Jethro Episode 8 13

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Learning Episodes 8-13

Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and Procedures in a Face-to-Face/Remote

 Participate and Assist

Having these guide questions in mind, consult your Resource Teacher on the possible
assistance or participation that you can do to help her/him in doing the classroom routines.
Complete the matrix for the routines that you can employ before, during and after classes in
the classroom/remote learning to ensure order and discipline in your classes. List the
problems which you have encountered while implementing these routines.

Here are some common problems encountered while implementing classroom routines:

 Inconsistent implementation by teachers: For routines to be effective, they need to

be followed consistently by all teachers and staff who interact with the students. If
routines are sometimes enforced and sometimes not, students will be confused and
less likely to follow them themselves.
 Difficulty getting students to buy-in to the routines: Students may not see the point
of routines, or they may find them boring or restrictive. It's important to explain to
students why routines are important and how they benefit them.
 Lack of clarity or understanding of the routines: If students don't understand what
is expected of them, they can't be expected to follow the routines. Routines need to be
clearly explained and modeled for students, and there should be opportunities for
students to practice them.
 Disruptions from students who are not following the routines: A few students
who are not following the routines can disrupt the entire class. It's important to have a
plan for dealing with disruptive behavior.
 External factors such as changes in schedule or unexpected events: Changes in
the schedule or unexpected events can throw off routines and make it difficult for
students to stay on track. It's important to be flexible and adjust routines as needed,
but also to try to get back to normal as soon as possible.

 Not enough time for BSED 3 practicing the routines:
Routines take time to learn and become ingrained. It's
important to schedule time for students to practice
routines, especially at the beginning of the year.

 Routines not being developmentally appropriate for all students: Routines need
to be age-appropriate and take into account the different needs of students. For
example, younger students may need more time for transitions than older students.

 Notice
After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what you noticed
by answering the following questions:

 How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your
procedures in the classroom/remote learning?
After implementing classroom routines and procedures, I felt a sense of relief and
accomplishment. The classroom (or remote learning environment) felt more organized
and predictable, which allowed me to focus on delivering instruction and supporting
student learning.
 How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures?
Initially, there might be a period of adjustment for students as they get used to the
new routines. However, once they understand the expectations, I typically see a positive
response. Students feel more secure knowing what to expect and how to navigate the
classroom environment. This can lead to increased focus, improved time management,
and less classroom disruption.
 What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and
After implementing the routines, my resource teacher gave a positive reinforcement
on the clarity, consistency, and effectiveness of my routines. She also suggests tweaks or
adjustments to better suit the needs of my students.
 Was there a change in the classroom environment/teaching-learning process after you
have implemented your classroom routines and procedures?

Yes, after I implemented my classroom routines, I observed that there are changes.
The most significant change I’d noticed is a more focused and productive learning
environment. Transitions between activities become smoother, and students take more
responsibility for their own learning. This allows me and my resource teacher to spend less
time on classroom management and more time on instruction and individual student support.

 Analyze
1. What factors/conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines and
I established those classroom routines to avoid confusion because I believe that clear
routines ensure students understand expectations, minimizing disruptions. Another reason is
to maximize instructional time because efficient routines for transitions allows a more
focused teaching. Lastly, to encourage student independence because a well-stablished
procedures empower students to manage tasks and materials themselves.

2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing your

classroom routines?
Yes, there is typically a marked improvement in classroom management after employing
routines and procedures. First, it reduces confusions; students know what to expect and how
to behave in different situations, leading to fewer disruptions. Second, it increases efficiency;
transitions between activities become smoother, minimizing wasted time and allowing for
more focused instruction. Third, proactive management; clear procedures for behavior
expectations empower you to address potential issues before they escalate. Lastly, student
ownership; make students take more responsibility for managing their behavior and learning
when they understand the routines.

3. Did the teaching-learning process improve? Justify your answer.

Yes, effective routines and procedures significantly improve the teaching-learning
process in several ways. It increased the focus; less classroom disruption allows students to
stay focused on the lesson and retain information more effectively. It maximized the
instructional time; reduced time spent on management issues means more time for
instruction, activities, and student engagement. It enhanced the student learning; clear
expectations and a predictable environment create a foundation for better student learning. It

elevates teachers’ confidence; effective classroom management can boost teacher confidence,
leading to more effective instruction and a more positive learning environment. It improved
student independence; routines that encourage students to take responsibility for their
learning materials and tasks allow for more self-directed learning.
In essence, well-established routines and procedures create a smooth-running classroom
environment where both teachers and students can thrive.
 Reflect
What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?
While doing this learning episode, I gained some important insights that shed light on
the power of well-defined classroom routines and procedures. I realized that those routines
act as the scaffolding for a successful learning environment, providing structure and
predictability that allows students to focus on the content and teachers to deliver instruction
smoothly. I understand that consistency is paramount for routines to take hold, creating a
clear and predictable space where everyone thrives. I also understand that the benefits
extend to all stakeholders - students experience less confusion, teachers enjoy a calmer
atmosphere, and the teaching-learning process flourishes. However, I’ve learned that this
structure shouldn't be rigid. The ability to adapt to unexpected situations or student needs is
crucial, ensuring a balance between established procedures and necessary flexibility. Finally,
I've learned the importance of tailoring routines to encompass diverse student needs. By
incorporating feedback and making adjustments, I can create a set of procedures that
empowers all students in my classroom.

 Action Research Prompts

1. The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my classroom routines are the difficulty
keeping students engaged during transitions, unclear expectations for student behavior, lack
of student buy-in to the routines, difficulty managing routines in a remote learning
2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by creating a smooth and
efficient transitions between activities. I will set clear expectations for student behavior
during routines. I will increase student participation and ownership of the routines. I will
adapt routines effectively for remote learning environments.

3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situations/ problems.
Here are some strategies to address common challenges:
 Involve students in creating the routines. This will increase their buy-in and
 Practice routines regularly. This will help them become ingrained in student
 Use visuals and timers. This can be especially helpful for younger students or those
who need extra support.
 Provide positive reinforcement. Acknowledge students when they follow the
routines appropriately.
 Research remote learning management techniques. Look for strategies specifically
designed for online environments.

