Itu-T: Information Technology - ASN.1 Encoding Rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER)

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SERIES X: DATA NETWORKS AND OPEN SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS OSI networking and system aspects Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)

Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER)

ITU-T Recommendation X.691

ITU-T X-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS DATA NETWORKS AND OPEN SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC DATA NETWORKS Services and facilities Interfaces Transmission, signalling and switching Network aspects Maintenance Administrative arrangements OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION Model and notation Service definitions Connection-mode protocol specifications Connectionless-mode protocol specifications PICS proformas Protocol Identification Security Protocols Layer Managed Objects Conformance testing INTERWORKING BETWEEN NETWORKS General Satellite data transmission systems IP-based networks MESSAGE HANDLING SYSTEMS DIRECTORY OSI NETWORKING AND SYSTEM ASPECTS Networking Efficiency Quality of service Naming, Addressing and Registration Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) OSI MANAGEMENT Systems Management framework and architecture Management Communication Service and Protocol Structure of Management Information Management functions and ODMA functions SECURITY OSI APPLICATIONS Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Transaction processing Remote operations OPEN DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING
For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations.

X.1X.19 X.20X.49 X.50X.89 X.90X.149 X.150X.179 X.180X.199 X.200X.209 X.210X.219 X.220X.229 X.230X.239 X.240X.259 X.260X.269 X.270X.279 X.280X.289 X.290X.299 X.300X.349 X.350X.369 X.370X.399 X.400X.499 X.500X.599 X.600X.629 X.630X.639 X.640X.649 X.650X.679 X.680X.699 X.700X.709 X.710X.719 X.720X.729 X.730X.799 X.800X.849 X.850X.859 X.860X.879 X.880X.899 X.900X.999


Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER)

This Recommendation | International Standard describes a set of encoding rules that can be applied to values of all ASN.1 types to achieve a much more compact representation than that achieved by the Basic Encoding Rules and its derivatives (described in ITU-T Rec. X.690 | ISO/IEC 8825-1).

ITU-T Recommendation X.691 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 17 (2001-2004) and approved on 14 July 2002. An identical text is also published as ISO/IEC 8825-2.

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

FOREWORD The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSA Resolution 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-T's purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC.

NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU [had/had not] received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database.

ITU 2003 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written permission of ITU.


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................

v 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 13 16 16 17 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21

1 2

Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. Normative references ..................................................................................................................................... 2.1 Identical Recommendations | International Standards ........................................................................ 2.2 Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content........................... 2.3 Additional references .......................................................................................................................... Definitions...................................................................................................................................................... 3.1 Specification of Basic Notation........................................................................................................... 3.2 Information Object Specification ........................................................................................................ 3.3 Constraint Specification ...................................................................................................................... 3.4 Parameterization of ASN.1 Specification ........................................................................................... 3.5 Basic Encoding Rules ......................................................................................................................... 3.6 Additional definitions.......................................................................................................................... Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................. Notation.......................................................................................................................................................... Convention ..................................................................................................................................................... Encoding rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard ..................................................... Conformance .................................................................................................................................................. The approach to encoding used for PER ........................................................................................................ 9.1 Use of the type notation ...................................................................................................................... 9.2 Use of tags to provide a canonical order ............................................................................................. 9.3 PER-visible constraints ....................................................................................................................... 9.4 Type and value model used for encoding............................................................................................ 9.5 Structure of an encoding ..................................................................................................................... 9.6 Types to be encoded............................................................................................................................ Encoding procedures ...................................................................................................................................... 10.1 Production of the complete encoding.................................................................................................. 10.2 Open type fields .................................................................................................................................. 10.3 Encoding as a non-negative-binary-integer......................................................................................... 10.4 Encoding as a 2s-complement-binary-integer.................................................................................... 10.5 Encoding of a constrained whole number ........................................................................................... 10.6 Encoding of a normally small non-negative whole number................................................................ 10.7 Encoding of a semi-constrained whole number .................................................................................. 10.8 Encoding of an unconstrained whole number ..................................................................................... 10.9 General rules for encoding a length determinant ................................................................................ Encoding the boolean type ............................................................................................................................. Encoding the integer type............................................................................................................................... Encoding the enumerated type ....................................................................................................................... Encoding the real type .................................................................................................................................... Encoding the bitstring type............................................................................................................................. Encoding the octetstring type ......................................................................................................................... Encoding the null type.................................................................................................................................... Encoding the sequence type ........................................................................................................................... Encoding the sequence-of type....................................................................................................................... Encoding the set type ..................................................................................................................................... Encoding the set-of type................................................................................................................................. Encoding the choice type................................................................................................................................

4 5 6 7 8 9


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Encoding the object identifier type................................................................................................................. Encoding the relative object identifier type.................................................................................................... Encoding the embedded-pdv type .................................................................................................................. Encoding of a value of the external type ........................................................................................................ Encoding the restricted character string types ................................................................................................ Encoding the unrestricted character string type.............................................................................................. Object identifiers for transfer syntaxes...........................................................................................................

22 22 22 22 23 25 25 27 27 27 27 27 28 30 30 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 34 36 36 36 36 37 38 43 44 45 46

Annex A Example of encodings ............................................................................................................................. A.1 Record that does not use subtype constraints....................................................................................... A.1.1 ASN.1 description of the record structure ........................................................................... A.1.2 ASN.1 description of a record value ................................................................................... A.1.3 ALIGNED PER representation of this record value............................................................ A.1.4 UNALIGNED PER representation of this record value ...................................................... A.2 Record that uses subtype constraints ................................................................................................... A.2.1 ASN.1 description of the record structure ........................................................................... A.2.2 ASN.1 description of a record value ................................................................................... A.2.3 ALIGNED PER representation of this record value............................................................ A.2.4 UNALIGNED PER representation of this record value ...................................................... A.3 Record that uses extension markers ..................................................................................................... A.3.1 ASN.1 description of the record structure ........................................................................... A.3.2 ASN.1 description of a record value ................................................................................... A.3.3 ALIGNED PER representation of this record value............................................................ A.3.4 UNALIGNED PER representation of this record value ...................................................... A.4 Record that uses extension addition groups......................................................................................... A.4.1 ASN.1 description of the record structure ........................................................................... A.4.2 ASN.1 description of a record value ................................................................................... A.4.3 ALIGNED PER representation of this record value............................................................ A.4.4 UNALIGNED PER representation of this record value ...................................................... Annex B Observations on combining PER-visible constraints............................................................................... Annex C Support for the PER algorithms............................................................................................................... Annex D Support for the ASN.1 rules of extensibility ........................................................................................... Annex E Tutorial annex on concatenation of PER encodings ................................................................................ Annex F Assignment of object identifier values.....................................................................................................


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

The publications ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, ITU-T Rec. X.681 | ISO/IEC 8824-2, ITU-T Rec. X.682 | ISO/IEC 8824-3, ITU-T Rec. X.683 | ISO/IEC 8824-4 together describe Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1), a notation for the definition of messages to be exchanged between peer applications. This Recommendation | International Standard defines encoding rules that may be applied to values of types defined using the notation specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1. Application of these encoding rules produces a transfer syntax for such values. It is implicit in the specification of these encoding rules that they are also to be used for decoding. There are more than one set of encoding rules that can be applied to values of ASN.1 types. This Recommendation | International Standard defines a set of Packed Encoding Rules (PER), so called because they achieve a much more compact representation than that achieved by the Basic Encoding Rules (BER) and its derivatives described in ITU-T Rec. X.690 | ISO/IEC 8825-1 which is referenced for some parts of the specification of these Packed Encoding Rules.

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


ISO/IEC 8825-2 : 1995 (E) ITU-T Rec. X.691 (1995 E)


Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER)


This Recommendation | International Standard specifies a set of Packed Encoding Rules that may be used to derive a transfer syntax for values of types defined in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1. These Packed Encoding Rules are also to be applied for decoding such a transfer syntax in order to identify the data values being transferred. The encoding rules specified in this Recommendation | International Standard: are used at the time of communication; are intended for use in circumstances where minimizing the size of the representation of values is the major concern in the choice of encoding rules; allow the extension of an abstract syntax by addition of extra values, preserving the encodings of the existing values, for all forms of extension described in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1.

Normative references

The following Recommendations and International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation | International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Recommendation | International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and Standards listed below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the ITU maintains a list of currently valid ITU-T Recommendations.


Identical Recommendations | International Standards

ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8824-1:2002, Information technology Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation. ITU-T Recommendation X.681 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8824-2:2002, Information technology Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Information object specification. ITU-T Recommendation X.682 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8824-3:2002, Information technology Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Constraint specification. ITU-T Recommendation X.683 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8824-4:2002, Information technology Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Parameterization of ASN.1 specifications. ITU-T Recommendation X.690 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8825-1:2002, Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER).

2.2 2.3

Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content Additional references

ISO/IEC 646:1991, Information technology ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange. ISO/IEC 2022:1994, Information technology Character code structure and extension techniques. ISO 2375:1985, Data processing Procedure for registration of escape sequences. ISO 6093:1985, Information processing Representation of numerical values in character strings for information interchange.

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) ISO International Register of Coded Character Sets to be Used with Escape Sequences. ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000, Information technology Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane.


For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the following definitions apply.


Specification of Basic Notation

For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, all the definitions in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 apply.


Information Object Specification

For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, all the definitions in ITU-T Rec. X.681 | ISO/IEC 8824-2 apply.


Constraint Specification

This Recommendation | International Standard makes use of the following terms defined in ITU-T Rec. X.682 | ISO/IEC 8824-3: a) b) component relation constraint; table constraint.


Parameterization of ASN.1 Specification

This Recommendation | International Standard makes use of the following term defined in ITU-T Rec. X.683 | ISO/IEC 8824-4: variable constraint.


Basic Encoding Rules

This Recommendation | International Standard makes use of the following terms defined in ITU-T Rec. X.690 | ISO/IEC 8825-1: a) b) c) d) e) f) dynamic conformance; static conformance; data value; encoding (of a data value); sender; receiver.


Additional definitions

For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.6.1 2's-complement-binary-integer encoding: The encoding of a whole number into a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of a specified length, or into the minimum number of octets that will accommodate that whole number encoded as a 2's-complement-integer, which provides representations for whole numbers that are equal to, greater than, or less than zero, as specified in 10.4.
NOTE 1 The value of a two's complement binary number is derived by numbering the bits in the contents octets, starting with bit 1 of the last octet as bit zero and ending the numbering with bit 8 of the first octet. Each bit is assigned a numerical value of N 2 , where N is its position in the above numbering sequence. The value of the two's complement binary number is obtained by summing the numerical values assigned to each bit for those bits which are set to one, excluding bit 8 of the first octet, and then reducing this value by the numerical value assigned to bit 8 of the first octet if that bit is set to one. NOTE 2 Whole number is a synonym for the mathematical term integer. It is used here to avoid confusion with the ASN.1 type integer.

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) 3.6.2 abstract syntax value: A value of an abstract syntax (defined as the set of values of a single ASN.1 type), which is to be encoded by PER, or which is to be generated by PER decoding.
NOTE The single ASN.1 type associated with an abstract syntax is formally identified by an object of class ABSTRACT-SYNTAX.

3.6.3 bit-field: The product of some part of the encoding mechanism that consists of an ordered set of bits that are not necessarily a multiple of eight.
NOTE If the use of this term is followed by "octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant", this means that the bit-field is required to begin on an octet boundary in the complete encoding for the aligned variant of PER.

3.6.4 canonical encoding: A complete encoding of an abstract syntax value obtained by the application of encoding rules that have no implementation-dependent options; such rules result in the definition of a 1-1 mapping between unambiguous and unique bitstrings in the transfer syntax and values in the abstract syntax. 3.6.5 composite type: A set, sequence, set-of, sequence-of, choice, embedded-pdv, external or unrestricted character string type. 3.6.6 composite value: The value of a composite type.

3.6.7 constrained whole number: A whole number which is constrained by PER-visible constraints to lie within a range from "lb" to "ub" with the value "lb" less than or equal to "ub", and the values of "lb" and "ub" as permitted values.
NOTE Constrained whole numbers occur in the encoding which identifies the chosen alternative of a choice type, the length of character, octet and bit string types whose length has been restricted by PER-visible constraints to a maximum length, the count of the number of components in a sequence-of or set-of type that has been restricted by PER-visible constraints to a maximum number of components, the value of an integer type that has been constrained by PER-visible constraints to lie within finite minimum and maximum values, and the value that denotes an enumeration in an enumerated type.

3.6.8 effective size constraint (for a constrained string type): A single finite size constraint that could be applied to a built-in string type and whose effect would be to permit all and only those lengths that can be present in the constrained string type.
NOTE 1 For example, the following has an effective size constraint:
A ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..4) | SIZE(10..15))

since it can be rewritten with a single size constraint that applies to all values:
A ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..4 | 10..15))

whereas the following has no effective size constraint since the string can be arbitrarily long if it does not contain any characters other than 'a', 'b' and 'c':
B ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..4) | FROM("abc"))

NOTE 2 The effective size constraint is used only to determine the encoding of lengths.

3.6.9 effective permitted-alphabet constraint (for a constrained restricted character string type): A single permitted-alphabet constraint that could be applied to a built-in known-multiplier character string type and whose effect would be to permit all and only those characters that can be present in at least one character position of any one of the values in the constrained restricted character string type.
NOTE 1 For example, in:
Ax ::= IA5String (FROM("AB") | FROM("CD")) Bx ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..4) | FROM("abc")) Ax has an effective permitted-alphabet constraint of "ABCD". Bx has an effective permitted-alphabet constraint that consists of the entire IA5String alphabet since there is no smaller permitted-alphabet constraint that applies to all values of Bx. NOTE 2 The effective permitted-alphabet constraint is used only to determine the encoding of characters.

3.6.10 enumeration index: The non-negative whole number associated with an "EnumerationItem" in an enumerated type. The enumeration indices are determined by sorting the "EnumerationItem"s into ascending order by their enumeration value, then by assigning an enumeration index starting with zero for the first "EnumerationItem", one for the second, and so on up to the last "EnumerationItem" in the sorted list.
NOTE "EnumerationItem"s in the "RootEnumeration" are sorted separately from those in the "AdditionalEnumeration".

3.6.11 extensible for PER encoding: A property of a type which requires that PER identifies an encoding of a value as that of a root value or as that of an extension addition.
NOTE Root values are normally encoded more efficiently than extension additions.

3.6.12 field-list: An ordered set of bit-fields that is produced as a result of applying these encoding rules to components of an abstract value. 3.6.13 indefinite-length: An encoding whose length is greater than 64K-1 or whose maximum length cannot be determined from the ASN.1 notation.

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) 3.6.14 fixed-length type: A type such that the value of the outermost length determinant in an encoding of this type can be determined (using the mechanisms specified in this Recommendation | International Standard) from the type notation (after the application of PER-visible constraints only) and is the same for all possible values of the type. 3.6.15 fixed value: A value such that it can be determined (using the mechanisms specified in this Recommendation | International Standard) that this is the only permitted value (after the application of PER-visible constraints only) of the type governing it. 3.6.16 known-multiplier character string type: A restricted character string type where the number of octets in the encoding is a known fixed multiple of the number of characters in the character string for all permitted character string values. The known-multiplier character string types are IA5String, PrintableString, VisibleString, NumericString, UniversalString and BMPString. 3.6.17 length determinant: A count (of bits, octets, characters, or components) determining the length of part or all of a PER encoding. 3.6.18 normally small non-negative whole number: A part of an encoding which represents values of an unbounded non-negative integer, but where small values are more likely to occur than large ones. 3.6.19 normally small length: A length encoding which represents values of an unbounded length, but where small lengths are more likely to occur than large ones. 3.6.20 non-negative-binary-integer encoding: The encoding of a constrained or semi-constrained whole number into either a bit-field of a specified length, or into a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of a specified length, or into the minimum number of octets that will accommodate that whole number encoded as a non-negativebinary-integer which provides representations for whole numbers greater than or equal to zero, as specified in 10.3.
NOTE The value of a two's complement binary number is derived by numbering the bits in the contents octets, starting with bit 1 of the last octet as bit zero and ending the numbering with bit 8 of the first octet. Each bit is assigned a numerical value of 2N, where N is its position in the above numbering sequence. The value of the two's complement binary number is obtained by summing the numerical values assigned to each bit for those bits which are set to one.

3.6.21 outermost type: An ASN.1 type whose encoding is included in a non-ASN.1 carrier or as the value of other ASN.1 constructs (see 10.1.1).
NOTE PER encodings of an outermost type are always an integral multiple of eight bits.

3.6.22 PER-visible constraint: An instance of use of the ASN.1 constraint notation which affects the PER encoding of a value. 3.6.23 relay-safe encoding: A complete encoding of an abstract syntax value which can be decoded (including any embedded encodings) without knowledge of the environment in which the encoding was performed. 3.6.24 semi-constrained whole number: A whole number which is constrained by PER-visible constraints to exceed or equal some value "lb" with the value "lb" as a permitted value, and which is not a constrained whole number.
NOTE Semi-constrained whole numbers occur in the encoding of the length of unconstrained (and in some cases constrained) character, octet and bit string types, the count of the number of components in unconstrained (and in some cases constrained) sequence-of and set-of types, and the value of an integer type that has been constrained to exceed some minimum value.


simple type: A type that is not a composite type.

