in minimal volumes of methanol prior to dilution
and assay.
an approximate range of 0.7-1.9 mg. of
batrachotoxin-homobatrachotoxin per adult
frog. Interpopulational variation is not docu-
mented, but we cannot reject a possibility that
the greater variability at Quebrada Guangui
might be a reflection of interdeme variation.
All extracts were collected within a month's
time, but the La Brea frogs came from closely
adjacent ridges and probably represent a single
derne, whereas the 10 frogs from Quebrada
Guanguf might represent more than one deme
(a possibility not considered when the speci-
mens were skinned). Coefficients of variation
and their standard errors are 8.18±2.26 for La
Brea, and 39.91±+-8.92 for Quebrada Guangui.
In any case, the above mean of 1140 ug/frog,
for Quebrada Guanguf, is confirmed by bio-
assay of a combined sample of 100 skins from
the same locality; this large sample contained
an average of 1100 ,ug of batrachotoxin-homo-
batrachotoxin per frog.
The above figures, obtained by bioassay, are
indirect but probably reliable estimations of
amounts of the major toxins that are actually
present in individual frogs. There is appreciable
loss when the toxins are isolated by chro-
matographic techniques (table 5). For example,
the aforesaid sample of 100 skins gave a total
yield of 80 mg. of batrachotoxin and homo-
batrachotoxin, for an average of 800 ,ug per
frog (vs. 1100 ug by bioassay), a recovery rate
of 73 percent.
ONTOGENETIC CHANGE: A clutch of 13 cap-
tive-laid eggs, weighing 140 mg., was extracted
in methanol and tested for toxicity by sub-
cutaneous injection of the concentrate into
white mice. The extract was not toxic, indicat-
ing that batrachotoxin-homobatrachotoxin, if
present, occurred in an amount of less than 0.1
,ug. However, analysis of the egg extract by
thin-layer chromatography revealed the pres-
ence of trace amounts of a compound or com-
pounds having an Rf value similar to
batrachotoxin-homobatrachotoxin and giving a
blue color with dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde
(see fig. 11, legend). The intensity of the col-
ored spot was compatible with the presence of
0.2 ,ug of batrachotoxin in the total extract. But
identity of the compound(s) giving the blue
color is uncertain, inasmuch as the bioassay
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
E02 -
57 13
FIG. 10. Dose-response curve of batrachotoxin:
assay of toxicity in white mice. Purified
batrachotoxin was dissolved in a minimal volume of
methanol, diluted with isotonic NaCl (0.9%) to a
concentration of 0.2 ,ug/0.2 ml. and injected sub-
cutaneously into 20-gram NIH general purpose white
mice. Each point represents average of 4-5 deter-
minations of death time at each dose (S.D. < 0.7
min.). The toxicity of homobatrachotoxin is only
slightly less than batrachotoxin, with minimal lethal
doses being about 0.06 and 0.04 ,ug, respectively.
should have detected any batrachotoxin-homo-
batrachotoxin at such a concentration (detection
limit -0.05 ug).
The skins of two tadpoles reared to stage 35
were also extracted in methanol; the combined
skins weighed 23 mg. No batrachotoxin was
detected by bioassay or color reaction after
thin-layer chromatography.
A juvenile frog (27 mm. SVL) was skinned
at Quebrada Guangui and the extract later
tested by bioassay. The toxicity was equivalent
to the presence of 200 ug of batrachotoxin-
homobatrachotoxin in this small frog, compared
with an average of about 1100 ug in adults
(700-1900 ug) from the same locality. Its skin
weight was 200 mg. as compared to an average
of approximately 600 mg. for adult frogs
(range about 580-650 mg.).
The few data given above suggest that the
batrachotoxin alkaloids of Phyllobates terribilis
are formed in significant amounts only after
Quebrada Guangui that were sacrificed three
weeks to one year after capture had toxicities
VOL. 161
equivalent to 540+50 ,ug batrachotoxin-homo-
batrachotoxinperfrog(400-600Ag,N= 8),or
about 50 percent that of recently captured frogs
(see preceding text table).
Two individuals sacrificed after three years
of captivity had toxicity equivalents of 320 and
480 ,g per frog. Although reduced in total
amounts, the relative proportions of batrach-
otoxin, homobatrachotoxin, and batrachotoxinin
A, as assessed by thin-layer chromatography,
appeared relatively unchanged in these frogs
after three years on a laboratory diet of vi-
tamin-fortified crickets and Drosophila. Levels
of batrachotoxin alkaloids also appeared re-
duced in P. aurotaenia after prolonged periods
in captivity (Tokuyama, Daly and Witkop,
The reason for such declines in toxicity is
not clear, although conceivably related to
stress. But the fact that the frogs are still appre-
ciably toxic after long periods of captivity does
provide evidence that the toxins are not se-
questered from some natural food item. No
traces of toxins or potential alkaloid precursors
were found in extractions of stomach contents
from wild-caught specimens of other den-
drobatid species (Dendrobates histrionicus, D.
The major skin alkaloids of Phyllobates ter-
ribilis are identical with those of other frogs
known to be used for poisoning blowgun darts,
namely P. aurotaenia and P. bicolor. Struc-
tures of the batrachotoxin alkaloids were first
determined from extracts of Phyllobates auro-
taenia collected near Playa de Oro on the upper
Rio San Juan, Department of Choco, Colombia
(Tokuyama et al., 1968; Tokuyama, Daly and
Witkop, 1969). The alkaloids of P. aurotaenia
and P. terribilis, as visualized by thin-layer
chromatography, are compared in figure 11.
Comparison of relative intensities of the alka-
loid spots allows visualization of the fact that
terribilis contains a greater quantity of skin
toxins than aurotaenia.
