Cpar Notes

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CONTEMPORARY PHILIPPINE ARTS  It is the newest form of art, amusing

FROM THE REGION people from the late 1960’s or early

(CPAR) around 1970’s up to this very minute.
 This art functions in a global society
What is ART? that is culturally diverse and
 It is the expression or application of technology oriented.
human creative skill and imagination,  It has become a collaborative process
producing works to be appreciated and the audience plays an active role
primarily for their beauty or emotional in reacting and constructing meaning
power. about the work of art.
 It is a form of creative activity such as  Contemporary art is essential to you
painting, music, literature and dance. not only because it belongs to your
time but it also serves a form of
Arts in History expression of the people’s present
CIVILIZATI RENAISSA ROMANTI Why study Contemporary Arts?
ON NCE C Contemporary art is essential to you
CONTINEN BAROQUE MODERN not only because it belongs to your time but
TAL also serves a form of expression of the
people’s present feeling and longings.
Contemporary works of art are the
Arts Through the Ages means through which the artist of today
GREEK PERIOD Techniques communicate their sentiments.
ETHNIC ARTS Integral to life
RENAISSANCE Genius and Design TH
ISLAMIC ART Geometric designs
ROMANTIC Self-expression 13TH C.AD
CONTEMPORARY New art forms SPANISH ERA Faith and Catechism
PERIOD 1521-1898
FINE ARTS AMERICAN ERA Secular forms of art
 The five main arts were painting, 1898-1940
sculpture, architecture, music, and
poetry with performing arts including JAPANESE ERA Orientalizing
theatre and dance 1941-1945
 It is a visual art considered to have
been created primarily for aesthetic MODERN ERA National identity
and intellectual purposes and judge for 1946-1969
its beauty and meaningfulness.
CONTEMPORARY Social realism
 Is the art that springs out of the 1970’s-PRESENT
present-day events and passion of the
In Pre-colonial Philippines, arts are for
ritual purposes or for everyday use. VISUAL ARTS
- It became bolder and more serious
ISLAMIC ART focusing on vigor, freedom of
Is characterized by geometric designs expression and concern to people
and patterns eliciting focus from the believers. - In the American period, education was
introduced to the Philippines.
SPANISH ERA - There were Filipinos who studied
Art became a handmaiden of religion, abroad and influenced the art making
serving to propagate the Catholic faith and in the country. They are Juan Arellano,
thus support the colonial order at the same Diosdado Lorenzo, Victorio Edades.
time. These three went back and introduced
the concept of modern art in the
In the American regime, commercial - It was noticeable that during the
and advertising arts were integrated into the American period, the subjects of
fine arts curriculum. Moreover, Americans artworks shifted from rural (province)
favored idyllic and secular forms of arts. to urban (city) themes.
 Rural Art-refers to the
JAPANESE ERA (Orientalizing Period) traditional crafts production
It is the cultural and art historical that is carried on, simply for
period that began during the later part of the everyday practical use, in the
8th century BC, where there was a heavy agricultural countryside.
influence from the more advance art of the  Urban Art-combines street art
eastern Mediterranean and the ancient near and graffiti and is often used to
east. summarize all visual art forms
Since the Japanese advocated for the arising in urban architecture or
culture of east Asia, preference was given to present urban lifestyle.
the indigenous art and traditions of the
Philippines. This emphasized their propaganda
of Asia belongings to Asians.

Modern era in the Philippine art began
after world war 2 and the granting of
independence. Writers and artist posed the
question of national identity as the main theme
of various art forms.

Philippine contemporary art was an
offshoot of social realism brought about by
martial law. Arts became expression of
people’s aspirations for a just, free and
sovereign society.


 It was during this period PARIS
CUBISM took its scene. It is a kind of
cubism showing fragmented figures in
larger planes, color harmonies and
 Vicente Manansala, Romeo Tabuena
and Cesar Legaspi were the three of
the known cubists in their times.  Surrealism emerged which explored
 In the sculpture Napoleon Abueva the world of dream.
became famous for his modern works  It came from the term “Super-
he made use of different materials like surrealism”, a style that depicts an
the variety of woods, metals and illogical, subconscious dream world. It
stones. is a clear expression of departure from
NAPOLEON ABUEVA-father of reality as if the artist were dreaming,
Modern Philippine Sculpture. seeing illusions or experiencing a
change in mental state.

 During the modern period, abstraction  Magic realism or Magical realism

was employed. refers to the style in a painting showing
 Abstract art-does not attempt to minute details of the subjects and
represent an accurate depiction of a highlighting their texture and color.
visual reality but instead use shapes,  It is a style of literary fiction and art. It
colors, forms and gestural marks to points a realistic view of the world
achieve its effect. It was logical and while also adding magical elements,
rational. often blurring the lines between
fantasy and reality.
Indeed, visual art has developed and
transformed through the years. The significant
development of the modern and contemporary
art in the country only shows how creative,
innovative and free thinkers the Filipinos are.

- Pinoy pop (Filipino pop music) came
to life covering various forms like jazz,
dance, hits, rap etc.
- Subsequently, the Original Pilipino
Music (OPM) got its turn. This music
is a kind of music purely Filipino and
is written and sung by Filipinos.

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