3.6.26 textually dependent: A term used to identify the case where if some reference name is used in evaluating an element set, the value of the element set is considered to be dependent on that reference name, regardless of whether the actual set arithmetic being performed is such that the final value of the element set is independent of the actual element set value assigned to the reference name.
NOTE For example, the following definition of Foo is textually dependent on Bar even though Bar has no effect on Foos set of values (thus, according to 9.3.5 the constraint on Foo is not PER-visible since Bar is constrained by a table constraint and Foo is textually dependent on Bar).
MY-CLASS ::= CLASS { &name PrintableString, &age INTEGER } WITH SYNTAX{&name , &age} MyObjectSet MY-CLASS ::= { {"Jack", 7} | {"Jill", 5} } Bar ::= MY-CLASS.&age ({MyObjectSet}) Foo ::= INTEGER (Bar | 1..100)


unconstrained whole number: A whole number which is not constrained by PER-visible constraints.

NOTE Unconstrained whole numbers occur only in the encoding of a value of the integer type.

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

ASN.1 BER CER DER PER 16K 32K 48K 64K Abstract Syntax Notation One Basic Encoding Rules of ASN.1 Canonical Encoding Rules of ASN.1 Distinguished Encoding Rules of ASN.1 Packed Encoding Rules of ASN.1 16384 32768 49152 65536

For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the following abbreviations apply:


This Recommendation | International Standard references the notation defined by ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1.


6.1 This Recommendation | International Standard defines the value of each octet in an encoding by use of the terms "most significant bit" and "least significant bit".
NOTE Lower layer specifications use the same notation to define the order of bit transmission on a serial line, or the assignment of bits to parallel channels.

6.2 For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the bits of an octet are numbered from 8 to 1, where bit 8 is the "most significant bit" and bit 1 the "least significant bit". 6.3 The term "octet" is frequently used in this Recommendation | International Standard to stand for "eight bits". The use of this term in place of "eight bits" does not carry any implications of alignment. Where alignment is intended, it is explicitly stated in this Recommendation | International Standard.

Encoding rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard

7.1 This Recommendation | International Standard specifies four encoding rules (together with their associated object identifiers) which can be used to encode and decode the values of an abstract syntax defined as the values of a single (known) ASN.1 type. This clause describes their applicability and properties. 7.2 Without knowledge of the type of the value encoded, it is not possible to determine the structure of the encoding (under any of the PER encoding rule algorithms). In particular, the end of the encoding cannot be determined from the encoding itself without knowledge of the type being encoded. 7.3 PER encodings are always relay-safe provided the abstract values of the types EXTERNAL, EMBEDDED PDV and CHARACTER STRING are constrained to prevent the carriage of OSI presentation context identifiers. 7.4 The most general encoding rule algorithm specified in this Recommendation | International Standard is BASIC-PER, which does not in general produce a canonical encoding. 7.5 A second encoding rule algorithm specified in this Recommendation | International Standard is CANONICAL-PER, which produces encodings that are canonical. This is defined as a restriction of implementationdependent choices in the BASIC-PER encoding.
NOTE 1 CANONICAL-PER produces canonical encodings that have applications when authenticators need to be applied to abstract values. NOTE 2 Any implementation conforming to CANONICAL-PER for encoding is conformant to BASIC-PER for encoding. Any implementation conforming to BASIC-PER for decoding is conformant to CANONICAL-PER for decoding. Thus, encodings made according to CANONICAL-PER are encodings that are permitted by BASIC-PER.

If a type encoded with BASIC-PER or CANONICAL-PER contains EMBEDDED PDV, CHARACTER STRING or EXTERNAL types, then the outer encoding ceases to be relay-safe unless the transfer syntax used for all the EMBEDDED PDV, CHARACTER STRING and EXTERNAL types is relay safe. If a type encoded with CANONICAL-PER contains


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

EMBEDDED PDV, EXTERNAL or CHARACTER STRING types, then the outer encoding ceases to be canonical unless the transfer syntax used for all the EMBEDDED PDV, EXTERNAL and CHARACTER STRING types is canonical. NOTE The character transfer syntaxes supporting all character abstract syntaxes of the form {iso standard 10646 level-1(1) ....} are canonical. Those supporting {iso standard 10646 level-2(2) ....} and {iso standard 10646 level-3(3) ....} are not always canonical. All the above character transfer syntaxes are relay-safe.

7.7 Both BASIC-PER and CANONICAL-PER come in two variants, the ALIGNED variant, and the UNALIGNED variant. In the ALIGNED variant, padding bits are inserted from time to time to restore octet alignment. In the UNALIGNED variant, no padding bits are ever inserted. 7.8 There are no interworking possibilities between the ALIGNED variant and the UNALIGNED variant.

7.9 PER encodings are self-delimiting only with knowledge of the type of the encoded value. Encodings are always a multiple of eight bits. When carried in an EXTERNAL type they shall be carried in the OCTET STRING choice alternative, unless the EXTERNAL type itself is encoded in PER, in which case the value may be encoded as a single ASN.1 type (i.e., an open type). When carried in OSI presentation protocol, the "full encoding" (as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.226 | ISO/IEC 8823-1) with the OCTET STRING choice alternative shall be used. 7.10 The rules of this Recommendation | International Standard apply to both algorithms and to both variants unless otherwise stated. 7.11 Annex C is informative, and gives recommendations on which combinations of PER to implement in order to maximize the chances of interworking.

8.1 8.2 Rules.

Dynamic conformance is specified by clause 9 onwards. Static conformance is specified by those standards which specify the application of these Packed Encoding

NOTE Annex C provides guidance on static conformance in relation to support for the two variants of the two encoding rule algorithms. This guidance is designed to ensure interworking, while recognizing the benefits to some applications of encodings that are neither relay-safe nor canonical.

8.3 The rules in this Recommendation | International Standard are specified in terms of an encoding procedure. Implementations are not required to mirror the procedure specified, provided the bit string produced as the complete encoding of an abstract syntax value is identical to one of those specified in this Recommendation | International Standard for the applicable transfer syntax. 8.4 Implementations performing decoding are required to produce the abstract syntax value corresponding to any received bit string which could be produced by a sender conforming to the encoding rules identified in the transfer syntax associated with the material being decoded.
NOTE 1 In general there are no alternative encodings defined for the BASIC-PER explicitly stated in this Recommendation | International Standard. The BASIC-PER becomes canonical by specifying relay-safe operation and by restricting some of the encoding options of other ISO/IEC Standards that are referenced. CANONICAL-PER provides an alternative to both the Distinguished Encoding Rules and Canonical Encoding Rules (see ITU-T Rec. X.690 | ISO/IEC 8825-1) where a canonical and relay-safe encoding is required. NOTE 2 When CANONICAL-PER is used to provide a canonical encoding, it is recommended that any resulting encrypted hash value that is derived from it should have associated with it an algorithm identifier that identifies CANONICAL-PER as the transformation from the abstract syntax value to an initial bitstring (which is then hashed).


The approach to encoding used for PER

Use of the type notation

9.1.1 These encoding rules make specific use of the ASN.1 type notation as specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, and can only be applied to encode the values of a single ASN.1 type specified using that notation. 9.1.2 In particular, but not exclusively, they are dependent on the following information being retained in the ASN.1 type and value model underlying the use of the notation: a) b) c) the nesting of choice types within choice types; the tags placed on the components in a set type, and on the alternatives in a choice type, and the values given to an enumeration; whether a set or sequence type component is optional or not;

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) d) e) f) g) whether a set or sequence type component has a DEFAULT value or not; the restricted range of values of a type which arise through the application of PER-visible constraints (only); whether a component is an open type; whether a type is extensible for PER encoding.


Use of tags to provide a canonical order

This Recommendation | International Standard requires components of a set type and a choice type to be canonically ordered independent of the textual ordering of the components. The canonical order is determined by sorting the outermost tag of each component, as specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 8.6.


PER-visible constraints
NOTE The fact that some ASN.1 constraints may not be PER-visible for the purposes of encoding and decoding does not in any way affect the use of such constraints in the handling of errors detected during decoding, nor does it imply that values violating such constraints are allowed to be transmitted by a conforming sender. However, this Recommendation | International Standard makes no use of such constraints in the specification of encodings.

9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4

Constraints that are expressed in human-readable text or in ASN.1 comment are not PER-visible. Variable constraints are not PER-visible (see ITU-T Rec. X.683 | ISO/IEC 8824-4, 10.3 and 10.4). Table constraints are not PER-visible (see ITU-T Rec. X.682 | ISO/IEC 8824-3). Component relation constraints (see ITU-T Rec. X.682 | ISO/IEC 8824-3, 10.7) are not PER-visible.

9.3.5 Constraints whose evaluation is textually dependent on a table constraint or a component relation constraint are not PER-visible (see ITU-T Rec. X.682 | ISO/IEC 8824-3). 9.3.6 Constraints on restricted character string types which are not (see ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, clause 37) known-multiplier character string types are not PER-visible (see 3.6.16). 9.3.7 9.3.8 Pattern constraints are not PER-visible. Subject to the above, all size constraints are PER-visible.

9.3.9 The effective size constraint for a constrained type is a single size constraint such that a size is permitted if and only if there is some value of the constrained type that has that (permitted) size. 9.3.10 Permitted-alphabet constraints on known-multiplier character string types which are not extensible after application of ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 48.3 to 48.5, are PER-visible. Permitted-alphabet constraints which are extensible are not PER-visible. 9.3.11 The effective permitted-alphabet constraint for a constrained type is a single permitted-alphabet constraint which allows a character if and only if there is some value of the constrained type that contains that character. If all characters of the type being constrained can be present in some value of the constrained type, then the effective permitted-alphabet constraint is the set of characters defined for the unconstrained type. 9.3.12 Constraints applied to real types are not PER-visible.

9.3.13 An inner type constraint applied to an unrestricted character string or embbeded-pdv type is PER-visible only when it is used to restrict the value of the syntaxes component to a single value, or when it is used to restrict identification to the fixed alternative (see clauses 25 and 28). 9.3.14 9.3.15 Constraints on the useful types are not PER-visible. Single value subtype constraints applied to a character string type are not PER-visible.

9.3.16 Subject to the above, all other constraints are PER-visible if and only if they are applied to an integer type or to a known-multiplier character string type. 9.3.17 In general the constraint on a type will consist of individual constraints combined using some or all of set arithmetic, contained subtype constraints, and serial application of constraints. The following clauses specify the effect if some of the component parts of the total constraint are PER-visible and some are not.
NOTE See Annex B for further discussion on the effect of combining constraints that individually are PER-visible or not PER-visible.

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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) 9.3.18 If a constraint consists of a serial application of constraints, the constraints which are not PER-visible, if any, do not affect PER encodings, but cause the extensibility (and extension additions) present in any earlier constraints to be removed as specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 46.8.
NOTE 1 If the final constraint in a serial application is not PER-visible, then the type is not extensible for PER-encodings, and is encoded without an extension bit. NOTE 2 For example:
A ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..4))(FROM("ABCD",...))

has an effective permitted-alphabet constraint that consists of the entire IA5String alphabet since the extensible permitted-alphabet constraint is not PER-visible. It has nevertheless an effective size constraint which is "SIZE(1..4)". Similarly,
B ::= IA5String(A)

has the same effective size constraint and the same effective permitted-alphabet constraint.

9.3.19 If a constraint that is PER-visible is part of an INTERSECTION construction, then the resulting constraint is PER-visible, and consists of the INTERSECTION of all PER-visible parts (with the non-PER-visible parts ignored). If a constraint which is not PER-visible is part of a UNION construction, then the resulting constraint is not PER-visible. If a constraint has an EXCEPT clause, the EXCEPT and the following value set is completely ignored, whether the value set following the EXCEPT is PER-visible or not.
NOTE For example:
A ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..4) INTERSECTION FROM("ABCD",...))

has an effective size constraint of 1..4 but the alphabet constraint is not visible because it is extensible.

9.3.20 occurs:

A type is also extensible for PER encodings (whether subsequently constrained or not) if any of the following a) b) c) d) it is derived from an ENUMERATED type (by subtyping, type referencing, or tagging) and there is an extension marker in the "Enumerations" production; or it is derived from a SEQUENCE type (by subtyping, type referencing, or tagging) and there is an extension marker in the "ComponentTypeLists" or in the "SequenceType" productions; or it is derived from a SET type (by subtyping, type referencing, or tagging) and there is an extension marker in the "ComponentTypeLists" or in the "SetType" productions; or it is derived from a CHOICE type (by subtyping, type referencing, or tagging) and there is an extension marker in the "AlternativeTypeLists" production.


Type and value model used for encoding

9.4.1 An ASN.1 type is either a simple type or is a type built using other types. The notation permits the use of type references and tagging of types. For the purpose of these encoding rules, the use of type references and tagging have no effect on the encoding and are invisible in the model, except as stated in 9.2. The notation also permits the application of constraints and of error specifications. PER-visible constraints are present in the model as a restriction of the values of a type. Other constraints and error specifications do not affect encoding and are invisible in the PER type and value model. 9.4.2 A value to be encoded can be considered as either a simple value or as a composite value built using the structuring mechanisms from components which are either simple or composite values, paralleling the structure of the ASN.1 type definition. 9.4.3 When a constraint includes a value as an extension addition that is present in the root, that value is always encoded as a value in the root, not as a value which is an extension addition. EXAMPLE
INTEGER (0..10, ..., 5) -- The value 5 encodes as a root value, not as an extension addition.


Structure of an encoding
These encoding rules specify: a) b) c) the encoding of a simple value into a field-list; and the encoding of a composite value into a field-list, using the field-lists generated by application of these encoding rules to the components of the composite value; and the transformation of the field-list of the outermost value into the complete encoding of the abstract syntax value (see 10.1).

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Contents Contents





NOTE The preamble, length, and contents are all "fields" which, concatenated together, form a "field-list". The field-list of a composite type other than the choice type may consist of the fields of several values concatenated together. Either the preamble, length and/or contents of any value may be missing.

Figure 1 Encoding of a composite value into a field-list


The encoding of a component of a data value either: a) consists of three parts, as shown in Figure 1, which appear in the following order: 1) 2) 3) b) a preamble (see clauses 18, 20 and 22); a length determinant (see 10.9); contents; or

(where the contents are large) consists of an arbitrary number of parts, as shown in Figure 2, of which the first is a preamble (see clauses 18, 20 and 22) and the following parts are pairs of bit-fields (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant), the first being a length determinant for a fragment of the contents, and the second that fragment of the contents; the last pair of fields is identified by the length determinant part, as specified in 10.9.
Contents (may be missing)








Figure 2 Encoding of a long data value


Each of the parts mentioned in 9.5.2 generates either: a) b) c) d) a null field (nothing); or a bit-field (unaligned); or a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant); or a field-list which may contain either bit-fields (unaligned), bit-fields (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant), or both.


Types to be encoded

9.6.1 The following clauses specify the encoding of the following types into a field-list: boolean, integer, enumerated, real, bitstring, octetstring, null, sequence, sequence-of, set, set-of, choice, open, object identifier, relative object identifier, embedded-pdv, external, restricted character string and unrestricted character string types. 9.6.2 The selection type shall be encoded as an encoding of the selected type.

9.6.3 Encoding of tagged types is not included in this Recommendation | International Standard as, except as stated in 9.2, tagging is not visible in the type and value model used for these encoding rules. Tagged types are thus encoded according to the encoding of the type which has been tagged. 9.6.4 The following "useful types" shall be encoded as if they had been replaced by their definitions given in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, clause 41: generalized time; universal time; object descriptor.

Constraints on the useful types are not PER-visible. The restrictions imposed on the encoding of the generalized time and universal time types by ITU-T Rec. X.690 | ISO/IEC 8825-1, 11.7 and 11.8, shall apply here. ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002) 9

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) 9.6.5 A type defined using a value set assignment shall be encoded as if the type had been defined using the production specified in ITU-T Rec. X.690 | ISO/IEC 8825-1, 15.8.


Encoding procedures
Production of the complete encoding

10.1.1 If an ASN.1 type is encoded using any of the encoding rules identified by the object identifiers listed in clause 29.2 (or by direct textual reference to this Recommendation | International Standard), and the encoding is included in: a) c) an ASN.1 bitstring or an ASN.1 octetstring (with or without a contents constraint); or any part of an ASN.1 external or embedded pdv type; or b) an ASN.1 open type; or d) any carrier protocol that is not defined using ASN.1 then that ASN.1 type is defined as an outermost type for this application, and clause 10.1.2 shall apply to all encodings of its values.
NOTE 1 This means that all complete PER encodings (for all variants) that are used in this way are always an integral multiple of eight bits. NOTE 2 It is possible using the Encoding Control Notation (see ITU-T Recommendation X.692 | ISO/IEC 8825-3) to specify a variant of PER encodings in which the encoding is not padded to an octet boundary as specified in 10.1.2. Many tools support this option. NOTE 3 It is recognized that a carrier protocol not defined using ASN.1 need not explicitly carry the additional zero bits for padding (specified in 10.1.2), but can imply their presence.

10.1.2 The field-list produced as a result of applying this Recommendation | International Standard to an abstract value of an outermost type shall be used to produce the complete encoding of that abstract syntax value as follows: each field in the field-list shall be taken in turn and concatenated to the end of the bit string which is to form the complete encoding of the abstract syntax value preceded by additional zero bits for padding as specified below. 10.1.3 In the UNALIGNED variant of these encoding rules, all fields shall be concatenated without padding. If the result of encoding the outermost value is an empty bit string, the bit string shall be replaced with a single octet with all bits set to 0. If it is a non-empty bit string and it is not a multiple of eight bits, (zero to seven) zero bits shall be appended to it to produce a multiple of eight bits. 10.1.4 In the ALIGNED variant of these encoding rules, any bit-fields in the field-list shall be concatenated without padding, and any octet-aligned bit-fields shall be concatenated after (zero to seven) zero bits have been concatenated to make the length of the encoding produced so far a multiple of eight bits. If the result of encoding the outermost value is an empty bit string, the bit string shall be replaced with a single octet with all bits set to 0. If it is a non-empty bit string and it is not a multiple of eight bits, (zero to seven) zero bits shall be appended to it to produce a multiple of eight bits.
NOTE The encoding of the outermost value is the empty bit string if, for example, the abstract syntax value is of the null type or of an integer type constrained to a single value.