The large samples of skin extracts obtained
from Phyllobates terribilis and P. aurotaenia
allow more precise quantitative comparison.
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hidden text. 1978 MYERS, DALY, AND MALKIN: PHYLLOBATES 337
CH3 .CH3
@ ---~~~~Batrachotoxin, R = -C t
9 H3
tBatrachotoxinin A, R = -H
FIG. 11. Representation of thin-layer chromatoplate showing isolation of alkaloids from
population samples
(each > 100 skins) of two species of poison-dart frogs. A. Phyllobates aurotaenia, vicinity of
Playa de Oro,
upper Rio San Juan, Choco, Colombia. B. Phyllobates terribilis, new species, from type
locality. Structures of
major alkaloids as shown, each having same steroidal ring system but differing at the
substituent R.
A sample of 10 ul of methanolic alkaloids equivalent to the amount in 10 mg. wet skin was
applied at each
origin, and the silica gel GF plate (Analtech Co.) developed with 9:1 chloroform-methanol.
Visualization, after
chromatography and drying, by exposure to iodine vapor. For detailed methodology, see
Appendix 1 in Myers
and Daly (1976a). Spot intensities depicted as follows: Cross-hatched pattern=large
amounts of alkaloids.
Horizontal pattem=moderate amounts. Dots=small or trace amounts.
Structures confirmed by electron impact mass spectral analysis of material extracted from
spots. The following diagnostic test for batrachotoxin alkaloids was utilized for some of the
small sample
analyses mentioned in text: Chromatography run as above, but, after drying, the plate was
sprayed with a 0.1 percent solution of 4-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde in 1 N HCl.
Batrachotoxinin A gives
no color, but batrachotoxin and homobatrachotoxin turn an intense blue. The limit of
detection of
(homo)batrachotoxin with this reagent is about 0.05 ,ug, comparable to the sensitivity of
bioassay experiments
on mice.
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
The relative amounts of the major toxins actu-
ally isolated from these species are compared
in table 5. It must be emphasized that isolation
results in a loss of 25 percent or more of the
toxins. Therefore, the data in table 5 are pre-
sented only for the purpose of relative compari-
sons, and should not be interpreted as showing
amounts of alkaloids present in the living frogs
(see below). Phyllobates terribilis contains, per
frog, about 27 times more batrachotoxin-homo-
batrachotoxin than the smaller P. aurotaenia;
comparing equivalent skin weight (per 100
mg.), P. terribilis contains about nine times
more of these powerful toxins. Individual P.
terribilis contain about four times more
batrachotoxinin A (combined with pseudoba-
trachotoxin for aurotaenia, see table 5, notes c,
d), or about 1.3 times as much as P. auro-
taenia by equivalent skin weight. As empha-
sized above, these comparisons are based on
alkaloid isolation data in table 5. The amount
of toxins actually present in living P. terribilis
was previously given under Variation; such
data are not available for P. aurotaenia. Con-
versely, isolation data are not available for a
third species, P. bicolor, since our samples
have been small, but individual toxicity esti-
mates were obtained and are discussed next.
A sample of adult Phyllobates bicolor was
collected near the upper Rio San Juan, 7 km.
SE Santa Cecilia in the Department of
Risaralda. Ten individuals were assayed for
toxicity in the manner described for P. ter-
ribilis (p. 335), using 3 or 4 mice for each final
assay. These 10 frogs had an average toxicity
equivalent to 35.3±4.5 ,ug of batrachotoxin-
homobatrachotoxin per frog, in a range of
17-56 jig (S.D. = 14.2±-3.2 ug, C.V. =
40.28+9.01%). An additional 10 adult bicolor
skins were pooled and assayed in the same
manner, yielding a slightly higher toxicity
equivalent to 46.6 ug per frog. Thus, Phyllo-
bates bicolor is much less toxic than P. ter-
ribilis, which contained 700-1900 ,ug of
batrachotoxin-homobatrachotoxin per individual
(p. 335).
Phyllobates bicolor does not appear to be
appreciably more toxic than the neighboring P.
aurotaenia, despite its larger size, brighter col-
oration, and bolder habits. This conclusion also
was supported by a thin-layer chromatoplate of
bicolor alkaloids, obtained from frogs collected
by Indians at an indefinite locality in the upper
Rio San Juan drainage (represented by frog in
fig. 8C). The bicolor chromatoplate showed a
distribution and intensity of alkaloids similar to
Isolation of the Major Skin Toxins from Two Species of Poison-Dart Frogs
Alkaloids (,Ig)
Batrachotoxin Homobatrachotoxin Batrachotoxinin A
per 100 mg. per 100 mg. per 100 mg.
Species of Frog per frog of wet skin per frog of wet skin per frog of wet skin
Phyllobates aurotaenia (Boulenger)a 20 10 10 5 50c 25
(1 skin -200 mg.)
Phyllobates terribilis r. sp.b 500 83 300 50 200d 33
(1 skin -600 mg.)
aData based on thin-layer and column chromatographic isolation from > 100 adult frogs
(Tokuyama, Daly, and Witkop,
bData based on thin-layer chromatographic isolation from 100 adult frogs. Analysis of
another sample, by column
chromatography, gave the same total yield per frog (1000 ,ug), but with individual
differences in batrachotoxin (400 ,tg) and
batrachotoxinin A (300 ,ug), fide Takashi Tokuyama (unpublished).
Clncluding pseudobatrachotoxin, initially present at about 20 ,ug per frog (10 ,ug/100 mg.
skin). This labile compound
underwent nearly complete conversion to batrachotoxinin A during column chromatographic
isolation (Tokuyama, Daly, and
Witkop, 1969).
dPseudobatrachotoxin not detected (note c above).
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
hidden text. Plate 2. Phyllobates terribilis, new species. Common color variants at the type
locality. The uniformly
bright dorsal and ventral coloration, and the large size, are diagnostic. The extremely toxic
skin secretions are
used by southern Embera Choc6 for poisoning blowgun darts. Approximately natural size.
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
hidden text. 1978 MYERS, DALY, AND MALKIN: PHYLLOBATES 339
the illustration for P. aurotaenia I(fig. IlA).
Neither species can compare with the rather
awesome toxicity of Phyllobates terribilis.
The other species of Phyllobates, the Central
American lugubris and vittatus, produce much
smaller amounts of batrachotoxins tihan any of
the three Colombian species. Some 1'anamanian
populations of the small P. lugubr'is are vir-
tually nontoxic (Myers and Daly, in progress).
The relative toxicities of the main
batrachotoxin alkaloids are as folIlows (see
Myers and Daly, 1976a, table 1, fo)r compari-
sons with some of the piperidine-b)ased alka-
loids of Dendrobates):
Batrachotoxinin A
0.04 ug 0.064 g20 ag
aApproximate minimal lethal dose by sut)cutaneous in-
jection in 20-gram white mice.
Toxicity of the skin secretions of F'hyllobates,
therefore, is due primarily to the
mixture of
batrachotoxin and homobatrachotoi
occur in large quantity in the skin of P. ter
ribilis. These are extraordinarily Ipotent poi-
sons, and Phyllobates terribilis is
an extraor-
dinarily poisonous frog, as is discuwssed next.
Batrachotoxin and homobatrachiotoxin are
among the most potent of all natutrally occur-
ring nonprotein poisons. They are strong car-
diotoxins, whose selective effects on ionic
permeability lead to an irreversible depolariza-
tion of nerve and muscle, thus eliciting ar-
rhythmias, fibrillation, and cardiiac failure
(Albuquerque and Daly, 1977, and ref.
therein). Externally observed sympt4oms in lab-
oratory animals include strong musc,le contrac-
tion, violent convulsions, salivationi, gagging,
and dyspnea (Marki and Witkop, 19(63). Traces
ofPhyllobates terribilis skin secretioins acciden-
tally transferred from hand to face h
lasted sev-
a pronounced burning sensation that lastoledse-
eral hours, seemingly because the Ic)w molecu-
lar-weight (< 600) toxins penetrated into beard
follicles; contact with porous skin iis evidently
to be avoided. Touching the tip of the tongue
to the back of a Costa Rican Phyllobates vit-
tatus resulted in a lingering, almost numb sen-
sation on the tongue, followed by a disagree-
able tightening sensation in the throat. A snake
showed symptoms of great distress after biting
a specimen of P. vittatus, and was rendered
helpless for some hours (see p. 327 n). Such
observations persuaded us against tasting' se-
cretions from the more toxic species of Phyllo-
bates, especially P. terribilis, since there seems
a distinct possibility that respiratory difficulties
might be encountered.
In 20-gram white mice, the minimal lethal
dose of batrachotoxin-homobatrachotoxin is
about 0.05 ,ug when injected subcutane6usly.
Thus, an individual Phyllobates terribilis, with
an average amount (1100 ,ug) of these com-
pounds, contains enough poison to kill upward
of 20,000 mice. It is, of course, risky to
extrapolate toxicity from species to species,
such as from mouse to man, but we suppose
that man is at least as susceptible as mice to
the batrachotoxin alkaloids. If so, mouse tox-
icity (at about 2.5 ,ug/kg. subcutaneously)
would translate into a lethal dose of only about
170 ,ug for a person weighing 68 kilograms.
However, larger animals are usually more sus-
ceptible to toxins than smaller organisms, and,
based on limited data, batrachotoxin does ap-
pear more toxic to guinea pigs and rabbits than
to mice (unpublished data insufficient for es-
timating minimal lethal doses).2
The possible human toxicity of batrach-
otoxin might also be inferred by comparison
with other, better known toxins of low molecu-
1A simple and fast bioassay, albeit not very elegant, for
detecting the presence of pharmacologically active sub-
stances in frog skin (Myers and Daly, 1976a, p. 185).
2Mezey (1947a, 1947b) reported a much higher minimal
lethal dose for dogs and rabbits, but his data are not
comparable with recent studies, being based on material of
uncertain composition that was obtained from darts 15 years
However, cats might be no more susceptible than mice.
Marki and Witkop (1963, p. 337) cited an intravenous dose
level of 3 ,ug/kg. as being sublethal in a cat, although this
is about the equivalent of the minimal lethal subcutaneous
dose in mice. A second cat expired in nine minutes, after a
dose equivalent to 5 ug per kg. of body weight.
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
lar weight (< 800), for example the plant alka-
loids aconitine and strychnine, and digitoxin, a
steroidal glycoside. Two of these compounds,
aconitine and digitoxin, are cardiotoxins, as is
batrachotoxin. In man, ingestion of 2 mg. of
aconitine, 3 mg. of digitoxin, or 15 mg. of
strychnine may be fatal (Dreisbach, 1977). If
injected subcutaneously into mice, aconitine is
1/100 as toxic as batrachotoxin, and digitoxin
and strychnine are 1/200 as toxic; the ratios of
subcutaneous to oral potencies in mice are ap-
proximately 1:2 for digitoxin and 1:10 for
aconitine and strychnine. Extrapolating from
these figures, and assuming that the same rela-
tive relationships pertained to man,
batrachotoxin would be expected to be lethal at
injected doses of only 2-7.5 ,ug, although such
minute doses intuitively seem too low. By the
same criteria, batrachotoxin would be expected
to be fatal at ingested levels some 60 times
higher (see below), that is, at doses of 120-450
,ug. However, attempting to estimate oral po-
tency of batrachotoxin is frustrating for two
reasons: (1) The ratio of subcutaneous to oral
potency in mice is quite different than for the
other toxins, since batrachotoxin is only one-
sixtieth as toxic to mice when introduced di-
rectly into the stomach by tube.1 (2) The toxin
appears to be so readily absorbable by buccal
and esophageal mucosa that asphyxiation might
occur at lower doses than would be fatal by
gastric absorption.
