ELC 101 Episode 6
ELC 101 Episode 6
ELC 101 Episode 6
Sombol BSED-SCI 4B
Reflect on the various routines observed.
1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?
- I would most likely apply a consistent morning routine in my class, such as greeting
students, having them store their belongings, and starting with a simple warm-up task.
This routine sets a positive tone for the day, helps students transition smoothly into
learning, and creates structure from the start. I would also implement routines for
activities like lining up, submitting work, and ending the day, ensuring that everything
runs smoothly. I would avoid routines that are too rigid or time-consuming, as they can
lead to frustration and take away valuable learning time. Flexibility is key in adapting to
students' needs.
Activity 6.2
1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?
- Classroom rules are made to solve common problems and create a better learning environment.
For example, the rule “raise your hand before speaking” helps keep order and prevents students
from talking all at once. The rule “keep your hands and feet to yourself” keeps students safe by
stopping pushing or hitting. “Follow instructions the first time” is used when students don’t
listen well, which causes delays. “Stay on task” helps students focus during work time, while
“use kind words” promotes respect and kindness. Each rule is meant to address behavior that can
disrupt learning and ensure a positive classroom.
2. Are classroom rules really important?
- Yes, classroom rules are very important. They provide structure and help students understand
what behavior is expected of them. Rules create a safe and organized environment where
everyone can focus on learning without distractions. Without rules, the classroom can become
chaotic, making it hard for both students and the teacher to do their work effectively. Rules also
teach students respect, responsibility, and cooperation, which are important life skills. By setting
clear expectations, classroom rules make it easier to manage behavior, prevent conflicts, and
promote a positive learning space for everyone.
Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the Resource Teacher. Will you have the same
rules? If not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.
- I would likely have some of the same rules as my Resource Teacher because they are
effective in creating structure and maintaining discipline. Rules like "raise your hand
before speaking" and "use kind words" are important for promoting respect and
organization in the classroom. However, I may also adjust or add rules based on my
students' needs. For example, I might include a rule about technology use if I’m teaching
a grade where students have access to devices. My goal would be to create rules that
promote responsibility, safety, and a positive learning environment tailored to my
specific class.