4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this episode is
"Improving Classroom Efficiency: The Impact of Student-Led Routines on Transition Times"

To further enrich my knowledge on designing my classroom/ remote management plan,

whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which
will help me in these activities. (include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and
share these to your peers.)
Here are some online resources to help you create a strong classroom/remote management
plan, to share with your peers:
 Edutopia: A website dedicated to innovative and effective K-12 education practices.
They have a specific section on classroom management with articles, videos, and
downloadable resources:
 Classcraft: A website and app that gamifies classroom management. Their blog
offers practical tips and strategies for creating positive and productive learning
 The First Six Weeks of School by Responsive Classroom: This classic book
provides a step-by-step guide for establishing routines and procedures in the first six
weeks of school, which is crucial for successful classroom management throughout
the year.
 Classroom Management for Elementary Teachers by Carolyn Evertson and
Carolyn Caine: This comprehensive resource offers research-based strategies for

creating a well-managed classroom, from setting expectations to providing positive
YouTube Channels:
 Cult of Pedagogy: Jennifer Serravallo, a renowned educator, shares practical tips and
insights on classroom management, routines, and creating a positive learning climate:
 WeAreTeachers: This channel offers a variety of resources for teachers, including
videos on classroom management tips, creating engaging lessons, and using
technology effectively in the classroom:
Additional Resources:

 Your School District's Website: Many school districts provide resources and
professional development opportunities for teachers on classroom management.
Check your district's website or talk to your administrator for recommendations.
 Professional Learning Communities (PLCs): If your school has PLCs, these can be
a great way to collaborate with other teachers and share best practices for classroom

 Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Ms. Asuncion teaches English in Grade Six. She finds difficulty in getting her class settled
and ready for the daily lesson. Which of the following would be the best advice for her?
A. She should have a seating arrangement/plan.
B. She should assign a group leader to monitor student's discipline.
C. She should not let them in until they are ready.
D. She should have an entry pass before they get in.

2. The students of Ms. Dionisio were instructed to use the washroom gate pass whenever they
need to attend to personal necessities. This is an example of which of the following
classroom management techniques?
A. the use of cards
B. the use of gate pass
C. the use of transition

D. the use of clear schedule

3. Mrs. Esplana assigned daily prayer leaders and attendance monitor checkers in her class.
What is the benefit of having this practice?
A. Ensure discipline and responsibility in class.
B. Make her students busy at all times.
C. Develop camaraderie in class.
D. Ease her of small stuff.

4. During inclement weather one of the routines established by Ms. Returan is for her class to
fall in line along the corridors and not in the school yard. What must be the reason

why she implemented this? A. To have another area for line formation
B. To enable them to stay outside
C. To protect them from harm
D. To give more time for them to socialize outside the classroom

5. Why is it best to establish routines at the beginning of the class?

A. To eliminate stress of teachers at the beginning of the class
B. To control unruly students
C. To know all the students in class
D. To ensure order and discipline at all times

 Work on my Artifacts
Take some snapshots of your routines in the classroom or in remote learning and tell
something about them. You may also write down the procedures you have formulated and
explain the reasons for these.

Creating my Classroom/Remote Learning Management Plan

Participate and Assist

After realizing the different elements and steps of a classroom/remote management plan, you
are now ready to plan which you can implement in your classroom/remote learning. You may
request a copy oy the Classroom/Remote Learning Management Plan of your Resource
Teacher or you may surf the internet for more samples/exemplars to guide you in creating
your plan.
Be guided with the guide questions for each of the elements. Follow these reminders in
writing your plan:

•State your plan positively

•Use simple specific terms
•Use measurable and observable behaviors
•Convey expected behaviors

"My Classroom Management Plan"

Philosophical Statement
I believe in creating a positive and inclusive remote learning environment where all

students feel respected, supported, and empowered to participate and learn. My goal is to
foster independence, responsibility, and collaboration, while maintaining clear
expectations and routines for a productive learning experience.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
 Be respectful: Treat everyone in the class with kindness and use appropriate
 Be prepared: Arrive on time with all necessary materials for the lesson.
 Be attentive: Mute your microphone when not speaking and actively participate in
class discussions.
 Be responsible: Complete assignments on time and ask for help when needed.
 Be honest: Uphold academic integrity and avoid plagiarism.


 Entering the online classroom: Students will use a greeting emote or chat
message upon entering the virtual classroom.
 Asking questions: Students will use the "raise hand" function or chat message to
ask questions.
 Submitting work: Assignments will be submitted through the designated online

Teacher-Student Relationship
I will treat each student with fairness, dignity, and respect. I will be approachable and
available to answer questions and provide support. I will encourage open communication
and create a safe space for students to express themselves. I will use positive
reinforcement to acknowledge student achievements and effort.
Schedules and Timeframes
 The class schedule will be clearly displayed online and communicated in advance.
 Lessons will be divided into manageable segments with short breaks in between to
maintain focus.
 Time will be allocated for students to ask questions and clarify doubts.
Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements
 The online classroom platform will be organized in a user-friendly way with clear
headings and easy access to materials.
 Visual aids and engaging activities will be incorporated to enhance learning.
 Breakout rooms will be utilized for small group discussions and collaborative
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures
 Students will only share appropriate information online and maintain privacy.
 Cyberbullying and harassment will not be tolerated.
 Online safety protocols will be discussed and followed at all times.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
 Verbal praise and recognition for positive contributions.

 Awarding points or badges for completing tasks or demonstrating desired
 Highlighting student achievements to the class or parents.

 Gentle reminders for minor behavioral issues.
 Private communication with students regarding recurring problems.
 Involving parents for serious concerns.

After reading and reviewing the classroom/remote learning management plan from different
sources and creating your own plan, answer the following questions.
1. What salient components have you noted?
There are seven salient components that I have noticed:
 Philosophical Statement: This outlines your core values and goals for the learning
 Classroom Rules and Procedures: These establish clear expectations for student
behavior and participation.
 Teacher-Student Relationship: This defines how you will interact with students to
foster a positive and productive classroom dynamic.
 Schedules and Timeframes: This ensures clarity and organization in the learning
 Classroom Structure/Design/Arrangements: This optimizes the chosen platform
(online) for an engaging learning experience.
 Safety Rules and Procedures: These address online safety and responsible
 Rewards and Consequences: This motivates students and provides a framework
for addressing behavioral issues.

2. Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your classroom management plan?
It is important to utilize the information to create your classroom management plan
because learning from other plans provides a strong foundation for creating your own, while
considering your specific teaching style and student needs. It allows you to borrow successful
strategies and adapt them to your context.

3. What were the significant things that you noticed when you were implementing your plan?
There are significant things that I noticed when I am implementing my plan:
 Student Engagement: Observe how well students participate in discussions and
 Clarity of Expectations: See if students understand and consistently follow the rules
and procedures.
 Effectiveness of Strategies: Evaluate if the chosen rewards and consequences are
motivating and effective in addressing behavioral issues.

4.Were there items in your classroom /remote learning management plan which were not
tailored to the needs of your students? How will you improve on these?
Yes, there is. And I will improve it through the following:
 If elements don't fit student needs, I will gather feedback and adjust.
 For example, if the planned rewards are not motivating, I will consider offering
different incentives.