The main purpose of the above exercise is to
emphasize that Phyllobates terribilis should be
treated with the upmost respect, on account of
the large amount of toxins in its defensive skin
secretions. It should be remembered that a sin-
gle frog may contain up to 1.9 mg. (1900 ,ug)
of batrachotoxin and homobatrachotoxin, and
that only a fraction of a milligram-almost cer-
tainly less than 200 Ag-would be fatal if it
reached the bloodstream through an open
1Unpublished experiments. The important point is that
Phyllobates secretion is poisonous if ingested. Statements
to the contrary (e.g., Mezey, 1947a, 1947b; Marki and
Witkop, 1963, p. 331) were based on studies of very old
dart poison and probably on the fact that Indians eat game
killed with poisoned darts. Batrachotoxin alkaloids are pre-
sumably decomposed when such game is cooked.
wound or by injection. The consequences of a
case of sublethal poisoning are unpredictable,
except to be unpleasant at best. The toxic se-
quelae to batrachotoxin poisoning-discoor-
dination, gagging, convulsions, respiratory
difficulty-have been detailed for mice and cats
(Marki and Witkop, 1963). No effective anti-
dote is known, but treatment of batrachotoxin
poisoning might best be based on paradigms for
aconitine or veratrum, agents with similar
mechanisms of action, or for digitalis, an agent
that produces somewhat similar cardiotoxic
Our remarks are meant to be cautionary, not
alarmist (after all, the frogs do not bite). Phyl-
lobates terribilis is an interesting animal that
can safely be maintained in the laboratory; fur-
thermore, escapees would soon die at normal
room humidity and therefore pose no threat. If
one of the frogs were casually picked up, any
small scratch or cut on the hand would likely
be noticed because of a prompt burning sensa-
tion. We would anticipate no ill effect from
brief contact with a tiny wound, especially if
soon washed,2 but we do strongly recommend
that rubber gloves be used when handling these
frogs, and that care be taken to keep the hands
away from the face. It should be noted that the
Embera' Indians protect their hands with leaves
when catching P. terribilis. We used rubber
gloves, goggles and disposable face masks
when skinning specimens for toxin extraction.
Contaminated gloves, plastic bags, etc. should
be carefully disposed of; at our camp, we unin-
tentionally caused the death of a dog and a
chicken that got into garbage containing such
2Disclaimer: Although most dendrobatids appear not to
release skin toxins until injured or rather strongly stressed,
this is not the case with Phyllobates terribilis. We have
noticed that merely handling specimens can result in toxin
release, or possibly the frogs may constantly secrete small
amounts from their large stores. The amount ofpoison that
could accidentally be introduced into a wound is unpredict-
able, probably depending on the individual frog, length of
its captivity, and the degree to which it feels stressed.
Dendrobatid skin secretions often appear milky when re-
leased in large amounts, but the toxins are also secreted in
colorless form.
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hidden text. 1978 MYERS, DALY, AND MALKIN: PHYLLOBATES 341
The practice of using frogs for poisoning
blowgun darts is not so common as indicated in
the recent popular literature. Furthermore, we
are unaware of any substantiated account of
frog poison being applied to arrows or lances,
even though it might seem likely that such
experimentation has occurred. Dendrobatids are
often called "poison-arrow frogs." Myers and
Daly (1976a, p. 180) objected that this name,
"is mildly misleading, based perhaps on the
Spanish 'flecha' (an arrow or dart), which is
usually translated as 'arrow.'" Although a
blowgun dart is a kind of small, unfeathered
arrow, Myers and Daly (loc. cit.) coined the
name "poison-dart frogs" as being more de-
scriptive and more conformable to modern En-
glish-in which arrows and darts are clearly
distinguished, as by Heath and Chiara (1977)
for example. The matter would be unimportant,
except that the poison-arrow name seems to
feed imagination and perpetuate myth in a
growing body of popular (e.g., Walsten, 1977)
and technical literature (e.g., Heath and Chiara,
1977, p. 95).
Phyllobates terribilis is the third species of
frog definitely known to be used as a source of
dart poison. The other two are P. aurotaenia
and P. bicolor, both of which have been er-
roneously called "Dendrobates tinctorius" in
the anthropological literature. These three
closely reiated species (fig. 8) are confined to
western Colombia. Therefore, the known use of
frog poison is likewise geographically re-
stricted. By this restriction, we exclude sec-
ondhand, unverified reports that other anurans
have been similarly used (e.g., see Vivante and
Homero Palma, 1966, re Bufo spp.). We also
exclude instances in which frogs and toads only
provide some flavoring in a poison brew-other
ingredients being such things as tree sap,
snakes, ants, spiders, scorpions, menstrual
blood, and men's testicles1 (e.g., Kirchhoff,
'Such mixtures putrefy and, as can be imagined, would
have varied pharmacological properties depending on the
1948; Wassen, 1934). We regard as questiona-
ble a report (Breder, 1946, p. 407) that Den-
drobates auratus was used for poisoning darts
in Panama. This was told to Breder in 1924, by
Choco Indians living on a tributary of the lower
Rio Chucunaque in extreme eastern Panama.
But, the Choc6 are travelers and we entertain
the possibility that Breder's informants might
have been emigrants from Colombia, where
species of Dendrobates are recognized as being
poisonous albeit much less so than Phyllobates.
