SOAL Bhs Inggris ASTS - 8 - GNJL - 2023
SOAL Bhs Inggris ASTS - 8 - GNJL - 2023
SOAL Bhs Inggris ASTS - 8 - GNJL - 2023
1. Aldi : “Tommy Sugiarto is one of the C. “well done, Ari! you are very bright”
best badminton player in the world at the D. “that a wonderful picture I love it”
moment. As Indonesian we should be proud
Dialogue for no. 6 – 10
of him. What do you think about him?
Dhani : “… He is a good player." Diah : Look at the skirt!
A. I don’t agree with you Ratih : Which skirt?
B. I hate this Diah : The skirt sold in the boutique. Let’s see
C. I think so it there!
D. I don’t think so Ratih : You mean this white skirt?
2. Farah : “Listen to me! I am admitted at a Diah : Yes. Do you have any idea?
famous restaurant in Jakarta.” Ratih : I think the color and model are just too
Rita : “What?” simple.
Based on the underlined sentence, we know Diah : Oh, come on! In my opinion, this skirt
that Farah is … suits with all kinds of tops.
A. Asking for opinion Ratih : That’s right. Do you want to buy this
B. Giving opinion skirt?
C. Agreeing with Rita Diah : No. I just like it.
D. Asking for attention Ratih : Why don’t you buy it if you like it?
3. Nadia : “What are you doing this Diah : I like it, but it doesn’t suit me. You know
weekend?” what I mean?
Linda : “I’m going to the beach with my Ratih : I know what you mean. Well you should
friends.” find another one which is good on you.
Nadia : “…” Diah : Maybe next time. I don’t bring much
A. What did they do? money now.
B. What an interesting plan! Ratih : Oh, I see. Let’s go home now!
C. How tall you are. Diah : Okay.
D. How beautiful she is.
4. These are expression to check to 6. Where does the dialogue take place?
understand, except … A. In a market
A. Have you got it? B. In a workshop
B. Do you understand what I’m saying? C. In a clothes store
C. Do you understand? D. In a theatre
D. What a clever boy! 7. What does Diah see?
5. The following sentences are expression of A. She sees a shirt
compliment except … B. She sees a skirt
A. “you look nice in that dress!” C. She sees her friend
B. “what a pity you are!” D. She sees he mother
8. What does Ratih think about the skirt? Maya : “I … go to Bandung visit my
A. The skirt is expensive family.”
B. The skirt is bad A. Can
C. The skirt is too simple B. Perhaps
D. The skirt too colorful C. Will
9. What is Diah’s opinion toward the skirt? D. Am going to
A. Diah’s opinion is same as Ratih 16. Katon : “I never see you so nervous like
B. The skirt is good this. What happens to you?”
C. The skirt is bad Bagas : “I have to do this complicated
D. The skirt is colorful task, but I do not know where to start.”
10. Which utterance is the expression of The underlined sentence shows …
opinion? A. Dissatisfaction
A. Look at the skirt! B. Inability
B. Do you want to buy this skirt? C. Uncertainty
C. Do you have any idea? D. Disagreement
D. Maybe next time. 17. A : “I heard that your boss had
11. Rosa : “It’s cloudy. Do you think it’s changed his new secretary.”
going to rain?” B : “That’s right”
Indah : “…” A : “But why?”
A. I think so B : “He told me that she was
B. I’m satisfied it incapable of doing her job well.”
C. I don’t believe it The underlined utterance is an expression of
D. I don’t think so …
12. Alan : “Did you know? Jack got 10 for A. Disagreement
his English.” B. Inability
Bill : “Wow! …” C. Uncertainty
A. I’m sorry to hear that. D. Impossibility
B. How are you? 18. Afgan : “Will you win the competition?”
C. Yes, he is Bayu : “I have a lot of experience in
D. How intelligent facing such competition.”
13. I’ve already decided. I … buy a new The second speaker thinks he is … to win
motorcycle. the competition.
A. Will A. Doubt
B. Would B. Pessimistic
C. Is going to C. Able
D. Was going to D. Eager
14. Jojo : “We … on a trip to Singapore next 19. Sarah : “There is something wrong with
weekend.” my computer. can you fix it, Tom?”
