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Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region


Arts play a significant role in the
abundant cultural identity of the

ART Philippines. It reflects the people, history,

● An expression or application of and traditions of the Philippines as a

human creative skill. whole. With that, let us check your ideas

● A form of creative activity such as about Philippine arts.

painting, music, literature, and



Contemporary Art ● Art ● Revolve

representati around
● Is the art that springs out of the
ons the artist
present-day events and passions
● Culture-bou and
of the society. nd hi/her
● It is the newest form of art, ● Mostly feelings
amusing people from the late focuses on ● Focus on
1960s or early around 1970s up to realistic the
figures message
this very minute.
● Limited to to his/her
● This art functions in a global
structures audience
society that is culturally diverse
and ● Diverse
and technology oriented. standards array of
● It is essential to you not only set materials,
because it belongs to your time media,
but it also serves as a form of and style
expression of the people’s present
feelings and longings.
by any
● Contemporary works of art are rule or
the means through which the standard
artists of today communicate
their sentiments.
The Philippines has diverse art forms
from its different regions.These diverse
art forms, when integrated, give a clear

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles
Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region

picture of how abundant the culture and Ex: Banga or Pot Dance
tradition of the Philippines is. It continues ● A performance of Kalinga of the
to evolve up to the present and progress Mountain Province of the
to contemporary art tradition. Philippines. It shows the elegant
grace of the Igorot tribe and the
Arts or Sining skill and strength of women.
● A manner of expressing human
skills in the creation of aesthetic
● Involves the use of all the physical
senses in order to appreciate it.


DEVELOPMENT OF PHILIPPINE ARTS ● Found in Manunggul Cave, Lipuun
Point, Palawan in the early 1960s. It
1. ETHNIC TRADITION is a burial jar which signifies the
● Art forms were primarily belief or early Filipino in life after
influenced by the area death
where our ancestors
prosper (e.g. pottery,
weaving and metalwork)
● Arts reflected the pagan
beliefs and practices,
everyday activity such as
fishing and farming, and
specific decorative art
● They replaced indigenous
patterns to the
arts with western arts
● Art forms were primarily
influenced by religion and
Ex: Angono Petroglyphs
● From binangonon Rizal.
● Spanish used arts to
Discovered by the National artist
propagate the Catholic
“Botong” Francisco, in 1965. There
are 127 human and animal figures
on the rock wall
Ex: Langit, lupa at
impyerno (1850)
● By Josef Luciano
Dans. Found in St. James
the Apostle Church in

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles
Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region

Paete, Laguna. Depicts the Ex: Cinco Marias (Tres Marias Series)
heaven, crucifixion of Christ; earth, ● By Federico Aguilar Alcuaz. It
Adan and Eve; and hell, sinners depicts the variety of domestic
with different transgressions. activities
MODERN ART - refers to the practice of
Ex: St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral art from 1860s-1960s. The main theme in
● Located in Burgos, Vigan City, this time is national identity
Ilocus Sur. Built in 1574 and CONTEMPORARY ARTS - refers to the
replaced as a church in 1641. practice of art from the 1970s to the
Follows a Baroque architectural present. It mirrors contemporary culture
design. and society.


Space - pertains to emptiness

● Positive space - the part enclosed
in a shape
3. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND ● Negative space - the opposite
CONTEMPORARY ARTS which the shape is enclosed.
TRADITIONS Line - a series of connected points
● Art forms were mainly 2 Characteristics:
influenced by education ● Form - curved, dotted, or broken
and governance. lines.
● Urbanization and ● Direction - vertical, horizontal, or
consumerism changes in diagonal lines.
the political system, and Shape & Form - an area enclosed by a
rise of new technology line/s. Two-dimensional figures with
influence the development height and weight.
of art. Different kinds of Shapes
● Geometric shapes - triangle,
Ex: The Making of the Philippine Flag squares, rectangle
● By Fernando Amorsolo “Grand Old ● Organic shapes - shapes found in
Man of Philippine Art”. It shows a nature, e.g. shape of a leaf or
reminder of the traditions and cloud
customs of the Filipino. ● Abstract shapes - asymmetrical
Ex: Bayanihan (1962) and free flowing shapes.
● By Carlos “Botong” Francisco. This Color - An element of art that is
mural painting shows the Filipinos produced when light, striking an object, is
bayanihan tradition. reflected back to the eye. May pertain to

