The scope includes guidelines and practices for the Supply, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning of Hybrid rooftop/ Ground Mounted PV power plants.
All the necessary approvals from KSEBL/Electrical Inspectorate, feasibility study, necessary
civil work, Mounting of Module Structures, PV Module Installation, Inverter Installation,
Battery Bank DC/AC Cabling and interconnections, Installation of Lightning Arresters and
Earthing System as per the standards, Net Metering, Arranging all the necessary inspections
from KSEBL/Electrical Inspectorate/ ANERT District Office as part of Pre-Commissioning,
if any, Commissioning of the PV Power Plant, are coming under the scope of the EPC
A Hybrid Solar PV power plant system comprises of C-Si (Crystalline Silicon)/ Thin Film
Solar PV modules with intelligent Inverter having MPPT technology and Intentional-
Islanding feature and associated power electronics, which feeds generated AC power to the
Grid and islands when the Grid is not available. Other than PV Modules and
Inverter/Inverters, the system consists of a Battery Bank, Module Mounting Structures,
appropriate DC and AC Cables, Array Junction Boxes (AJB) / String Combiner Boxes
(SCB), AC and DC Distribution Box, Lightning Arrester, Earthing Systems, Net meter, etc.
The system should be capable for exporting the generated AC power to the Grid, whenever
the Grid is available and islands whenever the grid is not available. The Hybrid power
plants of all the capacities shall be capable of giving a battery backup of minimum one
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
The EPC Company/ Contractor shall use only the PV modules that are empanelled to the
ANERT OEM empanelment. The List of PV modules under various categories (c-Si Mono/c-
Si Poly/Mono PERC) are attached as Annexure II-F. However the specifications for the PV
Module is detailed below:
1. The PV modules must be PID compliant, salt, mist & ammonia resistant and should
withstand weather conditions for the project life cycle.
2. The back sheet of PV module shall be minimum of three layers with outer layer
(exposure to ambience) and shall be made of PVDF or PVF. The Back sheets for PV
Module with 2 layered or 3 layered Polyester types or the back sheets with Polyester
(PET type) at Air side material are not permitted for the empanelment; The minimum
thickness of the core layers (without adhesive and inner EVA coated) must be 300
microns. The maximum allowed water vapor transmission rate shall be less than 2 g /
m2/day and shall have a Partial Discharge > / = 1500V DC
a. The facing glass must be Tempered, PV grade with Low iron and high transmission.
e. The glass shall have an Anti-reflective coating for the better transmission and light
4. The encapsulant used for the PV modules should be UV resistant in nature. No yellowing
of the encapsulant with prolonged exposure shall occur. The sealant used for edge sealing
of PV modules shall have excellent moisture ingress Protection with good electrical
insulation and with good adhesion strength. Edge tapes for sealing are not allowed.
5. Anodized Aluminium module frames of sufficient thickness shall be used which are
electrically & chemically compatible with the structural material used for mounting the
modules having provision for earthing.
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
6. UV resistant junction boxes with minimum three numbers of bypass diodes and two
numbers of MC4 connectors or equivalent with appropriate length of 4 sq.mm Cu cable
shall be provided. IP67 degree of protection shall be used to avoid degradation during
Life. .
7. Shading correction/ bypass diode for optimizing PV out to be incorporated in each solar
module or panel level.
8. Each PV module used in any solar power project must use a RF identification tag
(RFID), which must contain the following information. The RFID can be inside or
outside the module laminate but must be able to withstand harsh environmental
c) Month and year of the manufacture (separately for solar cells and module).
j) Other relevant information on traceability of solar cells and module as per ISO 9000
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
10. The successful bidder shall arrange an RFID reader to show the RFID details of the
modules transported to sites, to the site Engineer in charge up to their satisfaction, which
is mandatory for the site acceptance test.
11. Each PV module used in any solar power project must use a RF identification tag
(RFID), which must contain the following information. The RFID can be inside or
outside the module laminate but must be able to withstand harsh environmental
12. The PV modules must qualify (enclose Test Reports/Certificates from IEC/NABL
accredited laboratory) as per relevant IEC standard. The Performance of PV Modules at
STC conditions must be tested and approved by one of the IEC/NABL Accredited
Testing Laboratories.
