BSPGSP Parents Permit 2024
BSPGSP Parents Permit 2024
BSPGSP Parents Permit 2024
I have considered the benefits that my son/daughter will derive from his
participation in this activity with the understanding that due care and precautions will be
observed to insure the comfort and safety of the delegates in this activity and that I shall not hold
the parties responsible for any untoward incidents that may happen beyond their control.
______________________________________ _____________________________
(Signature of Parents/Guardian over Printed Name) Complete Mailing Address
I have considered the benefits that my son/daughter will derive from his
participation in this activity with the understanding that due care and precautions will be
observed to insure the comfort and safety of the delegates in this activity and that I shall not hold
the parties responsible for any untoward incidents that may happen beyond their control.
______________________________________ _____________________________
(Signature of Parents/Guardian over Printed Name) Complete Mailing Address