Alarm List For Mazatrol M32

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ALARM LIST for MAZATROL M-32 PUBLICATION No.: H731SA0593E Serial No. PRECAUTIONS Boloro operating tis machine, please read this manual wih care and luly understand the conten of tie marwal so that thc mactine can exerts performance satoly. ‘Aitough the conlants of hs manual are closcly checked lor perleckon, mere 1s ary ambavalent pow, meorroct ‘escupion, oF omission, conact ws, ploase In ord 10 explain tho dotais, all the Mustratons contained «1 Ys manwal do aot necessanly shaw the covers, doors. saloly guards, or shlds. Therelore, bo sur fo resioro al Une spaciied covers, shells. et., and vbsorve to Contents G1 ine manual whon operating ths machine. Il INS precauton 1s nore, 2 seraNS acewHion! may arcu, FOS HH damago 10 tho umportant uns of tho machuny and olner AccassorNs ‘Tins manual 18 subject to madiicalions and changes as foqurlud fur The provement wt, and tho change whe specitcaton of ho mactino and tho CNC oqupmont, as wel as Kr usally of whe manual sell, The wadeahons Ani changos aro ndicalee by updaing tho manual numbers wa rovised version \itien your manual s damaged or lost, and a now matonal 1s needed, wiflorm uso Hhe “manual puma Whe manual pumber 1s nt Wentfiad, inform us of te following 1. Name ofthe machine 2. Number of tho machina 3, Name ofthe manual Contact tho Techincat Center (TC) oF the Sorvco Conte (SC) Yamazaki Mazak lor oporabin of ts machine arab replacement ol the manual fssua ofthe manual: Manual Pubicaboa Toamn of Engnacnng Generakzation Section, Yamazaki Mazak Co, Lid 05.1993Introduction This text describes the meaning of various alarms used for the MAZATROL M:32 and the procedure to eliminate their cause. Read this list carefully in order to make the best use of the possibilities of the MAZATROL M-32. It is advisable to consult the Operating manual as required. Notes: 1. Its prohibited to partially or completely transcribe, reproduce or modity this, manual. 2. This manual will be subject to change without notice. 3. In the case where you find a doubtful point, an error or omission in this manual which was prepared with careful attention, please send your suggestions to our service center. Documents that accompany the product Standard Operating manual for MAZATROL M-32 = Programming manual for MAZATROL M-32 - Parameter list for MAZATROL M-32 + Alarm list for MAZATROL M-32 (this text) Option + Programming manual for MAZATROL M-32 EIA/ISO + Programming manual for 3-D processing = Programming manual for five-surface machining = CPU-LINK communication software preparation procedure = Operating manual for MAZATROL CAM32-A system = Operating manual for MAZATROL EDITORMasai azak General Outline if machine failures occur or if erroneous operations are carried out, appropriate alarm numbers and messages will be displayed in the alarm display section of the. screen. If alarm display appears, refer to the Alarm List to locate and eliminate’ the cause of the alarm. More than one alarm may be raised at once, depending on the particular status of alarm occurring. In the event of alarm display, therefore, it is highly recommended that the operator should call the ALARM display on the screen and make sure of the type of alarm. (1) Machine-status indicator lamps Either one or both of the following two lamps light up in the event of alarm: 2M. FAIL .... Lights up in the event of a machine failure. ONC ALARM .. Lights up in the event of trouble with the NC equipment. (2) Alarm display ‘An alarm willbe displayed on the ALARM display in the following format: 650 CHAMFERING IMPOSSIBLE (1234, 56, 78) Loo! sequence number ‘or block number Unit number or sequence number ‘Alarm message Work aumber ‘Alarm number (3) Color of alarm display and its clearance ‘Alarm display is presented in either red or blue. Red .... Clear the display with the reset key (LZ) Biue .... Clear the espay wih either tho lear key (£2) or het. FAL CLEAR key. (4) Structure of the Alarm List © 2 eo Cause Type of |__| ° Siopped sas © Action Clearng prooedure @ i Display ® @Alarm number @ Alam message @ Cause of alarm @ Action to be taken to eliminate the causeType of error Code Type Deserston ”~ | Operaion “Rrwrong way has bean pressed. Or we machine hes bons operate incor [Registered data ___| The program oto! data includes an eres ce _ [Sone Mallunetionng tne servo contol mechanism 0 | Space Mallunctionng ofthe spindle contrat mechanssm & | we equipment Sysiom (hardnare/sotware) enor F [Mashing ug) | Machine fai G_[eneral 10 vot | Matuncionng of eternal VO unt © Stopped status 002 seus H__ [Emergency ston | eset soo J [Single boc sto [Feed stp thts 1 Toperauon continues Clearing procedure Code Procedure M__ | Power ot! > Eliminate cause —+ Power back on N__[ Eliminate cause > Power aff + Powor back on 2 | Eiminate cause + Pross resol key P| Pross reset key 0 | Etminate cause — Press M. FAIL CLEAR koy F_|[ Press M. FAIL CLEAR hey Ss _ [Press cear hoy ® Display See the description of (3) above. See the following Note 1 Notes: 1.1f program-related alarm display appears, that portion of the program in which the alarm has occurred will be displayed within the parentheses next to the alarm message. The meaning of each code in parentheses on the Alarm List is listed in the table below. Code Meaning WNO._| Work number (MAZATROL or EIAISO) UNO. [Unit number (MAZATROL) 'SNO._| Too! soquence number (MAZATROL) NNO. _[ Sequence number (EIAISO) BNO. | Block number EIANSO) tink | No display, or inia-systom alarm processing code2. The stopped status (©), clearing procedure (®), and display color (@)) for some types of alarm depend on whether the alarm-encountered program is on the foreground (program selected on the POSITION display) or on the background. (program selected on the WK. PROGRAM display). The above mentioned three types of information for the latter case are indicated with parentheses in the Alarm List. 3. Alarms related to the mechanical and control systems use alarm code numbers from 200 to 399. For descriptions of the alarm code numbers from 200 to 399, refer to the Alarm List of the Machine Operation Manual and the ELECTRIC WIRING DIAGRAM.soo 7] [ee [eewonv panne i cae Type Come Wed ‘conn f he maori he € NS Spou oprson novaione a) mei Newton oro Spel 7 fon Camg fon = roa ae Pot comet your YAMAZAKI MAZAK | w pons sre aan a Dior Fes oor [WATEH OOO 7] [be [eenonv oom 7 cme Tio a! case Type a dan mito reowet Bre E Alot rele int 7 7 Spas Sod 7 7 fn — in i [tee _] sree pocete pas crue yor VAMAZAKIMAZAK [ar Pins conclu YAMAZAKI MAZAK pee Sava sen prose ws oan Deay ay wes ad cca [SvSTEM ERROR Ta] [es] zene oon to Cause Te a cou Typo Ter scour vote wih he - Vagal cna tha ston dt) oma NC oom WBecte Sie to pune — ochmig organ orator peso da, Sapp fen Gaemo hen Gang a rote are cone you YAMAZAKI MARK [yg See re een eaten, ; poms soe sain span oer arcrone ay spy fad Res[eos [svsTem Loapina ERROR ‘009 | SPNDL.GONTROL. (IC MAC 012) ALARM fi Cause Type of error Cause Type ot “The system sottware stored onthe Hoppy @ ero isk has boon dosroyed . Or a “Tne IC MAC 012 on the conto printed: Bi mallunction nas occured inthe Hoory i circuit board has pat comecty operate. disk unt ‘ious ‘Stopped staus 4 Acton Creating sracedure ‘Acton Ciearng The floppy ask othe cisk unt (ncuding " a th cara) needs replacng, Please contact Replace the SF-CA card 7 your YAMAZAKI MAZAK products serves station Display Display Red Red (007 | SUM GHEGK (GRO) ERROR ( > (070 | SPNOL SPEED ERROR cena Cause Type of ero" Cause Type of “Tne contents ofthe system software F = andlor custom sofware nave been ‘Tho diference between the designated a ostroyed. speed and the motor speed has exceeded Stopped a tne required value because of oni cS © Spndie overioad hopped A @ Speed detecton encoder error nw Card matuncton a -Acion ‘Clearing procedure ‘Action Clating provedure Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK 7 rocuets sonvice station. For @ above, reduce the fad. " For @ above, replace the speed datecton Display encoder For @ above, replace the FS-CA card. Disolay Red Red 008 [BATTERY ALARM ( D 11 | WATCH DOG 1 inn) Cause Type of enor Cause Type of “The batlory provided to rotin parameters, A ny imachinag programs ano otter ypes of The NC sysiem was notable to process E data witin tho NC system has reached sme data within unit processing tne the minim votago love permissible or aa ‘Stopped has run down, sas v H ‘Acton easing procedure Action Cieering tis required thal the machining datas ? = rechecked or possbe loss or tha he Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK ™ Sotory is recharged or replaced. For products service sation. batlery recharging or replacement, relerto | Display the relevant dasorpien given nthe Display Maintenance Mana. Blue Redov2 | SYSTEM ERROR (018 | ZERO DIVISION Cause ‘Type of Cause Type ot fn eres) has occurred inthe soware A Megat data (euch as zero-dvision dala) is BI ofthe NC system. included in either the parametor set, ‘Stopped ‘machining program or other types of dala. | Siopoeg statue ‘stats 4 4 ‘Acton Clearing ‘Action ‘Gieanng procedure procedure Piease contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK w Check if 0" data is included inthe Fi producls service sition parameter set, macheing program or ‘thor types of machining data, and thon Display corract tf such data is present Dieplay Red Red 078 [ MEMORY PARITY cd 016 | SYSTEM LOADING ERROR 0 y Cause Type ot Cause: Type of error error ‘The contents ofthe memory within the Fi ‘The systam sofware stored on the floppy 6 INC system (operation nstuctons or dala) dist has been destroyed. Or a have been destroyed. = rmallunction has occured in tne lloppy ‘Stopped status ik unit status 4 ‘Action (Cleacing ‘Acton (Clearing procedure procedure Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK i “The toppy disk 0° the disk uni (nctuding M rogues service stato the card) needs replacing Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK Display products service station. Display Red Red (v4 [MEMORY GUARD a) 017 | SUM CHECK (CRC) ERROR 0 Y Cause Type of Cause Type of {A detects) is included i the sysiem 5 ‘The contents ofthe systom software E software of cusiom sotware. ‘ancior custom sottware have been Stoopea ostoyed, Stopped slats stalus 4 H ‘Action Clearing ‘Acton Cleanng a procedure procedure Prease contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK Mt Turn power off and shen back on. It ths ia products service stato. ‘doos nat elear the ero status, please ‘contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK Display produ service station, Dispiay Rea Red016 [BATTERY ALARM (020 [ SPNOL (CONVERTER OVERCURAENT ».) Cause “Type of Cause Type of eo erro “This message indicates thatthe botieny e A current excoasing the required value provided o rela parameter, machinng has flown ito the Converter because of D progam and thor types of dala writin Stopped © Power tansisior damage fhe NC system has reached the mnimum | status @ Mover overioad votiage lvel permissible or has run down, © Wrong motor wing ‘Stopped H © Motor col layer short-circuit — @ Insuticiont power capacty Taoton ‘crearng © Abnormal ine voltage wavetorn procedure © abnormal ine Kequency (23%) a © Curent detector cxcuit aut tis requires thatthe machining datas ™ rechecked for possible destruction or that ‘he battery is recharged or replaced. For aoe ae battery recharging oF replacement, soo Display rocadure the relevant doscinion in the © Replace the power transistor Masnonance Marval Red © Reduce the load © Comect the wiring M @ Replace the motor (019 [SPNOL. CONTROL. (@REAKER TRIP) ( ? @ Increase the power capacity @ Increase the power capaciy oF vse Display Cause Type of larger-sized cables ere © improve the fuctuation state of he ‘A currnt excooting the requir valve frequency Red tas flown ite the main excut bocause of © Roplace tne SF-CA cara (Game 23 for No. 20) cera ean (02) | INSUFFIGIENT VOLTAGE en) Cause Type of ction Clearing i procedure “Tne the:phaso input sunply votage has fF decreased below 160V (= 5V). ‘Stopped status Display H Action Clearing prooedure Ccheck the input votage, ane then i increase it 1 200/220V ; + 10 44, 15 Display Red022 | MOMENTAR, POWER DOWN 025 [ WATCH D0G Cause Type of coe Type of ‘Tne supply vlogs has acess tlow ‘A matnctos) has cecured the NC. : br minum prnsebl va pray. fhe sone amir conel cae. Ye Somes ital eal othe conectrs. com sae sate wcten Clorng avon Ciena provera revere Ads he poner surly Pease contac your YAMAZAKI MAZAK [> presets vont sao, Osslay oily ea Rod Tas [LEGAL WENORY 7 TD] [ee [LEGAL wemony co cavse Type of cause Tape 0 a Es ‘A maluncions) has occured ne ; ‘A matnctans has occured in the NC. Cental cad ol tho sero amples, the th sove onplte cool aos he oral cbls or ho Somedtrs. a ited etl or te connectors. a sate sate ¥ 4 fowon Cian foton ciearng proce pecs Peas contact you YAMAZAKI MAAK [——y pions contact your YAMAZAKI MAAK [-—", products service station. broducis service station. Disoay Dispoy fed oo cae [EXTERNAL CLOGKMALFUNOTION (11 1] [o@7 [MAGNETICPOSTION DETECT WALF (Cs Cavso Tye a Case Type of ‘As mauncton() has accured inthe NC, : ‘A matrotons) has oourod eter a : th sowo amples cor cath the oto (or cates) itd oe ire! eats or he comenos ove motor mt sovo angi Or Samp 3 onped tre machine premotor stings fo be scopes Serv sytem rel an eo") 7 " rcion Craig fcton Otaina ccc rovers Peace contac your YAMAZAKI MAZAK [> Pease contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK | —, presets vanes sab produce sonata ato, Dissy Dsnlay od Red(028 | PRINT CIRCUIT BOARO MALF (031 | DETECTING NO SIGNAL 9 Cause Type of Cause Type of Armalurconis hes ccoured be Amarin ts coed ater a Cohan erie ips adap om Tie Oro mutts poser onpe Seringe for bo sow nytom aude an | Sonne oe 7 7 talon Genin sion Geary sree coon prose cont your YAMAZAKI MAZAK | plese contac your YAMAZAKI MAZAK [a Produ swe ston iorcopies ni cy soy fed = za [BETEOTINO NO SIGNAL oe a cass Toot cane Theo ee oar Ce 3 tsuneo co ied se eect oenee cone ompine. O° [Soma — eee eee coupe ie | Same sai tn ayaa nae on os) 4 aon Gare aon Seaico svete rose press conc your YAMAZAKI MAZAK | oon es san Day Dovey fad Gea [ETESTING NO SIGNAL? Ta] [em [bereorne no sonar lot case Tie oF cou Type of ‘A matte) hs occured iharin S th auc etiog oe oe wisn Or bo mative omar a Se es ie sro r fon on atom Coane orate cote Pn coc! your YAMAZARIMAZAK | Heverlee ai Diy Deny Fad 10(034 | BATTERY MALFUNCTION 037 [ OVER AMPERE Cause ‘Type of Cause Type gt ‘The absolve deter crt : ‘A youd shor or an era stot has 3 Dockupvatry fe servo ampilor cogared at man power re Oran tone card has tn Goren hat Town trough ha sa ‘Stopped se Seppe Stir creut or more an conan ea ie r ¥ woven clerng acton Ceara srocodure sroceare Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK. [yy Locate and correct eshte orton of A preels sree abo tremor power ine Wt ala sae sit porous ater el, ploose conor your oo JAMAZAKI MAZAK prodots sore Display Boson oo ed fogs | OveR REGENERATION ( wD ‘038 | OVER VOLTAGE « 1? ‘Cause ‘Type of ‘Cause ‘Type of Acederatonteconaton has been c The input vologe to he sano ampstar or [—¢ topos to many bn Gag ad To nteral vlogs has booome tooo a cxossvet age Somos sats sas # " cion Cieaing Acton Cena ocet prove Reduce eithor the Irequency of apid-foed N Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK a acceleration/deceleration or the rapid products service station. teodete Disay Depay Reo fed was [Oven SPEED + Tt] [ee [oara ran to case Type ot case Type of The masimum permissible sped ot motor |g ‘A matuncion) has orcred te NC, 7 dolor olan has boon exceeds. be sore amps cool cer, the Sivoo ioral bono” he comect’s Som sate sats 4 4 aon Ceara rcion Oletna procedure procedure Rade te moor soos a Pease contact yor YAMAZAKI MAZAK Mf this does not correct the alarm status, products service station. M then daaierca, Be sone Smpilo.orthe contgleade solecive: | 0 please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK a Display Precis socnsaton Ros oe "040 [ RLEGAL DATA (042 | EMERGENCY STOP Cause: Type of Cause Type w ‘A malluncton(s) has occured inthe NC, e the servo amples conta card, tho inieinal cables or the connectors. Supe = slalue sale 4 Action loaning ‘Action Clearing prooedure procedure Piease contact your VAMAZAKI MAZAK ” products service sialon. Display Display Red 047 [TRANSMISSION MALFUNCTION ( 44 | EMERGENCY STOP, fi ? Cause ‘Type ot Cause “Type of ‘A malluncin of data transmission E ‘Trouble has occured inthe hardware. E between NC and serv sysiom has occurred, ‘Stopped ‘Stoned ‘status ‘talus 4 4 ‘Acton Clearing ‘Acton (Clearing procedure procedure Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK a “Twin power off and then back on. If this ” products sevice siaton. does nat clear tho alarm slau, please ‘contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK Display prodvcls sence station. Display Red Red 42 | PARAMETER ERROR fi ? (045 | EMERGENCY STOP ( ) Cause Type of Cause Type of {Ao error) is included in the machine E ‘The emergency stop button on the a parameter stings forthe servo system, ‘operation panel has boon pressed. Stopped Stopped sis ‘talus H 4 ‘Action Clearing ‘Action Clearing procedure procedure ease contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK 7 Release the prossod slate of the M products service station, emergency stop button and rest the NC system fo its nial state Display Display Red Red 12046 | EMERGENCY STOP i ? 048 i y Cause Type of Cause “Type of ‘An external emergency stop signal has 5 ‘been input ‘Stopped ‘Stopped ‘talus sialue 4 Acton Clearing ‘Acton Clearing procedure prosedure or othor extornal unis. ° Display Display Red 047 ( ) 050 arte cause Type of Cause Type of ‘Stopped ‘Stopped sialus slalus | ‘Acton ‘Clearing ‘Acton Clearing procedure procedure Display Display 048 i ? (01 | FIN OVERHEAT ( ? | Cause Type of Cause Type of Tho tm has become overheated due to F operation of the servo amplifier at an ‘Bonped ‘ulput current higher than tie eating For Giooped fea ‘the continuous operation, fea H ‘Action Ciearng ‘Action Clearing provedure procedure Rooduce einer the tequency of na accoleratonidecelecaton oF the ato of ccting be Display Display l Rod 13[os2 [MoTOR OVERHEAT ( o 055 | SERVO LAG EXCESS Cause Type of Cause Type gt Sor a Te mot has became overheated ve | F Th erence of he ste maine ‘ Tog ofa mar a out poston rors het ered by NEw thn ten ore ares cn ach pects mosis cetson nas |S poten copa cee eubehsocuante, | See! ctr 4 m7 on Chairs eae Cena renee proce Poduce aer he roqsncy of fi sas be mectine om te coin, 7 Sccowatrvcderaton oe cng Meson et cone! alm sah, er tans Congct yur YAMAZAKI MAZAK Ooiy rel ae san, Disay ea moo 053 [OVERLORD Ty] [ese [EweRGEnCy Stor @erERNA CD Cae Type o Cone Type “Tre sexo mat has bon 1 a a a An onagency sop spat has bem nt | soba ho Panto. fom he NG anon oe mech Sones Somped 4 r ea Ceoire aoe Coming cross proces Scoueratondecorenon he cng sno eat a crate fo cave fo cnerorey 8p Dinty Dsnay fos we ea [OVERLORD To) [me ome aaswainncnon Cone Typo Come Type! ‘A machi colicin has ocoued a ‘A matureton hes cccured in te 3 pul sod sre elie Supped Sued 4 rr acton Ciara sion Ceaicg srocedve crore eave te colin 7 nine couse ole sve emeiter | mln, ant Oso. oa feo 14058 i ? (061 [ OVER REGENERATION fi Hi Geuse “Type of ‘Cause Type of Acceertonidecoeration has taken place a tee mary ios (Ts con cause Topo overhestog ofthe genoa ess) — | Soong state stats W ‘Acton Cleanng Action Clearing voce rocedre Recuce he requency felons fn fsosteranvdeclraion otha 00 foodiae Dipay Dsoiay eve oe 7) [pee overoao cD Case Type Cause Type at “The coninvus rang of be mata has ce been exceeded. Oran creas load saan has teen eppled 1 te motor bocawe o! | Sioppes oe hing, nadie cozon sore ter |“ H aston ‘leaing ‘eton Cvarng rocoto procede Fodue he motor oad. is des nt i feel te oar tats, cont your YAMAZAKI MAZAK prodetsSorice Dispay souon Depiy Red oso] ToT] [ee [Pananeren eanon cD) Cause ‘Type of Cause Type of ‘An ers nc nt machine fF pram stings fr te so sysiom Stopped ‘Stopped fate slau W eto Clore ‘Acton Clerng procedure | J proce Pace conac your YAMAZAKI MAZAK in tradvctssoce sation Dsolay Disptay Bie 16[osa [OVERTRAVEL, 1 (067 | SPNDL.CONTL.(GPUJMALFUNCTION ( y Cone Time = Tw ath resco ta soe 7 Dag ten, 8 CPU arr has cecued Cee tes atte sadn eae ceiraat cae Ses Senses Fi 5 = eon Cano one roe Wow ys mist conslopentonmnds | —o Comet he parameter aig. 1 ante take nti i hes anon ets srte srk check for a disconnection in the signal Display Display es 5] [ow [Sroc ewenten ovenounneny case Te af Cane Tyo a! Aca sod th ropod abo 5 faatoun tu be soe becuse ot i he uune a) Sepod 7 ae Cane fan Seaive vom i 5 | ey any ed es [SPRL CONTAC PHAGE LAG] (ome [Seno contm OvenneaT Came Tyee Case Te o ne or moe o he Ove hase of he 7 Te neh oct enon howe econ |p Sorcha aceteoen te fhe Mert tacncers oonmel Banoo . Senpod ee Soe ecaey on oar, co fen es haem Chong cede ote es oes i eirina te cael) al Goer ne ck tne ord Disoay = fad Fs 16iw G70 [ABSOLUTE POSTION UNREWABLE « . . 