13. PV modules used in solar power plant/ systems must be warranted for 10 years for their
material, manufacturing defects, workmanship. The output peak watt capacity which
should not be less than 90% at the end of 10 years and 80% at the end of 25 years
15. The PV Module should be under the Indigenous / DCR (Domestic Content
Requirement) category (Based on the specific requirement).
IEC 61215 / IEC 61646: c-Si (IEC 61215): Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic
(PV) modules – Design qualification and type approval Thin Film (IEC 61646):
Design, Qualification & Type Approval
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
17. The PV module should have IS14286 qualification certification for solar PV modules
(Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules — design qualification and
type approval). The exemption of this certification and other details are described, as per
MNRE’s Gazette Notification No. S.O. 3449 €. Dated 13th July, 2018.
18. PV Module of same Make/ Model in the same series shall be considered as a single
product while making the payment as per MNRE Order No. 283/54/2018-Grid Solar (ii)
Dt. 06- Feb-2020.
d. Input voltage, type of voltage (A.C. or D.C.), frequency, and maximum continuous
current for each input.
5.2 The Hybrid inverter output shall be 415 VAC, 50 Hz, 3 phase or 230 VAC, 50 Hz, 1
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
5.3 The Hybrid inverter should have all the technical requirements for connecting to the Grid
and provision of Intentional Islanding with facility for connecting to a battery bank
5.4 The Hybrid inverter shall include appropriate self-protective and self-diagnostic feature
to protect itself and the PV array from damage in the event of inverter component failure
or from parameters beyond the inverter’s safe operating range due to internal or external
5.5 The Hybrid Inverters from 2kW to 100kW will be empanelled.
5.6 The Technical Specification of Hybrid Inverters are summarized below:
Specifications of Inverters
Parameters Detailed specification
Nominal voltage 230V/415V
Voltage Band Between 80% and 110% of V nominal
Nominal Frequency 50 Hz
Operating Frequency Range 47.5 to 50.5 Hz
Waveform Sine wave
Harmonics AC side total harmonic current distortion < 3%
Ripple DC Voltage ripple content shall be not more than 1%
Efficiency Efficiency shall be >97%
Degree of protection: Minimum IP-54 for internal units
Casing protection levels
and IP-65 for outdoor units
Operating ambient Temp
-10 to + 60 degree Celsius
Completely automatic including wakeup, synchronization
(phase locking) and shut down
MPPT MPPT range must be suitable to individual array voltages
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
IP 20 / IP 21
Ingress Protection
Grid ON
Recommended LED
Under/ Over voltage
Over temperature
DC input voltage
DC current
AC Voltage (all 3 phases)
AC current (all 3 phases)
Recommended LCD Display
Ambient Temperature
on front Panel
Instantaneous power
Cumulative output energy
Cumulative hours of operation
Daily DC energy produced
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
Standard Description
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-12; Limits;
Limits for Harmonic Currents produced by equipment
IEC/EN 61000-3-2/
connected to the public low voltage systems with Rated
-3-12/ -3-4
Current <16A / >16A and <75A / >75A per Phase
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-2: Generic
*IEC/EN 61000-6-
standards – Immunity standard for residential and
1 / 6-2
commercial / industrial environments
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-4: Generic
*IEC/EN 61000-6-
standards – Emission standard for residential and commercial
3 / 6-4
/ industrial environments
IEC 62116 /IEEE
Utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters – Test procedure
1547 or IEEE
of islanding prevention measures
1547.1 / UL 1741
IEC 60068-2-1 Environmental testing – Part 2-1: Tests – Test A: Cold
IEC 60068-2-2 Environmental testing – Part 2-2: Tests – Test B: Dry heat
Environmental testing – Part 2-14: Tests – Test N: Change of
IEC 60068-2-14
Environmental testing – Part 2-30: Tests – Test Db:, Damp
IEC 60068-2-30 heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle)
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
6.1. The battery bank can be LMLA, VRLA (Smf or Gel) or Lithium Ferro Phosphate. . The
EPC Company/ Contractor shall use only the Batteries that are empanelled to the
ANERT OEM empanelment. The List of Batteries are attached as Annexure II-F.
