Fuji Frenic 5000M2 Instruction Manual

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Fulsi BUSETILuc Lei FISIA CAEY RIVE STF YATL FRENIC 5000M2 RiRSAAS DIGITAL AC SPINDLE DRIVING SYSTEM FOR MACHINE TOOL FRENIC 5000M2 INSTRUCTION MANUAL INR-HF 5718Thank you very much for purchasing DIGITAL AC SPINDLE DRIVING SYSTEM for machine too! FRENIC 5000M2, Please read through this manual including following items carefully (o ensure that your F 5000M2 operates correctly and that you obtain maximum performance or it. IC 1. Cautions on use 7. Troubleshooting 2. Partnameandnameplale 8. Maintenance 3. Layout of operation panel 9. Optional P.C. board 4, Checking and adjusting for setting positions 5, How to operate 6. Adjusting ramp time 1. CAUTIONS ON USE 41) Prire to access into the unit for check and remedy, tum off the MCCB and wait for several mi- nutes to ensure that charge lamp goes off 2) For insulaing test required special considerations, please ask our nerest service center. 3) This unit has been fully adjusted at the factry prior to delivery and no turther adjustment is re- quired for volumes and switches on P.C. board except the parts on operation panel. » PART NAME AND NAMEPLATE Top cover Operation pane! Model, serial No, elc are mentioned on the nameplate. Front cover: FMD- AC-21 SOURCE 200V 50H2 —200/2007230V 60H ‘OUTPUT WA A SERIAL FujiElestrie Co, La JAPAN Please inform us above itemes when you call center our servic: — Nameplate3. LAYOUT OF OPERATION PANEL Seven segments L.E.D. (operation indicators and fault indicators) volumes and switches are mounted on the operation panel. Push the [SHIFT] key and change the indicating content About one minute later atter ro Function indicator leasing [SHIFT] key indicat. / indicates the messages of three LEDs (Data in ing content is retum back 10 0 tor LEDO, LED1, LED2) cord (output frequency) Data indicator indicates the contents of the fanction indicator LED 3 IFT] key CHARGE amp _/ | 5 | Running aes FIN ACC DEC BO00ST f =] Se under normal PT elefels = . aes / | \ :CHECKING AND ADJUSTING FOR SETTING POSITIONS The presetting required for operating is done at shipping on delivery. Applying the power sup- ply, confirm the following functions data by pushing the shift key before applying the operating command, Treat = Indicating Seting value {uO Data | (Unitisnotindicated) Remarks on shipy 0 [0.0] feteeney | He - on] Setting viz | External setting requency is ndicaled _ frequency when external control signal is applyed Maximam the requency selected by 150 2 | 'S0) trequency He witch (8rd notch) 3 | iol accet sve] faumpierereavesaiaty 10 + | ool coe coo Agumiiohareiedvavedy ‘0 ‘Adjustable tothe required value by 5 90} s00sT % [BOOST] volume 90 ‘Optonatinaicatontorthe orientation _ 6 | Gf octraking | % | Optonaina Indicating therated urrentas 7 |p| Suet 4 | Inaicating tne rated cuentas 100% _ 8 | Rotation [FO) :Normalcomand Revers: | =| comand — | comand [==]: Non comand 9 | 0.5] Lowspecd | 4, | Optionalincication forthe orientation _ frequency optional unit function code. Tobe noted that setting values of volumes and switches are changeable without changing the * Changing the setting values during operation caused renewing the data at the next stop, OPERATION PROCEDURE Operate according to the following procedure. 1) Switch on the power suply. 2) And will ight on the lamp [CHARGE] on the operation panel. And the dot on the function indicater wil flicker indicating the operation to be normal. Indicator shows 3) Applying normal or revers commansthe motor ill run atthe setting trequeniy. The indicator shows the output frequency of the drive normally. oo}4) Pushing the [SHIFT] key, you can observe the other function data. Indicating data will be automatically return to the [B] code after taching off from the SHIFT] key. (Refer to the schedule showed in item 4) 5) Switching off the normal or reverse command, the motor will decellerate and stop. And switch off the power supply for safety when you don't want to operate again soon 6) Note that the fault signal will be sent at the time of before applying and switching off the power supply. 7) [LU] faut willbe indicated by reapplying the power supply during the [CHARGE] lamp to be on after switching off the power supply. 6. ADJUSTING RAMP TIME ACC] , [DEC] are set to 10 sec. Combined with the machine adjust the ramp time to be short. Shorter ramp time causes fault. So, it should be adjust to be long enough for eliminating [OC] . 