The blowgun is not used by Panamanian
Choco, at least in recent years in the Chucuna-
que-Tuira drainage, although the weapon and a
supply of poisoned darts might have been occa-
sionally carried up from Colombia. It may well
be that Panamanian or Colombian Choco have
experimented with Dendrobates poison, but we
have no proof of this for any species. We are
uncertain whether the piperidine-based alkaloids
of Dendrobates would be sufficiently toxic for
hunting purposes.
Blowguns and poisoned darts were also used
by Cuna Indians, northern neighbors of the
Choco. Suggestions (e.g., Stout, 1948, p. 260)
that the weapon was obtained from the Choco
would seem erroneous, since the Cuna blowgun
is of completely different manufacture (type I
of Yde, 1948). Presumably the Cunas had a
plant poison, although they conceivably might
also have used species of Phyllobates in for-
merly occupied territory.
Blowgun darts tipped with plant poison are
used by the Ecuadorian Cayapa Indians, south-
ern neighbors of the Choco (Barrett, 1925, p.
114). We recently (1975) received a report from
a correspondent that the Cayapa also use a frog
poison. The report was in no way substanti-
ated, and we cannot imagine what frog might
recipe and stage of decomposition. In the case of the
extinct Amani and Patangoro Indians, who inhabited part of
the central Andes of Colombia, Kirchhoff (1948, p. 345)
passed on the following story from the sixteenth century:
"The poison was prepared by old women, who were tired
of living. The fumes of their poisonous concoction usually
killed them."
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
supply a suitable poison for Indians living in
northwestern Ecuador (Dendrobates histrionicus
is the largest dendrobatid known from that re-
gion and it is not especially toxic), but the
matter warrants investigation. It is of interest
that the Cayapa were said to have contact with
the "Cholos" [i.e., Embera Choc6] of the Rio
Saija in Colombia (Barrett, 1925, p. 30), and
so they could be expected to know of the
usefulness of Phyllobates terribilis poison in
that region.
have been able to determine, only the Noanama
Choco and Embera Choc6 of western Colombia
are known with certainty to have employed
frogs for poisoning blowgun darts-a practice
which still survives, at least among certain
Embera groups. There are several references
for this practice in the Rio San Juan region, in
the present-day departments of Choc6 and
Risaralda; the most recent and authoritative ac-
counts are those of Wassen (1935, 1957), who
obtained information both from the Noanama
on the lower Rio San Juan (Phyllobates auro-
taenia) and from the Embera on the upper part
of the same river (Phyllobates bicolor).' By
some accounts the frogs are impaled on a stick
and held close to a fire while scraping darts
against the animal's skin. But Wassen pho-
tographically illustrated and described an
Embera procedure in which fire is used only for
drying the darts; the following observation
(Wassen, 1957, pp. 85-86) was made at La
Union on the upper Rio San Juan, in what is
now the Department of Risaralda:
assin was unable to get competent identifications
from zoologists and used the misapplied name Dendrobates
tinctorius for both species of Phyllobates. He was equally
unable to interest pharmacologists or chemists in his sample
of P. bicolor poison, being told in effect that it was the
same as that of toads and had been well studied. One can
only sympathize with Wassen's (1957, p. 88) sardonic ob-
servation that: "Whether the informnation [on Chinese toad
poison] . can be automatically applied to the Dendro-
bates frogs from Colombia, I am not competent to judge."
The novel structures of Phyllobates poison were demon-
strated 11 years later (Tokuyama et al., 1968; Tokuyama,
Daly and Witkop, 1969).
The forelegs of a frog [P. bicolor] are tied with a
string and then the special stick siurukida is put
through the mouth and body of the animal so that
it comes out through one of the hind legs. Now
the string from the forelegs is stretched so that
the animal lies outstretched along the stick. The
tips of the darts are hastily beaten against the
back of the animal, while the frog is kept rotating
on the stick. During the beating the yellow-red
skin of the animal's back falls off and gets on to
the tips of the darts. These should be dried
quickly over a fire.
Wassen unknowingly substantiated an old
description of dart poisoning in an area only
about 50 km. south-southwest of his locality.
Early in 1824, Capt. Charles Stuart Cochrane,
traveling on leave from the British navy,
crossed the Cordillera Occidental on an already
old trail from Cartago to Las Juntas [Juntas del
Tamana on recent maps], on the upper Rio
Tamana, a tributary of the Rio San Juan. Al-
though plagued by fever, he kept a detailed
journal that was published in two volumes
(Cochrane, 1825). Cochrane (vol. 2, p. 406)
described a frog, "called rana de veneno, about
three inches long, yellow on the back, with
very large black eyes." Cochrane (p. 411) men-
tioned seeing the frogs "in the damp places in
the wood" close above Las Juntas. From his
description and the elevation (500-1000 m.
from recent maps), it seems safe to identify the
frogs as Phyllobates bicolor. It is uncertain
whether Cochrane actually saw the dart-poison-
ing process, but his description is detailed
enough and does not mention the use of fire.
Cochrane (1825, vol. 2, p. 407) wrote:
Those who use this poison catch the frogs in the
woods, and confine them in a hollow cane, where
they regularly feed them until they want the poi-
son, when they take one of the unfortunate rep-
tiles,andpassapointedpieceofwooddown his
throat, and out at one of his legs. [Italics ours,
compare with Wassen's description above.] This
torture makes the poor frog perspire very much,
especially on the back, which becomes covered
with white froth: this is the most powerful poison
that he yields, and in this they dip or roll the
points of their arrows, which will preserve their
destructive power for a year. Afterwards, below
this white substance, appears a yellow oil [the
dorsal pigment?], which is carefully scraped off,
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
each of the frogs, which rapidly weakened in
the sun. Some of the frogs expired, the others
were allowed to hop away.
COMPARISONS: The two different methods of
poisoning darts seem to reflect mainly on the
relative toxicity and abundance of the frogs
used. Since the art of making blowguns sur-
vives among the southern Embera, there is no
reason to suppose that they have merely forgot-
ten about the simple method of using the spe-
cial impaling stick, or siurukida ("bamboo
tooth"), northern examples of which are figured
in Wassen (1957, p. 84). Phyllobates terribilis
simply does not need to be so cruelly stressed,
so copious are the toxins in its skin secretions.
Impaling specimens of P. aurotaenia or P. bi-
color on a siurukida, with or without fire, is
perhaps necessary in order to induce maximum
secretion of poison from these less toxic spe-
In addition to being relatively less toxic than
Phyllobates terribilis, the more northern P. au-
rotaenia and P. bicolor are also smaller frogs
that are harder to come by. Phyllobates auro-
taenia is more secretive than terribilis and is
harder to find even in places where it occurs in
dense populations. Phyllobates bicolor is not
secretive, but it appears to have a spotty dis-
tribution and may occur in sparser populations
than terribilis. Wassen (1957, p. 86) observed
20 darts being poisoned from one specimen of
P. bicolor, and was informed that "one animal
very well could be enough for about 30 darts."
Cochrane (1825) and Posada-Arango (1909 and
earlier papers) independently claimed that 50
darts could be poisoned from a single specimen
of bicolor. Therefore it might seem strange that
only 2 or 3 darts were poisoned from single
specimens of the more toxic P. terribilis. We
conclude that the southern Embera simply do
not feel the need to be miserly with this re-
source, which is so easily come by.
There are no statistics on use of the blow-
gun, but its distribution is somewhat less than
that of the Choc6 themselves. The historic
range of the Choco has been far from static:
They are a riverine forest people living today in
isolated family-group settlements in the Pacific
drainage of eastern Panama and western
Colombia,l and also in the Caribbean lowlands
of Colombia-on the upper Rio Atrato drain-
age, and in the upper Rfo Sinui and adjacent
areas at the northern base of the Andes.2 At
least the northernmost parts of this region were
seemingly occupied within historic times, as
the Embera Choco moved into areas vacated by
the Cuna, Oromira, and Catio. Most of the
areas presently occupied by the Embera and
Noanamd (or Waunana) Choc6, and the frag-
mented nature of their geographic range, are
shown in an admirable map by West (1957,
map 16), which however lacks present-day
Embera settlements in the Rio Tuira and lower
Rio Chucunaque drainages of eastern Panama.
In the interval since Wass6n's 1935 report,
blowguns have virtually disappeared among the
Noanama Choco (Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1960; per-
sonal observ., 1968-1972). Among the Embera
Choco, the blowgun appears not to be used in
eastern Panama (see p. 341), where frogs of the
genus Phyllobates do not occur,3 but, according
to Silverstone (1976, p. 23), neither are blow-
guns used in the nearby Serrania de Baudo
region of Colombia, where Phyllobates auro-
taenia does occur. In any case, blowgun use is
not dependent on the presence of poison-dart
frogs, because the Choco also have pa-
1Although generally applicable, the term "riverine"
does not accurately describe all the Embera Choc6 in the
unnavigable headwater region of the upper Rio San Juan,
where Indians are found living on mountainsides high
above the major streams (possibly a cultural retreat from
other settlers who covet the valley floors). The Indians of
this region are sometimes called "Chami"; they speak a
dialect of the Embera tongue (Loewen, 1960).
2The Indians in the upper Sinu country are called
"Catio" in much of the literature. Gorden (1957) noted that
they call themselves "Embera" and do not much differ
from more western groups of Embera (see also Reichel-
Dolmatoff, 1963). The name Catio (or Katio) has also been
applied to several dialects of the Embera Choc6 language
(Loewen, 1960, pp. 14-15). The Catfo appear to be extinct.
Gorden (op. cit., p. 53) suggested that Catio culture "may
belong with Zenu and Cueva, but there is no indication that
it was related to Choc6."
3There seems a possibility that the range of Phyllobates
aurotaenia might barely extend into Panama along the
western foot of the Serrania del Sapo, but this would be
insignificant to the present discussion.
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hidden text. 1978 MYERS, DALY, AND MALKIN: PHYLLOBATES 345
kuru-neara (Embera), or kieratchi (Noana-
ma-)two names for a potent plant poison (not
curare) obtained from a tree sap and said to
contain a glycoside with cardiac effects (San-
tesson, 1931; Mezey et al., 1948). Pakuru dart
poison is widely known in western Colombia,
having been (or still being) used for example in
the Rfo Saija drainage, in the lower Rio San
Juan drainage, and farther north on the Pacific
coast opposite the Serrania de Baudo (Wassen,
1935; Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1960), and also far to
the northeast in the Sinui region (Gorden, 1957;
Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1963), although it is not
certain whether the botanical source is the same
in each region. However, Embera on the head-
waters of the Rio San Juan are ignorant of
plant poison, using only frogs (Wassen, 1957;
personal observ., 1977), nor did Cochrane
(1825) mention plant poison in an area some 50
km. southward in the same mountain system.