However the specifications for the Batteries are detailed below:
SlNo: Parameters
A 1 hour backup of MNRE requirement is required for Hybrid Power Plant and is
estimated as 1200Wh
a. Test certificate submitted should qualify the minimum requirements as per above
standards for capacity test, ampere-hour efficiency test, watt-hour efficiency test,
self- discharge test.
b. Battery (Lead Acid LMLA/Lead Acid –VRLA or SMF/Lead Acid GEL) shall have a
warrantee of minimum 5 years and Lithium Ferro Phosphate Battery shall have a
warrantee of minimum 10years
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
Major IS/IEC Certification for LMLA/VRLA / Lithium Ferro Phosphate batteries are listed
Standard Description
IEC 61427 IEC 61427 – This series gives general information relating to the
requirements for the secondary batteries used in photovoltaic energy
systems (PVES) and to the typical methods of test used for the
verification of battery performances.
This part of IEC 60896 applies to all stationary lead-acid cells and
Monobloc batteries of the valve regulated type for float charge
applications, (i.e. permanently connected to a load and to a d.c.
power supply), in a static location (i.e. not generally intended to be
IEC 60896
moved from place to place) and incorporated into stationary
equipment or installed in battery rooms for use in telecom,
uninterruptible power supply (UPS), utility switching, emergency
power or similar applications.
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
A dedicated data logging system (Hardware and software) for monitoring the plant shall be
provided even if the inverter has embedded data logging system. The following weather
parameters are to be measured as part of the datalogging system.
A Pyranometer/ Solar cell based irradiation sensor (along with calibration certificate)
shall be provided, with the sensor mounted in the plane of the array. Readout shall be
integrated with data logging system : from 25kWp to less than 100kWp
Pyranometer (Class II or better) shall be provided with the sensor mounted in the place
of the array. Readout shall be integrated with data logging system : for 100kWp and
b) Temperature: Integrated temp, sensors for measuring the module surface temp.,
inverter inside enclosure temp, and ambient temp to be provided complete with readouts
integrated with the data logging system.
7.2. It is recommended that the following important parameters shall be accessible through
the Data Logging Facility.
a) AC Voltage
b) AC Output current
c) Output Power
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
d) Energy in kWh
e) DC Input Voltage
f) DC Input Current
g) Temperatures (C)
h) Invertor Status
i) Irradiation
j) Module temperature
7.3. Provision for Internet monitoring and download of historical data shall be incorporated.
GSM Modem/Wi Fi modem in case GSM connectivity is used or Wireless Router +
modem in case Ethernet connection is being used for remote access must be provided.
7.4. The data from the above data monitoring system will be used for calculating the
Performance Ratio (PR) of the power plant as per IEC 61724 for plants above
25kWp.capacity Hybrid PV Plant.
Performance Ratio
7.5 Performance Ratio (PR) is to be assessed for Grid Connected PV Plants above 25kWp.
The data from the data monitoring system will be used for calculating the Performance Ratio
(PR) of the power plant as per IEC 61724 and the recommended procedure is described in the
below clause.
7.6 The plant acceptance test period is five days long with the following minimum irradiance
criteria for PR measurement.
• At least three days must have irradiance measured in the plane of the array that is
greater than 600 W/sq.m for three continuous hours, and the daily total irradiance must
exceed 3,000 Wh/sq.m/day.
• If there are not five days that meet these minimum irradiance criteria, the test period
may be extended until five sufficient days have been recorded. There will not be any
liquidated damages triggered as a result of this weather-related test delay.
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
7.7 Performance Ratio (PR) is to be assessed for Grid Connected PV Plants above 25kWp.
However, there shall be special clause in the Tender Document under different schemes of
ANERT including Deposit Work, Technical Consultancy, RESO under ANERT and other
programmes, either or not under the subsidy schemes of MNRE/ State Govt. or Schemes
under Local Self Governments (LSGDs)
Photovoltaic arrays must be mounted on a stable, durable structure that can support the
array and withstand wind, rain, and other adverse conditions. The modules will be fixed on
structures with fixed arrangement.
The module mounting structures shall have adequate strength and appropriate design
suitable to the locations, which can withstand the load and high wind velocities. Stationary
structures shall support PV modules at a given orientation, absorb and transfer the
mechanical loads to the surface properly.
