Ve215 Syllabus-Summer 2021
Ve215 Syllabus-Summer 2021
Ve215 Syllabus-Summer 2021
Summer 2021
Rui Yang (杨睿)
[email protected]
Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm, Room 434, JI Building
Teaching Assistants:
Shaochun Zheng(郑少淳),Email: [email protected]
Qianqi Yan(严乾琪), [email protected]
• Required:“Fundamentals of Electric Circuits”, 5/e, Charles K. Alexander and
Matthew N. O. Sadiku
• Lab Manual: Circuits Make Sense –A New Lab Book for Introductory Courses in
Electric Circuits, 5/e, by Alexander Ganago (Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, University of Michigan), John Wiley & Sons, 2007,
Course Description:
Introduction to electronic circuits. Basic Concepts of voltage and current; Kirchhoff's
voltage and current laws; Ohm's law; voltage and current sources; Thevenin and Norton
equivalent circuits; DC and low frequency active circuits using operational amplifiers,
diodes, and transistors; small signal analysis; energy and power. Time- and frequency-
domain analysis of RLC circuits. Basic passive and active electronic filters. Laboratory
experience with electrical signals and circuits.
Grading Policy:
Ve215 has 8 problem sets (homework assignments), random in-class quizzes (also for
checking attendance), 9 labs, and 2 exams:
In-class Quizzes: 10%
Problem Sets: 10%
Labs: 15%
Exam 1 (Midterm Exam): 30%
Exam 2 (Final Exam): 35%
Academic Integrity: (Any types of honor code regulations like class rules, homework
policy, exam rules or project collaboration policy could be defined here)
• Check “Addendum to the Honor Code for Online Courses” for Honor Code issue
related to the students taking the course online.
• Problem sets (homework assignments) may be done with partners, but I believe that
you do not fully understand the technical material unless you work on enough
problems by yourself.
• Exams will be given under the JI’s Honor Code and will require individual efforts.
The exams will be closed book, even though you can take one, two, and three pieces
of cheating paper for your Midterm Exam 1, Midterm Exam 2, and Final,
respectively. Scientific calculators can be used for the exams. The use of other
electronic devices such as electronic dictionary and cell phone during exams will
constitute an Honor Code violation. If you miss an exam, real documentation is
required stating why you could not attend (severe disease, for example).
• The labs will help you develop engineering skills. Unexcused absence will result in a
grade of zero for the missed and the student has the responsibility of contacting the
instructor or teaching assistant to make up the missed lab. Skipping lab activities will
result in an “F” or “Fail” for this course.
• Homework will be assigned online at Canvas as scheduled. They are usually due one
week later or specified otherwise. One day automatic grace period. Second day late
penalty -25%, later no credit.
Course Schedule: (Tentative and subject to change)
Week Date Lecture Topics Homework: main Labs
content; may vary
1 May 11 Introduction to Ve215, Ch1.
Basic concepts
May 13 Ch2. Basic laws
2 May 18 Ch3. Methods of analysis Lab1
May 20 Ch3. Methods of analysis HW1: Chaps. 1-3
3 May 25 Ch4. Circuit theorems Lab2
May 27 Ch4. Circuit theorems HW2: Chap. 4
4 Jun 1 Ch5. Operational amplifiers Lab3
Jun 3 Ch5. Operational amplifiers
5 Jun 8 Ch6. Capacitors and HW3: Chaps. 5,6 Lab4
Jun 10 Ch7. First-order circuits
6 Jun 15 Ch8. Second-order circuits Lab5
Jun 17 Ch8. Second-order circuits HW4: Chaps. 7,8
Course Outcomes:
1. Classify circuit elements.
2. Use Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws to analyze simple circuits.
3. Use nodal and mesh analysis methods to analyze circuits systematically.
4. Use circuit transformation techniques and circuit theorems to simplify circuit analysis.
5. Analyze and design operational amplifier circuits.
6. Use singularity functions to represent switching operations.
7. Build and solve linear constant-coefficient differential equations describing dc circuits.
8. Analyze ac circuits, including single- and three- phase circuits, in the phasor domain.
9. Analyze and design frequency-selective filters.
10. Understand the principles and applications of circuits to engineering.