The resulting bit string is the complete encoding of the abstract syntax value of an outermost type.


Open type fields

10.2.1 In order to encode an open type field, the value of the actual type occupying the field shall be encoded to a field-list which shall then be converted to a complete encoding of an abstract syntax value as specified in 10.1 to produce an octet string of length "n" (say). 10.2.2 The field-list for the value in which the open type is to be embedded shall then have added to it (as specified in 10.9) an unconstrained length of "n" (in units of octets) and an associated bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) containing the bits produced in 10.2.1.
NOTE Where the number of octets in the open type encoding is large, the fragmentation procedures of 10.9 will be used, and the encoding of the open type will be broken without regard to the position of the fragment boundary in the encoding of the type occupying the open type field.


Encoding as a non-negative-binary-integer

NOTE (Tutorial) This subclause gives precision to the term "non-negative-binary-integer encoding", putting the integer into a field which is a fixed number of bits, a field which is a fixed number of octets, or a field that is the minimum number of octets needed to hold it.


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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) 10.3.1 Subsequent subclauses refer to the generation of a non-negative-binary-integer encoding of a non-negative whole number into a field which is either a bit-field of specified length, a single octet, a double octet, or the minimum number of octets for the value. This subclause (10.3) specifies the precise encoding to be applied when such references are made. 10.3.2 The leading bit of the field is defined as the leading bit of the bit-field, or as the most significant bit of the first octet in the field, and the trailing bit of the field is defined as the trailing bit of the bit-field or as the least significant bit of the last octet in the field. 10.3.3 For the following definition only, the bits shall be numbered zero for the trailing bit of the field, one for the next bit, and so on up to the leading bit of the field. 10.3.4 In a non-negative-binary-integer encoding, the value of the whole number represented by the encoding shall be the sum of the values specified by each bit. A bit which is set to "0" has zero value. A bit with number "n" which is set to "1" has the value 2n. 10.3.5 The encoding which sums (as defined above) to the value being encoded is an encoding of that value.
NOTE Where the size of the encoded field is fixed (a bit-field of specified length, a single octet, or a double octet), then there is a unique encoding which sums to the value being encoded.

10.3.6 A minimum octet non-negative-binary-integer encoding of the whole number (which does not predetermine the number of octets to be used for the encoding) has a field which is a multiple of eight bits and also satisfies the condition that the leading eight bits of the field shall not all be zero unless the field is precisely eight bits long.
NOTE This is a necessary and sufficient condition to produce a unique encoding.


Encoding as a 2's-complement-binary-integer

NOTE (Tutorial) This subclause gives precision to the term "2's-complement-binary-integer encoding", putting a signed integer into a field that is the minimum number of octets needed to hold it. These procedures are referenced in later encoding specifications.

10.4.1 Subsequent subclauses refer to the generation of a 2's-complement-binary-integer encoding of a whole number (which may be negative, zero, or positive) into the minimum number of octets for the value. This subclause (10.4) specifies the precise encoding to be applied when such references are made. 10.4.2 The leading bit of the field is defined as the most significant bit of the first octet, and the trailing bit of the field is defined as the least significant bit of the last octet. 10.4.3 For the following definition only, the bits shall be numbered zero for the trailing bit of the field, one for the next bit, and so on up to the leading bit of the field. 10.4.4 In a 2's-complement-binary-integer encoding, the value of the whole number represented by the encoding shall be the sum of the values specified by each bit. A bit which is set to "0" has zero value. A bit with number "n" which is set to "1" has the value 2n unless it is the leading bit, in which case it has the (negative) value 2n. 10.4.5 Any encoding which sums (as defined above) to the value being encoded is an encoding of that value.

10.4.6 A minimum octet 2's-complement-binary-integer encoding of the whole number has a field-width that is a multiple of eight bits and also satisfies the condition that the leading nine bits of the field shall not all be zero and shall not all be ones.
NOTE This is a necessary and sufficient condition to produce a unique encoding.


Encoding of a constrained whole number

NOTE (Tutorial) This subclause is referenced by other clauses, and itself references earlier clauses for the production of a nonnegative-binary-integer or a 2's-complement-binary-integer encoding. For the UNALIGNED variant the value is always encoded in the minimum number of bits necessary to represent the range (defined in 10.5.3). The rest of this Note addresses the ALIGNED variant. Where the range is less than or equal to 255, the value encodes into a bit-field of the minimum size for the range. Where the range is exactly 256, the value encodes into a single octet octet-aligned bit-field. Where the range is 257 to 64K, the value encodes into a two octet octet-aligned bit-field. Where the range is greater than 64K, the range is ignored and the value encodes into an octet-aligned bit-field which is the minimum number of octets for the value. In this latter case, later procedures (see 10.9) also encode a length field (usually a single octet) to indicate the length of the encoding. For the other cases, the length of the encoding is independent of the value being encoded, and is not explicitly encoded.

10.5.1 This subclause (10.5) specifies a mapping from a constrained whole number into either a bit-field (unaligned) or a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant), and is invoked by later clauses in this Recommendation | International Standard.

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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) 10.5.2 The procedures of this subclause are invoked only if a constrained whole number to be encoded is available, and the values of the lower bound, "lb", and the upper bound, "ub", have been determined from the type notation (after the application of PER-visible constraints).
NOTE A lower bound cannot be determined if MIN evaluates to an infinite number, nor can an upper bound be determined if MAX evaluates to an infinite number. For example, no upper or lower bound can be determined for INTEGER(MIN..MAX).

10.5.3 10.5.4

Let "range" be defined as the integer value ("ub" "lb" + 1), and let the value to be encoded be "n". If "range" has the value 1, then the result of the encoding shall be an empty bit-field (no bits).

10.5.5 There are five other cases (leading to different encodings) to consider, where one applies to the UNALIGNED variant and four to the ALIGNED variant. 10.5.6 In the case of the UNALIGNED variant the value ("n" "lb") shall be encoded as a non-negativebinary-integer in a bit-field as specified in 10.3 with the minimum number of bits necessary to represent the range.
NOTE If "range" satisfies the inequality 2m < "range" 2m + 1, then the number of bits = m + 1.


In the case of the ALIGNED variant the encoding depends on whether: a) b) c) d) "range" is less than or equal to 255 (the bit-field case); "range" is exactly 256 (the one-octet case); "range" is greater than 256 and less than or equal to 64K (the two-octet case); "range" is greater than 64K (the indefinite length case). (The bit-field case.) If "range" is less than or equal to 255, then invocation of this subclause requires the generation of a bit-field with a number of bits as specified in the table below, and containing the value ("n" "lb") as a non-negative-binary-integer encoding in a bit-field as specified in 10.3.

2 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8 9 to 16 17 to 32 33 to 64 65 to 128 129 to 255

Bit-field size (in bits)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (The one-octet case.) If the range has a value of 256, then the value ("n" "lb") shall be encoded in a one-octet bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) as a non-negative-binary-integer as specified in 10.3. (The two-octet case.) If the "range" has a value greater than or equal to 257 and less than or equal to 64K, then the value ("n" "lb") shall be encoded in a two-octet bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) as a nonnegative-binary-integer encoding as specified in 10.3. (The indefinite length case.) Otherwise, the value ("n" "lb") shall be encoded as a non-negative-binaryinteger in a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) with the minimum number of octets as specified in 10.3, and the number of octets "len" used in the encoding is used by other clauses that reference this subclause to specify an encoding of the length.


Encoding of a normally small non-negative whole number

NOTE (Tutorial) This procedure is used when encoding a non-negative whole number that is expected to be small, but whose size is potentially unlimited due to the presence of an extension marker. An example is a choice index.

10.6.1 If the non-negative whole number, "n", is less than or equal to 63, then a single-bit bit-field shall be appended to the field-list with the bit set to 0, and "n" shall be encoded as a non-negative-binary-integer into a 6-bit bit-field. 10.6.2 If "n" is greater than or equal to 64, a single-bit bit-field with the bit set to 1 shall be appended to the field-list. The value "n" shall then be encoded as a semi-constrained whole number with "lb" equal to 0 and the procedures of 10.9 shall be invoked to add it to the field-list preceded by a length determinant.


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Encoding of a semi-constrained whole number

NOTE (Tutorial) This procedure is used when a lower bound can be identified but not an upper bound. The encoding procedure places the offset from the lower bound into the minimum number of octets as a non-negative-binary-integer, and requires an explicit length encoding (typically a single octet) as specified in later procedures.

10.7.1 This subclause specifies a mapping from a semi-constrained whole number into a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant), and is invoked by later clauses in this Recommendation | International Standard. 10.7.2 The procedures of this subclause (10.7) are invoked only if a semi-constrained whole number ("n" say) to be encoded is available, and the value of "lb" has been determined from the type notation (after the application of PER-visible constraints).
NOTE A lower bound cannot be determined if MIN evaluates to an infinite number. For example, no lower bound can be determined for INTEGER(MIN..MAX).


The procedures of this subclause always produce the indefinite length case.

10.7.4 (The indefinite length case.) The value ("n" "lb") shall be encoded as a non-negative-binary-integer in a bitfield (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) with the minimum number of octets as specified in 10.3, and the number of octets "len" used in the encoding is used by other clauses that reference this subclause to specify an encoding of the length.


Encoding of an unconstrained whole number

NOTE (Tutorial) This case only arises in the encoding of the value of an integer type with no lower bound. The procedure encodes the value as a 2's-complement-binary-integer into the minimum number of octets required to accommodate the encoding, and requires an explicit length encoding (typically a single octet) as specified in later procedures.

10.8.1 This subclause (10.8) specifies a mapping from an unconstrained whole number ("n" say) into a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant), and is invoked by later clauses in this Recommendation | International Standard. 10.8.2 The procedures of this subclause always produce the indefinite length case.

10.8.3 (The indefinite length case.) The value "n" shall be encoded as a 2's-complement-binary-integer in a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) with the minimum number of octets as specified in 10.4, and the number of octets "len" used in the encoding is used by other clauses that reference this subclause to specify an encoding of the length.


General rules for encoding a length determinant

NOTE 1 (Tutorial) The procedures of this subclause are invoked when an explicit length field is needed for some part of the encoding regardless of whether the length count is bounded above (by PER-visible constraints) or not. The part of the encoding to which the length applies may be a bit string (with the length count in bits), an octet string (with the length count in octets), a known-multiplier character string (with the length count in characters), or a list of fields (with the length count in components of a sequence-of or set-of). NOTE 2 (Tutorial) In the case of the ALIGNED variant if the length count is bounded above by an upper bound that is less than 64K, then the constrained whole number encoding is used for the length. For sufficiently small ranges the result is a bit-field, otherwise the unconstrained length ("n" say) is encoded into an octet-aligned bit-field in one of three ways (in order of increasing size): a) ("n" less than 128) a single octet containing "n" with bit 8 set to zero; b) ("n" less than 16K) two octets containing "n" with bit 8 of the first octet set to 1 and bit 7 set to zero; c) (large "n") a single octet containing a count "m" with bit 8 set to 1 and bit 7 set to 1. The count "m" is one to four, and the length indicates that a fragment of the material follows (a multiple "m" of 16K items). For all values of "m", the fragment is then followed by another length encoding for the remainder of the material. NOTE 3 (Tutorial) In the UNALIGNED variant, if the length count is bounded above by an upper bound that is less than 64K, then the constrained whole number encoding is used to encode the length in the minimum number of bits necessary to represent the range. Otherwise, the unconstrained length ("n" say) is encoded into a bit-field in the manner described above in Note 2.

10.9.1 This subclause is not invoked if, in accordance with the specification of later clauses, the value of the length determinant, "n", is fixed by the type definition (constrained by PER-visible constraints) to a value less than 64K. 10.9.2 This subclause is invoked for addition to the field-list of a field, or list of fields, preceded by a length determinant "n" which determines either: a) b) c) the length in octets of an associated field (units are octets); or the length in bits of an associated field (units are bits); or the number of component encodings in an associated list of fields (units are components of a set-of or sequence-of); or

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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) d) the number of characters in the value of an associated known-multiplier character string type (units are characters).

10.9.3 (ALIGNED variant) The procedures for the ALIGNED variant are specified in to (The procedures for the UNALIGNED variant are specified in 10.9.4.) As a result of the analysis of the type definition (specified in later clauses) the length determinant (a whole number "n") will have been determined to be either: a) b) c) a normally small length with a lower bound "lb" equal to one; or a constrained whole number with a lower bound "lb" (greater than or equal to zero), and an upper bound "ub" less than 64K; or a semi-constrained whole number with a lower bound "lb" (greater than or equal to zero), or a constrained whole number with a lower bound "lb" (greater than or equal to zero) and an upper bound "ub" greater than or equal to 64K. The subclauses invoking the procedures of this subclause will have determined a value for "lb", the lower bound of the length (this is zero if the length is unconstrained), and for "ub", the upper bound of the length. "ub" is unset if there is no upper bound determinable from PER-visible constraints. Where the length determinant is a constrained whole number with "ub" less than 64K, then the field-list shall have appended to it the encoding of the constrained whole number for the length determinant as specified in 10.5. If "n" is non-zero, this shall be followed by the associated field or list of fields, completing these procedures. If "n" is zero there shall be no further addition to the field-list, completing these procedures.
NOTE 1 For example:
A ::= IA5String (SIZE (3..6)) B ::= IA5String (SIZE (40000..40254)) C ::= IA5String (SIZE (0..32000)) D ::= IA5String (SIZE (64000)) -- Length is encoded in a 2-bit bit-field. -- Length is encoded in an 8-bit bit-field. -- Length is encoded in a 2-octet -- bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant). -- Length is not encoded.

NOTE 2 The effect of making no addition in the case of "n" equals zero is that padding to an octet boundary does not occur when these procedures are invoked to add an octet-aligned-bit-field of zero length, unless required by 10.5. Where the length determinant is a normally small length and "n" is less than or equal to 64, a single-bit bitfield shall be appended to the field-list with the bit set to 0, and the value "n1" shall be encoded as a non-negativebinary-integer into a 6-bit bit-field. This shall be followed by the associated field, completing these procedures. If "n" is greater than 64, a single-bit bit-field shall be appended to the field-list with the bit set to 1, followed by the encoding of "n" as an unconstrained length determinant followed by the associated field, according to the procedures of to
NOTE Normally small lengths are only used to indicate the length of the bitmap that prefixes the extension addition values of a set or sequence type. Otherwise (unconstrained length, or large "ub"), "n" is encoded and appended to the field-list followed by the associated fields as specified below.
NOTE The lower bound, "lb", does not affect the length encodings specified in to If "n" is less than or equal to 127, then "n" shall be encoded as a non-negative-binary-integer (using the procedures of 10.3) into bits 7 (most significant) to 1 (least significant) of a single octet and bit 8 shall be set to zero. This shall be appended to the field-list as a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) followed by the associated field or list of fields, completing these procedures.
NOTE For example, if in the following a value of A is 4 characters long, and that of B is 4 items long:
A ::= IA5String B ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (4..123456)) OF INTEGER

both values are encoded with the length octet occupying one octet, and with the most significant set to 0 to indicate that the length is less than or equal to 127:

0 0000100 Length

4 characters/items Value


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) If "n" is greater than 127 and less than 16K, then "n" shall be encoded as a non-negative-binary-integer (using the procedures of 10.3) into bit 6 of octet one (most significant) to bit 1 of octet two (least significant) of a two-octet bitfield (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) with bit 8 of the first octet set to 1 and bit 7 of the first octet set to zero. This shall be appended to the field-list followed by the associated field or list of fields, completing these procedures.
NOTE If in the example of a value of A is 130 characters long, and a value of B is 130 items long, both values are encoded with the length component occupying 2 octets, and with the two most significant bits (bits 8 and 7) of the octet set to 10 to indicate that the length is greater than 127 but less than 16K.

