RPMS-PPST SY 2020-2021 in Time of COVID-19: Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development

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Bureau of Human Resource and

Organizational Development

SY 2020-2021 in time
of COVID-19
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

The impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic on
SY 2020-2021:
 Change in the
demand for teaching
and learning
 Shift to distance
learning delivery
 Development of
learning resources for
distance learning
 Need to upskill and
retool teachers on the
new learning delivery
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

• As the learning delivery changes, so do the duties of
teachers to their learners and the performance
expected of them.
• The expectations of teachers must be captured in their
performance assessment through a more
contextualized Results-based Performance
Management System (RPMS).
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Modifications in RPMS, its tools, processes, and
protocols, for SY 2020-2021 were made on the

 Objectives taken from the PPST priority indicators

 Means of verification
 Performance indicators
 Classroom observation processes and protocols
 Timeline in the RPMS cycle (adjusted)
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

The development of RPMS in the

context of COVID-19
Consultations with DepEd
officials and partners
Series of meetings
within BHROD and
with RCTQ to review
and finalize tools Focus Group Discussion
Revision on tools were based Held on 29 July 2020;
on quantitative and qualitative participated by teachers, ALS
data gathered from April to RPMS teacher, master teachers, head
October 2020
SY 2020-2021 teachers, school heads, PSDS,
EPS, and representatives from
in the time of BLD, BEA, BHROD

Validation of tools, Document Analysis
processes, protocols Literatures on emergency remote
Held on 9-14 September 2020; learning; DepEd issuances such
participated by teachers, ALS & as the BE-LCP in the time of
SPED teachers, special science COVID-19, memoranda on
teachers, master teachers, head learning delivery; Data from BE-
teachers, assistant principals, LCP dry run and Learner
Enrollment and Survey
school heads, specialists, and
EPS from 16 DepEd regions
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

PPST Priority Indicators

• 11 PPST priority indicators chosen as RPMS
objectives for SY 2020-2021
• Selected based on being more responsive and
appropriate to the current context of the
teachers, learners, and the learning
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

RPMS Objectives taken from PPST Priority Indicators

for Teacher I-III (Proficient Teachers)
1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas
2. Ensured the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning
3. Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills
4. Established a learner-centered culture by using teaching strategies that
respond to their linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic and religious
5. Planned and delivered teaching strategies that are responsive to the
special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including:
geographic isolation; chronic illness; displacement due to armed conflict,
urban resettlement or disasters; child abuse and child labor practices
6. Used strategies for providing timely, accurate and constructive feedback to
improve learner performance
7. Selected, developed, organized and used appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goals
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

RPMS Objectives taken from PPST Priority Indicators

for Teacher I-III (Proficient Teachers)
8. Set achievable and appropriate learning outcomes that are aligned with
learning competencies
9. Built relationships with parents/ guardians and the wider school
community to facilitate involvement in the educative process 
10. Participated in professional networks to share knowledge and to
enhance practice 
11. Developed a personal improvement plan based on reflection of one’s
practice and ongoing professional learning

7 - Classroom Observable Objectives

4 - Non-Classroom Observable Objectives
1 - Plus Factor .
12 RPMS-PPST Objectives
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

RPMS Objectives taken from PPST Priority Indicators

for Master Teachers I-IV (Highly Proficient Teachers)
1. Modelled effective applications of content knowledge within and across
curriculum teaching areas
2. Promoted effective strategies in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the
teaching and learning process
3. Developed and applied effective teaching strategies to promote critical and
creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills
4. Exhibited a learner-centered culture that promotes success by using effective
teaching strategies that respond to their linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic
and religious backgrounds
5. Evaluated with colleagues teaching strategies that are responsive to the
special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including:
geographic isolation; chronic illness; displacement due to armed conflict,
urban resettlement or disasters; child abuse and child labor practices
6. Used effective strategies for providing timely, accurate and constructive
feedback to encourage learners to reflect on and improve their own learning
7. Advised and guided colleagues in the selection, organization, development
and use of appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to
address specific learning goals
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

RPMS Objectives taken from PPST Priority Indicators

for Master Teachers I-IV (Highly Proficient Teachers)
8. Modelled to colleagues the setting of achievable and challenging
learning outcomes that are aligned with learning competencies to
cultivate a culture of excellence for all learners
9. Guided colleagues to strengthen relationships with parents/ guardians
and the wider school community to maximize their involvement in the
educative process
10. Contributed actively to professional networks within and between
schools to improve knowledge and to enhance practice
11. Initiated professional reflections and promote learning opportunities with
colleagues to improve practice

7 - Classroom Observable Objectives

4 - Non-Classroom Observable Objectives
1 - Plus Factor .
12 RPMS-PPST Objectives
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Organizational Development

RPMS Cycle
with adjusted timeline for
SY 2020-2021
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

refer to the School Heads (e.g. Principals, Teachers-in-
Charge), Assistant Principals, Head Teachers, and/or
Master Teachers who rate teacher portfolios to assess
teacher performance.
Source: Updated RPMS Manual, p.11
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

are Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-IV (including ALS
implementers, Madrasah Education teachers, IPED teachers,
SPED teachers, SHS teachers) who submit their portfolios
as evidence of their teaching performance.