1. What elements in your classroom/remote learning management plan were mostly
followed/complied with?
The elements in my classroom/remote learning management plan that are mostly
followed/complied are the following: Clear and concise rules and procedures, positive and
respectful teacher-student relationship, well-structured online platform can enhance focus
and engagement.
2. What elements in your plan were the most difficult to implement? Why?
The elements that are potentially difficult to implement are the following: maintaining
focus and participation in a remote learning environment might be challenging for some
students. Addressing behavioral issues online might require different approaches compared to
a physical classroom.

What were your realizations after creating and implementing your classroom/remote learning
management plan?
After creating and implementing my classroom/remote learning management plan, I
realize the importance of flexibility in adapting the plan based on student needs and
unforeseen situations. I understand the value of ongoing communication with students to
ensure understanding and gather feedback. I also realized the importance of continuous
learning and refining classroom management strategies for better outcomes.

By reflecting on these aspects, I gained valuable insights into my teaching practice

and continuously improve my classroom/remote learning management plan to create an
optimal learning environment for my students.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my classroom Management Plan are the
Limited Knowledge of Student Needs: I may not have fully considered the specific needs and
learning styles of my students when creating the plan. The Unrealistic Expectations: My plan
might include procedures or timelines that are difficult to implement in a remote learning
environment. Lack of Specificity: My rules and procedures might be too vague, leaving room
for confusion among students.

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by gathering student input by
conduct a survey or discussion to understand student preferences and learning challenges
related to remote learning. I will refine my expectations by adjusting the plan to be more
realistic and achievable within the remote learning context. I will increase the clarity by
rephrasing rules and procedures to be clear, concise, and easy to understand.

3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situations/ problems
are student collaboration that involve students in creating or revising certain aspects of the
classroom management plan to foster ownership and understanding. I will employ pilot
testing to test a few key aspects of the plan with a small group of students to identify any
potential issues before full implementation. I will test its flexibility to adapt the plan based on
student feedback and unforeseen circumstances.

4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this episode is
“Bridging the Gap: Student Input for Effective Remote Learning”.

To further enrich my knowledge on designing my classroom/ remote management plan,

whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which
will help me in these activities. (include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and
share these to your peers.)
Here are some online resources to enrich your knowledge on designing classroom/remote
management plans:
 Edutopia ( - Offers practical strategies and resources for
classroom management in various settings, including physical classrooms and remote
learning environments.
 ASCD ( - Provides articles and professional development
resources on effective classroom management, with a focus on research-based
 The First Six Weeks of School" by Responsive Classroom
( - This book
offers a practical guide for establishing routines and procedures during the crucial
first six weeks of school, which can be particularly helpful for setting the foundation
for a well-managed remote learning environment.
 Classroom Management for Online Learning" by Michael Allen
( - This book delves specifically into the
challenges and strategies for managing online classrooms. It provides practical
guidance on topics like building relationships with students online, fostering
engagement, and addressing behavioral issues in a remote setting.
YouTube Videos:
 Rigorous Remote Learning: Strategies for Classroom Management" by
Edutopia - This video from Edutopia provides practical tips and strategies for
maintaining a well-managed remote learning environment.
 Creating a Positive Online Learning Environment" by EdTechTeacher 101 - This
EdTechTeacher 101 video offers insights on fostering a positive and engaging online
learning environment, which is a key factor in effective classroom management.

By utilizing these resources and actively seeking out additional information, you can
continuously improve your classroom/remote management plan and create a productive
learning environment for your students, whether in a physical classroom or online.

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Why is a classroom management plan important?
A. To assist the teacher in instruction
B. To ensure that the students obey the classroom rules
C. To develop the sense of belongingness in class
D. To make the students responsible and accountable for their actions.

2. Why is there a need to make the classroom management plan clear and simple?
A. For students to understand and follow easily
B. To make it doable for the teacher
C. To prevent chaos in class
D. To ensure compliance of superiors

3. Why is there a need to have a classroom structure / lay out?

A. For aesthetic purposes
B. For compliance with school rules
C. To be at par with others
D. For the safety and security of students

4. When is the best time to make the classroom management/ remote plan?
A. At the beginning of the school year
B. At the beginning of each class
C. At the middle of the year
D. At the end of the year

5. Which of the elements in the classroom management/ remote plan must be given more
A. Classroom Rules and Procedures
B. Schedule and Time Frame
C. Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
D. Classroom Design, Structure and Arrangement

Work on my Artifacts
Paste your Classroom/Remote Management Plan

General Guidelines:
 Be respectful: Treat everyone in the class with kindness and use appropriate
 Be prepared: Arrive on time for online classes with all necessary materials ready.
 Be attentive: Mute your microphone when not speaking and actively participate in
 Be responsible: Complete assignments on time and ask for help when needed.
 Be honest: Uphold academic integrity and avoid plagiarism.

 Entering the online classroom: Students will use a designated greeting emote or
chat message to signal their arrival.
 Asking questions: Students will utilize the "raise hand" function or chat message
to ask questions during lectures or discussions.
 Submitting work: Assignments will be submitted through the designated online
platform (e.g., Learning Management System) by the deadline.

Teacher-Student Relationship
 I will treat each student with fairness, dignity, and respect.
 I will be approachable and available to answer questions and provide support
during designated office hours or via online communication tools.
 I will encourage open communication and create a safe space for students to
express themselves.
 I will use positive reinforcement to acknowledge student achievements and effort
(e.g., verbal praise, virtual badges).

Schedules and Timeframes
 The class schedule will be clearly displayed online and communicated in advance.
 The schedule will incorporate a variety of activities (e.g., lectures, discussions,
breakout rooms for group work) to maintain engagement and focus.
 Lessons will be divided into manageable segments with short breaks in between to
allow for processing and prevent fatigue, especially for younger students.

Safety Rules and Procedures
 Students will only share appropriate information online and maintain privacy.
 Cyberbullying and harassment will not be tolerated.
 Online safety protocols (e.g., responsible online behavior, password management)
will be discussed and enforced at all times.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences


 Verbal praise and recognition for positive contributions during discussions or

completing assignments on time.
 Awarding points or badges through a virtual platform for demonstrating desired
behaviors, completing tasks, or exceeding expectations.
 Highligting student achievements to the class or parents/guardians through online
platforms or newsletters.


 Gentle reminders for minor behavioral issues, such as forgetting to mute the
 Private communication with students regarding recurring problems, offering

support and addressing the behavior constructively.
 Involving parents/guardians for serious concerns or repeated behavioral issues.

Additional Considerations for Remote Learning:

 Technical Support: Provide clear instructions and resources to help students

troubleshoot any technical difficulties they might encounter during online classes.
 Engagement Strategies: Actively incorporate engaging activities in the lesson
plans (e.g., polls, quizzes, breakout rooms) to maintain focus and participation in a
remote setting.
 Flexibility: Acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances might arise. Be prepared
to adjust the plan or offer alternative solutions when necessary to ensure inclusivity
and address student needs.

Writing My Learning/Lesson Plan

 Analyze
Analyze the various components of your lesson plans by answering the given matrix. Take
note that you must have provisions to do this lesson on a face-to-face, modular or through
online learning.
Questions Answers

1. How did you arouse students' I incorporated several motivational techniques to
interest? What motivational arouse my student interest like making a positive
techniques did you indicate in your reinforcement such as verbal praise, virtual
plan? badges, and highlighting achievements to create a
positive learning environment and encourage
desired behaviors. I create choice and
collaboration involving students in plan creation
(optional) and incorporating engaging activities
(polls, breakout rooms) fosters a sense of agency
and makes learning more interactive. I will set a
clear expectations and goals, kowing what's
expected and how success is measured provides
students with direction and a sense of
accomplishment when they achieve objectives.
2. How did you respond to the diverse 2.1. The plan avoids gender stereotypes and
types of learners? focuses on respectful behavior for all. Strategies
like offering choices and incorporating a variety
2.1 gender, needs, strengths, interests of activities cater to different learning styles and
and experiences interests. Encouragement and support can help
students with diverse needs feel empowered to
2.2 linguistic, cultural, socio- participate.
economic and religious backgrounds
2.2 The plan emphasizes clear communication
2.3 with disabilities, giftedness and and can be adapted to incorporate visuals or
talents translated materials as needed. Respectful
classroom interactions acknowledge cultural and
2.4 in difficult circumstances religious backgrounds.

2.5 from indigenous groups 2.3 Flexibility in the plan allows for
accommodations for students with disabilities.
(e.g., extended deadlines)
Enrichment activities can challenge gifted

2.4 The plan acknowledges potential unforeseen

situations and allows for adjustments to support
students experiencing difficulties.

2.5 Culturally relevant materials or activities can

be incorporated with respect for indigenous
knowledge and perspectives.
3. What instructional strategies will The instructional strategies that I will employ in
you employ in face-to-face or in a face-to-face or in a remote learning delivery for
remote learning delivery for this this lesson are:
lesson? Explain.
 Variety: Combining lectures, discussions,

polls, quizzes, and breakout rooms keeps
students engaged.
 Active Learning: Strategies like polls and
breakout rooms encourage student
participation and deeper understanding.
 Differentiation: Providing choices and
varying activity types can cater to diverse
learning styles.

4. Was the language used appropriate Yes, because my plan uses clear, concise, and
to the level of the students? Explain grade-appropriate language. Technical terms can
your answer briefly. be explained or accompanied by visuals to ensure
5. What types and levels of questions My plan encourages a mix of question types for
did you formulate? Are they of the different purposes:
higher order thinking skills (HOTS)?
Write two (2) examples.  Lower-order thinking skills (LOTS):
Review knowledge and comprehension
(e.g., "What are the three main points of
the lesson?")
 Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS):
Encourage analysis, evaluation, and
application (e.g., "How can this concept
be applied to a real-world situation?")

Examples of HOTS Questions:

1. Analyze: "Compare and contrast the

different approaches to solving this
problem. Which approach do you think is
most effective and why?"
2. Evaluate: "The author argues for X. Do
you agree or disagree? Support your
answer with evidence from the text and
your own reasoning."

6. What instructional resources will nstructional Resources:

you use? Why? Cite the possible
online resources that you can utilize The choice of resources will depend on the lesson
whether done in the classroom or in but may include:
remote learning?
 Online platforms: Learning Management
Systems (LMS) for materials and
assignments, online collaboration tools for

group work.
 Digital resources: Educational websites,
simulations, videos, and interactive games
to enhance understanding and
 Offline resources: Textbooks, printed
materials, manipulatives (for hands-on

Online Resources (Examples):

 Khan Academy
 National Geographic Education
 PBS LearningMedia
 Discovery Education

7. Are your modes of assessment The plan emphasizes aligning assessments with
aligned with your learning outcomes learning activities and outcomes.
and activities? Cite a specific
example.  Example: If a learning outcome involves
critical thinking, an assessment might
involve an essay where students analyze a
complex topic using evidence and

8. Will your performance tasks ensure Performance tasks that require students to apply
the mastery of the learning their knowledge and skills in a real-world context
competencies? Explain briefly. can help ensure mastery of learning

 Example: A science project where

students design and conduct an
experiment to test a hypothesis
demonstrates their understanding of
scientific concepts and inquiry skills.

9. In a scale of 1-10, How will you In a scale of 1-10 I will rate my plan as 8/10
rate your learning plan(s)? Justify because my plan incorporates many strengths that

your answer. contribute to a well-managed learning
environment like: clear structure and
expectations, emphasis on positive reinforcement
and student support, strategies to cater to diverse
learners, and flexibility to adapt to unforeseen

While my plan incorporates many strengths it

also has room for improvement. While the plan
outlines a framework, adding specific examples
of activities or assessments for various learning
objectives would enhance its comprehensiveness.
Further tailoring the plan to a specific grade level
or subject area could increase its effectiveness.

Overall, my plan provides a strong foundation for

creating a successful learning environment. By
incorporating the suggestions above and
continuously reflecting on my practice, I can
strive for a 10/10 plan.

10. If this lesson is not implemented Since my plan is designed to be adaptable,

face-to-face, how are you going to do transitioning it to a remote learning environment
it remotely? can be achieved through the following strategies:

 Utilize online platforms:

o Conduct lessons through video
conferencing platforms like Zoom
or Google Meet.
o Utilize Learning Management
Systems (LMS) like Canvas or
Blackboard for sharing materials,
assignments, and managing
o Explore collaborative online tools
like Padlet or Jamboard for
interactive activities and group
 Focus on asynchronous activities:
o Pre-record lectures or
presentations for students to access
at their own pace.
o Provide opportunities for students
to submit assignments

o Encourage discussion forums or
chat channels for asynchronous
communication and student

Examples of Remote Learning Activities:

 Live online discussions: Facilitate

discussions using breakout rooms or chat
features in video conferencing platforms.
 Collaborative projects: Utilize online
document editing tools (e.g., Google
Docs) for students to work together on
projects remotely.
 Online simulations and games: Many
educational websites offer interactive
simulations and games that can enhance
learning in a remote setting.
 Virtual field trips: Explore online
museum tours, historical site visits, and
other virtual experiences that can enrich


 Clear communication with students is

essential for a successful remote learning
 Provide regular opportunities for feedback
and address any technical difficulties
students might encounter.
 Be creative and explore the vast array of
online tools and resources available to
create an engaging and effective remote
learning environment.