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles
Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region

the lightness, darkness, coolness, or dynamic changing world

warmth. immersed in the latest
Value - considered a property of a color technology and emerging
which pertains to its lightness or ideologies.
darkness. Contemporary arts - art of any form
Texture - An element that appeals to our produced in our contemporary time “art
sense of feeling about things. It pertains created today”. From late 20th century to
to the surface of an art piece. the present
● Influenced by the economic,
social, political, and
environmental context where the
artist is immersed in.
Proportion - refers to the relationship of
● The artist’s expression of his
the size of elements in a body of art.
perception and comprehension
Harmony - the unity of the artwork,
of these contexts.
specifically about the arrangement of
the related elements.
Variety - referred to as diversity. Means
adding multiple, different elements to
brak the monotony of an artwork and
make it more interesting.
Movement - the illusion of motion in a
painting, sculpture, design, or in a piece
of art.
Rhythm - refers to the repetition of
certain elements to produce a pattern.
Balance - refers to the even and equal
distribution of elements.
Emphasis - a principle which may refer
to the greater impact given on a certain


● Present day art has a lot of

variety. The “art of today” refers
to the work of art that is seen
● The artworks and style that have
evolved and adapted to a

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles
Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region

where the artist resides.

Multifaceted and are expressive
renditions of the artist’s
perception of what was observed
and experienced.
● Expressions of Contemporary
Philippine Art are influenced by
social, historical, geographical,
ideational, personal, and
technical factors.


1. Appropriation, this refers to the

modifications made by the artist
2. Hybridity, this refers in the use of
different art mediums that are put
3. Technology, its application highlights
the creativity of the artist
4. Performance, carried out for viewers to
5. Space, intricate use of space



● Through various art forms, we
tend to picture out the different
practices of Filipinos from the
different regions (Luzon, Visayas,
Mindanao) that, when integrated,
describe what the Philippines is.


● Contemporary Philippine artists
hail from different regions of the
country. Used materials that are
readily available in the locality

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles
Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region

● FILM ● An art form in which hard or
● LITERATURE plastic materials are worked into
● MUSIC AND THEATER three-dimensional art objects.
● DANCE ● Filipino sculptors became known
in mid 19th century

● An expression of artistic ideas
through images, structures, and
tactile work.
● An art and practice of designing
● Some were integrated or
and constructing buildings.
combined several mediums to
● Philippine architecture was
create new ones.
characterized as simple, rational,
● Painting, sculpture, architecture,
and functional.
and film are example of visual art
● In the 20th century, a young
Filipino who studied in American
● The expression of ideas and
colleges and institutes introduced
emotions, with the creation of
the neoclassic style. However,
certain aesthetic qualities, in a
after World War II, real estate
two-dimensional visual language
development started to take
(shape, lines, colors, tones, and
● The first painting in the Philippines
are commissioned works during
Spanish colonozation.

● A form of visual art used to
imitate experiences that
communicate ideas, stories, or
feelings with the use of moving

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles
Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region

● The art form that is the result of MUSIC AND THEATER

film is called cinema. ● A collection of coordinated
● The film industry in the Philippines sounds.
started in 1897. ● Contemporary music in the
Philippines usually refers to
compositions that have adopted
ideas and elements from the
20th-century art music in the
West, as well as the latest trends
and musical styles in the
entertainment industry.
● Filipino music had already a rich
and unique musical tradition long
● An expression of ideas through
before Westerners set foot on our
writing. Can be categorized as
native land.
poetry, prose, and drama.
● Derived from the latin word
literature meaning “writing
formed with letters”


● A blade of Fern by Edith Ocampo
● I Saw the Fall of the Philippines by
Carlos P. Romulo THEATER
LITERARY ART IN VISAYAS ● A collaborative form of fine art
● Panhayhay hin Bungtohanon by that uses live performers to
Franciso Alvarado present the experience of a real
● An Higugma by Iluminado imagined event before a live
Lucente audience in a specific place.
LITERARY ART IN MINDANAO ● A combination of gesture, speech,
● Dead Stars by H.O. Santos song, music, or dance
● Indarapatra at Sulayman by DANCE
Bartolome Del Valle ● The movement of the body in a
PERFORMING ART rhythmic way, usually to music
● A person doing certain actions and within a given space, for the
and movements in front of an purpose of expressing an idea or
audience that go along with emotion, releasing energy, or
sound in space and time. simply taking delight in the
movement itself.