10 000000 10000010 Length

130 characters/items Value If "n" is greater than or equal to 16K, then there shall be appended to the field-list a single octet in a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) with bit 8 set to 1 and bit 7 set to 1, and bits 6 to 1 encoding the value 1, 2, 3 or 4 as a non-negative-binary-integer (using the procedures of 10.8). This single octet shall be followed by part of the associated field or list of fields, as specified below.
NOTE The value of bits 6 to 1 is restricted to 1-4 (instead of the theoretical limits of 0-63) so as to limit the number of items that an implementation has to have knowledge of to a more manageable number (64K instead of 1024K). The value of bits 6 to 1 (1 to 4) shall be multiplied by 16K giving a count ("m" say). The choice of the integer in bits 6 to 1 shall be the maximum allowed value such that the associated field or list of fields contains more than or exactly "m" octets, bits, components or characters, as appropriate.
NOTE 1 The unfragmented form handles lengths up to 16K. The fragmentation therefore provides for lengths up to 64K with a granularity of 16K. NOTE 2 If in the example of a value of "B" is 144K + 1 (i.e., 64K + 64K + 16K + 1) items long, the value is fragmented, with the two most significant bits (bits 8 and 7) of the first three fragments set to 11 to indicate that one to four blocks each of 16K items follow, and that another length component will follow the last block of each fragment:


000100 Length

64K items Value


000100 Length

64K items Value


000001 Length

16K items Value

0000001 Length

1 item Value a) b) c) d)

That part of the contents specified by "m" shall then be appended to the field-list as either: a single bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of "m" octets containing the first "m" octets of the associated field, for units which are octets; or a single bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of "m" bits containing the first "m" bits of the associated field, for units which are bits; or the list of fields encoding the first "m" components in the associated list of fields, for units which are components of a set-of or sequence-of types; or a single bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of "m" characters containing the first "m" characters of the associated field, for units which are characters. The procedures of 10.9 shall then be reapplied to add the remaining part of the associated field or list of fields to the field-list with a length which is a semi-constrained whole number equal to ("n" "m") with a lower bound of zero.
NOTE If the last fragment that contains part of the encoded value has a length that is an exact multiple of 16K, it is followed by a final fragment that consists only of a single octet length component set to 0. The addition of only a part of the associated field(s) to the field-list with reapplication of these procedures is called the fragmentation procedure. 10.9.4 (UNALIGNED variant) The procedures for the UNALIGNED variant are specified in to (the procedures for the ALIGNED variant are specified in 10.9.3). If the length determinant "n" to be encoded is a constrained whole number with "ub" less than 64K, then ("n" "lb") shall be encoded as a non-negative-binary-integer (as specified in 10.3) using the minimum number of bits necessary to encode the "range" ("ub" "lb" + 1), unless "range" is 1, in which case there shall be no length encoding. If

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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) "n" is non-zero this shall be followed by an associated field or list of fields, completing these procedures. If "n" is zero there shall be no further addition to the field-list, completing these procedures.
NOTE If "range" satisfies the inequality 2m < "range" 2m + 1, then the number of bits in the length determinant is m + 1. If the length determinant "n" to be encoded is a normally small length, or a constrained whole number with "ub" greater than or equal to 64K, or is a semi-constrained whole number, then "n" shall be encoded as specified in to
NOTE Thus, if "ub" is greater than or equal to 64K, the encoding of the length determinant is the same as it would be if the length were unconstrained.

11.1 11.2 11.3

Encoding the boolean type

A value of the boolean type shall be encoded as a bit-field consisting of a single bit. The bit shall be set to 1 for TRUE and 0 for FALSE. The bit-field shall be appended to the field-list with no length determinant.


Encoding the integer type

NOTE 1 (Tutorial ALIGNED variant) Ranges which allow the encoding of all values into one octet or less go into a minimumsized bit-field with no length count. Ranges which allow encoding of all values into two octets go into two octets in an octet-aligned bit-field with no length count. Otherwise, the value is encoded into the minimum number of octets (using nonnegative-binary-integer or 2's-complement-binary-integer encoding as appropriate) and a length determinant is added. In this case, if the integer value can be encoded in less than 127 octets (as an offset from any lower bound that might be determined), and there is no finite upper and lower bound, there is a one-octet length determinant, else the length is encoded in the fewest number of bits needed. Other cases are not of any practical interest, but are specified for completeness. NOTE 2 (Tutorial UNALIGNED variant) Constrained integers are encoded in the fewest number of bits necessary to represent the range regardless of its size. Unconstrained integers are encoded as in Note 1.

12.1 If an extension marker is present in the constraint specification of the integer type, then a single bit shall be added to the field-list in a bit-field of length one. The bit shall be set to 1 if the value to be encoded is not within the range of the extension root, and zero otherwise. In the former case, the value shall be added to the field-list as an unconstrained integer value, as specified in 12.2.4 to 12.2.6, completing this procedure. In the latter case, the value shall be encoded as if the extension marker is not present. 12.2 If an extension marker is not present in the constraint specification of the integer type, then the following applies. 12.2.1 If PER-visible constraints restrict the integer value to a single value, then there shall be no addition to the fieldlist, completing these procedures. 12.2.2 If PER-visible constraints restrict the integer value to be a constrained whole number, then it shall be converted to a field according to the procedures of 10.5 (encoding of a constrained whole number), and the procedures of 12.2.5 to 12.2.6 shall then be applied. 12.2.3 If PER-visible constraints restrict the integer value to be a semi-constrained whole number, then it shall be converted to a field according to the procedures of 10.7 (encoding of a semi-constrained whole number), and the procedures of 12.2.6 shall then be applied. 12.2.4 If PER-visible constraints do not restrict the integer to be either a constrained or a semi-constrained whole number, then it shall be converted to a field according to the procedures of 10.8 (encoding of an unconstrained whole number), and the procedures of 12.2.6 shall then be applied. 12.2.5 If the procedures invoked to encode the integer value into a field did not produce the indefinite length case (see and 10.8.2), then that field shall be appended to the field-list completing these procedures. 12.2.6 Otherwise, (the indefinite length case) the procedures of 10.9 shall be invoked to append the field to the fieldlist preceded by one of the following: a) A constrained length determinant "len" (as determined by if PER-visible constraints restrict the type with finite upper and lower bounds and, if the type is extensible, the value lies within the range of the extension root. The lower bound "lb" used in the length determinant shall be 1, and the upper bound "ub" shall be the count of the number of octets required to hold the range of the integer value.
NOTE The encoding of the value "foo INTEGER (256..1234567) ::= 256" would thus be encoded as 00xxxxxx00000000, where each 'x' represents a zero pad bit that may or may not be present depending on


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where within the octet the length occurs (e.g., the encoding is 00 xxxxxx 00000000 if the length starts on an octet boundary, and 00 00000000 if it starts with the two least signigicant bits (bits 2 and 1) of an octet).


An unconstrained length determinant equal to "len" (as determined by 10.7 and 10.8) if PER-visible constraints do not restrict the type with finite upper and lower bounds, or if the type is extensible and the value does not lie within the range of the extension root.


Encoding the enumerated type

NOTE (Tutorial) An enumerated type without an extension marker is encoded as if it were a constrained integer whose subtype constraint does not contain an extension marker. This means that an enumerated type will almost always in practice be encoded as a bit-field in the smallest number of bits needed to express every enumeration. In the presence of an extension marker, it is encoded as a normally small non-negative whole number if the value is not in the extension root.

13.1 The enumerations in the enumeration root shall be sorted into ascending order by their enumeration value, and shall then be assigned an enumeration index starting with zero for the first enumeration, one for the second, and so on up to the last enumeration in the sorted list. The extension additions (which are always defined in ascending order) shall be assigned an enumeration index starting with zero for the first enumeration, one for the second, and so on up to the last enumeration in the extension additions.
NOTE ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 requires that each successive extension addition shall have a greater enumeration value than the last.

13.2 If the extension marker is absent in the definition of the enumerated type, then the enumeration index shall be encoded. Its encoding shall be as though it were a value of a constrained integer type for which there is no extension marker present, where the lower bound is 0 and the upper bound is the largest enumeration index associated with the type, completing this procedure. 13.3 If the extension marker is present, then a single bit shall be added to the field-list in a bit-field of length one. The bit shall be set to 1 if the value to be encoded is not within the extension root, and zero otherwise. In the former case, the enumeration additions shall be sorted according to 13.1 and the value shall be added to the field-list as a normally small non-negative whole number whose value is the enumeration index of the additional enumeration and with "lb" set to 0, completing this procedure. In the latter case, the value shall be encoded as if the extension marker is not present, as specified in 13.2.
NOTE There are no PER-visible constraints that can be applied to an enumerated type that are visible to these encoding rules.


Encoding the real type

NOTE (Tutorial) A real uses the contents octets of CER/DER preceded by a length determinant that will in practice be a single octet.

14.1 If the base of the abstract value is 10, then the base of the encoded value shall be 10, and if the base of the abstract value is 2 the base of the encoded value shall be 2. 14.2 The encoding of REAL specified for CER and DER in ITU-T Rec. X.690 | ISO/IEC 8825-1 shall be applied to give a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) which is the contents octets of the CER/DER encoding. The contents octets of this encoding consists of "n" (say) octets and is placed in a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of "n" octets. The procedures of 10.9 shall be invoked to append this bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of "n" octets to the field-list, preceded by an unconstrained length determinant equal to "n".


Encoding the bitstring type

NOTE (Tutorial) Bitstrings constrained to a fixed length less than or equal to 16 bits do not cause octet alignment. Larger bitstrings are octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant. If the length is fixed by constraints and the upper bound is less than 64K, there is no explicit length encoding, otherwise a length encoding is included which can take any of the forms specified earlier for length encodings, including fragmentation for large bit strings.


PER-visible constraints can only constrain the length of the bitstring.

15.2 Where there are no PER-visible constraints and ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 21.7, applies the value shall be encoded with no trailing 0 bits (note that this means that a value with no 1 bits is always encoded as an empty bit string). 15.3 Where there is a PER-visible constraint and ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 21.7, applies (i.e. the bitstring type is defined with a "NamedBitList"), the value shall be encoded with trailing 0 bits added or removed as necessary to ensure that the size of the transmitted value is the smallest size capable of carrying this value and satisfies the effective size constraint.

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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) 15.4 Let the maximum number of bits in the bitstring (as determined by PER-visible constraints on the length) be "ub" and the minimum number of bits be "lb". If there is no finite maximum we say that "ub" is unset. If there is no constraint on the minimum, then "lb" has the value zero. Let the length of the actual bit string value to be encoded be "n" bits. 15.5 When a bitstring value is placed in a bit-field as specified in 15.6 to 15.11, the leading bit of the bitstring value shall be placed in the leading bit of the bit-field, and the trailing bit of the bitstring value shall be placed in the trailing bit of the bit-field. 15.6 If an extension marker is present in the size constraint specification of the bitstring type, a single bit shall be added to the field-list in a bit-field of length one. The bit shall be set to 1 if the length of this encoding is not within the range of the extension root, and zero otherwise. In the former case, 15.11 shall be invoked to add the length as a semiconstrained whole number to the field-list, followed by the bitstring value. In the latter case the length and value shall be encoded as if the extension marker is not present. 15.7 apply. If an extension marker is not present in the constraint specification of the bitstring type, then 15.8 to 15.11

15.8 If the bitstring is constrained to be of zero length ("ub" equals zero), then it shall not be encoded (no additions to the field-list), completing the procedures of this clause. 15.9 If all values of the bitstring are constrained to be of the same length ("ub" equals "lb") and that length is less than or equal to sixteen bits, then the bitstring shall be placed in a bit-field of the constrained length "ub" which shall be appended to the field-list with no length determinant, completing the procedures of this clause. 15.10 If all values of the bitstring are constrained to be of the same length ("ub" equals "lb") and that length is greater than sixteen bits but less than 64K bits, then the bitstring shall be placed in a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of length "ub" (which is not necessarily a multiple of eight bits) and shall be appended to the field-list with no length determinant, completing the procedures of this clause. 15.11 If 15.8-15.10 do not apply, the bitstring shall be placed in a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of length "n" bits and the procedures of 10.9 shall be invoked to add this bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of "n" bits to the field-list, preceded by a length determinant equal to "n" bits as a constrained whole number if "ub" is set and is less than 64K or as a semi-constrained whole number if "ub" is unset. "lb" is as determined above.
NOTE Fragmentation applies for unconstrained or large "ub" after 16K, 32K, 48K or 64K bits.


Encoding the octetstring type

NOTE Octet strings of fixed length less than or equal to two octets are not octet-aligned. All other octet strings are octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant. Fixed length octet strings encode with no length octets if they are shorter than 64K. For unconstrained octet strings the length is explicitly encoded (with fragmentation if necessary).


PER-visible constraints can only constrain the length of the octetstring.

16.2 Let the maximum number of octets in the octetstring (as determined by PER-visible constraints on the length) be "ub" and the minimum number of octets be "lb". If there is no finite maximum we say that "ub" is unset. If there is no constraint on the minimum then "lb" has the value zero. Let the length of the actual octetstring value to be encoded be "n" octets. 16.3 If there is a PER-visible size constraint and an extension marker is present in it, a single bit shall be added to the field-list in a bit-field of length one. The bit shall be set to 1 if the length of this encoding is not within the range of the extension root, and zero otherwise. In the former case 16.8 shall be invoked to add the length as a semi-constrained whole number to the field-list, followed by the octetstring value. In the latter case the length and value shall be encoded as if the extension marker is not present. 16.4 apply. If an extension marker is not present in the constraint specification of the octetstring type, then 16.5 to 16.8

16.5 If the octetstring is constrained to be of zero length ("ub" equals zero), then it shall not be encoded (no additions to the field-list), completing the procedures of this clause. 16.6 If all values of the octetstring are constrained to be of the same length ("ub" equals "lb") and that length is less than or equal to two octets, the octetstring shall be placed in a bit-field with a number of bits equal to the constrained length "ub" multiplied by eight which shall be appended to the field-list with no length determinant, completing the procedures of this clause. 16.7 If all values of the octetstring are constrained to be of the same length ("ub" equals "lb") and that length is greater than two octets but less than 64K, then the octetstring shall be placed in a bit-field (octet-aligned in the 18 ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) ALIGNED variant) with the constrained length "ub" octets which shall be appended to the field-list with no length determinant, completing the procedures of this clause. 16.8 If 16.5 to 16.7 do not apply, the octetstring shall be placed in a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of length "n" octets and the procedures of 10.9 shall be invoked to add this bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of "n" octets to the field-list, preceded by a length determinant equal to "n" octets as a constrained whole number if "ub" is set, and as a semi-constrained whole number if "ub" is unset. "lb" is as determined above.
NOTE The fragmentation procedures may apply after 16K, 32K, 48K, or 64K octets.


Encoding the null type

NOTE (Tutorial) The null type is essentially a place holder, with practical meaning only in the case of a choice or an optional set or sequence component. Identification of the null in a choice, or its presence as an optional element, is performed in these encoding rules without the need to have octets representing the null. Null values therefore never contribute to the octets of an encoding.

There shall be no addition to the field-list for a null value.


Encoding the sequence type

NOTE (Tutorial) A sequence type begins with a preamble which is a bit-map. If the sequence type has no extension marker, then the bit-map merely records the presence or absence of default and optional components in the type, encoded as a fixed length bit-field. If the sequence type does have an extension marker, then the bit-map is preceded by a single bit that says whether values of extension additions are actually present in the encoding. The preamble is encoded without any length determinant provided it is less than 64K bits long, otherwise a length determinant is encoded to obtain fragmentation. The preamble is followed by the fields that encode each of the components, taken in turn. If there are extension additions, then immediately before the first one is encoded there is the encoding (as a normally small length) of a count of the number of extension additions in the type being encoded, followed by a bit-map equal in length to this count which records the presence or absence of values of each extension addition. This is followed by the encodings of the extension additions as if each one was the value of an open type field.

18.1 If the sequence type has an extension marker, then a single bit shall first be added to the field-list in a bit-field of length one. The bit shall be one if values of extension additions are present in this encoding, and zero otherwise. (This bit is called the "extension bit" in the following text.) If there is no extension marker, there shall be no extension bit added. 18.2 If the sequence type has "n" components in the extension root that are marked OPTIONAL or DEFAULT, then a single bit-field with "n" bits shall be produced for addition to the field-list. The bits of the bit-field shall, taken in order, encode the presence or absence of an encoding of each optional or default component in the sequence type. A bit value of 1 shall encode the presence of the encoding of the component, and a bit value of 0 shall encode the absence of the encoding of the component. The leading bit in the preamble shall encode the presence or absence of the first optional or default component, and the trailing bit shall encode the presence or absence of the last optional or default component. 18.3 If "n" is less than 64K, the bit-field shall be appended to the field-list. If "n" is greater than or equal to 64K, then the procedures of 10.9 shall be invoked to add this bit-field of "n" bits to the field-list, preceded by a length determinant equal to "n" bits as a constrained whole number with "ub" and "lb" both set to "n".
NOTE In this case, "ub" and "lb" will be ignored by the length procedures. These procedures are invoked here in order to provide fragmentation of a large preamble. The situation is expected to arise only rarely.

18.4 The preamble shall be followed by the field-lists of each of the components of the sequence value which are present, taken in turn. 18.5 For CANONICAL-PER, encodings of components marked DEFAULT shall always be absent if the value to be encoded is the default value. For BASIC-PER, encodings of components marked DEFAULT shall always be absent if the value to be encoded is the default value of a simple type (see 3.6.25), otherwise it is a sender's option whether or not to encode it. 18.6 This completes the encoding if the extension bit is absent or is zero. If the extension bit is present and set to one, then the following procedures apply. 18.7 Let the number of extension additions in the type being encoded be "n", then a bit-field with "n" bits shall be produced for addition to the field-list. The bits of the bit-field shall, taken in order, encode the presence or absence of an encoding of each extension addition in the type being encoded. A bit value of 1 shall encode the presence of the encoding of the extension addition, and a bit value of 0 shall encode the absence of the encoding of the extension addition. The leading bit in the bit-field shall encode the presence or absence of the first extension addition, and the trailing bit shall encode the presence or absence of the last extension addition.
NOTE If conformance is claimed to a particular version of a specification, then the value "n" is always equal to the number of extension additions in that version.

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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) 18.8 The procedures of 10.9 shall be invoked to add this bit-field of "n" bits to the field-list, preceded by a length determinant equal to "n" as a normally small length.
NOTE "n" cannot be zero, as this procedure is only invoked if there is at least one extension addition being encoded.

