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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM



K.E.R.C. ORDER DATED: 30th May, 2019

Effective for the Electricity consumed from the first meter

reading date falling on or after 01.04.2019

Electricity Supply Company Ltd.,

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1. Supply of power is subject to execution of agreement by the Consumer in the

prescribed form, payment of prescribed deposits and compliance of terms
and conditions as stipulated in the Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the
Distribution Licensees in the State of Karnataka and Regulations issued under
the Electricity Act, 2003, prevails at the time of supply and continuation of
power supply is subject to compliance of the said Conditions of Supply /
Regulations as amended from time to time.

2. The tariffs are applicable to only single point of supply unless otherwise
approved by the Licensee.

3. The Licensee does not bind himself to energize any installation, unless the
Consumer guarantees the minimum charges. The minimum charge is the
power supply charges in accordance with the tariff in force from time to time.
This shall be payable by the Consumer until power supply agreement is
terminated, irrespective of the installation being in service or under

4. The tariffs in the schedule are applicable to supply of power within the area of
operation of the licensee.

5. The tariffs are subject to levy of Tax and Surcharges thereon as may be
decided by the State Government from time to time.

6. For the purpose of these tariffs, the following conversion table would be used:
1 HP=0.746 KW. 1HP=0.878 KVA.

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7. The bill amount will be rounded off to the nearest Rupee, i.e., the bill amount
of 50 Paise and above will be rounded off to the next higher Rupee and the
amount less than 50 Paise will be ignored.
8. Use of power for temporary illumination in the premises already having
permanent power supply for marriages, exhibitions in hotels, sales promotions
etc., is limited to sanctioned load at the applicable permanent power supply
tariff rates. Temporary tariff rates will be applicable in case the load exceeds
sanctioned load as per the Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the
Distribution Licensees in the State of Karnataka.
9. No LT power supply will be given where the requisitioned load is 50 KW/67 HP
and above. This condition does not apply for installations serviced under
clause 3.1.1 of K.E.R.C. (Recovery of Expenditure for supply of Electricity)
Regulations, 2004 and its amendments from time to time. The applicant is
however at liberty to avail HT supply for lesser loads. The minimum contract
demand for HT supply shall be 25 KVA or as amended from time to time by
the Licensee with the approval of KERC.
10. The Consumer shall not resell electricity purchased from the Licensee to a
third party except -
(a) Where the Consumer holds a sanction or a tariff provision for
distribution and sale of energy,
(b) Under special contract permitting the Consumer for resale of energy in
accordance with the provisions of the contract.
11. Non-receipt of the bill by the Consumer is not a valid reason for non-payment.
The Consumer shall notify the licensees office which issues the bill, if the same
is not received within 7 days from the meter reading date. Otherwise, it will be
deemed that the bills have reached the Consumer in due time.
12. The Licensee will levy the following charges for non-realization of each

1 Cheque amount upto 5% of the amount subject to a

Rs. 10,000/- minimum of Rs100/-
2 Cheque amount of 3% of the amount subject to a
Rs. 10,001/- and upto minimum of Rs500/-
Rs. 1,00,000/-
3 Cheque amount above 2% of the amount subject to a
Rs. 1 Lakh: minimum of Rs3000/-

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13. In respect of power supply charges paid by the Consumer through money
order, Cheque /DD sent by post, receipt will be drawn and the Consumer has
to collect the same.

14. In case of any belated payment, simple interest at the rate of 1 % per month
will be levied on the actual Number of days of delay subject to a minimum of
Re.1 for LT installation and Rs.100 for HT installation. No interest is however
levied for arrears of Rs.10 and less.

15. All LT Consumers, except BhagyaJyothi and KutirJyothi Consumers, shall

provide current limiter/Circuit Breakers of capacity prescribed by the Licensee
depending upon the sanctioned load.

16. All payments made by the Consumer will be adjusted in the following order of
priority: -
(a) Interest on arrears of Electricity Tax
(b) Arrears of Electricity Tax
(c) Arrears of Interest on Electricity charges
(d) Arrears of Electricity charges
(e) Current month’s dues

17. For the purpose of billing,

(i) the higher of the rated load or sanctioned load in respect of LT installations
which are not provided with Electronic Tri-Vector meter.
(j) sanctioned load or MD recorded, whichever is higher, in respect of
installations provided with static meters or Electronic Tri-Vector meter will be

Penalty and other clauses shall apply if the sanctioned load is exceeded.

18. The bill amount shall be paid within 15 days from the date of presentation of
the bill failing which the interest becomes payable.
19. For individual installations, more than one meter shall not be provided under
the same tariff. Wherever two or more meters are existing for individual
installation, the sum of the consumption recorded by the meters shall be
taken for billing, till they are merged.

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20. In case of multiple connections in a building, all the meters shall be provided at
one easily accessible place in the ground floor.

21. Reconnection charges: The following reconnection charges shall be levied in

case of disconnection and included in the monthly bill.

For reconnection of:

a Single Phase Domestic installations under Rs.20/- per installation

Tariff schedule LT 1 & LT2 (a)
b Three Phase Domestic installations under
Tariff schedule LT2 (a) and Single Phase Rs.50/- per installation
Commercial & Power installations.
c All LT installations with 3 Phase supply Rs.100/- per installation
other than LT2 (a)
d All HT& EHT installations Rs.500/-per Installation.

22. Revenue payments upto and inclusive of Rs.10, 000/- shall be made by cash or
cheque or D.D and payments above Rs.10,000/- shall be made by cheque or
D.D only. Payments under other heads of account shall be made by cash or D.D
or bankers cheque up to and inclusive of Rs. 10,000/- and payment above
Rs. 10,000/-shall be by D.D or Bankers Cheque.

Note: The Consumers can avail the facility of payment of monthly power supply
bill through Electronic clearing system (ECS)/ Debit / Credit cards / RTGS/
NEFT/ Net Banking through ESCOMs / Bank/ Karnataka One website, on-
line E-Payment / Digital mode of payments in line with the guidelines
issued by the RBI, wherever such facility is provided by the Licensee in
respect of revenue payments up to the limit prescribed by the RBI.
23. For the types of installations not covered under any Tariff schedules, the Licensee
is permitted to classify such installations under appropriate Tariff schedule under
intimation to the K.E.R.C and approval there on.

24. Seasonal Industries

Applicable to all Seasonal Industries

i) The industries that intend to avail this benefit shall have Electronic Tri- Vector
Meter fitted to their installations.

ii) ‘Working season’ months and ‘off-season’ months shall be determined by

an order issued by the Executive Engineer of the concerned O&M Division
of the Licensee as per the request of the Consumer and will continue from

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year to year unless otherwise altered. The Consumer shall give a clear one
month’s notice in case he intends to change his ‘working season’.

iii) The consumption during any month of the declared off-season shall not
be more than 25% of the average consumption of the previous working

iv) The ‘Working season’ months and ‘off-season’ months shall be full–
calendar months. If the power availed during a month exceeds the
allotment for the ‘off-season’ month, it shall be taken for calculating the
billing demand as if the month is the ‘working season’ month.

v) The Consumer can avail the facility of ‘off-season’ up to six months in a

calendar year not exceeding in two spells in that year. During the ‘off-
season period, the Consumer may use power for administrative offices
etc., and for overhauling and repairing plant and machinery.

