Semen and Seminal Stain
Semen and Seminal Stain
Semen and Seminal Stain
A whitish fluid of the male
reproductive tract consisting of
spermatozoa suspended in secretion
of accessory glands.
Normal quantity of semen - 1.5 to 3.5
mL in a single ejaculation
Normal numbers of
spermatozoa/sperm count in a
healthy young man 400 to 500
oligospermia, this may be due to excessive sexual
intercourse or suffering from chronic epididymitis
and other testicular diseases or from chronic
venereal disease.
Aspermia complete lack of semen
Azoospermia - condition wherein there is
absence of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid.
Oligospermia condition where there is
abnormal low sperm counts or with few
spermatozoa in the seminal fluid.
2. Chemical examination
a. Florence test name after Dr.
Florence of Lysons who first
introduced the test.
Positive result: crystals of choline
periodide are dark brown, rhombic
or needle shaped that occur singly
or in cross or even in clusters.
2. Chemical examination
b. Barberios test almost specific
for human semen. Seminal stain as
old as 6 years are said to respond
to this test.
Positive result: crystals that are
slender yellow tinted, rhomboid
needles with obtuse angle or
appear as ovoid crystals.
2. Chemical examination
c. Acid phosphatase test the best
way to locate and characterized a
seminal stain. Has replaced
Florence test in reliability and very
specific for human and higher apes
Positive result: orange-red pigment