18.9 This shall be followed by field-lists containing the encodings of each extension addition that is present, taken in turn. Each extension addition that is a "ComponentType" (i.e., not an "ExtensionAdditionGroup") shall be encoded as if it were the value of an open type field as specified in 10.2.1. Each extension addition that is an "ExtensionAdditionGroup" shall be encoded as a sequence type as specified in 18.2 to 18.6, which is then encoded as if it were the value of an open type field as specified in 10.2.1. If all components values of the "ExtensionAdditionGroup" are missing then, the "ExtensionAdditionGroup" shall be encoded as a missing extension addition (i.e., the corresponding bit in the bit-field described in 18.7 shall be set to 0).
NOTE 1 If an "ExtensionAdditionGroup" contains components marked OPTIONAL or DEFAULT, then the "ExtensionAdditionGroup" is prefixed with a bit-map that indicates the presence/absence of values for each component marked OPTIONAL or DEFAULT. NOTE 2 "RootComponentTypeList" components that are defined after the extension marker pair are encoded as if they were defined immediately before the extension marker pair.


Encoding the sequence-of type

PER-visible constraints can constrain the number of components of the sequence-of type.

19.2 Let the maximum number of components in the sequence-of (as determined by PER-visible constraints) be "ub" components and the minimum number of components be "lb". If there is no finite maximum or "ub" is greater than or equal to 64K we say that "ub" is unset. If there is no constraint on the minimum, then "lb" has the value zero. Let the number of components in the actual sequence-of value to be encoded be "n" components. 19.3 The encoding of each component of the sequence-of will generate a number of fields to be appended to the field-list for the sequence-of type. 19.4 If there is a PER-visible constraint and an extension marker is present in it, a single bit shall be added to the field-list in a bit-field of length one. The bit shall be set to 1 if the number of components in this encoding is not within the range of the extension root, and zero otherwise. In the former case 10.9 shall be invoked to add the length determinant as a semi-constrained whole number to the field-list, followed by the component values. In the latter case the length and value shall be encoded as if the extension marker is not present. 19.5 If the number of components is fixed ("ub" equals "lb") and "ub" is less than 64K, then there shall be no length determinant for the sequence-of, and the fields of each component shall be appended in turn to the field-list of the sequence-of. 19.6 Otherwise, the procedures of 10.9 shall be invoked to add the list of fields generated by the "n" components to the field-list, preceded by a length determinant equal to "n" components as a constrained whole number if "ub" is set, and as a semi-constrained whole number if "ub" is unset. "lb" is as determined above.
NOTE 1 The fragmentation procedures may apply after 16K, 32K, 48K, or 64K components. NOTE 2 The break-points for fragmentation are between fields. The number of bits prior to a break-point are not necessarily a multiple of eight.


Encoding the set type

The set type shall have the elements in its "RootComponentTypeList" sorted into the canonical order specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 8.6, and additionally for the purposes of determining the order in which components are encoded when one or more component is an untagged choice type, each untagged choice type is ordered as though it has a tag equal to that of the smallest tag in the "RootAlternativeTypeList" of that choice type or any untagged choice types nested within. The set elements that occur in the "RootComponentTypeList" shall then be encoded as if it had been declared a sequence type. The set elements that occur in the "ExtensionAdditionList" shall be encoded as though they were components of a sequence type as specified in 18.9 (i.e., they are encoded in the order in which they are defined). EXAMPLE In the following which assumes a tagging environment of IMPLICIT TAGS:
A ::= SET { a b { [3] INTEGER, [1] CHOICE c d }, [2] INTEGER, [4] INTEGER


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e { CHOICE f { CHOICE g h }, i { j } } } [5] INTEGER, [6] INTEGER CHOICE [0] INTEGER

the order in which the components of the set are encoded will always be e, b, a, since the tag [0] sorts lowest, then [1], then [3].


Encoding the set-of type

21.1 For CANONICAL-PER the encoding of the component values of the set-of type shall appear in ascending order, the component encodings being compared as bit strings padded at their trailing ends with as many as seven 0 bits to an octet boundary, and with 0-octets added to the shorter one if necessary to make the length equal to that of the longer one.
NOTE Any pad bits or pad octets added for the sort do not appear in the actual encoding.


For BASIC-PER the set-of shall be encoded as if it had been declared a sequence-of type.


Encoding the choice type

NOTE (Tutorial) A choice type is encoded by encoding an index specifying the chosen alternative. This is encoded as for a constrained integer (unless the extension marker is present in the choice type, in which case it is a normally small non-negative whole number) and would therefore typically occupy a fixed length bit-field of the minimum number of bits needed to encode the index. (Although it could in principle be arbitrarily large.) This is followed by the encoding of the chosen alternative, with alternatives that are extension additions encoded as if they were the value of an open type field. Where the choice has only one alternative, there is no encoding for the index.


Encoding of choice types are not affected by PER-visible constraints.

22.2 Each component of a choice has an index associated with it which has the value zero for the first alternative in the root of the choice (taking the alternatives in the canonical order specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 8.6), one for the second, and so on up to the last component in the extension root of the choice. An index value is similarly assigned to each "NamedType" within the "ExtensionAdditionAlternativesList", starting with 0 just as with the components of the extension root. Let "n" be the value of the largest index in the root.
NOTE ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 28.4, requires that each successive extension addition shall have a greater tag value than the last added to the "ExtensionAdditionAlternativesList".

22.3 For the purposes of canonical ordering of choice alternatives that contain an untagged choice, each untagged choice type shall be ordered as though it has a tag equal to that of the smallest tag in the extension root of either that choice type or any untagged choice types nested within. 22.4 If the choice has only one alternative in the extension root, there shall be no encoding for the index if that alternative is chosen. 22.5 If the choice type has an extension marker, then a single bit shall first be added to the field-list in a bit-field of length one. The bit shall be 1 if a value of an extension addition is present in the encoding, and zero otherwise. (This bit is called the "extension bit" in the following text.) If there is no extension marker, there shall be no extension bit added. 22.6 If the extension bit is absent, then the choice index of the chosen alternative shall be encoded into a field according to the procedures of clause 12 as if it were a value of an integer type (with no extension marker in its subtype constraint) constrained to the range 0 to "n", and that field shall be appended to the field-list. This shall then be followed by the fields of the chosen alternative, completing the procedures of this clause. 22.7 If the extension bit is present and the chosen alternative lies within the extension root, the choice index of the chosen alternative shall be encoded as if the extension marker is absent, according to the procedure of clause 12, completing the procedures of this clause. 22.8 If the extension bit is present and the chosen alternative does not lie within the extension root, the choice index of the chosen alternative shall be encoded as a normally small non-negative whole number with "lb" set to 0 and that ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002) 21

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) field shall be appended to the field-list. This shall then be followed by a field-list containing the encoding of the chosen alternative encoded as if it were the value of an open type field as specified in 10.2, completing the procedures of this clause.
NOTE Version brackets in the definition of choice extension additions have no effect on how "ExtensionAdditionAlternatives" are encoded.


Encoding the object identifier type

NOTE (Tutorial) An object identifier type encoding uses the contents octets of BER preceded by a length determinant that will in practice be a single octet.

The encoding specified for BER shall be applied to give a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) which is the contents octets of the BER encoding. The contents octets of this BER encoding consists of "n" (say) octets and is placed in a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of "n" octets. The procedures of 10.9 shall be invoked to append this bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) to the field-list, preceded by a length determinant equal to "n" as a semi-constrained whole number octet count.


Encoding the relative object identifier type

NOTE (Tutorial) A relative object identifier type encoding uses the contents octets of BER preceded by a length determinant that will in practice be a single octet. The following text is identical to that of clause 23.

The encoding specified for BER shall be applied to give a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) which is the contents octets of the BER encoding. The contents octets of this BER encoding consists of "n" (say) octets and is placed in a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) of "n" octets. The procedures of 10.9 shall be invoked to append this bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) to the field-list, preceded by a length determinant equal to "n" as a semi-constrained whole number octet count.


Encoding the embedded-pdv type

There are two ways in which an embedded-pdv type can be encoded: a) the syntaxes alternative of the embedded-pdv type is constrained with a PER-visible inner type constraint to a single value or identification is constrained with a PER-visible inner type constraint to the fixed alternative, in which case only the data-value shall be encoded; this is called the "predefined" case; an inner type constraint is not employed to constrain the syntaxes alternative to a single value, nor to constrain identification to the fixed alternative, in which case both the identification and data-value shall be encoded; this is called the "general" case.


25.2 In the "predefined" case, the encoding of the value of the embedded-pdv type shall be the PER-encoding of a value of the OCTET STRING type. The value of the OCTET STRING shall be the octets which form the complete encoding of the single data value referenced in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 33.3 a). 25.3 In the "general" case, the encoding of a value of the embedded-pdv type shall be the PER encoding of the type defined in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 33.5, with the data-value-descriptor element removed (that is, there shall be no OPTIONAL bit-map at the head of the encoding of the SEQUENCE). The value of the data-value component of type OCTET STRING shall be the octets which form the complete encoding of the single data value referenced in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 33.3 a).


Encoding of a value of the external type

26.1 The encoding of a value of the external type shall be the PER encoding of the following sequence type, assumed to be defined in an environment of EXPLICIT TAGS, with a value as specified in the subclauses below:
[UNIVERSAL 8] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { direct-reference indirect-reference data-value-descriptor encoding single-ASN1-type octet-aligned arbitrary OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, INTEGER OPTIONAL, ObjectDescriptor OPTIONAL, CHOICE { [0] ABSTRACT-SYNTAX.&Type, [1] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, [2] IMPLICIT BIT STRING } }


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

NOTE This sequence type differs from that in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 for historical reasons.

26.2 The value of the components depends on the abstract value being transmitted, which is a value of the type specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 33.5. 26.3 The data-value-descriptor above shall be present if and only if the data-value-descriptor is present in the abstract value, and shall have the same value. 26.4 Values of direct-reference and indirect-reference above shall be present or absent in accordance with Table 1. Table 1 maps the external type alternatives of identification defined in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 33.5, to the external type components direct-reference and indirect-reference defined in 26.1. Table 1 Alternative encodings for "identification"
identification syntaxes syntax presentation-context-id context-negotiation transfer-syntax fixed direct-reference *** CANNOT OCCUR *** syntax ABSENT transfer-syntax *** CANNOT OCCUR *** *** CANNOT OCCUR *** indirect-reference *** CANNOT OCCUR *** ABSENT presentation-context-id presentation-context-id *** CANNOT OCCUR *** *** CANNOT OCCUR ***

26.5 The data value shall be encoded according to the transfer syntax identified by the encoding, and shall be placed in an alternative of the encoding choice as specified below. 26.6 If the data value is the value of a single ASN.1 data type (see the Note in 26.7), and if the encoding rules for this data value are those specified in this Recommendation | International Standard, then the sending implementation shall use the single-ASN1-type alternative. 26.7 Otherwise, if the encoding of the data value, using the agreed or negotiated encoding, is an integral number of octets, then the sending implementation shall encode as octet-aligned.
NOTE A data value which is a series of ASN.1 types, and for which the transfer syntax specifies simple concatenation of the octet strings produced by applying the ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules to each ASN.1 type, falls into this category, not that of 26.6.

26.8 Otherwise, if the encoding of the data value, using the agreed or negotiated encoding, is not an integral number of octets, the encoding choice shall be arbitrary. 26.9 If the encoding choice is chosen as single-ASN1-type, then the ASN.1 type shall be encoded as specified in 10.2 with a value equal to the data value to be encoded.
NOTE The range of values which might occur in the open type is determined by the registration of the object identifier value associated with the direct-reference, and/or the integer value associated with the indirect-reference.

26.10 If the encoding choice is octet-aligned, then the data value shall be encoded according to the agreed or negotiated transfer syntax, and the resulting octets shall form the value of the octetstring. 26.11 If the encoding choice is arbitrary, then the data value shall be encoded according to the agreed or negotiated transfer syntax, and the result shall form the value of the bitstring.


Encoding the restricted character string types

NOTE 1 (Tutorial ALIGNED variant) Character strings of fixed length less than or equal to two octets are not octet-aligned. Character strings of variable length that are constrained to have a maximum length of less than two octets are not octet-aligned. All other character strings are octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant. Fixed length character strings encode with no length octets if they are shorter than 64K characters. For unconstrained character strings or constrained character strings longer than 64K1, the length is explicitly encoded (with fragmentation if necessary). Each NumericString, PrintableString, VisibleString (ISO646String), IA5String, BMPString and UniversalString character is encoded into the number of bits that is the smallest power of two that can accommodate all characters allowed by the effective permitted-alphabet constraint. NOTE 2 (Tutorial UNALIGNED variant) Character strings are not octet-aligned. If there is only one possible length value there is no length encoding if they are shorter than 64K characters. For unconstrained character strings or constrained character strings longer than 64K1, the length is explicitly encoded (with fragmentation if necessary). Each NumericString, PrintableString, VisibleString (ISO646String), IA5String, BMPString and UniversalString character is encoded into the number of bits that is the smallest that can accommodate all characters allowed by the effective permitted-alphabet constraint.

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

NOTE 3 (Tutorial on size of each encoded character) Encoding of each character depends on the effective permitted-alphabet constraint (see 9.3.11), which defines the alphabet in use for the type. Suppose this alphabet consists of a set of characters ALPHA (say). For each of the known-multiplier character string types (see 3.6.16), there is an integer value associated with each character, obtained by reference to some code table associated with the restricted character string type. The set of values BETA (say) corresponding to the set of characters ALPHA is used to determine the encoding to be used, as follows: the number of bits for the encoding of each character is determined solely by the number of elements, N, in the set BETA (or ALPHA). For the UNALIGNED variant is the smallest number of bits that can encode the value N 1 as a non-negative binary integer. For the ALIGNED variant this is the smallest number of bits that is a power of two and that can encode the value N 1. Suppose the selected number of bits is B. Then if every value in the set BETA can be encoded (with no transformation) in B bits, then the value in set BETA is used to represent the corresponding characters in the set ALPHA. Otherwise, the values in set BETA are taken in ascending order and replaced by values 0, 1, 2, and so on up to N 1, and it is these values that are used to represent the corresponding character. In summary: minimum bits (taken to the next power of two for the ALIGNED variant) are always used. Preference is then given to using the value normally associated with the character, but if any of these values cannot be encoded in the minimum number of bits a compaction is applied.


The following restricted character string types are known-multiplier character string types: NumericString, PrintableString, VisibleString (ISO646String), IA5String, BMPString, and UniversalString. Effective permitted-alphabet constraints are PER-visible only for these types. 27.2 The effective size constraint notation may determine an upper bound "aub" for the length of the abstract character string. Otherwise, "aub" is unset. 27.3 The effective size constraint notation may determine a non-zero lower bound "alb" for the length of the abstract character string. Otherwise, "alb" is zero.
NOTE PER-visible constraints only apply to known-multiplier character string types. For other restricted character string types "aub" will be unset and "alb" will be zero.

27.4 If the type is extensible for PER encodings (see 9.3.16), then a bit-field consisting of a single bit shall be added to the field-list. The single bit shall be set to zero if the value is within the range of the extension root, and to one otherwise. If the value is outside the range of the extension root, then the following encoding shall be as if there was no effective size constraint, and shall have an effective permitted-alphabet constraint that consists of the set of characters of the unconstrained type.
NOTE Only the known-multiplier character string types can be extensible for PER encodings. Extensibility markers on other character string types do not affect the PER encoding.

27.5 This subclause applies to known-multiplier character strings. Encoding of the other restricted character string types is specified in 27.6. 27.5.1 The effective permitted alphabet is defined to be that alphabet permitted by the permitted-alphabet constraint, or the entire alphabet of the built-in type if there is no PermittedAlphabet constraint. 27.5.2 Let N be the number of characters in the effective permitted alphabet. Let B be the smallest integer such that 2 to the power B is greater than or equal to N. Let B2 be the smallest power of 2 that is greater than or equal to B. Then in the ALIGNED variant, each character shall encode into B2 bits, and in the UNALIGNED variant into B bits. Let the number of bits identified by this rule be "b". 27.5.3 A numerical value "v" is associated with each character by reference to ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, clause 39 as follows. For UniversalString, the value is that used to determine the canonical order in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 39.3 (the value is in the range 0 to 232 1). For BMPString, the value is that used to determine the canonical order in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 39.3 (the value is in the range 0 to 216 1). For NumericString and PrintableString and VisibleString and IA5String the value is that defined for the ISO/IEC 646 encoding of the corresponding character. (For IA5String the range is 0 to 127, for VisibleString it is 32 to 126, for NumericString it is 32 to 57, and for PrintableString it is 32 to 122. For IA5String and VisibleString all values in the range are present, but for NumericString and PrintableString not all values in the range are in use.) 27.5.4 Let the smallest value in the range for the set of characters in the permitted alphabet be "lb" and the largest value be "ub". Then the encoding of a character into "b" bits is the non-negative-binary-integer encoding of the value "v" identified as follows: a) b) if "ub" is less than or equal to 2b 1, then "v" is the value specified in above; otherwise the characters are placed in the canonical order defined in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, clause 39. The first is assigned the value zero and the next in canonical order is assigned a value that is one greater than the value assigned to the previous character in the canonical order. These are the values "v".
NOTE Item a) above can never apply to a constrained or unconstrained NumericString character, which always encodes into four bits or less using b).


