Importance of Legal Research in Legal Practice
Importance of Legal Research in Legal Practice
Importance of Legal Research in Legal Practice
2. It helps in solving various operational and planning problems pertaining to business, industry and tax.
3. It helps the courts in solving the problems without much delay and in such a way that the problem may
not re-cure at all or at least in near future.
4. It helps the legal practitioner in taking a decision as to how he should tackle the problem in hand.
need of researching on this problem. It is this same problem that determines the mode of conducting the
1. Identifying the legal proposition for conducting research upon.
2. Solving of Research Problem by taking the help of primary resources (statutes) and secondary
materials (commentaries, case laws, research paper and more)
3. Checking the authorities of the resources. For example making sure that any cited judgment is
not overruled.
4. Analysis of resources collected.
It is these stages which make a legal research, or any research for that matter, effective. The most
important stage in this is the identification and formulation of a research problem which drives the entire
research and molds it into a comprehensive form.
Legal research just like any other research origins with a research problem. As mentioned above, it is this
same research problem, which would later be determining the methodology of the legal research. Thus, a
research problem to any legal research is very essential and imperative. Without this, a legal research will
always be incomplete and purposeless.
While trying to seek a befitting research question, we begin from a point of not knowing or by the drive
of wanting to know more. This research question must be very basic, open-ended and straight-forward. As
correctly remarked by Frances K. Stage & Karen Manning, “the research question as the foundation of the
study, defines the research paradigm that forms the assumption of the study, identifies the literature from
which the research emerges and to which it contributes, defines the methodology utilized and suggests
techniques to be employed throughout the research.”
The next step is solving of the found Research Problem. This stage commences with the identification of
methodology. The methodology refers to the procedure through which a researcher intends to gather
information (primary and secondary), for the purpose of answering the research question.
It is suggested to the researchers to develop a research proposal which would clarify the research work
which is to be undertaken. This is also known as developing a hypothesis. A hypothesis shapes the legal
research effectively and ensures that the researcher doesn’t get lost in the endeavor of finding answer to
the research problem. Thus, a hypothesis provides a roadmap as to where the researcher should look into
for carrying on his further research.
The process of collection of data can be done in 2 major ways i.e. Quantitative Research (Doctrinal) and
Qualitative Research (Non-Doctrinal). For a researcher to determine as to which one of the modes of
research he should conduct for the collection of data, there are certain factors which must be considered.
These factors are:
• What kind of information do you intend to collect or use for your research?
• What do you intend to do with the information collected?
• What kind of results do you plan to get?
• What do you intend to do with the results?
Upon finding answers to these questions deftly, a researcher will be able to proceed with the collection of
data in the most efficient and effective manner. By adhering to these legal research processes, the
researcher benefits in the following ways:
• Legal writing becomes highly organized and structured.
• Saves a lot of time as it avoids the repetition of work.
• Helps in capturing newer ideas which the researcher may come across in the process of
analysis and interpretation of data.
• Aids in encountering a writer’s block by providing a stepped approach.
5. To acquire an understanding of the legal subject while arguing for a better way of doing
things: A researcher who performs this type of research critics and comments legal doctrine and
practices from the perspective of different sciences likes economics, politics, and sociology
The key to success in researching legal issues is realizing that research is a process. You cannot memorize
a million cases, and you are not looking for a needle in a haystack. But you can master the overall process
of research. As a lawyer, you need to base your analysis on the law: judicial opinions, statutes and
constitutions, and administrative law.
Legal research will be unlike any research you have previously done because legal research requires you
to use legal analysis. This analysis will tell you which issues to research and how to use the sources you
find to solve the client’s problem. Without understanding legal analysis, you may be able to perform the
mechanical functions of research, but you will not be able to understand the results of the research.
Another unique aspect of legal research is that often there will be no clear answer to the question you are
researching. Instead, you will find pieces to a puzzle, and you will have to use legal analysis to fit the
pieces together.
There is no magic to it, just an interwoven process of research, analysis, and writing that enables
you to be called a lawyer.