By adapting this plan and incorporating these

strategies, I can create a well-managed remote
learning environment that fosters student
participation and achievement.

 Reflect
Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?

Lesson planning forms the backbone of a successful instructional cycle. It acts as a
roadmap, guiding teachers towards achieving specific learning objectives for their students. A
well-crafted plan ensures clarity and focus, keeping the lesson on track and maximizing the
allocated time for effective knowledge transfer. By incorporating diverse activities and
teaching strategies, lesson plans cater to various learning styles and promote deeper
understanding. Furthermore, the planning process itself benefits teachers by allowing them
to anticipate challenges, prepare materials, and refine their delivery, leading to a more
confident and organized classroom experience. Lesson plans also play a vital role in ensuring
alignment between individual lessons and the broader curriculum, creating a logical
progression of learning for students. They further contribute to effective assessment by
integrating planned checks on student understanding and the overall success of the
instruction. This data allows for adjustments and ensures all students are progressing towards
the learning goals. Finally, reflecting on lesson plans after implementation is a valuable tool
for continuous improvement. By analyzing what worked well and what needs refinement,
teachers can elevate their teaching practices and create a consistently effective learning
environment for their students. In essence, lesson planning is an integral part of the
instructional cycle, laying the foundation for successful teaching, promoting student learning,
and fostering ongoing professional growth for educators.

 Write Action Research Prompts

1. The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my classroom Management Plan are the
Limited Specificity: My initial plan might be too vague, leaving room for confusion among
students regarding expectations and procedures. Lack of Student Input: I may not have fully
considered student needs and preferences when creating the plan, potentially overlooking
their learning styles or preferred communication methods. Unforeseen Considerations: The
plan might not adequately address potential issues like technical difficulties in a remote
learning environment, or unexpected disruptions in a physical classroom.

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by increasing clarity to be
clear, concise, and easy for students to understand. Gathering student feedback to incorporate
student perspectives and preferences. Building flexibility to address unforeseen
circumstances, such as technical glitches or classroom disruptions.


3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situations/ problems
are peer review to review the plan and suggest ways to improve clarity and
comprehensiveness, pilot testing to identify any potential issues before full implementation,
and ongoing communication to ensure it remains relevant and meets their needs.

4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this episode
will be “Enhancing Clarity and Flexibility: Refining a Classroom Management Plan”.
To further enrich my knowledge on designing my classroom/ remote management plan,
whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which
will help me in these activities. (include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and
share these to your peers.)
Here are some valuable online resources to enrich your knowledge on designing
classroom/remote management plans:

 Edutopia ( - Offers practical strategies and research-
based approaches to classroom management in both traditional classroom settings and
remote learning environments.
 ASCD ( - Provides articles, professional development
resources, and case studies on effective classroom management practices.
 "The First Six Weeks of School" by Responsive Classroom
( - This book
provides a practical guide for establishing routines and procedures during the crucial
first six weeks of school. These strategies are particularly helpful for setting the
foundation for a well-managed remote learning environment.
 "Classroom Management for Online Learning" by Michael Allen
Management&L2ID=154) - This book delves specifically into the challenges and
strategies for managing online classrooms. It provides practical guidance on topics

like building relationships with students online, fostering engagement, and addressing
behavioral issues in a remote setting.
YouTube Videos:
 "Rigorous Remote Learning: Strategies for Classroom Management" by
Edutopia - This video from Edutopia provides practical tips and strategies for
maintaining a well-managed remote learning environment.
 "Creating a Positive Online Learning Environment" by EdTechTeacher 101 -
This EdTechTeacher 101 video offers insights on fostering a positive and engaging
online learning environment, which is a key factor in effective classroom
Additional Resources:
1. Consider searching for resources from your local or regional education department or
association. They might offer resources or training programs specifically tailored to
the needs of your region.
2. Explore articles and blog posts from experienced educators who share their best
practices for remote classroom management. There are many valuable insights to be
gleaned from the experiences of others.
3. Online forums and communities for educators are valuable platforms to connect with
colleagues, ask questions, and share ideas related to classroom management in a
remote learning environment.

 Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Why are learning/lesson plans important?
A. To allow students to participate more
B. To maintain order in class
C. To ensure quality instruction
D. To comply with school standards

2. Which is NOT in the cognitive domain?

A. Identify nouns in sentences
B. Differentiate noun from pronouns
C. Give examples of nouns
D. Draw examples of nouns

3. Why are attention getters needed at the beginning of the class?

A. To arouse student's interest
B. To avoid truancy in class.
C. To make the students active
D. To keep the students focused

4. Which is considered high order thinking skills in the given questions?

A. Why are plants important?
B. What are the needs of plants?
C. How do we take care of plants?
D. If you are a plant, what will you tell humankind?

5. Which of these objectives does NOT belong to the group?

A. Narrate a story using varied materials
B. Rewrite the story using various forms
C. Draw the events of the story
D. Give the moral lesson of the story

 Work on my Artifacts
Paste one (1) lesson plan and write your simple reflection.

Delivering My Lessons

 Participate and Assist

Complete the given matrix by using Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction, once a lesson is
assigned to you. Consult your Resource Teacher if your plans are ready for implementation
or your assistance is needed in any part of the lesson.
Segments of Events of Strategies and Learning
Learning Instruction Activities Used Resources/Materials

Preparation 1.Gaining  Greetings and  Whiteboard or
Attention attention grabbers projector.
(e.g., short
riddles, thought-  Attention getter
provoking visuals or
questions) manipulatives.
 Brief review of
previous lesson
(if applicable)
2.Inform Learning  Clearly state  Whiteboard or
Objectives the learning projector.
objectives for
the lesson.  Handout with
 Use student- objectives.
language and
objectives to
3.Stimulate Recall  Short quiz or  Worksheet with
of Prior Learning activity to review
review questions.
relevant prior
knowledge.  Prior lesson
materials (if
 Class applicable).
discussion or

Instruction and 4.Present the  Clear and  Projector and
Practice Content concise screen/computer.
presentation Whiteboard or
of the new chart paper.
information.  Markers/pens.
 Use of  Textbooks or
multimedia handouts.
(e.g., videos,  Manipulatives
images). (if applicable).
 Varying
methods (e.g.,
lecture, group
5.Provide  Advance  Advance
Learning Guides organizers organizers (e.g.,
(e.g., graphic graphic
organizers, organizers,
outlines). outlines).
 Prompts and  Prompts and
cues to guide cues to guide
student student learning.
6.Elicit  Practice  Worksheets with
Performance activities and practice
exercises. problems or
 Formative activities.
assessments  Online quizzes
(e.g., exit or polls (for

tickets, remote learning)
7.Provide  Immediate  Teacher
Feedback feedback on circulating the
practice classroom to
activities. provide
 Individualized feedback.
support as  Peer review
needed. activities
Assessment and 8.Assess  Summative  Project rubric or
Transfer Performance assessment assessment
(e.g., project, criteria.
test).  Self-reflection
 Self-reflection worksheet.
9.Enhance  Summarize  Class discussion
Retention key points of to summarize
the lesson. key points.
 Provide  Real-world
opportunities examples or case
to apply studies.
learning to

 Notice
Using Robert Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction, what did you notice in the following
segments of learning:

 How did the students react to the activities/ various elements to arouse their interest?