Each structure with fixed tilt should have a tilt angle as per the site conditions to take
maximum insolation which will be approximately equal to the latitude of the location
facing true South with a North - South orientation. The tilt angle can vary from 9 degree
to 12 degree based on the location’s latitude in Kerala
The PV module mounting structure shall have a capacity to withstand a wind velocity of
150 km/hr.
Suitable fastening arrangement such as grouting and calming should be provided to secure
the installation against the specific wind speed. The PV array structure design shall be
appropriate with a factor of safety of min 1.5. The STAAD / Equivalent structural design
report must be attached along with the technical bid as Annexure II-K.
The materials used for structures shall be Hot dip Galvanized Mild Steel conformed to IS
2062:1992 or aluminium of suitable grade minimum alloy 6063 or better.
The minimum thickness of galvanization for hot dip Galvanized Mild Steel should be at
least 80 microns as per IS 4759.
The Bolts, Nuts, fasteners, and clamps used for panel mounting shall be of Stainless Steel
SS 304.
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
Solar Meter:
A separate Energy Meter called Solar Meter shall be provided at the output of PCU to record
the energy generation from the Solar System. (This energy meter should not be integrated
with PCU). Solar energy meter means a unidirectional meter to be installed at the delivery
point of the solar energy system to measure the solar electricity generated. This Energy Meter
should be tested along with the Net Meter (Import-Export Meter).
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
As per Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Renewable Energy and Net
Metering) Regulations 2020, net metering system is to be provided to the solar consumer. Net
meter means the bidirectional energy meter to be installed at the interconnection point of the
consumer with the network of distribution licensee
Energy meters shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the provisions of The
Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as
amended from time to time. The Contractor shall maintain the Metering System as per
metering code and CEA guidelines. The defective meter shall be immediately tested and
rectified/ replaced.
A solar meter and bidirectional energy meter suitable for the installed solar plant shall be
supplied and installed by the contractor after testing and sealing from respective TMR
Divisions of KSEB Ltd. Energy Meters must be provided with the necessary data cables if
The solar energy meter and net energy meter shall be of accuracy as given and CT and PT
shall be utilized according to CEA metering regulations 2006 and its amendment.
Class Accuracy
Capacity Type of operation
Solar Meter Net Meter
LT Whole current meter
Upto 35 kWp 1.0 (LT) 1.0 (LT)
Meters shall be microprocessor based conforming IEC 60687 / IEC 6205211 / IEC 62053-22
/ IS 14697 and solar energy meter or its display shall be placed adjacent to net energy meter.
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
meters and net energy meters should be DLMS compliant and AMR compatible with RS 485
communication port for measurement of specified electrical parameters.
The solar energy meters shall be provided with two ports for communication of the measured
/ collected data. One port compatible with RS 485 specifications, which shall be used for
remote access through suitable GPRS modem (Technical specification of GPRS modem is
attached as Annexure S). The other port shall be an optical port complying with hardware
specifications detailed in IEC 62056-21.
For capacity >25kWp, solar energy meter shall be with MODEM having facility of AMR and
GPRS or Smart Meter.
The Solar PV Plant should have a dedicated earthing system. The Earthing for array and LT
power shall be made as per the provisions of IS:3043-2018 “Code of practice for earthing
(Second Revision),” that governs the earthing practices of a PV system and IS 732:2019
“Code of practice for electrical wiring installations (Fourth Revision)
10.1. Earthing System shall connect all non –current carrying metal receptacles, electrical
boxes, appliance frames, chassis and PV module mounting structures in one long run.
The earth strips should not be bolted. Earthing GI strips shall be interconnected by
proper welding.
10.2. The earthing conductor should be rated for 1.56 times the maximum short circuit current
of the PV array. The factor 1.56 considers 25 percent as a safety factor and 25 percent as
albedo factor to protect from any unaccounted external reflection onto the PV modules
increasing its current
10.3. In any case, the cross-section area or the earthing conductor for PV equipment should
not be less than 6 mm2 if copper, 10 mm2 if aluminium or 70 mm2 if hot-dipped
galvanized iron. For the earthing of lightning arrestor, cross-section of the earthing
conductor should not be less than 16 mm2 of copper or 70 mm2 if hot-dipped galvanized
iron. The complete Earthing system shall be mechanically & electrically connected to
provide independent return to earth.