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) 27.5.5 The encoding of the entire character string shall be obtained by encoding each character (using an appropriate value "v") as a non-negative-binary-integer into "b" bits which shall be concatenated to form a bit-field that is a multiple of "b" bits. 27.5.6 If "aub" equals "alb" and is less than 64K, then the bit-field shall be added to the field-list as a field (octetaligned in the ALIGNED variant) if "aub" times "b" is greater than 16, but shall otherwise be added as a bit-field that is not octet-aligned. This completes the procedures of this subclause. 27.5.7 If "aub" does not equal "alb" or is greater than or equal to 64K, then 10.9 shall be invoked to add a length determinant with "n" as a count of the characters in the character string with a lower bound for the length determinant of "alb" and an upper bound of "aub". The bit-field shall then be added as a field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant) if "aub" times "b" is greater than or equal to 16, but shall otherwise be added as a bit-field that is not octet-aligned. This completes the procedures of this subclause.
NOTE Both 27.5.6 and 27.5.7 specify no alignment if "aub" times "b" is less than 16, and alignment if the product is greater than 16. For a value exactly equal to 16, 27.5.6 specifies no alignment and 27.5.7 specifies alignment.

27.6 This subclause applies to character strings that are not known-multiplier character strings. In this case, constraints are never PER-visible, and the type can never be extensible for PER encoding. 27.6.1 For BASIC-PER, reference below to "base encoding" means the contents octets of a BER encoding. For CANONICAL-PER it means the contents octets of the encoding specified for the CER and DER in ITU-T Rec. X.690 | ISO/IEC 8825-1. 27.6.2 The "base encoding" shall be applied to the character string to give a field of "n" octets.

27.6.3 Subclause 10.9 shall be invoked to add an unconstrained length determinant with "n" as a count in octets and the field of "n" octets shall be added as a bit-field (octet-aligned in the ALIGNED variant), completing the procedures of this subclause.


Encoding the unrestricted character string type

There are two ways in which an unrestricted character string type can be encoded: a) the syntaxes alternative of the unrestricted character string type is constrained with a PER-visible inner type constraint to a single value or identification is constrained with a PER-visible inner type constraint to the fixed alternative, in which case only the string-value shall be encoded; this is called the "predefined" case; an inner type constraint is not employed to constrain the syntaxes alternative to a single value, nor to constrain identification to the fixed alternative, in which case both the identification and string-value shall be encoded; this is called the "general" case.


28.2 For the "predefined" case, the encoding of the value of the CHARACTER STRING type shall be the PERencoding of a value of the OCTET STRING type. The value of the OCTET STRING shall be the octets which form the complete encoding of the character string value referenced in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 40.3 a). 28.3 In the "general" case, the encoding of a value of the unrestricted character string type shall be the PER encoding of the type defined in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 40.5, with the data-value-descriptor component removed (that is, there shall be no OPTIONAL bit-map at the head of the encoding of the SEQUENCE). The value of the string-value component of type OCTET STRING shall be the octets which form the complete encoding of the character string value referenced in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, 40.3 a).


Object identifiers for transfer syntaxes

29.1 The encoding rules specified in this Recommendation | International Standard can be referenced and applied whenever there is a need to specify an unambiguous bit string representation for all of the values of a single ASN.1 type. 29.2 The following object identifiers and object descriptor values are assigned to identify and describe the encoding rules specified in this Recommendation | International Standard: For BASIC-PER, ALIGNED variant:
{joint-iso-itu-t asn1 (1) packed-encoding (3) basic (0) aligned (0)} "Packed encoding of a single ASN.1 type (basic aligned)"


{joint-iso-itu-t asn1 (1) packed-encoding (3) basic (0) unaligned (1)} "Packed encoding of a single ASN.1 type (basic unaligned)"

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) For CANONICAL-PER, ALIGNED variant:

{joint-iso-itu-t asn1 (1) packed-encoding (3) canonical (1) aligned (0)} "Packed encoding of a single ASN.1 type (canonical aligned)"


{joint-iso-itu-t asn1 (1) packed-encoding (3) canonical (1) unaligned (1)} "Packed encoding of a single ASN.1 type (canonical unaligned)"

29.3 Where an application standard defines an abstract syntax as a set of abstract values, each of which is a value of some specifically named ASN.1 type defined using the ASN.1 notation, then the object identifier values specified in 29.2 may be used with the abstract syntax name to identify those transfer syntaxes which result from the application of the encoding rules specified in this Recommendation | International Standard to the specifically named ASN.1 type used in defining the abstract syntax. 29.4 The names specified in 29.2 shall not be used with an abstract syntax name to identify a transfer syntax if the conditions of 29.3 for the definition of the abstract syntax are not met.


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

Annex A Example of encodings

(This annex does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard) This annex illustrates the use of the Packed Encoding Rules specified in this Recommendation | International Standard by showing representations in octets of a (hypothetical) personnel record which is defined using ASN.1.


Record that does not use subtype constraints

ASN.1 description of the record structure

The structure of the hypothetical personnel record is formally described below using ASN.1 specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 for defining types. This is identical to the example defined in ITU-T Rec. X.690 | ISO/IEC 8825-1, Annex A.
PersonnelRecord ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT SET { name Name, title [0] VisibleString, number EmployeeNumber, dateOfHire [1] Date, nameOfSpouse [2] Name, children [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF ChildInformation DEFAULT {} } ChildInformation ::= SET { name dateOfBirth Name, [0] Date}

Name ::= [APPLICATION 1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { givenName VisibleString, initial VisibleString, familyName VisibleString} EmployeeNumber ::= [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT INTEGER Date ::= [APPLICATION 3] IMPLICIT VisibleString -- YYYYMMDD


ASN.1 description of a record value

The value of John Smith's personnel record is formally described below using ASN.1.
{ name {givenName "John",initial "P",familyName "Smith"}, title "Director", number 51, dateOfHire "19710917", nameOfSpouse {givenName "Mary",initial "T",familyName "Smith"}, children {{name {givenName "Ralph",initial "T",familyName "Smith"}, dateOfBirth "19571111"}, {name {givenName "Susan",initial "B",familyName "Jones"}, dateOfBirth "19590717"}}}


ALIGNED PER representation of this record value

The representation of the record value given above (after applying the ALIGNED variant of the Packed Encoding Rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard) is shown below. The encoding is shown in hexadecimal, followed by a commented description of the encoding shown in binary. The length of this encoding is 94 octets. For comparison, the same PersonnelRecord value encoded using the UNALIGNED variant of PER is 84 octets, BER with the definite length form is at least 136 octets, and BER with the indefinite length form is at least 161 octets.

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) A.1.3.1 Hexadecimal view 80044A6F 3137044D 39353731 686E0150 61727901 31313105 05536D69 5405536D 53757361 74680133 69746802 6E014205 08446972 0552616C 4A6F6E65 6563746F 70680154 73083139 72083139 05536D69 35393037 37313039 74680831 3137

A.1.3.2 Binary view So as to make it easier to read the binary view of the data, blank lines are used to group fields that logically belong together (typically length/value pairs); a newline is used to delineate fields; space is used to delineate characters within a character string; and an 'x' represents a zero pad bit that is used from time to time to align fields on an octet boundary.
1xxxxxxx 00000100 01001010 01101111 01101000 01101110 00000001 01010000 00000101 01010011 01101101 01101001 01110100 01101000 00000001 00110011 00001000 01000100 01101001 01110010 01100101 01100011 01110100 01101111 01110010 00001000 00110001 00111001 00110111 00110001 00110000 00111001 00110001 00110111 00000100 01001101 01100001 01110010 01111001 00000001 01010100 00000101 01010011 01101101 01101001 01110100 01101000 00000010 00000101 01010010 01100001 01101100 01110000 01101000 00000001 01010100 00000101 01010011 01101101 01101001 01110100 01101000 00001000 00110001 00111001 00110101 00110111 00110001 00110001 00110001 00110001 00000101 01010011 01110101 01110011 01100001 01101110 00000001 01000010 00000101 01001010 01101111 01101110 01100101 01110011 00001000 00110001 00111001 00110101 00111001 00110000 00110111 00110001 00110111 Bitmap bit = 1 indicates "children" is present Length of name.givenName = 4 name.givenName = "John" Length of name.initial = 1 name.initial = "P" Length of name.familyName = 5 name.familyName = "Smith" Length of (employee) number = 1 (employee) number = 51 Length of title = 8 title = "Director" Length of dateOfHire = 8 dateOfHire = "19710917" Length of nameOfSpouse.givenName = 4 nameOfSpouse.givenName = "Mary" Length of nameOfSpouse.initial = 1 nameOfSpouse.initial = "T" Length of nameOfSpouse.familyName = 5 nameOfSpouse.familyName = "Smith" Number of children Length of children[0].givenName = 5 children[0].givenName = "Ralph" Length of children[0].initial = 1 children[0].initial = "T" Length of children[0].familyName = 5 children[0].familyName = "Smith" Length of children[0].dateOfBirth = 8 children[0].dateOfBirth = "19571111" Length of children[1].givenName = 5 children[1].givenName = "Susan" Length of children[1].initial = 1 children[1].initial = "B" Length of children[1].familyName = 5 children[1].familyName = "Jones" Length of children[1].dateOfBirth = 8 children[1].dateOfBirth = "19590717"


UNALIGNED PER representation of this record value

The representation of the record value given above (after applying the UNALIGNED variant of the Packed Encoding Rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard) is shown below. The encoding is shown in hexadecimal, followed by a commented description of the encoding shown in binary. Note that pad bits do not occur in the UNALIGNED variant, and characters are encoded in the fewest number of bits possible.


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) The length of this encoding is 84 octets. For comparison, the same PersonnelRecord value encoded using the ALIGNED variant of PER is 94 octets, BER with the definite length form is at least 136 octets, and BER with the indefinite length form is at least 161 octets. A.1.4.1 Hexadecimal view 824ADFA3 0F2F2035 69F5E787 700D005A 0169EDD3 700C2059 7B74F4D0 D340102D 5BF765E6 02661113 2C3B3868 10C5CB57 4F2CB8FA 01A80B4F 2C1BB16E 6FE410C5 6E9E9A02 CB762C1C 18B96ADD B16E0937 8B162C41

A.1.4.2 Binary view So as to make it easier to read the binary view of the data, blank lines are used to group fields that logically belong together (typically length/value pairs); a newline is used to delineate fields; space is used to delineate characters within a character string; a period (.) is used to mark octet boundaries; and an 'x' represents a zero-bit used to pad the final octet to an octet boundary.
1 0000010.0 1001010 .1101111 1.101000 11.01110 000.00001 101.0000 0000.0101 1010.011 11011.01 110100.1 1110100 .1101000 0.0000001 0.0110011 0.0001000 1.000100 11.01001 111.0010 1100.101 11000.11 111010.0 1101111 .1110010 0.0001000 0.110001 01.11001 011.0111 0110.001 01100.00 011100.1 0110001 .0110111 0.0000100 1.001101 11.00001 111.0010 1111.001 00000.001 10101.00 000001.01 101001.1 1101101 .1101001 1.110100 11.01000 000.00010 000.00101 101.0010 1100.001 11011.00 111000.0 1101000 .00000001 .1010100 0.0000101 1.010011 11.01101 110.1001 1110.100 11010.00 000010.00 011000.1 0111001 .0110101 0.110111 01.10001 011.0001 0110.001 01100.01 000001.01 101001.1 1110101 .1110011 1.100001 11.01110 000.00001 100.0010 0000.0101 1001.100 11011.11 110111.0 1100101 .1110011 0.0001000 0.110001 01.11001 011.0101 0111.001 01100.00 011011.1 0110001 .0110111x Bitmap bit = 1 indicates "children" is present Length of name.givenName = 4 name.givenName = "John" Length of name.initial = 1 name.initial = "P" Length of name.familyName = 5 name.familyName = "Smith" Length of (employee) number = 1 (employee) number = 51 Length of title = 8 title = "Director" Length of dateOfHire = 8 dateOfHire = "19710917" Length of nameOfSpouse.givenName = 4 nameOfSpouse.givenName = "Mary" Length of nameOfSpouse.initial = 1 nameOfSpouse.initial = "T" Length of nameOfSpouse.familyName = 5 nameOfSpouse.familyName = "Smith" Number of children Length of children[0].givenName = 5 children[0].givenName = "Ralph" Length of children[0].initial = 1 children[0].initial = "T" Length of children[0].familyName = 5 children[0].familyName = "Smith" Length of children[0].dateOfBirth = 8 children[0].dateOfBirth = "19571111" Length of children[1].givenName = 5 children[1].givenName = "Susan" Length of children[1].initial = 1 children[1].initial = "B" Length of children[1].familyName = 5 children[1].familyName = "Jones" Length of children[1].dateOfBirth = 8 children[1].dateOfBirth = "19590717"

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)


Record that uses subtype constraints

This example is the same as that shown in clause A.1, except that it makes use of the subtype notation to impose constraints on some items. A.2.1 ASN.1 description of the record structure

The structure of the hypothetical personnel record is formally described below using ASN.1 specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 for defining types.
PersonnelRecord ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT SET { name Name, title [0] VisibleString, number EmployeeNumber, dateOfHire [1] Date, nameOfSpouse [2] Name, children [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF ChildInformation DEFAULT {} } ChildInformation ::= SET { name dateOfBirth Name, [0] Date}

Name ::= [APPLICATION 1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { givenName NameString, initial NameString (SIZE(1)), familyName NameString} EmployeeNumber ::= [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT INTEGER Date ::= [APPLICATION 3] IMPLICIT VisibleString (FROM("0".."9") ^ SIZE(8)) -- YYYYMMDD NameString ::= VisibleString (FROM("a".."z" | "A".."Z" | "-.") ^ SIZE(1..64))


ASN.1 description of a record value

The value of John Smith's personnel record is formally described below using ASN.1.
{ name {givenName "John",initial "P",familyName "Smith"}, title "Director", number 51, dateOfHire "19710917", nameOfSpouse {givenName "Mary",initial "T",familyName "Smith"}, children {{name {givenName "Ralph",initial "T",familyName "Smith"}, dateOfBirth "19571111"}, {name {givenName "Susan",initial "B",familyName "Jones"}, dateOfBirth "19590717"}}}


ALIGNED PER representation of this record value

The representation of the record value given above (after applying the ALIGNED variant of the Packed Encoding Rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard) is shown below. The encoding is shown in hexadecimal, followed by a commented description of the encoding shown in binary. In the binary view an 'x' is used to represent pad bits that are encoded as zero-bits; they are used to align the fields from time to time. The length of this encoding is 74 octets. For comparison, the same PersonnelRecord value encoded using the UNALIGNED variant of PER is 61 octets, BER with the definite length form is at least 136 octets, and BER with the indefinite length form is at least 161 octets. A.2.3.1 Hexadecimal view 864A6F68 5410536D 104A6F6E 6E501053 69746802 65731959 6D697468 1052616C 0717 01330844 70685410 69726563 536D6974 746F7219 68195711 7109170C 11105375 4D617279 73616E42

A.2.3.2 Binary view So as to make it easier to read the binary view of the data, blank lines are used to group fields that logically belong together (typically length/value pairs); a newline is used to delineate fields; space is used to delineate characters within a character string; and an 'x' represents a zero pad bit that is used from time to time to align fields on an octet boundary.


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

1 000011x 01001010 01101111 01101000 01101110 01010000 000100xx 01010011 01101101 01101001 01110100 01101000 00000001 00110011 00001000 01000100 01101001 01110010 01100101 01100011 01110100 01101111 01110010 0001 1001 0111 0001 0000 1001 0001 0111 000011xx 01001101 01100001 01110010 01111001 01010100 000100xx 01010011 01101101 01101001 01110100 01101000 00000010 000100xx 01010010 01100001 01101100 01110000 01101000 01010100 000100xx 01010011 01101101 01101001 01110100 01101000 0001 1001 0101 0111 0001 0001 0001 0001 000100xx 01010011 01110101 01110011 01100001 01101110 01000010 000100xx 01001010 01101111 01101110 01100101 01110011 0001 1001 0101 1001 0000 0111 0001 0111 Bitmap bit = 1 indicates "children" is present Length of name.givenName = 4 name.givenName = "John" name.initial = "P" Length of name.familyName = 5 name.familyName = "Smith" Length of (employee) number = 1 (employee) number = 51 Length of title = 8 title = "Director" dateOfHire = "19710917" Length of nameOfSpouse.givenName = 4 nameOfSpouse.givenName = "Mary" nameOfSpouse.initial = "T" Length of nameOfSpouse.familyName = 5 nameOfSpouse.familyName = "Smith" Number of children Length of children[0].givenName = 5 children[0].givenName = "Ralph" children[0].initial = "T" Length of children[0].familyName = 5 children[0].familyName = "Smith" children[0].dateOfBirth = "19571111" Length of children[1].givenName = 5 children[1].givenName = "Susan" children[1].initial = "B" Length of children[1].familyName = 5 children[1].familyName = "Jones" children[1].dateOfBirth = "19590717"


UNALIGNED PER representation of this record value

The representation of the record value given above (after applying the UNALIGNED variant of the Packed Encoding Rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard) is shown below. The encoding is shown in hexadecimal, followed by a commented description of the encoding shown in binary. Note that pad bits do not occur in the UNALIGNED variant, and characters are encoded in the fewest number of bits possible. The length of this encoding is 61 octets. For comparison, the same PersonnelRecord value encoded using the ALIGNED variant of PER is 74 octets, BER with the definite length form is at least 136 octets, and BER with the indefinite length form is at least 161 octets. A.2.4.1 Hexadecimal view 865D51D2 81089B93 888A5125 D71AA229 F1809984 4497C632 44D3CB2E AE222222 3E9BF90C 985CE521 B8848B86 885D54C1 7396E8A8 70CAC838 8A5125F1 B8