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles
Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region

recommendation by both
● established under the
Proclamation No.1001 dated April
27, 1972
● The first award was given to
Fernando Amorsolo. On May 15,
1973 under Proclamation No. 1144,
CCP Board of Trustees was
LESSON 4 named as the National Artist
Awards Committee.
● vision
National Artist ● unusual insight,
● is a Filipino who has made a ● creativity and imagination,
significant contribution to the ● technical proficiency of the
development of Philippine arts in highest order in expressing Filipino
the fields of Music, Dance, Theater, culture and traditions, history, way
Visual Arts, Literature, Film and of life, and aspirations.
Architecture. Presidential Decree No. 28
● A Filipino individual who should ● issued on June 7, 1973 reiterated
have been awarded the highest the mandate of CCP to administer
national recognition for the arts the National Awards as well as the
namely, National Artist Award, privileges and honors to National
Also known as the Gawad Artists.
Pambansang Alagad ng Sining. The Order of National Artists aims to
The Order of National Artist
● is the highest national recognition 1. The Filipino artists who have
given to Filipino individuals who made significant contributions to
have made significant the cultural heritage of the
contributions to the development country
of Philippine arts. 2. The Filipino artistic
● administered by the National accomplishment at its highest
Commission for Culture and the level and to promote creative
Arts (NCCA) and Cultural Center expression as significant to the
of the Philippines (CCP) and development of a cultural identity.
conferred by the President of the 3. The Filipino artists who have
Philippines upon dedicated their lives to their works
to forge new paths and directions

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles
Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region

for future generations of Filipino 1972 but were Filipino citizens at

artists. the time of their death.
2. The content and form of their
7 Categories under which National Artist work have produced a Filipino
can be recognized: sense of nationhood.
3. An artist who has developed a
1. Literature – poetry, fiction, essay, mode of creative expression or
playwriting, journalism and/or style and living a legend on
literary criticism succeeding generations of artists.
2. Film and 4. An artist who manifest excellence
Broadcasting/Broadcast Arts – in the practice of their art form
direction, writing, production 5. The artwork made has attained
design, cinematography, editing, international and national
camera work, and/or recognition.
3. Architecture, Design and Allied Insignia of the Order of the National
Arts – architecture design, interior Artists
design, industrial arts designs, ● is formed from a Grand Collar
landscape architecture and featuring circular links depicting
fashion design the arts and an eight-pointed
4. Music – singing, composition, sunburst suspended from a
direction, and/or performance sampaguita wreath in green and
5. Dance – choreography, direction white enamel. The center of the
and/or performance badge is divided into three equal
6. Theater – direction, performance portions, in red, white and blue
and/or production design representing the Philippine Flag
7. Visual Arts – painting, sculpture, with three stylized letters K’s that
printmaking, photography, stands for the CCP’s motto
installation art, mixed media “Katotohanan, Kabutihan at
works, illustration, graphic arts, Kagandahan.”
performance art and/or imaging. National Artist of the Philippines
Qualifications for the National Artist Juan Nakpil (1973)
Award ➔ The University of the Philippines -
Diliman Administration Building
1. Living artists who were Filipino Pablo Antonio (1976)
citizens at the time of nomination, ➔ Far Eastern University - Manila
as well as those who died after Leonardo Locsin (1990)
the establishment of the award in ➔ Philippine International
Convention Center, Manila

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles
Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region

Jose Maria Zaragoza (2014) Carlos “Botong” V. Francisco (1973)

➔ Meralco Building in Ortigas ➔ Bayanihan
DANCE Guillermo E. Tolentino (1973)
● Francisca Reyes Aquino (1973) ➔ Oblation
● Leonor Orosa-Goquingco (1976) Victorio C. Edades (1976)
● Lucrecia Reyes Urtula (1988) ➔ The Sketch
● Ramon Obusan (2006) Napoleon V. Abueva (1976)
FILM ➔ Sandugo
● Gerardo de Leon (1982) Vicente Manansala (1981)
● Lino Brocka (1997) ➔ Tiangge (Market Scene)
● Ishmael Bernal (2001) Cesar Legaspi (1990)
● Eddie S. Romero (2003) ➔ Sea of Gold
● Manuel Conde (2009) Hernando R. Ocampo (1991)
Arturo R. Luz (1997)
➔ Bagong Taon
J. Elizalde Navarro (1999)
➔ Caliraya Landscape
Ang Kiukok (2001)
➔ Fishermen
Jose T. Joya (2003)
MUSIC ➔ “Space Transfiguration”
Abdulmari Asia Imao (2006)
➔ Sarimanok
Bencab (2006)
➔ Sabel
Federico Aguillar Alcuaz (2009)
➔ Cinco Marias (Tres Marias Series)
Francisco Coching (2014)
➔ Walang Kasing Lupit
● Honorata “Atang” de la Rama SOME WORKS OF FILIPINO NATIONAL
(1987) ARTIST
● Wlfrido Ma. Guerero (1997)
● Rolando S. Tinio (1997) ● Oblation - known school symbol
● Daisy Avellana (1999) made by the Sculptor Guillermo
● Severino Montano (2001) Tolentino.
VISUAL ARTS ● Fernando Amorsolo is known for
Fernando C. Amorsolo (1972) his romantic paintings of bucolic
➔ Planting Rice landscapes and idealized

