Documentary FILM REVIEW
Documentary FILM REVIEW
Documentary FILM REVIEW
Conclusion – 5 points
_____ Briefly conclude the review by pulling your thoughts together. You may want to say what
impression the movie left you with, or emphasize what you want your reader to know about it.
Be sure to include a grade, A-F, in your review with a recap of why it earned that grade.
_____ TOTAL
Use of The text The text The text The text The text
Conventions/Mechanics expertly uses skillfully uses proficiently somewhat inadequately
The text demonstrates standard standard uses standard accurately uses
standard English English English English uses standard standard
conventions of usage and conventions conventions conventions English English
mechanics along with the of usage and of usage and of usage and conventions conventions
language of critique. mechanics. mechanics. mechanics. of usage and of usage and
mechanics. mechanics.
Substance, Style and The text The text The text The text The text
Content: expertly skillfully proficiently somewhat inadequately
The text presents a formal, presents an presents an presents an accurately presents an
objective tone and uses engaging, engaging, engaging, presents an engaging,
precise language and formal, and formal, and formal, and engaging, formal, and
topic-specific vocabulary objective tone objective tone objective tone formal, and objective
to manage the complexity and utilizes and utilizes and utilizes objective tone tone and
of the topic. topic-specific topic-specific topic-specific and utilizes utilizes topic-
vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary. topic-specific specific
vocabulary. vocabulary.