The video of a powerful persuasive speech sparked curiosity. Students actively
participated in the discussion, highlighting elements they found effective (e.g., emotional
delivery, strong arguments).

 Were the students focused when you were stating the learning objectives at the
beginning of the lesson?
Students were generally focused as the learning objectives were directly related to the
engaging video clip. However, a few students at the back seemed distracted - their attention
might need to be refocused.

 How did the new learnings relate with what they really know?
When prompted about persuasive techniques in literature, some students struggled to
recall specific examples. This suggests a need for more scaffolding or prompting to bridge
the gap between prior knowledge and new learning.

 Did you notice some students who needed assistance? What did you do?
Most students seemed engaged with the visuals and clear explanations of key
concepts. However, a few students in the middle row frequently glanced at their phones,
indicating a potential lack of focus.
The graphic organizer helped most students grasp the essay structure, but a couple in
the back seemed confused. A quick check-in with these students might be necessary to
ensure understanding.
 Did the students find difficulty in applying the theories/ concepts learned to real life?

During group work, students actively participated in brainstorming and presented
their arguments with varying degrees of clarity and effectiveness. This highlights the need for
further development of persuasive writing skills.

 How did your students react to your feedback?

Students generally responded positively to feedback, asking clarifying questions and
taking notes on suggestions for improvement. However, one student seemed discouraged
after receiving feedback on their emotional appeal being overly dramatic. A private
conversation might be helpful to address this.

 What pieces of evidence can prove that the students had retention of learning?
The upcoming essay will provide concrete evidence of learning retention. Students who
struggle might need additional support or resources during the writing process.

 Analyze
After planning your lesson(s) you may be requested by your Resource Teacher to deliver the
lesson(s). Your Resource Teacher will use a classroom observation sheet to evaluate the
delivery of your lesson (s) Schools use different tools in rating classroom / online
observations. Below is an example of a classroom observation form/sheet.
Areas of Strengths Areas of Improvement
1. Subject Matter Content Demonstrates depth and The teacher needs to show
breadth of the subject more mastery of the subject
 Demonstrates depth matter. The teacher matter.
and breadth of the demonstrates a strong
subject matter understanding of the subject
matter and present the
 Shows mastery of content accurately, clearly,

the subject matter and in a way that is
engaging for students.
2. Organization of the The teacher presents the The teacher should state a
lesson subject matter sequentially and clear learning outcome.
logically. The teacher presents
 Presents subject a well-organized lesson plan
matter sequentially and ensures a logical flow of
and logically information. Clear learning
objectives communicated at the
 States clear learning beginning that helps students
outcomes understand what they will
 Synthesizes main

 Meets class at
scheduled time

 Regularly monitors
classroom on-line
3. Rapport/ Interaction The teacher demonstrates The teacher should use a
with the Students depth and breadth of the variety of assessment
subject matter. The teacher strategies.
 Holds interest of demonstrates a strong
students understanding of the subject
matter and present the
 Is respectful, fair and content accurately, clearly,
impartial and in a way that is
engaging for students. He

 Provides immediate presents a well-organized
feedback lesson plan and ensures a
logical flow of information.
 Encourages active Clear learning objectives
participation communicated at the
beginning that help students
 Interacts with understand what they will
students learn.

 Shows enthusiasm
4. Teaching Methods and The teacher demonstrates a The provided form doesn't
Strategies strong understanding of the directly assess all events of
subject matter that allows instruction, a good Resource
 Utilizes relevant him to present the content Teacher can consider
teaching methods/ accurately, clearly, and in an additional areas during the
strategies engaging way. He presents observation (e.g.,
the material sequentially and questioning techniques,
 Uses learning aids, logically ensures a smooth student engagement
materials, and flow of information . He strategies).
technology states clear learning The form doesn't directly
objectives at the beginning assess elements like creating
 Employs that helps students a positive classroom
cooperative/group understand what they will environment or using wait
involvement in the learn. He uses a variety of time effectively. However,
classroom and instructional methods, such these indirectly contribute to
remote learning as lectures, group work, and student learning.
discussions, caters to diverse
 Uses examples that learning styles and keeps
are simple, clear, students engaged. He
precise, and effectively integrates

appropriate technology that enhances
learning by providing
 Stays focused on and engaging presentations,
meets stated learning simulations, or interactive
outcomes activities. He provides clear
and concise instructions that
ensures students understand
5. Presentation of the The teacher stated clear The teacher should activate
lesson learning objectives at the students' prior knowledge
beginning of the lesson. This more to connect it to the
 Establishes online helps students understand new information.
course or classroom what they will learn.
environment A logical flow of
conducive to information is essential for
learning student comprehension.
The teacher uses a variety of
 Maintains eye instructional methods (e.g.,
contact lecture, group work).

 Uses a clear voice,

strong projection,
proper enunciation

 Has a good
command of the

 Uses language
within the level of

6. Classroom Management The teacher maintains a The teacher should
schedule and maintains a effectively manage student
 Begins and end classroom management disruptions and He should
classes on time consistently. use appropriate intervention
 Uses time wisely

 Attends to course

 Demonstrates
leadership ability;

 maintains discipline
and control

 Maintains effective
classroom and e-
7. Sensitivity to Students' The teacher exhibits The teacher should be more
Needs sensitivity to students' pro-active to foster a more
personal culture, gender respectful and positive
 Exhibits sensitivity differences and disabilities learning environment.
to students' personal
culture, gender
differences and

 Responds
appropriately in a
non-threatening, pro-
active learning
8. Support/Assistance to The teacher assesses the He should clarify more
Students students very well. points in the lessons which
are not clear to the students.
 Assists students with
academic problems

 Clarifies points in
the lessons which are
not clear to the

 Allots time for

questions /

9. Personal Competencies The teacher maintains He should be more

professional distance and confident next time.
 Shows self- professional appearance and
confidence showcase a better self-
 Maintains
professional distance
and professional
10. Physical Aspects of the The teacher always checks The teacher must check the

Classroom number of students in layout of the room,
attendance. distractions, if any.
 Oversees the
physical attributes of
classroom (light,

 Checks number of
students in

 Checks layout of
room, distractions, if

 Lists any
observations on how
the physical aspects
of the classroom
affected content

Overall impression of teaching effectiveness:

Overall, the teacher appears to demonstrate some strengths in subject matter
knowledge, lesson organization, and clear communication. The well-organized lesson plan
ensures a logical flow of information, and the teacher's ability to provide clear instructions
and check for understanding throughout the lesson suggests good communication practices.

