Games and Exercises For Couples Therapy

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Games and exercises for couples therapy

Is your relationship in crisis or do you feel like it has stagnated? Try couples
therapy dynamics!
Couples therapy is a good help tool as long as this decision is made together. It
is of little use if one of the two wants to improve the couple's dynamic if the
other is against it. This type of therapy aims to reestablish the emotional and
passionate bond between two people so that they can continue living together
happily and under an atmosphere of joy and tranquility.
There are games and exercises for couples therapy that can help improve a
romantic relationship and which we explain below in this Psychology-Online
Exercises for couples in crisis: list with 50 virtues of the couple
Among the best games and exercises for couples therapy, we highlight this one
as being one of the most effective. Many couples often become blocked
because they focus too much on their partner's flaws and lose focus. real
perspective of the value of the other. In that case, there is an interesting
exercise that becomes a gift of self-esteem for the other.
Make a list of 50 virtues that you observe in your partner , gestures that you
value and traits that are important to you. You can write this list on a large piece
of cardboard and use bright colors to make your notes. Finally, make a small
dedication at the bottom of the cardboard to give this message to your partner.
These types of dynamics for couples therapy are especially effective and are
well received by the other person, you increase their self-esteem and offer them
affection in the form of praise.
It is an exercise in valuing others but also in raising awareness for yourself.
Establishing a limit of fifty virtues is positive to dedicate time to the exercise and
to delve deeper into the situation.
Dynamics for couples therapy: draw your life line
Another of the best games and exercises for couples is to draw your life line
applied to your relationship. Draw a line on a blank sheet of paper and divide
this line into different sections according to personal criteria in which you
indicate important events that have marked a turning point, whether positive or
Then, share your conclusions with your partner, always trying to extract the
positive side of each stage of the life line. This is a good method to strengthen
your love bond and make the relationship stronger and oriented towards a
clear future . Although not all moments in a couple's life are positive, a lesson
and learning can always be learned through this couple exercise.
Schedule a special appointment
Schedule a special date based on the objective of reliving a special evening
just like at the beginning of the love story. There is a movie that can inspire you
and give you ideas titled " Every Day of My Life ", the story of a man who has to
win back his partner when she loses her memory in a car accident.
Plan a special evening with the aim of surprising others and taking the initiative
in a conscious way to rekindle the magic . It is important to have realistic
expectations based on the couple's current situation because the bond cannot
be improved drastically. Romantic dates not only strengthen the ties with that
special person, they are also capable of reviving the passion in the couple .
love letter to yourself
There are many couples who feel frustrated because they obsess over the idea
that they have changed too much. In that case, the resource of the letter is a
good exercise for reflection. You can write a love letter to yourself . But writing
that letter to that part of you that connects with a happy moment in the
relationship: what could you do today to feel that way again? What has changed
between then and now? What has changed in you?
It is important that you focus the questions on yourself and not on your
partner to change the reproaches towards the other for an attitude of personal
improvement on an individual basis.
5 games for couples therapy
But, in addition to the exercises that we have indicated above, there are also
some games for couples therapy that you can start to include in your private life
and, thus, make your relationship stronger and more united. These types of
activities for couples are aimed at strengthening emotional ties with the person
with whom we have shared so much.
1. Look at your partner with love
This is a very simple and very effective game that we encourage you to do. It's
about both of you getting into a comfortable and relaxed situation and looking
directly into each other's eyes. Try to enhance that look that you gave each
other at the beginning, those eyes of love, tenderness and admiration that you
had for each other. Although routine and habit have relaxed that intensity, you
can work to bring it back to the surface.
2. Put yourself in each other's shoes
Another of the best couples therapy exercises that can help you resolve a crisis
or an argument is to work on empathy. To do this, we recommend that each of
you play the role of the other in order to try to experiment first-hand with what
may have offended or made you feel bad. This is a very simple but really
effective exercise that will help you see where you have gone wrong.
3. Fun plans and activities to do as a couple
Another very interesting game that will help you overcome a moment of crisis is
to make a list of different ideas and activities that you would like to do as a
couple. Try to make the list as complete as possible because, this way, you
will be able to have a source of inspiration when you don't know what to do.
Some ideas would be: going to dinner at a romantic restaurant, a movie
session, going to the theater, going to a concert, taking a hike in the mountains,
going bowling, etc.
4. 15 minutes of affection and hugs
Another of the best games to solve a relationship problem is for you to take a
"time-out" and go to bed to kiss, hug and look into each other's eyes. Even if
you are upset or have argued, there is something that continues to unite you:
you love each other very much. Therefore, try to overcome that obstacle of
negativity and force yourself to hug each other and give each other love.
Afterwards, you can solve the conflict in a much more positive way.
Exercise to improve the couple's relationship by exchanging positive
Exercise for couples:
exchange of positive behaviors
Objective of the exercise

It is the improvement of the couple's relationship through the exchange of

positive behaviors, without it becoming a commercial exchange of the type "you
give to me and therefore I give to you." Avoid saying things as harmful in a
relationship as: "I give much more than you."

Exercise rules

1. Make a list of things that you think would improve the relationship. You
don't have to commit to doing them, you just have to list them. Make the
list alone, do not comment on them or show it to your partner. They must
be operational, that is, they must be noticeable and an impartial observer
must be able to tell whether you have done it or not.
2. Then you will discuss them with the therapist in the session just to clarify
them and complete the list.
3. You give the prepared list to your partner, but without comments.
4. Then, you choose something from the list and do it, without warning and
without commitment. You take note of what you do, the result obtained
and the difficulty you have encountered.
5. Afterwards, it is discussed with the couple and what is worth it is
perfected. It must be taken into account that it was done because it was
wanted and not because it was demanded, neither by the therapist nor
by the couple. In this session, suggestions can be made to the couple
about things they would like to do, but they are not requests or
6. There may be behaviors that are only done once. It must be pointed out;
for example, starting a honeymoon again.


Improve with positive things
1Get paper and pencil. Both members of the couple must have paper and
pencil at the time of the exercise.
2 Write on a list the things you like about your partner. You should write all
the things you can think of on that list, but only the positive ones. This exercise
allows for mutual exploration and helps to better understand the relationship
and correct dissonant elements. [1]
Improve with negative things to change
1 Get paper and pencil. Both members of the couple must have paper and
pencil at the time of the exercise.
2 Write down a list of the negative things you don't like about your
partner. Do it according to these rules:
 It is prohibited to use always and never . For example; You are always
in a bad mood , you never pay attention to me when I talk to you , etc.
 Don't try to offend. It's about trying to improve things and sharing, not
blaming them. Use assertiveness if necessary.
 To prevent one of you from having more things than the other, you can
limit the exercise to twenty or ten things.
 You can do the exercise for a few minutes or days or weeks, depending
on the time you want to dedicate to it.
3 Exchange the list with your partner's. Once you both have written a list of
things, exchange each list so that each has the other's
4 Grab more paper and pencil and on another sheet of paper, organize the
things on your list into three columns.
 Things I want and can change
 Things I don't know if I want or can change
 Things I don't want or can't change
5 Discuss it as a couple. Once you do the exercise, discuss each list as a
couple. For example, you can use the stopwatch exercise. Each one will have
three minutes to speak. Once time is up it's the other person's turn. The only
rule is that you cannot interrupt until time is up. [2]

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