25 Whether an institution availing Power supply can be considered as

charitable or not will be decided by the Licensee on the production of
certificate Form-12 A from the Income Tax department.

26 Time of the Tariff (ToD)

The Commission as decides in the earlier tariff order, decide to continue
compulsory Time of Day Tariff for HT2 (a), HT2 (b) and HT2(c) consumers with a
contract demand of 500 KVA and above. Further, the optional ToD would
continue as existing earlier for HT2(a), HT2(b) and HT2(c) consumers with
contract demand of less than 500 KVA. Also the ToD for HT1 consumers on
optional basis would continue as existing earlier. Details of ToD tariff are
indicated under the respective tariff category. The ToD tariff is not applicable
to BMRCL and Railway Traction installations.


The Government of Karnataka has extended certain reliefs for

revival/rehabilitation of sick industries under the New Industrial Policy 2001-06

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vide G.O. No. CI 167 SPI 2001, dated 30.06.2001. Further, the Government of
Karnataka has issued G.O No.CI2 BIF 2010, dated 21.10.2010. The Commission,
in its Tariff Order 2002, has accorded approval for implementation of reliefs to
the sick industries as per the Government policy and the same was continued
in the subsequent Tariff Orders. In view of issue of the G.O No.CI2 BIF 2010,
dated 21.10.2010, the Commission has accorded approval to ESCOMs for
implementation of the reliefs extended to sick industrial units for their revival /
rehabilitation on the basis of the orders issued by the Commissioner for
Industrial Development and Director of Industries & Commerce, Government
of Karnataka / National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT).

28. Incentive for Prompt Payment / Advance Payment: An incentive at the rate of
0.25% of such bill shall be given to the following Consumers by way of adjustment
in the subsequent month’s bill:
(i) In all cases of payment through ECS.

(ii) And in the case of monthly bills exceeding Rs.1,00,000/- (Rs. One
lakh), if the payment is made 10 days in advance of the due

(iii) Advance Payment exceeding Rs.1000/- made by the

Consumers towards monthly bills

29. Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the Distribution Licensees in the State of

Karnataka and amendments issued thereon from time to time and Regulations
issued under the Electricity Act, 2003, will prevail over the extract given in this
tariff book in the event of any discrepancy.

30. Self-Reading of Meters:

The Commission has approved Self-Reading of Meters by Consumers and

issue of bills by the Licensee based on such readings and the Licensee shall
take the reading at least once in six months and reconcile the difference, if
any and raise the bills accordingly. This procedure may be implemented by
the Licensee as stipulated under Clause 26.01 of Conditions of Supply of
Electricity of the Distribution Licensees in the State of Karnataka.


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(400 Volts Three Phase and
230Volts Single Phase Supply)


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1. In the case of LT Industrial / Commercial Consumers, Demand based Tariff at the

option of the Consumer, can be adopted. The Consumer is permitted to have
more connected load than the sanctioned load. The billing demand will be the
sanctioned load, or Maximum Demand recorded in the Tri-Vector Meter during the
month, whichever is higher. If the Maximum Demand recorded is more than the
sanctioned load, penal charges at two times the normal rate shall apply.

2. Use of power within the Consumer premises for bonafide temporary purpose is
permitted subject to the conditions that, total load of the installation on the system
does not exceed the sanctioned load.

3. Where it is intended to use power supply temporarily, for floor polishing and such
other portable equipment, in a premises having permanent power supply, such
equipment shall be provided with earth leakage circuit breakers of adequate

4. The laboratory installations in educational institutions are allowed to install

connected machineries up to 4 times the sanctioned load. The fixed charges shall
however be on the basis of sanctioned load.

5.Besides combined lighting and heating, electricity supply under tariff schedules LT2
(a) & LT2 (b), can be used for Fans, Televisions, Radios, Refrigerators and other
household appliances, including domestic water pumps and air conditioners,
provided, they are under single meter connection. If a separate meter is provided
for Air-conditioner load, the Consumer shall be served with a notice to merge this
load and to have a single meter for the entire load. Till such time, the air
conditioner load will be billed under Commercial Tariff.

6. Bulk LT supply:

If power supply for lighting / combined lighting & heating {LT 2(a)}, is availed
through a bulk Meter for group of houses belonging to one Consumer, (i.e, where
bulk LT supply is availed), the billing for energy shall be done at the slab rate for
energy charges matching the consumption obtained by dividing the bulk

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consumption by number of houses. In addition, fixed charges for the entire

sanctioned load shall be charged as per Tariff schedule.

7. A rebate of 25 paise per unit will be given for the House/ School/Hostels meant for
Handicapped, Aged, Destitute and Orphans, Rehabilitation Centres under Tariff
schedule LT 2(a).

8. SOLAR REBATE: A rebate of 50 paise per unit of electricity consumed subject to a

maximum of Rs. 50/- per installation per month will be allowed to Tariff schedule LT
2(a), if solar water heaters are installed and used. Where Bulk Solar Water Heater
System is installed, Solar Water Heater rebate shall be allowed to each of the
individual installations, provided that, the capacity of Solar Water Heater in such
apartment / group housing shall be a minimum capacity of 100 Ltr. per household.

9. A rebate of 20% on fixed charges and energy charges will be allowed in the
monthly bill in respect of public Telephone booths having STD/ISD/ FAX facility run
by handicapped persons, under Tariff schedule LT 3.

10. A rebate of 2 paise per unit will be allowed if capacitors are installed as per
Clause 23 of Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the Distribution Licensees in the
State of Karnataka in respect of all metered IP Set Installations.

11. Power Factor (PF):

Capacitors of appropriate capacity shall be installed in accordance with Clause

23 of Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the Distribution Licensees in the State of
Karnataka, in the case of installations covered under Tariff category LT 3, LT4, LT 5,
& LT 6, where motive power is involved.

(i) The specified P.F. is 0.85. If the PF is found to be less than 0.85 Lag, a surcharge
of 2 paise per unit consumed will be levied for every reduction of P.F. by 0.01
below 0.85 Lag. In respect of LT installations, however, this is subject to a
maximum surcharge of 30 paise per unit.

(ii) The power factor when computed as the ratio of KWh/KVAh will be
determined up to 3 decimals (ignoring figures in the other decimal places)
and then rounded off to the nearest second decimal as illustrated below:
(a) 0.8449 to be rounded off to 0.84

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(b) 0.8451 to be rounded off to 0.85

(iii) In respect of Electronic Tri-Vector meters, the recorded average PF over the
billing period shall be considered for billing purposes.

(iv) During inspection, if the capacity of capacitors provided is found to be less

than what is stipulated in Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the Distribution
Licensees in the State of Karnataka, a surcharge of 30 Paise/unit will be levied
in the case of installations covered under Tariff categories LT 3, LT 5, & LT 6
where motive power is involved.