Additionally, the focus on maintaining a schedule might not provide a comprehensive
view of classroom management, which includes creating a positive environment and
managing student behavior.
Finally, promoting student engagement and offering support are crucial for effective
learning, but these areas might not be directly addressed in the sheet.
Overall, while the teacher exhibits some strengths, the limitations of the observation
sheet and the lack of information regarding student engagement and support make it difficult
to definitively assess overall teaching effectiveness. Discussing the observation sheet with
the Resource Teacher to understand their assessment of uncovered areas, reflecting on
incorporating all of Gagne's Nine Events, and considering alternative methods to assess
student engagement and support could provide a more complete picture of the teacher's

 Reflect
Having implemented several lessons in your Cooperating School under the supervision of
your Cooperating Teacher, in what areas of the lesson do you need to improve?
Firstly, grabbing student attention at the outset is crucial. Brainstorming more
engaging strategies like thought-provoking questions, surprising facts, or interactive
activities could be beneficial. Similarly, activating prior knowledge by using techniques like
brainstorming, KWL charts, or quizzes can help students connect new information to what
they already know.
Moving forward in the lesson, providing specific learning guidance beyond just
instructions might be helpful. Offering clear explanations, examples, or graphic organizers
can solidify student understanding. Furthermore, integrating opportunities for ongoing
feedback throughout the lesson through peer reviews, exit tickets, or short quizzes allows you
to adjust instruction based on student needs.
Assessment variety is also important. Consider incorporating observations, quizzes,
projects, or presentations alongside simply checking for understanding. Finally, helping

students see the relevance of the information by connecting it to real-world applications
through case studies, simulations, or discussions can solidify learning.
Beyond Gagne's framework, promoting student engagement throughout the lesson is
vital. Look for ways to incorporate activities, discussions, and technology to keep students
actively involved. Additionally, tailoring instruction to meet diverse needs and learning
styles through tiered assignments, choice activities, or small group work (differentiation) can
be beneficial.
By reflecting on these areas and discussing them with your Cooperating Teacher, you
can gain valuable feedback and identify specific strategies to elevate your lessons and
enhance student learning. Remember, effective teaching is a continuous journey of growth
and development.

 Write Action Research Prompts

Problems / challenges I encountered in delivering my lessons is anything from classroom
management issues to student comprehension difficulties and the specific and detailed in my
observations like when the students struggled to stay engaged during lecture portions of the
lesson, and the provided activities weren't challenging enough for some students, while
others found them too difficult. And also, there was difficulty in transitioning between
different parts of the lesson smoothly.

I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by incorporating more interactive
activities and discussions, providing tiered assignments and offering choices in activities, and
I will improve lesson flow by adding clear transitions and time management strategies.

Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situations/ problems: I
will use exit tickets and short quizzes to gauge student understanding throughout the lesson.

I will incorporate technology tools like online quizzes or simulations to enhance learning.
I will create a more positive and supportive classroom environment through open
communication and encouragement.

Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research in this episode is
"Enhancing Lesson Flow and Student Participation Through Improved Classroom
Management Techniques"

 Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following characterizes a well-motivated lesson?
A. The class is quiet.
B. The students are participative.
C. The teacher explains the lesson well.
D. The students are highly engaged in the activities

2. In which part of the lesson does the learner give examples to connect to the broader
aspects of life?
A. Presentation
B. Discussion
C. Application
D. Evaluation

3. Why should teachers provide immediate feedback and reinforcement?

A. To be liked and loved by students
B. To motivate students to do more and learn more
C. To get students' attention
D. For students to get high grades

4. Which of the following principles of learning applies when student's age is considered in
presenting concepts and ideas in the lessons?
A. law of readiness
B. law of exercise
C. law of effect
D. law of sensitivity

5. Which part of the lesson is referred to when students give similarities and differences in
the concepts presented?
A. Presentation
B. Discussion
C. Comparison and Abstraction
D. Generalization

Selecting Non-digital or Conversational Resources and Instructional Materials

 Notice
After you participated or assisted in using resources instructional materials in teaching
learning, described what you observed and experienced by answering the items below.
1. How did you prepare for this activity?

I review and discuss how the activities would flow and how I could best assist the learners. I
practiced using the flashcards, ensuring I could answer any student questions about the
information on the cards. I familiarized myself with the activity and helped set up the
distribution for each group.

2. Describe how you or the teacher utilized the resources/instructional materials. Narrate your
experience as you participated and assisted.
We utilized the resources/instructional materials by observing which students seemed to
struggle and offering them prompts based on the topics that we are going to explore. We
encourage students to participate by asking questions and I walked around the classroom and
offering support to students who had difficulty reading the facts.

3. What were your feelings and thoughts while you were assisting with the use of
Throughout the lesson, I felt a sense of accomplishment in supporting the teacher and
facilitating student learning. It was rewarding to see the "aha!" moments when students
grasped new information about the lesson. The variety of resources kept the lesson engaging,
and I appreciated how each activity catered to different learning styles. There were a few
challenges, like helping shy students participate or managing frustration over imperfect
outputs. However, I focused on encouraging effort and celebrating creativity.

4. Describe how the students responded and participated.

The students were enthusiastic throughout the lesson; the engaging activities sparked
curiosity. The flashcards presented a bit more difficulty, but some students used them to test
their knowledge during the activity. Students displayed creativity and they clearly had fun
while learning.

Overall, the students responded positively to the lesson and the different resources used.
Their participation and excitement demonstrated the effectiveness of the activities in teaching
them about the lesson.

 Analyze
What worked well during the activity using the resources/materials?
During the activity, the things that worked well are variety of resources, the interactive
activities, visual aids, and the student collaboration.

What part can be improved?

The things that could be improved are flashcard difficulty, shy student participation, and
students’ frustration.

