Drug Name Classification/ Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindications Side Effects/ Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities Generic Name
Drug Name Classification/ Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindications Side Effects/ Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities Generic Name
Drug Name Classification/ Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindications Side Effects/ Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities Generic Name
Drug Name Classification/ Indications Contraindications Side effects/ Adverse Nursing responsibilities
Mechanism of Action Effects
Generic Name:
Anti-ulcer Agents - Treatment and prevention of - Hypersensitivity, cross CNS: Confusion, Observe 10R's in giving medication
heartburn, acid digestion, and sensitivity may occur; dizziness , drowsiness, Check doctors order
Ranitidine -Inhibits the action of sour stomach Perform skin test
some oral liquids contain headache, hallucinations
histamine at the H2 receptor Do not increase or double the dose
alcohol anf should be CV: Arrhythmias
Brand Name: site located primarily in Assess patient for epigastric or
gastric parietal cells, resulting avoided in patients with GI: altered taste, black abdominal pain or occult in the stool
in inhibition of gastric acid known intolerance tongue, constipation lnform patient that may cause
secretion drowsiness or dizziness