(v) In the case of installations without electronic Tri-vector meters even after
providing capacitors as recommended in Clause 23.01 and 23.03 of
Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the Distribution Licensees in the State of
Karnataka, if during any periodical or other testing / rating of the installation
by the Licensee, the PF of the installation is found to be lesser than 0.85, a
surcharge determined as above shall be levied from the billing month
following the expiry of Three months’ notice given by the Licensee, till such
time, the additional capacitors are installed and informed to the Licensee in
writing by the Consumer. This is also applicable for LT installations provided
with electronic Tri-vector meters.

12. All new IP set applicants shall fix capacitors of adequate capacity in
accordance with Clause 23 of Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the
Distribution Licensees in the State of Karnataka before taking service.

[ 13. All the existing IP set Consumers shall also fix capacitors of adequate capacity
in accordance with Clause 23 of Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the
Distribution Licensees in the State of Karnataka, failing which, PF surcharge at
the rate of Rs.70/-per HP/ year shall be levied. If the capacitors are found to
be removed / not installed, a penalty at the same rate as above (Rs. 70/-per
HP / Year) shall be levied.

14. The Semi-permanent cinemas having Semi-permanent structure, with

permanent wiring and licence of not less than one year, will be billed under
commercial tariff schedule i.e., LT 3.

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15. Touring cinemas having an outfit comprising cinema apparatus and

accessories, taken from place to place for exhibition of cinematography films,
and also outdoor shooting units, will be billed under Temporary Tariff schedule
i.e., LT 7.

16. The Consumers under IP set tariff schedule, shall use the energy only for
pumping water to irrigate their own land as stated in the IP set application /
water right certificate and for bonafide agriculture use. Otherwise, such
installations shall be billed under appropriate Industrial / Commercial tariff,
based on the recorded consumption, if available, or on the consumption
computed as per the Table given under Clause 42.06 of the Conditions of
Supply of Electricity of the Distribution Licensees in the State of Karnataka.

17. The water pumped for agricultural purposes may also be used by the
Consumer for his bonafide drinking purposes and for supplying water to
animals, birds, Poultry farms, Dairy farms and fish farms maintained by the
Consumer in addition to agriculture.

18. The motor of IP set installations can be used with an alternative drive for other
agricultural operations like sugar cane crusher, coffee pulping, Arecanut
cutting etc., with the approval of the Licensee. The energy used for such
operation, shall be metered separately by providing alternate switch and
charged at LT Industrial Tariff (Only Energy charges) during the period of
alternative use. However, if the energy used both for IP Set and alternative
operation is measured together by one energy meter, the energy used for
alternate drive shall be estimated by deducting the average IP Set
consumption for that month as per the IP sample meter readings for the sub-
division, as certified by the sub-divisional Officer.

19. The IP Consumer is permitted to use energy for lighting the pump house and
well, limited to two lighting points of 40 Watts each.

20. Billing shall be made at least once in a quarter year for all IP sets.

21. In the case of welding transformers, the connected load shall be taken as:

a) Half the maximum capacity in KVA as per the nameplate specified under
IS: 1851

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b) Half the maximum capacity in KVA as recorded during the rating by the
Licensee, whichever is higher.

22. Electricity under Tariff LT 3 / LT 5 can also be used for Lighting, Heating and Air-
conditioning, Yard-Lighting, water supply in the respective premises of
Commercial / Industrial Units.

23. LED fittings shall be provided by the Licensee for the Streetlights in the case of
villages covered under the Licensee’s electrification programme for initial

In all other cases, the entire cost of fittings including Brackets, Clamps, etc.,
and labour for replacement, additions and modifications shall be met by the
organizations making such a request. Labour charges shall be paid at the
standard rates fixed by the Licensee for each type of fitting.

24. Lamps, fittings and replacements for defective components of fittings shall be
supplied by the concerned Village Panchayath, Town Panchayath or
Municipality for replacement.

25. Fraction of KW / HP shall be rounded off to the nearest quarter KW / HP for

purpose of billing and the minimum billing being for 1 KW / 1HP in respect of
all categories of LT installations including I.P. sets. In the case of street lighting
installations, fraction of KW shall be rounded off to nearest quarter KW for the
purpose of billing and the minimum billing shall be quarter KW.

26. Seasonal Industries.

a) The industries which intend to utilize seasonal industry benefit, shall comply
with the conditionalities specified under Para number 26 of the General
terms and conditions of tariff (applicable to both HT & LT).
b) The industries that intend to avail this benefit, shall have Electronic Tri-
Vector Meter fitted to their installation.
c) Monthly charges during the seasonal months shall be fixed charges and
energy charges. The monthly charges during the off seasonal months,
shall be the energy charges plus 50% of the fixed charges.

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LT-1: Applicable to installations serviced under Bhagya Jyothi and Kutira Jyothi
(BJ/KJ) schemes.

Energy charges Nil*

(including recovery towards Fully subsidized by the GOK

service main charges)

Commission Determined Tariff for the above category i.e., LT-1 is Rs.7.07 per unit.

*Since GOK is meeting the full cost of supply to BJ / KJ, the Tariff payable by these
Consumers is shown as Nil. However, if the GOK does not release the subsidy in
advance, a Tariff of Rs.7.07 per unit subject to monthly minimum of Rs.45/- per
Installation per month shall be demanded and collected from these Consumers.

Note: If the consumption exceeds 40 units per month or any BJ/KJ installation is
found to have more than one outlet, it shall be billed as per Tariff Schedule LT


Applicable to lighting/combined lighting, heating and motive Power installations of

residential houses and also to such houses where a portion is used by the occupant
for (a) Handloom weaving (b) Silk rearing and reeling and artisans using motors up to
200 watts (c) Consultancy in - (i) Engineering, (ii) Architecture, (iii) Medicine, (iv)
Astrology, (v) Legal matters, (vi) Income Tax, (vii) Chartered Accountants, (d) Job
typing, (e) Tailoring, (f) Post Office, (g) Gold smithy, (h) Chawki rearing, (i) Paying
guests/Home stay guests, (j) personal computers, (k) Dhobis, (l) Hand operated
printing press, (m) Beauty Parlours, (n) Water Supply installations, Lift which is
independently serviced for bonafide use of residential complexes/residence, (o)
Farm Houses and yard lighting limiting to 120 Watts, (p) Fodder Choppers & Milking
Machines with a connected load upto 1 HP.

Also applicable to the installations of (i) Hospitals, Dispensaries, Health Centres run by
State/Central Govt. and local bodies; (ii) Houses, schools and Hostels meant for
handicapped, aged, destitute and orphans; (iii) Rehabilitation Centres run by

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charitable institutions, AIDS and drug addicts Rehabilitation Centres; (iv) Railway staff
Quarters with single meter (v) fire service stations.

