Cri 311 L Unit 3 Ulo A
Cri 311 L Unit 3 Ulo A
Cri 311 L Unit 3 Ulo A
Big Picture A
In this section, the most essential terms in connection to the concepts of metallurgy and
petrography will be defined:
Metallurgy – the art of extracting and working in metals by the application of chemical and
physical knowledge.
Metallography – the branch of metallurgy which involves the study of the microstructures of
metals and alloys.
Petrography - is that branch of geology which deals with the systematic classification and
identification of rocks, rock forming minerals, and soils.
Essential Knowledge
To perform the aforesaid big picture (unit learning outcome) for the three (3) weeks of the
course, you need to fully understand the following essential knowledge that will be laid down in
the succeeding pages of discussion.
1. Cast iron and cast steel – a 10% solution of sulfuric acid and potassium dichromate.
Criminology Department
R. Delos Cientos St., Poblacion Dos
Bansalan, Davao del Sur
(082) 2724080
Petrography is that branch of geology which deals with the systematic classification and
identification of rocks, rock forming minerals, and soils. This definition has been construed to
cover not only the study of soils and other mineral substances, but also dust and dirt, safe
insulations, ceramics, and other such materials, both natural and artificial.
Soil as evidence has been overlooked by most investigators probably because it is such a
commonplace substance is more or less taken for granted. Researchers have shown that soils
are greatly diversified and vary considerably over the surface of the earth, not only from widely
separated points but also from points quite close together.
Soil Formation
1. Alluvial Soil – its particles may be derived from almost infinite number of sources, and since
the action of water and wind would in a few cases be identical over long periods of time in
different spots, great variations in composition would be expected.
2. Colluvial Soil – soil in which some movement and intermingling of parts has occurred would
be expected to be less variable.
3. Sedentary Soil – least variable
Constituents of Soil
Primary Minerals – undecomposed rock fragments ranging from stones down thru pebbles,
sand, and silt.
Clay Minerals – may be found in nearly all soils and is the major constituent of most heavy
soils. It imparts to a soil cohesiveness and plasticity, and becomes hard and adherent on
Organic Constituents – organic matter is one of the most variable of all soil constituents and is
of peculiar importance in the identification of soils.
Classification of Dust
1. Dust deposited from the air
2. Road and footpath dusts
3. Industrial Dusts
4. Occupational Dusts
Please note that you are not limited to exclusively refer to this module. Thus, you are
expected to utilize other books, research articles and other resources that are available in the
Criminology Department
R. Delos Cientos St., Poblacion Dos
Bansalan, Davao del Sur
(082) 2724080
university’s library e.g. ebrary, etc. and other credible internet
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further understand
the lesson:
Pye, K. (2007). Geological and Soil Evidence: Forensic Applications. CRC Press.
Pirk, G. W (1940). Metallurgical Examinations in Criminal Cases. Retrieved from
Backyard Ballistics (2019). REAL LIFE C.S.I. - Restoring Obliterated Serial Numbers.
Retrieved from: