Film Review Format Bale
Film Review Format Bale
Film Review Format Bale
There are two main sections for this part. The first is an explanation of what the movie is about. The second is
your opinions about the movie and how successful it is with examples used to support your opinion.
_____ Explanation – 5 points
Give a brief summary of the plot in which you identify the main characters, describe the setting,
and give a sense of the central conflict or point of the movie.
o Opening
o Plot
o Camera techniques or angles, sound, or other things you notice.
Use of The text The text uses The text The text The text
Conventions/Mechanics intentionally standard demonstrates demonstrates contains
The text demonstrates uses standard English standard some accuracy multiple
standard English English conventions English in standard inaccuracies
conventions of usage and conventions of of usage and conventions of English in Standard
mechanics along with the usage and mechanics usage and conventions English
language of critique. mechanics along with mechanics and usage of conventions
along with the the language along with the mechanics. of usage and
language of of critique. language of mechanics.
critique. critique.
Substance, Style and The text The text The text The text The text
Content: presents an presents an presents a illustrates a illustrates a
The text presents a engaging, appropriate, formal, limited limited or
formal, objective tone formal, and formal, objective tone awareness of inconsistent
and uses precise objective tone objective and uses formal tone tone and
language and topic- and uses tone and uses precise and awareness of
specific vocabulary to sophisticated relevant language and awareness of topic-specific
manage the complexity language and language and topic-specific topic-specific vocabulary.
of the topic. topic-specific topic-specific vocabulary to vocabulary.
vocabulary to vocabulary to manage the
manage the manage the complexity of
complexity of complexity of the topic.
the topic. topic.