Discharge Planning English
Discharge Planning English
Discharge Planning English
Diana Rosmeilina
Indryani dewy
Lina Hasriyanti
Merry Risma
Rahmat Hidayat
• Mastectomy is the surgeon removes all of
the breast tissue, in same cases of ductal
carcinoma insitu, some of the lymph nodes
in the under a rm area (axilary nodes) is
@ Do not move the arm quickly, stomping, try slowly when changing
position, open the door and others
• Call your doctor right away if you have any of the following
* Severe Vomiting
* Febris > 38C
* incision seem not to be healing
* rednes, swelling, or warmth around the incision or tube
* stiches become loose
Drain Tube
* tube falls out
* fluid leaking around the tube
* new or increased pain around tube
* foul smelling discharge
* drainagechange from light pink to dark red
* sudden increase or decrease in the amount of drainage over 30 cc