Drama Unit
Drama Unit
Drama Unit
What Is Drama?
A drama is a story enacted onstage for a live
What Is Drama?
Origins of Drama
The word drama comes from the
Greek verb dran, which means
“to do.”
The earliest known plays . . .
were written around the fifth
century B.C.
produced for festivals to honor
Dionysus, the god of wine and
Dramatic Structure
Like the plot of a story, the plot (sequence of events)
of a play involves characters who face a problem or
conflict (a struggle or clash between opposing
characters or forces).
point of highest tension;
action determines how the
conflict will be resolved
tension builds
Exposition conflict is resolved;
characters and conflict play ends
are introduced
Elements of Drama
Acts/Scenes are basic divisions of drama.
A drama may consist of one or more acts, divided into
“Thrust” stage
• The stage extends
into the viewing area.
• The audience
surrounds the stage
on three sides.
Setting the Stage
“In the round” stage is surrounded by an
audience on all sides.
Setting the Stage
Proscenium stage
• The playing area extends behind an opening
called a “proscenium arch.”
• The audience sits on one side looking into the
stage right stage left
Setting the Stage
Stages in Shakespeare’s
time were thrust stages.
Setting the Stage
Scene design transforms a bare stage into the
world of the play. Scene design consists of
• sets
• lighting
• costumes
• props
Setting the Stage
A stage’s set might be
detailed minimal
Setting the Stage
Props (short for properties) are items that the
characters carry or handle onstage.
long flashbacks
visual projections of
a character’s private
The Characters
The characters’ speech may take any of the
following forms.
Dialogue: conversations of characters onstage
Monologue: long speech given by one character to others
Soliloquy: speech by a character alone onstage to himself or herself or
to the audience
Asides: remarks made to the audience or to one character; the other
characters onstage do not hear an aside
Dialogue - a conversation between two or more characters.
Dialogue between the Avengers in "The Avengers"
Even though Batman does speak, most of the speech is done by the
Joker; therefore, it is a monologue because one character is giving
a mostly uninterrupted speech. Think of it as a lecture of sorts.
Soliloquy - when a character shares
their thoughts aloud and they are alone.