Possibly, the trees from which poison is ob-
tained do not grow in the lower montane areas
where Phyllobates bicolor occurs, but written
knowledge about these things seems exceed-
ingly scant.1 Where both plant and frog poisons
are employed, there are no data on their rela-
tive usefulness, except that pakuru poison is
reported from widely separated regions to be
ineffective against chickens and jungle fowl
such as curassow and guan (Wassen, 1935;
Gorden, 1957). Wassen's (1935, pp. 94-95)
Noanama informant said that the addition of
'Perez (1863, p. 95) implied that both plant and frog
poison were used by Choc6 Indians in the Department of
Antioquia. The frog, "una rana pequefna i amarilla," was
probably Phyllobates bicolor, most likely from the border
region between the departments of Antioquia and Choc6
(then part of the State of Cauca). But Anza, one of two
localities given for the plant poison, is situated on the inter-
Andean Rio Cauca, outside the range of P. bicolor; the
other locality, Quinua, is not listed in a recent gazetteer
(Colombia, Inst. Geogr., 1971).
A similarly vague account, published by Greiff in 1827
and translated by Wassen (1934, p. 618), related that, "the
bears living in the hills were shot by the Indians with blow-
guns and arrows smeared with a vegetable poison as well
as with the poison of a frog. The preparation of both kinds
of poison was a secret. Their effects were instantaneous."
This may have been the source of some of Perez's informa-
tion (supra cit.), since that author also mentioned bears and
cited Greiff on another matter.
frog poison rendered kieratchi (pakuru) poison
effective against fowls. Wassen's report is the
only information available to us that frog poi-
son [from Phyllobates aurotaenia] was some-
times mixed with that of a plant. Frog poison is
reputedly, and believably, effective against a
wide variety of animals, including such large
forms as jaguar, bear, deer, and man
(Cochrane, 1825, vol. 2, p. 406; Greiff, 1827;
Saffray, 1873, pp. 98-99; this paper, p. 362).
To summarize, it appears that, (1) either
plant poison or frog poison may be known and
employed in a given region, as in the Sinu and
upper San Juan regions, respectively, or (2)
both plant and frog poisons are used in the
same area, occasionally in combination, or (3)
the blowgun and poisoned darts have been
abandoned, as in Panama. But each case is
based on meager information.
Abandonment of the blowgun might simply
be due to the absence (or lack of knowledge) of
a suitable poison source, as might be the case
in Panama, or it could be due to increased
accessibility of firearms, as is certainly the case
in Panama and probably in parts of Colombia.
Because of the politically turbulent history
south of Panama, modern weapons have been
little available to the Choco, although old-fash-
ioned muzzle-loading shotguns are in use from
the Sinut country to the Rio Saija (Gorden,
1957; West, 1957; Isacsson, 1976; personal ob-
serv.). The general scarcity of firearms, in the
Pacific lowlands, is reflected in the fact that
occasional Negro hunters have adopted the
Choco blowgun (Lafond, 1839; West, 1957;
personal observ., 1971). Where conveniences
such as guns are not readily available, the
Choco can maintain their superficial appearance
of primitiveness with relatively few modern ac-
couterments. Working in the Sinui country in
the 1950s, Gorden (1957, p. 22) observed that
there had been, "virtually no replacement of
the aboriginal hunting instrument, the blow-
gun." In contrast, in the early 1970s, a family
group in the upper Atrato drainage did not even
own a blowgun, doing 78 percent of their hunt-
ing with a muzzle-loading shotgun (Isacsson,
1976, p. 39). Change may come slowly in such
back country as the Sinut and Saija, but, start-
ing with the introduction of plantains, it has
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
the bore while the rod is worked back and
forth, until the bore is ground smooth and en-
larged to the diameter of the ramrod (Stirling,
1938, p. 81). The Yagua, another Amazonian
tribe, similarly round out a square hole in the
tied shaft, using fine sand and a flexible ramrod
(Fejos, 1943, pp. 48-49, pl. 36). The Cofan, of
Amazonian Colombia, have recently been ob-
served to make the bore of the blowgun in a
manner very similar to that of the Choc6-
using dyed string for marking the course of
grooves on each half-shaft, and then metal im-
plements for carving and smoothing the
grooves before the two sections are joined
(Malkin, 1975). Thus, there are essentially two
different ways of making the bore in type-IV
blowguns. Both methods probably predate the
Conquest. Present-day use of metal tools by the
Choco and Cofan, for carving grooves in the
separate half-shafts, would be a simple im-
provement over the use of such implements as
mammal teeth, which were said to have been
used for this purpose by the Pase Indians in
upper Amazonian Brazil (Bates, 1863, p. 236).
Most manufacturers of type-IV blowguns,
including the aforementioned Jivaro, Yagua,
Cofan, and Pase tribes, attach a separate
mouthpiece to the weapon. This appears never
to be done by the ChocG, although their south-
ern neighbors, the Cayapa of northwestern Ec-
uador, do attach a funnel-shaped mouthpiece
(Barrett, 1925, p. 113). The Choc6 blowguns
seem primitive in this respect. The mouth end
varies only in being either completely wrapped
with bast or else left bare, the former type
being shown in figure 25 and both types being
illustrated in Wassen (1935, p. 91).
Type-IV blowguns are also commonly wa-
terproofed with a covering of resin, rubber
latex, or beeswax, as described in references
already given for the Jivaro, Yagua, Cofan,
Cayapa, and Pase tribes. We have not noticed
this refinement on any Choc6 blowgun, and
find no reference to it except that of Cochrane
(1825, vol. 2, p. 405), who described a blow-
gun from the upper Rio San Juan drainage (see
p. 342) as being, "covered with a coat of milk
from the caucho-tree; which, dried, prevents
any air from entering, and appears of a dark-
brown colour." It seems curious that such a
custom would be lost or, if still known, not
extensively practiced, since the Chocoan rain
forest is one of the wettest on earth.