It is also applicable to the installations of (a) Temples, Mosques, Churches,

Gurudwaras, Ashrams, Mutts and religious/Charitable institutions; (b) Hospitals,
Dispensaries and Health Centres run by Charitable institutions including X-ray units (c)
Jails and Prisons (d) Schools, Colleges, Educational institutions run by State/Central
Govt.,/Local Bodies; (e) Seminaries; (f) Hostels run by the Government, Educational
Institutions, Cultural, Scientific and Charitable Institutions; (g) Guest Houses/Travelers
Bungalows run in Government buildings or by State/Central
Govt./Religious/Charitable institutions (h) Public libraries; (i) Silk rearing; (j) Museums;
(k) Installations of Historical Monuments of Archeology Departments(l) Public
Telephone Booths without STD/ISD/FAX facility run by handicapped people; (m)
Sulabh / Nirmal Souchalayas; (n) Viswa Sheds having Lighting Loads only.


LT 2 (a) (i): Applicable to areas coming under City Municipal Corporations and all
other urban local bodies

Fixed charges per month For the first KW Rs.60/- per KW

For every additional KW Rs.70/- per KW
Energy charges For 0 - 30 units (Lifeline 370 paise/unit
31 to 100 units 520 paise/unit
101 to 200 units 675 paise/unit
Above 200 units 780 paise/unit

LT-2(a)(ii): Applicable to Areas under Village Panchayats

Fixed charges per month For the first KW Rs.45/- per KW

For every additional KW Rs.60/- per KW
Energy charges For 0 - 30 units (Lifeline 360 paise/unit
31 to 100 units 490 paise/unit

101 to 200 units 645 paise/unit

Above 200 units 730 paise/unit

Note: Temples, Church’s, Mosques, Gurudwaras, Ashrams, Mutts and Religious /

Charitable Institution availing the power supply for religious activities under LT supply,
shall be categorized and billed under this Tariff schedule. If these institutions use the

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power for Kalyana Mantapas / Marriage hall, Restaurant or for any other
commercial activity, not related to religious activities, such energy consumption shall
be billed under LT-3 tariff schedule.


Applicable to the installations of Private Professional and other Private Educational

Institutions including aided, unaided institutions, Nursing Homes and Private Hospitals
having only lighting or combined lighting & heating, and motive power.


LT 2 (b) (i): Applicable to City Municipal Corporations and all other urban local

Fixed charges Rs.75 Per KW subject to a minimum of Rs.100 per


Energy charges 0 to 200 units 690 paise/unit

Above 200 units 815 paise/unit

LT-2(b)(ii): Applicable in Areas under Village Panchayats

Fixed charges Rs.65 per KW subject to a minimum of Rs.85 per


Energy charges 0 to 200 units 635 paise/unit

Above 200 units 760 paise/unit

Note: Applicable to LT-2 (a), LT-2 (b) Tariff Schedules.

1 A rebate of 25 paise. Per unit shall be given for installation of a house/ School/
Hostels meant for Handicapped, Aged, Destitute and Orphans, Rehabilitation
Centres run by Charitable Institutions.
2 (a) Use of power within the consumer’s premises for temporary purposes for
bonafide use is permitted subject to the condition that, the total load of the
installation on the system does not exceed the sanctioned load.
(b) Where it is intended to use floor polishing and such other portable
equipment temporarily, in the premises having permanent supply, such

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equipment shall be provided with an earth leakage circuit breaker of

adequate capacity.

3 The laboratory installations in educational institutions are allowed to install

connected machinery up to 4 times the sanctioned load. The fixed charges
shall however be on the basis of sanctioned load.
4. Besides lighting and heating, electricity supply under this schedule can be used
for fans, Televisions, Radios, Refrigerators and other house-hold appliances
including domestic water pump and air conditioners, provided, they are under
single meter connection. If a separate meter is provided for Air conditioner
Load, the consumption shall be under commercial tariff till it is merged with the
main meter.

5. SOLAR REBATE: A rebate of 50 paise per unit of electricity consumed to a

maximum of Rs.50/- per installation per month will be allowed to Tariff
schedule LT 2(a), if solar water heaters are installed and used. Where Bulk
Solar Water Heater System is installed, Solar Water Heater rebate shall be
allowed to each of the individual installations, provided that, the capacity of
Solar Water Heater in such apartment / group housing shall be a minimum
capacity of 100 Ltr, per household.


Applicable to Commercial Lighting, Heating and Motive Power installations of

Clinics, Diagnostic Centres, X Ray units, Shops, Stores,
Hotels/Restaurants/Boarding and Lodging Homes, Bars, Private guest Houses,
Mess, Clubs, Kalyan Mantaps / Choultry, permanent Cinemas/ Semi
Permanent Cinemas, Theatres, Petrol Bunks, Petrol, Diesel and oil Storage
Plants, Service Stations/ Garages, Banks, Telephone Exchanges. T.V. Stations,
Microwave Stations, All India Radio, Dish Antenna, Public Telephone Booths/
STD, ISD, FAX Communication Centers, Stud Farms, Race Course, Ice Cream
Parlours, Computer Centres, Photo Studio / colour Laboratory, Photo Copiers,
Railway Installation excepting Railway workshop, KSRTC Bus Stations
excepting Workshop, All offices, Police Stations, Commercial Complexes, Lifts
of Commercial Complexes, Battery Charging units, Tyre Vulcanizing Centres,
Post Offices, Bakery shops, Beauty Parlours, Stadiums other than those

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maintained by Govt. and Local Bodies. It is also applicable to water supply

pumps and street lights not covered under LT 6, Cyber cafés, Internet surfing
cafés, Call centres, BPO/KPO, telecom I.T. based medical transcription
centres, Private Hostels not covered under LT -2 (a), Home Stay/Paying guests
accommodation provided in an independent / exclusive premises, concrete
mixtures (Ready mix Concrete) units.


LT-3 (i): Applicable to City Municipal Corporations and all other urban local bodies.

Fixed charges Rs.80 per KW per month

Energy charges For 0 - 50 units 800 paise/unit
Above 50 units 900 paise/unit

Demand based tariff (optional) where sanctioned load

is above 5 KW but below 50 KW
Fixed charges Rs.95 per KW
Energy charges For first 50 units : 800 paise/unit
For the balance units : 900 paise/unit

LT-3 (ii): Applicable in Areas under Village Panchayats
Fixed charges Rs.70 per KW per month
Energy charges For 0 - 50 units 750 paise/unit
Above 50 units 850 paise/unit

Demand based tariff (optional) where sanctioned load

is above 5 KW but below 50 KW
Fixed charges Rs.85 per KW per month
Energy charges For the first 50 units: 750 paise/unit
For the balance units : 850 paise/unit

Note: 1. Besides Lighting, Heating and Motive power, Electricity supply under this
Tariff can also be used for Yard lighting/ air Conditioning/water supply in
the premises.

2. The semi-permanent Cinemas should have semi-Permanent Structure with

permanent wiring and licence for a duration of not less than one year.

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

3. Touring Cinemas having an outfit comprising Cinema apparatus and

accessories taken from place to place for exhibition of cinematography
film and also outdoor shooting units shall be billed under LT- 7 Tariff.

4. A rebate of 20% on fixed charges and energy charges shall be allowed in

the monthly bill in respect of telephone Booths having STD / ISD/FAX facility
run by handicapped persons.

5. Demand based Tariff at the option of the Consumer can be adopted as

per Para 1 of the conditions applicable to LT installations.