1] _ [072 [2 PORT RAW MALFUNCTION co) ‘Cause Type of Cause Typo of ‘To ateobte cata has boon ost because [6g A soro-contol RAM (random acc9ss = Ge posible sbrorma! cecease im ‘romoy) maluncion has occured batty vane Scam canal sae state Waring H ‘ion Ceara Acton cleans srocesure sroceoune Aor checking th battery, cary out aa The MC111 oF MCE11 card must be i ‘raloncog-ype honing operation Taree repaced. Plato coast you peroion YAMAZAKI MAZAK prods serve ton Dipl osolay woo Bie 075 | ROM ALFUNCTION (CHECK SUM) ) O77 | LOCAL RAM WACFUNGTION c) auto Type of ase Type of = err A ROM (cad ony memory) malvacton : nas occured ARAM (andom access mer) = malfunction has occurred. Stopped stave Stonpee state H " Action Clearing precede ‘ation Ciean ica The MOA cad ms be olaed a Prange contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK “Tho MC311 or M411 card must be 7 eee eee topaced. Pease conec your Oipay YAMAZAKI MAZAK products sorve0 slaton. Oso a ed G74 [ BUS ERROR oo) Causa Type of Error nas eccurad curing data = tranastonbotwaon sow contol unt and the amir soma ‘tats W Aaton learn rococo urn power of and then back on. hs in dos ot Garth or stats, please conic your YAMAZAKI MAZAK procs servee sation Display ed 7(075 [ADDRESS ERROR eat 078 | AMPLIFIER NOT EQUIPPED i D Cause ‘Type of cause Type gt Error has occurred curing data E ‘Ampliter power is not yet turned on. Or Fi transmission between the servo-conirot no signals are transfered yet unit ang the amp. aceeed Sc tas ‘status H 4 ‘ction Clearing ‘Action Cieanng procedure procedure “Turn power a and then back on. I tis ™ (Check for an incorecty connected cable, ™ does not clear the enor slalus, please ‘an incorrect attached connector, ‘contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK inadequate input supply votage to the produats sevice slaion, Display ‘ampitie, an noorect axis-number swich | OisPey seting, etc. — Red Red (076 [ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION aren (070 [2 PORT MEMORY PARITY een) Cause Type of Cause Type of error enor Error has occured during dala E ‘Servo-toated data has been destroyed. E transmission betwoon the servo-contol uni and the amp. =] eaeail satus ‘stalus H 4 ‘Acton Gearing ‘Acton Gearing procedure procedure ‘Turn power off and then back on. If this w Card replacement is required. ” does not clear the erorslalus, please Piease contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK products service siaton products servic station. Display Display Rod Red (077 [ Z6RO ONVISION (igeeateaa (080 | ILLEGAL INPUT DIMENSION eae Cause “Type of Cause Type of Error has occurred during data a “The units of input are out ofthe e transmssion between the serv0-contro permissive seting range Unit and the ample. Suppo ‘Suppsd status status 4 4 ‘Acton Clearing ‘Acton ‘Clearing procedure procedure “Turn power oll and then back on. I this Fj Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK Fj does not clear the exorslatus, lease rogues service station contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK products service station Display Display Red Fed 18087 | ILLEGAL OUTPUT DIMENSION fi co Cause Type of Cause ‘Type of ‘An ileal value(s) is included inthe 7 parameter setings. Stopped ‘Stopped status status 4 ‘Acton Clearing ‘Action Cieanng procedure prooedue Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK " rods servee station. | Display Display Red 082 Gan) 085 arenas Cause Type of Cause Type of ‘Stopped ‘Stopped stats staus ‘Acton Gieanng ‘Acton Clearing procedure procedure Display Display 083 (eee 086 ares Cause Type of Cause ‘Type of ‘Stonped ‘Stopped satus stale ‘Acton Creating ‘Acton Clearing procedure procedure Display Display 19087 y 090 ea Cause “Type of Cause ‘Type of error error ‘Stopped ‘Stopped status status ‘Action Clearing ‘Action Clearing procedure procedure Display Display 088 Gi ? (091 [ ILLEGAT TIME CONST. (FEEDRATE) 7) Cause Type of Cause Type of ‘The necessary tie constant isnot set E (Or the tine constant isnot an allowable ‘Stopped one. ‘Stopped status satus H Action Clearing ‘ation (Clearing prosedure procedure Parameter reloading is required. fn Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK products service station. Display Display Red 089 ‘ , (092 [WLEGAT ThE CONST. (FEEDRATE) ( 7 Cause Type of Cause Type of “The necessary time constants not set ei (the ime constant isnot an alowable Stopped one. ‘Stopped ‘talus status 4 ‘Acton Clearing Acton Clearing procedure procedure Parameter rloading is rogue. W Pease contact your VAMAZAKI MAZAK products service station. Display Display Red 20(099 | ILLEGAL TIME CONSTANT 096 Cause ‘Type of Cause Type of ‘The necessary ume constant isnot set E (Or the tene constant isnot an allowable one. ‘Stopoed ‘Stopped status satus # ‘Action Clearing ‘Acton Clearing procedure procedure Parameter reloading is roquire, nl Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK products service station, Display Display Fed (094 [ILLEGAL TIME CONSTANT er) 097 care Cause ‘Type of Cause, Type of The necessary time constant isnot set c © the ta constants not an alowable one, ‘Stopoed ‘Stopped slats status ri ‘Acton Clearing Acton Clearing procedure procedure Parameter relaading is required. a Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK products sorce station. Display Display Red 098 eae 098 aa Cause Type of Cause Type of e Stopped ‘Stopped status talus 4 ‘Action Clearing ‘Action Clearng procedure procedure N Display Display Red a1098 q H 102 [ SOFT UT x cD Cause "Type of Cause Type of ror ero" During NC operation, the operator Nas 7 input an incorect Gaia which wuld cause the machine to overstop the -X tint Stonped St ae reputed by paroete essed K ‘tion Clearing acter ‘leaning procedure +——’ procedure Correct te program and other date 60 B thet tne macrine wil move win th sof lis Display Display Bue 100 co) 703 [ SOFT Umit +¥ a) Cause “Type of Cause Type of During NC operation, the operator nas a ingut an incoreat dala which woud cause = the machine 16 oversin the + init email status regulated by paramate. ‘satus K ‘Acton Clearing ‘Acton ioaring procacure procedure Correct the program and other date so F that the machine wil move win the so its Display Display Bue 70% [SOFT LMT +x om 04 [ SOFT Limit -¥ cD) Cause Type of Cause Type ot During NC operation, tho operator has x During NC operation, the operator nas A input an acorect dala which woul cause input en incorect dala which would cause the machine to overs the +X tit onal the machine to overstep the =Y fit Seoped regulated by parameter. aoc regulated by parameter. pes K K own Coaing ‘Acton Cieaneg procedure procedure Correct the program ane other dale 0 P correct he program and other date so 5 that the macrine wil move win the sot that the machine wil move wii the sof its tits Display Display ave Bue 2270s | SOFT LIMIT +2 108 | SOFT LiniT -«h eee Coe Type of Covs0 Tea eo Dusing NC opuaion, te oorior has : Coung NC operate, he operator bas 7 to modo o ovo he +2 tn Me mactino vray th sivas Sere 3 Baio acs ope route by porate poe K x an = eon Ceara rocco sreceoe Corea he grorom ar cer dates : Corvette rogram nd fe dat 2 fer meshes wi move wih Po ot Gert mache ve mn be st Deeley Diay ote Bee wos [SoFT oT = Toa] [ee [sorrcmr sm To couse Tye ot Case Type ot ‘ng NC opto, he opraor has m Duing NC operant operat hs r futon nce le wich wal ase tout an noes aa whch would Sus te machine to oerty te Zt Seed Teac women tne vemree "| ~Soppod ronda by voremel soe tee epubed pra open x r clon Coste ton Cama pooese roche Corea the progam ardor s0 Cones he program and oe ao #0 fi Daly Deoty cor [Sort ont oan Toa] fro [sorraw-sn oo Cause Type of Cause ‘Type of Dung NC ooesion, he oertr has i Dura NC operation te oer as A Puan crest dla wich woud cous Pouran ranect aia whieh wo ems Tencae O Gece nee mreae carci emecune emerson be Shraio lt | Snood iow rgd by pera omen regis by peat sp ri r aioe Cex aon = rovers ean Care! e program nd oe 20 . eet ne pram ad ote dato so ° alte made ve win he st far meses wil move mine ot slay Daley Bue ok 23391 [SOFT Limit +6 314 [OVER TRAVEL -x cane Type a Cane Teo tung NC operation te operator has x Tha Xx has eased is mins (+) 7 Pour resroa aaa wth wo muse woo nt Seneca ib owmeste catress | Bry : vr regunes ty preter epee Scope r x eon Comes Taen Genie crocus recone vest ne posom ad ota daa so 5 Move th aie away om tend in ; Diesy say Bue wed 712 [Sort una a Toa] [re [oven eave ov aa Cone Tyee Cause Typo! Durng NC operation, ho ort has Fi Tho v0 nas reached isp (+) ri ea aaa ae ete Soke it Seasons Wavernepte-sreietmt | ~Sepood Somes roguats by porate ee op x x han Ses Ton Ceaive crores rovers Caves te estan and ober date so . Move te ais away rom te on in . arm maces wl move win he sot thane petion nose. » Display Display ake ed Te [wea raver +x Toa] [re [owen reaver v7 Co Come Typo a Tye ot ‘Th Xena eachod és po (#) 7 Tha Yoana roachad ws ins +) a Speed Seno te sous K r een cong ‘naon = oes proce Mo be as ewmy fom the ord in 5 Move i is eway om toe ° mona sprain mode mon! certo nde Deeley Daley Fed eo 24vi7 [OVER TRAVEL +Z 120 | OVER TRAVEL th Cause Type of Cause ‘Type of ‘The Z-ans has reaches its plus (+) a “The fourth-axis has reached is minus (-) a stoke lt, stroke lait ‘Stopped ‘Stopped ‘slalus stats K K ‘Acton Clearing ‘Action Clearing proved procedure Move the axss away trom the end in P Move the axis away trom the end ia Fi ‘manual operation mode. ‘manual operation modo. Display Diepiay Red Red 118 | OVER TRAVEL -Z anne 121 [ OVER TRAVEL + 8h a Cause “Type of Cause Type of ‘The Z-axis has reach its minus (-) A “The fith-axis has reachod its plus (+) A soko hint stoke iit. ‘Stopped ‘Stopped stalus status K K Acton hearing ‘Acton Cleaning procedure procedure Move the axis away trom the end in 7 Move the axis away from the end in P ‘manval operation mode. mmarwal operation mode. Display Display Rea Red 119 | OVER TRAVEL +4in (neared 122 [OVER TRAVEL -sh 0 Cause Type of Cause Type of ‘The fourh-asis has reached its pls (+) A “The fith-axis has reached its minus (-) a stoke lent. ‘svoke kit, ‘Stopped Stopped status slalus K K Actan ‘Clearing ‘Acton Clearing procedure procedure Move the axis away from the end in a Move the axis away trom the end in P ‘manva! operation modo. ‘manual operation mode. Disolay Display Red Red 25123 [OVER TRAVEL +6in a 126 | Z AXIS NOT COMPLETED c.) Cause Type of Cause Type of “The sixh-ans has reachod ts plus (+) Fj Dring intial eoterence: point return F stroke tt. following the power-on acton, an axis has ‘ot passed through the Z pase ofthe Stoppes Sloot eee ‘comespanding detecor poe K 4 ‘Acton Clearing ‘Action Ctoaring procedure procedure Move the axis away from the end in P First actuate the handle for manual pulse a ‘manual operation mode. fad to move the ass back in the opposite directon to the zero-point, and then cary Display ‘out the zero-point returning