What would you have done differently? What would I change? What will make it better next
If given a chance I will do differently the pre-assessment, and I will impose positive

How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using instructional
This experience reinforces the importance of selecting resources that consider learning
objectives, student engagement, and the different student needs.

 Reflect
1. How ready am I in selecting and developing resources/instructional materials in the
teaching-learning process?


2. What do I still need to learn to select and develop resources/instructional materials in

teaching effectively?
Based on the learning episode and my experience as a student assistant, I’m well on
my way to selecting and developing resources for teaching and learning. I understand the
importance of choosing resources that align with learning objectives, keep students engaged,
and cater to different learning styles. I can also analyze how well resources work in practice,
identifying areas for improvement like the difficulty of flashcards or potential frustration
with the activity. Additionally, I grasp the concept of differentiation, suggesting ways to
modify materials to better suit all learners.
One area for development might be experience with creating instructional materials
from scratch. To bridge this gap, I could explore tools for presentations, infographics, or
online activities. Practicing developing lesson plans that incorporate different resources to
achieve specific goals would also be beneficial. Finally, observing experienced teachers use
and create resources in their classrooms can offer valuable insights.
Overall, I have a strong foundation for selecting and developing instructional
materials. By building on my existing knowledge and gaining practical experience, I'll be
well-equipped to design engaging and effective learning experiences for my students.

3. What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of resources and instructional
In order to learn more and practice the use of resources and instructional materials, I
should give more time to study and improve my knowledge about those resources. I will
allocate time to study on how to use those resources effectively and I will test its
effectiveness to real time classroom setting and observe its strength and weaknesses so that I
can assess its effectiveness and make it more reliable as a source of learning for my students.

 Check for Mastery
Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The Dale Cone of Experience can help a teacher be mindful of the choice of resources or
instructional materials in terms of
A. level of thinking
B. extent of being flexible or fixed
C. extent of being concrete or abstract
D. extent of adaptation and modification

2. Miss Violo told the story of the Giving Tree in her toddler class. She used the book itself
to show the illustration to the two-year-olds and showed all thirty pages of the book. Miss
Violo struggled just to finish the book because the toddlers were not focusing. Some lay on
the floor stretching; others ran around the room. Which criterion did she fail to consider in
choosing a material?
A. Collaboration among learners
B. Inclusive and free of cultural bias
C. Student interest and engagement
D. Developmental appropriateness

3. For a theme on Careers, Mr. Menggay let his students watch interview clips of successful
people in business who were all males. The clips seemed to send a message that only men
succeed in the business field. Mr. Menggay did have any follow-up discussion on the clips.
Which criterion in selecting resources/materials should the teacher have considered?
A. Student interest and engagement
B. Inclusive and free of cultural bias
C. Developmental appropriateness
D. Time and cost-efficient

4. Which of the following gives the learners the most concrete experience?
A. Watching a Theater play on The Death March

B. Listening to the teacher discuss about the first chapter of Noli Me Tangere
C. Viewing a photo exhibit of the EDSA revolution
D. Independently reading the Biography of Andres Bonifacio

5. A teacher should consider all these criteria for choosing a resource or material, EXCEPT:
A. Aligns to the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson
B. Is the most expensive therefore the most durable
C. Is inclusive and free from cultural bias
D. Is developmentally appropriate

Utilizing Applications (Apps) for Teaching and Learning

 Notice
After you participated or assisted in the use of apps in teaching-learning, describe what you
observed and experienced by answering the items below.

1. Describe how you or the teacher utilized the apps. Narrate your experience as you
participated and assisted.
In utilizing the educational applications, my resource teacher first looks for the most
effective app that suits on her topic. After she found one, she began to plan on how to
integrate it to her lesson and she asked me on the activities that I have in mind to be included
in her class. I suggested the “Game-show style quizzes” for students to test their knowledge
individually or in teams as my resource teacher utilizes the Kahoot App.

 Analyze
What worked well during the activity using the apps?
The app that worked very well is the Kahoot App. During the activity the students are
not just learning but most importantly they enjoyed learning together.

What part can be improved?

The part that can be improved is the organization of the activities to make it smoother
and less disruptive in class duration. The resource teacher must set a clear rule before the
activities so that the students are aware of the rules and guidelines.

What would you have done differently? What would I change? What will make it better next
If given a chance to make changes, I will improve more the activities, I will find and
discover more apps to be integrated in the classroom. I will choose those apps that are more
inclusive and can address the diverse needs of the students.

How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using apps?

This episode is very relevant to know because as a 21st century teacher, I should be
more knowledgeable enough about utilizing technology especially those educational
applications. As an educator, I should know how to select the app that will suit to my
students’ diverse needs.

 Reflect
1. How ready am I in organizing and using apps in the teaching-learning process?
Upon evaluating myself, I could say that I am 96 percent ready in organizing and using apps
in the teaching-learning processes.

2. What do I still need to learn in order to use apps in teaching effectively?

In order to use the app in teaching effectively, I must need to learn on how to evaluate the
diverse needs of my students so that I can cater their different needs effectively using those

3. What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of educational apps?
I believe I can search online on how to operate those applications for me to be more
knowledgeable in utilizing those app in my classroom. I can practice myself by watching a
tutorial in different online platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

 Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. An application (app) can be described by all of the following, EXCEPT,
A. a software
B. have a wide range of function
C. Some can be used offline.

D. All need to be used online.

2. Teacher Ruth is excited to try this preschool math app with her kindergarten students. She
is happy because it has a feature where she can review how each child performed and give
her information about which skills she needs to reinforce more and which skills the children
have already mastered. Teacher Ruth has considered which criteria for selecting apps?
A. Accessibility
B. Motivation
C. Instructional design
D. Developmental appropriateness

3. Ms. Peralta found two apps that were both appropriate for high school students taking
Physics. They both have assessment and feedback and were quite enjoyable to play. She can
use both on a free but limited arrangement but need to choose one that the school will
purchase for premium use. She eventually selected the one that linked Physics with everyday
life like Physics and the Internet or Physics in amusement park rides. She based her decision
on which criteria for selecting apps?
A. Engagement
B. Accessibility
C. Developmental appropriateness
D. Motivation

4.From among several apps that focused on grammar, Ms. Tayag chose the one which helped
learners gain mastery through games where players earn tokens when they succeed. Which
criteria did Ms. Tayag consider?
A. Accessibility
B. Motivation
C. Instructional Design
D. Developmental Appropriateness

5. The Pedagogy Wheel can help teachers choose apps by all, EXCEPT,
A. It helps teachers identify apps for different grade level of the learners
B. It helps teachers identify apps according to the levels of Bloom's taxonomy
C. It helps teachers see the type of technology integration in the SAMR model
D. It helps teachers explore apps useful for both apple and android users


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