TARIFF SCHEDULE LT-4 (a), LT-4 (b) & LT-4(c)

Applicable to (a) Agricultural Pump Sets including Sprinklers (b) Pump sets
used in (i) Nurseries of forest and Horticultural Departments; (ii) Grass Farms
and Gardens; (iii) Plantations other than Coffee, Tea, Rubber and Private
Horticulture Nurseries.


Applicable to I.P. Sets upto and inclusive of 10 HP

Fixed charges
Energy charges

Commission Determined Tariff (CDT) for LT4 (a) category is 649 paise per unit. In
case the GOK does not release the subsidy in advance in the manner specified
by the Commission in K.E.R.C. (Manner of Payment of subsidy) Regulations,
2008, CDT of 649 paise per unit shall be demanded and collected from these

Note: This Tariff is applicable for Coconut and Areca nut plantations also.


Applicable to IP sets above 10 HP

Fixed charges Rs.70 per HP per month.

Energy charges 350 paise per unit

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM


Applicable to Private Horticultural Nurseries, Coffee, Tea and Rubber plantations
of sanctioned load upto and inclusive of 10 HP.

Fixed charges Rs.60 per HP per month.

Energy charges 350 paise per unit


Applicable to Private Horticultural Nurseries, Coffee , Tea and Rubber plantations

of sanctioned load above 10 HP.


Fixed charges Rs.70 per HP per month.

Energy charges 350 paise per unit


1) The energy supplied under this tariff shall be used by the consumers only for
pumping water to irrigate their own land as stated in the I.P. Set application /
water right certificate and for bonafide agriculture use. Otherwise, such
installations shall be billed under the appropriate Tariff (LT-3/ LT-5) based on the
recorded consumption if available, or on the consumption computed as per the
Table given under Clause 42.06 of the Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the
Distribution Licensees in the State of Karnataka.
2) The motor of IP set installations can be used with an alternative drive for other
agricultural operations like sugar cane crusher, coffee pulping, arecanut cutting
etc., with the approval of the Licensee. The energy used for such operation shall
be metered separately by providing alternate switch and charged at LT Industrial
Tariff (Only Energy charges) during the period of alternative use. If the energy
used both for IP Set and alternative operation, is however measured together by
one energy meter, the energy used for alternate drive shall be estimated by
deducting the average IP Set consumption for that month as per the IP sample
meter readings for the sub-division as certified by the sub-divisional Officer.
3) The Consumer is permitted to use the energy for lighting the pump house and
well limited to 2 lighting points of 40 W each.
4) The water pumped for agricultural purposes may also be used by the Consumer
for his bonafide drinking purposes and for supplying water to animals, birds,
Poultry farms, Dairy farms and fish farms maintained by the Consumer in addition
to agriculture.

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

5) Billing shall be made at least once in a quarter year for all IP sets.

6) A rebate of 2 paise per unit will be allowed if capacitors are installed as per
Clause 23 of Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the Distribution Licensees in the
State of Karnataka in respect of all metered IP Set Installations.
7) Only fixed charges as in Tariff Schedule for Metered IP Set Installations shall be
collected during the disconnection period of IP Sets under LT 4(a), LT 4(b) and LT
4(c) categories irrespective of whether the IP Sets are provided with Meters or
Applicable to Heating & Motive power (including lighting) installations of industrial
Units, Industrial Workshops, Poultry Farms, Sugarcane Crushers, Coffee Pulping,
Cardamom drying, Mushroom raising installations, Flour, Huller & Rice Mills, Wet
Grinders, Milk dairies, Ironing, Dry Cleaners and Laundries having washing, Drying,
Ironing etc., Exclusive Tailoring shop, Bulk Ice Cream and Ice manufacturing Units,
Coffee Roasting and Grinding Works, Cold Storage Plants, Bakery Product Mfg. Units,
KSRTC workshops/Depots, Railway workshops, Drug manufacturing units and Testing
laboratories, Printing Presses, Garment manufacturing units, Bulk Milk vending Booths,
Swimming Pools of local Bodies, Tyre retreading units, Stone crushers, Stone cutting,
Chilly Grinders, Phova Mills, pulverizing Mills, Decorticators, Iron & Red-Oxide crushing
units, crematoriums, hatcheries, Tissue culture, Saw Mills, Toy/wood industries, Viswa
Sheds with mixed load sanctioned under Viswa Scheme, Cinematic activities such
as Processing, Printing, Developing, Recording theatres, Dubbing Theatres and film
studios, Agarbathi manufacturing unit., Water supply installations of KIADB &
industrial units, Gem & Diamond cutting Units, Floriculture, Green House, Biotech
Labs., Hybrid seed processing units. Information Technology industries engaged in
development of hardware & Software, Information Technology (IT) enabled Services
/ Start-ups(As defined in GOI notification dated 17.04.2015)/ Animation / Gaming /
Computer Graphics as certified by the IT & BT Department of GOK/GOI, Silk filature
units, Aqua Culture, Prawn Culture, Brick manufacturing units, Silk / Cotton colour
dying, Stadiums maintained by Govt. and local bodies, Fire service stations, Gold /
Silver ornament manufacturing units, Effluent treatment plants and Drainage water
treatment plants, independently serviced outside the premises of industries/ building
for which the power supply is availed, LPG bottling plants and petroleum pipeline
projects, Piggery farms, Analytical Lab. for analysis of ore metals, Satellite

Annexure- IV Page 314

Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

communication centre, Mineral water processing plants / drinking water bottling

plants , soda fountain units and Solid Waste Processing Plant.

Tariff for LT 5 :

Tariff for LT 5 (a):

Applicable to areas under City Municipal Corporations
i) Fixed charges

Fixed i) Rs.55 per HP for 5 HP & below

Charges per ii) Rs.60 per HP for above 5 HP & below 40 HP
Month iii) Rs.80 per HP for 40 HP & above but below 67 HP
iv) Rs.140 per HP for 67 HP & above

Demand based Tariff (optional)

Fixed Above 5 HP and less than 40 Rs.75 per KW of billing

Charges per HP demand
Month 40 HP and above but less Rs.105 per KW of billing
than 67 HP demand
67 HP and above Rs.190 per KW of billing

ii) Energy Charges

For the first 500 units 545 paise/unit

For the next 500 units 645 paise/ unit
For the balance units 675 paise/unit

Tariff for LT 5 (b):

Applicable to all areas other than those covered under LT-5(a)
i. Fixed charges
Fixed Charges i) Rs.45 per HP for 5 HP & below
per Month
ii) Rs.55 per HP for above 5 HP & below 40 HP

iii) Rs.75 per HP for 40 HP & above but below 67 HP

iv)Rs.125 per HP for 67 HP & above

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

ii. Demand based Tariff (optional)

Fixed Above 5 HP and less than 40 HP Rs.70 per KW of billing demand
per Month 40 HP and above but less than Rs.100 per KW of billing demand
67 HP

67 HP and above Rs.180 per KW of billing demand

iii. Energy Charges

0 to 500 units 535 paise/unit

501 to 1000 units 630 paise/unit

Above 1000 units 660 paise/unit

TOD Tariff applicable to LT-5: At the option of the Consumer

Time of Day Increase + / reduction (-) in energy

charges over the normal tariff applicable
06.00 Hrs to 10.00 Hrs + 100 paise per unit
10.00 Hrs to 18.00 Hrs 0
18.00 Hrs to 22.00 Hrs + 100 paise per unit
22.00 Hrs to 06.00 Hrs (-)100 paise per unit



In the case of LT Industrial Consumers, Demand based Tariff at the option of the
Consumer can be adopted. The Consumer is permitted to have more connected
load than the sanctioned load. The billing demand will be the sanctioned load or
Maximum Demand recorded in the Tri-Vector Meter during the month whichever is
higher. If the Maximum Demand recorded is more than the sanctioned load, penal
charges at two times the normal rate shall apply.