Perhaps the greatest variation among Choc6
blowguns involves the sight(s). Wassen (1957,
fig. 7) illustrated blowguns that have sights
near the butt, as well as the usual muzzle
sights. The latter may involve a separate
wooden piece, as described herein, or may be
carved into the shaft itself, as figured for Rio
San Juan blowguns by Wassen (1935, fig. 26C;
1957, fig. 7B). Wassen's illustrations also show
how the sight may either be covered over with
the bast wrapping or left exposed, and how the
sight may be placed near the very tip of the
muzzle or positioned farther back. Wassen
(1957, p. 82) mentioned one case in which a
rodent's tooth was used as a sight, being "fas-
tened on the blowgun with a lump of black
material." Similarly, a blowgun from Quebrada
Guanguf, now in the American Museum, has a
piece of carved, red plastic that is affixed with
resin 7 cm. from the muzzle.
There also is some variation in the quiver,
which is left undecorated by the Choc6. Along
the Pacific side of Colombia, the entire quiver
is made of bamboo as shown in figure 26. But
Embera and Noanama quivers from the Rio San
Juan seem to average somewhat slimmer and to
have the top edge of the cap rounded, in con-
trast to Quebrada Guangui (Saija drainage)
quivers, which are thicker and have a sharp
edge around the top of the cap; these differ-
ences can be visualized by comparing sketches
A and B in Wassen (1935, p. 91). The Embera
Choco in the Sinu region make the cap of the
quiver from anteater skin rather than bamboo
(Gordon, 1957, p. 22). A variety of fruit shells
or small gourds are used to hold the fiber wad-
ding for the darts, and Wass6n (1957, p. 83)
obtained one little rubber-coated bag that was
used for the same purpose.
Stirling (1938, p. 83) said that the Jfvaros
make "short" blowguns of about 10 ft. (3 m.)
and longer ones up to 15 ft. in length (4.5 m.).
Choco blowguns are normally shorter. Gorden
(1957, p. 22) said that they are about 9-11 ft.
long (2.7-3.3 m.) in the Sinut region, but along
the Pacific versant of Colombia they seem to
average about 2.5 m. in length.
In South America, blowguns with poisoned
darts are primarily weapons of the hunt. They
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
the manufacture of a Jivaro blowgun, and that
the maker must be sexually continent.
The Choc6 appear to observe no particular
ceremony, either during blowgun fabrication or
poisoning of the darts. And they are perhaps
among the exceptions in having had no particu-
lar strictures against tuming the weapon on
man. The now peaceful Choco fiercely resisted
Spanish domination for more than a century,
starting in the late 1500s in the upper Rio San
Juan drainage (West, 1957, p. 90), where it
seems likely that blowguns with frog-poisoned
darts would at least have been used in
occasional ambush if not open warfare. A
Choc6 Indian at Playa de Oro, Rio San Juan,
was recently detained on suspicion of murder
by frog-poisoned dart, and another Indian
claimed that a man shot with such a dart could
run but a few hundred meters before dropping
dead.1 Whatever the facts, the mental attitude
is suggestive of a forgotten history. To this
very day, out of a time as hazy as the mist that
sweeps the western cordillera, it seems that
frog-poisoned darts have been thought capable
of bringing, in the words of Cochrane (1825),
"certain death to man."
Field studies of dendrobatid frogs have been
supported by the Lincoln Ellsworth Fund of the
American Museum of Natural History, and are
being continued under a grant to the Museum
from the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Founda-
Fieldwork on the new Colombian frog was
conducted under the auspices of the late F.
Carlos Lehmann Valencia, then director of the
confessed that their curare-obtained from the neighboring
Siona-was not strong enough to stop tapir, jaguar, or
man, although it was visibly effective on two peccaries.
'Personal communication from Drs. Eva Bartels de Ber-
nal and Rosalina Cadenas Carrera, based on their inter-
VOL. 161
Museo Departamental de Historia Natural,2 in
Cali. Our debt to Dr. Lehmann is profound and
we feel his loss deeply. We are grateful also
for courtesies rendered in support of this work
by authorities in the Seccion de Recursos Natu-
rales, CVC (Corporacion Autonoma Regional
del Cauca).
Studies of the novel dendrobatid alkaloids
have been conducted almost continuously for
more than a decade, and many colleagues have
participated in the project. Dr. Bernhard
Witkop, National Institutes of Health, has
shown his interest in all aspects of the work
and we are appreciative of his support. For
verification and elaboration on the isolation and
analysis of Phyllobates terribilis toxins, we are
most grateful to Dr. Takashi Tokuyama, Osaka
City University, Japan.
The typescript for this paper was prepared
by Ms. Joan Myers, to whom we are especially
beholden for pointing out errors and awkward
syntax. For lending comparative specimens of
Phyllobates bicolor, we thank Mr. Hymen
Marx, Field Museum of Natural History, and
Dr. W. Ronald Heyer, National Museum of
Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. We
particularly thank Dr. Jean Lescure, Museum
National d'Histoire Naturelle, for carrying the
holotype of P. bicolor from Paris to New
York. For advice on botanical matters, we owe
thanks to Dr. Harold E. Moore, Jr., Bailey
Hortorium of Cornell University, and to Dr.
Scott Mori, New York Botanical Garden.
Messrs. Adriano Granja D. and Euclides
Posada Montealegre rendered valuable assist-
ance in the field work. Information on an al-
leged murder was kindly provided by Drs. Eva
Bartels de Bernal and Rosalina Cadenas Car-
rera, Division de Salud, Universidad del Valle,
views with Indians and a government investigator at Playa
de Oro, Department of Choc6, August 1977.
2Now the Museo Departamental de Ciencias Naturales
"F. Carlos Lehmann Valencia," under the present director-
ship of Dr. Reinaldo Diaz.
This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus
hidden text. 1978 MYERS, DALY, AND MALKIN: PHYLLOBATES 363
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