Powerpoint Group 1.

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An effective remedial reading program is one
that is directed by a highly trained remedial instructor
and has gained the cooperation and support of teachers,
administrators, and parents. The effectiveness of such a
program is achieved only by long range planning in
which everyone involved is made cognizant of the aims
and objectives of the program.
A remedial reading program is developed
when a need for it exists. Teachers may experience a
need for a special reading program as a result of meeting
with failure in instructing certain students by
conventional methods. Administrators may feel a need
for a remedial reading program after studying
comprehensive plans to improve classroom instruction
in reading. Encountering the demands of a
technological age, the public may express a desire for
such a program. Nevertheless, once the need is
established, the good school system takes immediate
Planning may begin by securing a reading teacher who is
well equipped in three areas of the remedial program.
That is, a teacher who knows how reading can best be
taught to all children with provision for the slow progress
cases; one who is trained in clinical work to the point
where she can study with success all but the most
extreme cases of reading difficulty; and one who is
qualified and experienced in teaching poor readers so
that she can do this work or show others how to do it. A
person so trained fits into the plans of any particular
system and is of value in all these different ways.
Because of the specialized training and experience of
the reading teacher, she is often asked to organize the entire
remedial reading program, or at least most of it. While accepting
the responsibility, she nonetheless consults the administrator in
her planning. She feels it is important not only that the
administrator be made aware of all aspects of the program, but
also that he support it and be willing to cooperate in interpreting
its aims and objectives to others.
The researcher to know how effective is the remedial reading, a
research we conducted to the grade-7 hope students in balete
academy incorporated, balete aklan .The school was located at
Jose F. Cortes St. Poblacion, Balete, Aklan and was founded by
Filemo Guerra Sr, in year 1965.

The objective of this research is to know the advantages

and as the disadvantage effects of reading based on the sample of
students of Balete Academy, Incorporated.
For us reading is one of the most important way to reach our
dreams in life and to become successful someday.
The purpose of this study is to develop and level up the reading
strategies and ability of Grade 7- Hope in Balete Academy,
Incorporated we conducted this study from the month of
November, 2017 to March, 2018.
Specifically, this study sought to answers to the
following questions:
1.What is the demographic profile of the student in
terms of:
I. Age
II. Gender
III. Civil status

2. How effective the remedial reading in your class?

3. How could you rate 1 to 5 the remedial reading in

your class?

4. To what extent do you agree with the remedial


5. How would you rate the overall quality of your

remedial reading experiences with them? Would you
say it is:

The title of the study is the Effectiveness Of

Remedial Reading In Grade 7- Hope Of Balete Academy

The descriptive method of research was used in

this study. The students of this study were the 37 students at
Grade-7 Hope In Balete Academy Balete Aklan.

The focus of this study is to assist the grade 7-

hope is reading comprehension and express the
effectiveness of remedial reading.
The dependent variable of this study is the reading
strategies/skills and the independent variables is the effects
of remedial reading.

The purpose of this study is to determine the

effectiveness of remedial reading of grade-7 hope to developed
and level up their reading skills in balete academy Inc.
This study would enlighten our mind about the different types
of remedial reading.

The researcher envisioned that the results of this study

will benefits the following:

Students, The findings may be valuable to the

students for they will enhance their reading skills. Such
awareness they motivate them to find effective ways on how to
Read correctly, which contribute much to their low performance
in reading. Finally as a result they will give more ideas of reading
in their everyday lives and in their chosen career in the future.
Parents, The result will be useful to the
parents/guardians of secondary students. Being aware of their
children’s reading strategies, reading ability, parents will be
prompted on how they could help them overcome their
difficulties in reading if they have and be able to gain a positive
outlook about reading comprehension as their one hobbies.
They should encourage them to develop positive perception in
reading and attain a good performance.