operation Display ‘once again, Rod Red 724 | OVER TRAVEL -6in ae) 7a? ORIGIN RETURN DIA. KLEGAL AXIS ( Cause Type of Cause Type of The sixh-axs has reached its minus () A “The axis-movernent direction selected A _s10ke ti, with the ass selector key isnt correct for Sepa the relerence point return in manvat “Stopped status ‘operation mode. stalus K K Action Giearing ‘Acton (leaning procedure procedure Move the axis away trom te end in S Sel the correct diction using the axis P rmanvat operation mode. selector keys (+, -) Display Display Red Red 126 [ILLEGAL AXIS EXISTS ‘ y 126 | OUTSIDE INTERLOCK AXIS. co Cause Type of Cause Type of During rofeence-point return, ne = ‘An axis i intrtocked because the a proximty-po:t detection init switch has interlock function has become active fverrun tne posivon in which the ‘Stopped (put sgnal has tured ot. Sionped watchdog 6 mounted tats ‘staws 4 K Acton Clearing Acton Clearing procedure procedure Either extend the length of te proxamity- 0 Clear the active state ofthe interlock A point watchdag or reduce the relerence funebon, pont rluming speed. Alter thal, cary fut the zero-point returnng operation Display Display once again. Red Res 26128 | INSIDE INTERLOOK AXIS, 792 | EXTERNAL FEEDRATE ZERO couse Teel Come Tmo The vr dcten a which he nue A ‘An ater hat bon ade sree 7 Sine sono. uncten soe. Sopp tte evarnng cele O ona Seppe rine epson Bal ms x ean Cems yon Clana | tein] rovers orca Descive be srl rcton ; Change he marvel feta a vo ; Soa han 8 WB sr easge {epaya when tne ran oot a Display: 0, check the signal line for a short-circuit. Display fea Bue 720 [RO OPERATE MODE Ta] [isto snore lo cone Tye Cone Typo This mossge i dyed inthe evert ot | a Spine rlton do! tat when to a yrooros mate slecion oa ado spect bon sat someon was | SScer aien maton Sipe fined cng aaa operon = | nae aus m7 ms aesen Coma raten Cae rover crocoore mgs aor smiches rot be etc fr nova! pean Display: products service station. Display Ted wo [imi [oorins reeo ovennive zero. 0] [ims [srmoueROTATENOLOWER Cause Type of ‘Cause ‘Type of The cung tad ovoid van sstt00 [a ‘Th spd 198 i ) Cause Type of Cause Type of ‘The interlock signal to lock the stat ofthe 7 rogram block has been input ‘Stopped Stopped stale ‘talus K ‘Acton Cioaring ‘Acton (Crearing procedure procedure “The sequence program needs checking N tor normal functioning, Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK products genvce station, Display Display Fed 196 [ CUTTING BLOCK START INTERLOCK ( ) 139 earn Cause Type of Cause Type of “The inerack signal to lock the start ofthe 8 cutting program block has bean input ‘Stopped Stopped satus slats K ‘Acton ‘Clearing ‘Action Clearing srocedure procosure “The sequence program needs checking n {or normal functioning. Please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK products ‘service slaton. Display Display Red 187 OVER DYNAMIC COMPENSATION ( . . 140 aa Cause: Type of Cause Type of Dynamic compensation amount exceeded A 3mm, ‘Stopped Stopped slats status K ‘Action ‘Clearing ‘Acton Clearing procedure procedure Make sure thatthe workpiece coordinate P zero points central postioned in tho ‘workpiece, and set the diference botwoon the center ol the workpiece and the olary | Disslay Display conler of the table to 3 mm or less. Rea 2814 i ? 182 [EXECUTION IMPOSSIBLE (WNO,UNO.,SNO.) Cause Type ot Cause Type of An intoral eros) has occurred during E fexceuten of the MMS unit ‘Stopp0d ‘Stopped slats talus L Action Clearing ‘Acton Cieanag procedure procedure ‘Attr checking the entre data of tho 3 rogram being executed, tool dala, too! fie, parameters, et, save the data using Display the CMT LO and then contact your Display YAMAZAKI MAZAK products service station, Bie 190 [ILLEGAL ORUM NO. (WNO,UNO..SNO.) 783 [NO TOOL IN MAGAZINE (WNO,UNO.SNO.) Cause Type of Cause Type of “The drum number settings on the B “Too! data tha correspond to the pocket B POSITION or COMMAND display do not ‘umbers being displayed in the “TNO.” ‘agree wth tho machine specications or ‘iooped ‘tem of the POSITION or COMMAND Sane ‘machine status ions daplay aro uneogistoxod. ona u u ‘Acton ‘Clearing Action Clearing procedure procedure Set the deum aumber appropriate to the S Reiser the tol data, 3 machine siaus using the o-um-number ‘seting function of MDL aperaton mode. Display Display Blue Blue 191 [FILE SYSTEM UO ERROR (WNO.,UNO.SNO.) 194 [ NO TOOL DATA IN PROGRAM(WNO..UNO.SNO.) Cause Type ot Cause Type of ‘Ao inloral eros) has occured during E ‘An inornal error(s) has occurred when E program data change by the luncton of ‘ercumlerantal speed oF feedrato VFC, MMS etc. ay changing by VEC function was under Supped ‘stats way. status L t Action Clearing ‘Action ‘Clearing -— procedure procedure | Atier checking the entre data of te 3 [tor checking the entire dala ofthe $s program eng exoculed,t00! dat, tool program being executed, too! data, too fie, parameters, etc, save the data using fie, parameters, etc, save the daa using the CMT 10 and then contact your Dieplay the CMT VO and then contact your Display YAMAZAKI MAZAK products service YAMAZAKI MAZAK producls Sonco station Bue sation. he 2930 395 Ai 188 eared Cause Type of Cause Type of ‘Stopped ‘Stopped status satus ‘Acton Clearing ‘Action Clearing procedure procedure Display Display 196 are 198 aera Cause “Type ot Cause “Type of Stopped Stopped ‘talus status Acton iearing ‘Acton Cosnng procedure procedure Display Display 197 fi ’ Cause Type of Stooped sia ‘Action ‘Clearing rocedure Display“403 | PROGRAM TOO LARGE m0 sna | Cause ‘Type of Cause ‘Type of “he nto 259 Ines per rare has a been exended Stopped Stones sous aus L fcion Cosina fcten lena procedure procedure Aecrat the program so alt oni fe 50 tos ss splay Dipey oe ot [CLEOAL FORWAT a] [eee [Mewonv caPaciy exceD Covse Type of Covee Tie Te format oth put ati rat an A © Acciona ereaton ot mactiing avai oe bream sno rger poms sce {Cranley Negative oe has boon pu fhe mamoy has arency boon ed vo 10 an slem that rejects negative data input 10 its machining-program data storage a capo | c © hata propartion of procs ‘conirol data is no longer possible since ‘Stopped fcien Caing {oo sls of sus dla have acy sate proces oon sore apn © atin preparation of rere ea eee eS yout at so longer possible sce ° 1000 sets of such data have already L Display been stored fcien Cearng Bue proce Mako an avait sooge are by eter fe “92 [LEGAL NUMBER INPUT Co trasng an tractor machin fram fom be merry see 8 Case Type of tmactring program ont a ora Dsoly ere Sora, arden crate @ new aching D The work aumber of a display A Latinas Bu ting pregram was spect. @ Tho mune valve at has Bon put ‘Sout! te alow ange Sonpet c Acton Caron rroseure © ho opeatonconcaedeanet bo 3 potest tb pogrom of Geoy : ‘snsion Program marapenert ‘encon| Dispey @ Pres the la ey and en pt cone aa a 31fe] i i {7 [BESIGHIATED OATA NOTFOUND 1 7 oe Type of Cause Type ot “Tue number or character sting Nat M9 * boon designated doos not Ont at Uie Stopped proyram. Stop satus status L act Ceara Acton Crean ace proce rocoto Desiate an oxstent rumbur oF 3 character sing, Dinlay Display Bue 06 | MEMORY PROTECT Q >| [aca [PRoonaM ERROR ie Cause Type of Cause Type of © Iohsstng operauon (edn, e239, “The memory contents in the machining a teawambor and entry of names) has Droplam Jaa storago ates have Les toon pertonmed fo the eat anhibiing ‘strove rompod proxy Stopped Stone @ PROGRAM LOCKIENABLE switch on | slave | the operation panel 6 $8110 the LOCK T usin 9 Av attoupt has beon sale - Choa Wo carry “in order of Loo! | Peencntel ‘sauo" operations vhile the Dolete bw conespondng proytat 3 spindle bas # wounted Lool (3) Gros Dewy ti (01 Thu operation concetad cannot be tata athe eating haan (Prats meanayonnent fea) @ Sut PROGRAM LOCK/ENABLE sul 0 Bie ENABLE positon a) Kewove tho tool (a) row the spindle and then carry out the operations once agai Dspiay aia THSERTION ‘40a [WLEGAI Cause rota data wnserton 5 wot posshe ‘tn Ine nat psi ts a aa Boe evi gt Type o! a ‘Stopped L ‘cleats pectin 8 Display ene | 32‘10 [LEGAL DELETION Cause Pragyram delotion is nol possible. Type ot Stopped t ‘Acton 11s ot possibio to delete te common Cleaning procedure s splay WeGit [STOP POWERIN PROGRAM EDITING ( . s ) aia [AUTO GALGULATION IMPOSSIBLE («1 Cause Type of Cause Type of ‘A poron of th program may nave been a ‘Automate cation of crourferentia A destroyed vocause power nos been Sp00d and leedate sno! passive tured ot dung program eding Stopped Stopped lave sats v u ‘Acton earn Acton Caring sroceaure rocecure Ccheck ne corresponding rogram for 3 ‘chock and correct te tool sequence data 3 ‘reared data, and coment the program ‘machining unto the rogram. data an err) ents i ‘ Display Display Bie abe aia [WPC NESTING OVER nem 5 ee Cause Type Cause Type of “The number of repeas of subgronram A nosing nas exceeded rine ties, ‘Stopped Siorned sae state u ‘Acton Caarng ‘Acton Clearing ecoedtre srocedure Correct he program so hat he oi A number of repeats of subprogran nesting becomes ine ess Display Display Bue 7a [PROGRAM OVER een ie [AUTO PROCESS DIAEXOEED (ss) Cause Type of couse Type of “The program regisvaton has excooded is A ‘oals cannot be automaticaly developed A Irantnun wae avbiabl (10 32 oF 256 ecause of eros of te machining unit Srovtams, depending on he ype of Store data. aaa mode state als L t Aeton Ciearing ‘Acton Ciearna pronooure sroceoure Dobie an unnecessary programs om a Chock and coret ne machining unit fc the memory, oF save al he nocessory oata programs eno an extra siorege and then ose an unnecessary progam. Disolay Discay exe Bue 33= Tye == Two ‘same data as that which has already A = coeur Stopped Posse number a ye TOOL LAvoUT | Sloped ec sien nome fi 2, ea = proeoe procedure ee ene ; a Display se v) 421 Co y S = case Type at Senos = a procedure ee Display Ta [ATOTAP ROGERS POSE] (es GORE ss a caso To era ae sat ee = ‘ L : con, ra ore = ar ees tea contre ania s ‘Wait unt the VO operation is comploted, S Proaram Di ‘operation from the beginning. Bie36 Zao [EXCEEDED MAX NUMBER OF TOOIS( >] [428 [PROGRAM DATA MISSING lo Covee Type Covse Tet Dying at aout he number of tos x “The toot sequence deta carr be x vood'h be Sosa prem hes duiemaicay dovelopod bocase of ‘xceotad he mexmum avaae mater | —Srorag poral lack of tho macht data, comm Per drum, sialus status c c io Siarng evo Cioaina srovere procedure Check ad eect the corespondng 5 Fa yp a he mashing ut ata ems S rrachnig program s hal te maxrum win goa ruber els ovale fre crs ror excooded Daniay Dsolay eh ou Wei [AL POOKET NOSNOT ASSIGNED 1. | © [Ae7 [MEMORY PROTECT AUTOMODE,—C. Cause Type of Cause Type iis not poste ois he tel yout A ‘An ateret has boon made o np att [a peraton becouse tho pocket ruber has Go coon poston cout: vale the vatyel teen coayad walteranred | Suypad tuiomatc operon ce. = woe en sae C c fcton Coane raton Crarna roca srocedute ‘Ass eo pookt ruber an te a cane the moe overt te ana 3 tease to ayo operation frog, and thon put 91 tp arent poten counter vabe Dsviay snl Bue owe Was [DATA MOSING Tt) [es [wewonv paorec aur OPERATIC) Cause Type ot Cause Type of ror enor Processing is ot possible because of ce An ae has bon made 1 pst fn re loads " a unallowable data on a display (such as sng or oasng has boon atone the TOOL DATA dply) daring ei without designating any data (such as | Sig een oppe Our (ear soy, @ The dala to be input for restart 2 cooaion wat L watan Clann eter Cieaine revere crocooue . Ingtstowabe das en aio acing be a | rot ena cooct. A TC equipments rot siao or fr Charge te curen mode over 12 sone mode Dioay Display ete BueGea [WEASUAINGNOTALOWED_«, .)