10.4. Masonry enclosure with the earth pit of size not less than 400mm X 400 mm(depth)
complete with cemented brick work (1:6) of minimum 150mm width duly plastered
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
with cement mortar (inside)shall be provided. Hinged inspection covers of size not less
than 300mm X 300mm with locking arrangement shall be provided . Suitable handle
shall be provided on the cover by means of welding a rod on top of the cover for future
10.5. Minimum four (04) numbers of interconnected earth pit needs to be provided in each
location. Minimum required gap shall be provided in between earth pits as per relevant
standard. Body earthing shall be provided in inverter, each panel frame, module
mounting structure, kiosk and in any other item as required.
Earth pit shall be constructed as per IS: 3043-2018. Electrodes shall be embedded below
permanent moisture level.. Earth pits shall be treated with salt and charcoal if average
resistance of soil is more than 20 ohm meter
10.6. Earth resistance shall not be more than 5 ohms. Earthing system must be interconnected
through GI strip to arrive equipotential bonding. The size of the GI earth strip must be
minimum 25mm X 6mm.
10.8. The equipment grounding wire shall be connected to earth strip by proper fixing
arrangement. Each strip shall be continued up to at least 500mm from the equipment.
10.9. Necessary provisions shall be made for bolted isolating joints of each earthing pit for
periodic checking of earth resistance.
10.10. For each earth pit, a necessary test point shall be provided.
The bidder shall submit the detailed specification and drawings for the Earthing arrangements
as per Annexure II-H
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
The SPV power plant should be provided with lightning and over voltage protection. The
source of over voltage can be lightning or other atmospheric disturbance. The lightning
conductors shall be made as per applicable Indian Standards in order to protect the entire
array yard from lightning stroke.
The design and specification shall conform to IS/IEC 62305, “Protection against lightning”
govern all lightning protection-related practices of a PV system.
11.1. The entire space occupying SPV array shall be suitably protected against lightning by
deploying required number of lightning arresters. Lightning protection should be
provided as per IS/ IEC 62305.
11.2. Lightning system shall comprise of air terminations, down conductors, test links, earth
electrode etc. as per approved drawings.
11.3. The protection against induced high voltages shall be provided by the use of surge
protection devices (SPDs) and the earthing terminal of the SPD shall be connected to
the earth through the earthing system.
11.4. The EPC Contractor / Company shall submit the drawings and detailed specifications
of the PV array lightning protection equipment to Employer for approval before
installation of system.
AJB shall be provided as per the design requirement of the Inverter, if required. AJB
comprises of an enclosure, copper busbars, Fuses, Surge Protection Device (SPD) and
Isolator. DC generated by the solar modules is transmitted through the appropriate cables
from Array Yard to Control facility. AJB bus & panel shall be provided for the incoming
DC supply from array yard.
AJB, if required, should be equipped with an adequate capacity indoor DC circuit breaker
along with control circuit, protection relays, fuses, etc.
AJB, if required, shall have sheet from enclosure of dust and vermin proof, the bus bar /
cables are to be made of copper of desired size.
The Array Junction Boxes are to be provided in the PV array for termination of connecting
cables. The Array Junction Boxes shall be made of GRP/FRP/with full dust, water& vermin
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
proof arrangement. All wires/cables must be terminated through cable lugs. The JBs shall
be such that input & output termination can be made through suitable cable glands.
12.1. Suitable markings shall be provided on the bus bar for easy identification and the
cable ferrules must be fitted at the cable termination points for identification.
12.2. Copper bus bars/terminal blocks housed in the junction box with suitable
termination threads conforming to IP 65 standard to prevent water entry, Single/
double compression cable glands, provision of earthing. It should be placed at a
height suitable for ease of accessibility.
12.3. Each Junction Box shall have high quality Suitable capacity Metal Oxide Varistors
(MOVs)/ SPDs. The Surge Protective Device shall be of Type 2 as per IEC 60364-5-
12.4. The junction Boxes shall have suitable arrangement for the followings (typical):-
Combine groups of modules into independent charging sub-arrays that will be wired
into the controller. The Junction Boxes shall have arrangements for disconnection
for each groups and attest point for sub-group for fault location. AJB/SCB shall be
wired with optical fibre cables for enabling data collection for PV Plants from
100kWp onwards.