2. Seasonal Industries: The industries which intend to utilize seasonal industry benefit
shall comply with the conditionality’s under para no. 26 of general terms and
conditions applicable to LT.

3. Electricity can also be used for lighting, heating, and air-conditioning in the

4. In the case of welding transformers, the connected load shall be taken as, (a) Half
the maximum capacity in KVA as per the name plate specified under-IS1851, or
(b) Half the maximum capacity in KVA as recorded during rating by the
Licensee, whichever is higher.

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM


Applicable to water supply and sewerage pumping installations and also

applicable to water purifying plants maintained by Government and Urban
Local Bodies/ Grama Panchayats for supplying pure drinking water to
residential areas, Public Street lights/Park lights of village Panchayat, Town
Panchayat, Town Municipalities, City Municipalities / Corporations / State and
Central Govt. / APMC, Traffic signals, Surveillance Cameras at traffic locations
belonging to Government Department, subways, water fountains of local
bodies. Also applicable to Streetlights of residential Campus of universities,
other educational institutions, housing colonies approved by local
bodies/development authority, religious institutions, organizations run on
charitable basis, industrial area / estate and notified areas, also Applicable to
water supply installations in residential Layouts, Street lights along with signal
lights and associated load of the gateman hut provided at the Railway level
crossing High Mast street lights, Lifts/ Escalators installed in pedestrian road
crossing maintained by Government and Urban local bodies/ Grama
Panchayats independently serviced and Electric Vehicles Charging Stations.


Water Supply- LT-6 (a)

Fixed charges Rs.75/HP/month
Energy charges 460 paise/unit
Public lighting- LT-6 (b)
Fixed charges Rs.90/KW/month
Energy charges 625 paise/unit
Energy Charges for LED/ Induction 525 paise/unit

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations LT-6(c)

Details LT HT
Fixed / Demand Rs.60/KW/month Rs.190/KVA/month
Energy Charges 500 Paise / unit
(for both LT & HT)

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM


Temporary Supply and Permanent Supply to Advertising Hoardings


Applicable to Temporary Power Supply for all purposes.

Temporary Power Less than 67 HP: Energy charges at 1060 paise / unit
Supply for all subject to a weekly minimum of Rs.210
purposes. per KW of the sanctioned load.


Applicable to Hoardings & Advertisement boards, Bus Shelters with

Advertising Boards, Private Advertising Posts / Sign boards in the interest of
public such as Police Canopy Direction boards, and other sign boards
sponsored by Private Advertising Agencies / firms on permanent connection

Power supply on Less than 67 HP: Fixed Charges at Rs.85 per KW/month
permanent & Energy charges at 1060 paise / unit
connection basis


1. Temporary power supply with or without extension of distribution main shall be

arranged through a pre–paid energy meter duly observing the provisions of
Clause 12 of the Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the Distribution Licensees in
the State of Karnataka.

2. This Tariff is also applicable to touring cinemas having licence for duration less
than one year.

3. All the conditions regarding temporary power supply as stipulated in Clause 12 of

the Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the Distribution Licensees in the State of
Karnataka shall be complied with before service.


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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM




Applicable to Bulk Power Supply at Voltages of 11KV

(including 2.3/4.6 KV) and above at Standard High
Voltage or Extra High Voltages when the Contract
Demand is 50 KW / 67 HP and above.

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM


1. Billing Demand

A) The billing demand during unrestricted period shall be the maximum

demand recorded during the month or 85% of the Contract Demand
(CD), whichever is higher.

B) When the Licensee has imposed demand cut of 25% or less, the
conditions stipulated in (A) shall apply.

C) When the demand cut is in excess of 25%, the billing demand shall be
the maximum demand recorded or 85% of the restricted demand,
whichever is higher.

D) If at any time the maximum demand recorded exceeds the CD or the

demand entitlement, or opted demand entitlement during the period
of restrictions, if any, the Consumer shall pay for the quantum of excess
demand at two times the normal rate per KVA per month as deterrent
charges as per Section 126(6) of the Electricity Act, 2003. For over-
drawal during the billing period, the penalty shall be two times the
normal rate.

E) During the periods of disconnection, the billing demand shall be 85% of

CD, or 85% of the demand entitlement that would have been
applicable, had the installation been in service, whichever is less. This
provision is applicable only, if the installation is under disconnection for
the entire billing month.

F) During the period of energy cut, the Consumer may get his demand
entitlement lowered, but not below the percentage of energy
entitlement, (For example, In case the energy entitlement is 40% and
the demand entitlement is 80%, the re-fixation of demand entitlement
cannot be lower than 40% of the CD). The benefit of lower demand
entitlement will be given effect to from the meter reading date of the

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

same month, if the option is exercised on or before 15th of the month. If

the option is exercised on or after 16th of the month, the benefit will be
given effect to from the next meter reading date. The Consumer shall
register such option by paying a processing fee of Rs.100/- at the
Jurisdictional sub-division office.

(i) The billing demand in such cases, shall be the “Revised (Opted)
Demand Entitlement” or, the recorded demand, whichever is
higher. Such option for reduction of demand entitlement, is
allowed only once during the entire span of that particular
“Energy Cut Period”. The Consumer, can however opt for a
higher demand entitlement upto the level permissible under the
demand cut notification, and the benefit will be given effect to
from the next meter reading date. Once the Consumer opts for
enhancement of demand, which has been reduced under
Clause (F) above, no further revision is permitted during that
particular energy cut period.

(ii) The opted reduced demand entitlement will automatically

cease to be effective, when the energy cut is revised. The
facility for reduction and enhancement can however be
exercised afresh by the Consumer as indicated in the previous

G) For the purpose of billing, the billing demand of 0.5 KVA and above will
be rounded off to the next higher KVA, and billing demand of less than
0.5 KVA shall be ignored.

2. Power factor (PF)

It shall be the responsibility of the HT Consumer to determine the capacity

of PF correction apparatus and maintain an average PF of not less than

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

(i) The specified P.F. is 0.90. If the power factor goes below 0.90 Lag, a
surcharge of 3 Paise per unit consumed will be levied for every
reduction of P.F. by 0.01 below 0.90 Lag.