Sandy : “How will you get there?” Tom : “Oh, I am sorry. I know nothing
Jojo : “We will take an airplane.” about it.”
A. Have gone From the dialogue we know that Tom … fix
B. Are going the computer.
C. Had gone A. Will
D. Were going B. Can’t
15. Ria : “What is your plan at the C. Wants
holiday?” D. Refuse
20. The following expressions used to express Mother : “Don’t be lazy. Do it after the
capability, except … dinner
A. I am capable of winning the game Andi : Yes, I will.
B. I’m afraid I’ll lose
C. I’m good at persuading people 24. From the dialogue, mother prohibits Andi
D. I can defeat him ….
A. To be lazy
Read the following dialogue and fill in the B. To be diligent
blank for number 21-23 C. To do his homework
Dani and Ahmad are having the phone D. To have a dinner
conversation. 25. From the dialogue, mother tells Andi …..
Dani : Ahmad, have studied for the A. To do the homework after dinner
English test? B. To did the homework after dinner
Ahmad : No, I haven’t. what about you? C. To doing the homework after
Dani : Neither have I. what about D. To does the homework before dinner
studying together tonight in my
house? 26. Vania : I'm leaving to go camping in
Ahmad : It sounds great. What about at Garut this weekend.
7 p.m? Fadli : Well, I think you . . . take a raincoat
Dani : Ok, ……... (21) late with you. It's the rainy season now.
Ahmad : Sure, I’ll be there on time Vania : You're right.
Dani : …… (22) on the way and ...... A. should
(23) to bring the book you B. must not
borrowed from the library C. should not
yesterday. We will need it D. don't have
Ahmad : Ok, see you 27. Adam : Put the rubbish in the dustbin…..
Ariel : Sorry.
21. A. Don’t be A. Don't be lazy.
B. Don’t B. Don't say it.
C. Please C. Don't litter.
D. No D. Don't run.
22. A. Be careful 28. Teacher : …….., class?
B. Don’t careful Students : Yes, Ma’am
C. Don’t be careful A. No one pays attention to me
D. No careful B. Can I have your attention
23. A. Don’t forget C. Please, pay attention
B. Don’t be forget D. No attention
C. Please forget
D. No forget 29. Rina : ……………, Dito?
Dito : Yes, I’m listening to you
Read the following dialogue for number 24
and 25. A. Is she listening to me
B. Is everything alright
Mother : Andi, have you finished your C. Are you with me
homework? D. Are you alright
Andi : No, I haven’t, Mom.
30. Ketut : ………………….
Lia : Oh, it’s so boring. The story is not 34. Why did Naufal send the message?
interesting at all. A. to give information about the
A. Are going to watch the film? project
B. to submit the project to the
B. What do you think of the film? receiver
C. Why did you watch the film? C. to ask for the receiver’s opinion about
D. Who stars in the film? the project
D. to find a way to finish the project
without doing it
The following text is for questions 31 to 32.
35. Amira : Hey! Your painting is amazing.
Dear Andien,
Ronald : ………….. I’m glad you like it.
Thanks a lot for the bag you sent. It’s A. It’s yours
beautiful. You’re good at making B. Thanks
beautiful handicrafts. C. No kidding
D. You are dreaming
Big hug, 36. Tia : The room is comfortable, isn’t it?
Aunt Bella Alya : ………… I like it very much.
A. I don’t think so
31. Why did Aunt Bella send the message? B. You’re right
A. to express her gratitude C. It’s shabby
B. to give Andien a big hug D. I disagree
C. to ask Andien to take her bag 37. Dona : Do you think we can skip the
D. to inform Andien about her bag Geography class? It’s so boring.
Agus : Geography is an important
32. “You’re good at making handicrafts.” subject. It teaches us about the
What does the underlined word mean? world
A. Bags made of plastics Dona : …………………..
B. Beautiful containers Agus : That’s better
C. Stationery for school A. Well, I will try to enjoy it
D. Handmade pieces of work B. I don’t need to study it
C. I don’t agree with you
The following text is for number 33 to 34 . D. Ouh, I can’t stand it