12.5. The current carrying ratings of the string combiner box/ junction box shall be
suitable with adequate safety factor, to inter connect the Solar PV array.
12.6. All fuses shall have DIN rail mountable fuse holders and shall be housed in
thermoplastic IP65 enclosures with transparent covers.
12.7. Fuse for both positive and negative inputs of each strings, Isolator of MCB, SPD of
type 2 shall be provided.
12.8. The surge arresters shall be type 2 (with reference to IEC 61643-1) rated at a
continuous operating voltage of at least 125 percentage of the open-circuit voltage of
the PV string, and a flash current of more than 5A.
12.9. Not more than two strings can be connected in parallel to a single input of SCB/AJB.
One spare input terminal along with connector shall be provided for each SCB/AJB.
12.10. Every SCB/AJB input shall be provided with fuses on both positive and negative
12.11. DC switch disconnector of suitable rating shall be provided at AJB/SCB output to
disconnect both positive and negative side simultaneously.
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
AC Distribution Board (ACDB) shall control the AC power from inverter and should have
necessary surge arrestors.
An ACDB panel shall be provided in between PCU and Utility grid. It shall have
MCB/MCCB/ACB or circuit breaker of suitable rating for connection and disconnection of
PCU from grid.
13.1. The connection between ACDB and Utility grid shall be of standard cable/ Conductor
with suitable termination. It shall have provision to measure grid voltage, current and
13.2. The incomer shall be selected at required rating. The ACDB enclosure shall be of good
protection and suitable for mounting on the trenches / on wall.
13.3. All the 415 V AC or 230 V AC devices/equipment like bus support insulators, circuit
breakers, SFU isolators (if applicable), SPD, etc. mounted inside the switch gear shall
be suitable for continuous operation
13.4. Switches/ circuit breakers/ connectors meeting general requirements and safety
measurements as per IS 60947 Part I, II, III and IEC 60947 part I, II and III.
13.5. Junction boxes, enclosures, panels for inverters/ Controllers shall meet IP 54 (for
outdoor)/ IP 65 (for indoor) as per IEC 529.
Cabling is required for wiring from AC output of inverter/PCU to the Grid Interconnection
point. It includes the DC cabling from Solar Array to AJB and from AJB to inverter input.
14.1. All cables of appropriate size to be used in the system shall have the following
a. Shall conform to IEC 60227 / IS 694 & IEC 60502 / IS 1554 standards.
b. Temperature Range: -10 degree Celsius to +80 degree Celsius
c. Voltage rating: 660/1000V
d. Excellent resistance to heat, cold, water, oil, abrasion, UV radiation
e. Flexible
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
14.2. Sizes of cables between any array interconnections, array to junction boxes, junction
boxes to inverter etc. shall be so selected to keep the voltage drop (power loss) of the
entire solar system to the minimum (2%).
14.3. The length exceeding 25m of AC cable from Inverter to the ACDB and to the Grid
Connection point shall be borne by the customer.
14.4. For the DC cabling, XLPE or XLPO insulated and sheathed, UV stabilized single core
flexible copper cables shall be used; Multi-core cables shall not be used.
14.5. For the AC cabling, PVC or XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed single or, multi-core
flexible copper cables shall be used. However, for above 25kWp systems, XLPE
insulated Aluminium cable of suitable area of cross section can be used in the AC side
subject to a minimum area of cross section of 10 sq.mm. Outdoor AC cables shall
have a UV -stabilized outer sheath IS/IEC 69947.