| _ [#91 [RLEGAL PALLET NO. i Cause Type 01 Caueo Type ‘The folowing condtions were nat ‘As ranostentpalat number has been m sotsted Gosgreted. Coordinate measurement a Soom © otemate oporaion must nt bein topes oroaros. @ The sprele must havea ol mounted a ont ‘Stopped The ol dat of the tool maunted on | sats raat = the sonde moot have aeady boon wooo wot Tostionath measurement Designate a crest palit umber. 3 © Automate operation mus 0 Bo in t owogrss. a Acton Ciearna = procede ot ho specie conta and than trate ho mossuronon. s 32 [WLEGAL TOOL NO, To Display cauee Type of oe 1 sonoistn tol number has been ri desgaten Sioned woo [MLEGAL TOOL DESIGNATED ts) are couse Type ‘ aston Cong srocedre Stooree Designate 8 correct ot number a Dispay actor Creating ote wooed 733 | SAME PROGRAM EXISTS oD) Display Cause Type of “he ruber othe machining pesca i trata: been Sesgnated fr progam teasing rom an ener unt aoady mei crass nih Be NC memo. ae T ction Ceaing srovodure ‘Check the number of he machiing a progam Depiay Bue 3637 Gea [NOASSIGNED TOOLINTOOLFLE (. « WaT [NONOM-DIADATAINPROGRAM (. sD cause Type of Cause Type of “Tne tools hat have been designated on A I has been found during too! ayout that a tho machning program (ace-mi, ord there i 8 fol wihout @ nominal bametor mils, chamtetng cues, ard bal ond ai inthe designated rogram. Sus} nc a ots) thal 8 not yt Stops Stoopes fogstored inte TOOL FILE copay u U ‘ction Ceatng ‘Acton Clearing procedvle procedure Register the corresponding tools in the $ Check i nominal diameters have been 7 TOOL FILE dsl. assonod toa ods registered inthe desgnates program. Display Disooy Bue ave Gas [PROGRAM CHECK NOT ALLOWED (s+? 98 [ NOT FOUND END UNIT Ga) couse Type of couse Type of “The end unt isnot included in he rn machining progam. Stopped Stopped | stats sas u ‘Acton Ciearng ‘Acton Ciesrng procedie procedure Croate the end unit athe end of the a program, Display Display ave @0E [DESIGN T-NO, NOT MEASURABLE 5 Goa | WAZATAOL PROGRAM DESIGNATED ( y Cause Type of Covse Type of ‘an unreisiered to! number has been A © The mactiniog program that has been designated in the automatic too-length designated for the tape punching a Imeasurement mode machine a MAZATROL program. @ A MAZATROL program has been Stopped designated for copying purposes: status u Sng EDAASO program esting ‘Acton Clean ‘ acai! ‘Acton Cieanng sroceaure Designate a too! number registered inthe 3 epee No MAZATROL programs can be 3 Gesignated fr tape punching machine or Display Sonng EIAISO program oxtng. Display ave Bue“440 | IAISO PROGRAM DESIGNATED “449 | HELP IS AVLSL FOR PRCS UNIT ONLY 38 Cause Type of - enor avse Type ot © The acting program tat has boon om dlesgnated on the TOOL LAYOUT o° A “The help (DETAILED INFORM) display A PROCESS WORK display 6 an can be cal ony for machining nis. EVMISO program ‘Stopped @ An zIAISO progam hasbeen sats “sats ‘esignatd for 60979 purposes ‘ung MAZATROL program eding fi L ‘Acton Clearing ‘ction Ciearng recede rosea No EINISO programs can be designated 3 Move the cursor to @ machining unit data = yang MAZATAOL pr09%@m exiting on item, and then eal he DETAILED the TOOL LAYOUT or PROCESS INFORM. dpa. WORK asia. Display Dispar ns Bue 741 [IKLEGAL DRUM NO. Co.) ae oe Cause Type ot Cause Type ot ‘A nonesistent rum number has been a designated Stopped Stopped | sats sis u ‘acon ieating ‘Acton Clearing procedure rocodre Designate 2 corect drum number Bi Dssay Disolay Blue Gaz [OATARENEWALNOT ALLOWED (. . ) es (i Cause Tyo0 of Cause Type of No updates can bo mad to the a mmactnng pram aan lopped ‘satus saine L Acton Clearing ‘Action tearing procedure orocedure ‘This message may also be displayed $ when the NC equipments busy trocesng dela” Press the cea Koy and then eary ou the operation Disoloy Disolay Bue‘4e6 | RESTAAT TIMES OVER “449 [RESTART SEARCH FINISHED cause Type at Cause Type of “he Bock o be sec er atthe we 7 fn atmo has ben ade 10 cay out i {restart ofthe EINISO program does thoter sare eperaton wen EIR ISO Gust bu be dosgraed ret oles | Goppea recat serhing had steady been = Streoppoarance ofthe Bock soo lene. | cme fished Stores c v fcien Cleanng Acton Ceara procature srocedwe Check te mur of ues a s Press tn ese key and ten cary utine [5 reappearance ol the Back tesa operation once aga Dispiay stay ake ove a7 [PROGRAM ERROR —) co Cause ‘Type of Cause ‘Type of A ror ers) has ore rg A ENG reson soc Stopes Stopes sate rave c Acton Ceara Acton Ciesng oxceedre procedure ‘The program boing searched for nudes si Sree, Peo a took heck Spon the program conten Dissay Depay Be Gia [RESTART SEARCH UNFINISHED «>| ~— [HST ]DRUMGHANGE UN SSING C.D Cause Type! Cause Type of The cru change uni not eho in x the macheng program tats 1 be ron cava machine pow wi 8 tum copes Se Sone hanger onton ped c ston lerng Aston Ceara procure rocedie Check he corns of he maching a program. and then et he dum erange vain Dsslay Disoay oie 391452 [ NO SHAPE DATA IN THE UNIT 4455 | SAME PROGRAM APPOINT cone “ye of case Tyee a No shape da ert ne progam un " Se x hoinas tee desnaoa na arto doe reo mmr sport fore tatoo coy o shape data Sones pratepeanye toate Somos sake sate T c Action Clearing Action Clearing srt srocoe Check he caret ote progam unite [5 Copying wine sar propa sa $ borate acy of hae ponive, ‘Cho he ooops ogra rome ay Dssay ave ave 7a [SELEGTED SHAPE WABEGUATE 1D) [Se |NOTOOLN'SEINOLE a) Cause Type Cae Type af fn atemot hasbeen nae to cony shape | The snd doesnot carey have ateal |p Gaia wre pe svar Me mmured on partula popam Tons Somes c C maior | eng rcion Geama oe sreotre votre ist possbe copy sha do : ‘tor mening 3 tel on he sine, cary | th alan ot non Un or Cut he acu operat essa othr onto et over hav. rape Suen say pecty ove Bie foot oyun Mae or M2 use data tnmate oporabon Display Deniy G72 [LOAD MPOSSBLETSE OVER) wn, )] [57S [LOAD POSSIBLE QNSWATCH) (sD) Caves Type Case Type 0 preva am the host pln 0 ‘nami data rom io os stom {Wore than 250 ines of MAZATROL Stopoad parameoreotinge witn to NC system. | SWHPOd proyram dla has boon tensed) {Mismotching data size crm 1 sonctione, 8) i noon Sloane waten Ciosane proeooro srocedre Coeck to 20 of he pronram which nas a Chock ite data hal has boon . been varamited om behest eylem fancied Yom te host sytem s Bat weve so bo use fre machine bona Dispay ted Dsnlay 56Maza Wie [SANE PROGRAM APPORT —(WNO,. 7] [7a [MEMORY OAPAGHTW EXGEED __(WNO, ‘cause Type of ‘Cause ‘Type ot ‘An ator tes boon made ood he x ‘An eter has boon made 0 fed more m tmachnng poprar ht hase me mmacineg progam fon fe master sont number as that 2 mocking oa turer of programs at can be Srogram rogstred within the NC system, | S104 Togstered wat the NC system Stoveos c c aeton ‘cieaing avon Coaina prove rece Check ran ovraping work runt: Dali unnocessry programs, oF 2a¥0 a ‘ha alarm message slo ples ta he : tte pops ono on cnornal sage parameter (G88, BI 2) <0 or be Sw ten otto them. Aer at fod tbe pron te ol program over 8 new peviculr rogram Dispay retin paneteieset100, 00 | pay data wil aulomatically be deleted in such ey Blue f case as mertoned ove and now prow data cat be oadod wah ho Speci work number ewe 379 | MeNORY PROTECT an Cae Type of a7 [NO DESIGNATED PROGRAM __WNO._) ror : Loading has ben atomoted when he m — fond PROGRAM LOGKENABLE swith Seting was LOOK Somes ‘The macheing program whose sae Vansmasontominenc rte ome |, host syst hos been aterpad dos TC pot enat aun tho NC sys = The machining progeam that has been ‘Stopped A ‘Clearing designated using a control command status procedure tworkmmber search o program Cotton dos ot ext wit he NC Sethe awich o ENABLE, and thon oe L carryout to lad operon. “Ts 8 Storm message ao impos ate ‘ton Cleamne toting ote pore (998, Bt) s a procedure OFF (0). Change this parameter setting maid eck he machining program wit he ON (i) Daa tad wil on oom Cceck it tre machining aoa wth A won 5 spocted work mabe! enn he NC We system Dispay 80 oo Be Cause Type of Stopped sate raton Cleane rose Dispay 87sa cara 80 [RECEIVED DATANOT CONGIDENT ( . . 1 Cause Type of Cause Type gt «An atompt has been made o load data other than machining fxogram dala and A Stopped fs0 deren in sirvcture fom tho dala stats ftored within tho NC system. Stopped “The contens ofthe header block or es dala block n the fe ranser message {noting machining programs) ar not -oion Clearing correct L procedure ‘Acton Clearing procedure Chock it the data that has bean Dislay transfered rom the host system i or 5 se with M2 or for Uso wh the ‘machining beng opera. Crock the conten of the heador block | Dislay (version number, etc) or data block 382 [DSGNTO FILE NOT TRANSFERED _( H {sequence number, ee) in he fe transl messone. ee Cause Type of {Ate aterent om te ene that has been im 1585 | CABLE MIS-CONNEGTED 0 D requested rom NC system 16 the host "system was translore tm the lati. eae Cause Type of status oro This message implies incorrect cable a t conaecton between tho host sytem snd the NC syslem or imptes a powor-of ai fcton Clearing status topped srocadure Check the dotais of he fle that has been 3 L transoro6 rom the host system ‘oto Coaing Disp precede Check i the ONG cables ae corecty Bue connected Chocks the host systom i ted on s and reat for dala ansmission! 