Teachers, Likewise, this study will provide valuable

information to the reading tutors regarding the student’s reading
skills, learning ability and reading ability enable them to gain
insights into a variety of ways to help students performance in
reading and employ strategies that consider students individual
differences in teaching the subject effectively, also give reading
teachers an idea on how to take the teaching of remedial reading
interesting and attractive to secondary students, as well as
eradicates students’ notion that reading is indeed a difficult
words to read and pronounce.
School Administrator, The result will
be basis in assessing the instructional programs
and policies of the school in the teaching and
learning of the reading skills: hence they will
identify the necessary support for students so as to
achieve the satisfactory performance in the

Community, This study is important to

the community because they can help you and you
can help them in a way of their knowledge they
can share it to and your knowledge you can share it
to them because of remedial reading.

Researchers, The findings obtained in

the present study will serve as a baseline data for
similar studies in the future.
Review of Related Literature
This chapter dealt with the readings on related literature on
learning as a system.
It aimed to presents research and that would specifically
show the studies conduct internationally and locally.
Reading is a complex "cognitive process" of
decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning
(reading comprehension). Reading is a means of language
acquisition, communication, and of sharing information and
ideas. Like all languages, it is a complex interaction between
the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior
knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community
which is culturally and socially situated. The reading process
requires continuous practice, development, and refinement.
In addition, reading requires creativity and critical analysis.
Consumers of literature make ventures with each piece,
innately deviating from literal words to create images that
make sense to them in the unfamiliar places the texts
Because reading is such a complex process, it
cannot be controlled or restricted to one or two
interpretations. There are no concrete laws in reading, but
rather allows readers an escape to produce their own products
This promotes deep exploration of texts during
interpretation.[1]Readers use a variety of reading strategies to
assist with decoding (to translate symbols into sounds or
visual representations of speech) and comprehension.
Readers may use context clues to identify the meaning of
unknown words. Readers integrate the words they have read
into their existing framework of knowledge or schema
(schemata theory).
Theoretical Framework
Schema Theory and Reading Comprehension
The Schema Theory

Schema theory is an explanation of how readers

use prior knowledge to comprehend and learn from text
(Rumelhart, 1980). The term "schema" was first used in
psychology by Barlett as "an active organization of past
reactions or experiences" (1932,p.201), later schema was
introduced in reading by Rumelhalt (1980), Carrell (1981)
and Hudson (1982) when discussing the important role
of background knowledge in reading comprehension (all
cited in An, 2013). The fundamental principle of the
schema theory assumes that written text does not carry
meaning by itself. Rather, a text only provides directions
for readers as to how they should retrieve or construct
meaning from their own previously acquired knowledge
(An, 2013).
According to schema theory, comprehending a text is an
interactive process between the reader’s background knowledge
and the text. Efficient comprehension requires the ability to
relate the textual material to one's own knowledge. As Anderson
(1977, p.369) point out, "every act of comprehension involves
one’s knowledge of the world as well".
Reading comprehension operates in two directions,
from bottom up to the top and from the top down to the bottom
of the hierarchy. Bottom-up processing is activated by specific
data from the text, while top-down processing starts with general
to confirm these predictions. These two kinds of processing are
occurring simultaneously and interactively, which adds to the
concept of interaction or comprehension between bottom-up
and top-down processes (Carrel and Eiserhold, 1983. Cited in An,
The Three Levels of Comprehension
Reading comprehension is the ability to process
information that we have read and to understand its
meaning. The three levels of comprehension are the literal
level, inferential level and the critical/evaluative level.
The Literal Level: It is simply what the text says
and what actually happens in the story. This is a very
important level of understanding because it provides the
foundation for more advanced comprehension. It focuses on
reading the passages, hearing the words or viewing the
images. It involves identifying the important and essential
information. With guidance, students can distinguish
between the important and less important ideas.
The Inferential Level: It involves determining
what the text means. Determining inferential meaning
requires you to think about the text and draw a conclusion.
, the focus shifts to reading between the lines, looking at
what is implied by the material under study. It requires
students to combine pieces of information in order to
make inferences about the author's intent and message.
Guiding students to recognize these perceived
relationships promotes understanding and decreases
the risk of being overwhelmed by the complexities of the
text being view, heard or read.
The Critical Level: In this level we are analyzing or
synthesizing information and applying it to other information.
Understandings at the literal and interpretive levels are combined,
reorganized and restructured at the critical level to express opinions,
draw new insights and develop fresh ideas. Guiding students through
the applied level shows them how to synthesize information, to read
between the lines and to develop a deeper understanding of the
concepts, principles, and implications presented in the text.