14.6. All LT XLPE cables shall conform to IS:7098 part I&II.
14.7. The total voltage drop on the cable segments from the solar PV modules to the solar
grid inverter shall not exceed 2.0%
14.8. The total voltage drop on the cable segments from the solar grid inverter to the
building distribution board shall not exceed 2.0%
14.9. The DC cables from the SPV module array shall run through a UV-stabilized PVC
conduit pipe of adequate diameter with a minimum wall thickness of 1.5mm
14.10. Cables and wires used for the interconnection of solar PV modules shall be provided
with solar PV connectors (MC4) and couplers
14.11. All cables and conduit pipes shall be clamped to the rooftop, walls and ceilings with
thermo-plastic clamps at intervals not exceeding 50cm; the minimum DC cables size
shall be 4.0mm2 copper; the minimum AC cable size shall be 4.0mm2 copper. In three
phase systems, the size of the neutral wire size shall be equal to the size of the phase
14.12. Cable Marking: All cable/wires are to be marked in proper manner by good quality
ferule or by other means so that the cable can be easily identified. The following
colour code shall be used for cable wires
a. DC positive: red (the outer PVC sheath can be black with a red line marking
b. DC negative: black
c. AC single phase: Phase: red; Neutral: black
d. AC three phase: phases: red, yellow, blue; neutral: black
e. Earth wires: green
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
14.13. Cables and conduits that have to pass through walls or ceilings shall be taken through
PVC pipe sleeve.
14.14. Cable conductors shall be terminated with tinned copper end ferrules to prevent
fraying and breaking of individual wire strands. The termination of the DC and AC
cables at the Solar Grid Inverter shall be done as per instructions of the manufacturer,
which in most cases will include the use of special connectors.
14.15. All cables and connectors used for installation of solar field must be of solar grade
which can withstand harsh environment conditions including high temperatures, UV
radiation, rain, humidity, dirt, salt, burial and attack by moss and microbes’ for 25
years and voltages as per latest IEC standards. DC cables used from solar modules to
array junction box shall solar grade copper (Cu) with XLPO insulation and rated for
1.1 kV as per relevant standards only.
14.16. Bending radii for cables shall be as per manufactures recommendations and IS: 1255.
14.17. For laying/termination of cables latest BIS/IEC Codes/ standards shall be followed.
Existing shade-free roof-top space shall be used to install Solar PV array. While installing
solar power pants on rooftops, the physical condition of the rooftop, chances of shading,
chances water level rise in the rooftop during raining due improper drainage in the roof-top
should be taken in to consideration.
15.1. PV array shall be installed in the terrace space free from any obstruction and/or shadow
and to minimize effects of shadows due to adjacent PV panel rows.
15.2. PV array shall be oriented in the south direction in order to maximize annual energy
yield of the plant.
15.3. The solar PV array must be installed on the rooftop in such a way that there is sufficient
space on the rooftop for maintenance etc.
15.4. There should not be any damage what so ever to the rooftop due to setting up of the
solar power plant so that on a later day there is leakage of rainwater, etc. from the
15.5. Some civil works are inevitable for erecting the footings for the module mounting
structure as discussed in Module Mounting Structure section. The roof top may be
given a suitable grading plaster with suitable leak proof compound so as to render the
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
The output of the Solar Power Conditioning Unit has to be connected to the Main ACDB in
the building
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
The following procedures are required regarding the installation of Grid Connected PV
Plants under ANERT.
17.1. There are different schemes by ANERT governed by respective guidelines of different
programmes initiated by ANERT from time to time. The programmes may or may not
have financial support or subsidy support from either State Government or Central
Ministry (MNRE).
17.3. The documentation, inspection, Commissioning Tests shall confirm to IEC 62446-
1:2016 and its amendments
17.4. Projects under Deposit Works Scheme, Technical Consultancy Scheme, RESCO projects
tendered by ANERT or any other specific programme implemented by ANERT will be
governed by the guidelines of that particular scheme. Only Empanelled EPC companies
of ANERT can participate in the tenders coming under the above schemes/programmes.
They can also participate in the tenders by Local Self Governments for the installation
& commissioning of Solar Power Plants. However, all the PV power plants (On-
Grid/Off-Grid/Hybrid) installed by the EPC contractors shall be as per the technical
specifications of this Empanelment Document.
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
18.1. The procedures for Grid Connectivity of the PV Plants for capacities from 1kWp to
1MWp is as per the KSEBL Circular No. CE(REES)/Escot/AEE6/Solar-General/16-
17/766(1) Dt. 09-09-2016 and its Amendments.
18.2. The beneficiary shall obtain a feasibility certificate by submitting an application form
along with the documents and a fee of Rs 1000/- as per the Annexure-1 form of
KSEBL order.