A.2.4.2 Binary view So as to make it easier to read the binary view of the data, blank lines are used to group fields that logically belong together (typically length/value pairs); a newline is used to delineate fields; space is used to delineate characters within a character string; a period (.) is used to mark octet boundaries; and an 'x' represents a zero-bit used to pad the final octet to an octet boundary:

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

1 000011 0.01011 101.010 10001.1 101001 0.10001 000.100 01010.0 101000 1.00100 101.111 10001.1 0000000.1 0011001.1 0000100.0 1000100 .1101001 1.110010 11.00101 110.0011 1110.100 11011.11 111001.0 0001 100.1 0111 000.1 0000 100.1 0001 011.1 000011 0.01110 011.100 10110.1 110100 0.10101 000.100 01010.0 101000 1.00100 101.111 10001.1 0000001.0 000100 0.10011 011.100 10011.1 101011 1.00011 010.101 00010.0 010100 1.01000 100.100 10111.1 100011 0.001 1001 0.101 0111 0.001 0001 0.001 0001 0.00100 010.100 11000.0 101110 0.11100 101.001 00001.1 000100 0.01011 101.010 10100.1 100000 1.01110 000.1 1001 010.1 1001 000.0 0111 000.1 0111xxx Bitmap bit = 1 indicates "children" is present Length of name.givenName = 4 name.givenName = "John" name.initial = "P" Length of name.familyName = 5 name.familyName = "Smith" Length of (employee) number = 1 (employee) number = 51 Length of title = 8 title = "Director" dateOfHire = "19710917" Length of nameOfSpouse.givenName = 4 nameOfSpouse.givenName = "Mary" nameOfSpouse.initial = "T" Length of nameOfSpouse.familyName = 5 nameOfSpouse.familyName = "Smith" Number of children Length of children[0].givenName = 5 children[0].givenName = "Ralph" children[0].initial = "T" Length of children[0].familyName = 5 children[0].familyName = "Smith" children[0].dateOfBirth = "19571111" Length of children[1].givenName = 5 children[1].givenName = "Susan" children[1].initial = "B" Length of children[1].familyName = 5 children[1].familyName = "Jones" children[1].dateOfBirth = "19590717"


Record that uses extension markers

ASN.1 description of the record structure

The structure of the hypothetical personnel record is formally described below using ASN.1 specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 for defining types:
PersonnelRecord ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT SET { name Name, title [0] VisibleString, number EmployeeNumber, dateOfHire [1] Date, nameOfSpouse [2] Name, children [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE (SIZE(2, ...)) OF ChildInformation ... } ChildInformation ::= SET { name dateOfBirth ..., sex } Name ::= [APPLICATION 1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { givenName NameString, initial NameString (SIZE(1)), Name, [0] Date, [1] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED {male(1), female(2), unknown(3)} OPTIONAL



ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

familyName ... } EmployeeNumber ::= [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..9999, ...) Date ::= [APPLICATION 3] IMPLICIT VisibleString (FROM("0".."9") ^ SIZE(8, ..., 9..20)) -- YYYYMMDD NameString ::= VisibleString (FROM("a".."z" | "A".."Z" | "-.") ^ SIZE(1..64, ...)) NameString,


ASN.1 description of a record value

The value of John Smith's personnel record is formally described below using ASN.1:
{ name {givenName "John",initial "P",familyName "Smith"}, title "Director", number 51, dateOfHire "19710917", nameOfSpouse {givenName "Mary",initial "T",familyName "Smith"}, children {{name {givenName "Ralph",initial "T",familyName "Smith"}, dateOfBirth "19571111"}, {name {givenName "Susan",initial "B",familyName "Jones"}, dateOfBirth "19590717", sex female}}}


ALIGNED PER representation of this record value

The representation of the record value given above (after applying the ALIGNED variant of the Packed Encoding Rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard) is shown below. The encoding is shown in hexadecimal, followed by a commented description of the encoding shown in binary. In the binary view an 'x' is used to represent pad bits that are encoded as zero-bits; they are used to align the fields from time to time. The length of this encoding is 83 octets. For comparison, the same PersonnelRecord value encoded using the UNALIGNED variant of PER is 65 octets, BER with the definite length form is at least 139 octets, and BER with the indefinite length form is at least 164 octets. A.3.3.1 Hexadecimal view 40C04A6F 61727954 7573616E 686E5008 08536D69 42084A6F 536D6974 74680100 6E657300 68000033 52616C70 19590717 08446972 68540853 010140 6563746F 6D697468 72001971 00195711 0917034D 11820053

A.3.3.2 Binary view So as to make it easier to read the binary view of the data, blank lines are used to group fields that logically belong together (typically length/value pairs); a newline is used to delineate fields; space is used to delineate characters within a character string; and an 'x' represents a zero pad bit that is used from time to time to align fields on an octet boundary:
0 1 0 0 0000 11xxxxxx 01001010 01101111 01101000 01101110 01010000 0 000100x 01010011 01101101 01101001 01110100 01101000 0xxxxxxx 00000000 00110011 No extension values present in PersonnelRecord Bitmap bit = 1 indicates "children" is present No extension values present in "name" Length is within range of extension root Length of name.givenName = 4 name.givenName = "John" name.initial = "P" Length is within range of extension root Length of name.familyName = 5 name.familyName = "Smith" Value is within range of extension root (employee) number = 51

00001000 Length of title = 8 01000100 01101001 01110010 01100101 01100011 01110100 01101111 01110010 title = "Director" 0xxxxxxx 0001 1001 0111 0001 0000 1001 0001 0111 Length is within range of extension root dateOfHire = "19710917"

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

0 0 000011 01001101 01100001 01110010 01111001 01010100 0 000100x 01010011 01101101 01101001 01110100 01101000 0 0 0 0 000100xx xxxx 01010010 01100001 01101100 01110000 01101000 01010100 0 000100x 01010011 01101101 01101001 01110100 01101000 0xxxxxxx 0001 1001 0101 0111 0001 0001 0001 0001 1 0 0 00010 0xxxxxxx 01010011 01110101 01110011 01100001 01101110 01000010 0 000100x 01001010 01101111 01101110 01100101 01110011 0xxxxxxx 0001 1001 0101 1001 0000 0111 0001 0111 0000000 1 00000001 01xxxxxx No extension values present in nameOfSpouse Length is within range of extension root Length of nameOfSpouse.givenName = 4 nameOfSpouse.givenName = "Mary" nameOfSpouse.initial = "T" Length is within range of extension root Length of nameOfSpouse.familyName = 5 nameOfSpouse.familyName = "Smith" Number of "children" is within the range of the extension root No extension values present in children[0] No extension values present in children[0].name Length is within range of extension root Length of children[0].givenName = 5 children[0].givenName = "Ralph" children[0].initial = "T" Length is within range of extension root Length of children[0].familyName = 5 children[0].familyName = "Smith" Length is within range of extension root children[0].dateOfBirth = "19571111" Extension value(s) present in children[1] No extension values present in children[1].name Length is within range of extension root Length of children[1].givenName = 5 children[1].givenName = "Susan" children[1].initial = "B" Length is within range of extension root Length of children[1].familyName = 5 children[1].familyName = "Jones" Length is within range of extension root children[1].dateOfBirth = "19590717" Length of extension addition bitmap for children[1] = 1 Indicate extension value for "sex" is present Length of the complete encoding of "sex" Complete encoding of "sex" = female


UNALIGNED PER representation of this record value

The representation of the record value given above (after applying the UNALIGNED variant of the Packed Encoding Rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard) is shown below. The encoding is shown in hexadecimal, followed by a commented description of the encoding shown in binary. Note that pad bits do not occur in the UNALIGNED variant, and characters are encoded in the fewest number of bits possible. The length of this encoding is 65 octets. For comparison, the same PersonnelRecord value encoded using the ALIGNED variant of PER is 83 octets, BER with the definite length form is at least 139 octets, and BER with the indefinite length form is at least 164 octets. A.3.4.1 Hexadecimal view 40CBAA3A E3011372 80 5108A512 7AE35422 5F180330 94497C61 889A7965 95711118 C7D37F20 22985CE5 CB8848B8 21842EAA 19CE5BA2 60B832B2 A114A24B 0E2E0202


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) A.3.4.2 Binary view So as to make it easier to read the binary view of the data, blank lines are used to group fields that logically belong together (typically length/value pairs); a newline is used to delineate fields; space is used to delineate characters within a character string; a period (.) is used to mark octet boundaries; and an 'x' represents a zero-bit used to pad the final octet to an octet boundary:
0 1 0 0 0000.11 001011 .101010 10.0011 1010.01 010001 .0 000100 0.10100 101.000 10010.0 101111 1.00011 0 00.00000011.0011 0000.1000 1000.100 11010.01 111001.0 1100101 1100011 1.110100 11.01111 111.0010 0 000.1 1001 011.1 0001 000.0 1001 000.1 0111 0 0 0.00011 001.110 01110.0 101101 1.10100 010.101 0 0001.00 010100 .101000 10.0100 1011.11 100011 .0 0 0 0 0001.00 010011 .011100 10.0111 1010.11 100011 .010101 0 0.00100 010.100 10100.0 100100 1.01111 100.011 0 0001 .1001 0101 .0111 0001 .0001 0001 .0001 1 0 0 0.00100 010.100 11000.0 101110 0.11100 101.001 00001.1 0 000100 No extension values present in PersonnelRecord Bitmap bit = 1 indicates "children" is present No extension values present in "name" Length is within range of extension root Length of name.givenName = 4 name.givenName = "John" name.initial = "P" Length is within range of extension root Length of name.familyName = 5 name.familyName = "Smith" Value is within range of extension root (employee) number = 51 Length of title = 8 title = "Director" Length is within range of extension root dateOfHire = "19710917" No extension values present in nameOfSpouse Length is within range of extension root Length of nameOfSpouse.givenName = 4 nameOfSpouse.givenName = "Mary" nameOfSpouse.initial = "T" Length is within range of extension root Length of nameOfSpouse.familyName = 5 nameOfSpouse.familyName = "Smith" Number of "children" is within the range of the extension root No extension values present in children[0] No extension values present in children[0].name Length is within range of extension root Length of children[0].givenName = 5 children[0].givenName = "Ralph" children[0].initial = "T" Length is within range of extension root Length of children[0].familyName = 5 children[0].familyName = "Smith" Length is within range of extension root children[0].dateOfBirth = "19571111" Extension value(s) present in children[1] No extension values present in children[1].name Length is within range of extension root Length of children[1].givenName = 5 children[1].givenName = "Susan" children[1].initial = "B" Length is within range of extension root Length of children[1].familyName = 5

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

.001011 10.1010 1010.01 100000 .101110 0 0.001 1001 0.101 1001 0.000 0111 0.001 0111 0.000000 1 0.0000001 0.1xxxxxx x children[1].familyName = "Jones" Length is within range of extension root children[1].dateOfBirth = "19590717" Length of extension addition bitmap for children[1] = 1 Indicate extension value for "sex" is present Length of the complete encoding of "sex" Complete encoding of "sex" = female Pad bit to create complete encoding of PersonnelRecord


Record that uses extension addition groups

ASN.1 description of the record structure

The structure of the hypothetical customer record is formally described below using ASN.1 specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 for defining types. AUTOMATIC TAGS is assumed:
Ax ::= SEQUENCE { a INTEGER (250..253), b BOOLEAN, c CHOICE { d INTEGER, ..., [[ e BOOLEAN, f IA5String ]], ... }, ..., [[ g NumericString (SIZE(3)), h BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ]], ..., i BMPString OPTIONAL, j PrintableString OPTIONAL }


ASN.1 description of a record value

The value of Ax is formally described below using ASN.1:

{ a 253, b TRUE, c e : TRUE, g "123", h TRUE }


ALIGNED PER representation of this record value

The representation of the value given above (after applying the ALIGNED variant of the Packed Encoding Rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard) is shown below. The encoding is shown in hexadecimal, followed by a commented description of the encoding shown in binary. In the binary view an 'x' is used to represent pad bits that are encoded as zero-bits; they are used to align the fields from time to time. The length of this encoding is 8 octets. For comparison, the same value encoded using the UNALIGNED variant of PER is 8 octets, BER with the definite length form is at least 22 octets, and BER with the indefinite length form is at least 26 octets. A.4.3.1 Hexadecimal view 9E000180 010291A4 A.4.3.2 Binary view So as to make it easier to read the binary view of the data, blank lines are used to group fields that logically belong together (typically length/value pairs); a newline is used to delineate fields; space is used to delineate characters within a character string; and an 'x' represents a zero pad bit that is used from time to time to align fields on an octet boundary:


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

1 00 11 1 1 0000000 xx 00000001 1xxxxxxx 0000000 1 00000010 1 0010 0011 0100 1xx Extension addition values present in Ax Bitmap bits = 0 indicates optional fields (i & j) absent a = 253 b = TRUE c's choice value is an extension addition value Choice index selects c.e Length of c.e c.e = TRUE Number of extension additions defined in Ax = 1 First extension addition is present Length of extension addition encoding = 2 Bitmap = 1 indicates h is present g = "123" h = TRUE


UNALIGNED PER representation of this record value

The representation of the record value given above (after applying the UNALIGNED variant of the Packed Encoding Rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard) is shown below. The encoding is shown in hexadecimal, followed by a commented description of the encoding shown in binary. Note that pad bits do not occur in the UNALIGNED variant, except possibly at the end of the encoding of the outermost value and thus implicitly at the end of the value carried by an open type. The length of this encoding is 8 octets. For comparison, the same value encoded using the ALIGNED variant of PER is 8 octets, BER with the definite length form is at least 22 octets, and BER with the indefinite length form is at least 26 octets. A.4.4.1 Hexadecimal view 9E000600 040A4690 A.4.4.2 Binary view So as to make it easier to read the binary view of the data, blank lines are used to group fields that logically belong together (typically length/value pairs); a newline is used to delineate fields; space is used to delineate characters within a character string; a period (.) is used to mark octet boundaries; and an 'x' represents a zero-bit used to pad the final octet to an octet boundary:
1 00 11 1 1 0.000000 00.000001 1x.xxxxxx 00.00000 1 00.000010 1 0.010 0011 0.100 1xxxx Extension addition values present in Ax Bitmap bits = 0 indicates optional fields (i & j) absent a = 253 b = TRUE c's choice value is an extension addition value Choice index selects c.e Length of c.e c.e = TRUE Number of extension additions defined in Ax = 1 First extension addition is present Length of extension addition encoding = 2 Bitmap = 1 indicates h is present g = "123" h = TRUE

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

Annex B Combining PER-visible and non-PER-visible constraints

(This annex does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard)



B.1.1 The correct determination of PER extensibility is critical to the interworking of implementations. It is also important that different implementations make the same determination of the values that are to be encoded by PER as root values and of the values that are to be encoded as extension additions for an extensible type. B.1.2 Things written by users are usually simple, and the PER encoding is intuitive, but for complicated constructions, the interactions between PER-visibility, PER-extensibility, and set arithmetic needs further discussion, and is the content of this clause. B.1.3 Because some constraints are defined to be not PER-visible (see 9.3), a type may be defined to be extensible by the rules of ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 but to be considered not extensible (with relaxed constraints that would cover all possible extensions) for PER encoding. B.1.4 Where a type is considered extensible in both cases, the set of root values for PER encoding is not always the same as the set of values that would be considered to be root values by the definitions in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1. B.1.5 In most of the cases that occur in actual specifications, the two determinations are easy and straightforward.

B.1.6 However, ASN.1 provides considerable power and generality in the application of complex constraints resulting from set arithmetic and/or the serial application of simple or complex constraints. B.1.7 User specifications are unlikely to define ASN.1 constructs involving the complexities discussed in this annex, but implementers of tools need to know what code to produce if such constraints are, in fact, applied. B.1.8 The rules for very complex constraints (perhaps involving type reference names) are not always intuitive, but have been designed to simplify tool implementation and the complexity of the ASN.1 specification. B.1.9 For SEQUENCE, SET, CHOICE, and ENUMERATED, a type is always extensible if it contains the extension marker (the ellipsis "..."), even if constrained (see 9.3.20). A value is a root value if and only if the value does not include any elements (or alternatives for CHOICE and enumerations for ENUMERATED) after the ellipsis. A non-extensible SEQUENCE, SET, CHOICE or ENUMERATED can be a parent type to which an extensible constraint is applied, resulting in an extensible sequence, set, choice, or enumerated type. However, constraints on these types are never PER-visible and the resulting types encode without the extensibility bit in PER. These types are not discussed further in this annex, which is concerned solely with extensibility arising from the use of extensible constraints on integer and restricted knownmultiplier character string types. (Constraints on other types do not affect PER encodings, except for size constraints on octet string and bit string types, which are similar to size constraints on character string types, and are not considered further here.) B.1.10 The normative text specifies the precise rules, but this tutorial annex is intended to assist tool vendors in understanding the rules. B.1.11 For simplicity of exposition, the set of values in a non-extensible type or constraint are described below as root values, although this term strictly only applies to extensible types or constraints. B.1.12 ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, G.4, provides tutorial information on the combination of constraints when all constraints are PER-visible as specified by that Recommendation | International Standard, and should be read in conjunction with this annex. When constraints are involved that are not PER-visible, or where constraints are applied to character string types, then the rules require further additions. These additional rules are covered in B.2.


Extensibility and visibility of constraints in PER


B.2.1.1 In BER, encodings of values are the same for root values and extension additions, so extensibility has no impact on the encoding. In PER, abstract values are generally encoded in an efficient manner if they are in the (usually, but not necessarily, finite) set of root values, and less efficiently if they are extension additions.