Comprehension Skills Sequencing: Sequencing refers to

the identification of the components of a story, such as the beginning,
middle, and end, and also to the ability to retell the events within a
given text in the order in which they occurred. The abilityto sequence
events in a text is a key comprehension strategy, especially for narrative
Graphic Organizer: A graphic organizer, also known as
knowledge map, concept map, story map, cognitive organizer, advance
organizer, or concept diagram, is a communication ntool that uses visual
symbols to express knowledge, concepts, thoughts, or ideas, and the
relationships between them.
With the use of a graphic organizer, the children should be given
an activity where they are required to state the before, during and after
occurrences with Piped Piper in the story. They should recall the main
points of what happened before the Piped Piper, what was happening
while the Piped Piper was in the town and what happened after he left.
b. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this

study is shown in figure 1 below. As can be
seen from the figure, the independent
variable of this study is the effectiveness
of remedial reading and it affects to the
dependent variable to enhance their
reading strategies and skills.

 Survey
 Questionnaire
Age  Face to Face
 Gender interview
 Religion  Observation
 Tutor of Reading
 Civil Status


 To level up, develop

and to enhance their
strategies and skills
in reading.
To clarify and understand the terms that we use in the
study, and the conceptual as operational definitions
were followed.

Remedial Reading, The term remedial refers

to correcting or improving deficient skills in a specific
subject. Thus, remedial reading is a change in
instruction that helps remedy a weakness in the
area of reading.
Reading Strategies, the English language is
complex. This statement won’t come as a surprise to anyone
who has taught emergent readersor English language
learners and attempted to explain the structure of our
Unfortunately, many adults also struggle with
understanding and explaining English and sometimes
resort to telling students that memorization is the only way
to hold on to all those confusing words.

Reading comprehension is as the level of

understanding of a text/message. This understanding
comes from the interaction between the words that are
written, and how they trigger knowledge outside the
This chapter represents the method used in the
study. It includes the research design,
respondent of the study, and the instruments of
the study.

The descriptive method of investigation
was used in the study. It is the most appropriate
procedure that fits into objectives, face to face
interview method and procedures.
James D.W. (2013) Descriptive research provides
a detailed account of a social setting, a group of
people, a community, a situation.
The respondents of the study are the Grade 7-
Hope students of Balete Academy Inc. All of
participants were selected through random
This sampling method is conducted
where each member of a student has an equal
opportunity to become part of the sample. As all
members of the students have an equal chance of
becoming a research participants, this is said to be
the most efficient sampling procedures.
In order to conduct this sampling strategy,
the researcher defined the students first, listed
down all the members of the students, and then
all members to make the sample. For this purpose,
a self- administered survey questionnaire in Likert
format was given to the respondents to answer.

For this study, uses survey questionnaire

to achieve the main objective of the study. A self
administered questionnaire given to the grade 7
student section hope aimed to assess their
reading skill/comprehension of the students. In
addition this also aims to evaluate the efficiency
of each student in terms of the mentioned
aspects above. In general, the performance of the
grade 7 students was evaluated for this study in
order to determine whether the remedial reading
is effective or not.
The Effectiveness Of Remedial Reading Of Grade 7- Hope In Balete Academy Inc.
•How Remedial Reading does affect you? Why?

O In a good way-
O In a bad way –

Remedial reading Very effective effective







2. In what way do the remedial reading helps you?

3. What is purpose in doing reading?
4. How effective is our remedial reading?
5.Do you know how to read? Why?

An, S. (2013).Schema Theory in Reading.Changchun

University of Science & Technology, Changchun,
China. Academy Publisher Manufactured in Finland
Thank you
Group 1

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