Language Maintenance and Shift
Language Maintenance and Shift
Language Maintenance and Shift
Language shift
Language loss and language death
Factors contributing to language shift
Language maintenance and revival.
Presented by
Hiskia Maikel Mandang
Mellody Revika Wilson
Tresna Ayu Cahyani
Language Death
According to David Crystal, a
language death is like saying that a
person is dead, so language death is
when nobody speaks it anymore.
Factors contributing
language shift
1. Demographic factor
demographic factor plays the role in the
process of language shift. When there is a
community of speakers moving to a region or a
country whose language is different from
theirs, there is a tendency to shift to the new
2. Attitude
It occurs where the ethnic language is not
highly valued and is not seen as a symbol of
3. Economic
language shift is caused by economic reason.
Holmes says that job seekers see the importance
of learning a new language which is widely used in
4. Political factor
political factor imposes on language shift. In a
multilingual country, the authority usually chooses
one language as the lingua franca to unify various
kinds of ethnic groups. Consequently, the number
of ethnic language speakers decreases
Language maintenance is the degree to which an individual or groups
continues to use their language, particulary in bilingual or
multilingual area or among imigrant group, whereas language shift is
the process by which a new language is acquired by new community
usually resulting with the loss of the communitys first language.
Language maintenance refersto the situation where speech
community continues to use its traditional language in the face of a
host of condition that might foster a shift to another language.
If language maintenance does not occur, there can be several
results. One is language death; speakers become bilingual, younger
speakers become dominant in another language, and the language is
said to die. The speakers or the community does not die, of course,
they just become a subset of speakers of another language. The end
result is language shift for the population, and if the language isn't
spoken elsewhere, it dies.