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles
Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region

portraits of well-known individuals ● Popular Works: Angry Figure,

from the Commonwealth Period Fighting Figures, Crucifixion
and the Second World War. Benedicto R. Cabrera
● Napoleon Abueva - had ● Date of Award: 2006
contributed to the University’s ● Popular Works: Sabel in Blue,
Visual Arts Heritage and was Yellow Confetti, The Oriental Fan
awarded in 1976. Abdulmari Asia Imao
● Jose Tanig Joya’s mural can be ● Date of Award: 2006
seen entitled Barter of Panay ● Popular Works: Sarimanok
(1978) in the Virata School of Paintings and Sculptures
Business. Federico Aguilar Alcuaz (++)
● The Church of the Holy Sacrifice ● Date of Award: 2009
in UP Diliman which was ● Popular Works: Tres Marias,
inaugurated in 1955 was credited Reveries of Love, Still Life with
to be the First Catholic Church in Landscape.
the country that was able to Francisco V. Coching (++)
employ a circular architecture ● Date of Award: 2014
with a fine thin shell dome. ● Popular Works: Da Adventures of
Pedro Penduko, Lapu-Lapu, Sabas.
Larry Alcala
● Date of Award: 2018
● Popular Works: Caricatures and
Cartoons, Private collections
Fernando C. Amorsolo (++)
● Date of Award: 1972
● Popular Works: Planting Rice, Fruit
Cesar F. Legaspi (+)
Gatherer, Under the Mango Tree
● Date of Award: 1990
Carlos V. Francisco (++)
● Popular Works: Morning Dance,
● Date of Award: 1973
Tree Planting, Man and Woman
● Popular Works: Planting of the First
Hernando R. Ocampo (++)
Cross, Filipino Struggle through
● Date of Award: 1991
the Years, First Mass at Limasay
● Popular Works: Man and Carabao,
Vicente S. Manansala (++)
Ina ng Balon
● Date of Award: 1981
Arturo R. Luz
● Popular Works: Cubist paintings
● Date of Award: 1997
such as Bayanihan, Luksong Tinik,
● Popular Works: Candle Vendors,
Stations of the Cross
Bagong Taon, Cities of the Past
Ramon O. Valera (++)
Ang Kiukok (+)
● Date of Award: 2006
● Date of Award: 2001
● Popular Works: Philippine Terno

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles
Contemporary Philippines Arts from the Region

Francisca R. Aquino (+) ● Popular Works: Boneyard

● Date of Award: 1973 Breaking, Sugat ng Salita, The
● Popular Works: Researches of Archipelago
Philippine Folk Dances and known
as Mother of the Philippine
Alice Reyes
● Date of Award: 2014
● Popular Works: Founder of Ballet
Philippines; Amanda, Itim-Asu,
Bayanihan Remembered
Amado V. Hernandez (++)
● Date of Award: 1973
● Popular Works: Luha ng Buwaya,
Mga Ibong Mandaragit, Si Atang
at ang Dulaan
Jose Garcia Villa (+)
● Date of Award: 1973
● Popular Works: The Emperor’s New
Sonnet, Footnote to Youth, The
Anchored Angel
Carlos P. Romulo (+)
● Date of Award: 1982
● Popular Works: I Am a Filipino, I
Walked with Heroes Last Man Off
Virigilio S. Almario
● Date of Award: 2003
● Popular Works: UP Diksiyonaryong
Filipino; Palipad-Hangin; Buwan,
Buwang, Bulawan
Dr. Bienvenido Lumbera
● Date of Award: 2006
● Popular Works: Ka Bel,
Abot-Tanaw: Sulyap at Suri sa
Nagbabagong Kultura at Lipunan,
Tales of the Manuvu.
Cirilo F. Bautista
● Date of Award: 2014

Reviewer ni pollypopsicles

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