Source: Updated RPMS Manual, p.11

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Organizational Development

Matrix of Ratee, Rater, and Approving Authority in the RPMS

Source: DO No. 2, s. 2015, Enclosure, p.18

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Organizational Development

First week of January


RPMS Cycle
only for July 2021

Year-round (coaching &

  March 2021
(mid-year review)

SY 2020-2021

A  week after graduation/

third week of June 2021
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Phase Performance Planning

I and Commitment

e k o f
t w e
Firs 2 0 2 1 *
a r y
*Based on the adjusted RPMS Cycle timeline only for SY 2020-2021
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development


• Discussion/Issuance of RPMS
Tools; Self-assessment
• IPCRF, SAT, IPCRF-Development
• Signed IPCRF-Development Plans
School Head Teacher
based on SAT
• Signed IPCRF

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

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Organizational Development

Sample Development Plans (Part A)

Source: RPMS Updated Manual 2019 (pg. 53)

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

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Organizational Development

Sample Development Plans (Part B)

Source: RPMS Updated Manual 2019 (pg. 53)

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

*Based on the adjusted RPMS Cycle timeline only for SY 2020-2021

to March

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

*Based on the adjusted RPMS Cycle timeline only for SY 2020-2021

to March

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Phase Performance Monitoring

II and Coaching

u n d ;
e a r- ro
Y 0 2 0 *
a r c h 2
*Based on the adjusted RPMS Cycle timeline only for SY 2020-2021
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development


• Performance Monitoring and Coaching; Mid-year

Review and Assessment

Hi! Let’s talk I am glad to

about your hear about your
performance comments,
rating. Ma’am.

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Mid-year Review Form
• Agreements based on
PMCF, MRF, updated
IPCRF-DP and Portfolio

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Performance monitoring shall provide key inputs

and objective basis for rating. It shall facilitate
feedback and provide evidence of performance.

Ratee Rater
Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Sample Performance Monitoring and

Coaching Form (PMCF)

Source: RPMS Updated Manual 2019 (pg. 48)

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Performance coaching
and feedback are an
ongoing process.

These are provided by

the rater and shall be
sought by the ratee to
improve work
performance and

Source: RPMS Updated Manual 2019 (pg. 74)

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Mid-year Review Form (MRF)

Mid-year Review gives the chance to confer with

the teachers for them to improve performance.

It is only for performance monitoring and

coaching. The final rating of the teacher depends
on the year-end evaluation.

Source: RPMS Updated Manual 2019 (pg. 49)

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

*Based on the adjusted RPMS Cycle timeline only for SY 2020-2021

to June*

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

*Based on the adjusted RPMS Cycle timeline only for SY 2020-2021

to June*

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Phase Performance Review

III and Evaluation

a ft e r
w e ek rd
A io n /3
d ua t
gr a J u n e
e k o f
we 1 *
2 0 2
*Based on the adjusted RPMS Cycle timeline only for SY 2020-2021
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development


• Year-end Review & Assessment,
Evaluation of Portfolio &
Computation of Final Rating
• Signed Portfolio and IPCRF with
Computed Final Rating
Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

*Based on the adjusted RPMS Cycle timeline only for SY 2020-2021

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Phase Performance Rewarding

and Development
IV Planning

2 0 21 *
Ju l y
*Based on the adjusted RPMS Cycle timeline only for SY 2020-2021
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development


• Ways Forward and Development Planning

• Final IPCRF-DP

• Reward, Recognition, IPCRF-DP

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Strengths are Development Needs

competencies which the are qualitative
competencies which
ratee demonstrated ratee rarely
consistently and areas demonstrates and areas
that meet or exceed where the ratee has
expectations. room for improvement
and has not met the

Source: RPMS Updated Manual 2019 (pg. 202)

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Classroom Observation Tool

and the Alternative Classroom
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

COT-RPMS Rubrics

Take Note: Ratees and raters

must use this version of the
The PPST-based COT is used to assess all
COT-RPMS for SY 2020-2021
classroom observable
which indicators.
states “COT-RPMS…in
the time of COVID-19”.
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

7 out of 11 priority strands for RPMS

SY 2020-2021 are classroom observable.
Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 4 Domain 5 Domain 6 Domain 7

1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.1

1.2 2.2 3.2

3.2 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.2

1.3 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.3
5.3 6.3 7.3

1.4 2.4 3.4

3.4 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.4

1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5
4.5 5.5 7.5

1.6 2.6

1.7 But only 3 will be subject to

classroom observation.
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Strand 4.5 Teaching and learning
resources, including ICT

Classroom Observation Tool

Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

RPMS Alternative Classroom Observation

The alternative classroom observations for RPMS
is considered only for SY 2020-2021 due to the
absence of or limited capacity for face-to-face learning.
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

RPMS Alternative Classroom Observation

Classroom Guidelines
1. Online ∙ This applies to teachers who will adopt
observation online synchronous learning
regardless of the number of classes and
2. Observation ∙ Consider this mode of observation only
of a video when option 1 is not possible.
lesson ∙ This applies to teachers who will adopt
  online asynchronous learning in any of
their classes and learners.
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

RPMS Alternative Classroom Observation

On Option #2:
Video lesson
• used in the lesson delivery as supplementary material or
as learning material for online asynchronous learning
• not the same as the video lesson for TV-based instruction
• SLM-based or MELC-aligned
• a video recording of a teacher while teaching a lesson
• can be stored in a cloud (e.g., Google Drive) or any storage
device (e.g., flash drive), or uploaded to an online
classroom (e.g., Google Classroom) or a Learning
Management System
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

RPMS Alternative Classroom Observation

Classroom Observation Guidelines
3. Observation of a • Consider this mode of observation
demonstration only when options 1 and 2 are not
teaching via possible.
Learning Action • This applies to teachers who will
Cell (LAC) adopt pure modular learning
(print/digital), radio-based
instruction, and TV-based
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

RPMS Alternative Classroom Observation

On Option #3:
Learning Action Cell (LAC)
• In DepEd’s BE-LCP in the time of COVID-19,

“a support mechanism shall be established for

teachers and school leaders to have access to relevant
on-demand technical and administrative advice and
guidance which come in many forms…including
professional learning communities through the LAC”
(DepEd Order No. 12, s. 2020, p. 41).
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

RPMS Alternative Classroom Observation

There should be 2 classroom observations for the

entire school year. Ratees should submit 2 classroom
observation tool (COT) rating sheets/inter-observer
agreement forms as MOV for objectives that require
such (i.e., Objectives 1, 5, and 7).

The alternative classroom observations should follow

this timeframe:
∙ CO 1 – between January and March 2021
∙ CO 2 – between April and May 2021
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Classroom Observation Process

and Protocols
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Alternative Classroom Observation

Process and Protocols
Online Observation
Meet with
with the
teacher to
to discuss
the schedule
schedule and
the online platform
the online platform
to be
be used.
Access the
online platform
online platform
at the
online class.

Deliver the
the lesson
lesson in
in the
chosen online
online platform.
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Alternative Classroom Observation

Process and Protocols
Observation of a video lesson
Meet with
with the
teacher to
to discuss
the schedule
schedule of
submission ofof
video lesson.

View the
the video
lesson after
lesson after

Delivers the
the lesson
lesson using
using aa video
video recording
recording device.
Then submit
submit the
the video
video lesson
lesson to
to the
the observer/s.
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Alternative Classroom Observation

Process and Protocols
Observation of a demonstration teaching via Learning Action Cell
Meet with
with the
teacher to discuss
teacher to discuss
the schedule
schedule of
the LAC sessions
the LAC sessions
intended for
for demo

Deliver the
the lesson
lesson on
on the
agreed time and location.
agreed time and location.
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

Alternative Classroom Observation

Process and Protocols
For highly proficient teachers, a proof of attendance during
observation is part of their MOV. The following protocols should be
1) Online observation – (i) Invite your colleague/s to sit in your
online class. (ii) Have an attendance sheet signed after the class.
2) Observation of a video lesson – (i) Give a copy of your video
lesson to your colleague/s which they should view. (ii) Have an
attendance sheet signed afterwards. (Note: Observer/s must
ensure that colleague/s view the video lesson.)
3) Observation of a demonstration teaching via LAC – (i) Invite
your colleague/s to observe your demonstration teaching during
a LAC session. (ii) Have an attendance sheet signed afterwards.
Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development

What is the role of the supervisors in the

classroom observation process?

The supervisors (e.g., PSDS, EPS) may use the

COT-RPMS rubrics and observe teachers. Their
feedback may be used to provide technical
assistance to the school head of the observed
teacher. However, their ratings will not form part of
the teacher’s RPMS rating and portfolio.

Based on DO 2, s. 2015 (Annex A, pg. 18), only

the master teacher, head teacher, and school
head can rate the teacher.

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