18.4. For LT feeder 75% of the transformer capacity will be permitted for connecting the
Grid tied PV power plant whereas it is 80% for the 11kV feeder as per KSERC
(Renewable Energy and Net Metering) Regulations, 2020 Dt. 07-02-2020.
18.5. Within the period of one month, application of the registration of installed PV power
plant should be submitted for which the section office, KSEBL has to appeal for any
further clarification within 3 working days.
18.6. After submitting all the documents and clarification required by KSEBL , the
applicant has to a pay Registration fee of Rs 1000/- per kW to KSEBL (Eg: If the
plant size is 3.65kW then it will be considered as 4kW and the applicant has to pay a
sum of Rs 4000/- ) to acquire a SPIN (Solar Plant Identification Number). For
example, 5501-00001 where 5501 is the section office code for the locality and 00001
is the solar plant number.
18.7. The PV power plant has to be installed within 6 months from the date of registration.
The Assistant Engineer can approve for an extension the term of registration to
another 6 months upon the request of applicant, if found necessary.
18.8. If the applicant withdraws the registration without any valid reason, the amount will
not be reimbursed.
18.9. 80% of the amount of fee of solar PV plant registration will be refunded by KSEBL if
the applicant has installed the PV plant within the term of 6 months from the date of
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
18.10. Request for the cancellation of Registration by the applicant will be verified by the
Assistant Engineer, KSEBL and a decision will be taken on this by division Executive
Engineer, KSEBL and 80% of the amount shall be reimbursement based upon the
recommendation of Assistant Engineer.
18.11. The application for testing of the installed PV power plant has to be submitted at the
Electrical Section office. For plant capacities above 10kWp the application must be
submitted along with Energization Certificate from Electrical Inspectorate and for the
plant capacities below 10kWp the application must be submitted along with a
Completion Report of a Certified Electrical Contractor. The minimum qualification
for carrying out the installation work of a PV Plant shall be a B-Class contractor
licensee and depending upon the capacity of installation, eligible contractors can
carryout the work. (Circular no. B2-13958/2017/CEI Dtd 24.07.2018. No fees shall be
remitted for pre commissioning or routine tests.
18.12. The officials from Electrical Inspectorate and KSEBL will visit the site on the
schedule day within 10 days from the date of application with prior notice to the
a. Anti-Islanding
18.14. Test Certificate for Solar Plant Installation as per annexure 9 of KSEBL order will be
issued by the Assistant Engineer, once the PV plants is successfully performing as per
the standards
18.15. Agreement for Connecting Solar Energy System as per Annexure 10 of KSEBL order
shall be signed between KSEBL and the applicant as per the Annexure 11 (KSEBL
order) in which the capacity of the net meter should be mentioned.
18.16. Then a Net meter and a Solar meter shall be installed for the plant within 7 days
which shall be either bought by the applicant or rented by the KSEBL. The tariff of
rent will be as per Annexure 12 of the KSEBL order. The applicant shall submit Test
Certificates from NABL or KSEBL test labs for the Net meter and Solar meter
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
18.17. The import and export will be calculated based upon the Net meter installed at the site
of the consumer for which the reading will be taken on every month from the Net
meter and Solar meter.
19.1. 5 years system warranty should be provided by the EPC contractor for the equipment
and the components installed.
19.2. The successful bidder should submit the copies of the Warrantee Certificates for the on-
site warrantee provided by the OEM for the important components like PV Modules,
Inverters, Junction Boxes etc.
19.3. The Warrantee/CMC Modalities is between the Customer and the EPC Company
An Operation, Instruction and Maintenance Manual, should be provided with the system. The
following minimum details must be provided in the manual:
Specification of PV Plant
Name and address of the E.P.C Contractor and the contract person in case of non-
functionality of the solar power plant.
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants
Once Empanelled and when a project is awarded the EPC Contractor should provide the bill
of material mentioning the quantity of each of the item consisting in the system, for the
projects they are undertaking.
(If any)
1. PV Module
2. PCU/Inverter
3. DC Cables
4. AC Cables
6. Module Mounting
Structure (MMS)
8. Lightning Arrester
Once Empanelled and when a project is awarded the EPC Contractor should visit site / sites
for the checking the feasibility before proceeding.
Tech Specs of Hybrid PV Power Plants