383 | PROG. SOFTWARE NOT GOINGIDENT( ) fecepton. “Tore may bo c390s that although a ONC Cause Type ot option provded, ONC ea isnot tobe | D087 a {20d for the tie bing and thus the ONG ‘An stmt has ben made 10 load a A Cables are not yet connected. I this machining program tats oiterent in the case, then gel tha appronnate 5 Svciute om these slored win te NC garomoter (G98, 1) 10 OFF (0). Ths ive Si system coe twit lar the alarm dspay L Action Clearing procedure Check i te program that has been 3 transered om the host Systm 8 for tse wih M32 oF M2. = Check he conenis of he fie wanster | Otplay rmossage theager block) are correct Blue 68ee [SveTEW ERROR TT] [im [pancrenarionnorauiowes coe “ype of coe Tye of jpn evr has ones win te etn : ‘An along as boon ove ding thon mocting poe dl m (th host ytom ho dla Bu 7 aged uae ante IO nt Pegebaol berets a Loe on Be soved wag araer YO wnt. procedure: t pase cont yeu: YAMAZAI MAZAK = — resem aoe sain tase ne s fa Sra | mcssse ny nl wha nd monanonateoecionasteen (oe Operating procedure you had carried out ait unl automatic operation has Veen emus ae copes) Dsolay L Bee Gav [ROG OPERATION NOT ALLOWEDWNO, 1) [case | Type of ‘389 | DATA SIZE OVER (WNO.Nowe, eer ‘Cause ‘Type of csmeorertirororenienetest |g ae eae a 2 took nat eames of more than 256 A @ Anauaro! os boon made w vans | Sep Grats (COR o FOR set poset (Cosson aysem bo program bong Te apayed roxio two | Sioned Sates or te pon bors oad vow namborivao nrter, whch pn ‘using another UO uni L corresponds to the number displayed in con Cucina PROGRAM dy. L rove © Check i the specihed work number 1S Action Clearing for the program af display inhibition. Q procedure @ Gamat tals opraon oy Conest o macheing progam. srt 7 Sa inonar te poem ooung | Dsbly £00 wine 256 chance) tarp oosng vg ae oO va oe Danley Due[S00 [onc commano IMPOSSIBLE ‘592 | RECEIVED ILLEGAL COMMAND Cause Type ot Cause ‘The particular sta of he NC system ‘The conte command ort vanster = RS-2920 communication parameter a Stings (ouch a those of tho baud-ae, | Stonped | fe) between tho host sysory and NC sous | system citer, “Timar, numberot ries o oer ‘cion| Cioatna sotings are not corec. L procedure ‘Acton Clearng procedure = Make ine checks and hardware chacks Display of be hast and NC sysioms a Match te RS-232C communication : parameter settings between the Bost, fystom and NC sysom. Display Sot the ter, number-one. or ohor settings 1 hase of the hos stom. (Parameters or he NC syston: (G85 10 | 60 G108)594 | SEND-AECEIVE ERROR ‘596 | ONC MALFUNCTION 108) Cause Type ot error ‘The preset number of etnies has bean exceeded during transmission'teception ‘ol command messages. io ~ RS-232C communication parameter settings (such as thoso of the baud-rate, | Stopped ‘tc,) botween the host system and NC status, systom citer. ‘Timer, number-ol-veties or othe settings are not correct. L ‘Action Clearing procedure ‘Make line checks and message checks of the host systems. Match the AS:232C communicabon 2 Darameter setings between the host system and NC system. Display - Sel the timer, number-ot-reties or other sottings to those of the host system. (Parameters for the NC system: (GSS to G108) cae 595 | FILE TRANSFER ERROR ( ) Cause Type of ‘Tho prosot number of relies has been ‘exceeded during ransmissiontreception of the messages. iS S-232C communication parameter settings (such as those of the baud-rate, | Stopped fetc.) between the host system and NC satus system dite. + Timer, number-of-retnes or other settings are not corcect. L ‘Action Clearing procedwe Make line chocks and message checks ‘of the host systems. = Maich the RS-232C communication Q parameter setings between the host ssysiom and NC system Display ‘Set the times, number-of-retries oF other ‘settings to those of the host system. (Parameters for the NC system: (GSS 10 on 6t Cause Type ‘An irretiovable hardware error has a fecovered during reception of the fst ‘massage (ENO) from the host system. ‘Stoned stale L ‘Acton Clearing procedure ‘Ater making hardware checks of the NC 3 and host systems and line checks, turn the NC system power back on and ten restac the receiving operation. Display Bue 397 [STOP POWERINDNC ACTION —( . . Cause “Type of Power has boon turned off during DNC Fi operation. Stopped stalus t ‘Action Clearing racedro Cheek tor errors in te machining lea program being us0d, and if errors are s found, cary out the DNC operation once again. Nola, however, that i the ‘machining program is beng leaded, then Display toadhng must be carried out once again ‘ator erasing the loaded contents of the program. Bue‘598 [ NO EIAISO OPTION oi D Cause Type ot An attempt has been made to transfer a EIAISO program altrough the NC system is not provided with an EWAASO option. = satus t ‘Acton Clearing procedure \wrtrout an EIAVISO option, ASO 3 program processing is not possibe. Display Bue 1599 [NO APPOINT DATA a) Cause ‘Type of Tho host systom has issued a request for lransmssonvtecoption o dala not existing vita the NC system. a ‘A drum-oo! data tanster request has been issued to tie NC system thought | Storped i not provided with a drum. salus ‘A request for transfer ofa larger volume ‘of dala than the contol data stored win the NC system has boen made. L ‘Action Clearing procedure (Chock the cantons of the command S ‘messages thal have been sent trom tho host system, Display Blue 62600 609 | NO DESIGNATED PROGRAM (WNO.,UNO.SNO.) Case Type Cause Type o “Te pont baw he work number ha tas boon atin supogeam Ut doos : eon not ent win the memory. ae No work rmber hasbeen sat the Sone ‘teragram ust a ‘The work qumbe tht nas boon designated as to vest poston does rat ction Coerng ft inin the memory Ww procedure ction Coane srocooire Review ne machining programs see [oe iso the dosgratae progam ext. ip Roa i) cov [SvSTEW ERROR ~ Case Type of Gos [ NO PITGH IN MULTI WORKPIECES ror {hVHO,UNO,SNO.) A processng oor has occured win a ENC sytem E Cause ¥ Stopped Piich X is not yet set in spite of the fact 5 sae that muki-prece machining in the direction eh to X-ansi ako pace T ‘Stopped u aon vot ot sel n ope of helt oppo T % that multi-piece machining in the direction faction Ceara coral ofthe Yossi 0 ake pace To sng OMT UO, save the poor dala, — tot daa, tol He dal, paramos, oe Acton Coane, pret re carenty being uted. Alor at pees contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK | Display Revow te prior macining rogram | 0) fence sation dr ten ot an appropriate mul poce smacking ph ne Connon UN ed (Biv0) ng pt a woe [PROG DATANOT ALLOWED (sD) Red ie) Cause Type ‘an aompt has boon made to sant he 5 program being warstred Sioned vO action ‘ieaing sroceee ‘ator he vanstr operatonis comptes. [9 ) sia he rogram Dessay fea 0)05 | NO TOOL DATA IN PROGRAM WNO..UNO..SNO.) “608 | MISSING INPUT DATA (LINE) (WNO.UNO.SNO.) Cause ‘Type of Cause Type of “The point, line- oF face-mactining ‘A line-machining unit lacks data {inctvding 3-0) unit Goes not contain any = 2 ool ee ‘Stopped ‘Stopped staue status Hy ma ‘Aston Cleaning Action Cheating procedure procedure Roview the particular machining program Review the parteular mactining program, to 900 i there a unis that 60 not Oo and set data i @Ine-mactining unit iacks oo ‘contain necessary tol sequences data. Display Display Res (ue) Fed (Blue) 06 [NO FIGURE IN PROGRAM (WNO.UNO.SNO.) 608 | MISSING INPUT DATA (FACE) (WNO.,UNO.SNO.) Cause Type of Cause Type of “Toe point, tne: oF face-mactining 8 ‘A tace-machining unit lacks data. 5 (inciusing 3-D) unit does not have any ‘igure data Geel = status status Ww ir ‘Acton ‘Gearing Acton Clearing procedure procedure Renew the partoular machining program Review the paricular machining program, to 806 there aro units Bat do not os) and set data fa face-machining unit tacks |__©'S) contain necessary gure data daa Display Dispiay Red (Blue) Red (Blue) 607 | MISSING INPUT DATA (POINT) 610 | MISSING TOOL DATA FOR POINT (WNO,UNO.SNO.) (WNO.,UNO,SNO. Cause Type of Cause Type of 1 pointmachining unt lacks data 5 ‘A poin-machining too! sequence lacks A ala, Stopped ‘Stopped status status rey Hw Action Cleaning ‘Acton Clearing procedure procedure love the particular machining program, | >) ] Review the paricular machining program, ‘and sot data i a pont- machining unit ow) ‘and sel dala if a poin-machining tool oe lacks dat. ‘sequence lacks data. Display Display od (Blue) Red (Bue) 64Gi MISSING TOOL DATA FOR LN Gia [WP UNT NCOWPLETE (NO. UNO. SNO) ino, UNO,SNO) Cause Type al Cane Type Ser om ‘The WPC unit lacks data. a fne-machinng ol smvance ks : Sep Seppe sone rm ro non Ceoing con Stang sie procedure Review the particular machining program, O18) Review the paricuar machining program. [> 4g) ‘and set data if the WPC unit lacks ta Severe ct a say ply oa (B=) Fe i Gia [WPCRESTING OVER WHO. UND. SNO) Gia J SENG TOOL DATA FOR FACE (nN0,UNO,SNO} Cane Type! Cone Tye! The msinum pol ero : roves of MAEATROL roar eng ‘ce acing cong 2) tl : poronpemees Somonoe ae date. [= | See Seppe sake ry To cin kang ore procedure machining program so that the total oe) Fewow te prtusr macinng ren, | cr, Aamo peat fein ee nl Sosa tla a noe ce sviy Scene uc daa a Display Red (Blue) ed a) 5 [OFS UNIT NOONPLETE oN, UND. SNOD Cause ‘Type of The fe unt ck data 5 See mw ron = vote Rew he price mactiing cram _and set data if the offset unit lacks data. oo od (8) 65Gia [DATA ERROR IN GODE UNITWHO,UNO,SNO)] [618 J UNEFAGE CUTTING PAR. ERROR ‘0, UNO. S80) case Type oer caine Ted The M cod ni contin mo ta : free Th ino or ae-machiring prane , — Sigs om er sb status ions, Stopped sate 1 rm sto ung prose eS Geama Review the particular machining program, OS) Procedure Son dla be coda un “re paramo: E18 seo": tarae | og) Toe obe tan 0" Disay Disoay ed i eam Gav [EXECUTION WPOSSIRLE_WNO,UNOLSNO) azo [GUTTING SPEED ZERO WHO UNO.SNO) cause Tyo! See cane Type of “The data processing operation cannot be A oro pores toon af conaacten hl toa soqurc dia et op 5 Gate Ths cendtonoonee tan aan | "Soppea fomova be Crumtretal seed ‘sma o sar avorais operation wren | Sie thoatar seo 0 Saw th polled wot robor a some Unopened autor oe © ston Coun vote con Clin voce Sa releronce to WNO., UNO., SNO. {which é Review the machining program and set aa are displayed together with the alarm ‘the desired ciroumterantial speed, imossaqo) and en cove he dala Oisoay : Be Display Fal ie) fed ie ie [PONT CUTTING PaRANETER ERROR fino. vvo.sno) | [a2r [FeEDRATE ZERO WHO, UN. SNOD case Type! Cane Type ot The porsnacning parameter setngs) [5 ton sean dala (oct or one : ‘aett pameabe ange fore, Po tonal ol ost | ‘Stopped ‘Stopped sate omen wo rm Action Cleanng Action Clearing srocohte oroote Pov he meshing para and se aed the desired feedrate. os) Desay Oipay ae Fed (he 6622 | DESIGNATED UNIT NOT FOUND caso Tye The ui rottsoeen osinad ae g ‘Gatos isn meron bo ne spcartrtnmbe. | pepper ome To fon Coo cnt Fev mshi por and esignate the correct unit number. os) osiay Fade) as [DESONATED BNO. ROTFOOND 0) cme Tea! The oa sence tah eon 5 Tesonaas oe es poston rt auras sho wactad wrt nor wo ome nos Senet cee are rene ie- ‘raring Cutony ent vo felon Ceara one ev om nocting oan and designate the correct tool seqvence ow monte Diy fe 0) Ge [RESTART MPOSSBLE To = Typo “he unt tars toon sant 3 te ‘restart position is the end unit 8 reappearance (L) is too large and the Stopped “corresponding restart position 1s AOL status mew Pet a income 1 cin Cans rote ow) way ed ove) 67 25 | EXCEED ENDMILL DIAMETER (WNO.UNO..SNO.) Cause ‘Type of error “The value of “(groove with) ~ (nish ‘allowance R) x 2" of the endmil gr 8 ‘units lager than the “loo! diameter’ ‘value ofthe rough-machining too ‘Stopped “The “groove width” value ofthe endl status ‘grove unit is smaller than the “100! ‘iamete:" valve of the fishing too. Ha Action ‘Clearing procedure os) Display Fed (Bive) 626 [NO TOOL IN MAGAZINE __(WNO.UNO.SNO.) Cause Type of “The tools) specified in the program isnot Al regjstered inthe fool data ofthe drum Wich isto be used. si The drum number setting either on the ee COMMAND display ov inthe drum changing uit is not correct. 