20% longer ramp time is suitable for variation of GD*, 7. TROUBLE SHOOTING 7-1. Fault indication Memorize the function code data before pushing the [RST| cation is changed automaticaly to the fault indication). (1) [Function code 15] shows fault conditions. Pushing the [SHIFT] key, the fault conditions are indicated in the order of the fault hap- pened. bottonat the fault condition. (Indi- oc Over current 1 Us nesnneonnQver voltage OH .ndinverter over heat DL _-nlnwerter overload Lu Under voltage oe Motoroverheat (2) [Function code 6 ~¢] shows operating conditions under the inverter being faulty. (Function code) 6 7 8 9 A b c Output frequency (Hz) Setting frequency [Hz] Output current[%] Rotation ( F O--Normal, r & ~~Reverse, — ~--Stop) CL a indication for suppressing over current mode operation UL s indication for suppressing over voltage mode operation UUs indication for instantenous power interuption| botton can change the indication to the normal mode. (Refer to the schedule showed in item 4) @)7-2, Trouble shooting When fault condition was found. Shoot the trouble using the fault indication mentioned on the item 7-1 and the following table. It drive is faulty which is not mentioned following schedule, please call the nearest service sta- tion and give the informations, CaN Phe Operation cenation seshootin eVSUE | oauternnatonentoS~) Troubleshooting Fermody Ouinut Selina ovo OC} — frequency < leaushey | Shorter Aaust [AGG] metabo ® o - ouput geting ‘cust [BEC] tmetobe ac | ~ Regency > Kegidney | Snorer Ach |e & tone IC | Lu [Function cose ‘C, snow | * Retentgnous power Contre conctions of power |- Fuus «+ Sian votage drop supply " Ouipu Sang ha rotobe ac | au | redueney > raqusney | Shorter st toto | ‘B oy forge Ouiout Sat ’ veto au) —|feguency > Hequmcy | Storer Acjuet [DEC] trotobe ‘e oe _| Hignomoronanttonp. | ¢ Exaustthehightemp at on FeZiystoppngetunttan, | * Roplacingthtan Suis 19055 Overioad ole cive y foducohe kaa 4 Sanent Brcessvenigniregsent | nm ou} legs accel enddece! Changetnecperationmode. | op} | Motor overload + Recucetreloas Niotorfanstep. 1 Refactor Lu * Under otage Conte supp votage 2 Fallot input phase vt + Reparinstauty pen Nonsuppiyvotage Swich ontheMCCB and MC Lowvoliage poworeupcly | Checkthosupptywotage No on |Net ning ,__ po inciaton Tentickenngargang ao’ | FeauiedioepacetheCPUIo CeUrananginceanngcot | eurwesetable | Galthecercecener | Tooneavyheloed Cchecktneload 8. MAINTENANCE Itis required the suitable maintenance for the best operation of the drive anc keeping the reli- able operation to eliminate the fault condition. 1) Note the following points on the check. —10-(1) The power supply should be switched off. (2) Never work during [CHARGE] lamp to be lit for avoiding the denger. (8) Connector should be handled by using the connector housing. (4) The special considerations are required tor meagering and high volt test. 2) Check points and the remedy consult with our service station. No Check points Phenomena Remedy + | dustete © Thedrveiscoveredwithdust | Remove themusing electric heavily dust collector. Running powerfully ornot. 2 | Cooling fans ofcrive Abnormal noise from the bearing Replace the fan. Terminals and «Loose sc ore 3 | ee rewing Rescrewing . OPTIONAL UNIT Following is the instructions for the drive with optional P.C. board, 1) Models of optional P.C. board. There are 3 modeles. Confirme the P.C, board number. (1) Orientation + Changing ramptimeP.C. board Ep2654C-2 (2) DiAtransducerP.C. board Ep2654C-1 (3) D/Atransducer + Orientation + Changing ramptimeP.C. board EP2654C-3 2) Installation for the optional P.C. board. Removing the front cover, you can find the optional P.C. board on the left side of the drive. Adjusting volumes one Connector ao / v2 VRS Optional PLC. board ‘Connector for extemal wiring —p-3) Confirming and adjusting for the setting value. Presetting required tor operating is applyed at shipping on delivery. Confirm them according to the following scheduls. ‘Adjusting | Adjusting Setting value volume items. ‘Adjusting procedure ‘onshipping vr? | Jogging ‘© Jogging speed frequency for positioning by speed orientation system can be adjusting, frequency | * Adjustthe jogging frequency by VR2 obsarvingthe data indicator calling function code with keyat stop condition. Data indicator shows Hz. Clockwise acjusting provids the jogging trequency tobeincrease. vera | OC breaking | © VR3givesDC broaking boost applyed for position- oost Ing by ofientation system. ‘« Adjust VR3 observing the data indicator caling function codes with keyatsiop condition Dataindicator shows % value, clockwise adjusting providstheDC breaking power tobe incroace —u—DOMESTIC SERVICE CENTER(JAPAN) TOKYO SERVICE CENTER (IN THE HEAD QUATER) #100 8-1, ICHOME, YURAKU-CHO, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO TEL. TOKYO(03) 3201-1971 OSAKA SERVICE CENTER (IN THE OSAKA BRANCH) 7530 1-29, 2CHOME, DOJIMAHAMA, KITA-KU, OSAKA, TEL. OSAKA(06) 344-1221 NAGOYA SERVICE CENTER (IN THE NAGOYA BRANCH) F460 19-24, 1CHOME, NISHIKI, NAKA-KU, NAGOYA TEL. NAGOY A052) 231-8171 KOBE SERVICE CENTER (IN THE KOBE WORKS) 651-22 1-1, ACHOME, TAKATSUKA-DAI, NISHI-KU, KOBE TEL. KOBE(078) 991-2111 OVER SEA SERVICE CENTER U.S.A NJ. SERVICE CENTER C/O ELMES & OESS SERVICE INC. 800 HUYLER STREET TETERBORO N.J. 07608 USA TEL (201)288.4422 FAX (201)288-4496 CHICAGO. C/O ELMES & OSS SERVICE INC. 955-F NORTH PLUM GROVE ROAD SCHAUMBURG, IL 60195 U.S.A TEL(312) 605-1633, FAX(312}.605-1635 LA, SERVICE CENTER C/O ELMES & OFSS SERVICE INC. CYPRESS COMMERCE CENTER 5550 CERRITOS AVE. SUITE "H" CYPRESS, CARIFORNIA 80630 USA. TEL (714)220-1879 FAX (714)220-1870 E.C. EC. SERVICE CENTER C/O FUu! ELECTRIC CO., LTD, FRANKFURT REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE. LYONER STRASSE 11, 6000 FRANKFURT AM MAIN 71 F.A. GERMANY. TEL (069)866-4089 FAX (49)-69-6661020 —16—

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