(ii) The power factor when computed as the ratio of KWh / KVAh will
be determined upto 3 decimals (ignoring figures in the other
decimal places), and then rounded off to the nearest second
decimal as illustrated below:
(a) 0.8949 to be rounded off to 0.89
(b) 0.8951 to be rounded off to 0.90

In respect of Electronic Tri-Vector meters, the recorded average PF over

the billing period shall be considered for billing purposes. If the same is not
available, the ratio of KWh to KVAh consumed in the billing month shall be

3. Rebate for supply at high voltage:

If the Consumer is availing power at voltage higher than 13.2 KV, he will be
entitled to a rebate as indicated below:

Supply Voltage: Rebate

A) 33/66 KV 2 Paise/unit of energy consumed

B) 110 KV 3 Paise/unit of energy consumed
C) 220 KV 5 Paise/unit of energy consumed

The above rebate will be allowed in respect of all the installations of the
above voltage class, including the existing installations, and also for
installations converted from 13.2 KV and below to 33 KV and above and also
for installations converted from 33/66 KV to 110/220 KV, from the next meter
reading date after conversion / service / date of notification of this Tariff
order, as the case may be. The above rebate is applicable only on the
normal energy consumed by the Consumer, including the consumption under
TOD Tariff, and is not applicable on any other energy allotted and consumed,
if any, viz.,

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

i) Wheeled Energy.

ii) Any energy, including the special energy allotted over and above normal

iii) Energy drawal under special incentive scheme, if any.

The above rebate is not applicable for Railway Traction.

4. In respect of Residential Quarters/ Colonies availing Bulk power supply by

tapping the main HT supply, the energy consumed by such Colony loads,
metered at single point, shall be billed under HT-4 tariff schedule. No
reduction in demand recorded in the main HT meter will be allowed.

5. Energy supplied may be utilized for all purposes associated with the working
of the installations, such as, Office, Stores, Canteens, Yard Lighting, Water
Supply and Advertisements within the premises.

6. Energy can also be used for construction, modification and expansion

purposes within the premises.

7. Power supply under HT-4 tariff schedule may be used for Commercial and
other purposes inside the colony, for installations such as Canteen, Club,
Shop, Auditorium etc., provided, this load is less than 10% of the CD.

8. In respect of Residential Apartments availing HT Power supply under HT-4 tariff

schedule, the supply availed for Commercial and other purposes like Shops,
Hotels, etc., will be billed under appropriate tariff schedule, (Only Energy
charges) duly deducting such consumption in the main HT supply bill. No
reduction in the recorded demand of the main HT meter is allowed. Common
areas shall be billed at Tariff applicable to that of the predominant Consumer

9. Seasonal Industries
a. The industries, which intend to utilize seasonal industry benefit, shall
conform to the conditionalities under Para no. 24 of the General terms
and conditions of tariff (applicable to both HT & LT).

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

b. The industries that intend to avail this benefit, shall have Electronic Tri-
Vector Meter fitted to the installation.
c. Monthly charges during the working season shall be the demand
charges on 85% of the contract demand or the recorded maximum
demand during the month, whichever is higher, plus the energy
d. Monthly charges during the off season, shall be demand charges on
the maximum demand recorded during the month, or 50% of the CD
whichever is higher plus the energy charges.

10. The reduction of Re.1 per unit in the TOD tariff for the energy consumed
between 22.00 Hrs to 06.00 Hrs next day is not applicable to HT consumers
who opt for the Special Incentive Scheme. The increase in energy charges
under TOD tariff at (+) Re.1 per unit for the consumption made during
morning and evening peak hours is applicable to all the HT consumers
including the consumers opted under special incentive scheme.


Applicable to Water Supply, Drainage / Sewerage water treatment plant and

Sewerage Pumping installations, belonging to Karnataka Urban Water Supply
and Sewerage Board, other local bodies, State and Central Government.


Demand charges Rs.210/-KVA of billing demand/month

Energy charges 520 paise/unit

TOD Tariff at the option of the Consumer

Time of Day Increase + / reduction (-) in energy
charges over the normal tariff applicable
06.00 Hrs to 10.00 Hrs (+ ) 100 paise per unit

10.00 Hrs to 18.00 Hrs 0

18.00 Hrs to 22.00 Hrs (+) 100 paise per unit

22.00 Hrs to 06.00 Hrs (-)100 paise per unit

Note: Energy supplied to residential quarters availing bulk supply by the

above category of Consumer, shall be metered separately at a single

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

point, and the energy consumed shall be billed at HT-4 Tariff. No

reduction in the demand recorded in the main HT meter will be


Applicable to Industries, Factories, Industrial Workshops, Research &

Development Centres, Industrial Estates, Milk dairies, Rice Mills, Phova Mills,
Roller Flour Mills, News Papers, Printing Press, Railway Workshops/KSRTC
Workshops/ Depots, Crematoriums, Cold Storage, Ice & Ice-cream mfg. Units,
Swimming Pools of local bodies, Water Supply Installations of KIADB and other
industries, all Defence Establishments, Hatcheries, Poultry Farm, Museum,
Floriculture, Green House, Bio Technical Laboratory, Hybrid Seeds processing
Units, Stone Crushers, Stone cutting, Bakery Product Manufacturing Units,
Mysore Palace illumination, Film Studios, Dubbing Theatres, Processing,
Printing, Developing and Recording Theaters, Tissue Culture, Aqua Culture,
Prawn Culture, Information Technology Industries engaged in development of
Hardware & Software, Information Technology (IT) enabled Services / Start-
ups (As defined in GOI notification dated 17.04.2015)/ Animation / Gaming /
Computer Graphics as certified by the IT & BT Department of GOK/GOI, Drug
Mfg. Units, Garment Mfg. Units, Tyre retreading units, Nuclear Power Projects,
Stadiums maintained by Government and local bodies, Railway Traction,
Effluent treatment plants and Drainage water treatment plants owned other
than by the local bodies independently serviced outside the premises of
industries/ Buildings for which the HT power supply is availed, LPG bottling
plants, petroleum pipeline projects, Piggery farms, Analytical Lab for analysis
of ore metals, Saw Mills, Toy/wood industries, Satellite communication centres,
Mineral water processing plants / drinking water bottling plants and Solid
Waste Processing Plant.

HT-2(a): Applicable to all areas of HESCOM.

Demand charges Rs.210/kVA of billing demand/month

Energy charges
For the first one lakh units 695 paise per unit
For the balance units 720 paise per unit

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Tariff applicable to Railway Traction

Rs.220/kVA of billing demand/month

Demand charges
Energy Charges 620 paise per unit for all the units

Note: Special Incentive Scheme & ToD Tariff is not applicable to Railway traction

Tariff applicable to Effluent Plants independently serviced outside the

premises of any installations under HT2 a

Rs.220/kVA of billing demand/month

Demand charges
Energy Charges 660 paise per unit for all the units

Note: The ToD tariff is applicable to these installations if the Special incentive
scheme is not opted.