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) B.2.1.2 However, for many PER encodings, there are values in the extension additions of a type (as determined by ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1) that are encoded by PER as if they were root values, not as extension additions. The precise identification of these values is performed by noting that some constraints are "not PER-visible". B.2.1.3 The concept of PER-visibility was introduced into this Recommendation | International Standard in order to ease the task of encoders in trying to determine whether a value to be encoded is in the root of an extensible type or not. Constraints that may be difficult for encoders to handle in an efficient manner are defined to be "not visible" for PER encoding (have no effect on it). B.2.1.4 With one exception, the visibility of a simple constraint depends only on the type being constrained, and/or on aspects of the constraint that are not related to extensibility. For example, does the constraint depend textually on a table constraint, or is it a variable constraint (a constraint which is textually dependent on a parameter of the abstract syntax)? B.2.1.5 If a constraint is a variable constraint, or is textually dependent on a table constraint, it is never PER-visible, no matter what type it is applied to. B.2.1.6 Additionally, constraints are never PER-visible unless they are applied to an integer or to a known-multiplier restricted character string type (or are size constraints on a bitstring or octetstring). B.2.1.7 The exception is a permitted-alphabet constraint on a known-multiplier restricted character string type. This is PER-visible if and only if it is not extensible. B.2.1.8 It is also important to note that single value subtype constraints on character string types are not PER-visible.

B.2.1.9 In PER, constraints on character string types have two independent dimensions - constraints on the size of the string, and constraints on the permitted-alphabet. The first affects the presence and form of a length field in the encoding, and the second affects the number of bits used to encode each character. In simple use, it is clear that a constraint specifies one or other of these. Thus:
A1 ::= VisibleString (SIZE (20)) -- A size constraint A2 ::= VisibleString (FROM ("A".."F")) -- A permitted-alphabet constraint A3 ::= VisibleString (SIZE (2))(FROM ("A".."F")) -- Both a size and a permitted-alphabet constraint

B.2.1.10 But consider:

B ::= VisibleString (SIZE (20) INTERSECTION FROM ("A".."F") UNION SIZE (3) INTERSECTION FROM ("F".."K") )

B.2.1.11 To specify the encoding of types with complex constraints of this sort, PER introduces the concepts of an effective size constraint, and an effective permitted-alphabet constraint. These are constraints that, taken together, will allow all the abstract values in the root of the actual constraint, but usually some additional abstract values. In the example above the effective size constraint is 3..20, and the effective permitted-alphabet constraint is FROM("A".."K"). B.2.1.12 In order to handle extensibility, this Recommendation | International Standard introduces the further concept that either or both of an effective size and an effective permitted-alphabet constraint can be extensible (the latter would not be PER-visible, and would be ignored when determining encodings), and it is necessary to consider the effect of (non) PER-visibility of extensible permitted-alphabet constraints on the effective constraints on a type. B.2.1.13 The following clauses address the main issues: the effect of PER-visibility, and the calculation of effective constraints for serial application of constraints, and for set arithmetic. B.2.2 PER-visibility of constraints

B.2.2.1 B.2.2.10 describes when a complete (complex) constraint is PER-visible and when it is not. First, however, we consider simply the serial application of constraints, each of which is (as a whole) PER-visible or not PER-visible. B.2.2.2 The rule is very simple: If a complete constraint in serial application of constraints is not PER-visible, then for the purposes of PER encodings, that constraint is simply completely ignored.
NOTE When non-visible constraints are removed for the purposes of defining PER encodings, this does not imply that applications can now legally transmit additional abstract values. The original constraints still apply to the values that can be transmitted, although encoders would normally use only PER-visible constraints to perform checks and issue diagnostics.

B.2.2.3 It is important to realize that the removal of non-visible constraints can have quite dramatic effects in complex cases, and it is always important to consider extensibility (and what are root values) after removal of the serially applied

ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) constraints that are not PER-visible. (If none of the serially applied constraints is PER-visible, then the type is unconstrained and not extensible for the purposes of PER encodings.) B.2.2.4 A type which is extensible according to ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 could be inextensible for PER.

B.2.2.5 Even when the effects are not so dramatic, values which are extension additions according to ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 may be part of the root values when some constraints are removed, and hence would encode in PER as root values and not as extension additions.
NOTE This means that the PER encodings are more verbose than is theoretically possible, but still have a unique encoding for all abstract values in the type being encoded.


Three main types of factor affect the visibility of a complex constraint which is being serially applied.

B.2.2.7 The first factor to consider is whether the constraint is a variable constraint (depends textually on a parameter of the abstract syntax), or depends textually on a table constraint. In such cases, the entire constraint that is being serially applied is not PER-visible, and is discarded. B.2.2.8 The second factor to consider applies only to constraints on character string types. Single value subtype constraints on such types are not PER-visible, but their presence does not necessarily make the entire constraint that is serially applied non-visible if set arithmetic is present within the constraint. B.2.2.9 The rules for determining PER-visibility in this case are specified in 9.3.19, and are summarized here. Let "V" denote PER-visible, and "I" denote non-visible (invisible). B.2.2.10 Because UNION and INTERSECTION are both commutative, the rule for the result is given only for the V first case. Where all components are V, then the normal rules of ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 apply, and these are not discussed further here. The cases where all components are I always give I, and are again not listed. The rules are:
V UNION I => I V INTERSECTION I => V -- The resulting V is just the V part of the intersection V EXCEPT I => V -- The resulting V is just the V without the set difference I EXCEPT V => I V, ..., I => I I, ..., V => I

B.2.2.11 There is one important consequence of eliminating single value subtype constraints (and EXCEPT clauses) in this way. It means that all the "atomic" constraints that can be applied to a character string type are either purely a size constraint, or purely a permitted-alphabet constraint. The total constraint is made up (only) of (arbitrarily complicated) intersections, unions, and extension additions using such "atomic" units. B.2.2.12 This significantly simplifies the calculation of what PER calls "effective constraints" on character string types. B.2.2.13 The third main factor is whether a permitted-alphabet constraint is extensible. Such constraints are not PERvisible either, but their treatment is different from that listed above, as their presence does not affect the visibility of any size constraints that might be present. This area is discussed in B.2.3. B.2.3 Effective constraints

B.2.3.1 Every constraint on a known-multiplier character string type evaluates to a pair of effective constraints: an effective permitted-alphabet constraint and an effective size constraint. Either or both of these may be extensible, or may be null (no effective constraint). B.2.3.2 In serial application, only the last constraint can have a member of the pair that is extensible, because of the rules in ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1. B.2.3.3 The definition of an effective size and an effective permitted-alphabet constraint is given in 3.6.8 and 3.6.9 and is not repeated here, but the definition is actually applied to the type with "invisible" constraints removed, as specified in B.2.2.9 and B.2.2.10. B.2.3.4 As with the removal of constraints that are not PER-visible, replacing an actual constraint by serial application of an effective size constraint and an effective permitted-alphabet constraint adds new abstract values for the purpose of PER encodings (any value with a size in the effective size constraint and using only the effective permitted-alphabet is now included). However, such values will never be transmitted by a conforming application and the effect is again simply to make the PER encoding less efficient than it theoretically could be.


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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E) B.2.3.5 EXAMPLE


has only two values, so a one-bit encoding is theoretically possible, but PER encodings use the effective constraints and can encode all one million (approximately) values in:
B ::= VisibleString ( SIZE (10 UNION 20) INTERSECTION FROM ("AB") )

B.2.3.6 The effective constraints on the union of two sets of values is always the union of the effective constraints on each set of values, but in the general case (if all constraints were PER-visible), this simple rule would not hold for intersection. B.2.3.7 It is here, however, that the removal of single-value subtype constraints and of EXCEPT clauses is important. When all "atomic" constraints are either purely a size constraint or purely a permitted-alphabet constraint (possibly extended), then effective constraints can be calculated for arbitrary set arithmetic (with no EXCEPT clauses) in a simple fashion. B.2.3.8 Let {S, A} represent the set of all values permitted by a size constraint S serially applied with a permittedalphabet constraint A. (Again, note that union and intersection are commutative.) Then we have:
{S1, A1} INTERSECTION {S2, A2} => {S1 INTERSECTION S2, A1 INTERSECTION A2} {S1, A1} UNION {S2, A2} => {S1 UNION S2, A1 UNION A2} {S1, A1}, ... => {S1, ... }

B.2.3.9 The last case needs some explanation. An extensible permitted-alphabet constraint has no effect on encoding, as PER does not support a different number of bits for characters needed for root values and for those needed for extension addition values. Thus if an (effective) permitted-alphabet constraint is extensible, it is no longer a constraint all characters have to be capable of representation. The effect of the "..." in the last case is to make both the permittedalphabet and the size extensible, but only the extensible size remains as a constraint. This is expressed in the normative text by saying that extensible effective permitted-alphabet constraints are not PER-visible.


A ::= INTEGER (MIN .. MAX, ..., 1..10) -- A is extensible, but the root is unconstrained and the -- extensibility bit is always set to zero A1 ::= INTEGER (1..32, ..., 33..128) -- A1 is extensible, and contains values 1 to 128 with 1 to 32 in the -- root and 33 to 128 as extension additions A2 ::= INTEGER (1..32, ..., 33..128) (1..128) -- This is illegal, as 128 is not in the root of the parent -- (see ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, clause 46) A3 ::= INTEGER ( (1..32, ..., 33..128) ^ (1..128) ) -- This is legal. A3 is extensible, and contains 1 to 32 in the root -- and 33 to 128 as extensions A4 ::= INTEGER (1..32) (MIN .. 63) -- MIN is 1, and 63 is illegal A5 ::= INTEGER ( (1..32) ^ (MIN..63) ) -- This is legal. MIN is minus infinity and A3 contains 1 to 32 A6 ----::= INTEGER ( (1..64, ... , B) ^ (1..32) ) A6 always contains (only) the values 1..32, no matter what values B contains, but is nonetheless formally extensible and PER will encode all values in 5 bits, with an extensibility bit (always) set to zero

This clause contains a number of examples that provide further illustration.

A7 ::= INTEGER (1..32, ... , B) (1..256) -- A7 is illegal, as the parent for (1..256) can never contain more -- than 1 to 32 no matter what B contains

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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

A8 ---::= IA5String (SIZE(3..4) | SIZE(9..10)) A8 has an effective size constraint of SIZE(3..4|9..10) PER will encode as if it were SIZE(3..10), using three bits to encode the length field

A9 ::= IA5String (FROM ("AB") ^ SIZE(1..2) | FROM ("DE") ^ SIZE(3) | FROM ("AXE") ^ (SIZE(1..5) ) -- A9 has an effective size constraint of SIZE(1..5), and PER will -- encode the length in three bits. It has an effective alphabet -- constraint of FROM("ABDEX") and PER will encode each character -- using three bits A10 ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..4) | SIZE(5..10) ^ FROM("ABCD") | SIZE(6..10)) -- A10 has an effective size constraint of SIZE(1..10), but -- the permitted alphabet consists of the entire IA5String alphabet A11 ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..10) | FROM("A".."D")) -- No size constraint, alphabet is the entire IA5String alphabet A12 ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..10) ^ FROM("A".."D"), ...) -- A12 has an extensible effective size constraint of SIZE(1..10,...) -- and the alphabet is the entire IA5String alphabet A13 ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..10, ...) ^ FROM("A".."D")) -- A13 has an extensible effective size constraint of SIZE(1..10,...) -- and an effective alphabet constraint of FROM("A".."D") A14 ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..10, ...,29)) (FROM("A".."D")) -- An effective size constraint of SIZE(1..10), not extensible, -- because of the serial application of the FROM. Effective -- alphabet constraint is FROM("A".."D") A15 ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..10, ...) | FROM("A".."D"), ...) -- An extensible effective size constraint, but from MIN to MAX, with -- all values in the root, encoding with an extensibility bit always -- set to zero. The alphabet is the entire IA5String alphabet A16 ::= IA5String (FROM("A".."D") ^ SIZE(1..10), ...) -- The effective size constraint is SIZE(1..10,...), extensible -- The alphabet is the entire IA5String alphabet A17 ::= IA5String (FROM("A".."D"), ...) (SIZE(1..10)) -- An effective alphabet constraint of FROM("A".."D"), not extensible, -- because of the serial application of the SIZE. Effective size -- constraint is SIZE(1..10)


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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

Annex C Support for the PER algorithms

(This annex does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard) An application standard, or an International Standardized Profile, may specify which of the Packed Encoding Rules are to be supported, and the corresponding transfer syntaxes to be offered or accepted in negotiation. Where it has requirements for the use of relay safe and/or canonical encodings within EMBEDDED PDVs (or EXTERNALs) or CHARACTER STRINGs, this should be clearly stated. The following text provides guidelines that can be used in the production of normative text. C.1 A canonical encoding is intended for use when security features are being applied to the encoding. Use of CANONICAL-PER can involve significant additional CPU utilization cost when the value to be encoded includes a setof type, and is generally not recommended for protocols unless security features are required. C.2 Where an abstract syntax value contains embedded material that is encoded using a transfer or abstract syntax different from that associated with the abstract syntax value, it is strongly recommended that the embedded material be encoded in a relay-safe manner. A canonical encoding rule will be required if security features are important. In this context, particular attention should be placed on the level of ISO/IEC 10646-1 which is to be used for the type BMPString or UniversalString, as only ISO/IEC 10646-1 implementation level 1 is guaranteed to be canonical. C.3 It is strongly recommended that all implementations supporting decoding of any PER ALIGNED variant transfer syntax support decoding of the BASIC-PER ALIGNED variant (and hence of the CANONICAL-PER ALIGNED variant). Similarly for the UNALIGNED variant. C.4 It is recommended, in the interests of interworking, that all implementations of PER support both the ALIGNED and the UNALIGNED variant (the added implementation complexity is small). Which is offered in an instance of communication (either or both) is a local management matter, and which is accepted if both are offered is also a local management matter. If only one is offered, it should be accepted. C.5 Acceptance of these recommendations is particularly important for the vendors of general-purpose tools. Where an implementation is specific to some particular application, support of a single PER transfer syntax (perhaps specified by that application designer) may be fully acceptable.

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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

Annex D Support for the ASN.1 rules of extensibility

(This annex does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard) D.1 These Packed Encoding Rules are dependent on the total definition of the type to which they are applied. In general, if any changes other than those of a purely syntactic nature are made to the type definition, then the encoding for all values using that part of the specification will be affected. In particular, addition of further optional components to a sequence, converting a component to a CHOICE of that component and some other type, or relaxing or tightening constraints on some component are all likely to change the encoding of values of the type. D.2 Nonetheless, these encoding rules have been designed to ensure that the requirements on encoding rules specified in the ASN.1 model of type extension (see ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1) are satisfied. D.3 Where a type is not part of an extension sequence (no extension marker present), then the text earlier in this annex applies: PER provides no support for extensibility of that type. Where a sequence or set type has an extension marker, but no extension additions, then there is a one-bit overhead (which may become one octet due to padding in the ALIGNED variants), compared with the same type without an extension marker. Where additions are present in the type and are actually transmitted in an instance of communication, there is a further overhead of about one octet, plus an additional length field for each extension addition that is transmitted, compared with the same type with the extension marker removed. D.4 It is important to note that both the addition and removal of an extension marker changes the bits on the line, and will in general require a version number change for the protocol. D.5 There are no changes to the encoding from the inclusion of an extension marker in an information object set, or from the addition or removal of exception specifications, but these may of course represent changes in the required behaviour of an implementation and could still require a version number change for the protocol.


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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

Annex E Tutorial annex on concatenation of PER encodings

(This annex does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard) E.1 PER encodings are self-delimiting given knowledge of the encoding rules and the type of the encoding. The complete encodings for the ALIGNED and UNALIGNED variant are always a multiple of 8 bits. E.2 For the purposes of carrying PER encodings in the OSI presentation layer protocol, encodings of the ALIGNED and UNALIGNED variants can be concatenated in the octet string option.

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ISO/IEC 8825-2:2003 (E)

Annex F Assignment of object identifier values

(This annex does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard) The following object identifier and object descriptor values are assigned in this Recommendation | International Standard: For BASIC-PER, ALIGNED variant:
{joint-iso-itu-t asn1 (1) packed-encoding (3) basic (0) aligned (0)} "Packed encoding of a single ASN.1 type (basic aligned)"


{joint-iso-itu-t asn1 (1) packed-encoding (3) basic (0) unaligned (1)} "Packed encoding of a single ASN.1 type (basic unaligned)"


{joint-iso-itu-t asn1 (1) packed-encoding (3) canonical (1) aligned (0)} "Packed encoding of a single ASN.1 type (canonical aligned)"


{joint-iso-itu-t asn1 (1) packed-encoding (3) canonical (1) unaligned (1)} "Packed encoding of a single ASN.1 type (canonical unaligned)"


ITU-T Rec. X.691 (07/2002)


Series A Series B Series C Series D Series E Series F Series G Series H Series I Series J Series K Series L Series M Series N Series O Series P Series Q Series R Series S Series T Series U Series V Series X Series Y Series Z Organization of the work of ITU-T Means of expression: definitions, symbols, classification General telecommunication statistics General tariff principles Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors Non-telephone telecommunication services Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks Audiovisual and multimedia systems Integrated services digital network Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals Protection against interference Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant TMN and network maintenance: international transmission systems, telephone circuits, telegraphy, facsimile and leased circuits Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits Specifications of measuring equipment Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks Switching and signalling Telegraph transmission Telegraph services terminal equipment Terminals for telematic services Telegraph switching Data communication over the telephone network Data networks and open system communications Global information infrastructure and Internet protocol aspects Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems

Printed in Switzerland Geneva, 2003

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