Methods and Elements of Visual Art
Methods and Elements of Visual Art
Methods and Elements of Visual Art
1. Factual meaning is the literal statement or the narrative content in the work which can be directly
apprehended because the objects presented are easily recognized.
2. Conventional meaning refers to the special meaning that a certain object or color has for a particular
culture or group of people.
Flag is the agreed-upon symbol for a nation.
Cross is a Christian symbol of faith
Wheel is the Buddhist symbol for the teachings of Gautama Buddha
3. Subjective meaning is any personal meaning consciously or unconsciously conveyed by the artist
using a private symbolism which stems from his own association of certain objects, actions, or colors with
past experiences.
This can be fully understood only when the artist himself explains what he really means.
Subject of Art
Every artist has his individual style of doing artwork. This style is
almost always governed by his choice of the method of presenting
his subject. He can choose from any of the following methods:
realism, abstractionism, surrealism, symbolism, fauvism, Dadaism,
impressionism, expressionism and futurism.
Abstractionism is “drawing
away from realism.” His
product is a departure from
what is present in real life. For
example, in painting a human
body, a person is shown with
no facial features, no fingers,
no toes, and no hair. An
abstractionist selects from any
of the following methods:
distortion, mangling,
elongation, cubism, and
abstract expressionism.
Abstract expressionism is
presenting the subject with
the use of strong color,
uneven brush strokes, and
rough texture and with the
deliberate lack or
refinement in the
application of the paint.
It is “beyond realism.” It is
presenting the subject as if
the subject as if the subject
does not form part of the
real world, but belongs to
the world of dreams and
It is optimistic realism. It is
presenting real-life subject
with the use of bright colors
suggesting comfort, joy, and
pleasure. The colors are bright
red, yellow, orange, purple,
and the like are used instead
or blue, black, gray, green,
and brown. For example, the
tree trunk is colored orange
instead of brown.
It is shocking realism. It is
presenting the real-life
subject with the intention
to shock the audience
through the exposition of
the evils in society.
It is emotional realism. It is
presenting the real-life
subject with the intention
to express emotions,
pathos (feeling of
sympathy and sorrow for
the misfortunes of others),
chaos, fear, violence,
defeat, morbidity, and
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