Applicable to Commercial Complexes, Cinemas, Hotels, Boarding & Lodging,

Amusement Parks, Telephone Exchanges, Race Course, All Clubs, T.V. Station, All
India Radio, Railway Stations, Air Port, KSRTC bus stations, All offices, Banks,
Commercial Multi-storied buildings, APMC Yards, Stadiums other than those
maintained by Government and Local Bodies, Construction power for irrigation,
Power Projects and Konkan Railway Project, Petrol / Diesel and Oil storage plants, I.T.
based medical transcription centers, telecom, call centers, BPO/KPO, Diagnostic

centres, concrete mixture (Ready Mix Concrete) units and Private Guest Houses /
Travellers Bunglows.

All the activities listed under LT3 tariff schedule and not included under HT2(b) tariff
schedule shall be classified under HT-2(b), if they avail power under HT supply.

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM


HT-2 (b): Applicable to all areas of HESCOM

Demand charges Rs.230 /kVA of billing demand/month

Energy charges

For the first two lakh units 865 paise per unit

For the balance units 875 paise per unit



HT-2 (c) (i)- Applicable to Government Hospitals, Hospitals run by Charitable

Institutions, ESI hospitals, Universities and Educational Institutions belonging to
Government and Local bodies, Aided Educational Institutions and Hostels of all
Educational Institutions.

Demand charges Rs.210/kVA of billing demand/month

Energy charges
For the first one lakh units 680 paise per unit
For the balance units 720 paise per unit


HT-2 (c) (ii) - Applicable to Hospitals and Educational Institutions other than those
covered under HT-2 (c)(i).

Demand charges Rs.210/kVA of billing demand/month

Energy charges

For the first one lakh units 780 paise per unit

For the balance units 820 paise per unit

Note: Applicable to HT-2 (a) , HT-2 (b) & HT-2(c) Tariff Schedule.

1. Energy supplied may be utilized for all purposes associated with the
working of the installation such as offices, stores, canteens, yard
lighting, water pumping and advertisement within the premises.

2. Energy can be used for construction, modification and expansion

purposes within the premises.

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

3. The tariff HT-2(b) is not applicable for construction of new industries.

Such power supply shall be availed only under the temporary category

4. In respect of consumers availing HT power supply, the energy used for

Effluent Treatment Plant and Drainage water treatment plants situated
within the premises of the installation from the main meter or by fixing
the separate sub-meter, the electricity consumed by such Effluent
Treatment/ Drainage Treatment Plant shall be billed at the respective
applicable tariff schedule for which the power supply is availed for the

TOD Tariff applicable to HT-2(a), HT-2(b) and HT-2(c) category.

Time of Day Increase + / reduction (-) in energy

charges over the normal tariff applicable
06.00 Hrs to 10.00 Hrs + 100 paise per unit

10.00 Hrs to 18.00 Hrs 0

18.00 Hrs to 22.00 Hrs + 100 paise per unit

22.00 Hrs to 06.00 Hrs (-)100 paise per unit

Note: The ToD tariff is not applicable to Railway Traction installations.


Applicable to Lift irrigation Schemes/ Lift irrigation societies,


HT-3 (a)(i): Applicable to LI schemes under Govt. Departments/ Govt.

owned Corporations

Energy charges/ Minimum Charges 275 paise per unit subject to an

annual minimum of Rs.1480 per

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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

HT-3(a)(ii): Applicable to Private LI schemes and Lift Irrigation Societies: Connected

to Urban/Express feeders

Fixed Charges Rs.70 /HP/ per month of sanctioned

Energy charges 275 paise/unit

HT-3(a)(iii): Applicable to Private LI schemes and Lift Irrigation societies other than
those covered under HT-3 (a)(ii)

Fixed Charges Rs.50 /HP/ per month of sanctioned

Energy charges 275 paise/unit

HT-3 (b): Applicable to Irrigation and Agricultural Farms, Government Horticultural

Farms, Private Horticulture nurseries, Coffee, Tea, Rubber, Coconut
&Arecanut Plantations.

Energy charges / Minimum Charges 475 paise per unit subject to an

annual minimum of Rs.1480/- per HP
of sanctioned load.

Note: These installations are to be billed on quarter yearly basis.


Applicable to Residential apartments and colonies (whether situated outside or

inside the premises of the main HT Installation) availing power supply independently
or by tapping the main H.T. line. Power supply can be used for residences, theatres,
shopping facility, club, hospital, guest house, yard/street lighting, canteen located
within the colony, Temple, Church’s, Mosques, Gurudwaras, Ashrams, Mutts and
Religious /Charitable institutions using power for religious activities.


Applicable to all areas

Demand charges Rs.130/- per KVA of billing demand/

Energy charges 665 paise/unit

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NOTE: (1) In respect of residential colonies availing power supply by tapping the
main H.T. supply, the energy consumed by such colony loads metered
at a single point, is to be billed at the above energy rate. No reduction
in the recorded demand of the main H.T. supply is allowed.

(2) Energy under this tariff may be used for commercial and other purposes
inside the colonies for installations such as, Canteens, Clubs, Shops,
Auditorium etc., provided, this commercial load is less than 10% of the
Contract demand.

[ (3) In respect of Residential Apartments, availing HT Power supply under HT-4

tariff schedule, the supply availed for Commercial and other purposes
like Shops, Hotels, etc., will be billed under appropriate tariff schedule
(Only Energy charges), duly deducting such consumption in the main HT
supply bill. No reduction in the recorded demand of the main HT meter is
allowed. Common areas shall be billed at Tariff applicable to the
predominant Consumer category.

(4) Temples, Church’s, Mosques, Gurudwaras, Ashrams, Mutts and Religious /

Charitable Institution availing the power supply for religious activities
under HT supply, shall be categorized and billed under HT-4 Tariff
schedule. If these institutions use the power for Kalyana Mantapas /
Marriage hall, Restaurant or for any other commercial activity, not
related to religious activities, such energy consumption shall be billed
under HT-2(b) tariff schedule (only energy charges) duly deducting such
consumption recorded in the main HT meter. However, no reduction in
the demand charges towards the recorded demand in the main HT
meter shall be allowed. In all such cases, it shall be ensured that sub-
meters are provided to record such commercial consumption


Tariff applicable to sanctioned load of 67 HP and above for hoardings
and advertisement boards and construction power for industries
excluding those category of consumers covered under HT2(b) Tariff
schedule availing power supply for construction power for irrigation,

Annexure- IV Page 330

Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Order 2019 HESCOM

power projects and Konkan Railway Projects and also applicable to

power supply availed on temporary basis with the contract demand of
67 HP and above of all categories.

HT-5- Temporary Supply


Fixed charges / Rs.260/HP/month for the entire sanction load / contract

Demand Charges demand

Energy Charges 1060 paise / unit


1. Temporary power supply with or without extension of distribution main shall be

arranged through a pre–paid energy meter duly observing the provisions of
Clause 12 of the Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the Distribution Licensees in
the State of Karnataka.

2. This Tariff is also applicable to touring cinemas having license for a duration of less
than one year.

3. All the conditions regarding temporary power supply as stipulated in Clause 12 the
Conditions of Supply of Electricity of the Distribution Licensees in the State of
Karnataka shall be complied with before service.


Annexure- IV Page 331

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