00 Basic Information 2024A

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PHY1201 General Physics I

Basic Information
2024-25 Sem A

Prof. Jeff OU, Office G5135

Email: [email protected]

Course Coordinator: Prof. Oscar Dahlsten

Email: [email protected]

Crucial page:
Summary of student tasks

• Acquire and use textbook.

• Attend 12 (3x50min) lectures.
• 10 Tutorials (do questions and attend).
• 10 Assignments online (27% of grade).
• 1 Lab (3hrs) plus lab report (3% of grade).
• Final exam (70% of grade).

AP1201 General Physis I 2

Textbook options
• Official text book of course:
University Physics (≥13th edition) Young and Freedman,
publisher: Pearson. This is not free.

• Free alternative: College Physics of the Openstaxcollege

[We need parts of volume 1 and 2.]

• Reading Textbook is strongly recommended for learning. Read

the chapter before the lecture, then review it after the lecture
Lecture overview
Tuesday 09:00 - 11:50 YEUNG LT-1 OR
Thursday 12:00 - 14:50 YEUNG LT-1

Weeks numbered as per www.cityu.edu.hk/calendar/academic/2024-2025

Wk1 Chap 1 Vectors Lecture notes are on course

Wk2 Chap 2 Motion Canvas page.
Wk3 Chap 3 Newtonian Mechanics
Wk4 Chap 4 Work energy
Wk5 No lectures (national holiday)
Wk6 Chap 5a Rotation
Wk7 Chap 5b Rotation
Wk8 Chap 6 Temperature and heat
Wk9 Chap 7a Thermal properties of matter
Wk10 Chap 7b Thermal properties of matter
Wk11 Chap 8 Mechanical Waves
Wk12 Chap 9 Sound waves
Wk13 Revision
Tutorials overview
T01 5:00 pm - 5:50 pm Wed Li 2510
T02 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm Tue Yeung LT-1
TB1 5:00 pm - 5:50 pm Wed Yeung B5-207 (Talents program)

Wk1 no tutorials
Wk2 Chap 1 tutorials
Wk3 no tutorials (mid-autumn holiday interference)
Wk4 Chap 2 tutorials
Wk5 Chap 3 tutorials
Wk6 no tutorials (national holiday)
Wk7 Chap 4 tutorials
Wk8 Chap 5a tutorials Tutorial questions are on course Canvas
Wk9 Chap 5b tutorials page; do before tutorial (not graded).
Wk10 Chap 6 tutorials
Wk11 Chap 7a,b tutorials
Wk12 Chap 8 tutorials
Wk13 Chap 9 tutorials
10 assignments overview
Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5a
Chap 5b
Chap 6
Chap 7a,b
Chap 8
Chap 9

Released on course web-page at end of week in which

material was taught. Multiple choice, autograded.
Lab overview
• Labs are done in second half of term.
• Each student does one 3 hour lab.
• About 13 Lab sessions take place. Each session normally has 3
Teaching Assistant.
• There are 3 specific experiments, students are randomly
assigned which one.
• Students write a report.
• Teaching assistants grade lab reports.

• Equations are given (see course Canvas page).

• There are only multiple choice questions in exam.
• Please bring pencils and erasers to the exam.
• No electronics allowed! Will be a violation if found!
People involved in delivering course

1st half of term 2nd half of term
Tue Wei Bao Oscar Dahlsten
Thu Jeff Ou Wang Junling
Some individual classes may be swapped between teachers.

Tutorials and labs

Teaching assistants (Physics department PhD students).

Course coordinator 2024/25:

[email protected]; Office Tel 3442-4045
• If you are are currently weak in
physics, seek help from PALSI
(Peer Assisted Learning by
Supplementary Instruction.)
More on Labs:
 lab will be on campus,

 No lab before week 5

 Lab schedule will be posted on canvas as an excel file after the
add-drop period.
 Print the lab report from the lab manual and bring it to the lab
 Complete your lab report and print out your results. Scan you
report with the results into a pdf or use your mobile phone to
convert the report into a pdf. Submit the pdf file to a specific
canvas assignment after the lab before the deadline.
 There will be mark deduction for late submission.
 The Deadline for lab report will be announced when the lab
schedule is available.
Change of lab schedule
No change of lab schedule is allowed unless with
strong reasons (extenuating circumstances,
according to ARRO guideline, needed
document to prove)
If you are sick and want to redo, you need a
doctor’s certificate to prove.
If you want to participate in competition
representing Hong Kong or CityU and change
the lab schedule, you need a letter to prove
Instruction for Lab (on-campus)
1. Read the lab manual and the data logger manual "how to
use GLX" before you to go to the lab.
2. the lab report is included with the lab manual, print out the
lab manual before you go to the lab and bring it to the lab.
you complete the lab report in the lab and submit a pdf of lab
report to canvas before the deadline.
3. print out the results from the GLX data logger following
instruction in the lab and attached the results to the lab
report. Some marks are deducted if results are not attached
to your lab report.
More on Canvas Assignments
Assignment Quizzes completed in Canvas are counted
towards your final grade
The numbers are randomized, you cannot copy answers from
others. You need to do the calculation for your own
Three attempts for each assignment, Highest score is counted
After you start the attempt you have 72 hours to complete the
attempt. The Canvas system will automatically submit for
you after 72 hours, even though you have not completed
the assignment.
You are given a period of time after the assignment is
published to do the three attempts. You cannot access the
assignments after the due date. You will not be given
second chance as the allowed time should be sufficient.
Practice questions
To pass or get good grades in this course, you need
to practice problem solving. Just doing the canvas
assignments is not enough
There are practice questions available in canvas.
You just do them at home. No marking. If you
have questions you can ask tutors.
The practice questions can be found in two folders:
“Practice Questions” and “Additional practice
questions” answers are avialalble in the folders
Computerized practice questions can be found in
“Quizzes>Practice Quizzes” in Canvas

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