11 ‘Acton Cioarng procedure Carry out a t00l layout operation and register the necossary tools) on the Oo TOOL DATA cispay. Change the orum number setting onthe Display COMMAND cisplay orn the drum changing unit to the corect value he (We)68 Gat [TOOL DATA INPUT PROGESS ERROR G23 | TOOL FLE INPUT PROCESS ERROR {Wg UNO, SMO {NO UNO.SNO2 Cause Type of Cause Type ot “ne data of th ol ng ot > Theta fe lacks fF Goretr ral yet put on he TOOL DATA display. ‘Stopped ‘Stonped sae sue TO rr raten Cieomng Acton Carmo procedre srocesre Aovew ho 0! da and inthe ot Review tho data onthe TOOL FILE Jength or too! diameter. os) display and fill in any empty items with ots) data Dipey Danley Red (ve) fed Ge) G28 [NO ASSIGNED FOOL TOOL FHLE Ga0 [2 DEPTH OF GUT TOO LARGEQWNO, UNO. SNO}) {WHO,UNO,SNO} Cae Type of covse Type ot es on Of the tine- or face-machining toot B “ooo! =pecitod in the program srt S Seance dt, va othe Z pth fopstred os he TOOL FLE deploy. Sreuiom exons ois msauen i Somes Showable tnt speciod onthe TOOL oop oppo FILE doa. TO ro atom kang fcten Cearng sree procedure Review the machining program and Os) Register the too! data that is 10 be used in 01s) correct the value of the Z dopth of cut s the program mo he 0 ie Dsslay Daisy Fed (Be) ed 0)21 | STOCK REMOVAL R TOO LARGE 639 [ZOEPTH OF GUT ZERO (WNO.UNO.SNO} (WNO,UNO.SNO) Cause Type gh Cause Type of ero" ror tine: of ace-machinng too! sequence e ‘The valve of *(romeva allowance R) = ala, he Z dap of cuts st toa valve {ieish alowanee Rs no ine-machining 8 malin thon 220 Unis lager than the value of the 101 Stepped {éamoter of the rouph-cuting too. Stopped sus ‘The vale of removal alowance Rin the san a log-machning Ut larger tan the valve fhe tool bametr ofthe finishing tok wo es ears rocee ‘con ‘ianng pt procedure Review the machiring rogram and set ry the Z depth of cut to the coven value Revew the machining program and aa correct the values of removal alowance R Display {nd finishing alowanceR inthe Ine machining un Display Red (Bh) Red (Bive) 638 | FINISH DEPTH OF GUT ZERO (WNO.UNO.SNO.) G32 | RADIAL DEPTH OF GUT ZERO WNO,UNO,.SNO) oS Tyne or Cause Type ot Cust ero “Te fish allowance valve inthe ine oF 5 face-machining uni is st 0 zero in spite Ot ine: or face-machining too! sequence . be 0 era ata the radial depth of cutis set toa oe ene ‘Stopped ‘ igicossrnl registered status valve smalor than ze. = staus 1 a) ‘ation tearing rocedure tion Giearing err sat procedure view the machining program and st data inthe fnish allowance data tom, on Review the machiing program and set Oe the radial depth of cut to the corect as va. Disp aid Red (Bie) Red (Bh) 695 | TOOL DIAMETER ZERO (WNO,UNO.,SNO) Cause Type of (0 001 daa, tho tool damoter song is F Stopped we ‘Acton Cieating procedure Review the data on the TOOL DATA orl sxrlace dat. tas been desgnaod inthe oo! sequence ‘Stopped i Stopped status staus mw re) ‘Acton Clearing Acton Creating procedure procedure Review the machining rogram and set ‘Check he parameters E67 tough E75. [oq] check suriace data in the 3-0 machining 068) ‘and seta value other than "0" nthe ee) unit parameter whose sting i "0 Dispay Display Red (ive) Red (Bt) 7G70 | KLEGAL SEQUENGE DATA IN PRG G72 [ILLEGAL AREA DATA INPUT _(WNO,UNO,SNO) {WN ,UNO,SNO) Cause Tyne come Type of ror ere Inthe check surace data ofthe @-D a Tho too soqvenco i he 30 machining 5 rans un he sting be Cini ata hewmen vue esate an 191% |S me tw ve. pan sae m0 vO Acton Cearng neten Com sroeedre Procedure Review the check surface data, and make oe) Revew no macinng program adineut | om) Conectons 0 ato sting othe Gata tho too eagence, rar vale seq 0 oF greater than Mat ef tha mnenan vi foreneh ang” | Orley Doty fea he) ed ke) G73 [NUMBER OVER (0 UNIT) (WNO,UND.SNO) G7 | LLEGAL MOVE SURFAGE BATA WNO.UNO..SNO) case Tyo Cause Tyna Inthe ra surge unt te ne of ; Fusie im enone 20,1 he ie: o Te coordeai comerson cain ne 2.0 |p tacoma vt th ar = machinng unt not compel. Goines igure sn excess of 2 Cee Stopped sates 1 To cen Ceara crocoire foton Soong ero Review the machining rogram and procedure ‘correct the shape data, ee) Revew we machining ropa and make [9 the cootnataconerson tata comple Daay Display Fed (Bive) oa Bue) wv t) Cause Type of Seppe cone fcton Giang srocedre Dsniay 78675 678 | NO INTERSECTION (WNO_UNO.SNO. cause Typed cme Tipe Tete nw oeectinng ui Be ; ‘ei too poeta eercsavatte sure bee 3 Sen Sone enemas nietee | Su Sooo To on Ceara a Cua ce coe Oe) Oss Depey es ve 7 Ta] [ee Janoorane Heune wrossate 0 LNO.SNO. cae Tipe a cme Tipe are cee : Mesa cone Rone Seppe weet ertcca deme Rom Sepp a mraninedees | See conn rr fa Gears comme fen Goons coe Faviw fe necising poor and his the value of comer R of the tree shapes. ors) Disey Diy a Be) = ld cme Tyo Seopa rete Care se Disey 7980 00 [ HOLE NUMBER OVER (>500) (WNO.UNO.SNO} G82 | REPEAT FIGURE INAPPROPRIATE (WNO,UNO.SNO.) Cause “Type of enor Cause Type a | the pointmacrning units ince ones Contradicton presides in he tig A that has more than 800 holes detned i | —Srpog rotation o° igure shit data that has been Ae Set dung detiing tee hgues ine ne- | Sroppog or face-machine unt mal no mw Acton Ciearng procedure ‘Acton Ciearng 7 procedure Review the ointmechining unis, and ow) Review and core he comesponding om take corectons #0 fat the ttl number shape data Of ole settings none pont machine Display tintin rot greater tan 500, Disolay Red (ive) Fed (Wve) G57 [UNDEFINED CORNER AT SPTIFPT {QWNO.UNO.SNO.) G69 [UNDEFINED CORNER __(WNO,UNO.SNO) Cause Type of Cause Type of Comer rounding or comer chamlerng has a ee Sere cecgarcnngronra, [8 The av ost caer ownieg [8 2 fg wien eorng igus inthe sla Cental inear acting, rgtichand knear | Stopped Stopped tmacrning, el-nand near machining, stats sans (apicrand charting © fe-hand ma chamferng units w ion tere ron Ceorre a ooare procedure Review the coresponding shape data and Review tno machining program and 018) feline croc core rounding eamar | o> correct ts tal te comer rounding Seeker omer chamiering snot stat he staring Display or ending point Display rea ed (Ble)‘664 | POINT CUTTING PATTERN ERROR, 686 [ NO STARTING POINT (WNO.,UNO.SNO.) ReRO,UNO.$N0) Cause ‘Type of cme Typo at ES ni During input o!free-shape data (open: 5 The paaemacnneg spe stn saa |p See rate nacain “7 et epocot Fas been ate be Sli fe Supod ‘Stopped ‘starting point. status cane To rr fn = ra Canng oonre oe a Review the machining program and sot ote Fav ond cot ho coresseng al Se cna fe Sea pont ah he oe oan toe say Devay Fes 00) fai um) Ger [RO FAL PORT NO -URO-BO} es | S0UARE CANNOT 6 DEFHED ‘(WNO.,UNO.,SNO.) Cause ‘Type of Coie Type of Dine ret ooo shaoe cia op 7 aime tosnacg nt 7° ‘ahane npepatorn issn’ tte |p (asco nw comian a oo enor oe coud mate cape fang oe Swpped Se = one rr 8 on = pom peton Canna See es vee chong prope ee et procedure the coordinates of the ending point of the a8) vw rd cove ho coreg oe too Sane Save one epey Disay Ted he) Fes ve) ea [ NGUFAOENT NPUT DATA” (WHO, UNO.SNO) ‘Cause ‘Type of The cori fe ioaecin st |g Tovar soso oo to tenon Wis reonooe ed Te ra Ceara Fev he coesoodng shape dla ard ‘set data that is wanting. oe pty a ve) 81G08 [INPUT DATA EXCEEDED _(WNO,UNO,SNO) 21 | MOUNT (VALLEY) SHAPE ERROR WNO,UNO.SNO., Cause Type of ever Cause Type ot “The tne: oF face: machining unit contains 5 Co too much tee-shape nut dal, and there “The second figures (sie tgs) ave nat 3 isconvadicton belwoen overapeine 62. | Sioppag yet delined inthe ending tle, pocket topped tiling rol or pocket ing-notOW Unt | Soprog satis “ wo ‘Acton tearing roca ‘Acton Cieaing Review the corresponding shape data and O68) procedure erase either one of the overlapping data ® Review the machining program, and oO) sets define the sacond shape be ending: Dispiay ‘mountain, packet miling- mountain oF pocket milng-valy unt Display Red (ive) Fea (Be) 380 | HLEGAL RADIUS {(WNO,UNO.SNO} G02 | POINT NUMBER EXCEEDED (>200) Cause Type of {(WNO, UNO. SNO) Convadicton exis into toesnase ata |p Coe Type that have been seo dof arin the ae line oF face- machining Unis ne number of pins which re pag necessary to doting the shapes 5 Gesignateg in tho tne or face-machining | Soapaa im unit exceeds 200, es Acton Goaring no roceaute : ‘Acton ening Rewew the coresponding shape data and set correct data. os procedure Review the machining program. and 30 Display reduce the number of shapes within one tine o face-mactinng unt Reel Disolay ed (B10) 8283 a3 | NUMBER OF SHAPE TOO WARY G85 [PORTINSIOE GRCLE __(WNO.UNO.SNO) {NO UNO.SNO.) Cause Type o Coe Type of ror orn Itis not possibe to draw a sraight tine 5 ‘Among the ina or face-machining unis is 8 tangential fo point 1 since fis inside the noe that conan mre shapes tan ore allowable within one unit Stopped twas wh ono nk Sioned sas fae TO 1 ‘Acton Clamng Acton Cleang rococo procedure Review the machining program and OS) Review the corresponding shape data and | ¢g) chock the free-shaped data f hock he numoor shapes. Disoay Dispiay Red he) Fos 0) a86 [LLEGAL {WNO.UNO,SNO> Got | FKED FIGURE DESIGNATED ERROR (WNO..UNO.,SNO.) Cause ‘Type of Covse Typ9 ot “Let” or eg i atin hgh *00" 3 or "down" sho nave boon se Fed shapes ae ile inthe shone fF data (open figures) of the central linear ence tracnang,egntnond bear macnnng. | —Saappaa [it hand near macinng,nghehand oppe ma Shomiorng,ikchand enamionng ening f00v0 ini 1 Foe = 5 procedure Action earing ‘Re ‘the machi view be acing progam and esse) ‘check the value of P. Oo) Change the ties shapes oe ones. oe Dispay Display Red (Blve) os te) a7 [DATUM >) NECESSARY (iO. cause P is ot yet inptin spoof the fat at : thor are mor than one pain of ‘erection win ear al tas wo reson Cierng prceadre FRevew the machining program snd sat Tog P Disoay ea (be){698 | TWO POINT OVERLAPPED __(WNO,UNO.SNO.) Cause Type of “The coordinate values ofthe start point a and end point are the same. ‘Stopped slats Hw ‘Acton Clearing procedure For the patern of straight ine, the data of os) XY ave set to exactly the same end point ‘coordinate values as X/Y prosant on tho preceding ine of tho program; dalle Display those data, Res (ve) 690 | PARALLEL LINES (WNO..UNO.SNO.) Cause Type of exo “The two svaigh ines are parallel to each A ‘other, and thus the coordinates of their intersection pont cannot be obtained eee ‘tas ry ‘oton Clearing Rew procedure Review the conesponding shape data and | 9 (g) set coroct data Display Red (Bive) 8485 [ree To] _ [ra [PROCESS DEFRITION ERROR wno,uNo.SN0) cae Tye of wer cause Type “he mactining conden a core 3 — (arrange, on oe sau Seed “ c fon oun sree con Gene vrei Charge he acting conten 0 : covet ones sviay sly Bue Tor [DERNED SHAPE TOO SWALL WNO,UNO.SNOH Toa ] TOOL TRESPASSING IMPOSSIBLE Caine Type! {WHO.UNO.SNO) ‘The shape compensation clearance with B ones ‘Type of respect to the shape of the endmiling-top ror Ite rte to dame wt i ra macro! dame ih ‘Sones se le nee ‘epoca th te 0 ge 8 wrecinng eo ge Sond x sate sion ising : 7 - sion ceara Change he sabe conparaton clearance (parameter E13) to an 2 procedure Sporrae vous ocr 1913 anal Foie te ol wih on a as 2 3 Sanetr soy Shar darter sot he M2 ose Groningen mating ata oe Stovsetmg ti olposnew eattss | DS02¥ Sit eros n be ete mecning Snoring, v0 702 [HGURE DEFINITION ERROR _(WNO,UNO.SNO) cane Tire ol “Tr input hano i conrad ee, 5 Tovah abuso he arf" ear ster aco wine tance om be | “Soepea con pe : acon ona sree Sich contedcton usa its tom 2 brine ors Chante fad! ph Great by sre mera, ore at Siar ater soy ave708 | APPROACH POINT ERROR (WNO.,UNO.SNO. Cause 707 J INTERVENTION CHAMF. CUTTER Cause Type of ‘The shape has been separated into tree 5 segments or more as a result of oFisoting, ‘Stopped status K Acton ‘Gtearing procedure Change the machining patter (om > inverse ype to fx03 type, fr example): ‘or divide the machining shape in advance 0 that it will not be separated by Display atiseting Bue (WNO..UNO.SNO.) Type of eer Cause Type ot ‘The approach point cannot be obtained al — “The chartering to! inerores wit the a ‘se wall or botiom. 8 sas side wat ‘Stopped a status Acton ‘Clearing a procedure Reduce the lol diameter, the approach a ‘Action Cleaning ‘amount (E1, £2) andior the overlap procedure ‘amount (E21). Use @ tool which does not interfere with ai Dispiay the sido wall or boo, Bue Display Bie 708 [ILLEGAL FIGURE DATA (WNO,UNO.SNO.) 708 [DATA AREA OVER FLOW (WNO.,UNO.SNO) 86 Cause Type of {in tho EIA program, the total number of a characters witha one block isin excess of oe Stopped L ‘Action Creating procedure Divide blocks so that one block contains 3 288 charactors oF loss, Display Bue87 7s Ta] [rene pernimion eAROR 0, uN, SHO) cao Type 0 cnee Toe carved soe tt crt bo 7 Phoned ha been dines Seed Spd x fen Cusine fan on coma oe No corectv actos can bo hon a toon sor Satna ac cn orca be machine. Day soy ae 7 Ta] _ [a] BESIGNATED Aven Dara wPOss iN, UNO. SNOD Cne Type a oor cn Type The check euface vas 0 oarect Ditercom macnn Cros - Spee sora 2m = arash Ws @ For finishing: Check surface Z min, > ‘Stopped @ Grek nace Xin > Xia or¥ re a wns Vinod min 9 2a x Procedure ‘Acton Clearing rose Sete chick sae vals 2 ows: ror rounactrng to 2: Chock . aay boraco mn meal og @ Fe hing Coc ace ma Dz Desay 6 Grok staco Xn. & Xia, and Gn Sve awzon 2 "a5 [Bune DEFINITION ERROR (WHO.UNO. SHO) i ae Cause T ‘Type of j--“4 wor =: e-9n 2018 Acres staccato 7 Piste nos owtotns Sed save x fon Coorg sree against this error; define @ curved surtace: ie Satcan te mie. asoy ave753 | SMALL TOOL (WNO.,UNO.SNO.) [756 [z OIRECTION PITGH SMALL _(WNO.,UNO..SNO.) Cause “Type of Cause Type in ragh-macing 2, te to dameteris - tn rough machin 2 te pitch io he Z a txvemely smal comparison vn ne Grocton ext sam comparaon |, Senor edie 3 te Sonos sit rn th deen 3:0 = | status fue. slalus K K Acton arg Acton Clewing secede proce Use tol whose darters 10 less 3 pee eee : than 17100 of te stance Between the wes hon 1280 of (rata hoght = Inatun and enn dents 0 he noght of te 2 toto ol ho 3-D ig) 2 lowe Darley Disoay Be Bue \ 70 [LARGE TOOL {WNO.UNO.SNO)] [Ter [CURVED DEFINITION LARGE _(WNO_UNO.SNO} Covse Tipe Cause Type of ool neterence has ocsued a © For rovh-machicing 2 vat Goegnaon of work 820, bo | mans ote ined fee are 8 Si ped ter nan own ole workpoc : @ For rough-machining 2, a material K height smaer than “(height of the Z ‘Stopped ‘bottom of the 3-D figure) + (height ae acon ny a mac er otto tho to procedure Ibaromelrs £84, E89] nas bow st Note) Curonty, is enor message dos ‘rospocive ol desgraig te lst « fol actualy speear shee an ° axiomate fodanerteence actor Cleng Checking neon snot provided. | Dap Reene Here, this message is covered just spley (one ou nat posse gem © Under VMW specteatons, ho alarm oanden ue does no ou. 5 @ Chango be E84 and E09 parameter ; Satige 20 at fore oft amount 735 [A ORECTION PITCH GALL _(WHO.UN,SNO} desgnaton, “hgh ott botam of the 3-0 nue) + E84 © mata! Dispay Cause Type of height", and; for the work size er esigation, (hight oe btlom of ln rough-machining 2, the pitch in the igaaeraal the 3-D figure) + E89 < material ary ‘adil deacon exromety smal ht comparsoa wi be dmensons ol he a sopond setned 3-0 Iaue ——— e ctor Carne procera Sot he radabcrecton pen oa vale a. [9 less than 1/200 of he dlance tetwoen hea and rarsmum Sensis a the 3-0 figure. Display aie 88lazak ag Te [RITAL PONT SET ERROR qwnOUNO.SROD] — [779 co one Type cme Tye Invoicing 1 or 2, 2 5 ra Spal Sond aus me 5 fon Ceara con Cin roe rode Change setegs oon tl Z > A rar oh Not) The ere dos rates tonog deccrasaeoy oon | Daly ity tam uong te Ope ncn Be 7 Ty] _ [ime [arPROAGH Pass wTeRveNTION TeNO.UNO, SN) cae Type vor nie Te ot The prenrod appro pat or a vocie pam hiss wh ck Sos supe imam! (ropanmed shape sono) | Sma Sowers) ee C fon Ceneg rome con Cesena rosie Radice be apoich anno a brant oan aol nar Saree ity eat be saponen pont ea con! poston say oe 7 oo cme Senos aoe non Ceaeeg prostre Devay90 ‘300 ( ) 002 | DIMENSION DETECTING ERROR (WNO..NNO.8NO}) Cause Type of - error Cause Type { aistance of axis movement that cannot a be divided by the preset command unit ‘Stopped spe has been assigned. ej status Ho ‘Acton Clearing procedure ‘Action Clearing Review the program. Display Display Red (Bive) 201 [SIMULTANEOUS AXIS OVER (WNO..NNO.,BNO,) ‘804 | PARITY H ERROR (WNO..NNO.BNO,) Cause Type of oor Cause Type of “The numberof ans addrossas which have fe error been assigned in ona black i in excess of (On paper tape the number of holes per e the spoaticatons. ‘characteris even for EIA code or od for ‘Stopped aa status Stoppes ‘status rr 1 ‘Acton Cheating procedure ‘Acton (Clearing Check the speciieations and then divide ae Proedure the biock into two pats. ‘Check the paper tape an the tape oe reader. | Display Display Fd (Blue) ed (Blue) 02 | LEGAL AXIS NAME (WNO..NNO.BNO.) 05 | PARITY V ERROR (WNO.NNO.BNO} Cause Type of error Cause Type of ‘The axis adcress names assigned in he a oer rogram are diffrent from those which (On paper tape, the aumbor of holes per 3 have been parametized Stopped block is od siaus ‘Stopped status mu | HO ‘Acton ‘Greening procedure Acton Gieanng Correct the axis address names in poe program, ° os) Mako oven the hole quantity per black on wa the paper tape; or tum off He user Z Display parameter G23 used for pariy-V selection. Display Fed (Blue) od (Biuo)‘806 | ILLEGAL ADDRESS: (WO. NNO.8NO.) 09 [ILLEGAL NUMBER INPUT (WNO.NNO.BNO) Cause Type of Cause Type of ‘An adécess that is not covered in the B “The assigned data for the address is out B ‘specications has beon used of the allowable seting cng. ‘Stopped Stopped status status mw nwo Action Clearing ‘Action Clearing procedure procedure CCheok and correct the corresponding Oe) Review the program. erry ‘adoress nthe program, and also check the specifications. Display Display Fd (Bue) Red (Blve) 07 | ILLEGAL FORMAT (WNO..NNO,8NO) 10 | PROGRAM END NOT FOUND (WNO..NNO.BNO.) cause “Type of Cause Type of “The format in which the data has been 8 "EOR" has been detected during tape or e designates in the program i incoreck memory operation. ‘Stopped ‘Stopped satus status nwo Ww Acton Clearing ‘Action ‘leering procedure procedure Review the program. oe For the main program, sat Moz oF M30 at [9 (6) the end of he program. For subprograms, ‘set M99 at the ond ofthe program. Display Display ed (Blue) ea (ue) | ‘208 | MIS-SET G CODE (WNO..NNO.BNO) 817 [LEGAL O,N NUMBER (WNO,NNO,BNO.) cause “Type of Cause Type ot AG code thal is nol covered in the 8 Zeroes have been designated as program B speotications has been desgnate. or sequence numbers. ‘Stopped Stopped stalus ‘slalus Hw Ho ‘Acton Clearing ‘Acton Cieanng procedure procedure Check and correct the corresponding G O68) Delete zero trom N (sequence) oF O os) code aderess in the program, (rogram) numboes of the program: oF change O-No. (program numbors) to Display bbotwaen 1 and 99989999, N-No. Display (sequence rumbers) to 1 ~ 99999, Fed (Bive) Red (Blue) at12 | ERROR IN THE BUFFER BLOCK. (814 | INTERPOLATION IS OVERFLOW (WNO..NNO,BNO.) (WNO..NNO.BNO.) Cause. Type of Cause Type ‘An error has been found fo xis inthe 5 ‘The desgnated distance of movement is 3 fxe-read block during excoution of oo! {00 large (in excess of 231), ameter compensation = =a sas status Ho Ha ‘Action ‘ering ‘Acton ‘Clearing procedure procedure Review the program. oe Reduce the axs-asdress setting range. aa Dispiay Display Red (Blue) Ros (sue) '813 | NOT FOUND INGH@METRIC OPTION 15 [NOT FOUND G60 OPTION (WNO..NNO.8NO}) (WNO..NNO, BNO.) Cause ‘Type of Cause Type of error os Program command G60 has beon 5 ‘The monimevie selection command has 2 esignated although a un-dzectonal been issued using the G cade although a positioning functon is not provided. code inchimetre selecbon function is Stopped nat provices. Stopped status talus Hw 1 ‘Action Clearing ‘Action Clearing procedure Procedure Check the sofware specications and ae Check the specications. oe) change the program command G60 to u Goo. Display Display Red (Bive) Fed (Ble) 16 | FEEDRATE ZERO (WNO.NNO.BNO} Cause: Type of ‘The feedrate command has not been e input ‘Stopped stalus mw Action larg procedure Specily feecraeF forthe movement ‘command, (Since modal move command 2c) G0? is automatically sot at power-on, axis, ‘mavement in the modal made is started Display ‘by mput of a move command, even it G0! 15 not designated inthe program). Red (Blue) 92

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